KEVIN HART plays CRAZY poker hand ♠️ Best Poker Moments ♠️ PokerStars

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[Music] [Music] there is kevin arriving now his first bullet didn't go very well yesterday but bullet two somewhat better culminating with some carnage on the very last hand of the day all in let's go all in and call go go go go go rhino versus the whiner go and usain bolt yes yes hold on hold on don't you he's so stupid deuces never loses he's so stupid i was going to spend another 100 grand and i don't have to and the academy award goes to thank you [Laughter] thank you and let's check in on kevin hart at his new table he opened to 16 000 and now he has been re-raised by sam greenwood always got to try to pick on old kevin hart always got to try to pick on the old cabbage all right guess i gotta show that i'm a man that's up to the flop which is ace jack six ah check to the right i don't think kevin would call pre-flop with nothing see a thinker is he a full-time clock thinker [Music] that is a small bet the turn card is the six of clubs pairing the board two flush drawers out there now are you not going to speak to me for real i can fix check i think whether sam's got it or not he's going to keep betting that's 70 000 come on kevin check ray shoves it's tough to bluff rich people no you you didn't call what happened what happened just now did i win did i what happened he got scared yeah did i just win did i just did i catch the guy trying to steal because they think that i'm not a man kicking ass i'm so sick of this ever since i was little stop picking on the multi multi-millionaire kevin has ace king on the button and that's just a call interesting a lot of amateurs play this way waiting for a safe flop noel thrall has folded the small blind eric seidel gives up the big blind so heads up to the flop and the reason you want to re-raise with ace king as you can see you're not a gigantic favorite against two live cards you got to get them to fold the flop is king 6'5 the top pair for kevin second pair for sam action is on greenwood oh he's going to use the whole 30. jesus christ a continuation bet of 16 000 sam once again betting small into kevin last time he folded to a shove just a call return card it's the four of hearts sam picks up a gut shot straight draw kevin's still a 4-1 favorite since sam picked up some outs he might fire again 91 000 in the middle roughly one third part 30k now kevin's not the best player in the world but i don't think he'll fall here he calls we go to the river which sees kevin improves to top two and sam just may give this up now ah he's gonna use the whole 30 he's checked kevin going for value 70 000 i like it greenwood that that's how you play a hand like a pro tell you what joe let's play this hand from kevin's perspective this could be the closest you ever get to being a hollywood superstar you son of alright i'll do it he's raised to 25 000. she'll neuel thorell on the button oh man this is great i'm thinking of some amazing bits from my stand up right now that's not what we meant focus on the poker so thorel has folded seidel has folded david peters in the big blind calls all right i suggest we take a flop sorry ace eight three second pair for kevin now some of the older books hold on peter should check to us let's make sure that happens there it is okay some of the older books are gonna make you think you should always be c betting but i actually like a check back here look at that king on the turn puts a flush drawer out there peters checks a second time check kevin checks behind i'll allow it and the king of spades on the river headboard free showdown huh no 57k into 62k yeesh now i know it looks like he's bullying us it was almost a pot-sized bet but this is almost always value 57. kevin cost and david peters tables king four for trips sick needle peters so should kevin have seeped out the flop oh i see wow what a jerk you are just smart enough to reserve comment until i've seen all the whole cards action here is on ike caxton with ace 10. mike is very selfish all right he's raised kevin has king queen i'm going to go all in guys not sure this is the monster kevin wanted but there it is and chris cole's blind i have 23. are both kevin and ike about to get crooked well i might actually be doing okay no probably not oh considering i didn't look that went pretty well come on cart oh i thought that was a flop i was about to say jesus i nailed it it'd be very difficult to flop two queens kevin kings are alive and kevin needs to hit to survive kings are alive mike hackson could take out two players here if he spikes an ace my name is kevin hart which means i'm looking for a king of hearts king of heart king of heart in the window nope queen's still ahead ah that's great for me that's great king of heart i believe i believe king of heart okay that's a heart we're starting king of hearts king of heart right now i said king of heart okay guys did uh what's that four five seven did i get anything nope am i did i hit anything guys nope nope all right again man good guys good game good game so i'll take this and give him 48. yes give him 48.46 kevin hart eliminated in 14th place worst player i've ever seen was he like goes after me every time i have no idea what he's a friend of mine you put that on tv his first flavor
Channel: PokerStars
Views: 495,988
Rating: 4.854744 out of 5
Keywords: Kevin hart plays poker, kevin hart poker, kevin hart, Best poker moments, best poker moments 2019, top poker moments, top poker moments 2019, best poker, poker best moments, best poker hands, high stakes poker best moments, best poker moments ever, Poker, PokerStars, pokerstars global, poker tournament, poker videos, how to play poker, poker basics, best poker moments, poker strategy, pokerstars, poker stars, poker star, poker game, poker 2019, poker tournaments
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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