Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Day 1

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it says I'm live this should I'm live that's true John that's true and this should be the first stream that stays on the main Channel this should be the first stream of gen 9. it's here let's go in the chat guys I'm gonna hop into the game almost immediately don't you worry when I was walking back with my dog and I was just reflecting for a second a year ago or not a year ago I guess a generation ago three years ago today I was sitting here ready to play sword and shield very stressed very unhappy desperately trying to make it so that I didn't have to quit making Pokemon content and it didn't go well it did not go well we turned it around made this channel what in February and everything the rest is history but I didn't think I'd get to gen 9 and be able to be a content creator so to be able to sit here and to be able to click this button and we're looking at Pokemon Scarlet a day of fun ahead of us this is pretty special chat this this is pretty cool I Dustin playing it right now thank you for the 20. all of all of the Good Vibes and luckier way Dustin I hope you're having a grand old time with it guys we got 2 000 people watching I want this to be a special stream if you are watching you've not left a like please leave a like we got to a thousand likes we start the stream let's make this a special day let's make this a special stream how do you sub to the channel you gain Chinese there's got to be a little bit of a shiny boost with a little bit of a a like a rooski on the stream you want to shine in your first play through come on what are you thinking what are you thinking come on we get into the game we get a thousand likes bada bing bada boom come on come on chat Mark I appreciate you thank you for coming a member come on 964. huh there we go Pokemon Scarlet Pokemon Violet they're finally here let's start the first playthrough oh oh I gotta click record first oh actually I'll do a little bit of a little bit of a fancy Dancy intro for for the stream and the VOD okay merry Pokemon Christmas Frank that's that's way too kind thank you for the 50. thank you thank you thank you guys for all the super chats James for the five Mega heat with the seven I'm rising with the ten a got a shiny lechon congrats on that yo guys hey John Leland hey John thank you man I I hope you're having a wonderful day man I I appreciate you so much hey I didn't expect to see that at all thank you so much Donnie thank you Amanda hey everyone's enjoying it all right let's get into it all right watch this this is gonna be the best intro you've ever seen Pokemon Scarlet let's play the game [Laughter] it's finally here chat it's finally here Pokemon scarlet and violet English all right where's the cutscene I know there's going to be some Beautiful Beginning like there wasn't gen 8. ah sure there we go your name uh that's pretty easy the John guy you got you gotta separate yourself from the other John's right there's a lot of them right even Mikey he goes by Mikey but his actual name is John right you gotta separate in some way there's a lot of John's out there only one John guy it's an honor a bestowed upon me and I don't take it lightly uh settings [Music] can I change my look oh you want me to look all fancy Dancy I don't wait do I have to click and then it'll show me what it looks like oh this is overwhelming chat I I've never had this many options before I I don't I don't know what what one is to do I wanted to play Pokemon uh sure that that feels that feels right [Music] uh oh actually okay yeah oh is there like brown green gray with gold pupils that's that's insane the eye this is I I don't know about I don't know about these These are overwhelming I don't know about that right yo that's probably right all right eyelashes yeah I think we just keep it like that I think we keep it like that that's probably [Music] uh I don't know man we gotta we have to have it look a little different right we can't we can't be too boring with it but I just want to get into the fun I want to get into the tomfoolery you know I don't want to waste too much time here I'm gonna be honest Pokemon I have no idea the differences in these mouths I don't know I don't know what I don't know what this is gonna do you know what what a what a nice smile my guy [Music] all right sure but is that I I don't know man all right I'm feeling pretty good yeah that looks like a very regular looking white guy I was probably pretty good then probably pretty spot on [Laughter] ah what an application English the John guy we don't need anything else about me we don't need my grades from the past School uh we don't need to know height weight we just need a picture of my face a ridiculous name and then the language I speak sure whenever you see now saving on the screen yeah I'm gonna get rid of automatic saves automatic saves are going to be the death of your shinies do not let that stick around by a all right blow me away with the intro School hey I don't I don't miss school I don't really want to go back to school I'll be honest all right old man now this is pretty fun I was hoping for like a gen 8 cinematic intro this is just this is School I heard a play Pokemon come on ah here we go director clavel head of Naranja Academy I'm gonna miss around so many things it's gonna be sick Paul day is a sprawling region bursting with Lush nature and magnificent Landscapes and that really spooky spot in the middle that probably has the cool Dawn fans foreign it is also of course home to the mysterious creatures known to us as Pokemon now I'm gonna be honest why do we still call Pokemon mysterious I feel like we live with them each day I feel like nine Jensen we should know a decent amount about them I'm getting oh it's uh it's a little late Katie but you know what next time they reside here in great numbers in fact yes yes they do me gotta learn the names gotta get that to sink in I did not learn the Gen 8 names this little I think this guy evolves into what depamo I think it's PAW me and bombo that should be pretty easy Pokemon can be found living all over in the seas and the skies Even in our cities and towns nice yeah there are Pals [Music] cool all right I'm a little worried about how long we'll be in school today but hopefully we can roam the region soon it's Minecraft it's Minecraft Mario look at that guy nice that new Tauros form is so sick it is so cool dude I robust curriculum of coursework helps our students draw forth their fullest potential awesome gonna make a playthrough of this game this beginning is going to infuriate me uh [Music] oh here we go this is what I was waiting to see oh this region is going to be so fun to explore okay there we go wow oh that's sick oh that is so cool wow oh come on [Music] is it getting sleepy you can't get sleepy legendary you're flying around with Reckless abandon oh no oh no you can't just take flight and immediately fall asleep you gotta have a little self-control if you're feeling sleepy sit this one out big guy all right we gotta go find the legendary we need to go convince it that it must be my Noble Steed throughout the region all right wow I am so excited it's such a small thing I love the breeze hitting the the curtains man I know the bar is low for Pokemon of how things look but the star from the games we started with that have rooms that feel this alive and actually feel like someone's room [Laughter] so nice it's squoven it's a crow Gunk pillow I love that I don't want to see eye what's on the Shelf wait what is on the left chap is that oh is that shootle is that supposed to be chudeal chat the choodle a little hop-up up there wow look at that nice Drift Loom apple hey my switch looks exactly like that nice all right let's keep it moving and schmooving it's not what do you mean it's not time to get ready I would like to get ready I actually wait let's go to the the options because there's a few things I would like to get rid of Tech speed go to fast um skip move learning no send a boxes manual give nicknames on Akai auto save off yeah we got to keep that off for now okay I think that's good if there's any other settings I'm missing feel free to yell at me but I feel like that's good all right a lot of people yelling at me what starter to choose that it might be starter time already all right hey the Tauros wow that's art that's absolutely art okay [Music] yeah I know I see you why are you in the house squoven yeah you're a regular squirrel you're a squirrel with chubby cheeks I know you have like a mark Rober video to be in [Music] oh it's it's my mom and I have my starter please mm-hmm [Music] cool your engines before you go racing out the door there's an engine Pokemon mom I I get what you're trying to say I I don't look like that at all okay it's cool contact me instead you're supposed to wait here a little while what does that mean okay how are they laid on that they're laid on the starters I should have been able to get the starter a few days ago come on yeah these are Pokemon it's not like a a delivery are you late on getting me my starters what's that even mean why can't I run I'm getting impatient wait why would you ring the doorbell then burst through the door pick a lane you're either rude or you're waiting for me I am the John guy all right oh my enrollment documents all right that's fine you're all good mm-hmm Mr clavel it's got to be clavel right it's not like clavel clavel is kind of funny or I feel like we're if we don't like him if he becomes the enemy of the game it's clayable if it's if he's a nice guy and we like him clavel there's a big difference [Music] hmm since you come all this way can I at least offer you a cup of tea mom you cannot seduce the Headmaster he is he's a busy man he has things to do oh no oh come on Mom come on all right you know what whatever we're going to school it's not our problem let's just let's go up the stairs get the hat and get out of this uh oh I don't even have any wall everyone everyone can see and hear whatever I'm doing up here ah this is why I'm leaving I need a little more privacy what is this there's anything going on downstairs I'm gonna be woken up [Music] let's get out of this Loft maybe we can get our own room at some point you know like a door I mean come on can I jump do we have diving the Legends Arceus dive off the the banister that'd be nice I'm gonna try you're going crazy with the starters I would say the starters yet uh what is this come on come on [Music] all ready for your big first day that's me Mom ready to go with my silly hat mm-hmm I'm very careless okay [Music] oh here it is here we go all right I've spent a lot of time thinking about what starter I'm gonna choose your first starter in a generation it's a big deal you become attached it's hard to move away from that first one and we can't fumble the bag here [Music] I uh I love the wind everything moving with it man I'm so excited for this game I am so hyped I here it goes let's go man ah come on man I it's Pokemon time I I can't believe this is my life man this is crazy let's go oh man all right the cat that I I saw it day one and thought wow this thing's probably gonna evolve and stand on two legs and I'm not gonna like it that was my thought day one that's my thought right now if you like the cat I I hope I hope you like the cat and I hope it evolves into something you enjoy the fire Croc whenever I was a kid and I wanted to make like Yu-Gi-Oh cards like fake Yu-Gi-Oh cards fake Pokemon I'd always eventually make some sort of alligator crocodile creature I'm very excited to get a fire one we had for alligator which was sick we got the fire one and as much as I love the fire Gator the duck does have a hat and I do like the fact that the duck has a hat butts my decision was made a little bit ago it was probably a tie between duck with a hat and fire gator but then I I heard rumors fire gator may have a hat when it evolves and if the only thing that was leading me to the duck was attacked and everything else is pointing to the gator Gator with a hat is all I might need in this world thank you for the phone Mom I need I need to pick my starter or am I allowed to take all three [Music] wait do I just do I just chase them can I can you be my friend now what is this do they follow me if I go off course can I run yet do I just have to is it a Leisure to stroll with the the Pokemon they're so adorable what's going on oh this is actually so fun no don't don't clip into each other come on okay go for the duck David I appreciate the super chat but it it might be Gator time yes there we go finally that was killing me all right okay welcome sure all right now we can just go to the home and I can grab my first starter I assume this is where we need to go I'm not a big dumb dummy like this beautiful home with the gate who lives here why can't I live here it's a good question living a life of luxury please don't tell me this is my rival it's gonna hurt my feelings [Laughter] hi that's pretty incredible [Music] impressed with me the cat catches smelling a flower oh God look at this little guy come on [Laughter] [Music] yeah look at you little buddy oh come on I'm poor and my rival lives here come on she's got stained glass in the front door what is this oh come on you just knock me down a peg that what first 15 minutes into the playthrough are you kidding me all right Gator buddy you're embarrassing me in front of the wealthy oh man all right it's fine well we're rich in spirit you know yeah yeah yeah do love this music good start music I I've heard really really about the music and then Peach owl saying he hated it which I'm assuming when one person dislikes something but everyone else is mostly positive I like I'll like the music but he might be on to something I'll be keeping a close ear on things how are the Gators the best and picking gator boy too a bubbly I appreciate the five we're on the right track working and trying to avoid spoilers have fun hey man I you know I just hope you had a great birthday I hope you have a great playthrough hopefully you can avoid the spoilers thank you for the five you know what you could have invited me over okay your home is sick the best way to get to know me hey you want to come to my Mansion I assume you have a pool in there somewhere a basketball court we gotta have some fun with you have fruit just all about no I don't want to battle you I don't have a Pokemon yet first you flex your immense wealth uh you know in front of me and now you want to battle before I I haven't even nicknamed these guys oh man I let me pick my Pokemon no I I know all right hey at you hey Scamp ew no more setting the fruit Ablaze you must eat it and show your dominance okay or you can burn down the tree and really a strike some fear in their hearts but you can't just sneeze on the the orange it's embarrassing buddy yes the burning hot Sparks that scatters will fry any and all plants in a Flash it's pretty impressive hey we gotta go with it all right is it few few Coco fukoko I think it's Fu Coco I think so now a lot of people have asked me John what are you gonna name the starters I don't know I'm not always the greatest uh just off the top of my head of like all right this is what it's gonna be I I'll I'll let the chat throw a few suggestions out as I I rack my brain to come up with what this little Gator is going to be named wait uh oh did I say Fue Coco I don't know man this is why we gotta nickname it immediately I know I don't know how to pronounce it I know there's no chance of pronouncing it right that's why I just need to name it something else and then no one will ever know that I pronounce it wrong until Mikey laughs for 30 minutes without pausing or breathing I might be the death of him he thinks mispronouncing things is the funniest thing hmm I'm not going to name it gator boy guys that's Blaze I okay okay these are you know I think we could we could do a little better than some of these start I'm gonna appreciate the five but I don't know if I'm gonna follow that I don't know pineapple okay if you or I see that's the part of the name I've been messing up uh you know what I was actually thinking Gerald I was thinking Gerald but I feel like I was Gerald too often hmm I may go with Gerald too often hmm I I have an idea all right let's see it's a pretty fire name ooh I could just go with could go with the what was the Crocodile God the Egyptian one Sobek it's a pretty cool one sobex pretty that's pretty cool I have no idea if that I mean was it's a crocodile god or goddess I don't know if it's a God or a goddess we just we might just want to go with it swappy swappy was against frogs we cannot name it swampy that'll hurt my feelings it's not gonna like no Katie can't be swampy it's not gonna like the Frog and God guys that's gonna steal the Frog babies that's what swampy did that's the whole that's Frogger two it stole the Frog babies no and I think so Beck I think Sobek's safer probably a scary God I don't know what it does but I'm pretty confident does not steal frog babies for my frog friends and I'm only I'm only like 25 sure that I'm mispronouncing it unlike the actual name of the Pokemon which I'm 100 sure I don't know how to pronounce look at this guy he's standing on my shoulders come on one leg that was adorable come on look at that guy come on wait liking to you master the John guys the master the John guy doesn't sound right it's Master John guy or just the John guy uh clavel I'm I'm naming you Clayville now you're a little bit of a fool you're not clavel anymore clavel is fancy you are a dunce you know who wouldn't steal frogs the duck with the hat that's true but the duck with the hat would try to upstage the frogs and I can't have that I mean like way to make the perfect choice for you thank you I'm still worried you're talking down to me and judging me every second with your stained glass door but I'll take it who said they hate Fado that that will not that won't stand that I'm not okay with that one anybody that dislikes what fedoa evolves into it's gonna hurt my feelings pretty deeply let's get that out of the way right now done sparse I don't want to talk about it I really don't want to talk about it we'll get there and we get there I don't want to talk about it though all right wait you took the cat oh you fool oh let's go oh easy oh let's go okay someone already told me I'm pronouncing the dog incorrectly too chat I will mispronounce every single Pokemon incorrectly one after another and I need everyone to understand what they're getting into you have signed up for oh whoa but you could just run over items and and grab them no annoying animation it's just like a fluid motion that's pretty sick is there are there more items to the snag I want to steal there is another item oh piece of candy yeah oh that is so nice oh man my house is not this cool at all oh this is sick oh don't oh nice let's go and yes chat the stream will be posted as a VOD pm7 vods are where all of the streams will go that'll be uploaded and cut into more like a let's play style I will be keeping the streams up on this channel but if you want to see the streams you subscribe to this channel bm7 if you want to see the vods bm7 VOD subscribe I have so much content I'm gonna throw your way you're gonna get sick of me but before you get sick of me it'll be a good time it's gonna be a good time I I just remember the mat that Master the John guy is wholly inexperienced I am sick of clavel clavel you rhyme with Naval get out of here all right yeah use the stupid cat okay you flexed your wealth the old man is telling me I stink and I stink out loud I want to get this over with so I can go meet my legendary friend who's asleep on the beach [Music] okay [Music] I'm here for the the Rival theme [Music] John says the most random things I don't think that's true I feel like there's any proof of that scratch come on I do like how minimalist the I don't know all of the the stuff on the screen is for the battles I know there's a fancy word to describe what I'm trying to say but hey a little bit of an ember bird big fan I really do like how minimalist it is all right nice it's gonna take a little bit to get used to this but this is very sleek oh Terror type fire is it huh I didn't expect to have a terror type right cool nice leapage come on what are you thinking come on get the cat out of here get the silly cat out of here all right oh I love that a little Victory cry oh come on that's fun oh I feel like you had a little bit more money you could have given me let's let's be honest you're being a little stingy why are we battling again I won fair and square easy peasy lemon squeezy [Music] yeah what's wrong with you sore loser you should be scram come on we're going fast friends I beat her in a battle and she immediately challenged me again it's my friendship she's much taller than me and she's a very she's very tall it is it's intimidating and she has more money than me she has more Pokemon than me she's taller than me but I do have a hat but I don't have a Pokemon with that yet to be fair we've got to evolve all right super handy app or homeroom teacher Mr Jacques all right here for it hi clavel all right yeah yeah yeah [Music] mm-hmm I'm gonna do my best I will probably be catching every Pokemon I see that's new I want to get that shiny charm and I want to get it quick so that will probably be a thing all right oh bye little duck a fawn would I choose Scarlet over Violet um for things that were leaked and I don't want to leak them I just Pokemon that were Scarlet exclusive that I I'd you know a lot of people were messaging me the leak so I was seeing them regardless I wanted to look or if I didn't so then I ended up looking and it helped me make my decision but I don't I don't want to leak anything in the Stream we're going to be playing through straight lines so for me I just saw things that were very cool um you know I think the easiest thing is the dawn fans that were revealed the two forums I really liked the uh the past form a lot more is there anything special on the beach ooh a little bit of a maybe another potion can I run into the ocean can I swim away oh no all right that is fun instead of running into like an invisible wall they do that I do like that nice huh it is crazy that we have an open world Pokemon game I I'm like trying to soak in every moment and just really really enjoy this experience and it's I'm stuck between I just want to like keep going go go go I want to start catching Pokemon I want to start beating the game you know how do I get to the end game how do I like enjoy every second of it you know ugh all right I know we're gonna go see that legendary that fell decently soon and I I'm excited for that oh can I go into the house I want to go into the fancy house oh you can oh man they have so many squirrels they're squirrels are fancier than ours are you kidding me they have the fancy electric squirrel we just have the right regular squirrel oh come on what is this oh they got pseudo legendaries their art is better than ours is this supposed to be is this Greninja is this some like very like abstract grenade I hate it I hate it here I'm leaving I'm leaving I'm leaving I don't like nope turning my feelings nope I'm out nope all right that's too much ah it's too much all right mom I um look away you don't understand you don't understand yeah yeah yeah all right I I don't know about friend she lives near us a school life's shaping up to be fantastic I've never been to school mom I could get bullied they could shove me into a locker I don't know I'll be staying in the dorms oh boy but I will take the money though and the sandwich or was it just the sandwich okay mm-hmm I'm gonna be honest I don't know if I'm gonna be coming back but I'll send you a postcard from time to time right she you know she's a mom most moms are nice mm-hmm yeah I chat I'm saying I'm seeing people spamming in the chat and then some people upset with chat spam streamer on YouTube I absolutely love it streaming with 4 800 people very very excited about the game I there's just a lot of people throwing out a lot of random things Chad we're along for the ride you know the goal is we want to become one a little bit of a hive mind of excitement and you know hopefully not saying weird things but A Game's the game chat you're gonna have to accept there there's there's a lot of tomfoolery that is bound to happen in the the mystical land they call chat all right Poco path Poco path oh my God it was the easiest thing to pronounce so far and I messed it up look at this it's a pig it's a spider uh yes finally let's go uh-huh a good old Pokeball I know what that is thank you five oh don't be stingy oh my God oh nice a chunk you know what I was really excited when we first saw Le chunk I feel like my excitement has died down a little bit but it still has maybe the greatest name in Pokemon history so let's get a tackle and let's capture a lechon come on Le chunk James come on what a Pokemon all right tail up with that ridiculous pigtail is very fun oh okay I gotta get used to I'm really bad at just using the like X to throw Pokeball easily I don't know why I'm not good at doing that but I need to get a little a little better with it because it's just such a nice like I don't know it's a small time save but it's a nice one it adds up lechonk name it French baguette I don't know we need to name it French baguette we could just name it baguette and I think you'd understand that it was French I'm questioning your judgment Chad it doesn't make any sense I am feeling oh no I no no I'm I done goofed I done goofed it oh no I done goofed did the Pokedex look so nice no don't talk to me I must fix my mistake or I need to I need to get a new one oh no or is this a sign wait is this a sign that you don't nickname la chunk because the name is too good that could be a sign [Music] oh we can already do the automatic thing oh my God that's incredible Tanner thank you so much for the 10. okay the handy rodent phone is a popular item used throughout the paudia region okay using a map app you can find useful information cool using left stick to move the magnifying glass around the map and find locations flying Taxi wow okay oh my we can fly immediately wait it's telling us that our Pokemon are there wait oh that's so cool oh my God this is this is awesome oh my God this is very cool all right perfect Auto heal wait whoa whoa the auto heal feature will automatically select items for your bag and use them to heal your Pokemon oh that is so nice to highlight the Pokemon you want to heal from the main menu and press the the Y button wait okay pokedex app oh this is sick oh my God that is so nice okay let's let's see did I mess up the nickname or I was gonna name it Le chunk James but I think lechonk is again it's such a good nickname we just keep it but it's going to change no it's going to lose its nickname when it evolves um I'm feeling the chunk James let's not mess this up I keep I keep messing it up repeatedly I gotta get used to it it keeps eye gotta name it Le chunk James I assume uh that Space Jam guy is going to watch and you know this is when me and Braun but you become really good friends he understands you know the the mutual respect between us like I I appreciate his game he you know he appreciates my YouTube game that's yeah this is this is the beginning of a friendship trust me you know I'm sure I'm sure Braun and his off days he's playing a little Pokemon yeah no no chunk James let's yep there we go perfect all right perfect perfect the terror type is normal so if it doesn't have a terror type it's just gonna be the same interesting change markings no okay cool all right awesome um is there anything else I want to like check let's let's save a decent amount I've heard there's a few glitchy glitch glitches so just in case all right so am I free just to do the thing can I just like beat you up hey I want you gone oh oh so we can't automatically battle these guys yet all right that's fine [Music] we'll catch all the Pokemon here and we'll keep on moving I do want to get to the point where you can just do the auto battles because that's going to be really nice I can already press R for the battle I'm nice so back um so I just do this yo oh let's go oh that's so sick oh my God this oh my God really yo I well I want to catch the spider no no not not the Pig I want the spider not oink oink I want Charlotte from Charlotte's Web Charlotte was the spider yes oh it's a bird oh laughs I clicked the wrong button I all right and then we I there we go right there we go perfect oh tarantula is that tarantula tarantula I like that [Music] wow this is sick oh look at the spider in the tree in the background oh my God and you can move the battle around to look at the Pokemon oh this is fun and let's catch this guy wow I'm I'm so happy man I'm having a blast all right what am I gonna name tarantula hmm [Music] good question hmm the ball of threads wrapped around its body is elastic enough to deflect the scythes of Scyther this Pokemon's natural enemy how is it its natural enemy if it's able to do that okay spider web okay that's pretty good that's pretty good okay game all right oh I I done did it again I I'll say it I do not like the new nicknaming system I do not like that it starts with the name like I don't understand the point of that hmm [Music] okay you know what [Music] sure yeah I'm a little I'm a little fancier now all right I didn't realize I could do that but you you need a new nickname oh wait so I how did I get to nicknames before check summary and then you can do it all right there we go so you always have to you always have to get rid of the nickname but if you go back too far then it immediately goes away that is that's kind of frustrating just name them webs name him webs wait Tyler what did you say you say Spud Webb I'm like legitimately frustrated with the nicknames all right it's fine we're going to Spud Webb and everything's gonna be great it's going to be grand it's a small inconvenience all right Spud Web there we go all right little buddy hi so we do want to train the team up but I don't know if any of these Pokemon yet are are going to be long time members of the squad I'm not really convinced I am convinced wait no no it's the other button alright so the top one oh look at my controller how cool is this but it's the top button that will allow me to beat them up immediately the other one is to get into battle but if it's shiny and you do the automatic battle thing it won't kill it which is what I'm very excited about oh it's sleeping this is the perfect time beat it up beat it up there we go oh Dustin congrats on that that is actually very very cool nice thank you very much for the five I hop up I'm gonna be honest I'm not excited to see you but I need you for the shiny charm [Music] the Auto Battle gives you less experience yeah but it's so satisfying and easy you just gotta go for it am I flustered honestly no when I was streaming Legends Arceus wildly flustered I was not ready for the moment today I'm having a blast no that's a glitch no that was not a critical capture flying in the air that was just a little bit of a glitcher rooski that's fine we're not worried about it wasn't that bad nah it's a hoppip game let's let's not let's not fool anyone here or we don't care oh hey little guy I also want you yeah you're a little bug um but round round's not gonna kill him right [Music] what's my team gonna be I don't know Chad there's a lot of Pokemon that I haven't seen in the game yet I'm a big like play through the game and make decisions on the Fly kind of a guy like I don't make my team beforehand I was pretty confident I was gonna take the fire Gator and I was pretty stoked on the fire Gator past that I'm just gonna see what happens drowsy Heaven snow now that's that's uh m j TVs man no when when Mikey wakes up in the morning his first second and third thoughts are drowsy hey he holds up a picture of drowsy and stares longingly into its eyes and caresses the frame that's what Mikey does and I I'm not gonna get in between that that'd be wrong um so now drowsy's not on the team trust me chat you do not want to come in between Mikey and his man no survey uh that's how I kill the little Buck nice how do you get the the thing in the tree hello I see you whoa wait is it just beating things up now start the camera app foreign [Music] whoa oh this is so cool wow what oh my oh my God [Music] all right that is so freaking cool can you send multiple Pokemon out at once to battle this is I still got a lot to learn obviously I mean it's a brand new game but this is crazy man right Bird I'm gonna catch with a single pokeball and you're not gonna hurt my feelings you're just going to stay yes oh so if you throw the Pokeball and something's flying it just does the thing in the air that's kind of interesting all right hey Daryl thank you for coming to member man I appreciate you and guys I know there's a lot of new people watching if you have not left a like already come on we got 5 000 people here in 2 000 likes let's see if we can get 3 000 likes huh I think we can do it and if you're excited for more content make sure you subscribe here and subscribe to the bm7 Vlog Channel all of my playthroughs will be thrown there and there's gonna be more streams going on and if you ever miss a stream I will upload it there so you don't you don't want to mess up here but guys I'm just saying the the more fun I'm having the more support you're throwing the longer I'm gonna be doing the old stream thing I might I might just stick around for a while today I might just be streaming this uh game all day long why not Tommy I like that I think we are gonna put palmy on the team for a little bit but we'll see I only want new Pokemon for now I don't want to be grabbing something older I feel like that'd be a little lame it wouldn't be as exciting it'd be less pizzazz [Music] she subscribed to bm7 hey people are saying we subscribe to bm7 you find more shinies is it true yeah should you do it yeah come on uh has underdeveloped electric sacks on its cheeks these sacks can produce electricity only if palmy rubs them furiously with the pads of its Four Paws that is a that is certainly a Ducks entry all right what do we naming palmy hi chat what do we name in this guy I have no thoughts in my brain so I'm actually gonna I'm gonna let chat decide no Chad I'm not gonna name it balls how can I do it this is the first nickname I saw Pat okay Paula guy oh no oh Chad it's not that you're letting me down it's just that I'm disappointed hmm Attack on Titan that's not even a nickname that's just a show cheeky I honestly I'm fine naming a cheeky I'm kind of here for cheeky a little cheeky guy what a little cheeky gal I'm here for cheeky it's probably not gonna stay on the team for the Long Haul so I'm not really too worried hop it get off the squad you embarrass me [Music] all right oh Kwame Brown well actually I don't know if I want to name anything after Kwame bro let's just be honest yo wait how do you get up there wait a minute are you I want you to beat up the Pokemon in the tree oh there we go wait can I get up here how do I do that do I just yo oh that's so sick wow I I should not be this hype this is not that big of a deal but I I don't know yell rare candy nice it's hidden up here hey if you're watching I mean it's a small thing but I'm sure a lot of people miss that rare candy or maybe they don't and I'm just feeling way too too good about myself for doing nothing but man I we can make some progress I've I've probably spent enough time gallivanting around oh when you can fly you can go up there oh I gotta look around for shinies my big goal today is to find a first day shiny I don't know how plausible that is like I don't know if I'm setting myself up for failure but what is this oh it's a berry all right there we go I see a palmy little little adorable guy okay [Music] guys why are you still giving Mommy nicknames out I already named it foreign [Music] I don't know why I got into regular battle ooh for two first day shinies congrats on that I need to learn the new shinies quick I did record a second Channel video about Chinese pm7 plus that'll be uploaded maybe tomorrow but I still don't know the shiny super well I've got a nice like early grasp on most of them but I don't know we'll see I like to think like I have a I have a pretty good eye I'm pretty observant but there's definitely gonna be a clip within what the first three days of me blatantly missing a shiny that everyone else sees ooh what's the significance of like the Pokemon that are sleeping and did I catch a Scatterbug no I do not want to take a picture of you that's how you change your look I don't want to do that game notice is interesting hey I did catch Scatterbug I chat I I'm I'm gonna apologize early I'm gonna get distracted often and just run around trying to collect every single item and catch every Pokemon like when I play through a Pokemon game for the first time I really like trying to do every little thing there is to do I just want to fully experience the world because when I replay this game for like a playthrough there's gonna be so much I skip you know because I mean I you know if you're trying to make a video just for content right you can't just run around and pick up every potion and catch every Pokemon right but uh we're just having fun we're just a few Pals hanging out playing Pokemon together and now there's a cut scene yeah I am getting the hang of it you're not wrong [Music] I did pretty good oh what is this that's a good question what is that go oh it's like Ho-Oh but go I mean it could be that we're kind of weak trainers maybe we don't run towards the scary noise all right I mean I you already have you know made me feel very poor you have more Pokemon than me you're taller than me you're not gonna shame me uh and call me a coward as I run away I will run into danger it might be the end of me but I will run headfirst into Danger skidded off the cliff and broke the fence oh no it's a tree oh no why is it doing that wait houndor you can't eat the cool legendary no and you also can't set it on fire own though all right hand or run run run oh my oh what did the rodent break my fall what was that I can just jump off cliffs and grab my Pokedex are you kidding me I don't need the legendary I have a Rotom the strongest legendary of all time what was that it knocked me off a ledge when I was fine because of my phone my phone doesn't do that kids your phone doesn't do that oh God right you can we be best friends oh no you got potion I guess I could you're not getting a super potion you can have you can have one regular potion I I don't know uh you're my phone my phone's Magic what does it want oh I didn't I should have read super potion what I am actually kind of annoyed what what does it want okay wait where's the sandwich okay I can't find the sandwich oh there's it was it was hard to find the sandwich okay I I was hungry I didn't want to share the sandwich it's my sandwich my mom gave it to me okay no I I I didn't want to get I was hungry I didn't want to give it up okay that's no I I wasn't missing it I'm not dumb okay I just I I know I was hungry I don't want to give it away okay [Music] you're that was my sandwich what am I gonna eat today huh you want me to eat Le chunk James I'm not going to eat lechonk James that's not on the table [Music] if you run into that cave after stealing my sandwich I'm gonna be furious oh come on what what's that even mean thank you would I have turned into a superhero if I eat the sandwich what does mom put in those things come on it ate my sandwich became a superhero and left did it did it leave behind like half the sandwich Maybe please no oh okay yeah I'm coming yeah yeah yeah all right all right what's up Inlet Grotto why can't I run anymore oh like little Pokemon Footprints I think is that what they're supposed to be pretty cool yeah okay jeez I'm slow I don't know what you want from me oh and sparkly rocks I like sparkly rocks [Music] hey you found the sparkly rocks too is this just Moss or is it sparkly rocks are we gonna be rich or is it is it just plant life no I'm I'm good I'm hungry but I'm good well wait what pulling myself up with one of my Pokemon's moves do any of them do anything never fail uh to make me laugh thanks for making my mad days great hey I do my best see the secret this the Secret's not being funny it's throwing enough random things out there that eventually something you said was somewhat funny I really appreciate it though thank you and I hope I hope you're having a fantastic first day of Pokemon I know everyone else moved to Australia yesterday but this is for most of us the Pokemon release day does it want you to follow it maybe I don't know it it just it just destroyed a boulder with a single blow I'm gonna I'm gonna follow it I'm a little scared not to I hope that's fine oh there's Pokemon wait why is there a young goose in the cave young goose I don't want to catch you but I I need you on the team for the Pokedex okay I'm just gonna throw a Pokeball at you you're you're a young goose you know [Music] thank you [Music] perfect [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah if it's not a new Pokemon and I don't care about it I'm probably not going to nickname it I'm telling you guys though a lot of people will watch my content and like be so amazed like how do you find so many shinies like like I want to get that many I've never found one I'm telling you right now if you're gonna like invest the time to shiny hunt invest the time to catch all the Pokemon complete the decks because at that point finding Chinese becomes infinitely easier and just a little bit more fun if you wanna you know uh you know keep the challenge of full odds no shame in the game there but you know if you just want to get the shiny well first off like the stream come on the second one is you know just go and catch all the Pokemon now diglett's a pretty fine Pokemon but it's no uh what wigglet and I need a wiggle it very bad yes sir it lives about one yard underground where it feeds on Plants Roots it sometimes appears underground or above ground that is kind of boring I'll be honest foreign [Music] nice all right but now I can beat all these Pokemon upright I can just send you out to beat him up perfect why wait why can I not go forward I see an item legendary Pokemon there is an item to be picked up you don't understand if I don't pick up all the items I see it's gonna drive me insane no oh that is a pack of wild dogs oh boy okay well one I'm scared but two I do not want you to eat the dogs they are my friends well they could be night revive I'll take it Vic revives actually gonna be nice in this game because there's going to be points where I'm getting way too way too used to sending my Pokemon out into all those Auto battles and it's just gonna get destroyed there we go little scary I feel like the Rocks were kind of falling on us can I can I go past you all right there we go it straight up pulverized that rock I look at how huge it is it's the biggest Pokemon etheros I've ever seen okay like let's not question it we don't even know if it's friendly I just know it eats my sandwiches a little bit of a Houndoom Doom if there was a fire dog that just appeared and yelled Doom at me I would actually be pretty terrified no level 40. so back hi legendary I gave you a sandwich you need to protect me all right that was pretty sick uh oh the Hound door gang is back come on this is like that thing of like how many like second graders could uh you you know be in a fight the legendary thinks it could beat like a thousand houndoors at once oh no don't run you sweep him with your tail just do a spin knock them all out come on all right that's crazy [Laughter] being the reaction it just sweeps me up jumps up into safety and just bravo bravo oh chat I see everyone chat chat one second hey everybody chat I understand everyone wants to be a part of the group and like ah he missed a shiny he missed a shiny I was in the middle of a cut scene I didn't miss a shiny when there was no Pokemon around if you're gonna try to troll you gotta do it successfully what are we doing come on chat you wanna you wanna die don't trick me you can't say hop it was shiny when I'm in a cave and there's no Hobbit chat you're disappointing me chat you're disappointing me be better okay be better you were telling me I was missing a shiny that I couldn't even find ugh this is like when chat's trying to get me with a Deez Nuts joke and they're just saying the words Deez Nuts and nothing else it's what are we doing get done messed up the legendary chat come on yeah I I don't know I don't know what my mom puts in the sandwiches okay it's not my Pokemon it's it's a legendary that has super powers probably oh man oh man oh man the more I look at this Pokemon the more mysterious it seems straighter you gotta let me battle against it all right that's that that doesn't feel right we just saw it like collapse and have no energy and she's like I would like to beat it up kind of seemed like the villain if I'm gonna be honest all right we'll give her a fake number and then we don't have to deal with her anymore yo her phone case is so much cooler than mine wait a minute ah her phone case was legitimately cooler wait teams can only be used once oh I forgot about that huh all right um wait where do you put in your pre-order like bonuses I don't know how to do that I would like to though but I don't know oh you just jump off the cliff perfect is there anything I missed over here or are we all good to go all right I'm gonna beat you up okay hmm any any cool things gonna pop up anything spicy anything special can I just go off track all right who are you my mom beat up the little bug oh I think the orenberry I don't even know how he got the orangeberry art can I just explore the game now why that little yo aren't you Arvin you're enrolled in the humanities track right aren't you the son of that Pokemon researcher Professor Sada baby wait Professor saw the baby not a single person to watch him you know so you saw the baby is wait that's our soda baby you kidding me all right I'm all in I am all in on Arvin wow the son of sauna baby big fan the real issue here is what in the world this Pokemon is doing out here and what is with this format dude I have no idea what you're talking about it did save me it's my new friends and I gave it a sandwich you should have seen it before it looked totally different it was unbelievably strong but I can't fight while it's like this the form gradon takes in battle that's its true form and now it's in motorcycle form exactly yep I agree you can't go into the lab it's locked well I haven't been to the academy but in theory I go I don't know what's going on okay I respect Sada baby I'm not gonna I'm not gonna speak ill of him but Arvin yeah you're testing my patience okay dude I've had Pokemon for like what 30 minutes sure if I win this battle I I'm gonna need you to to shove off bucko all right what do you got well that's the poor squirrel come on that's the I can beat up the poor squirrel these memories are leaving a bad taste in my mouth and I want it gone these memories I that's not how you get rid of memories man beating up my Pokemon's not gonna why do you only have one skovit who are you what is happening I'm actually so confused why does this man only have one poor squirrel buddy that was embarrassing dude I actually don't know if I know anything about battling he's an upperclassman isn't he shouldn't he have more Pokemon I hey I got a lot of questions of what's going on with him and why why he's existing but you know what that's fine you're just gonna give me the legendary because I beat you and you had it I chat let's so this guy owns the legendary he battles he saw the baby's son the second shocking and he battles me with a squirrel at like level what was it like five and then I beat his squirrel and he says I just have the legendary I know Pokemon doesn't have the best story often and reading too into it is ridiculous but what are we talking about what are we talking about here I appreciate that peachy thank you okay [Music] foreign I agree what a weirdo but this is my new best friend and we're gonna ignore how much that cut scene just glitched I you'd think the cutscenes would be smoother you're gonna ring some answers out of him you can't say that you're absolutely gonna get in trouble you cannot ring answers out of a different student that's bullying at best um okay so is the Pokemon just on my team no I gotta go back all right it's a little slow at times okay we do have the creation which is cool someone said to go to the menu and then you can do the thing or maybe it's at the Pokey Center let's just save I think it's safe to save chat we almost got 3 000 likes we got 5 000 people watching huh guys it's like the beginning of the game you know I go to my rivals house the their house so much nicer they call me poor what do you think Susan is CEO of YouTube is gonna look at my stream and see uh 2 900 likes with 5 000 people she's gonna point and laugh at me that's come on if you haven't liked already you got stuff you got store they're gonna point and giggle at me you know how long am I gonna play for honestly until I drop I'm probably just gonna play until I get too hungry or too tired this is really beautiful though yeah I'm not excited about that at all no it's it's still school work it's still learning I became a Pokemon YouTuber so I didn't have to keep doing school and learn okay I I'm not doing this job because I I want to do more school I I did a lot of school I did decently well in school but I'm done with school I don't need to do more school I would just like to look at these trees in the distance with a really bad rendered textures okay foreign [Music] for that [Music] consider this me officially telling you welcome to paldia you're officially telling me this I moved like a month ago hi well there's a pokey Center all right it looks like we're gonna have a little bit of a room to roam which is exciting [Music] my welcome to Pokemon time for school man you hate to see it I hate to see it what's no God don't go back in what story am I gonna do I honestly don't know yet I'm just taking it one step at a time all right hmm I actually I did hear that there's more trainers in this game than I think almost any other game but I do at least early on want to battle these guys because the stronger you get your team the easier it will be to Auto Battle and I think that's going to be very worth it and this is a tiny child with a funny hat and suspenders I've never had more confidence in my life in a battle wait why is that wild Pokemon sitting there oh that's actually so fun oh I love that [Music] is that pig just gonna sit there very nervous oh chunk is so stressed does it mean if I go and beat up the lachonk like right after seeing it sitting there stressed is this bullying wait no what are you doing beat it up yeah get the thing out of here come on hey Psyduck hey Azrael I didn't know that was in the game look at that ooh early game of Zoom roll would not be a bad option I actually don't mind that but I do think I want to keep the entire Team new Pokemon we'll see yeah oh that did not do much damage you want to uh make sure I make my way to the Pokey Center soon because we do find a wild shiny and I fail my first shiny in this game I feel like no one I feel like Jack would not let me live that down if anyone did I feel like he would not at all [Music] what's going on there okay its tail bounces like a rubber ball it flings that tail around to fight opponents bigger than itself what did I use to name my zoom roll in draft League I don't know I I like I forget but I want to check do I even have it anymore the New Orleans palipers historian doc all right hmm I know I had a zoom roll on one of these teams right right oh I guess I didn't have it um let's see get down to zero hmm when I'm not naming it the baby how I I'm not naming it the baby I'm on it the baby in blue balls are your only suggestions chat oh oh man you know what I'm I'm gonna name it okay it's a girl ah Taylor Swift You know what you know what yeah we'll name it a t Swizzle how about that you know what sure the problem with I mean the good thing and the problem right with uh with chat and nicknames is almost all of the suggestions are really bad so when I see one that I don't hate I just go for it most of the time so chat if you want to give a nickname you look at and see the spam there's like 500 bad suggestions just give the most okay-ish suggestion and I'll I'll take it and run with it it doesn't even have to be a decent suggestion it just needs to be slightly better than the crowd [Music] hi wait can I just fall off the the waterfall and then go for a little swim oh no [Music] oh no yo you could play hide and seek and oh my God you could get some freaking incredible hiding spots in this game are you kidding me oh chat are you kidding me that already has given me fun content ideas let's go what's going on with this music I'm here for it foreign [Music] [Music] of course I'm going to be using belly bolt belly Bolt's gonna be the pm7 Gen 9 mascot there's gonna be a lot of jabroni's out there that try to say hey this is the the Pokemon I'm gonna use and I'm gonna say no no no me and Mutombo just [Music] um nurse no Surrey nice all right what else is down here I'm stuck between a intense desire of like wanting to just explore everything and like wanting to go to the Pokey Center and make progress and buy some more items but like magic carpets face fish buddy pal what's going on how you doing how you doing what's going on it's fish hey I'm walking here Peach what's going on Wow can't wait to spend 50 hours trying to beat this game with a single magic carp oh all right well we're putting fish on the team immediately I mean that's just how this works chat wait putting fish on the team yeah we're adding fish to the party yes well now I feel I mean Fletchling didn't even get a nickname we're getting rid of Fletchling okay we have t-swizzle we got fish we're in we're having a good time what else is down here huh foreign [Music] yes let's go I want one so bad no it's hiding from me how do I get it no no I want it yes let's go oh my God [Music] oh this is great I'm having a blast oh I'm not no Chad I'm not naming it weiner don't suggest that I'm not gonna do it chat I'm not gonna do it I see the horrible suggestions no you're not going to ruin wigglet or one Trio they're the greatest Pokemon of all time oh my God see [Music] I could name it Wiggles I was a big fan of The Wiggles growing up fruit salad yummy yummy fruit salad yummy yummy I you know what I'm I'm feeling inspired The Wiggles do need more shout outs you know what they do they don't get the respect they deserve I think this is I think this is fair yep Wiggles the Wiglet it feels right add it to the party yes okay now the tough thing the tough thing he oh no we just get rid of t-swizzle t-swizzle had a really short stay on the team but that's fine we're making progress oh man you know how crazy it would be to find a shining early on like a a shiny Wiglet would be sick I uh how do I get the uh the weasel out there [Music] oh huh [Music] oh oh I see them I perfect foreign we're making progress running out of pokeballs though so let's yeah we probably gotta probably gotta go back and get some more [Music] yeah there we go I'm not gonna be naming every Pokemon guys like weasel fun Pokemon I don't think it needs a nickname you know all right yeah yeah yeah rubber band man no chat no no oh wiggle wait how do you can I get to the wingle is it glitching what's hap is this thing glitching it's just flying into the wall what are you doing little buddy what was that whoa what was that [Music] why were you floating into the wall come on no glitch Birds just be like that birds in this game just weren't just wow this is where I reside now hi it soars high in the sky with a tiny pee brain often so dive bombing mountains thinking that it's a smart thing to do Wilbur Wilbur would be a good name but we don't care about wingle right now it's not shiny and it's not a new Pokemon so we do not need to name it I anytime I leave an area I'm getting really like nervous like man I'm probably missing a shiny but I do want to try the automatic healing all right so you go over here and then you just do auto heal oh that's sick nice [Music] beat up the duck you can do it oh no it's beating you up oh no oh that was a bad idea all right hand up bad idea [Music] all right you can beat up this guy sure okay I do want to come back and explore this but let's go to the Pokey Center I'm deathly afraid of finding a shiny and not having a bunch of pokeballs on hands oh there's the new Whooper that is very cool okay but we're gonna go get Pokeballs I am the prize we'll come back and explore I need one but we'll come back we'll come back for it we'll come back for it okay those babies I would like to punt it little Papa oh okay I was hoping that would punt it but no no we'll we'll get them there's a lot of Pokemon I want to get let's go to the Pokey Center first I can I get my pre-order bonuses because I saw there's a bunch of pokeballs in the pre-order bonuses and that feels very worth it [Music] um what yeah 100 pokeballs would be so cool [Music] [Music] I'm chat why does everyone want me to call Whooper pooper that's it's not that good of a nickname guys I'm gonna be honest [Music] [Music] uh-huh yeah I've already been doing that uh-huh [Music] uh-huh I already did all of that all right you please heal cool oh that's actually pretty sick I love that wow big fan hmm [Music] all right cool what's this that's pretty sick wait can you just make any TM like right away you just need the yo wait a minute let's get rid of my goofy face oh this is sick wow this is so cool [Music] huh yeah let's let's learn disarming voice I guess just make it cool yeah you just get rid of uh what [Music] give it a tackle well let's get rid of lyrics we'll probably use this guy to catch shinies at least in the beginning [Music] let's go very sick what do you do you can buy things from you wobbleton that hi um so can I get to the mystery gift is it Pokey portal all right go to poke portal it says and then go to mystery gifts [Music] okay [Music] sure sure [Music] 100 Pokeballs and then and Shore now this is going to be slightly annoying but whatever I think it's worth it hopefully I you imagine I put it in wrong it'd be really annoying all right see if this works [Music] foreign gift the one that I put in yay [Music] nice that was actually really nice uh might as well grab the other one the adventure set sure all right we will get back to our Shenanigans right after this don't you worry don't you worry okay I know this is riveting gameplay but don't you don't you worry don't go anywhere what sports do I like very very big I mean I like playing basketball more than anything but football is my favorite sport to watch but I'm a big basketball and football fan [Music] all right yeah I'll take it cool are you gonna be watching World Cup soccer American football or British Football chat you can probably tell by my accent uh that if I say football I am not talking about the non-american variety feel free to call me a dumb American that won't bother me but no I if we're gonna we're gonna talk about football I will call it soccer um and I'm fine being incorrect but um no I probably won't watch the World Cup I don't know it's like something crazy is going on I'll check it out but we need to find a female Fido and we need it so bad this thing evolves into what may be my favorite Pokemon like of all time like honestly it might be I'm so excited I'm I'm so so excited chat come on [Music] oh there it is I know we have the nickname for it already I already have the nickname [Music] oh hi no Chad if if you know what it evolves into and you know what my dog looks like he would understand we're naming This Ginger after my adorable puppy oh I'm so I'm so happy hey you're new here Dominic thank you so much for the Super Chat it reminds me if you're new we already haven't left the like already make sure you do so but don't forget and not only will I be streaming this game a lot and uploading the streams on the bm7 VOD Channel afterwards but you subscribe to bm7 you find more shinies it's a proven fact do yourself a favor subscribe but my puppy Ginger oh we're using this this is going to be a permanent member of the team and you know what I may get no but it's Le chunk James we'll get rid of the bug we'll get rid of the bug I don't think lechonk James is gonna stick around the entire time but I I love that it's Le chunk James um let me see it is level seven I had to level up all right let's catch some things let's do the thing [Music] [Music] would I kill this stupid thing oh I didn't we did burn it should be easier to catch though why is everyone saying flying Pikachu clearly I've missed something I don't what do you mean flying Pikachu are you just putting words together [Music] would be really cool to be in battle and see a shiny like in your peripheral be kind of sick oh the mystery gifts do you you guys should I get the mystery gifts I when we go when we go back when we go back we'll get it okay remind me once I go back okay how about that chat how about that foreign I want to do a little exploring I want to pick up all the items nice oh it's like a different color hey it was a different thing all right that's a TM cool anything special over here any shinies anything sneaky hiding hmm I still can't believe that they don't have like sparkles showing or or anything like that oh shiny hunting is going to be a little bit more stressful but a little bit more exciting for that same reason oh no no I want I want I want I want pooper all right there it is come on let's get it [Music] I see a lot in the in the water oh this is gonna be stressful like look around and see if there's any shinies uh this is interesting all right [Music] foreign [Music] try not to spoil anything you know for other people like I know most of the new Pokemon and Evolutions but there's people in this chat who have not seen everything and I I think the more you guys try to spoil the harder it is for some people to you know exist in the chats just try not to do it I know not everyone's gonna listen but you know just try to be respectful I would appreciate it [Music] um after losing its territorial struggle Wooper began living on land this Pokemon changed over time developing a poisonous film to protect its body um I like this Pokemon I don't know if I'm Gonna Keep It on the team hmm foreign JTV whoop whoop it's immune to like well yeah all ground types are electric Mutual Electric types uh um you know what everyone wants me to name it pooper and I you know what if its name is just Dave you ever think about that what if it what if it's just called Dave right after a long day at work Dave just wants to come home and relax with the the wife and kids doesn't want a bunch of children calling it pooper it's you know you ever think about that you ever think about how Dave feels I bet you didn't I actually kind of feel like I want Dave on the team we'll see I have time to go back I wanna I wanna get some items have I ever watched Naruto chat you're gonna ask a lot of random questions of random animes and have you watched them and the answer is almost always no unless it's like Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh let me let me rip that Band-Aid off now the answer is no and I I apologize to disappoint [Music] wow you can really start exploring people not get distracted and just run around and Frolic I just want to frolic with all the Pokemon you know I don't want to go to school you're giving me two options to frolic or go to school wait can I really can I just truly frolic just run around without a care in the world so we'll say they have 30 plus shinies because that is insane there's no way you have 30 plus shinies in this game unless you got the game like wildly early wait what if there's a shiny down here and you have to like just jump down to grab it you go to school you can Frolic but faster I yeah that makes sense but like there's so much frolicking to get done you know hmm okay ah I've had my fun frolicking it may be time to go back and make some progress it might just make the most sense it might we'll see if there's like a shiny but we'll grab a few items on the way but I probably don't want to be you know Left Behind if I missed too much school the lead me behind the grade and then I'll have to ultimately do more school you know that's not great did I catch a Happiny you are a dumb baby that I would like to kick very far butts I feel like I still want to catch you the trainers won't attack you on site love that love to hear that [Music] love your content today's my birthday yo Happy Birthday Sean I hope you have a great day man thank you for the five and the John Michael cup season two will be happening uh that will be a thing I mean it's gonna require me and Mikey to both beat the game and come up with some fun ideas but it's it's on the way [Music] foreign [Music] as someone with ADHD I have little no progressional nine plus hours invested already it's the gay was not made for someone like that to progress normally there's too much to focus on right like it's if they want you going in a straight line you can't just be like hey ooh you can pick up all of these things you can catch all these things you can explore the land what if any of these Pokemon are shiny wait it's gimme cool give me Google hey I got I got it I got its gabagool yay look at that I don't see that what are you what TM are you oh that's pretty Swift why are you guys not shiny yet kill kill it kill the bug I want it dead I find kill the pig make it bacon we're going hey yo tomorrow's your 24th hey early happy birthday I appreciate the ton man thank you so much I appreciate it is that a little oh no that's scatter bug kill it all right the Auto Battle feature is maybe my favorite thing they've ever added to a Pokemon game I'm not joking at all like I enjoy this way too much the interesting thing with like watching a chat is people will get in their head of like okay hey hey get the mystery gift and you don't get the mystery gift and you look back at chat like if you don't know that I'm gonna lose my mind everyone plays you know games so differently and sometimes like is someone not going in a completely like linear path or you know like accomplishing the thing that you would have accomplished is like the most like frustrating thing like who if you don't go back there I'm like Hey Hey look it's there hello dear hello there I would like to catch you [Music] who do I plan to evolve first I have no idea I am just I'm going off of Vibes right now and not much else [Music] I I'm really glad to hear that uh too young thank you so much for the turn and hopefully I'm gonna be on for a while so hopefully I can keep you company for the the full work day dearling I don't care about you that much don't let Chad dictate your playstyle oh heavens now no no I would never let chat uh get in my head with that because at the end of the day like what there's 5 000 people here on average people are coming in and out of the stream I'm not going to be able to make all of these people happy when when you're a Creator like in my spot I think the oh it's Judo chat the Judo the biggest thing is I have to play the way I enjoy and just have faith that there are a lot of people here because they enjoy me so however I enjoy playing the game in theory would be how they're enjoying things [Applause] I'm putting the pm7 guarantee on you finding a shiny I already found one an hour into release I like that clay I appreciate it we've seen you get rewards for completing Pokedex that hit Top Pokedex Square then hit X I've not seen that I'll I'll check that out also chat is at this point full of a lot of children who are like okay we're gonna say he missed a shiny for five straight hours and eventually we're gonna trick him so you can't make too much attention to it you can't you can't at all I appreciate the sticker Ola thank you all right so the Pokedex um started playing early this morning be the first gym and then immediately got lost no idea where to go next I just have fun Jessica who cares about progress just explore come on uh oh you can go to Pokey portal here is that why everyone was so angry with me hmm that actually makes a lot of sense um so if I do the mystery gifts wait a minute Chad this is gonna be this is gonna be genius to get via internet right [Music] okay I got this I'm gonna run down to get my coffee while I get the Pikachu chat no one leave I will be back I'm getting a coffee and I will be back in seconds Chad okay that's what we're gonna do we're gonna get the Pikachu while I'm gone okay go foreign [Music] [Music] I did it yo it's a Pikachu whoa we did it it can fly all right whoo coffee brings me joy uh where's the Pokedex uh how doth do I doth get to the doth Pokedex doth goth is in bag why button oh thank you chat that's the map chat that's the that's the map there we go it's the minus button or okay X then [Music] battle pass [Music] wait is this the what is it what is this this is the battle pass you said why I I didn't say why other the chat said why and then I said what the chat said I've never been wrong before okay I'm perfect lying are there any shinies in here are any of you shiny [Music] I I guess it's time to progress let's just heal and then we'll keep moving I guess yeah yeah yeah [Music] this is the game is buggy someone says it is I haven't noticed it but like Chad I'm gonna be honest I am probably the most like I'm a very easy to please Pokemon fan I love Pokemon it's my favorite game in the world it's been my favorite game since I was a kid I've never gotten burnt out on the game I'm going to be maybe overly oh whoa and these make it [Music] wait [Music] this is cool [Music] wait what I was just gonna say I'm easy to please but this is kind of sick what do these do Boogie raid Boogie wrote oh it's I was I was so confused I was like looking at the chat like Boogie raid and they're talking about um raid powers and this I'm like okay what what have I missed but I'm assuming as someone rated [Music] the stream I thought they were talking about the raid Powers I thank you very much for the raid buggy Roblox I appreciate it man I hope the stream went well YouTube streams are so interesting in twitch you know when a raid pops up YouTube and they're still working things out to make it a little bit easier but uh should I buy any of these I hope the stream went well did I buy any of these hmm I don't know [Music] I'm gonna leave him for now I want to learn a little bit more of why you should buy them it sounded like they give you powers for catching things and help in a way but I don't know I was also caught off guard of seeing like then say raid in the text and then someone actually raiding the stream and I was like wait a minute are one of these special or one of these ice creams special no they weren't [Laughter] but I got done tricked chat how do you how do you not get distracted in this game I don't understand is there a way not to get distracted because I'm I'm I see I see sparkly things and I run I would like to pick the sparkly things up you don't understand if I don't pick up the sparkly thing or check to see if these Pokemon are shiny how am I going to enjoy myself come on hmm I am interested like Hey look it's the other new Tauros what's going on doro's you look sick but I am interested like are going into people's houses like is that important in these games oh is it even it's not possible oh you can't go into houses anymore interesting I mean you can explore and pick up items that's cool [Music] how'd I do that huh I mean it's not that big of a deal I'm gonna be honest I'm a little disappointed but aha I don't know [Music] such an interesting change from I don't know how Pokemon has been yeah I'm casually trying to break into someone's house well one I would like to steal their things but two Pokemon has told me for so many years that stealing is kneeling okay and it makes it okay [Music] all right can I wait what are you what are you doing there catch one of the spider bugs [Music] bro what are you doing what am I an idiot don't answer that chat [Music] there we go what are you doing [Music] what I hit it oh boo wait okay okay I've locked in on it all right boo boo hiss [Music] boo turn it off boo I just wanted to work on my Pokedex oh me yeah you think I was talking to Bartholomew over there no I was not talking to Bartholomew he's a silly name hey bug you're not shiny you know what hey I've got two what's some of the evil laugh tiny child I got two whole Pokemon in my cooler what no you're a dumb child where's your mom you're a whole two feet tall with an azer wheel come on hi we've gotten so many Burns I'm honestly a big fan of it why is he so small I don't know he's like a preschooler [Music] all right um Wiglet does or Wiggles I should say does have water gun might as well start training up the rest of the squad he's waving his hands aggressively the character sprite is moving a little aggressively it's interesting I don't know what's going on there that kid is Jack IRL you know what chat yeah no wait no I'm not going to go with the jacket small me because he's taller than me he's he is taller than 99 of the people in this chat so if I say Jack is short and you guys say he's two feet tall what's that make me like one one foot like one foot ten no no no no no that that man is a cool he's like seven feet tall are you kidding me man's a giant what if we just change it instead of wow Jack is really short what if it's just he's the tallest man in the world Jack's actually just eight feet tall Jack is Victor wembanyama that's who Jack is Jack is International Phenom Victor win manyana I hide and seek in this game will be sick yeah I'm changing the narrative on him oh it's a bird I don't want to have to evolve you so I'm going to catch you [Music] I you don't need to call Dave pooper okay evolve your fish already what do you mean Jack is Shaq pretty much my producer met Shaq recently and Jack was the same item how tall am I it even if I told you my height you wouldn't like no one for some reason ever believes me everyone everyone just thinks every streamer is very short so if I tell you I'm six foot three you're gonna be like wait a minute I thought you were like 570. [Music] so it's you know what whatever whatever makes your mind happy just imagine that I'm six three and purple Cliff is taller than me so imagine that I how's my coffee very good the Pokemon of the wild are starting to get a little bit stronger I wait is that a trainer up there oh wow there's just trainers randomly I do want to train up my team a little bit more uh you know what let's let's use the let's use an item what's Mikey's height Mikey is one of my shortest friends not going to say anything more because I think it's funnier that way and I think it would upset him more [Music] what is the truth Mikey is one of my shorter friends and also bald you're not wrong you're spitting he's also involved rule one work those legs rule two work those legs and what's rule three what's rule three We Stand our short King Mikey exactly all right rolly Coley roly polioli I'm gonna need you to to be nice to Wiggles Wiggles is a what a ten time a grammy-nominated group I let's get roly polioli out of here let's get this thing out of the paint smoke screen and I don't like it and I like it one bit [Music] all right we're we're gonna get down the business just a little little slap myself silly get back into it we're going to the school we're going to school we're getting done with school I want to be able to fly on my legendary I want to fly around the map and I want people to call me cool instead of being the John guy they will call me John the cool guy it's the upgrade we've all been waiting for oh that's a nickname I don't want to battle you random trainer I think I'm too good for you but there's so many things to pick up there are so many items hmm none of you are shiny hmm nope stay on the path to success John you cannot get distracted you have a goal stick to it buddy bucko you can pick up the shiny items but you must make your way forward we must progress we can do this you can do this bye were you shiny hey it's Pupa oh God it's my Pokemon's gonna die isn't it nope we killed it nice it's okay there you go buddy keep beating him up keep beating the Pokemon up all right we heal and then it's time for school you know what they say I am certainly not too cool for school wait really ah [Applause] King progress oh I gotta go back can't say because of spoilers and other things but I hope you're having a blast like me everyone is everyone is cute and loved remember to stay safe and I dread a I appreciate the heck out of her entity I hope you have a wonderful wonderful time playing the game thank you thank you thank you how how am I enjoying the game so far I am having an absolute blast chat I I mean I never thought we would get an open world Pokemon game it always seemed like a like a dream kind of like a pipe dream like man that would be sick but no chance they ever do that right I've heard people say there's a lot of glitches and there have been times where it's been a little bit slower but for now I really have no complaints I am gonna catch the fancy hey Rich squirrel hey hey hey you you're with the face I will be catching you [Music] I think I think this game needs a little touch-up and that'll be amazing I mean the unfortunate reality with Pokemon is every game they released at this point is released unfinished so the bigger question honestly is like when will do you have the patience for them to roll out fixes and two do you have faith that they will fix things for me I I am patient to wait for the fixes and enjoy the game in the meantime and I I do think they will be um you know coming out with a lot of fixes for this game so so far I've had a really good time and I don't know for the other stuff that they they may need to clean up I'm definitely not worried well I stream tomorrow yes then I'll stream the next day and probably the next day there's gonna be a lot of streams coming up guys if you haven't already subscribe and you haven't already liked the stream come on guys if I don't have uh 4 000 likes uh before we get to the school all of the kids in there are gonna laugh at me and they're gonna call me stupid and maybe smelly there we go [Music] perfect I'm not naming you you shamed me in the past and I didn't like it I appreciate you Micah I appreciate it play co-op with Mikey not right now but there will be a lot of videos of like me and Mike you're gonna do a lot of videos together I'm excited to do some videos with Jack uh there's gonna be a lot of cool things in the future maybe I'll get out of the comfort zone try and do some videos of some other uh creators out there I don't know there's a lot of possibilities with these games am I excited to you know see how it all goes I'm really really excited listening while doing the dishes this game sat or the Sounds in this game are amazing this is the first time paid attention to Pokemon launch since gen 3. hey well thank you very much to the super chat but I love hearing that the beautiful thing with Pokemon is like it doesn't matter how many generations you've been away you can always come back at it it's just a good time you know you may be a little overwhelmed at first of all the new Pokemon you have to learn but it's a really easy and fun game to pick up again you know I think some games you kind of lose your love for it and it's difficult to get that love back and they don't always recapture the magic but I feel like Pokemon does a pretty good job of not only recapturing the magic but I don't know I feel like recently they've definitely been improving on some stuff [Music] um okay you might as well catch you we did beat the four trainers so that one guy will be happy and he will give me a prize which I am excited about but if I see a new Pokemon I'm gonna have to catch it when will the John Michael Cup start we're not entirely sure but um I think the goal is the first or second week of December I would I'd keep an eye out I'm gonna be working on like my goal is to stream this game beat the game and then start streaming videos that will become solo videos and then recording videos that may become solo like solo videos and then recording videos with friends that may be a video on their Channel or my channel basically I want to become a Pokemon playing and content making machine okay that's the goal [Music] and honestly I can't wait I really can't wait can you catch a shiny please I'm trying I'm trying I would like to I mean just for you chat I'm gonna run over here and we're just gonna what find a shiny it's just that easy right I'm just gonna run over here and just you know someone said to find a shiny so I assume I'll do that in seconds right right it's Daddy right right oh no do I like sword and shield or Scarlet violet I did not love sword and shield I can say with confidence I already like these games more like like I love the wild area of sword and shield and the DLC was incredible the main game for sword and shield was very oh come on it was it left a lot to be desired and this game and legends Arceus already like like the entire game is open right and that was the best part of sword and shield so to basically just say we're expanding on that and immediately you can just roam around and be within the world of Pokemon I'm already having more fun than the first time I played sword and shield a lot of people asking if this is going to be a video it is going to be a VOD uh so pm7 vods we'll be where you see these there will be a lot of videos in the main Channel but um have I caught a squirrel events I might as well kill it all right now let's make the the progress let's do it I said I wasn't gonna get distracted I immediately got distracted and you know what I don't I don't regret it I'm having a blast I do wish I found a a Shiny Pokemon but you know what after school we can get into our shiny hunting shenanigans we gotta go talk to this man and he will give a surprise he said did I do it yeah oh Thunder Wave that's actually very worth it let's go thank you I appreciate that a lot all right well that's kind of annoying let's save the game [Music] what's uh any shinies and I'm I don't think so let's go to school let's let's go to school [Music] not as exciting as you'd hope it would be all right [Music] all righty let me just I'm doing a little bit of a thing okay [Music] foreign [Music] you're probably wondering why did streamer man stop he's uh he's doing a thing he's pretty he's pretty smart and good and smart and things there we go look at this I can do things I know how to do things I can multitask I school time the John guy that's me [Music] did you did you battle some trainers on the hill that your Pokemon are getting stronger we don't need to do that but actually I would like some free experience I need Wiggles to evolve and I need it to evolve soon so whatever's gonna get me there I'm here for it [Music] foreign of the Rival just using the grass cat you know what bring three bring four if you want uh do whatever you need to do so back is an Egyptian God we're not worried of what you're gonna throw at me a grass cat meow PU [Music] all right what's next huh [Music] we're gonna send out for palmy oh we could bring out Wiggles but maybe it's time to bring out Ginger I think it's time to bring out Ginger and come on show off the pup oh come on is that just the cutest dog you've ever done seen [Music] I love it so much I thank you Montgomery you're amazing swapping your stream today it makes it makes your day well I'm Gonna Be Live for a while so all right if you wrote a blast watching a lot more fun to be had I appreciate you [Music] come on your Pokemon gets a fancy party hat where's my Pokemon's fancy party hat this is outrageous is that a is that wait it's on a light bulb on its head is that a light bulb [Music] you gave it a light bulb hat to go for thunder shock come on come on you're not gonna take out Ginger this is embarrassing even for you [Music] oh I actually do not like that one bit that's hurting my feelings we're gonna be honest but it was not getting paralyzed I thought that was the paralyzed animation Oh Me Oh My God as long as we don't get paralyzed here we're good to go right paparooski paparoo ski papa rooski no nope you're going to win your first battle I cannot see what Pokemon we're trying to use this on all right there we go perfect you're winning your first battle okay and I won't hear otherwise [Music] yeah that's fine pup do the thing please [Music] okay foreign do I get to steal its hat like my puppy in real life bullied another dog that was wearing a bow and we assumed that by her bullying the other dog she like won the bow so now she has a bow that she wears it's very adorable so in the game if my dog beats up another Pokemon with a hat does it get the Hat this feels this is an important question and I need answers okay first the house and the money then then the Pokemon before me you're taller than me oh oh you can't oh no you can't terrestrialize okay yeah yeah that suck yeah just make fun of me a sec yep yeah just call me a loser that's sick yeah um sharp kick just kick some sand in my face sure kick me while I'm down knock me down and just just bully me for everyone to see we got 4 000 here washing you just make a mockery of me that's fine that's fine it's not hurting my feelings it's not ruining my day whatever it's fine yep yep yep yep yep but there's the school we get to go to school I graduated college with a degree became a pokeytuber just so that I could go back to school in a game this is great it's not like a nightmare it's not like I'm waking up from a dream where I'm like oh God I forgot to do this assignment I'm still in school wait a minute no I'm an adult I don't have to go to school but wait my job is playing Pokemon and going back to school yeah I'm ignoring everything in the city because I really do want to get the school thing over with and I might regret that oh that's wait no there's there's a present there's a present attached to balloons wait a minute wait I want no I want the present no no I I saw the presents okay well yeah [Music] no I I would I mean look good feel good yeah now look look good feel good yeah no I want to go to the presents yeah that that seems cool [Music] okay fine maybe I'll explore the city a little bit hey thank you so much for the Super Chat I I appreciate that Kevin I appreciate that all right they said go to the school Gates but they also told me to go get a fancy uh fancy cut you know you want me to look good what's this is this coffee I have a coffee oh get a mullet all right chat come on you're trying to make me look silly hmm are you trying to laugh at me I don't know if I like that oh there are no items over here I would have put a lot of money on the fact that there'd be items here well that's just me have you had any lag I've had like a little bit but it's not nothing like bad yet I I assume it'll it'll strike at some point but it hasn't really gotten to me I do not I'm not seeing any like oh what's this I think any stores I want to go into this feels like it's gonna have something sneaky down here there's something special and cool nope I'm just getting myself lost there's okay [Music] huh pretty cool there's a lot to explore but it's I'm gonna be honest it's a little overwhelming at times of like do you do I want to explore do I wanna like move forward a little bit quicker so I can explore more but Delhi bird I would like some presents oh wait what's ability Shield this cute and rather unique looking Shield protects the holder from having its ability Changed by others that's incredible that's new that's cool wow whoa at sick I well we want um charcoal yes [Music] okay Mystic water sure um it's probably fine kind of poor otherwise cool [Music] hi um God I'm clicking oh there's a tadpole in the water let me in let me in let me in oh no come on no no oh come on I don't want to slide let me over what's going on oh okay I learned I could slide that's oh okay oh we can just put items on the Pokemon at least and then we can keep moving no I don't want to use it I want to give it yeah Gib all right there we go cool all right yeah yeah yeah I'm a little disappointed but if we make progress we can get belly bolt okay if we can make progress we can make belly Bolt ah the FPS Wing flap is still an issue in this game chat I'm gonna be honest if this is like if you guys really care about things like if if a animation of a bird flapping going slowly is gonna bother I think you will hate this game personally that stuff does not bother me and maybe I should have higher standards for video games and I'm fine I'll I'll own that but I'm worried that it's not going to get better like that is such a tiny little thing that doesn't affect the gameplay from what I have heard I am very very nervous that uh there's gonna be some worse lag I don't think it's going to affect my enjoyment but if if the the bird flapping is like uh oh oh me oh my that looks bad I the I think it gets worse before it gets better [Music] um well I'm a poor boy I don't need to go do anything else okay I honestly I am kind of excited to see that cutscene Katie just a just a ridiculous cut scene I it is interesting to see the cut scenes have the bad frame rates too I would have thought of anything being fully cleaned up that they would be but what do I know the city is honestly a little overwhelming I think I'll go back and explore the city a little bit more jeez that's that you know what that's fine everything's fine everything's fine um but I'll explore the city later on I really want to get to a point where I can ride on the legendary and go wherever I want what's going on here don't you get it if you join team star who can shine as bright as anybody chide as bright as anyone now like you're not saying if you said if I joined team star I could shine brighter I would join shine as bright I would like to be the brightest star in the sky in the sky I don't understand it kind of sounds like a frat now I don't I don't like that [Music] oh boy I'm getting bad vibes getting bad vibes uh oh yeah no I'm I'm helping her out all right buckos scram shoe sayonara bye-bye bye-bye [Music] what are we doing here what is this [Laughter] what's going on a little bit of a double battle eh right right [Music] sure that's not how you make a star my art teacher that's how you make a star nerd Trudeau what is strudel what's a strudel doodle a shrutle doodle doo sounds like a snack a strudel out of here [Music] get the shrutle out of here shrutle doodle doo that was actually very fun he beat ah it was a very very wimpy team it's the student council dweeb oh no my one friend's a dweeb oh god oh they're gonna bully me in school scoob oh no what that's so weird that is such a weird line don't battle randos battle me [Music] man this is what's happening yeah they were oh man your ultra rare gifts Tara orb that's kind of sick what's that do norb that holds within it the power to crystallize when it's charged with energy it can be used to cause Pokemon terrestrialized oh cool nice rut row rut row website rut row SpaghettiOs I'm pretty sure you're uh Sobek will be a fire type normally you've got to take special classes to be able to get one of those Terra orbs but I put in a good word for you okay Rich friend helping out early like that big fan oh didn't you just say you didn't want me to battle these guys [Music] all right you're giving me some mixed signals let's be honest what's happening no it's I'm gonna keep doing it that's how you make a star young goose that's embarrassing [Music] all right cool what's the button to trustalize all right nice fancy hat fancy hat fancy hat fancy hat fancy hat fancy hat Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy yeah let's go all right there we go there are two types of people in this world there are people that love the funny fancy hats and there's people that hate the ridiculous fancy hats if you're one of the people that thinks the fancy hats are dumb and awful I'm sorry that that just seems not it seems significantly Less Fun to be able to go through kick it behind the hats it looks so dumb see I I'm just sorry I feel bad you know how much more fun it is to be like man the Pokemon gimmick is to put goofy hats on the goofy Pokemon that's silly and I like silliness like this is great because I'm just telling you right now when you look too D when you look too closely at Pokemon and some of the things they make a lot of it's really silly and stupid [Laughter] a lot of it's really silly and stupid [Music] you just gotta you know what roll with it roll with the tomfoolery come on commit to the bit you know [Music] you gotta commit to the bit [Music] if uh my best friend has taught me really anything in life and truly the more you can you commit the the silliness the more fun you're gonna have I can just run on the roof just okay interesting what do I I'm on the roof what now can I just [Music] okay [Music] Talia commit to something silly with some with some friends or playing a game you're gonna have a lot more fun that's not to say uh all decisions they're gonna make are gonna be good some of them are gonna be really really dumb uh really really dumb silly hats on the Pokemon that's just fun that's good old-fashioned Tom fools John's favorite game isn't Pokemon it's Frogger hey Frogger two Swampy's Revenge goaded the game is absolutely coated with the sauce come on right let's go to school let's get this over with I have a bad feeling that this is going to last like an hour yeah school yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Pokemon has always been missing school now I get to go and learn about Pokemon yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah clavel ah you numbskull all right how'd you find your first school commute I got very distracted I'm like five hours late man I you gotta put me on like a a school bus or something I there were so many things to pick up I picked everything up and I battled everything and caught every it was you can't leave me you cannot leave me on my own clavel it was tough I got so distracted just I didn't even find a shiny all right you did where oh did they like skip school or something I don't even know what's going on go beat him up Clayville go beat the children up outside I swear they're not going to fire you and they won't have to let me out of school early okay Mr Juck tonight there's no way I'm not late to class [Music] there's no way Pokemon you're gonna animate the kids in the class come on this looks ridiculous come on [Music] what is it a small world it's a small world like what like what are we doing here the ride didn't it did it well it's a really bad ride you go there and you're like oh no like look at this like this is It's all about uh you know what jock you look great baguette Avalon [Music] whisper whisper what are we doing here what what is this all right Jacques I I like your glasses they're very fun they're very unique all right I know how I feel about my teacher wearing slippers though I I really appreciate the Super Chat we'd love for you to name any of your water Pokemon Nile I'll consider it I I don't feel super comfortable about opening the floodgates of if you send in money I will nickname a Pokemon after what you sent like what you asked because then people may do it and I may not actually you know name a Pokemon that and they'll be upset or so many people feel like they need to send me money for it and we don't need I mean I don't need I don't need your your Moolah if you want to support me that way awesome but I I don't know I don't I don't want to put people into a spot of like ooh this is my moments I don't know this one always feels super comfortable so I'll consider it but I can't promise it could I trouble you for a few words introduce yourself I yeah sure I'm I'm the John guy that's me [Music] all right I don't need the animatronics like talking to me these are not real children [Music] I like everything about Pokemon yeah that's yep sick you're in my grade you're like six feet tall you'd better be playing basketball are you kidding me you're my age oh my God [Music] or are you like are you just like the teacher's assistant what am I missing [Music] do you get held back like what happened what do you mean spell my mom moved and I went to school I don't know have you have you never moved no one asked me these questions when I moved from Arizona to Massachusetts as a kid they're like hey would you like to play blow the blocks I'm like sure it's kindergarten this will be sick let's play with blocks then I made a friend his name was Max it was a good time I mean my dream I have no idea like 10. I get that you're 37 in this class but come on what is this other chat may have gotten lost in The Barrage but generally I'm glad that you and everyone else seems to enjoying the game a but it's a lot of fun I hope you're enjoying it too thank you very much to the Super Chat can I get a PM guarantee that I'm gonna get find the Char Cadet that's been on my map for two hours I'll put that pm7 guarantee down for you got this ragamuffin so let me throw that into the the vocab I will yeah no we're calling people ragamuffins now not calling the class ragamuffins they are creepy robots [Music] I can just leave [Music] I'm just allowed to to leave class let's go see what Sada baby's son up to what is this all these kids are tiny oh my God hello what's going on yes you gave me a legendary that I haven't used yet I don't know how would I forget about you oh I should have big timed him damn I messed up that's fine [Music] old school's talking about me why what did I do oh no they think I'm a teacher's pet oh boy new celebrity you gotta help me so I can make my dream a reality dude I'm just I'm just trying not to fail yeah what is the dream I need to know the dream if your dream is to beat everyone in here up uh I can't help you follow that that wouldn't be good I think I'd be arrested immediately Arvin you're all about that picnic life you're all about that picnic life that's that's not a thing like right Outdoors the perfectly prepared sandwiches all of it hear about that picnically of me I'm all about that picnic life what do you mean [Music] prevent aging [Music] foreign I don't know what to say this man just said he was all about that picnic life are you kidding me but this this is what I like to see the old Dawn fan as we descend as we descended further into area zero we began to catch glimpses of mysterious Pokemon although we wondered if these huge ferocious beasts were indeed Pokemon at all one of our teams suffered a brutal Blow from such a beast and was mortally wounded forcing us to retreat for a Time I'm a child it's my first day in school you've handed me a book about a animal or a Pokemon that is just killing I I assume adults [Music] and you're all about that picnic life it's a lot going on a member of the survey team captured this Photograph by chance I I notice a passing resemblance to the Pokemon known as Dawn fan get differences such as its sheer size and the shape of its back set it apart as do its great tusks that maimed Jerry [Music] yeah no you stink you really stink Arvin I destroyed you it was a horrible battle Arvin you don't have any friends just just leave it there buddy I I gotcha I I got you you're on that picnic grind I've never once in my life considered taking picnicking seriously so we can merge my battling prowess and your picnic skill together I think I could trick you into helping me find shinies because I've heard that special sandwiches bring the shinies yeah no don't don't go crawling to the student council girl she yeah no no she uh he's mean she looks down on us Arvin to hear you Waltz up you gotta help me out with this you'd be perfect pretty great what do you mean you don't even you just had whatever that's fine sure yo his phone's cooler than mine too oh man okay Dragon Titan let me see Dragon Titan quaking Earth Titan Open Sky Titan lurking steel Titan Stony Cliff Titan I actually don't know what any of these are beyond the Stony Cliff so I'm pretty excited to find that out [Music] all right Story number one of three we got that going sure I'll take that I didn't really do anything to deserve it but sure dude I already said yes hey children mine this is my food stop that [Music] can I like oh I'm like trying to eat the food though I'm like trying to try and have lunch all right that that was uncalled for that's fine whatever um waiting no no I want to see what he was saying in far off regions I'm actually kind of intrigued no I mind I definitely mind Cassiopeia did I say that right Cassiopeia what a freaking name [Music] sure foreign Cassiopeia just say it with your chest come meet me and say hey I need you to beat up the children and I'll I'll consider it okay operation Starfall but I'll need allies to carry out this operation I'd like you to be one of them sure you know I'm not a big fan oh clavel I always call me master the John guy please do try to keep your voice down if you're making calls from the school it's a cafeteria all of the children are screaming they're screaming about fortnite and Among Us like I buddy it's loud in here okay ah I come on there's no way you're gonna tell me I was the loudest kid in here no way [Music] all right um what's next Anakin Skywalker of Pokemon I don't think I understand what you're throwing out there but I think I'm here for it geez some of these animations are huffarusky um I don't know where do I want to go sure we've already started two missions so far so we only have one more to start and then we're good to go oh it's the teachers usually teachers don't like it when the students just show up into the teacher room this is where they get to you know gossip about the kids [Music] okay wow that is a haircut and a half I I need to know more about that mystery man at the bottom of the screen what is going on with him you I'm not as worried about the friend I'm not worried about that I need to know what's going on with the other man La Romero premium Premiere I I don't know how to say words I'm bad at that [Music] yeah I do I have no idea yeah it's not my dream I'm just gonna do it because I'm built different [Music] I'm here for this little saxophone in the background okay what do you mean not to brag have you already become Champion rake oh wow you did become Champion rank you are bragging you're flexing you're just telling me you're better than me it's exactly what you're doing come on all right cool I'm glad we did this but I really need to talk to that man our phone's so much cooler than mine too oh interesting normal water bug psychic ghost ice electric grass interesting okay [Music] all right all right I I'm not gonna give it some thought I'm just gonna do the thing I buddy no no I need to talk to that man no what did they do to him no I need to know no don't do it no no no come on I need to talk to him first yes okay what happened buddy what did they do to you Salvatore what happened I did not come here to say bonjour man I need to know what's going on no but buddy what happened what happened what did you do to the barber [Music] I honestly okay wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute all right the other side uh wait wait a minute the other side's normal [Music] I [Music] no it's horrible in the back it's that's hard he went for it he he's you know what I respect you I respect you for that I couldn't pull it off you can't really pull it off we'll be honest but he went for it so there's that foreign [Music] August appreciate it man all right you oh trophy I want a trophy oh school sucks I want to go outside man I want to go play I'm gonna go play the Pokemon no I wasn't wondering at all man you're weird kind of creep me out [Music] like on the TV are we face timing but on the TV that's kind of cool I guess hey it's the professor yay hi professors wait Sonic wait Sonic babies a woman it's not a baby's woman learn something new every day Professor soda baby what's going on hi hey area zero nice Katie you don't know who sought a baby is it's very it's very okay this is I'm I'm making this up for me this is this is this is just for my benefit it that I remember her I didn't remember sort of yeah yeah yeah yeah okay yeah we're on the same page yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we're on the same page now we're on the same page no no it fair is fair you need the clarification like is this guy an idiot or is he just is he just being a dummy dummy not an idiot big dummy though there's a big difference foreign that doesn't matter you are the student who travels with the unusual Pokemon I guess yeah like I've had it for like five minutes how would you offend me you just asked me if I had a Pokemon whoever helps me get that cool Dawn Phantom All In oh well why did you let it go Sada baby what happens yeah isn't Arvin your son I'm no longer in any position to be able to manage that Pokemon myself what happens yeah I'll do it well what if I give it more sandwiches last time I gave it a sandwich it was able to beat everyone up I mean you could always hack my phone apparently people are doing that these days I thought uh wow what a cool Professor big fan honestly Professor saw the baby one of my favorite professors already I don't know the professors are fine usually they're like named after a tree or whatever I really love that like in Scarlet you have the like the past Professor or is dressed up like in research in the past and then violets I don't know a future dude who cares about future dude pretty good and then right we're gonna we're gonna see the cool past Pokemon eventually pretty good makes good music pretty awesome I'm a big fan the more sandwich he eats the more power he gets wait really do I need to make more sandwiches is that why Arvin Arvin is the the picnic master and he's gonna help [Music] all right [Music] can I wait can I take one of the trophies wait wait a minute is this I have I have a trophy [Music] this this is a cool trophy right guys right this is this is a cool this is a cool one this is this is a cool cool trophy right John Michael cup season two coming soon John Michael cup season two you don't have to put owl chat you don't we don't need to do that it's in [Music] it's your trophy I still got a trophy I still got it guys I still got the trophy guys I still I got the trophy no I but I got I got a trophy did you guys want a trophy and then if you guys want to trophy for the John Michael cup I bet you didn't I chat I put a w in chat if you're excited for the season two of The John Michael cup huh and what a w think I'm gonna win this season of the John Michael cup huh right yeah yeah look at that yeah everyone everyone thinks I'm gonna win come on there it is yeah everyone thinks we're gonna win it's gonna be great Josh I appreciate you all right come on everyone thinks we're gonna win come on come on yeah there we go yeah come on oh my God this is I have a door in my room finally oh let's go at home I'm just in the Loft I have no privacy this is great [Music] sick Mark I appreciate you [Music] oh let's go big fan oh let's go [Music] Mickey will win I mean yeah Mickey Mouse might make an appearance but you know John Mickey shaking hand memes better than Mikey we all know what to be true now I can go we can go do a little bit of a sleeperowski now chat I am aware that asking chat not to do things is not helpful because chat is full of a lot of children they're gonna do whatever they want to do regardless but just a small thing to throw out there for some reason there's a subsection of stream watching children who don't understand I don't care about your updates of other people's streaming so if someone else is streaming and you want to go watch their stream you go enjoy that have a grand old time but you don't need to update me when people when people start streaming or if people are streaming you can just leave and be like goodbye I'll see you another time you know small thing it's a little bit of a pet peeve for every streamer just well a little respect you know a little respect but uh I threw it out there I'm hoping it works it's not gonna work it's okay let's just battle the uh I don't know the really old the Rival who stayed back multiple years I'm not entirely sure what's going on there but foreign am I battling in front of the school no no a little stage fright [Music] the theme will be a treasure hunt I love hunting for Treasure okay I've been picking up random pokeballs all over the place I can do that wait part of school is just adventuring far and wide I learned so much you're not wrong let's go oh it's fish wait is it time wait chat is it time to spread my wings and fly [Applause] oh is it time [Music] oh my god let's go [Music] oh I'm hyped foreign [Music] oh I'm gonna get so little done today let's explore the map and get very lost looking for shinies chat let's do it [Music] oh I'm so ready oh let's go foreign was it raining for five seconds and then it stopped what was that [Music] coma yeah it's time for The Great Outdoors heck yeah wait do you get to ride on psychlazar [Music] ah cool is exceedingly dangerous entering it is a violation of school rules what happens if a kid just doesn't listen to you man like do you guys get in trouble or are you gonna like keep a watchful eye out are you just gonna trust children not to go into the scary place that you told them about it was like a horrible strategy because the only thing I want to do now is go into the scary place that is all I want to do I'm gonna be honest [Music] um okay the map that but no that get me gets me there why brings me to the map dying is against school rules I mean oh oh no I had put that there okay someone was spamming in chat that the um the phone case store is in the city and I want to find it uh-huh yeah what are we supposed to do walk and talk walk it like I talk it it okay it all right um can I go do that are you gonna keep telling me could stop telling me that this game is wide open and lets me decide what I want to do just let me do it just just let let me do it yeah I'm ready I'm ready for the the hand-holding to end aha okay come on another person to talk to yep the three missions you guys told me about them I know I know I I remember it would yep I'm making sandwiches beating up children beating gems I know I know I know what to do I'm fine yep no nimona it's fine she said if I beat up children I'll get a prize it seems pretty easy you saw them in the school they were robots they're not real I will get dragged into dangerous things I've already I already have a legendarium riding around with I fell off a cliff and was saved by my phone I things are not going well for me okay I'm drawn to Danger come on give him a sandwich you have a sandwich to give you oh wait already oh let's go let's go dude oh come on oh this is sick stop talking to me I'm gonna lose my mind let me ride on the really cool legendary come on stop it stop it [Music] oh this is sick I'm not oh bass outbreaks are occurring let's go okay can you fly yet okay whatever but I can jump around this is cool where's the deli bird store I want my phone case okay where is it I remember being like over here or something all right don't don't mind me nothing to see here oh no okay there it is I want it I oh rare candy cool haha oh that's fun hi Deli bird where are you oh there it is perfect now I get off and now we can get our phone case cool rodent phone cases sick what I've been waiting for oh these are really cool um oh man I I hate to do it I kind I kind of need the quaxley case I know I don't have quaxley on the the team but like my phone has a hat now [Music] I the phone has a hat it I might not deserve it but I have it and that's what matters wait a minute can I can I jump into the water [Music] I want to get the Frog are we getting the Frog what happens did I make a boo-boo or did I succeed wait wear the Frog where frog frog where where are frog where where where are frog Where Art Thou frog [Music] more Pokemon to catch ha ha now I get to explore the game freely this is incredible this is what I've been waiting for this entire time oh it's finally time [Music] oh this is this is really exciting guys this is where we really find out what's this game all about we're really gonna like whenever I see a new Pokemon I am still gonna try and catch it I am still gonna try and catch it but I do want to get that I do want to get the um the shiny charm pretty early into this but um yeah there's no reason not to get over get rid of Ember all right I'm not naming you I already know that ducks eat frogs well that's why I don't have the the duck on the team I just have the duck phone case chat I don't I don't want to you know ruin anyone's perception of frogs but they they get eaten by a decent amount of things they're not they're not apex predators [Music] I don't love frogs because the you know of all of the all of the things that they are eating and or not being eaten by uh-huh so can I just can I just jump into the water oh no did I just drown the legendary oh God okay yes yes the tadpole let's go let's go finally I've been waiting so long to get volleyball yes oh this thing is so incredible [Music] I really love this Pokemon man I uh such a fun addition to team frog I need someone to put that into a a rom hack host taste so I can have Team frog ready to go but Tad bulb add bulb shakes its tail to generate electricity if it senses danger it'll make its head blink on and off to alert its allies look at this guy look at this adorable face but this is one of the biggest nicknames I've ever had to give it's not like the nickname we give this will stick forever but belly Bolt's first nickname it's important I'm going to look at the chat to see what we're thinking okay balls horrible nickname [Music] what are we doing here Chad Paul no I'm not gonna name it Chad pole froggerton that's a good one Frogger go classic go classic with Frogger could go classic could go classic Toad's worth is pretty good blubber Thor frog I don't know about the OG hmm Frogger is pretty good frogington's great Robert Frogger I mean sometimes you just yo the classics froggerton's pretty good does froggerton fit I there's something about froggerton that's really speaking to me I froggerton how's it look how do we feel and froggerton I'm feeling froggerton froggerton's pretty good froggerton's pretty good I I feel good about froggerton yeah let's add froggerton to the squad hey cheeky get get out of here cheeky that no one no one needs you I have froggerton [Music] I finally have froggerton we do want to try and battle like each one of these guys I see because I don't know what the shiny looks like yet and if I miss a shiny tadpole I will cry forever I will cry for the rest of my days I will never feel the sweet Embrace of Happiness ever again there's a lot riding on you know me not missing that shiny oh little baby guy hey little baby guy hey you got Gaba ghoul give me Google there we go nice wait what are you it's the dog no no don't beat up the dog no no oh oh no the dog [Music] I clicked the wrong button oh I clicked the wrong button all right I didn't kill no no no that was that wasn't Zelda that was that was that was that was that was that was Dumbo this one's out this is Zelda look at this see that one that was probably a boy this one it's Zelda the girl there we go yeah no I it's fine everything's fine everything's fine don't kill this don't kill us don't kill it don't kill it everything's good everything's fine the friendship's still intact let's get into the great ball because Zelda's it's not good it's great [Music] all right there we go [Music] do I throw this on the squad this is this is an interesting one the team is starting to to get full of some Pokemon I'd like to use we'll see it always scowls an attempt to make opponents take it seriously what are you been crying first in the laughter when they see Master's face I love this Pokemon I love it so much are you I love it so much God I hate this nickname system ugh it looks constipated so funny oh all right Zelda perfect [Music] um Le chunk James or fish [Music] I think fish is gonna have to sit this one out for now obviously we love fish and Fishes time in the sun will come but it's not now okay fish fish has had its time what are you doing bird get out of here [Music] cause we already beaten an entire game with fish fish can have a small break you should have nicknamed it constipated chat no I'm not gonna nickname Pokemon that I like constipated okay wait what do you what do you mean I uh you get a child you name it Jimmy and then the first time your child is constipated you're gonna change its name to constipate today meet my son constipated hey son has an accident nah it's it's my son Poopypants what are we talking about here name the Pokemon constipated well what is this chat yeah you guys have so many ideas and they they all disappoint me [Music] come on what is this how do you know so much more than me when we've been taking the same classes dude I don't know much I just know that you stink and you stink out loud and that's all I need to know and watch this hey it's a fish [Music] Shiny Pokemon I want to find you Shiny Pokemon where are you hey it's just oh I need to catch a Starly but I've now killed it it's now dead oh crap berry berry berry berry berry hey Pikachu hey it's it's it's it's what it's walking here hey it's a it's why it's walking here hey Pikachu wait I've already gotten a Pikachu I got it from the uh the mystery gift wait why am I doing this all right chat was yelling shiny and I know they're lying but I'm now scared I'm now very scared so what I'm going to do is even though I know they're lying to me I'm going to save as you never know I assume it's a troll but it's the first troll that actually made sense usually when they troll it's like hey you missed a shiny hop-up and it's like I'm in a cave there's no hop up here see now people are saying shiny frog what chat see that's the difference right there's like the chat who's like what like who cares about them they don't matter the the Fooly ghoulie ghouls so back it's gonna get a hat it's gonna get a hat yeah it has a sombrero and it looks incredible look at him it's the same Pokemon but a little bigger with a hat and it looks great on you [Music] you look amazing buddy I love it I love it so much what is it called I don't know it has a hat all right well if there was a shiny eye I done missed it [Music] really up there wasn't a shiny that'd be really bad um whoa whoa whoa what's that light pretty light pretty light I want to go towards the pretty light pretty light pretty light what is that I'm kind of intrigued pretty light foreign what the heck are you hey it's this guy [Music] strudel doodle doo I want a strudel doodle doo Turtles oh no strudel doodle doo strudel Doodle went to town riding on a pony [Music] I wear strudel Now where's shrudel I killed it no I want I want another strudel doodle doo oh no oh yeah I think I killed you last time I think I need one of you um [Music] Chad I haven't said anything in a bit but if you guys haven't already left a like on the stream hey yeah please do otherwise people are gonna point and laugh at me but just know if you subscribe to the channel you subscribe your chances of finding shinies they increase a ridiculous amount you want to see Chinese and content you wanted to see content of the game you want to see strudel doodle doo succeed at the highest level come on this is the place for you this is the place but chat I want to go towards the pretty light I am also a human who sometimes needs to go to the bathroom so what I'm gonna do is we're gonna stare at strudel Doodle Doo and I'm gonna need everyone in chat just to put strudel just strudel in chat I will be back in a few seconds well okay maybe in a few minutes because I have to pee pretty badly so we're gonna all say strudel and we're gonna be stoked and I will be back [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] back did everyone say strudel everyone said I don't know why you guys all listen to that but I I appreciate it strudel um yeah I would like to keep it strudel now shirtle Doodle do is honestly I'm all in beep I I want to find a shiny new new oh whoa what's that up there uh I need to learn what these things mean Chad what's this mean okay what is what is this Chad what is Chad what is this what's this Crystal Pokemon oh cool I want to go to the sparkles because I like smart oh I need to catch you no don't kill it oh it's fine all right now we can catch it oh that was perfect foreign is it any good um I I love this this is my favorite way to play Pokemon it's why I loved Pixelmon so much like just being able to explore the Pokemon region and just play Pokemon the way you want to it's my favorite thing in Pokemon like the wild areas were so fun in sword and shield Legends Arceus was an absolute blast I can't even tell you how much I loved that game so to have a game that is you know obviously more like sword and shield but like Legends Arceus I'm just able to roam about and have a blast and beat up shroodles and then go to the shiny Sparkles and what what is this hello hello Meowth [Music] it's so sparkly what hat does it have [Music] did the Meowth has a funny hat let's go okay you cannot catch a Pokemon while it's just realized you'll need to reduce its HP to break through its transformation all right let's beat up the cat pop its balloons it's like a Mario party like when you have to throw the items at them they have three balloons and once the three balloons are gone they're out I can do that easy pop the balloons now I can catch funny hat Meowth let's go ice big fan [Music] nice here for it yo and there's a raid over there how do I get over there this game is sick man I'm having a blast I'm having so much fun like so like way way too much fun ugh okay did I catch a squirven I don't remember honestly I think I did can you man I chat how do you how do you not get distracted in this game like I feel like I should progress but I also feel like I need to check every Pokemon in the wild and find like all the shinies I really do want to find a shiny before today ends I I don't know why I just feel I feel a deep need to find a shiny first day you know kind of we're a little pm7 you know guaranteed down hmm caught most of the Pokemon here pop-up I think the key if I can give any advice to anyone who does want a shiny hunt find an area where the Pokemon shinies oh look it's a little uh little guy hey dude give me ghoul give me your coin all right give me gold give me ghoul give me gold I see you give me your coin there we go but look for a shiny in a place where um the shinies really stand out because there's gonna be a lot of shinies that all of us miss every single one of us is going to fail a shiny if not multiple the thing is you want to know what the shiny looks like pretty like [Music] like a drastic shiny pretty definitively know what's going on there strudel doodle doo truel Doodle Dandy I got no idea what's going on there hey shirtle you shining or I'm gonna kill you nope you're just dead and if you don't know just do the automatic battle because your guy will not kill shinies [Music] shroodle Doodle went to town doodle doodles [Music] I can make it aha oh I did let's go I didn't know if you could do that yo look at me go hey Birds Kaka nice what level are you gonna be at level 18. I'm fine with that did some decent damage hmm mm-hmm will you just be nice America I feel like you're very annoying when it comes to catching and I just kind of want to move on ah first one that I didn't catch in the first Pokeball man oh man [Music] oh man I guess I could just throw out a uh a great ball [Music] I do have to make a decision though of like I don't know if I want to go into areas ahead of time with the Pokemon I can't catch easily because it's gonna be a little Annoying if they're just obliterating my team and it'll be very tough I found a shiny I just couldn't catch it so maybe I maybe I go back what is wrong you're at like you have no HP this is actually so annoying why you're a dumb bird I'm running I'm running like a a coward okay no Merrell what is this hi come on hi I need to regroup I seriously need to regroup I'm overwhelmed I'm being swarmed by the Pokemon this is not good I need to be able to to jump off the cliff and land okay we're fine things have gotten a little dicey our best Pokemon is very injured let's just jump into the no [Music] oh no oh no Oh no I got here too quickly what was I thinking okay let's grab let's grab the items quick because I can't help myself I really would like them I didn't realize oh no guys my Pokemon are not strong enough for the raid these Pokemon are beating me up I'm not doing the raid no no Chad I'm not I'm not doing the raid I'm saying it now I'm not doing the no we're not gonna do it my team is too weak and Dunsparce hurts my feelings and I don't want to think about it and I don't want to talk about it right now so we're gonna leave chat uh I I need to go heal first okay we can go to a different raid okay we'll go to a different rate we need to heal we got to the the worst spot or the we got to a spot where the levels were too high okay we're gonna go a little bit at a time chat foreign I'm not listening um interesting wait you can set a picture on the map I'm actually kind of confused what do you mean by that what do you mean by that plus what x profile change photo profile picture take new photo oh yeah yeah look at me it's it's look look at me yeah yeah oh that was that was not great there we go but can I get it when he's like his eyes are closed damn it no I can time this I can time this damn it I didn't I can do this I can do this I can do this no I I can definitely do this okay I'm so stupid [Music] damn it fine this is a picture I don't care it's great it's great okay it's fine it's all fine all right Let's uh let's check out the map everyone's called me a big old coward me cowardly coward coward man they said all those words and they all hurt um I think that's where we just were but I I think that's probably still worth it let's set that as the destination I'm pretty sure we had to get on top of the mountain to go there well so let's see if we can figure it out okay let me raid with you friendship I don't know how that works Katie if you can help hold my hand and not accidentally let other jabronis join absolutely [Music] I'm very worried of the chaos that may ensue I guess if they join the raid it's not bad I saw that like people joining your game people can just start like like people with hacked switches can join and like mess everything up for you and I'm now very very nervous about letting the the riffraff join you never know what to expect but I guess if it's in a raid it's not like they're going to do anything [Music] foreign I'll figure it out I just need to get to a uh array and we'll be good all right let's see I I was trying to go somewhere um I all right chat I I was good for like a good uh like what I've been streaming three three hours and 40 minutes I didn't get overwhelmed once until now I'm gonna be honest chat I've gotten wildly overwhelmed in the past five minutes now chat the beauty of an open world game is that you can do anything which is great but the not fun part is if the chat turns into a hundred people saying do different things it's it gets very overwhelming so I'm gonna nip it in the butt uh like this little just little little pinch little a little pinch on the the collective chats took us stop please stop I'm begging [Music] so we gotta we gotta grab the combi we'll get the female Combi but then we'll make our way to a raid but Chad I'm gonna get I'm gonna get distracted along the way and that's part of the fun you know I'm gonna I'm gonna find a strudel and I'm Gonna Catch the strudel I'm gonna you know find a shiny I'm gonna say hey shiny what's going on I'm gonna see some items on the ground I'm gonna grab them you know I'm just here to to goof about to walk around have my Pokemon absolutely accidentally like glitch in the map you know it's gonna be a good time [Music] I appreciate it Sarah Terrell I appreciate it I mean I love streaming I will say like I feel like oh no don't fly away no no I need I need the female one come on female Combee dang it oh I stink but I love streaming and I do love streaming the new games but it can be a little overwhelming like learning a new game while also trying to entertain so there's gonna be some ups and downs with it you know you stick around ideally there'll be more UPS than the Downs no wait where no where's the female kombi oh there it is all right perfect we're good there we go I assume we can find a Vespa coin eventually but I don't see a reason um not to snag this while I can why do I love Pokemon so much I don't know uh it's the first video game ever got and I just kind of fallen in love with it since [Music] I mean for me I just love every aspect of Pokemon like I was really into competitive Pokemon for a long time I love shiny hunting always did I just love collecting in general it's a very replayable game like it's you know I don't know it's like little monsters pretty much every aspect of Pokemon is something I really enjoy in games and honestly them adding this open world feature and allowing me just to wander and I do whatever I want even better just having a blast you just bounced around on this guy oh is that a gimme ghoul gamble cool what's going on little buddy give me your coin nice I don't know what the Gimme ghoul coins do but I would like all of them how much am I enjoying the game so far I'm having a blast I I mean just an absolute blast [Music] gonna go to the shiny light gonna go to the shiny light I'm gonna go to the shiny light and get a Pokemon with a hat we're gonna go to The Shining Light it's a flamingo hello Flamingo how are you doing no what are you doing you're embarrassing me go to the flamingo low flamingo so what what's up with the flamingo Pokemon guys is it is there anything special with it or is it literally just a flamingo like what what am I missing is this just a flamingo like what what's the unique part of it I like it still but I need to know it's wait flamigo flamigo foreign apparently ties the base of its neck into a notch that the energy stored in its belly does not escape from its beak it's a fighting type flamigo this is a fighting type the flamigo amigo flamigo flamigo wait what was that one Migo song is just wait just simply fight night flamigo that's a fighting type yeah I'm naming that fight night that's that's easy what a throwback yeah I swear absolutely absolutely naming it fight night and I'm gonna look into my box a month from now and be like why why do I have a flamingo named fight night I don't understand I did consider for a second like oh I'll name it after the one of the Amigos like that's now I'm sad I'm just gonna do this and move on right I kind of I don't know if I want it on the team um I don't know I I don't I like the idea of it oh oh this is all right never mind wait what what wait what just happens my controller just stopped wait [Music] what is my controller not working I think my controller just died on me yeah my controller just died oh that was so weird all right let's do it right now all right um sure okay let's see Katie are you good to join did you say you want to join challenge is a group change your Pokemon I didn't oh okay and then I just Wiggles you're offline two head I I don't know man I'm all ready to go I'll we'll do the next one together we'll we'll friendship next time I don't know man I I we'll figure it out you know I'm clicking buttons hey I'm clicking buttons here hey I'm clicking hey I'm clicking buttons here hey I'll clicking buttons hey I don't know they all have fun outfits okay hmm they got a dog bark bark they got a weasel okay flying type rockruff interesting okay hi hi I see the vision I see what's going on a little water gun that did no damage at all oh no oh no awesome you know I I I'm trying I'm trying my best oh this is so much better oh this is way better okay yeah we're gonna do a lot more of these if I see these we're absolutely doing them this is worth it Wiggles no Wiggles Wiggles eat your fruit salad buddy come on [Music] it avoided not Wiggles no oh no oh this wouldn't have happened if Katie was here let's that's my that's that this guy's bad [Music] Wiggles get back out there buddy get out there wiggles hi there we go easy now we get the bark bark with the fun hat can I do you automatically Catch It you automatically catch these right it really hurt my feelings otherwise nice look at us go oh whoa that's a lot of stuff that is so many things I I'm a big fan of all of that nice do you remember when you had crazily long hair no crazily like but I think of crazily long hair I think of like Jack he's got long hair I've never had hair like that in my life I've had like uh during quarantine when I couldn't get a haircut that was tough but crazily long hair I don't know if I've ever had crazily long hair all right Katie hey hey friendship hey we're we're gonna do a friendship hey let me see give me give me coin Capital hey give me your gobble goal going hey there we go okay fine back to Friendship hey hey Mikey you think you think he likes what he sees I want I want to get this though [Music] yeah wait where is Mikey hey Mikey hey he's like a kid in a candy shop look at this Evan J TV hey come on Mikey hey come on do you like what you see Mikey hey uh uh did you look at that wait wait no no we got to take a picture for Mikey we gotta take a picture for him yep I pose real quick yeah yep oh that's that's the shot that's what Mikey likes to see right there I what oh what okay so let's see [Music] hmm what's the it's okay oh Mikey I'm letting him down oh I don't know what button to click because my stupid chat is covering what's the freaking take a picture button that this is Chad this is bad if what is the take a picture button okay what it's the switch picture button is it wait no that was that was a regular one this is wait what is it the square button I I there we go okay I took the picture right did I do it I think I did I don't understand there is an actual it's a screenshot oh [Music] this is stupid I I thought this would be so much I thought it would be easier I thought it would be like hey we got a picture you you take a picture it's the the screenshot button in the game that feels it feels dumb I can sell I can selfie with it oh oh that would that would hurt us that would hurt his feelings okay that's a good call it's a good call I don't know the buttons yet I'm clicking random buttons and hoping it works okay there we go it's just hey it it's me hey look at that hey look at us Mikey yeah do your thing he loves it he loves it when trousy does that he loves it hey look at this hey uh this is great I I'll make sure to send that to him later yeah no all right now let's do a raid um I know how to do this no you can open okay the flamingo went away thankfully all right let's save I'll connect to the internet it'll be great okay see this is this is progress [Music] okay perfect and now I do this challenge as a group perfect invite friends with a link code sure there's Katie you better you better use the you better use the code we'll see how this goes oh she's not gonna get in and you're gonna be very fairly angry with me hey yes not gonna be mad at me let's go I didn't mess enough friendship friendship random people are going to join well probably and I'm sure who cares Ryan has a dog spun Ryan you understand Ryan oh this is the first time I'm gonna get to see talk spun Ryan you better ride you better see there we go Ryan there we go Ryan oh I want to see the dox button hey Katie Katie I want to see the dog spawn Katie what are you waiting for Katie come on come on you're just you're just the friend I was looking for [Music] okay there we go all right Minecraft Mario that's what we like to see night where's the docks bun come on come on is that bug is that a bug hat oh look at dark spot it's so adorable it's a gumball convoxin oh I love it so much all right let's let's burn the sun current alive so easy that was so easy [Music] oh man uh docs bunny you did so good you did so good [Music] oh wow big fan wait why did someone say cope doesn't even make any sense oh man it was easy because you had Katie yourself it's true Austin it's true [Music] wow oh we got pearls too I did not expect Sun Kern to give me treasure I could settle for billions night all right all right all right are there any more Gaba ghouls yeah I don't care about you son Kern cool [Music] [Music] oh drowsy I guess I should catch one of you for the Pokedex I guess there is a reason for that go to a gym oh boy you are in the wrong stream let me let me tell you right now I will beat a gym today I can't promise you when I'll be in the gym today I'm having a blast man I had so much fun doing anything but the gyms [Music] oh man I am just we're running around it remembers every dream it eats it rarely eats the dreams of adults because children's are much tastier Mikey Mikey has a way of picking a Pokemon doesn't he [Music] oh no [Music] okay [Music] um [Music] damn it [Music] oh boy it's fine it's fine nothing happened nothing happens all right what else is there to see aha I want to fly scarlettler so much fun despite the weird hiccups with some graphics it's uh it's overlooked by how awesome gen 9 is I think you were the five and honestly I I fully agree I'm not a big like the graphics are not going to bother me as much as maybe they should um I would say the graphics are the one thing like holding this back from being like a 10 out of 10 game or experience I'd say but if this is the future of Pokemon oh my God I'm so excited I this is just this is the kind of gameplay I need in the Pokemon game like let me into a world have the Pokemon run around and let me do whatever I want let me roam around like a goofball and just collect items I'm having an absurd amount of fun just picking up all of the items it's not that exciting oh whooper I don't love that you can still run into the Pokemon and get into battles like when you're well that's just I understand that you have to run it like I know my words aren't coming to me because I'm very conflicted I understand why running into a Pokemon gets you into battle it is very annoying though like I like the two other ways of starting a battle with like sending it out like to beat them all up like I'm about to do or the um you know the regular battle um is there a raid anywhere or um not a raid but an outbreak what does an outbreak look like I want to go to an outbreak that's a Titan badge [Music] I don't know I don't really know how to look what is the first gym also [Music] what what's the first gym chat brass all right yeah sure yeah we'll get there yeah we'll just we'll just set ourselves in the right direction and get there oh my God I'm going to beat you up you have a hop-up in front of you if you battle with a hop if I am going to absolutely obliterate your face Alejandro I'm not worried oh only level 11 we're fine all right let's get wiggles out get wiggles out you know the drill guys I don't know why everyone's saying bug I'll I'll check out what I did after I do the battle chat I see everyone's saying bug I'm in a battle I I made a goopsy or yeah goopsy oopsie whoopsie okay I don't I don't really know what else is happening [Music] all right Rock Brooke that's kind of annoying we're gonna be honest [Music] oh the bug Jim's the first one okay and why did someone say grass can we shame them I I'm actually very annoyed is is this really what's gonna happen here they're gonna double team and hmm [Music] Chad I'm not I'm not having fun right now this is the first not fun I've had this is like regular Pokemon why why would they do this to me I don't like this one bits I'm bringing in froggerton Gokey what's the first um Titan crab man oh that makes me want oh I I done killed it easily there you go little guy nice [Music] yeah let's go beat up claw first I like that idea it's made of cloth Chad I'm gonna be honest there's like a few things for like why isn't it like a you know a big thing you can do the the gyms in any order Chad I got I got this game this morning there's a lot I'm just figuring out and I know that some people the way they play a game is they learn everything they can beforehand I respect it not this guy this guy went in like [Music] they got Pokemon I like Pokemon foreign I got very little idea of what's going on Beyond ready the Pokemon thing heard there are some performance issues speak on it um there have been a few performance issues none of them have affected my enjoyment of the game but they definitely exist so yeah I don't know I mean they're not great but they weren't that big of a deal no I didn't want to run into you oh I don't have you actually I'll catch you cheerleading a bird caca nice chat I see a lot of you guys like will randomly ask like oh can the next John Michael cup have like this person chat the John Michael cup is called the John Michael cup because my first name is John and my middle name is Michael and Mikey's first name is John and his middle name is Michael what we're not gonna just add someone willy-nilly who's not a John Michael it quite literally wouldn't make any sense so I understands the uh the excitement of possibly adding more people but it don't make no sense is there a shiny hoppip back there or am I going insane it was a regular hop if I was going insane [Music] all right chat here's the thing we're gonna challenge as a group right invite anyone with a link code we're gonna do this Mikey's first name is John that's why it's called the John Michael cup chat wake up sheeple what have we found another John Michael it's the only chance you have foreign [Music] I drank a large coffee I'm gonna have to use the the restroom way too often the game's the game but what I'm gonna do is each time we'll find uh we'll find a raid like this and then you know the people in The Raid can help me it'll be great like everyone's gonna say yes we're gonna get into the raid they're gonna win for me and then I I can go to the bathroom and no no one will be upset no one will be none the wiser and people are not going to make fun of me for my baby bladder it will not happen foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign what's going on Harrison Harrison [Music] and Harrison what are we doing Harrison oh Harrison hi Harrison I had to I had to click accept anyway so it wasn't really a it wasn't that big of a deal but I'm still upset with Harrison hi oh that's a fun name or a hat I like the Hat okay all right Paul me you're an electric type right as French Canadian each time you say I think about poop because it literally means that in French now you know it's spelled Kaka baguette oh God they finished their message with baguette they're actually French oh no oh no wait so when I was saying Kaka I'm a Reshiram I'm saying who I'm a Reshiram because that's the tough look for your boy and I'm going to ignore it I'm going to ignore that oh wait you had said you're French Canadian oh no oh no my mom's side of the family that's very French is very French Canadian no no oh boy oh no [Music] hmm hello pommy parlez-vous Francais no I I did not struggle in school much except for when I got to foreign language there was the only the only glass I ever struggled with was foreign language and boy did I struggle well okay actually I guess I got A's I did not retain a single thing of it I still don't understand how it happened thinking back we had what French 2 as a freshman in French three as a sophomore in high school I got an A in French three and I didn't learn any french and I I like forgot more French from the year before than I learned and then I decided I'm not taking any more foreign language because I think I would legitimately fail or have to get like multiple tutors [Music] I don't know I you know the French teacher hey plus bless his heart ah nice guy I it's very difficult for kids to get an A in your class while genuinely not learning but I he found he found a way to allow that to happen um can I parkour parkour parkour parkour I did it all right what what now parkour parkour parkour [Music] cool or meatball sure parkour you're in the water no get out of here I was jumping over you that was all right that was annoying I you know what I I didn't love that but uh speaking of things that I do love I need to go beat up a crab crab people crab people [Music] oh crap people grab people where is the crab is this the crab crab people crab people [Music] I don't remember the rest of what was said in that bum bum bum bum bum what is that hey you I no no I don't you're a bird no one cares about you bird get out of here no hey other Pokemon I do not care about you right now I see something and I must investigate what what is this what is this huh herein lie seal the ruinous tablets yeah all right I thought there was going to be a little more to it where's my shiny [Music] okay um I feel like I probably need to teleport somewhere I feel very lost feel lost and confused and scared and confused and scared and also confused but I can climb up the mountain but now on the mountain oh but then there's things I can grab oh wait a minute wait parkour oh come on John you can do this there we go look at that that was pretty cool nice cool parkour are you from Canada no I'm not from Canada now no sorry no I just have a family that is French Canadian and the only thing I know about the Ming French Canadian is my my grand well I call my um my grandmother on that side Meme and my my grandfather on that side Pepe and I just know that when they taught or helped their um kids with French homework like they would always fail because there would be like French King because meme is not grandmother in French it's like Grandma in like French Canadian [Music] um all right let's uh someone said behind shiny what what what is the Pokemon shiny chat if you wanted me to believe there's a shiny you have to say the name of a Pokemon that actually could spawn here [Music] um okay I want to go to the crab crab people crab people where did I where did I put the thing I'm gonna be honest I'm very overwhelmed by the map okay but so I go there can I fly to these places yet no I have to make my way there um okay interesting a little okay a little overwhelming sort of Traverse the map that's fine we'll make our way there eventually and I think if we go up the hill and then to the right then we'll be good there we go oh this is a female Palm they call them mommy hey it's [Music] yeah you might be stay you might be on to something here and you might be on to something here I don't know if I'm gonna follow your lead but you know what it's you know go for it all right you me so [Music] I guess we could just go there yo a fellow pirate with a 49 99 Super Chat thank you so much uh is that gonna bring the shiny luck is that what I needed I needed a pirate here thank you so much you did not need to do that I really do appreciate it though thank you thank you truly all right thank you thank you [Music] chat is this gonna be like a like a continual Chat thing where like everyone in chat is trying to trick creators into thinking they're missing shinies but like it's not even done well it's just a lot of people saying the word shiny you missed a shiny shiny because it's like like what do we what are we doing here so no question marks near me okay so I have to go over here go over the bridge all right we're making we're making sense hmm see the thing is Chad I'm a little worried of how how old this is gonna get like If Everyone is always saying shiny you missed a shiny rather than chat being able to get me and trick me and make a fun moment I'm just going to ignore chat and more and more you know I think that I think that's what chat's missing now Jack Mr purplecliff he will use that and then try to make content out of it often he's you want to trick someone Jack will take it and run for me I'm just gonna be like huh random child in the chat I've seen you type the word shiny 30 times in the past four hours I didn't believe you the first time or the last time but if you guys don't do it all the time and you wait for the right moment that's how you trick someone you know it's the boy that cried wolf foreign you know how that story goes my stomach is a growling I may need to go get a snack of rooski we'll see I need a shy knee but I'm also very lost I hey guys why am I so bad at this game what like what why why can't I move forward wait what why why am I struggling so much to make progress you're not a shiny right now like I feel what the heck is that a sword [Music] how do I [Music] I yeah damn it I don't know how to progress in this game what is wrong with me [Music] I'm like legitimately because this is like the beginning of Legends Arceus where I felt so holy over what how why okay I'm gonna go here there we go I'm gonna I'm gonna go here fly here there we go this will help this will help okay there we go all right have I beating anything with the three stories no I've just gotten very lost repeatedly but I think I think I'm making progress [Music] yes the Arvin Arvin I got lost okay [Music] Arvin I got lost I I get it I'm gonna go and find the Titan I'm gonna do it oh man [Music] let's do that because I'm on top of it I let's find no I gotta I I can do this I can do that sorry it's finally time to make a little progress let's go take on the giant crab and get the super powers for the legendary and then I can fly around it'll be great okay it'll be great I feel like you should get your snackies though I I'll get this I'm gonna get into a raid and then I'll get the snackies that's a good call enjoy oh enjoy picnicking no I need to picnic oh sure yeah let's let's learn about picnics okay the game is I'm gonna be honest I'm doing this now I feel significantly hung wait what there's so many Pokemon here I haven't caught oh this is so overwhelming oh I okay yeah but I I need to catch the Mario Minecraft Pokemon I don't understand why this exists I have to catch this who thought this was a good idea I need it on the team [Music] I need it and I need it now there we go no Katie when it evolves when it evolves wait where's the first one I thought the evolution was the sack oh you're thinking yeah yeah I'm there's no way I'm going to keep this on the team than evolve it no no no there's there's no way that's mushroom like Mario Minecraft guy it's not a it's not a team member it's not a full-time uh member of the squad foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now we can catch the spoink now we can catch this point [Music] how many gyms have I beaten [Music] that's a good one Spike will dive at stops bouncing why do they keep that going why do they keep that going spoink don't listen to him spoink you you can do you can do anything spoink when they say jump you don't have to say how high you don't have to say how high buddy you don't all right chat I love my pal purple clip I love him to death but spending my the entire stream telling me uh about purple Clifford to call Purple Cliff it's my first playthrough of the game chat there'll be plenty of time and plenty of videos I'll do with the purple Cliff man but for now we're just we're hanging out having a good time we're gonna go to the giant crab and beat him up we're gonna go find a shiny and then everyone will call me cool you know whoa we'll talk to the uh the long-haired tall man eventually we'll see what's going on with them but we gotta we gotta make some progress first what am I gonna do update him before I have a shiny no you need to have a shiny to rub in people's faces first come on chat come on Shanks oh I need one of you on the team too you are cool without the shiny you say that Hector and I appreciate it but it might not be true one shiny every stream that's a goal are you short-haired tall man and Mikey is just short man I can accept that yeah pretty Trail I think that's fair [Music] the the pre or what is the the pre-order bonus 100 pokeballs honestly big fan as someone who really wants to like complete the Pokedex very worth it just having a hundred immediately so anytime something pops up I just snag it it's great he's completing the Pokedex when you've gone through the game and just not caught much can be so frustrating and this this is perfect hey your first shiny makuhita congrats on that that is amazing congrats congrats truly man oh man you love to see it you'll love to see it I we do already have a young goose already we're gonna keep going all right I don't like any of these guys are shiny you gotta really keep your eye out for the the new Pokemon but a little bit of a raid a little raid uh skit noodles I think that's a move oh oh we could get gas we could get a little frog guy with a hat let's go oh my god let's go Katie you ready Katie you gotta you gotta be ready Katie Katie I need my snack this was my snack raid [Music] hey this is my snack right Katie Katie you our team go get the snack Daddy okay this is important it is important pause champ oh I want the snack of my my tummy is rumbling it's rumbling bumbling stumbling Mike alstott hi Katie you gotta be ready to go [Music] all right go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go foreign can you imagine this was shiny can you imagine come on come on This is Our Moment This is Our Moment kale oh [Music] yeah there it is all right I I need everyone to be ready ready to go and then I can grab I can click Start everyone can battle for me and I can get my snack all right I'm ready I'm ready to go ready at a moment's notice there it is start perfect snack time foreign [Music] what is it what is that is there an ax in its head is there just an ax in its head yo that is sick that is so cool oh I love this thing oh let's go [Music] foreign we need this on the team this is the real froggerton a luxury Ball come on easy little snack [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yes all right froggerton rogerton the second what froggerton two to the team there we go all right oh it's a cave what's in the cave I'm very intrigued by the cave oh that wasn't that exciting Chad Chad I thought the game would be a little bit more exciting wait did I just go into the cave and immediately you know what whatever it's fine I feel a little silly but that's you know that's par for the course [Music] are you a new kid yeah uh it depends who's asking right we're making progress we're making a little please no crap I did I see a shiny I feel like I saw a shiny I'm not sure rookie I need you out of the way I am so sick of running into a Pokemon it wasn't a shiny I want you dead I don't even know who you're beating up at this point oh okay Pokemon I need you out of my way you're done yeah you're making me all grumbly whoa what is this like I'm assuming it's a regular raid but it looks special ah gets another broke it's a dragon frog Dragon frog all right all right let's get Katie foreign [Music] frog [Music] [Music] oh for anyone wondering I'm having just like a protein bar right now just get a little little protein pulled me over a bit [Music] um [Music] right foreign not commentating as much chat I just I need a snack to sustain me so we can keep moving our way to the big crab to beat up the crab [Music] it looks so cool it looks very cool I love it foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign I like the raid music there we go froggerton the Third [Music] frogon is great but I feel like I've committed to froggerton one and then two then three so I feel like I have to keep going with it so that's how we're gonna do that also chat if you guys want to do these raids with me like I'm just gonna keep doing what we've been doing I'm just like leaving it open so if you're ready to go he's gonna go for a raid feel free there's a lot of people like oh my God can you do a raid with me specifically no there's 3 000 people here but if you're able to like join in and luckily be a part of it all right best chance of that happening is the end to be on your game so I would just say watch out for the opportunity Jigglypuff you shiny Jigglypuff I don't know you could have a fun hat do you have a fun hat what's going on all right [Music] um I'm gonna get oh is that a wire type Jigglypuff why well I don't know there's still our strongest Pokemon I may need to go to a pokey Center pretty soon but hopefully I can figure that out are you a big dumb dummy come on Jigglypuff what are you thinking [Music] um ghost hat manky I mean if you're able to get you know like a specific hat on a Pokemon awesome but I don't really know if we're at a point where we have much say in like what kind of hat we get in these Pokemon it's kind of like whatever happens happens right there we go all right all righty sure I'm gonna make sure I'm like actually changing the um the moves and not just being a silly Billy sometimes I'll do that it's interesting I'm still like not focused on um I don't know like training things up or doing the actual Pokemon things I'm just so much more focused on the exploring and the tomfoolery but I feel like for the crab I probably wanna level up my Wiglet right [Music] so maybe I want to put wigglet in front and have it like beaten things up I don't know we'll see [Music] is there like a pokey Center like where am I even trying to go these are no okay there is a pokey Center here like very close to me I don't know I get lost so much in this man I have been getting really overwhelmed with this game I I will say it is taking a bit to get used to how drastically different this Pokemon game is to any other one yo whoa it's the little fire dude yo I want this thing oh my God let's go I didn't realize you could just catch this thing oh my God oh no that did way too much damage hi it's fine Wiggles you may be going down but it's gonna be worth it because we're gonna catch Char Cadet I'm sorry Wiggles you're kind of bad [Music] all right let's get so back out there it's difficult because I was thinking I might replace the starter with this guy but I've kind of I've gotten attached to the starter I don't know if I want to do it but I want this thing on the team it's going to be a difficult decision [Music] all right we caught it I think that was a what a critical capture so that's pretty cool [Music] but what are we gonna name this thing this is a big question I don't know what to name it foreign I mean that that's not a bad idea hmm Buzz Lightyear I'm not against light year actually well actually I'm gonna name it zero one of my first friends ever made on YouTube it was a huge Mega Man Fan this thing reminds me of Mega Man so I'm gonna name it zero but the question is do I put it on the team I think I put it over la chonk le chunk James pretty good this thing incredibly cool I think I gotta put it over Le chunk James all right thank you so much for coming to member I appreciate the heck out of you all right but I do need to heal so let's go to that Pokey Center and then I mean maybe it's worth doing a little training up okay this is big [Music] because right now I want to do the Titan but I don't know if my team's good enough to deal with the Titan fire overlap I Cry chat chat you get way too particular things Chad you gotta you gotta ease up it like some people get way too stressed out watching other people play Pokemon they're like you get overlap but wait get the mystery gift now it's almost straw it's it's almost stressful how stressed people get watching people do different things and it's it's very interesting it like it'll pop up every once in a while it's like I'm sorry Chad I'm just I'm gonna do I'm gonna do the thing I'm just I'm just gonna do different things I'm sorry if it's stressing you out um wait do you not have what you only have regular Pokeballs yeah when do I get Great Balls man what what the heck hmm all right you [Music] defeat six right I mean we could probably do that I need to find some Pokemon for for Wiggles to go against uh-huh [Music] Arvin I Arvin I'm trying to I'm trying to train up man I know it's around here I'm I haven't given up on the mission buddy I just sent it out to battle you ugh I don't want to do the regular old battle [Music] mm-hmm [Music] depending on the game so far I've been having a blast I love the game it's a little overwhelming when you're like allowed to do whatever you want to do I'll be honest like I'm a bit like like what should I be doing what do I even want to be doing but it is the greatest problem to have I'm just bouncing around on the legendary seeing what there is to see trying to level up the Wiglet because I think that's going to be necessary for me to beat up the crab I should actually put the crab back on the map um there we go [Music] you were describing breath of the wild now I'm gonna be honest Chad I would not say this game is as good as breath of the wild definitely not close to as polished but I'm having a blast this is a pretty high bar I'm very much enjoying it Alicia the musician okay Alicia [Music] hmm all right Wiggles do you think you could do this wig all right Wiggles if you if you hit yourself in the head you got a short leash Wiggles everyone's calling you sauce they're all laughing at you Wiggles they're laughing at you and they're laughing at me [Applause] Wiggles if you go to sleep Wiggles I swear Wiggles come on buddy come on Wiggles what is this I didn't even mean to click that Wiggles copycat what are you gonna go to sleep too all right there we go Wiggles come on buddy you wouldn't do it to me you wouldn't there we go nice wait does wiggles have a higher attack Stat or special attack stack because I actually don't know and I'll take that though [Music] okay now I'll take your money I need that I'm broke um you no no you check summary um yeah the attack stat is way better um how do you like order them rearrange the moves there we go perfect um change moves remember moves that's pretty cool all right oh Wiglet you are a little wiggle man Hey look it's the sword I want the sword I can get wait can I get up there wait I can do this [Music] yeah I did it yeah what's this thing [Music] but what's the worst that could happen oh oh [Music] was I not supposed to do that oh wait the experience candy yeah what if I just gave candy to my my Wiggles I ruined it oh no foreign you can't get that back wait what do you mean [Music] oh JK I'm trolling oh my God [Applause] now I need to save what what up dog um are you playing Scarlet Violet right now yeah of course what do I look like a dumbo um so this was five minutes ago I ran away from the shiny it's so easy to see now right now five is shiny the trunk the same color as company and they both are next to each other it looks like a pig it looks like a pig you dummy your mom looks like a pig [Music] that man is ugly on the inside and the outside foreign [Music] for it I won't stand for it it's a that's a it's a it's a mean mean man and you know what he's gonna stoop that low well what I'm gonna say about his mother she's a great lady I've heard very nice things about her what are you rock oh it's it's my friends thank you wow wow wow I hope he runs away from 20 more shinies [Music] you think you know a guy you think you know a guy the lights get too bright and he crumbles and he just becomes a mother bully a man that bullies mothers the lowest of the low wow I'm gonna be honest chat I feel like I need a shy any more than ever I feel like I need a shy any more than ever hey let me see you hey I don't I don't know how many I want to Wiggles there you go wig I want you to be all big and strong Wiggles I don't know when you evolve but I I want you to be all big and strong now now you are big and strong Wiggles you are big and strong Jack has pushed me to this I am upset and I need to beat up the crab we are going to beat up the crab immediately we are going to beat up the crab and then we will find a shiny this this will not stand this will not stand what is even talking about it looks like cottony all right we actually passed past some of this was just jokes some of this which is for realsies shiny coining these orange shining cotton is orange what is he talking about chat what's wrong with him he meant hoppip screen in shut you can't be honest you're sick chat you can't be on his side Chad if you're on his side I'm gonna have to call you a dum-dum Dugan do you guys all want to be dumb dumb dugans there's big old dumbbells [Applause] come on what do we man he fails a shiny and says it is the same color as an orange or a green shiny no one insults my mother it's on chat it's on all right all right Wiggles I'm gonna need you to obliterate everything in front of you this is serious business we have a crab to beat up we have a giant crab to beat up there we go all right now we're all bruisy and loosy [Applause] wow wow all right all right eye on the prize chat eye on the prize all right [Music] we're just gonna keep beating up all these random Minecraft mushrooms we'll beat up the trainers to get that experience in baguettes experience okay I think we've already been up here wait I've already battled you it's fine we're gonna heal up and then we're gonna keep on keeping on all right if Jack was colorblind then we're being really mean no he's not he's just he's just purple cliff he finds shinies and he fails shinies that's how he uh that's how he moves that's how he moves chat hmm all right [Music] there we go great ball that actually is nice until we can like actually buy Great Balls we need to stockpile those you battle me for a mighty chore Severino the office worker why is he look so evil oh no why does he look so evil night I feel like I probably could have gone for slam [Music] okay now Wiggles and I are on a mission uh one of the most important things we've ever done chat put a sec we're gonna catch a shiny before Jack catches a shiny huh but a seven inch out of you think we're gonna get one before purple Cliff gets one [Music] yeah we're almost at 5 000 likes Chad um I'm definitely not making things up but I think we get to 5 000 likes the shiny odds boost way up I think that's how it works [Music] nice Skidoo get out of here all right there we go Wiglet is so close to wug Trio and that's all that matters I are there any shinies up here huh any shinies for the shiny God huh Annie [Music] hmm you got what wiggle it destroy everyone in front of you [Music] it didn't even leave a scratch I'm gonna scare him so bad you're two feet tall in the grass okay or two feet tall in the grass get out of here what are you gonna have one Pokemon all right Wiggly I'm gonna need you not to miss just obliterate obliterate it get that thing out of here easy bonsley come on come on [Music] all right chat all right I'm feeling motivated oh and I'm seeing something I want to catch grasshopper that I really want a shiny hunt for oh do I call my shot oh I kind of want to call my shot is this gonna be the first shiny we get wigglet wigglet wigglet buddy buddy there we go [Music] I want to get a shiny nimble [Music] Jacoby Nimble Jacoby quick Jack run away from a shiny because you're a I shouldn't I shouldn't continue that rhyme [Laughter] I did not continue that rhyme boom boom nice I Nimble I don't think we're going hmm do I want to put a Nimble on the team I do like the idea of nimble hmm now we would name a shiny Jack nimble um what would I name this hmm frogmon Chopsticks gummy worm wimble Womble hmm you're dancing dangerously close to Bad Karma I don't think so I don't think so Hopper wait what wait what they hmm let's see you know what no I'm I'm not gonna name it I'm not gonna put it on the team because I'm gonna get a shiny of one of these I'm calling my shot I'm calling my shot Charles the 50. thank you played for nine hours before I took on the first gym of fun and good luck thank you so much red you did not need to send that over I appreciate the heck out of it I'm on a very similar path to than uh to you I am getting distracted every single moment at every single turn and I'm having a blast with it I need to eventually make some progress but it's so easy to get distracted and I really want to turn my my Wiglet into a wug Trio but we'll see Andrea that person said if I I beat six trainers they'd give me something for all of my trouble so I'm on a mission foreign [Music] that's fine [Music] all right [Music] cool there we go there we go easy peasy [Music] ought to be so young hey come on you don't need to you don't need uh the talk down to me like that I'm wise beyond my years Moonstone I think we do need a Thunderstone for belly bolt someone said so that would be nice to pick up somewhere I don't know where we'd be able to snag one but it would be nice [Music] oh okay interesting cause if we keep following the path we'll get where we want to go oh God they're surrounding me oh no they were surrounding me I had to run it was getting scary it was getting dicey for your boy oh Wiggles is actually getting a little a little her Oh Me Oh My God oh no okay hmm Wiggles right okay we're still bringing you out we're still gonna catch this thing we haven't seen a skadoo in the regional decks in a while so I'm gonna grab that and I'm actually gonna move that over there perfect I'll check the I'll check the Pokedex guys I'll check the Pokedex I got you I got you I appreciate it [Music] night skidoo skado scaboo scaloo Skip to My Lou words I say them whoa is that the Mallet thing look at that guy little little mullet guy that's Roman with a mallet how do I even get I don't know how to get to the Pokedex I do not I do not remember how to get to the Pokedex I've clicked every button is it how how do you oh I got to the Pokedex [Music] there we go [Music] oh 10 Ultra Balls is huge let's go dude [Music] what was this yeah sure okay very worth it uh we're definitely gonna catch the the Mallet thing this Pokemon is crazy cool tank a tank I do love that metal claw ugh [Music] I kind of want their team I don't know if we're gonna put it on because we can only have so many on the squad obviously but I don't know I'm intrigued [Music] we'll see tank a tank hmm [Music] is it stupid to name this thing Tinkerbell because I that's the only thing that's going through my head but fairy steel is crazy man I don't know this is pretty crazy I think I gotta name this Tinkerbell I know it's not the most creative name but hey sometimes it's just the the first thing that pops out there you know hmm the question would be who do we throw it on the team over [Music] Ginger is a knot oh Zelda I really I mean I like Zelda Zelda made Zelda may have to go and sit in the in the box for a little bit just a little just a little just those little like taking over taking a break he's almost done a really great job [Music] it's a lot of things for the team I'm just gonna relax a bit no Ginger will not be going to the Box chat you don't understand that is not that's a non-starter chat it's a non-starter no no not replacing Ginger Ginger is on the team permanently oh it's a crab [Music] hmm okay [Music] we're gonna have to go back and heal let's grab a bronzer first and we can go and do that wait where'd the bronzers go did I lose them how did I done lose them hmm hi let's go back and heal and then we'll we'll make our way can I evolve my thing into a belly Bowl immediately [Music] like is it worth evolving the tadpole already I kind of feel like I want to wait for it foreign [Music] can I can I do this um [Music] oh we can oh should I do it now Chad I think we gotta do it I think we got no no you come on oh oh come on let's go froggerton three oh with the dragon Terror type with the dragon drip on it yeah it's volleyball we did it look at it look at belly volt when this Pokemon expands and contracts his wobbly belly her body the belly button Dynamo in the stomach produces a huge amount of electricity look at it it's adorable look at it oh oh I love it I love it so much oh boxes all right all right that's not what I meant to do but let me go and look at you buddy you're perfect check moves can you like relearn moves I don't actually know how this works uh check summary [Music] change moves remember move let's see slack off okay that's pretty solid actually maybe that over charge it wasn't much money but I'm only 11 this is my first stream and I overslept because I went to bed midnight oh gosh no Chad never feel like there's a need to donate if you're ever like if you're ever supporting me monetarily and your first thought is I know it's not a lot no no no right there is never a need to support in you know any way or shape or form uh with your money and if you're able to I do appreciate the heck out of it but I don't want anyone to feel like they they need to or they owe me I really really appreciate it I truly do but I really dislike it you know if I hear that I don't want anyone to feel like they need to [Music] I really appreciate it I am [Music] um okay I'd completely forgotten what button allowed me to get on the the new guy I I was I was messing up I was done goofing I've already battled you hi we're on a mission chat I've been uh a distracted Daniel for too long and it's time to make some progress foreign [Music] there we go there is a crab and there is a guy with a picnic I appreciate it thank you [Music] wait can you heal up here oh perfect I didn't know you could heal at these things oh that's actually huge wow okay so that is good information to have well I guess with that we might as well try to catch one of the crabs [Music] show little dominance to the giant crab if we have a smaller crab I feel like that's how this works oh that did not do the damage I thought it might [Music] okay Wiggles you're gonna go down Wiggles you have the defense of a a small squirrel ah that broke its leg a bad sign we may need to turn Wiggles into a wug Trio before we get to the big crab a little bit worried about that oh come on Wiggles can't go from the team Wiggles I will not give up on Wiggles I believe in Wiggles Wiggles is my friend chat Wiggles is my friend and you don't just turn your back on Friends [Music] all right [Music] Willow West ooh that actually is a very very good move [Music] um oh they were fire spin I don't know I don't really think I need the fire guy but we'll have to see we're gonna have to make some big decisions with the team at some point [Music] I mean it's attack is better than special attack so maybe we do that all right am I stupid like should I have the face cam on the right side I had well Tyler told me the left side and I believe that probably still makes sense but I feel like so often I'm like having to get rid of things to see I don't know [Music] all right I need to heal because you never battle I guess that's fair those aren't as exciting they're not as exciting as the exploring exploring is so fun Tyler watch me I'll do a battle look at this yeah watch this yeah I'll battle this person and then they're gonna spray paint the wall they have a butterfly yeah yeah yeah I don't know if Wiggles is ready Wiggles is scared Wiggles needs to become wug when wig can become wug we can be ready for the battle trial by cloth oh that's good that was that was clever very clever all right losing calmed you down good I have to keep coming back through the heel but it's important Wiggles will Super Saiyan exactly eventually I'll get rid of Wiggles but right now I can't I can't give in to peer pressure and get rid of Wiggles do you know what that would do to wiggle self-confidence you know what Wiggles know we're ignoring everything Wiggles I'm gonna need you to come with me we need to find this crab everyone is laughing at you everyone thinks you can't do it Wiggles we need to prove them wrong [Music] there it is Wiggles it's time this is Wiggles Destiny hey hey you hey giant crab yeah look at me thank you very much Sam I how do I okay that was that was that was a weird glitch it's fine we can do this Wiggles don't listen to the haters don't listen all right let's let's save real quick I don't think the haters have a point but just in case they do let's just save real quick all right I heard there were some people doubting the one and only Wiggles [Music] yeah yeah creepy crab you think you're so big and tough and giant you think you could just me in two and kill me dead maybe that's true I don't think so [Music] there we go confuse it wear your hat wear your hat wear your hat wear your hat come on Wiggles come on how can you doubt a Pokemon that magnificent how can you doubt a Pokemon that glorious how could you doubt no it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine okay it's fine though it's fine [Music] go Wiggles [Music] wait no it's not over it's not over who's the sacrificial lamb okay you get in there no Chad it's Wiggles is not going outside no no Wiggles get back here what else it's not nap time all right what what happened oh I'm an idiot oh I'm so stupid it didn't happen no one saw it no one saw it it's fine Wiggles is back it's fine if nothing happened nothing happened we're fine we're fine Chad that's what I like to see I need an MVP champ for Wiggles stat I I need the MVP chant and I need it now [Music] Nine Zero from Zero to Hero Wiggles get out there I Wiggles we got the MVP chant going MVP MVP MVP MVP MVP coward coward did we do it oh we got it okay hi Wiggles Chase it down Chase it down Wiggles yeah get this coward out of here get this stupid crap oh foreign what is it doing Arvin Arvin it's there I really want Bagels he got me saying Bagels Biggles it's Wiggles it's it Biggles The Wiggles Wiggles the Biggles okay it's fine by Arvin I'm worried okay I'm a little panicked I'm a little flustered okay Arvin you're making Wiggles look silly okay he's got a shoulder out there that's perfect terrestrial eyes water pulse put on the Hat let's go chat I that that mvp chant we can't see that go away I need the I need that mvp chant to continue I'm gonna need that mvp chant to continue all right Biggles Wiggles how whoever you are come on that's some good damage that's good damage and we can most valuable Pokemon here it is [Music] it's fine it's fine you're slower now you big stupid oaf yeah that's right that's right foreign yeah that's fine all right it's gonna hit itself in confusion I'm not worried this is your moment Wiggles they doubted you your mother doubted you your father doubted you uh your own girlfriend called you dumb and ugly but it doesn't matter it made you stronger it made you The Wiggles you are and now you're beating cloth the Stoney Cliff Titan all by yourself Wiggles this is your your moments this is Wiggles time in the Sun do your dance little buddy you do your dance [Music] that's a Pokemon that's Pokemon chat foreign I just looked over and and the and the loser trophy the sticker fell off of loser and it fell into the toilet and it was just looking at me like this and this it the trophy has gotten significantly more humiliating because because now the loser is in in the it's it's physically in the toilet I I thought I had a big moment I I thought that was a big moment like oh wow ooh Wiggles had a big moment nope when I look over toilet trophy you stink John yeah you stink at least I have Wiggles on the side on my team at least I still have Wiggles Fido yay oh tail whip perfect [Music] okay what happens next Wiggles Save the Day all right look at my little buddy coming through like a champ don't you talk about wiggles like that [Music] um W for Wiggles thank you all right I bet somewhere in here there's more of the Irma mystica the Titan was eating well yeah I'd like to look around isn't that how you get shinies with the urban mystica Wiggles for Rookie of the Year that's what I like to see no way no way Jose hey it's a plant and it's ours now yay cool [Music] my doorbell I had something I was supposed to get delivered today I was very excited about it it was very gonna be very cool and I was gonna show it off and everyone was going to be stoked on it but it didn't get delivered I don't even have an update on it who hiss it says here that the sweet Urban mystica is good for both in that it helps Aid digestion so it's great for stomach aches too or when you want to stimulate the old appetite how's that help me big guy oh the legendary oh Arvin Arvin Arvin Arvin and Arvin original sandwich packed with a full of herbs I'll even give you a badge you know so thank you for taking on the Titan Pokemon call it a Titan badge maybe myself using a replica of the gym badges see Arvin [Music] I love that actually he looks so happy I was gonna make fun of him but I I love it oh I get to eat the sandwich oh finally oh no oh no oh no no come on oh no it's not for him oh fine [Applause] you could eat me if you wanted to Arvin it you don't understand what it says to me when you're not around it threatens so many so many types of harm against me so many various uh harms It's upsetting wow [Music] I get a sandwich too oh let's go wait a minute wait it can go fast now we can zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom oh that's so nice Arvin get out of my face dude I need to zoom around the region foreign [Music] Arvin I need you to stop talking my face off I need to become one with the the legendary one with the speed zoomy zoom zoom zoom zoom wait a minute I don't think arvin's a good guy foreign baby your son's sketching me out no that it did right oh that's very cool Sada baby I'm a little worried that was a weird map glitch okay um did I battle the I feel like wait is this a h oh actually yeah let's go here so we can um fly here easily and I assume okay yeah this is probably the first gym we should go again it's okay perfect this way we can make a little bit of progress which makes sense oh let's go I am speed I Am speech mcfast wow wow oh this is awesome this is awesome oh my God [Music] I love this [Music] are you kidding me all right Chad if you play this game get the speech option as soon as you can I I'm zooming I am zooming I do want a shiny crab though oh this is sick wait oh no oh okay now we're back up here but now wait then Zoom nice oh I love it um [Music] are you what's your health at big guy you fine you worry me sometimes no I want to evolve Wiglet guys I'm not I'm not trying to hold out on wigglet it's just you know gonna have to battle some more things it's gonna take some time oh I know what shiny cloth looks like don't worry don't you worry [Music] um oh there's so many things I can grab it's exciting Growler yo I didn't even know you could find one nice let's grab this thing clearly it's like somewhat rare in this area [Music] only 100 likes away from five thousand come on you haven't left the like already make sure yet you do and if you haven't subscribed yet please do uh when you subscribe to pm7 you find more shinies I haven't found any yet because you guys keep subbing and taking my luck you know what good good riddance take the luck find a shiny for yourself I'll find plenty I already know that come on you just just wanted to say I just found a shiny crab brawl that's what I'm saying just happens man but if you guys are enjoying the stream please do subscribe I really would appreciate seeing you guys in the Stream tomorrow we got videos coming at you left right and Center a lot of content I'm excited to get done for you guys [Music] one shiny every stream I mean that's the goal that is the goal am I going to turn this into a video the main series is probably just going to be um uploaded on the VOD Channel but we'll see all right [Music] what am I streaming again I'll be streaming again tomorrow we did get 5K guys we did indeed I do want to find one of those outbreaks I feel like that'd probably be my ticket to get in the shiny I so desire all right actually let's go to that Pokey Center Let's uh let's stop getting so distracted with every little thing that pops up [Music] oh hi you you think you're gonna you're gonna drop down on me a little sneak attack action it's not gonna work glove it's not gonna work hey Robert I appreciate the five for the shoddy luck thank you man thank you thank you thank you thank you I'll take I'll take it uh kindly so thank you thank you I don't know when I'm gonna start my stream tomorrow it might be a similar time to today could be a little bit earlier we'll see Christina the student hmm how many gyms have you challenged [Music] not many not many not many at all [Music] but we're making progress towards them we're making I mean I have a badge right I have one badge there we go [Music] thank you thank you kindly all right it might be nice to oh you stupid bird if I can beat a gym and then like maybe I can do a like a tight in a gym and then the I don't know that annoying team then the the next you know like hour or two could just be shiny hunting for a bit and see if we can get lucky you know I think that wouldn't be a bad idea at all there's still so much I'd like to explore over here but let's go and heal we're so close to Healing let's go do that not you hello yes ma'am guys I've already gotten a fish I had a fish on the team but I'm not gonna have fish on every single team it you know sometimes it just kind of takes up a spot you should still with me and then it's you know it's here in spirit she's not on the team at the moment you know and that's okay you know there's a time for fish there's always a Time foreign to me now hmm [Music] I do know that this thing is table salt I do indeed a grasshopper there we go is there anything crazy on the map over here no where are the like where are the outbreaks oh my God there's an outbreak of frogs wait a minute this is so important nothing else matters wait a minute wait a minute [Music] wait a minute wait none of this matters none of this matters get out of my way all of you you Hooligans out of my way wait oh my God if the frog is my first shiny I know I already used a Thunderstone on the other one but it's fine Can Am I can I make it it's fine okay I did it all right let's save wait I don't care all right you hi who who would beat the Frog up for me it'd probably just be the fire guy and we need that we need the fire guy for the next gym anyways bye perfect um oh my God Tauros that's sick [Music] hi Tauros um I feel like I can't catch you yet okay are you gonna bully me level 22 I would like a Tauros on the team so maybe we just a small break to get it we can always heal up afterwards guys I don't have auto save on all right perfect I feel like we're gonna need an Ultra Ball to catch a Tauros Tauros is so annoying oh let's go Ah that's sick I don't know what I'm gonna name the Tauros [Music] but I am hyped to have this my belly bolt we do not need you to know charge foreign body and excels in close quarters combat uses its short horns to strike the opponent's weak spots hmm is there any like famous Minotaur names Minotaur names for any like super famous Minotaur Minotaur hmm oh menos bull I could just name it Minos I mean I guess that's why it's Minotaur hmm hmm Maximus I kind of like Maximus too it could also just name it Minos Bowl just going straight hmm was going straight for the name just Minos ball Bullseye run Ride Like the Wind bullseye hmm Tauros hmm I honestly I like the idea of it just straight up Minos Bowl I don't know why it is so like to the point but there's something about it that I like all right foreign though this is a big decision because we have so many Pokemon that gotta stay I kind of think zero is gonna leave for now I don't know if Tauros is gonna be on the team long term but for now I I like it for now I feel like it's gonna it's gonna stay there for a bit I do not like how aggressive they are because I would like to heal and then go to the shinies but I'm I'm struggling right now run I'm never getting rid of ginger how dare you that's my puppy my I have a puppy that is a dachshund it's named Ginger and I will evolve the Fido into a dark spot and it will be the greatest dachshund Pokemon of all time if you have a dachshund you would understand dachshunds are the greatest things to ever exist I love my dog so much she makes me so happy actually being serious for a quick second because I I go in and get in and out of being just goofy and not very for realsies I've wanted a dachshund Pokemon for so long dachshunds are my favorite dogs dogs I mean I just love dogs in general so much they mean so much to me like uh the Dachshund at my mom's house was there through thick and thin you know when I needed needed any amount of Happiness needed anything to put a smile on my face you know the docks and Chloe was there and you know uh one of the first things I was able to do when I lived on my own was get my own puppy and I love Ginger so much and to have a dachshund Pokemon it just makes me very happy I don't know what to tell you it makes me so happy I know it's not the greatest Pokemon you know it's an early route Pokemon but oh I'm excited did you forget about frogs no no frogs are not as good of pets as dogs are I love frogs I will always love for I messed up I'll Always Love frogs but just because I I love frogs doesn't mean I I can't be a or just love dachshunds more than anything there we go perfect forget hamsters did I forget hamsters Maybe apparently it's like Lazar has been allowing people to ride on specs since ancient times depictions of this have been found in ten thousand year old murals oh my God okay no oh oh you're talking about the outbreak guys I did not forget about the outbreak I just got distracted chat I just got distracted chat I get distracted sometimes chat let's not lie I get distracted a lot but you know what I'm going to heal and then we'll go to it okay it was a little bit of a pit stop I don't know how outbreaks work though um so I may need some help I'm Gonna Save beforehand and we're gonna get a shiny I'm not gonna pm7 guarantee it because I don't know anything about the shinies in this game I think guaranteeing it would be foolish but wait can I just can I just run and jump off this cliff oh there wasn't a cliff okay um okay I see where we need to go I see it here we go perfect oh there's a lot of birds we haven't caught any of those guys yet but people don't want me to get distracted right now and you know what I get it I understand let's save and let's go [Music] I already have a belly ball on the team but a shiny one would change everything a shiny would change everything okay where where are they where are they here they are okay I don't really get how this works we just need to beat them up and then if it doesn't kill one of them it's shiny but I don't I don't see them wait they're in the water oh no [Music] okay no we can still do this we can still do this it's okay Chad we can still do this does anyone have any advice of how you do outbreaks because I don't actually know okay oh I found them now I found them perfect okay go go go beat them all up beat them all up I don't know what a shiny would look like okay [Music] uh okay you're not shiny are you you're a regular Bird yeah you're just a very regular looking bird that's fine okay [Music] okay I'm beating him up [Music] I'm a little worried I'm a little intimidated chat messing myself out I'm stressing myself out chat it's fine I can do this all right what has the shiny of that bull or Tad bulb okay how about this no that didn't have it either hmm okay that thing is like super under the water but there's more over here perfect okay wait no way no way never mind I'm an idiot all right that's fine that's fine wait why can't I find it shiny anywhere what is this thing shiny oh my God I'm gonna lose my mind I can't find it anywhere I literally did a video on oh my God I'm losing my mind okay I I'm gonna go crazy okay foreign [Music] turns yellow Tyler any anyone watching and send me the link I I know we had the link of what the shinies looked like um I guess this works okay wait it does like part of it turn red wow that does not change much at all huh [Music] buddy red tail man it does not change a lot you gotta really know what you're looking for okay all right belly boat looks pretty good [Music] so do outbreaks just kind of last forever how does this work wait wait no way no it's not it's not it's not the tail it barely changes oh how do you even tell oh [Music] okay no I Won't Give Up This is Destiny this is Destiny all right now I'm gonna look at it oh my God the only difference is the red oh my God the only difference is the red oh no oh no it's just the tail oh my God chat it's literally just the tail nothing else changes oh no they don't Sparkle like Arceus they don't Sparkle you if you see a shiny you can just miss it there's no noise and there's no Sparkle oh Chad did you not know that oh yeah chat this game does not hold your hands oh yeah chat you you sweet sweet things Chad if you think that there's going to be a sparkle I have a I have a bad thing to tell you you've probably already missed a shiny okay oh no you evil merrells no don't don't you be up my oh don't no hey get away from me now you know beat up the tadpoles Overworld Chinese do exist that's what we're looking for right now that's what they look like answer me no I won't answer you how's that huh how do you feel about that huh hmm okay where are you going buddy look at what you've done now the Tauros is beating me up I don't like this at all oh my God Tauros this is not the time for your shenanigans Tauros I've stressed myself out because the shiny I want most in this game is the first outbreak I found I have a feeling this is not something that is going to happen often for me this feels like a very lucky uh first outbreak [Music] right perfect sure um oh snarl's pretty solid you're a tackle [Music] okay no oh these Pokemon are annoying me okay foreign has been five hours five hours of no shiny and that's not good enough oh there there's so many now perfect okay so you like to see there's so many under the water this is such an unfortunate spawn can you even like reach some of these that are under there man what happens if a shiny pops or gets like all the way down there do I just miss it oh okay [Music] okay man there are so many in the water right now you're not shiny either okay they're starting there's more and more popping up which is what you like to see oh they're all flying up here no don't do it oh don't buddy you keep doing that and then I have to heal you again okay none of them are shining that's fine so do they last forever I don't think I understand like can I just sit here and beat these up until I get a shiny I don't understand because like the tough thing is I feel like I can't stop the shiny hunt right like it's gonna go away at some point I need to like make the most of this no dude beat up beat up these yeah what are you doing there you go hmm can I send you out into the water foreign they don't look shiny down there [Music] I get back here okay Tauros I need you out of here you're stressing me out big guy [Music] all right hmm [Music] okay it doesn't use the pp out of battle which is interesting I really appreciate that have ginger beat up the Tauros I guess I could do wait no not Ginger I would have the I could have another Toro speeded up or I guess I could have ginger beat it up it's actually a good call I don't know why I was overthinking that um probably get rid of tackle for this [Applause] please beat it up no what beat beat that up please Perfect that's what you love to see um can you can you beat these guys up that'd be kind of cool these tadpoles are in such a bad spot oh my God there's so many underwater oh man that one was shiny no it's not cool no I don't think these are shiny oh it stinks because I feel like if I had the ability to to swim right now this would be so much easier but I I would I'm gonna lose the outbreak [Music] all right this is very annoying I think there's a you think there's a shiny down here there could be it's difficult to see [Music] like this thing could also be helpful is there like a way to like foreign [Music] man this is annoying okay there's some here now just beat these up Tauros I'm gonna lose my mind I'm getting a little stressed Tauros what do you mean I'm slow to kill kills my chance bully you Tauros Tauros they're right there Tauros why why would it listen oh I'm gonna I'm gonna lose the shiny wait I don't understand why is it not listening to me wait chat no wait really why is it not listening wait is this one shiny or as Toro's just a dummy no my Tauros is just stupid it wasn't a shiny my Tauros is just stupid oh and now it's paralyzed oh Tauros you big dumb dummy oh you big dumb dummy Tauros oh I'm over leveled might be too high hmm [Music] all right well what we can do there we go perfect beat up all the tadpoles all right I you know what this game isn't about uh the difficulty it's about finding a shiny frog guys I don't want to break your hearts but Pokemon is a very easy game there's very little skill of beating a Pokemon game am I over leveled certainly do I care no I need a shiny frog [Music] hmm are those two down there have not moved and not like despawns could that mean there's a shiny down there no okay yes okay [Applause] let's see hello tadpole all right now we're moving now we're schmooving I'd like to over level so back to the point where it was over like it's ocoing these things but we'll get there I'm sure we'll get there all right chat we need something to change the turn the tides and get the shiny luck going what are we thinking that's a good question what do we what do we need for the shiny luck open a pack well that that has never brought luck and I do not have any packs with me that's a whole other different type of luck you're opening a pack to try to get lucky with the pack hmm wait why were there four oh there was four tadpoles there but we can look around are any of them shiny it doesn't look like it you need to clear 60 plus for one in one thousand odds wait so you're saying what I'm doing actually makes sense because I love that [Music] okay hmm [Music] hmm [Music] tadpoles why do you have to spawn in the water was it look like it has a red tail okay we can Oco this thing and that's what matters [Music] no the number of tadpoles are going they're getting lower it said oh no chat oh no I do not have much more time oh no do a pm7 guarantee I don't think that's how it works if you leave and rejoin it would reset the outbreak no I think if it doesn't work we're just gonna move on there's always another time I'm kind of liking just doing this like hey whatever happens happens I do not know what's going on with these guys under there though [Music] foreign shiny down there now can I see any shinies [Music] I don't think any are what shiny do I want most this is the shiny I want most which is why I'm spending so much time going for it no no oh no I can't ride it here oh gosh wait am I stuck oh no wait oh God oh my God wait I'm stuck wait oh God I had to I had to fly back okay it's fine it's fine I didn't choke I didn't choke wait wait is the outbreak over no it's not over it's not over yet okay it's not oh my God there's so many here perfect okay go beat them all up oh none of these are shiny are they okay foreign I've beaten so many Tad bulbs up I they probably think I am the most evil thing to ever exist none of those look shiny all right but we're making progress Merrill out of here we shiny hunting are we shiny hunting oh no okay foreign [Music] they all came on to land they came on to land Meryl get out of the way Meryl I'm a man with a plan and I need you to not get in its way I need these things dead and I need them dead now I have taken outboard Tad bulbs than any person before me I won't rest until they're all gone beyond the shiny I won't rest until only the shiny remains is my one mission come on come on SO back it's getting dark it's getting late so back oh no okay I last no [Music] last time we flew more of them spawned in a good place so we'll do it can't you send out multiple Pokemon at a time I have no idea I could not have less of an idea we're gonna be honest I I have no idea you can see Chinese in the Overworld what no I clicked the wrong button get out of here okay come on hi my plan did not work at all I have shiny hunted here all day and all nights and still still I am without a shiny the Tad bulb [Music] wait Wiggles Wiggles is about to evolve wait I don't know how that works we will do the gym when it's time for the gym chat oh none of these are shiny are they uh okay hmm [Music] we're gonna be ready to just rip through these gyms one after another after this failed shiny hunt no oh no uh okay ah Chad's guaranteeing a shiny chat I'm gonna need it I know this isn't the most exciting content but dang it I I was getting a shiny day one and this just feels there are not many oh there's not many left this is my perfect moment to get the shiny and if I don't get it now I don't know if I'll ever get it all right what I was aiming at it oh oh no oh why are they all in the water foreign [Music] this is just silly everything about me is silly and everything about shiny hunting is silly but if you get the shiny it's all worth it in the short term it probably doesn't look worth it like wow this is just a man getting stressed and running around beating the same Pokemon over and over again and yeah maybe that's what it looks like to you but to me it's a way of life right all right Katie I Katie I don't like what I've become I don't like what I've become Katie but I want a shiny frog and the only way to get my shiny frog is to kill all of the Frog babies one by one Katie I've killed so many Katie belly Bolt's Never Gonna trust me again at what cost I'm losing everything I'm losing my mind I'm losing I I don't know who I'm becoming my team's over leveled it's it's a disaster Katie it's a disaster but Katie I said I said I was gonna wait ah it's okay you are becoming drowsy chat that's come on and out in Mikey's wildest dreams come on I'm glad someone had said something ridiculous to kind of bring me back to the light okay hey I have the pink camera baby too Katie look at us wow oh no wait don't tell me they're almost gone no they can't be they can't be almost gone can I see the other ones are any of them shiny they don't look shiny [Music] I understand some people this seems like a Madness some people uh it's ludicrous you don't understand the shiny is everything okay let's try let's try the the flying over here thing again it worked last time why not you think there's a shiny dolphin in the water there's no way [Music] my okay I think it did change the spawns if I was smart am I supposed to like leave the area and come back and the new Pokemon spawn is that how that works actually let's try that am I just a dummy is that what I should have been doing this whole time and now I come back and there's a bunch more Pokemon can someone just say yes because I mean you know you could have said it okay well it's fine we're learning it's all about learning chat [Music] okay [Music] I'm not good at learning so it's on your side you know what it's okay Chad I forgive you little buddy I know you're not shiny my Sobek is at level 28 because he's obliterated so many of you I'm a monster I'm a monster oh who am I what have I become okay don't look at me oh look at me chat oh was it all worth it oh oh there's so many of them there no wrong button wrong button Auto heal kill them bring out the shiny this could all end if you bring out the shiny it's gonna all be over bring me your leader bring me your leader come on skip Loom you're trying to look like a shiny hop if I know it's uh all right run back hmm there they are I see you I see you I'm gonna have all the tide Bowl mucus in the world I'm gonna have all of it I don't know what one does with it whatever TM you need it for I will have what I need wait is that that's not the shiny now man [Music] okay at least now that I've learned a little bit I know how to like make them respawn weights no it's not over wait no no no no [Music] it's not over it can't be over I spent so long there's so many blood blood sweat and then these little tadpole guys tears oh no I killed them all and for what I'm just a monster [Music] oh no [Music] what have I become water what have I become [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] it's okay Chad it's okay it's okay we move on we move on chat [Music] [Music] well [Music] shiny hunting didn't go my way but you know what it did do one thing for me it over allowed my team to a ridiculous degrees you know what maybe it's time to Breeze through a few gyms what what does the gym challenge have in store for me apparently shinies aren't something that I'm gonna be able to get many of at least in the early going so I need to take out my anger on someone else ah chat I don't chat don't look at me I did what had to be done to try to find the shiny frog okay it didn't go my way but I will redeem myself the gym challenge begins now I'm ready yes [Music] yeah no I got this I'm hatching a fan that's all I needed to hear and there was only one person that I need to hear that I got this from and now I'm ready to go [Music] apologize to frog kind Katie I can't do that I need to earn their respect back words mean nothing action is what is necessary right now and I need to win this gym and maybe I need to do it with a frog since sunflower and body these Concepts we try to gather them take good care of them your job today is to find the sunflower located around remember these Pokemon look like sunflip uh flowers gather up ten of them and bring them to the sunflower Flora lawn and you pass the test am I allowed to kill the sunflora or do I need to be peaceful I am I am hard off a a very upsetting and disturbing part of my journey and I don't know if I can turn off the I don't know if I can turn that off I'm scared of what I've become hmm it's okay why do I like frogs because they hip and they hop what wouldn't you like them or what isn't there to like about frogs I should say do you want me to decline the jungle gym [Music] huh I thought this would be a little bit easier than it is because these are not sunflower these are statues sunflora sunflora I feel stupid I feel very I feel very stupid right now where are you but where are you I'm feeling a little a little stupid I'm feeling a little stupid [Music] okay nope oh God I need to start it did I not I thought I started it now God I have no idea what I'm doing do I I dab craft gaming you have been spamming for an hour please stop spamming please I do not want to have to ban you you seem like a very a kid who just wants to be noticed please it stops spamming foreign yes wait you guys said I hadn't started it I did start it no not only am I bad but the chat is bad oh no none of us know what's going on oh me oh my okay it's okay I can figure this out they said look in the alleys [Music] this feels like a place oh okay that's a floor just right these are all I mean these are just plants are any of these like sunfloras secretly you have to talk to the guy I'm so freaking confused game you need to hold my hand would I need hold hold handing handing hold okay talk to the guy in front of the gym I'm so freaking confused I you [Music] oh that's so I taught that's annoying I'm annoyed I'm annoyed I'm annoyed I'm very annoyed you talk to the person in there and it says you haven't found any and then you have to go and talk to another person that doesn't seem necessary I'll say it [Music] is there egg on my face yes am I the one that looks stupid yes am I still upset and going to blame others no I'm just a big dum-dum [Music] okay oh I found one I found I found you I found you son Flora I I did it where are you others on Flora I swear I'm not incompetent I can do this ah there you are there you are you little rascal there you are hey I found you oh I found another one oh no those guys were just following me never mind okay huh how far out are these I know I want this playing cool but where are the rest of the sun Flora hmm are there any in here I think that's a sunflower over there boys and Tails are pretty fun move I gotcha you little rascal huh can you go inside there okay [Music] I found another one okay this is actually very fun I'm gonna be honest I am having a blast this is very like Q you're just finding Little Flower guys that are hiding and then they run around with you okay okay [Music] allow me to jump on there easily it's another one yay um I feel like I found most of them in here are there only seven like are there more than or I mean God are there only ten or are there more and you can just find them randomly [Music] chat words are difficult I've been streaming for a long time I'm struggling but I found another there are over 10 all right perfect [Music] wait why is this one battling me sunflora I am painfully over leveled you don't understand you don't understand what uh this Pokemon is capable of you don't want to know [Music] okay I already looked there um wait what there's just three waiting here that's silly [Music] and now I just bring them to the yard we did it oh John knows what to do John knows what to do oh man I passed with flying colors even though that doesn't exactly make a lot of sense hey that's what they said nice I know what I'm talking about wow all right [Music] foreign lady I'm ready to go yes [Music] yes I am I'm more than ready can you do the gyms in any order probably I don't know if I'm gonna do them at any order or like try to do them specifically but I'm kind of just I'm running around with my head cut off at this point you know [Music] oomph right you that was a little over dramatic don't you think so brassius [Music] no no no [Music] all right this is gonna be pretty hyped up I like this [Music] hmm [Music] I don't know how I feel about this gym music I don't know if I'm convinced I'm all in on it what I do know is we're gonna obliterate this gym because I'm so over leveled but it doesn't matter because my little fire guy has a fire hat on his head and small live has no chance against me it has no chance yeah what's your final Pokemon huh Sudowoodo are you kidding me no Wiggles you get better back out there you're the MVP of this team everyone's been telling me to replace you I need you to prove once again that you truly are a special talent in this league [Music] I need you to prove what you're capable of foreign [Music] yeah I oh I'm a fake tree and I'm gonna put a hat on it oh you know what you think Wiggles is worried you think Wiggles is scared of your fake tree that became a real tree because of a hat I'm a little scared I feel like I messed up foreign that felt very avoidable that that felt that felt very avoidable thing works I I thought it would be I thought it would become grass Rock and I could have just stated in one shot at it we won the gym battle but it was everything we've been doing recently we've been winning but at what cost chat at what cost [Music] my dignity out the window my self-respect out the window uh my shinies never got one [Music] no Chad it's not time to replace him it's not time it's not time to replace him okay [Music] yep level level 25. [Music] level 25. okay all right we made some progress we made some progress rodem like singing to me oh that's the Rotom noise [Music] I yeah yeah yeah [Music] I'm sure your Pokemon are learning some moves but like you don't understand I'm so over leveled you really don't understand go to the bug gym next honestly that makes sense I feel like we we might want to just skip to our Lou and beat up another gym we got super over leveled for a reason right we didn't we didn't really have a reason it just kind of happens but what it Where is the bug person hi there's the bug person [Music] foreign this is the first stop wait was that supposed to be the the second gym oh no wait a minute did I do the gyms out of order and now this oh no oh what I'm about to do to they're going to jail me for what I'm going to do to this bug Jim are you kidding me I'll never be able to set foot in this region again oh chat oh chat oh this is gonna be bad oh no Chad this is not gonna go well oh no [Music] oh man all right well can we like can I fly around the region do I have any okay we can go there we'll set that as the first destination we'll fly here all right I really did want to get a shiny before today ends chat so we're gonna keep our eyes and ears open Cliff's already found a shiny [Music] you know how humiliating that is the Jack's already found a shining if Jack catches the shiny before me then not only will he have already found one before me nobody will have caught in one before me foreign [Music] YouTube might ban me off the platform if I let Jack get a shiny before me we can't let that happen I don't have a small live so I might as well try and catch it [Applause] oh I know shinies don't make a sound in this game trust me I killed so many baby frogs to try to find the shiny and it didn't work we do have a small Loop now small of oil it's fun all right we're making progress in the decks and that's worth something none of you are green it's okay I'm not angry I'm just disappointed [Music] oh the world does not have an item I don't think any of these are shiny I saw a lot of birds chilling together and I thought maybe just maybe there could be a shiny among them Among Us sauce you know I'm copying your team the Blazing Genesect I jacus you are The copier and Chad if you have not already left a like make sure you leave a like and if you haven't already subscribed to the channel you should subscribe because chat I'm Gonna Be Live with this game a lot a lot a lot of the time in the next few weeks I'm gonna be uploading a lot of content bm7bods are going to be where all the vods get uploaded there's going to be a lot of fun there's going to be a lot of tomfoolery and you do not want to miss it all right this is ooh this is a dragon type let's see what's in here [Music] [Applause] now [Music] [Music] says the destination all right we'll find a shiny just do weight [Music] we'll find a shiny am I gonna do competitions with Mikey eventually yes eventually we will I catch one of you I feel like I didn't catch one of you [Music] foreign [Music] all right Starly there we go getting you in the decks making some more progress all right all right I think the only thing that's really bumming me out about these new games is that when I'm not streaming I don't really feel like I can play you know I wish I could end stream you know whenever I'm gonna end it and then just hang out on the couch and play a little bit more but it's probably good to take a nice break until the next day probably good I also have no idea what these towers do but I am intrigued oh gabagool Gaba go wait a minute what pretty good right [Music] there we go [Music] this Pokemon was born inside a treasure chest about 1 500 years ago it sucks the life force out of Scoundrels who try to steal the treasure Oh Me Oh My that's that's no good guess we can't steal stealing is mealing though so it's going to be difficult not to do that hi Chad I desperately need some water so I am gonna we're gonna look out into the great beyond and see what there is to see look at that I'll be right back chat I need some water and then I only want to speak on what we're going to do to the bug gym [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I'm back and he's back again he's back again he's back back he's been streaming so long today but it's been fun all right how do you evolve Pokemon people keep telling me to evolve Wiggles and I don't know what to do foreign [Music] I oh there's so many Pokemon over here hello Cricket I need you for my decks I joined the game so far I'm having a blast I really am [Music] Chad I do not want to talk about Don sparse I don't want to talk about what they did to my boy when it's time to talk about it we'll talk about it but I don't I don't want to talk about it right now I don't want to talk about it all right all righty I know you know what I'm getting distracted I'm getting so distracted let's just go and beat the fur well I guess this is the first gym wait Wiglet evolves at level 26 we're at level 26. I don't understand do I need to do something [Music] wait I'm so confused chat my Wiglet is not evolving did I mess up like what's going on level up in a real battle that's wait you actually have to do that I'm very confused do I just need this guy to like beat someone up [Music] what am I missing I just need a a strong Pokemon to fight [Music] I just need something to spawn all right dog park bark thank you okay is this what I need there it is Wiggles it's finally happening yes [Music] come on look at this thing wug Trio one of the greatest Pokemon ever created ah lug Trio come on come on buddy get out here look at this thing look at it wug Trio it's incredible come on come on don't even don't even try to tell me for a second you don't love one Trio come on all right now that we got our wug Trio wait what is this is this like it's like soccer [Music] wait can I play this with people in multiplayer no way wait a minute [Music] oh my God [Music] all right this is so difficult I hate this [Music] hey oh my god it works what oh my God no way wait wait where's the gym challenge wait that's crazy that's so great are you kidding me that's sick that's that's very cool chat that's very cool there's no way [Music] [Music] I think you're stalking me let's be honest no you're stalking me they legitimately have not gotten stronger you're just saying things hi [Music] foreign [Music] yes it is the John guy yes indeed oh I'm ready I'm ready oh let's go oh let's go you got the right guy for the job did someone just say this looks too open world what do you mean by that like there's you can do too many things you don't laugh you can just go and follow the the story one for one I I ha do I have to talk to someone this time again [Music] okay there we go don't get confused again John you have to talk to someone first all right all right there it is hello yes there we go yeah of course I am what do I look like someone who can't do this huh come on all right can I get on the legendary yeah stay in stay in bounds stay in bounds go go go all right where am I trying to bring it all right that's fine come on come on yeah yeah there we go there we go all right you're overrunning it it's fine it's fine it's fine you're never gonna make the team with moves like that [Music] just like Jagger buddy come on come on all right there we go no you fool hi you made up for it you made up for it I didn't even know that was legal that's fine that's fine [Music] oh wait do I can I go over the small lives oh okay you go over here it's fine there we go there we go bounce it over that's big time kid that's big time that's big time just finish it finish it come on come on there it is horse record s record [Music] easy all right a little stretch time to do horrible things to some bug Pokemon the FBS is bad oh yes I got good news and bad news the good news this game is incredibly fun the bad news it runs like a Pokemon game you guys played gen seven gen seven ran horribly um unfortunately this is pretty similar to that but a much better game let's get just Evie I didn't even realize Evie was in the game I mean I assume it was in the game I'm not shocked it's in the game you know what my words they're escaping me seven straight hours of streaming I think my brain's going a little mushy if you find an Eevee a catch a Navy is more what I'm trying to say come on Wiggles come on Wiggles I'm not gonna name Wiggles wuggles [Music] female EVS are stupidly rare oh wow I had no idea I got lucky better catch this someone just said shiny Jigglypuff and I'm pretty sure it's not [Music] [Music] guys stop telling me to name Pokemon that I already have on my team and already have named something something else I'm not I'm not gonna like rename the Pokemon I'm not gonna do that your nicknames are not that good man they're dead they're not that good on their own but they're really not good enough to rename the starter I'm sorry foreign [Music] all right [Music] are any of these Pokemon someone said shiny Jigglypuff and then I got a little I got a little nervous but I don't think they are all right let's go to the gym let's get this over with [Music] wait what is this [Music] what it like what is this place [Music] huh okay you can't talk to anyone oh this is fun is this supposed to be like a a cute restaurant oh this is the gym all right I gotcha I gotcha [Music] I'm picking up what you're putting down game I'm picking up I got the mystery gift don't you worry Chad I already got it [Music] yes sir yes sir [Music] you ready to challenge gym leader Katie the sugar bug yeah [Music] I feel so bad I I you can't be over leveled when you go against the sugar bug come on am I a monster oh man I'm a monster iron I'm the bad bad person oh no is it an old lady oh no oh no it's just that she she looks so nice oh the sugar bug I don't know if she's old but she looks very nice this looks like a very sweet woman [Music] oh oh hey Katie hey you're not even a full-time gym leader ah you're just a pastry chef oh Little Sweets that bring happiness with just one bite don't let your guard down yep oh boy ah jeez ah scoob oh boy [Music] Jack be nimble Jack be quick Jack got burnt to a crisp but we're leading off with Wiggles so you know you're not gonna they're not gonna set it on fire at least I drowned it I died done drowned it oh boy I well you know yeah all right so back just an entire place down okay don't don't do that [Music] that looks very flammable that could not look more flammable I it's Petty Ursa her final Pokemon's a teddy bear oh oh it's it's so cute and cuddly don't don't don't give it a bug hat don't give it a bug hat don't do it Katie don't just Katie I I'm begging Katie just I don't feel good about that I I don't feel good about that I I feel I I feel dirty after that win I boy yep that yep let's are you gonna don't give me don't give me any treats I know oh she gave me dessert oh she's the sweetest lady oh boy oh geez guys we need to play just just battle her first you know don't don't Slaughter bunch of Pokemon looking for a shiny and then oh man ounce it does seem like a cool new move [Music] all right [Music] bye Katie oh boy I'm Gonna Leave Her for last M11 come on you can't do that she's so sweet oh hassle hassle you look you look really silly I don't know [Music] I'm just having fun man I don't know [Music] um [Music] body I've been training foreign [Music] well I guess what what's the plan now I want to go here yeah guys there's a there's another outbreak over here let's do that let's heal first and then go see what's going on over there did you get the shiny tadpole I don't I don't want to talk about it I really don't wanna I don't want to talk I don't want to talk about it I do not want to talk about it [Music] have I played Roblox no Jack wants me to play at some point but I've never I never done played it wasn't the game I played as a kid I'm sorry to disappoint chat but it's okay yeah hey hey come on come on buddy just you can you can jump there we go nice let's grab this whatever it is cool and now let's go to this outbreak because you never know what's gonna be there I think the question mark means we haven't caught the Pokemon yet which makes me even more curious foreign hunt and get super over leveled again Zach I'm gonna be honest I'm going to shiny hunt and I'm probably gonna get over leveled again guys I've played uh Pokemon for a very long time I have done some of the hardest nuzlocks you can do I played competitive or competitive Pokemon at a high enough level where uh VGC world champion Wolfie VGC considered me as rival and singles being under leveled for a gym that has three Pokemon it's not difficult I'm telling you it's not difficult shiny hunting and running around the region acting like a goofball and having a blast now that that is what you want there is always plenty of time to replay a Pokemon game and put rules in to try to make it more difficult [Music] well I'm telling you right now I'm trying to spend too much time and it's like oh no I'm getting over leveled I gotta go against another gym nah forget that just have some fun just have some good old-fashioned fun wait okay I how the heck do I get there how the heck do I get over there [Music] oh I see a place to jump over there I see it foreign I found any shinies yet you know what Chad I have a good feeling that we're about to I have a good feeling that we're about to [Music] I've been wrong before chat come on there we go perfect hmm okay I see you saw his buck that's fun I'm definitely in a very random spot right now should you always be like going up these I know there's a TM up here and then there's the the gabagool guy but I already caught gabagool hmm [Music] all right how am I supposed to get over there oh I think I see how I could get over there okay that's actually why we go up here forget the gabagool guy [Music] okay now I see are any of you shiny doesn't look like it okay [Music] exploring this map is so fun like it's really satisfying like this truly is an open world Pokemon game I never actually thought this would be something we'd ever get it's it's so freaking cool let's love this little guy I didn't realize this was in the game you missed the Dunsparce I did not miss a Dun sparse chat I don't want to talk about done sparse's Evolution I don't want to talk about it I will talk about it when I'm forced to talk about it [Music] guy [Music] I don't want to talk about it there was nobody that wanted a Dunsparce Evolution more than me no one all right wait how do I get over there is that a shiny that's not shiny right no [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] you need to beat up another Titan am I not going to be able to reach this without beating up another Titan because if I need to I'll go beat someone else up I'm not afraid [Music] why do I have Fido on the team chat you don't understand Fido evolves into an incredible Pokemon um oh shiny over there I see all the raids but I I have something bigger to go after than just a regular raid all right skidoo [Music] [Music] okay whoa whoa there whoo there Hound door whoa there right oh I I oh I'm so sick of running into these little guys all right okay can I not get over there after all of this no surely I can I still have faith surely I can I'm not giving up [Music] I've rode all this way to see what the outbreak has in store for me I'm not gonna give up I can do this I can do this chat I can do this [Music] uh Benjamin I'm gonna have to burst a bubble very quickly buddy I'm never gonna do a special stream where I I play with viewers because I have too many viewers Chad I I have the stream has been going on for seven hours and we're at the lowest amount of viewers today that's 2 700. the most you can have in a game is you can have three other people think about what a stream with viewers would be if there's 2 700 people at the lowest amount of viewers and you can have only three other people in the game I wouldn't be playing with viewers it would just be me streaming to 2 700 people and three lucky viewers for some reason got into the game you know I a lot of people ask to do stuff with viewers but what they're what they're really asking is can you do something with me right it's never like I want to see you play with random people you guys don't care about me playing with random people it's completely Fair you know to want to have like the like oh it'd be so cool to do a stream with you I I get that it's fair it's just not it's not something I can promise unfortunately there's just you know there's too many people um and I like to say that and let people down pretty directly with that because I just I don't know it's tough I don't want someone hoping and thinking like yes this will happen it's like I just there's too many people realistically I nothing I can do about it I also definitely will not be able to get there to do what I want to do there I feel like we need to do another Titan so maybe it's time for the the ground Titan and wug Trio our MVP rises again what do you guys think what's this the Open Sky one I guess I could also do the flying one next okay oh Mankey oh my God we gotta catch a Mankey we have to go [Music] thank you okay [Music] Tinkerbell wants to learn brutal swing I'm fine with that um probably covet you can get rid of that perfect I don't have a rock rough yet do I [Music] we're making some good progress with the Dax which is pretty fun hey the minkerbell it's evolving [Music] oh I like it this is such an interesting Pokemon but I really do like it all right what's this thing called Dinka tough this Pokemon will attack groups of party art and Bisharp Gathering metal from them in order to create a crystal hammer what what's that's crazy this Pokemon is like killing other Pokemon to make a hammer that is kind of absurd bullying the Pokemon that's much worse than bullying that's much worse oh we do have a rock rough fight perfect foreign get out of here the flying one gives you the ability to swim perfect all right let's uh let's make our way over there then [Music] hey oh it looks so adorable in the game oh I love that so much oh I really do love it [Music] oh fampy you got catch all Pokemon that's what I'm trying to do I don't I don't know exactly what you were saying but I assume you're saying to catch up all right [Music] all right let's see let's see any sneaky shinies popping up and we are going against the Electric Gym so maybe it's time to put froggerton [Music] uh number three up in front and maybe we see do you have any moves that you could like let's see uh check you outs now all right um wait [Music] when you go to moves that's how you change moves remember a move okay it's special attack is way better uh use TMs to learn moves electric ball or electro ball I does not have the best moves right now might be worth trying to like learn one but let's see hey it's this little guy it's fun hmm [Music] my belly Bolt oh primeape oh we gotta catch one of these guys oh we need a primate so bad and I know it's angry but look oh never mind no no no no never mind oh no no no no no no no no no please oh God Prime if no no private oh don't do it no no oh I just wanted to try using belly Bolt okay we got away yeah I want to see what the Evo looks like too but we gotta we gotta Waits why can't you just like whenever restore health why can't you just revive it from the Quick Revive that's kind of annoying all right [Music] there you go belly bolt do the thing buddy hi Belly Ball I'm gonna need you and to step it up as we take on the the flying guy oh you can beat up a tadpole it doesn't look as bad for me if belly bolt beat up the tadpole it's not as bad of a look I promise [Music] all right perfect drifloon making progress [Music] night why am I not playing Violet I don't people get very weird about that they're like this is the game that I like how how doth anyone dare play the other game how did rarely you absolute fool how how could you think this was an acceptable thing to do it's like oh no just kind of the one I wanted to play [Music] all right what hat do you have oh ice hat that's fun oh I guess all right fine I guess I'll catch it my bad weasel my bad so this makes my next electric move better right and we get the pero that's pretty big oh crit capture big fan make my life a little easier why don't ya [Music] all right let's see looking at the map I um we want to go here first I also want to see if I can get like a better TM made for belly bolt because right now it's a little weak and I'd like to make it a little just a wee bit stronger what the heck are you I know this is a new Pokemon but what is it flittle I want to catch a flannel Oh I thought that was gonna be a crit capture but we got it nice now flittle nice little flittle the very little okay flittles toes levitate about half an inch above the ground because of the psychic power emitted from the Frills on the Pokemon's belly okay that's very adorable I'm very here for that I'm also very here for all of the drifloon flying about because now I can just beat them up and say hey bellyball I need you to kill I need you to kill oh no no no no no no no not the mud Bray where did the mud Bray even come from wait shiny wait no is that a shiny it's not shiny is it what is ah it's cool this thing is cool I it tricked me it absolutely tricked me I thought it was a shiny choodle I thought it was a choodle it's a new Pokemon it turns into the pair I actually might or not pear like the pepper guy I might want to use this thing I think it's pretty cool but I definitely tricked me dang oh oh [Music] froggerton come on [Music] message I won't respond and then their next thought is what if I say the same message a hundred more times in a row do you think he'll respond then Jeffy please don't do that I it was easy to ignore some of that when the chat was going a little bit quicker but right now the chat slowed down a bit and I think it's annoying everyone else watching so I'm just asking if I don't respond to your message the fifth time I probably just don't care and it's okay chat please I'm begging you [Music] um hmm [Music] all right chat I don't want to get frustrated with the the latia oh as I obliterate that Pokemon oh man but I don't I don't want to get frustrated that's that's lame no one everyone's just here to have a good time so let's uh let's have a frog reset everyone just drop a frog in the chat let's get a little chorus of frog and you know we'll reset everything and we'll we'll be back to the Fun Town USA everyone just put frog in the chat we'll be back to Fun Town it'll be great [Music] [Music] all right well thank you very much hi can I get a better TM for my frog all right let's see no no no oh actually we can just go R to okay Thunder Fang would be decent but it doesn't even learn it electro ball it could learn but we don't have it ugh oh no belly bolt I just need you to be a little better buddy it's okay I need you to be a little better and I I believe you will be you will be and you can be oh wait no but I also need to buy um I need to buy some items from you yes great ball perfect wow I am broke oh my God I what how do you get money in this game chat [Music] I feel like I'm a big old broke he broke a broker cans even [Music] any SHINee is not yet unfortunately not yet can I [Music] I was trying to catch this thing without damaging it and I think that's probably a stupid strategy but kind of hoping yeah oh there we go Cap's a kid [Music] all right Dragon Quest monster Joker had this this pepper monster that I always remember and I'm gonna name it after that the more sunlight this Pokemon Basin the more spicy chemicals are produced by its body and thus the spicier its moves become I think we may put this on the team I'm gonna name it what capsa Chum capsa Chum okay caps uh jump s to jump ah [Music] this thing's gonna be under leveled of course but I think I want it over the Tauros the Tauros is cool but I don't know use a firestone to evolve it okay we'll get there when we get there I I think I just want it hmm [Music] no there it is why you name it that John after a different pepper monster that's similar in a different game it broke free immediately ow boo oh all right but now my uh my next electric move will be a little stronger I'm not going nowhere [Music] no you done it all right what's up here oh here it is beat these all up is that a shiny I don't think this easy easy experience buddy the easiest experience just beat them all up everyone's gonna be so proud of you there it is there we go hmm I don't want to battle you little thing what are you flip something flittle [Music] they learned 32 it learns discharge that's pretty far away honestly yeah that is far away I'd like to get there but man oh man all right I'm on froggerton three I'm gonna really need you to get away this is very frustrating it's a lot of Pokemon to avoid right now ghastly no we oh no no no oh no oh wait yeah I'm not dead I did it I'm Not Dead hi I'm maybe I drowned okay did you know that Chinese are a different color Pokemon yes I knew that yes I do that come on did you know come on [Music] man all right [Music] a video where I buy ten thousand dollars worth of Pokemon cards oh my God yeah I don't know if that's gonna happen I do not know if that's gonna happen hi mud Bray I don't think I have one of you so let me get you [Music] uh I can just catch you right yeah come on easy oh [Music] um how many hours I've been playing I've been I am almost at eight hours streamed which is one of my longer streams I don't know I'm not tired of the game yet you know like I'm having a blast Why Stop Now you know I'm gonna stop I'm gonna eat and I'm Gonna Wanna Play more so I'm just gonna play a little I'm gonna play until I'm sick of playing and then when I'm sick of playing I'll be done for the day until tomorrow [Music] rinse repeat a new generation of Pokemon only comes out every once in a while and this has been pretty fun Back Bay Backpacker Backpacker with the fungus what is that do a Titan that actually is the plan I'm going to do a Titan right now foreign [Music] what did I do to deserve that sir come on could you compare this game to Legends Arceus uh I mean this game is pretty similar to Legends Arceus if Legends Arceus was like if all of the maps were put together and it was even bigger and you could go in any order you wanted to go in it's it's a very it's an open world Pokemon game it's not as smooth as Legends Arceus in some aspects um but I'm having a blast with it hey what was that I may be using you as a proxy rival to shiny hunt I you know what go for it absolutely go for it I love everything about that good luck I hope you get luckier than I've been I have not been a lucky ducky so far but I'm also calling myself a lucky ducky so like I don't know how to feel about that honestly can I call Purple cliff probably not man we'll probably do more things me and the purple purple Cliff man and the the next few days if not weeks well today was like a big let me let me get my bearings with this game and see what there is to see I feel like I know what I need to do within the game it's just the big question now is you know can I stay focused enough to make the progress that needs to get done [Music] Arvin I'm ready to go seems like the Open Sky Titan lives somewhere up this mountain hi Arvin I got this you go back to Sada baby I got this Mikey not playing today guys Mikey does not stream he has never streamed uh like well he hasn't streamed in a long time he does not like streaming he's not going to magically like start streaming anytime soon I don't think I don't know what Mikey's up to but he never streams but I think I've missed a big Super Chat hey Kurt thank you so much for the 50 men you did not need to throw that my wife thank you so much but a frustratingly long day at work and having this dream open listen to her do it has gotten me through it thank you I I it's the least I can do really really glad to hear I helped get you through the day and I hope you're able to play some of this game soon if that's something you're excited to play is it has definitely been I don't know what I expected on so I was gonna say better than I expected but I don't know if I went in with big expectations but I can say I'm having an absolute blast I don't know exactly what the expectations were going in but I'm a very happy guy right now I can say that where are the fortnite shoes chat I'm gonna be honest I have an absurd amount of shoes they're all over the house I have many shoes have fallen down the rabbit hole of collecting shoes it is what it is how many shoes do you have Russ I'm gonna be honest I I don't know if I actually know [Music] but there might be a sneakerhead oh Baton Pass would be kind of crazy I don't I don't know I no I don't think we learned Baton Pass that's fun but I don't think so no one buys CDs anymore [Music] I have been waiting oh my God yes darkspawn dark spun oh [Music] so Gen 6 one of the first Pokemon like leaks ever had the entire Gen 6 Pokedex and they said there was gonna be a dachshund Pokemon line turned out to be false but I had my heart set on it dachshunds are my favorite dogs in the world I've I've had three different Dachshunds in my life the first dog I ever had was a dachshund um the poor dog ended up being blind so we we uh send him to a house where he had his own seeing eye dog the the blind dog got its own dog first it was very sad but very the dog got a better life and then the second dog Chloe my mom still has is a Dachshund and the dog I have is a dachshund well she's like three four stocks and like a fourth Chihuahua but I know it's silly but it makes me so happy to have a dachshund Pokemon it really like it makes me so genuinely happy I I know it's probably silly but it I don't know it's so cute oh I just love it so much like I I really love it oh I oh the pleasant Aroma that emanates from this Pokemon's body helps wheat grow so docspun has been treasured by farming villages ah I'm so happy I love it I love it I love it I love it oh man oh this is I don't know it so cute dachshunds just make me very happy and you know like I love my job it's it's really wonderful and I I very much love my fiance but the combination of working at home for myself and my fiance is a resident uh doctor so she's working like she has worked I like how like 14 days straight right now on 12 hour like shifts and I just you know I don't get to see a ton of people all the time when I'm busy working and she's really busy you know I obviously I make plans with friends and my family but you know a lot of the days it's just me and the pup so you know oh wait what is that that's kind of crazy main point is and toxins are just special we're very very special to me let's see oh what happens when you climb up these I am climbing up this thing what is this thing I am interested how'd you get the legendary you play like five minutes into the game and you get it to ride on it they play I guess like an hour into the game show the real Ginger uh at some point I show her on stream a decent amount she's taking a nap right now oh there's a uh the TM over here aha I would like this icy wind hmm two spammers SMH there's a lot of spammers I apologize hmm I keep getting very distracted if I do and if there's anything else I do today it will be beating this final Titan I'm going to do that before the end of the stream okay I'm gonna do it [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] are there any shiny here no all right let's let's just let's let's be serious let's be for realsies I'm getting distracted we've been doing a lot I think we're on the right path to get into the the next Titan oh man does my fiance like Pokemon yeah no my fiance does like Pokemon she's very busy but she definitely likes Pokemon I don't know why the back of my head I scratched something that was like yo don't do that and I was like yo why did that hurt oh these guys will heal me up okay that's cool that's worth knowing uh do you like greninja's uh shuriken or crocodile's glasses more uh I don't know I probably Greninja more in that situation I think I'd say Greninja more [Music] I'm still trying to complete the shiny decks in Arceus I was but we're on to a new shiny decks if I'm gonna be I don't know if I'll be able to do it here but we might as well try right [Music] my [Music] my Pine Co I kind of want you out of here I'm only beating you up because I need your trainers money I'm very poor [Music] right I've been watching your entire stream hope you find it shiny soon Alan I appreciate it thank you for the five I don't know if we're gonna find a shiny at this point but it would be pretty cool um just sunny day over this nimble Jack be nimble Jack be quick Jack obliterate the silly Nimble guy update wait for incoming text okay I'm intrigued of what that could mean Jack missed four shinies there is no way he missed four shinies like a zero percent chance he missed four shinies what do you mean four no there's no way [Music] if he missed four shinies I have no no idea how many I've missed maybe none maybe I just haven't gotten lucky foreign that's a pretty that's a pretty big update I'm gonna be honest that's that's pretty huge oh not everyone's gonna be able to to get a Pokemon well that much power and that much grace what is this what are we talking about is the bird trying to kill me dead what is this oh God I didn't expect to see this Indiana Jones time a thousand like what you goofy bird how are you knocking over Boulders of that size oh that's a giant bird oh that's a giant giant bird all right froggerton three I'm a little bit worried but I believe in you I believe in you and I need you to become a dragon type so you can scare it dragon type dragon frog Dragon frog I am a dragon frog now that's the song you sing froggerton all right you get them out of the paint froggerton you get them out of here pluck not worried electric moves are even stronger there you go you wear that hat with pride buddy the hat is gone okay okay it's breaking the wall I didn't know what was going on okay Bombardier yeah Arvin I got here yeah Arvin the Titan's been dropping the giant Boulders what did you think uh what did you think okay froggerton We're Not Gonna We're not gonna put the fancy hat on I'm Gonna Keep you an electric type it just makes sense there you go Arvin let the rage fuel you there we go frog you ain't even kind of worried you ain't even kind of worried buddy all right boom there it is there we go get that overgrown bird out of the sky get it out of here bye easy perfect flail I don't know about flail flail's not really the greatest of moves Arvin I'm gonna need another sandwich buddy come on come on let's go grab those ingredients buddy of course come on well this isn't our first rodeo you know you know what's in there come on buddy yeah you knew it come on you weren't worried you weren't worried Arvin [Music] it's beautiful it's gorgeous it's glorious it's good to know you never know it's good to know bitter Urban mysticas great for your circulation it really gets the blood flowing and that warms you right up nice and toasty even boosting the immune system or so it says yeah but what does that do for a legendary can my legendary swim now because that would have been really helpful earlier all right here it is the sandwich wait oh no oh God is that like a smell emanating from it what are we doing here [Music] I uh yeah yeah yeah you can have the sandwich yeah yeah yeah you can have the sandwich here you go bucko here you go buddy [Music] I don't know Arvin I'm gonna be honest I'm not entirely sure do I look like an expert on these type of things because I'm not I'm certainly not I I don't know what I'm doing [Music] that opens up a lot for us really battling these Titans to make sure this guy can fly around the land with ease is so freaking helpful like so so helpful Arvin yo what was that but what are you doing yeah you should tell me the full story you can't just scream at my legendary pal oh no oh no this is gonna be sad oh [Music] this is gonna actually make me so sad [Music] [Music] oh I don't want to ask these questions like of course it doesn't work oh Arvin oh can I actually make me cry this is so sad this might be the most invested eye I will ever get into a Pokemon storyline Arvin we're gonna find the herbs you need Arvin we're we're gonna find them area zero was home to the one reserves instantly in part Vigor when he and when we dubbed them Urban mysticon attempted to grow some in areas around paudia however before we could harvest the herbs were eaten by Pokemon which in turn grew large and strong we call these Titan Pokemon it's this book full of crazy stories and legends and things stuff nobody'd usually believe but I believe it I think what it says is true according to this book eating all five Urban mystica concur anything that ails you case in point uh my boss tips Paws were cold as ice before I ate that lasts herb but they've warmed up a little now I'm sure they have oh my God oh [Music] oh my God [Music] [Music] [Music] I thought I thought the twist was gonna be that he's a bad guy not that this is like the most wholesome story oh I'll do anything for your son Professor sauna I don't care I need to help the dog oh my God man oh a little teary-eyed there are you kidding me I I I didn't I didn't see that coming um from a mile away I I didn't wow I don't know what I thought I did not think that was man that was so that was so sad but also so heartwarming we can swim now at least but man oh man yes these games are definitely better than sword and shield at least in my opinion I mean well maybe not everyone will agree but I I think it's pretty easy [Music] hmm I actually feel like shiny hunting in the water is gonna be pretty good for us I mean there's a lot of tadpoles and I desperately want one of those guys shiny oh is that a Pokemon I haven't caught hey you barracuda is that you I saw you Barracuda don't think I didn't see you foreign don't think I didn't see you now let's catch this real quick [Music] come on little come on there's a shiny drift loon what do you mean there's a shiny drift loon multiple people just said shiny drifloon which where there's not even on the side of the cliff I'm a little worried okay okay side of the cliff oh come it's this guy it's the tadpole Chad it's the tadpole it's not a shiny drip Loom it's the tadpole oh man no chat oh chat Oh Me Oh My what am I what am I going to do with you guys what am I gonna do with you guys chat hmm okay trying to think if there's anything I should do like one last her hoorah but you know [Music] I think I think this might be a good place to end it we found out the story of Arvin and I feel [Music] I feel more compelled than ever to help out Arvin that's gonna be our questions I can't wait to come back tomorrow and help that dog a little bit more but chat that's gonna be the end of the stream guys I had so much fun today I don't usually have the energy to stream for this long but I had so so much fun we're gonna start uploading these streams on the pm7 vods channel if you guys have not subscribed to the channel you're on right now please subscribe I'll be alive a lot this week but if you guys want to see the vods or missed anything subscribe to bm7 vods that's the place to be I am gonna go and eat a good dinner I will see you guys on the next one probably tomorrow morning or around midday either way thank you guys till the next stream peace guys
Channel: PM7
Views: 358,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pm7, pokemen7 plays, pm7 stream, pokemon live stream, live stream, new pokemon game, live, pm7 live, stream, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon scarlet and violet live stream, pokemon scarlet and violet live, pokemon scarlet and violet day 1, pm7 pokemon scarlet, pm7 pokemon violet, pm7 pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon scarlet and violet stream, scarlet and violet, scarlet and violet live, new pokemon live stream, pm7 live stream
Id: rkPje9EPsL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 487min 54sec (29274 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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