Pokemon Home Tier List

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real YouTube is make the tier list some of these Pokemon are very strong uh it's not getting any better I've had this mouse for a while I actually feel like it might just be a skill issue at this point anyway what's going on everybody today we are talking about how good the new Pokemon that are gonna be legal in regulation D aka the Pokemon that were brought over from Pokemon home Pokemon home just Pokemon home to scarlet and violet how good these guys are how good these little these little Pokemons are now full disclosure why don't we start this with a little disclosure that's the best way to start every Everybody all right so um Elite okay um so full disclosure I have not played a single game of Regulation D AKA The Format where these Pokemon are legal so you're probably thinking wolf why are you making a tier list when you haven't played any of the format and the reason is simple I did a lot of my kind of um tier list content before I played any competitive Pokemon for scarlet and violet and I was actually really surprised at how on the money I was like I called a lot of Pokemon being really good way before they were met out like way way way before they were meta um one example is palafin I said very early on I thought it was like the best new Pokemon I don't know if it was the best but like peop nobody was using palafin at first and then I mean we all saw how that ended up um Pax caliber called out way before it was used and then it won the first event and is like I met a Pokemon and was a big part of the balance team um there's been other stuff as well like if you look at my if you go back and watch those videos like I made every one of those videos having never touched the format like another big one was like called Gyarados being good way early like super super super like months months and months before anyone really thought to use it and then it became like right now it's maybe the premiere Intimidator of the format which is like or at least of Regulation C so all that to say I don't feel bad for not having played the format because even though like of course with experience like I would have more like uh short-term knowledge I think that like there's something to be said about not being influenced by what people are currently using when making your um kind of inferences so yeah so that's basically where I'm coming from so basically a big story of this uh this kind of format is going to be the legendary Pokemon and some of the history and Pokemon starting with the superian Arcanine um so he's doing Arcanine it's Fire and Rock type I don't think it's that much better than uh regular organized let's pull this up here really quick uh I'm just gonna have this open as a reference since again I'm not as familiar with all the Pokemon this isn't gonna be a super fast uh video this would be an Arginine intimidate Flash Fire and Rock head so it can ignore recoil um I think it gets head smash is the main one it gets raging Fury which is I think fire type outrage it does not get head smashed via level up um it's connect move so being organized I'm gonna put in the seat here archon is good intimidated is good rock and fire typing is bad um a cargo being the main one colossal as well but colossal had you know one of the best abilities in the game and even um even you know like now colossal's in the game and it still wasn't especially good because it didn't have Dynamax So Fire and Rock typing is really bad Arcanine stats are good um and I'm sure that there's like a set with like Choice band Jolly nature flare Blitz rock head that could do well extreme speed stuff like that but um yeah I don't think that it's gonna be meta because it's just like it's not that fast like that in a lot of speed control with the addition of like the Genies um and it's just overall not not super like good and it's weak to intimidate so I think it's a cool like I love the design I think it's a cool like looking Pokemon it's not horrible by any means but it's not going to be meta just doing a lecture I'm putting an F now electrode might be d uh it's a little bit better than regular electrode because it is a an electric and grass type which is good typing and it's an electro type that doesn't weak to ground and it gets this move whereas it ah chloro chloroblast which I believe it's a 150 base power move which is great however I think it does 50 of the user's Health um even if it doesn't connect I think it's kind of like steel beams so yeah uh the real issue with just being an electrode is are its stats base 60 HP 70 defense 8080 the only good status is speed which is like much slower than Reggio leki so um I don't think this thing is very good personally it's doing anti-flosion so this is interesting because the anti-flosion is a ghost type Pokemon or fire and ghost I should say um it gets Frisk not useful in this format uh it's actually worse than its regular hidden ability which is uh flash fire so it's Blaze this is gonna be its main ability um the only thing that interests me about his suing Typhlosion is so it gets it gets a stronger this move is interesting it can burn the target with an effect rate of 30 so it's kind of like slightly weaker scald but it does more damage that they're already affected by status condition the real thing that's interesting to me is eruption so eruption's incredibly powerful move and um the student inclusion is relatively fast I would say it was like it's fast enough with the choice scarf except for like booster bundle any speed boosting mod or you know lucky so um that hurts it a little bit but it's relatively strong base 119 special attack is stronger than uh it's counterpart same more or less same bulk um It's Five Points slower and Five Points less HP so I think that this is probably not a great Pokemon but it's certainly not bad I would like I'm gonna put in the beach here it definitely think it's better than his suvian Arcanine uh Samurott Sam or Rod let's pull this up here let me zoom in a little more so you can see better as well so uh sharpness so so I love Samurai Gen 5 is one of my favorite gens the Jenna started competitive Pokemon in um it's a water and dark type which is good typing it's got this new move ceaseless Edge which whenever it hits um does enough increase right no huh it doesn't say it as a an increased crit rate so I'll have to look into that but yeah basically this move sets up spikes which is interesting it's only 90 accuracy which is a little concerning it's a dark type move um looking at its other moves razor shell 75 base power I assume this gets affected by sharpness and Cecil sad should probably also gets affected by sharpness so it gets Aqua Jet for sure it's Encore it's actually a pretty interesting Pokemon in all honesty um looking through it to move pool like X dessert I don't know how good that is drill run that's not that's not bad um I'm not super familiar with sharpness fully uh full disclosure oh it gets knock off oh and sacred sword so actually didn't it's like its main issue is its stats um and soak huh um so honestly his stats aren't that bad HP is pretty good attack is not great but it has sharpness powering it up defense isn't great special attack is like I mean better than attack but it's not gonna help with sharpness special events kind of bad it's really held back by its stats but I think that it's actually got some stuff going for it sharpness makes it a lot stronger it makes it a much better Pokemon and um yeah like the typing is good the move pool is good it's got good utility it's got like priority with aqua chat it's got coverage of sacred swords got this cool signature removed that can set up spikes um so it's got It's got some stuff going for it it's really just held back by its stats it's interesting that decidua is next let's go okay so I don't know anything about history and Lil again um it gets oh I don't that's not sure I know some stuff soion lilligant is next um it is a grass and fighting type with chlorophyll hustle and leaf guard chlorophyll will probably be the primary ability used let's look at the stats it basically what's interesting about history in the legend is it gets a quiver dance equivalent called victory dance which raises its attack defense and speed um Leaf blade sleep powder ax ax kick okay so this is like high jump kick but stronger that's really interesting um huh okay that's a really powerful move uh let's take a look at the stats ice ice spinner huh so it seems to have pretty close combat oh this is actually pretty interesting oh oh that's regular form so 105 base speed 105 base attack 70 75 75 I think this Pokemon's pretty good actually to be honest like I could be totally off the money on this one but just taking a quick glance at it chlorophyll physical attacker is pretty rare especially a good one like when I think chlorophyll physical attacker I think like shiftry um yeah so um not very good to be honest so having a fast physical attacker that's fighting type which is a great offensive type also really good because grass types typically struggle to hit like steel types among others so having like a fighting move there and also the setup move is good it could be sleep powder support it can be victory dance setup maybe a is too high for it I'm gonna put it in V actually because I its stats really aren't that great and it probably wants sun to be best but um it's an interesting Pokemon and like basically my tier list kind of what it means s is like definitely good like s is like the best right like super super strong meta defining a is like also meta defining but like not quite a centralizing b is like I think these Pokemon have potential they're not going to be in Mainstays but they could like show up and do well at a tournament if they um are positioned well C is like ah like maybe in the right position they could be good but most cases they're gonna be bad D is like almost always bad like you really need the Stars to align for something to work here and then f is just Garbo um speaking of dto we're gonna put Chestnut in here I like Chestnut I think it's like well I don't like the way it looks nor do I like its evolutionary line but I think it's a cool design Pokemon it's very bulky but there's a lot of good grass types um I mean even with just like even with if there is only a Mungus I think Chesnaught would struggle to compete grass and fighting is not very good defensive typing being weak to Ferry Fire ice flying psychics to name a few um but there's other grass types I mean spoiler alert relevins in the game now so um yeah I don't think this thing is very good speaking of not very good Delphox is going in the F tier uh if that's all Fox is not not a good Pokemon at all its typing isn't good it's stats aren't well distributed like it's not bulky enough or strong enough or fast enough to really shine just not a good Pokemon suing gudra let's take a look at this so this is a dragon and Steel type which is excellent typing like super nice typing um abilities start with that uh abilities are sap zipper shell armor and GUI so all three of these are actually very good abilities I would say um let's see here so shelter is this new move I think this is just iron defense faint um I believe it gets life do heavy slam muddy water body slam I'm fairly certain against life do body press I see there's uh counter life due acid armor Dragon pulse so compared to regular Goodra it is slightly less HP team attack 30 more defense same special wait this is much better this Pokemon is much better because I got 30 defense and it lost wouldn't it lose 10 HP that is a good trade because yeah wait that's very very good I'm putting this Pokemon uh steel dragon with a ton of bulk wait what's the special attack 100 oh man that's not what I wanted no please I just want to see Goodra special attack 110 I'm gonna be conservative and put this in B but this is like B leaning a um yeah this Pokemon can be really good it's got great Goodra has amazing coverage being a dragon like fire here we go flamethrower ThunderBolt ice beam right um the typing is better like I've always I've never really liked Goodra I did bring it to an event at least one time and um we won the event with the team that we built uh that's Dallas 2020 with trailer on my uh and Justin's like uh Gigan the next Charizard team that had wait no what am I saying it had to Rally it on I got to Route it on and gujar confused okay yeah basically gujar to me always feels like it doesn't do enough damage so I'm being conservative and putting it in B because like it doesn't have any higher bulk but I'm really hopeful for this Pokemon I would love if it was good um avalog ice table this is ice rock right so ice rock is worst typing it gets strong jaw which is good new ability um take a look at its move pool rock slide wide guard Avalanche iron defense recover Mountain Gale which can Flinch this is basically like a slightly stronger icicle crash I guess uh it doesn't seem to have a ton of great coverage moves okay so this is regular stats there's 46 special events 95 HP those are the big numbers 36 special events 95 HP and so it's stronger this could be like a trick room sweeper I guess um I think this thing is pretty bad but I mean wait what was the base attack 127 base attack is good it's not F it's C or D CDs never mind um I'm gonna put an indeed the special offense is 36 I mean I can't work with that like you know I can't work miracles you know what I mean uh okay decky Dewey let's take a look at this thing this is grass and fighting which as I mentioned is not a super good abilities Scrappy which is uh actually good because it blocks intimidated so that's good if assuming it's a physical attacker um let's see here triple arrows which has three effects it can crit it can Flinch or it can lower the defense stats that's and it's 100 accurate so that's actually a really good physical move if you don't want to use close combat though you probably want to use close combat you turn leaf storm Leaf blade Sucker Punch bulk up braver it's a good coverage moves um kalwind Tailwind okay Helping Hand or even like I mentioned knockoff so deciduous not got great stats suing just a joy 10 more HP 5 more attack five more defense five last special attack five last special defense ten less speed okay I'm gonna put this thing in C it doesn't stand out to me as being great but it certainly doesn't look bad by any means and it should definitely be better than regular decision UI even though I think I like grass ghost more than like grass fighting but I mean it's like still solid um Barcelona this thing's going in the S tier I know enough about this thing to put in the S tier when I first played legendaries I think I have a video actually talking about it way back uh when uh bdsp came out but yeah like this Pokemon is ridiculous it gets guts so uh it's you know powered up 50 by burn uh bulletproof is another good ability which prevents uh certain moves headlong Rush which is I think it's a like originally it's signature move um I'm pretty sure it gets close to combat it gets facade it gets close combat like it's got look at this look at this look what do you look okay here's the really thing look at the stats 130 140 105 80 50. like you want to talk about trick room sweeper this thing has conquered on steroids and and keep in mind 140 based attack that's powered up 50 by guts like this thing is meta defining for sure I don't need to play a single game of the format to know it like that this is one of the strongest this is the strongest sassuian Pokemon um and one of the strongest Pokemon of generation 9 I think like it's incredibly powerful a lot of the format I think like you're gonna need multiple answers to this Pokemon or you're just gonna get run over uh sneezler so sneezler when I first played three legendary I thought would be bad but I actually don't know if that's true so sneezler poison touch unburden and pressure um dire Claws and 80 base power of poison move that can just like try attack poison paralyzed or asleep okay what's the effect rate 50 percent oh okay uh so that's a pretty good move close combat is strong it's like a fake out is that a pre-evolution move or something fake out okay uh stats 81 30 60 812 this thing is actually not bad um I thought this thing was bad but it's not bad I was wrong um poison fighting if it's like Toxicroak I mean fake up close combat dire claw it's nice to have a strong physical poison move I actually I could see this thing being even eightier all these Pokemon the ones I feel like the Pokemon in beats here that I feel like uh strongest about are these three that I think could be a tier um I would make B plus but I'm not gonna do that um yeah I mean basically this is a it's a fast and Powerful poison type and fighting type two good offensive types you're almost always going to want to run this with Focus hash though you could run I guess like something like a seed like psychic or electric or grassy seed to get the speed boost from inverted but yeah no this is a really interesting Pokemon and like fake out is um super like good utility move so I'm interested in this let's talk about over quill this is one of the Pokemon I'm most interested in so overcool's a poison dark type meaning its only weakness is ground uh it has intimidated one of the best abilities um barbarage so this is kind of similar to the move we're looking at earlier which does uh it's a 50 50 chance to poison and if they already uh poisoned it does double damage that's I think that's a really interesting move we've seen the power of poison so far this generation with um with glamora uh and so yeah so I think that's a really interesting move um acupressure Destiny Bond it gets crunched that's a good physical dark type attack [Music] um let's see here icy wind could be used for Speed support um poison jab and gunshot if you want different poison attacks here's some special attacks that are good Haze uh we know how valuable that is if those those big acid spray oh oh the stats are a lot worse than I thought they were huh okay okay this thing isn't as good as I thought I thought that the special defense was at least 85 um okay so this is an interesting Pokemon it's like I mean the typing is great and it's a new intimidator I I don't think it's a bad Pokemon I'm gonna put it in I'm going to put in C I think I think the stats aren't good enough to really make it make it shine um I'm a little disappointed by that I definitely thought the stats were better okay enamorous okay they were talking about theory in first so Therian is Overcoat so no sleep powder and no weather um I'm gonna start actually by looking at the stats so Theory and form is 74 115 110 135 oh man okay so this is a trick room sweeper um why did I think this thing had contrary oh the base form is Conjuring Okay so you've got a very bulky very strong special attacker that is a Fairy Type I'm gonna put this thing in a just just from there I mean like it doesn't get it doesn't get trickery right there's no way they gave it okay they did not give a trick room thank Pikachu for that um okay Spring Touch storm is an 80 base no 100 base power 80 accurate move which can lower the target's attack stat and it's both it's very powerful I mean Moon blast we know good this is Mystical fire dazzling gleam in prison um grass not I would imagine earth power earth power um Calm Mind oh man okay yeah this thing is very good let's take a look at the base form so 106 speed it's slightly slower than for an Addison Thunder is slightly faster than the Landorus decent bulk like 70 80 74 70 80 is not bad but 135 special attack 115 speed I don't see a world in which this thing is bad um huge charming and contrary is going to be the big one so you can't like lower its speed or lower its um did I see super power on this superpower okay so it's basically tax that with contrary is actually not bad at all given it learns um superpower it's probably still gonna be primarily a special attacker in in um incarnate form but yeah uh not not bad by any any means um Raichu topic was not joining I'm putting this thing in alolan right she's sorry putting this in D it's not it's never been good D is being generous honestly or uh alola Dugtrio is really bad that's f alolan Persian I like a lot personally as a Pokemon but with the power creep I don't see it being very good like basically alolan Persian is good in format where it's faster than most of the opposing Pokemon like so you can do uh like Parting Shot quash and and I'll play before Pokemon move in this format I don't think it's going to see really any play it's not a bad Pokemon because of its ability for code but I just don't see it getting a lot of play at all it's not good when the power level is higher slow bro this thing really never caught on I think C is fair for it because Slowbro has great stats but poison psychic is not better than water sidekick and shell sidearm is not worth anything okay alolan muck I forgot that this thing was joining the The Fray I like alolan muck a lot personally um it's like it's like kind of I hoped that um Overkill would be the better version of it let me just check and see if it learns knock off because that could actually impact the placing knockoff okay yeah so it's a great Pokemon um well I guess this is a little bit worse now that gluttony was fixed um where not fixed but gluttony we used to have the the kind of a bunch of barriers that give you more HP but I mean it's just a high attack it's got really good special bulk great HP defense is a little lackluster but like it's fine um it gets Haze actually which is interesting in case like anything like the nose over becomes popular again um yeah just just a solid just a solid mod honestly Tauros this thing is f we have three better Tauruses now original Toros is now the fourth worst fourth best it's not a very good form of Tauros um okay gallery and Articuno I saw Jamie Boyd saying that this thing was good on Twitter but I don't get it actually I mean I kind of get into what is it psychic so it's psychic flying with competitive which apparently I say weird I'm always getting comments saying that I'm saying competitive wrong which like I don't know I'm not trying to freezing glare effect rate is 10 so it gets freezing glare it gets recover it's a trick room Setter it gets Tailwind hurricane you know I'd be I wouldn't have really thought too much about this mod in all honesty but I I feel like Jamie's good at identifying undervalued mons um so if Jamie thinks it's good then I'm down to think that it might be all right I mean it's got better typing for sure and the stats aren't bad at all I mean it's competitive Pokemon with like good stats across the board I'll put it in B tier it was never good in sword and shield but that might also be because it's like of Dynamax um and dynamex like really influenced like how good a certain Pokemon were now regular Articuno I'm putting in Ft here there's no way this thing is good let me look at um glarion Zapdos as well because like this thing is so some play I just have a hard time imagining with Reggio leki around these Pokemon being great um wait do we get regular Zapdos too or oh we got oh we get regular Zapdos okay we gotta look at both of them then so this thing gets defiant uh regular Zapdos get static two great abilities um Regular Zapdos I'm really just looking to see if I've learned Tailwind that's like the real thing um Thunder's kick lowers defense close combat Brave Bird it's a good Pokemon it gets defiant like I don't think it's great by any means but in regular Zapdos is great it's not bad I'll put it I'm putting I'm putting uh Galleria and B but what's the what is does it get Talent okay it gets Tailwind I don't see Zapdos being bad ever I'm putting this thing in eight here this is a great Pokemon Moltres I think actually is gonna have fallen the most from sword and shield because Dynamax was really helpful for it so glory and Moltres gets like nasty plot and uh and um fiery wrath uh so I I think this thing is good um nasty plot plus spread move we've seen be really good like a number of times um and dark typing is actually like kind of valuable because it allows you to resist like um I guess just to use Dark Pulse which actually isn't that valuable so I mean these Pokemon with good stats and good typing and good abilities so I'm I'm not like I wouldn't be shocked to see them do well regular mulchers on the other hand that's F tier uh mu is not legal there's another Pokemon I saw that wasn't legal mellowetta let's just get rid of these non-legal bonds right now so I can just not do that later goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye and it's a rude where are you okay cool that should be a little non-legal okay glorian Slowking same thing as Slowbro like you'd rather have regular Slowking in all honesty so Booksy as of and mess brick got a new move um which is interesting to me so Uxie has a mess Brit got a new move titled mystical power which is kind of like torch song it raises their special attack by one these Pokemon are rarely good um you the thing is whenever these Pokemon are legal kristelia is also legal because there's four levitating psychic types from Sinnoh uh and so because of that these Pokemon are never they never really get the chance to shine um I'm gonna put Uxie and mesprint in I want to put them all in Thief but for different reasons oxy and Mesprit uh like as always probably d a basically these two are kind of bulky circumcenters where you could see is a little bulkier and mesper is a little more offensive with mystical power I believe that maybe these Pokemon could be good like set up your special attack like I don't know like protect trick room mystical power ice beam and just pray you don't run into any steel types uh I don't know it depends on meta as of like it it's really frail and it's not so strong that you can justify it like um back in the day like as elf back before I even started playing as elf was good because it was faster than base 100 which was kind of The Benchmark and then it got explosion which was or maybe self-destruction I think explosion um which was like the it was really broken in generation four and so that was kind of the best itself ever was because you could just go boom and like potentially wipe out multiple of their Pokemon I just can't see it being good anymore not with not with power creep Heatran this is a or maybe even s with terrestrialization I'm gonna go and put Heaton s um from what I've heard of the format he translated popular I mean he turns an amazing Pokemon and with thrustolization being able to turn into grass type you're immune to Spore uh meaning you can't like lose like you won't lose to like a Mungus with like you know surprise tarot water and then like put you to sleep uh you resist ground you resist Waters you're resisting two of your three weaknesses you're immune to fire so you don't have to worry about that flying you resist before you terrestrialize bug poison you resist um before you drasticize um so it's overall a really strong Terra type and you resist electric I imagine that with Reggie Leckie joining the the frey um electric type is going to be valuable to say the least and so uh yeah I definitely think he's trying to be super good Crystal yes like Crystal yeah so here's the thing let me tell you about kristelia okay Cresselia back when I first started playing which is before most of you were even born that's not true um hopefully you were almost all born by then um anyway Cresselia was kind of the king slash Queen uh of the format so in 2012 it was like so bulky and it was just so much bulkier than anything else around it that um it was already good but then with its amazing supportive move pool of like icy wind and trick room and helping hand and like this thing could do everything like I won the national championships with offensive expert belt Cresselia because it was just such a good Pokemon that like even investing fully in speed and special attack I was still so tanky that it was just so strong um crystal is one of the Pokemon to win Worlds the most times and for for all of generation 5 and generation six it really dominated but then in generation seven uh with the like introduction of like Z moves and more power group from Mega Evolutions it's starting to it fell off like pretty hard like the the tapus were really strong um against it like I feel like for the most part because like Crystal you couldn't really damage them and like the the just basically the Z moves and Crystal you never running protect it was kind of a Sitting Duck uh pun intended and so with generation eight the thing is that it didn't really benefit from Dynamax and it was so worthless at doing damage against Dynamax Pokemon because his main weakness is that it chips things down over time not uh it's not doing like a ton of damage up front and so with the increase of bulk and the ability to raise your special defense with Max quake and like just like more power coming out Cresselia still didn't really find a way to feel like very viable but now the the central mechanic of the generation no longer benefits offense at least not explicitly it benefits defense so now you have a Cresselia with that which has all of its types in a format where moves aren't being powered up noticeably um in a way and it can like and it can also change its type so and they gave it a new move called lunar blessing um not lunar dance which is basically I think life do and heal status conditions uh which is wild very very very very very powerful move so this is going to be the premier trick room Setter without a doubt in my mind um I'm actually curious does it keep icy wind because that's going to be a big big they gave it icy wind I thought because Tudor moves are gone maybe I wouldn't get it I don't know um yeah this um this is uh uh um yeah this is yeah uh okay moving on hasuian raviary America bird bravery okay let's take a look at this thing I think this thing is Garbo psychic flying uh like uh glarion Articuno tinted lens good A bit I mean it's a good ability I think this is a special attacker okay it's bad the D tier and I'm being generous if you love this thing don't yell at me I'm being this is actually generous this probably belongs to snap turn out his Therian I love Turner's theorem but that's from when I played single battle giraffe leagues uh and doubles uh you're going in the B tier fernatus regular Tornadus this thing is broken this thing is incred like we have been using murcrow because there wasn't a prankster Tailwind Setter and they didn't even give us like Whimsical they gave us Tornadus so I mean this Pokemon is just unbelievably like so good and um it gets covert like you can get uh covert cloak now and they buffed it they gave it a buff they gave it actually a couple couple Bluffs so uh cover cloak meaning you don't run protect incredible like really really really really good prankster Tailwind we know how strong this is super fast very good Bleak wind storm so now it has the ability to a hundred base power spread move um that can lower the speed of the opponents with I think 20 or 30 percent 30 of the time so this is just ridiculous tornadoes used to have to run hurricane or air slash but now it can run Bleak wind storm which is kind of a mix of the two slightly more accurate and slightly weaker um than than hurricane um and on top of that they gave it so it has icy wind it already got that chilling water probably not running that because it already has um the other thing is they they gave it all four weathers which is actually very relevant especially with covert cloak blocking fake out and terrestrialization protecting it further so Sun range sand and snow can all be set up by this thing so you can do something like Tailwind Bleak wind storm rain dance taunt protect you know whatever you want to run there um how one Bleak when storm rained in yeah so so it's it's uh it's a very very very very very very very very good Pokemon Thunders T I mean it's not a bad Pokemon I'm putting it in B thunderous incarnate so this is actually the first interesting Pokemon I'm gonna put this thing in a the Thunder is kind of like griselia dominated Gen 5 was like um it was like thunderstorm cursely as to who is the best gen generation six still was like wait was it on top of generation oh yeah yeah it was like it was really good in generation six um and then June 7 disappeared completely because they kept nerfing it um and they added like they they nerfed basically everything about thunderous Thunder Wave prankster Swagger um confusion like so many different things were nerfed about thunderous to the point where it saw basically no Plan Generation seven then in generation eight it returned um but it returned as a physical defiant Pokemon for the most part there was also like some Thunder Wave Eerie impulse stuff um yeah but so it was it was still a kind of a shell of its former self a might be a little generous for thunderous and all honesty based now it performed in kind of the last two generations but I have P excuse me I have PTSD from from this thing from when I first started playing and I will never underestimate Thunder this this thing could end up being basically no usage for all I know but I'm never gonna I'm never underestimating this thing until somebody shows me that it's bad so this might be a controversial take um rhyllabum lost grassy Glide still is so good you know what I mean like it's still like drum beating with lower speed wood Hemorrhage is super strong and knock off fake out um grassy Glide is super good don't get me wrong but but I'm gonna go and say I think this is an S tier Pokemon I mean like being able to set up grassy terrain is very valuable um especially if you you know if you build your team around it um and I think this thing is still a really good Pokemon um it's hard to say we've never really seen really boom with grassy surge without grassy terrain so it's really hard to say how good it is I'm putting an S and teleon you go and d-tier you're bad uh both our shoes are going to nest for me I mean basically urge review was only balanced around the fact that um maxguard blocked its uh unseen fist ability but now we don't have Max guard and also we don't have a way of doubling our HP to kind of weather these incoming blows so I think both urge are going to be a huge problem and um you know now like like uh it's not like you can intimidate them and there's also like cover cloak and there's terrestrialization to either up their damage output or or make them harder to remove so you can't intimidate them you can't reflect against them like it's like I don't know how we're gonna deal with um speaking of us here lucky and you know what yeah I mean I've been talking about a lucky a lot it's like like it's another Pokemon we haven't seen without um without Dynamax but it's so strong it like single-handedly and validates so much of the cast um and with Dynamax you can now do stuff or sorry to rationalization you can now do stuff like uh Terra ice Terra Blast so so the ground type Pokemon that previously countered Reggie Lecky not anymore um I do think losing Dynamics weakens it a little bit but gaining to rationalization might be like a fair like it might even be like a more favorable trade Reggie Drago I'm putting this in thing in C but it might be B like Reggie Rego is not an easy Pokemon to use but at the moment we don't have tapufini um and it's got like uh spread eruption dragon type right with its Dragon dragon's maw ability Reggie Lecky by the way was nerfed with transistor being reduced from 50 damage increase to I think 30. but uh as far as the more dragon's maw was actually untouched I think that's the ability to name um so yeah so it's interesting to me I I'm not sleeping on Reggie Drago I think it could definitely be good um especially like Terra dragon Choice specs and trick room or like Terra dragon choice scarf or whatever so um we'll have to see I don't have a ton of faith in it but it I think it has potential and I think it was really undervalued because of when it came out and also um just being present in a Dynamics format glastria oh this thing's also not legal um last year I'm gonna put in I'm gonna put in B I think it could be a but but I the thing about last year is that if you want to slow trick or attacker you probably want ursuluna as my current thought process so that's kind of the reason why I don't think last year is better um we've seen a little bit of usage from this thing when there wasn't uh like when like prior to calorics um ice but it was good but like it's not it's I mean it's good Pokemon it's definitely a good Pokemon but it does kind of require a trick room so it's just kind of hard to say exactly how good it'll be because a lot of people will be both using and prepared for trick room um because reversaluna I just think that in general ursuluna is stronger though maybe being slower than I believe last year is slower than Ursula um and being able to hit it for super effective it definitely might have a niche but um yeah we'll just have to see I'm a jury's out on this one weird ear I'm a weirdo believer uh this thing is it's got intimidate number one which is cool um it's got trick room and it gets a cool signature move that raises its defense stats so intimidate Frisk and sap sipper with intimidate being the main one you're gonna use saw Shield bass bash raises your defense that whenever it's used though it can miss um um yeah and it gets trick room and stats are actually pretty good normal psychic is like pretty decent typing in all honesty does it get body press I don't think so it doesn't seem like it so yeah not an amazing Pokemon but the stats are pretty respectable good HP defenses are fine speed is okay like uh decent attack stats it's not it's not great by any means but it's certainly not bad I I like it now Cleaver is a Pokemon I was really ready to uh write off but it's signature move Stone ax is that what it's called first of all sharpness boosts its power of a lot of moves by 50 that's very good Stone ax 65 base Power 90 um accuracy sets of stealth rocks so being able to actually have a Pokemon that you can use to set up Stealth Rock and still threaten damage is like very valuable especially like I mean if you look at a lot of these Pokemon there's a lot of flying types there's also a lot of focus Pokemon with like Hershey boost can run at Reggie like he can run it um Tornadus can run it right like flying flying flying flying right like fire there's a lot of rock weaknesses right now flying flying flying flying a lot of a lot of rock weaknesses so clever the real question for me is about its stats um I think it gets close combat yeah close combat Stone ax X scissor Baton Pass helping hand uh Tailwind Tailwind is interesting you turn um the stats aren't amazing good like okay not good HP but fine HP good attack decent like pretty good defense special defense is a little lacking but it's not horrible and the speed is kind of middling so it's got kind of a lot of average stats except for the attack stat but it has enough that I think it can be used and with sharpness powering it up even more and like Stone ax good I could definitely see Cleaver being good I'm gonna put it in B I'm gonna put in B Landorus T I mean do you do I need to talk about this thing now is it going to be as good I actually don't know the answer to that I actually don't know because it's benefited from Dynamax and um and uh Z moves and also like now there's there's um clear amulet so it's intimidated ability is going to be less desired probably across the board especially with ursifu being probably highest usage we've ever seen them so yeah lenders incarnate good on Sand teams um if there weren't if I feel like you weren't able to turn into an ice type I would say Landers incarnate is actually in an interesting spot because it's faster than our shavu it's like really good into Heatran um and with sand force and Shear Force they can actually do some decent damage so not a bad Pokemon by any means uh not caloric Spectrum I'm curious about this one ghost typing is interesting um it's really fast but not faster than Reggie lucky it gets Willows its movepool's pretty lackluster but it does get like Shadow wall um and nasty plot which are the main ones like Shadow Ball taunt willowist protect is a set that can be run I don't think it's gonna be great but I certainly don't think it's a bad Pokemon by any means and oh last but not least masculation I think this thing is worse than I was hoping it's a water and Ghost type great typing with moldbreaker swift swim and about adaptability all of which are good um Phantom Force wave crash double-edged head smash a slightly different level up here okay um last respects that's right um stats actually are not so bad and you know it's Max speedstat is actually faster than Reggie lucky and rain so I think the male form has better stats it looks like to me it's like it's interesting I could definitely see this thing being used I don't think it's going to be like meta by any means but it's got some stuff going for its attack is pretty high it's got less respect it's pretty fast and um in Rain um I could definitely see this thing being used at some point so I'm gonna put it in B so yeah that's actually I guess that's all the Pokemon that we have here I don't think any of these are gonna be legal doesn't look like it so yeah again I haven't put the format so um I think that this should be a good estimate but you know I could be wrong I think the Pokemon that I feel least confident in here is actually thunderous uh because it's just it it's volatile uh and then sometimes you know it doesn't do as well as um others but um on the whole I'm really interested in in kind of this new format I'm interested to see how the new Pokemon how good they are right I think a lot of the suian Pokemon in particular I wasn't really sure what to expect from them so um I went with like you know safer option of B but um I would love to be proven wrong and I'd love to see for the most part these Pokemon kind of figure out how to how to shine and how to really do their best so let me know what you think let me know if there's anything that seems out of place to you and uh yeah thanks for watching bye bye
Channel: BonusWolfe
Views: 121,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wolfey, wolfeyvgc, bonuswolfe, bonuswolfey, pokemon, pokemon vgc, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, new pokemon, new pokemon trailer, new pokemon scarlet and violet, alpharad, ludwig, pokemon video game, pokemon tier list, pokemon ranking, pokemon home, pokemon home tier list
Id: bMHCVm3XS94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 42sec (2442 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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