I Was COMPLETELY WRONG About TotK's Reused Map

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this video is brought to you by raycon hey Arlo yeah alternate universe Arlo why are we having this ad read Adventure in a cave because we're showing off all the unique and even outlandish places we can enjoy music thanks to our raycon everyday earbuds also the room we're shooting in has poor Acoustics so we need to mask the echo oh and my raycons fit so to their Sleek low profile design and the assortment sized silicone tips they came with that I can listen to music while I explore tunnels all day they never fall out which is good because it's pretty dark in here yeah and I haven't found any Outlets down here so it's great how they last up to eight hours on a charge and up to 32 hours using the charging case I love how many Nifty features these raycons have three distinct sound profiles to fit any kind of music and the ability to take calls at the touch of a button when we're not in a cave we've really got to start doing these ad reads in normal places again maybe next time isn't it crazy that you can get this much quality at about half the price of other premium Brands and you can get 15 off by heading to buy raycon.com cool let me try Arlo is awesome Peak 2019 . hey holy earlier way back when tears of the kingdom was first announced and and I mean first like first first announced you know back in 1976. our Numa gave us very few details about the game that that we couldn't glean from the trailer you know uh we knew it was a sequel we knew we knew uh it had Link and Zelda in it and we knew that it would be dark he he specifically mentioned that it was going to be on the darker side kind of like a Majora's Mask in Twilight Princess those scant details were naturally enough to send me completely over the moon just just beside myself with excitement I mean breath of the wild sequel done where do I sign up gimme and then it's dark on top of that another dark Zelda just just just over the moon but then he dropped one more additional teeny tiny little tidbit that gave me pause he said that the sequel to breath of the wild would use the same map the same high Rule and this was disappointing it it was pretty disappointing and the big question is just Why you know I've spent years asking this question is just what's the point because I mean I I was worried not super worried I knew no matter what the game was gonna be good but like still kind of worried a little bit all the same I even made a video about it as Arlo's tend to do when they are worried about a thing or or happy about a thing or angry about it pretty much anything about a thing because so much of the enjoyment of breath of the wild was in the discovery just as simple as that like just so much of what I loved about the game was just oh my gosh this world is massive there are so many things to see and find and discover just just pouring over every little nook and cranny that was what I loved about it but if you use the same world again all the same landmarks all the same surprising little things like that that's means familiarity and familiarity just means less Discovery and if the joy and the magic was in the discovering then how could it possibly be as magical as surprising as fun and as I've said a million trillion times before I just I didn't understand the purpose because like at Nintendo themselves said it only took a couple years to design breath of the wild and all of its systems and mechanics in a couple years to make the world itself only a couple years you couldn't take a couple years during the production of a sequel to give us a whole new world especially when you're taking six years to make the sequel you take it even long to do the sequel and then to the original it covered all that before so more and more trailers they kept coming out the game just kept looking better and better every time we got a new Taste of the game yeah better and better by the end especially looking really incredible everybody's super hyped but always in the back of my mind just that that question that why that little bit of worry about the reused world in the back of my head I just kept thinking like is it possible is it even reasonable to expect them to add enough to make this feel new to give us that Joy of Discovery you know to make this anything but a at least slight disappointment it didn't feel possible to me it just didn't seem super likely that they would they would be able to refresh the world to a degree that the sequel was as satisfying to explore no matter how I looked at it it just felt like it should have been new it just should have been new then the game came out and I purchased it and downloaded it onto my Nintendo switch and it did not take very long at all it did not take very much playing of the game itself to realize I was wrong I was wrong I was for lack of a better word wrongjo they told us that they were working really hard to make sure that Hyrule was fun to explore again and they did work very hard I was doubtful that they could put in enough stuff to make the world fun to explore again but they they did just that they did that exact thing they just put new stuff on top of the old stuff and beneath the old stuff to explore and that right there that's that's the most obvious kind of on paper reason it was ultimately okay that they reused this world They just added so much stuff you know um in the trailers we could see Sky Islands just big huge Islands up in the sky to explore but then even on top of that you got caves the entire world is littered with caves just like cruel little cave little mini dungeons to explore and that I feel like I feel like probably could have gotten away with leaving it there maybe it still would have been a little disappointing but it still would have been a game you know it's it still would have it would have worked but they did not stop there did they nope they did a Skyrim they gave us an entire an entire map spanning underground area The Depths are you know a little more limited there's not as much stuff to do in there we're gonna save all of that more nuanced discussion for the review however you cannot deny the sheer scope of this place it's it's the map again but Underground and that realization is definitely the best part of the game my favorite part one great they didn't spoil that I was worried about them spoiling other stuff or whatever but like nope they kept that one close to the chest you know we saw images and and clips of The Depths but like we didn't know that's what we were getting into and I am so thankful because just what an incredible surprise so that helps a lot that really really does helpful and I remember like people even I know I was one of the ones saying like yeah I mean maybe if we get like an entire underground version of Hyrule maybe that would help but there's no way Nintendo's gonna do that they did it they just kind of did it so yeah all that stuff that's one reason why the reused map is pretty all right but the real thing I want to talk about the real element that I missed the thing that I had not considered was the inherent value in revisiting a place for whatever reason I just I guess it's just the way that the trailers looked it looked like link was going to a different point in time you know what I mean it just looked that way everything was different I just I I thought that and that made me think it was going to be disappointing I did not consider that this would be a direct direct sequel taking place immediately not quite a few years but like pretty close after in the same high rule the actual same high rule not a different time period same one I became so connected with the Hyrule from breath of the wild that this this has changed everything it is so wonderful just to see what happened next in the story you know what all of the people have been doing what they've been getting up to what the what the main main characters have been doing have they been how the world itself has continued to evolve because breath of the wild you know it took place you know 100 years after this giant war that kind of destroyed just about everything and now that you've defeated Calamity Ganon everyone has a chance to kind of rebuild again so you take that that that that that previous familiarity and seeing how things are going and then you add on all of these new features all the fuse in the building and all of this stuff to explore all the new caves and the depths and the sky other islands and everything it takes the familiar stuff and makes it fresh again it makes it seem so much more fresh and new it's not just it's not disappointingly familiar it's just like no you took something old and you did something new with it it re-contextualizes everything and then of course the secrets are all different there's it's just especially with caves and stuff you know like the secrets are all different this time which you know in itself is a delight discovering new things in these familiar places it kind of twists on your expectations and that in itself is its own kind of magical feeling that again I hadn't really considered and it's like yes a completely new world it would have been cool obviously it would have been amazing in its own way but if they had done that we would have missed this very unique very special opportunity it was an opportunity to not just give us the next Zelda game whatever that may be but instead a true sequel that is more of a direct sequel than any other of the small handful of Zelda sequels you know this this is not sequel just because it uses the same link or the same you know a lot of the same assets and mechanics or anything like that but because it is truly the next chapter of the story about this one place and these people that is not something that has happened in Zelda before this is a completely new thing and I think it was very appropriate to do it for breath of the wild because breath of the wild was so huge and massive and we spent it just a completely disproportionately large amount of time in that world versus other versions of Hyrule and it's funny because I have no doubt at all that Nintendo did largely do this because it was cheaper I mean like they they'll spend a lot on a game but they also like to be economical and this was the the conservative economical decision it was efficient and you know that from our perspective that's not usually the kind of decision that a fan wants you know we want big we want new we want you to push the envelope we want you to spend a billion dollars on the game just give us something as cool as possible so like two to a degree it might have been a money thing maybe or just you know that was just a perk but like that whether or not that factored into the decision the decision gave Nintendo a unique opportunity and that gave us a unique opportunity and it's one of those cases that are decently common where we would have missed out on something really nice and really special if we were in charge you know if I was in charge I'd be like no don't use the same high rule oh that's stupid give us something new would have missed out now I do have some caveats that I would like to mention waiting so long did still even even now even the game is out and it's great and I'm happy about it and everything even SO waiting this long still did make it a little more difficult to swallow many of these themes and these continuations of the story could technically have been explored to a lesser extent through DLC not completely they could not even almost do all of this stuff through DLC so like you know they decided to make it a whole sequel instead and that let them go deeper and that's really really cool but exploring that idea of a sequel it it comes with a price you know it really did take a long time and like Zelda already has a reputation for having these massively long average production cycles that you know the game gets delayed and delayed and it just gets so and if those already long production Cycles are getting even longer you know if the new standard is well it was four then it was five no it's I don't know six six plus then there's a tiny part of me that wonders if it is worth it to get a sequel like this you know like it's a unique and special experience that I'm enjoying in its own way but if I can count the number of zeldas I'll be able to play before I literally die of old age on two hands it's not there's not gonna be that many zeldas before we die at this rate do the math then I wonder if maybe a new world would have maybe been the better choice you know I I hate to say it but then would that have made the game take nine years I I don't know also second caveat While most of the time the game does feel fresh and new and amazing I will admit there are times not super rare not incredibly common but there are times when I will find an old thing something that was in the previous game or like an area and I'll kind of like look at it explore it look for new secrets and there's nothing you know it's just no it's really just the same thing again you know there are times when I get to an area and it's really not that different and it just it does kind of feel like I'm retreading old ground and like no matter what they did with a sequel even if it's Unique and all that stuff I mean we always knew a sequel It's not gonna be quite as magical in the exact same way and you know even like mechanically the ice has has already been broken we've had our giant genre series defining Zelda we we knew that the sequel was not gonna hit quite the same but even considering that there are still just some elements that are just like yeah a completely new world would have felt more magical if you're going for Magical Discovery feeling yeah it would have been overall more magical and all that stuff there would have been fewer instances of that slightly disappointing familiarity how caveats overall I am confident in saying that Nintendo made the right decision breath of the wild was so good it was so groundbreaking in so many ways that it it deserved a sequel if any Zelda was going to get a direct sequel breath of the wild was the one to choose the world was so rich and beautiful that it deserved to be explored again the themes deserved to be explored again it had some really cool like story ideas and characters and things that that didn't quite live up to their potential in my eyes so they deserved another chance to shine and be something great and and in my eyes that's exactly what's going on in tears of the Kingdom this game does so much to set itself apart from breath of the wild and it does so much with this unique opportunity and I was just wrong about it foreign just wrong it turns out that my worrying was for nothing I mean that that's that's very rare let me tell you me worrying over something that ends up not being a problem highly unusual but let me know what you think down in the comments whether or not you think it was worth reusing the world or if you still preferred something completely new anyway uh let me know thank you so much for watching I love you uh and actually actually while you're commenting uh start start placing bets on how long the next ELD is going to take because now like there's no way they're going to reuse the same high rule a third time so uh so if the next thing is going to be completely new and on new hardware let's start placing bets I'm gonna say 91 years
Channel: Arlo
Views: 327,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: puppet, blue, monster, nintendo, switch, zelda, breath of the wild, botw, tears of the kingdom, totk, map, hyrule, reused, wrong, sequel
Id: j1_CBm_T98g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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