I Beat Pokemon Scarlet With Only NEW Dark Type Pokemon!

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IB Pokemon Scarlet with only new dark types and to make things harder I added a few extra rules here's how it went down the name's dark my friends call me well I don't have any friends what did I just say well there's only one starter here as cold and soulless as I am Kitty and with Hades by my side we're ready to take on the paldeo region let me know who your favorite dark types are down in the comments and be sure to smash that like button and subscribe if you're enjoying scarlet and violet I have a lot more videos like this one planned after making quick work of the neighbor kid in her duck it was finally time to set off on our adventure this Dino bike saves me from a group of hound hours so I guess he's cool to tag along dude what's your problem all right I killed your squirrel and I'll be taking karate on Pleasure doing business with you uh you good there Psyduck anyway and Mezza goes a city I run into some students with dumb helmets on calling themselves team star nimona gives me the Terra orb and then we send the grunts packing even though I tell everyone I don't want any part of their quests I still get roped into all three I do tell Professor Sato that I'll take care of Corydon though before taking on the first gym I'm able to add imp the Nimble and Cerberus the mass shift to our team Believe It or Not Katie may actually be the hardest gym we Face her bugs are super effective against two of my Pokemon with my last being a bug itself she leads with Nimble as I send in Hades I trade bites with her struggle bugs and since I got a Flinch on the second attack were able to take the first KO sprigatido is very fast so we're also able to do some chip to tarantula before it takes our starter down with bug bite now I send in Cerberus whose intimidate is gonna be super helpful in this run after one bite and tanking a bug bite I decide to preserve my pup's HP and swap into nimble she out speeds for an assurance kill leaving Katie with just her Ace Teddy Ursa impus survives the first Fury cutter and lands a screech on the bear next turn a second slash lands and this one is even stronger my only hope is that mass shift can out speed in one shot thanks to the defense drop I bring in Cerberus to rasterize and then one HP are you serious but we get the five percent chance at a fury cutter Miss with that we can just use one more bite and get our first gym badge also I decided that in gyms I can only terastalize against the leader's final Pokemon so that I won't have an advantage I eat some cupcakes and then head off to paudia's Eastern region where Hades evolves into florigato the best gen 9 starter evolution now it's time to dance with cloth wait I didn't mean literally the first Titan goes down to a few Terror boosted magical leaves and then me and Arvin check out the cave it created we find an urban mystica inside which Arvin Cooks up into some sandwiches when corridon gets a taste it gains the ability to dash then we leave Arvin to do the cleanup himself as we move on to the second gym at artisone City after a bunch of sunflora dropped my frame rate we come face to face with brashes the grass type leader he leads petalil as I send out Nimble I taught my bug pounce from the TM that Katie gave us which we use for about 70 percent the Bold Pokemon is able to connect sleep powder so we're forced to eat a mega drain before getting the first KO next turn now small of comes out who's only able to land one tackle between pounces as imp picks up her second knockout last is pseudowoodo which only takes about a third for my Terra and silver powder boosted pouts then the tree fires back with a super effective rock throw for a Kill next I go to match chip for the intimidate and get a few bites off to bring brashes's Ace into the yellow after hitting around four trailblazes the former rock type out speeds and finishes our dog leaving us with only florigato our cat resists everything the opponent can throw at us so I hone claws as rock throw hits for 10 damage then we tank two more as a pair of Plus One Bites finally finished pseudo-woodle off earning us the second badge I'm starting to realize a fundamental problem with this team we're all physical attackers and if you don't know what the rest of the squad is going to look like yet I'll just say that problem doesn't go away but for now I'll take my picture and be on my way now it's time for Titan number two Bombardier as a flying and dark type this stork resists pretty much everything I can hit it with so this may take a while after losing pretty handily to the bird I decide I need a new strategy I KO some Shanks so I can craft a thunderfang TM to teach Mastiff now it's time for the run back I lead Cerberus for the intimidate before an immediate switch to florigato our starter lives through a rock throw in a wing attack to do a little bit of damage with quick attacks before going down to pluck now I stack another intimidate with Cerberus and bring in imp who's ko'd before she can even attack I really just needed as many intimidates as possible before letting our good girl face off against the stork throat does 11 damage and our thunderfang looks like it'll be close to a two shot I decide to hone claws to bring the accuracy to 100 and boost our attack then after a second Rock throwing a pluck we finally take the bird down arvin's knackley actually put in a lot of work with Smackdown so we were able to take the Titan out even though we only had one mod left at low HP with that we get our second Urban mystica how about we find me a dad before talking about uncles Corydon eats the sandwich and can now swim and we meet arvin's my boss Tiff who had a tragic accident and can't be healed I swear buddy me and Cerberus will get you back on your feet with that done we can actually fill out the rest of our team first I catch pitch the pawn yard but he's over our level cap for Giacomo so he'll sit in the Box for now then we're actually able to grab the Titan we just beat so say hello to Lucifer the Bombardier I'm not sure how common it is to get the rocky payload ability but it basically means this Pokemon has three stabs which is great nope this is not happening I'm out of here time to show the second Squad who the real dark type Master is I taught Hades low kick before this fight so he's able to drop jacomo's Pawn yard with two hits unfortunately our starter does take a good chunk of damage from aerial lace in the process against the Starmobile I get my intimidate cycle working and when it starts using Swift I use a few snarls basically rendering any attacks useless now I can go back to florigato and hit a few low kicks to pick up the win surviving the weakened attacks on 3 HP now that we're recognized as the best dark type trainer in the region we have to look the part I grab the dark phone case some sweet fingerless gloves and the dark shoes to complete our outfit now we're Unstoppable at the next Gym's cap of 24 Nimble evolves into lockix which I think has a great design ah the influencer showing her true colors I can only use four Pokemon in this fight so I decide to leave pawniard in the Box for now we both lead birds as it's Lucifer Vs watral we're able to out speed and get a one shot with rock throw putting us up one man right away next is belly bolt which is able to KO our stork with a pair of Sparks but she did do around 70 percent to the frog with thieves now I can go to Cerberus to weaken spark and then I set up two hone claws at plus two attack a single bite has no trouble getting a knockout as iono goes into her Luxio even after intimidate we're still at plus one so we bite for around sixty percent before dropping to some Sparks I bring an imp who gets a lunge kill which brings out the leader's Ace Miss magius after terastalizing the former ghost confuses our bug but imp is able to break through and land a screech charge beam does just shy of half our health but we hit ourselves in confusion and drop to the next Miss magius also gets a special attack boost here so when florigato comes in he takes big damage from hex luckily thanks to imp's Screech Terror and a miracle seed were able to counter with a Single Seed bomb for the win with our third badge in hand it's time to face off against Mella and the skater Squad I start by having imp Screech or torical as a sun boosted flame wheel hits back hard and burns our bug I decide to Screech a second time before going down which opens the door for Lucifer to hit the field at -4 defense a single rock throw is able to KO the turtle so now it's time to focus on the car like usual I intimidate psycho keeping Lucifer healthy since she's my win condition when I finally bring her in it's looking like we'll take the win but then a blazing torque Burns us not only does this chip away at our health it also halves our attack luckily with 4 HP left she had just enough power to take the Starmobile down and disband another team star Squad somebody teach this girl how to walk it was an Alaskan forward too bad for earthworm we have low kick this time we fired the salty Urban mystica which gives corada the ability to jump higher my boss Dave also lets out his first rough in a while so he's on the road to recovery then I robbed this guy blind and evolve Cerberus into our own my boss Tiff anyone else notice the arrow on this Pokemon's chin yip yip buddy turns out that old guy is the fourth gym leader and he wants revenge kofu uses three Pokemon but I only needed two to beat him he leads voluza as I send out Cerberus our first Thunder fan gets a para as the psychic fish hits pluck for almost no damage one more electric bite picks up The Knockout as kofu brings in his wug Trio the triplets get a headbutt Flinch so we're forced to take two before thunderfang ocos last it's crabominable which takes about 40 percent from thunderfang after terastalizing then finishes my ball stiff off with rock smash florigato Terra seed bomb is all it takes to finish the crab off and get us another gym badge now Lucifer is going to become the team's MVP I craft an acrobatics TM and give our stork the incredible stab move after a handful of losses to Atticus our Terra flying acrobatics is a four shot on his Starmobile this battle still wasn't easy though it took a lot of pivoting and posturing to get Lucifer in a position where she barely hangs on with 8 HP as we pick up the win from here we grind up the team until Hades evolves into his final form meowskarata with the squad at 36 it was time to take on my favorite gym leader Larry his komalu is stuck in the floor right Lucifer helps the koala get unstuck with a pair of acrobatics as it yawns our bird between turns next is the Don sparse who hits two hyper drills while we're asleep bomber deer does around 40 percent on a wake up acrobatics but then goes down to the normal type signature move I bring in miascarata next as you see my controller was on low battery and flower trick but it's just not enough for the kill glare means we need to take a hyper drill next turn before getting a U-turn knockout and bringing in Cerberus I forgot staraptor has intimidate so it's back to our starter to unfortunately sack him off this means I can go back to my boss Tiff to drop the Birds attack then eat a facade and fire off a terror boosted payback for huge damage after surviving one more normal type attack we crunch staraptor to take it out and get ourselves another gym badge why do you keep showing up no nothing with you sounds fun there I beat you will you leave me alone now can you not do that math there's no hope for our future now it's time to take on rhyme but as a ghost type trainer this should be a cakewalk I lead Bombardier and finally send out pawniard against her mimic you and Bayonet my plan was to pop mimikyu's disguise with rockslide but the fairy type Dodges at least we get a crit on baynet then Lucifer is slashed for a bit of damage and pitches metal claw busts the disguise the marionette Pokemon actually uses icy wins so now my bird won't be moving first after another slash I rock slide takes bayonet out and then another metal claw finishes mimikyu Rhyme now sends in her last two team members toxicity and houndstone the electric type ghost Terrors and then discharges to KO Lucifer and we pitch in the red since he also got the para houndstone is able to play rough to knock us out before we get the chance to attack now we're down to a 2v2 as I send in Hades and Cerberus the crowd gives rhyme an omni boost to both Pokemon which is actually really scary toxicity's hyper voice does good damage to my team and then another play rough from houndstone takes out Hades my boss Tiff's Terror boosted crunch does the undead dog in and after I get an omni boost so we have even footing with the gym leader Cerberus is actually faster than rhyme's Ace so we out speed for a crunch and pick up the win definitely tougher than expected but I guess I wasn't taking houndstones play rough into account from here we backtrack to the Asado desert to deal with the next Titan great Tusk which I personally like a lot more than iron treads either way it just takes a few flower tricks to get The Knockout so it's time for urban number four corridon gains the ability to Glide and now there's just one more item on the grocery list but we'll get back to that later for now it's time to challenge tulip the psychic type gym leader she leads for rigoref as I send out lockix our bug is able to out speed the giraffe in one shot with a lunge bringing out Gardevoir I swapped a pitch who I really thought would survive a fairy move but dazzling gleam destroys him meow's garada comes in next and gets a crit night slash before also going down to the Powerful fairy type Lucifer is faster than imp so she's up next and out speeds the Embraced Pokemon for an acrobatics kill in a bird on bird Showdown we easily come out on top as bomber deer hits two acrobatics while tanking a not very effective Shadow Ball AST up is floor juice and for some reason I thought I wouldn't need to Terra here so we do good damage but Lucy drops to moonblast alright imp it's all on you now a quick lunge and we've gotten ourselves badge number seven for being a psychic leader tulip definitely gave me a run for my money before taking on grusha the glaciero gym I decided to craft a few new TMS while looking for crib Brawlers so I can make brick break I found this little guy let me know what your first gen 9 shiny was down below and now it's time for the last gym also everyone knows grusha is a guy right I feel like there's too many people saying her out there we open with frost moth against my boss Tiff I replaced thunderfang with firefang so that's a quick KO off the rip Cerberus is also able to take bear tick down with a pair of burning bites but satitan do be thick an ice spinner ice Shard combo take our Pooch down and I bring in pawniard I think I really underrated how well this base form can keep up he takes a liquidation pretty well and then does big damage with a super effective critical hit metal claw next turn we rinse and repeat leaving the snowboarder with only his Ace Altaria moonblast takes our steel Soldier down but Lucifer will avenge him two Rock slides are able to get the KO surviving a pretty strong Ice Beam in the process with that we've beaten every gym in the region and can pivot back to dealing with Team star after beating up on his piano teacher Ortega comes out to battle us himself his lead isn't a Zuma rule which quickly gets taken care of by Haiti's flower trick next is Wigglytuff which survives the guaranteed crit and charms my cat I decided to U-turn here which does literally no damage and bring out party hard play rough does about 50 damage and on the following turn we outspeed for a metal claw kill now docspun comes out whose baby doll eyes are annoying to deal with we get two more steel slashes off before dropping to the pastry pup going back to meowskarata our attack is lowered once again but flower tricks still does the trick this leaves ordi with only his Starmobile which sets up Misty Terrain strategy here is pretty similar to how I've dealt with other bosses after intimidate cycling with Cerberus we eventually pick up the wind with the Hades night slash while grinding the team up for our battle against the last Titan pitch finally evolves into Bisharp we just witnessed a murder and are totally unfazed now that's dark for you we dropped the Blobfish with flower tricks but then the Sashimi wants to go around with us [Music] well that was easy enough and there you have it the last Urban mystica now corridon can climb vertically but more importantly my boss stiff is back in action oh this scene will never get old just like beating up on team star boss as well bomber deer takes care of Aries toxic croak annihil ape and persimian with acrobatics for Lucario I made a switch to imp who acts kicks the aura dog for a kill that leaves the boss with her Starmobile and look at the absolute Carnage that Lucifer causes yeah I'd probably cry too if I just got bodied that hard actually not surprised at all that Cassiopeia is the big boss they want me to meet them in the schoolyard but I have some other things to take care of first after giving pitch the leader's Crest that I had Bombardier swipe off this Bisharp and defeating three that led a group of pontiard we get our final evolution of this run King Gambit at level 60 I decide to challenge the Elite Four starting with Rika the ground type user Hades gets off to a great start as we flower trick to KO wiscash against camarope.you turn to Cerberus who takes about half damage from fire blast crunch just isn't enough for The Knockout so we end up getting yawned before finishing the camel off I hard swap meowskarata into Don Fan's earthquake taking minimal damage then after bringing the elephant into the red with flower trick it actually reveals poison jab which gets us low next turn we take our third KO and Rika sends out dog Trio since we're faster the triplets get decimated and now it's all down to Cloud sire by terastalizing the Wooper Revolution loses its defensive poison type so a terror boosted super effective flower trick is more than enough to take the mudfish down and give us our first E4 wind next up is Poppy the steel wielding child Haiti starts with a low kick while kaparaja sets up Stealth Rock another sweep gets the KO as corvinite hits the field I send King Gambit in but poppy starts boosting her Bird's already high defense then low kick tickles The Raven Pokemon as a four times effective body press destroys our King I bring Lucifer in next to use the neutral rock slide for some damage after another body press we get a Flinch and with some help from Brave Birds recoil can bring corbinite down to the red before fainting I thought a flower trick would be enough to get the kill here and I was very wrong meows garada goes down to body press and finally imp can finish the bird off with throat chop Poppy's third Pokemon is magnazone which takes big damage from Ax kick before setting up a useless light screen next turn leech Life Is Enough For the Kill so now it's a 2v2 throat chop leaves bronzong weak so after the psychic type lands Iron Head lock X gets another KO under her belt with leech life last is tinkerton who has a dual fairy Steel type is super effective against my dark types I defensively Tara imp hoping for a play rough and immediately get rewarded for my actions but then we miss axkick and KO ourselves easy come easy go now it's all on Cerberus to bring this home I didn't realize we would out speed so turn one I used payback which does a little damage now we're hit with gigaton hammer but thanks to intimidate it doesn't hurt too much my boss stiff crunches the hammer Pokemon as brick break does half the health we have left narrowly escaping this child's wrath we outspeed for one more crunch giving us our second Elite Four victory Larry's really out here on double duty let's see if he's better with flying types than normal ones he leads Tropius which takes big damage from pitch's cow toe cleave before setting up the Sun due to chlorophyll it now outspeeds us so one air slash Flinch and a dragon pulse later and we have a knockout anticipating a close combat from Star after I go to Lucifer for neutral damage unfortunately we miss rockslide and Brave Bird brings us into the red before finally getting the kill next turn a second crit in a row takes out Altaria but we miss again as auricorio finishes their bird with Revelation Dance is able to drop the cheerleader with a pair of night slashes but he did take big damage from an air slash between hits last is flamigo who drops its fighting type with terasterization so our play rough only does around a quarter Brave Bird finishes our starter and then I go to Cerberus for an intimidate but find out that in gen 9 Scrappy blocks the attack drop crunch just isn't enough to finish the flamingo so after it claims another member of my party I go to imp unfortunately wear out sped and brave birded for another kill I know this thing also out speeds King Gambit and can kill with a four times effective close combat so as I rack my brain for the answer to this puzzle Larry's Ace faints to recoil damage not sure if we'll ever see that one again but we take those time for the last member Hassle and his dragons he leads Noivern who anointingly super fangs bobber deer for half her health what's even more annoying is that she proceeds to miss rockslide then Dragon pulse brings our burden to the red as the wyvern survives rockslide on one HP this unfortunately means Lucifer's time is up but Hades is fast enough to avenge his friend with play rough with drug algae out next I swapped a king Gambit to avoid a sludge bomb kauto cleave leaves the poison dragon with a few hit points left so after tanking a hydro pump we get KO number two I taught our Supreme Overlord poison jab to deal with flapple but it just isn't enough to kill after a little leech seed recovery the Apple Dragon rushes us for a bit and then faints to a second noxious punch we're able to live through two Haxorus Dragon claws plus the leech seed lifesteal to get a kill with some foul plays last is back scalaber who out speeds for a brick break kill but we still have plenty of healthy mods to deal with the new pseudo after dropping the dragon's attack my boss div does around 70 without rage thanks to intimidate we survive Glade rush and can finish this battle with one more Angry burst of dragon energy hold on old man what are you implying here anyway time for Gita my boss Tiff is able to tank dazzling clean pretty well from s pathra and pick up our first KO with a crit crunch against go goad I pivot through pitch to eat play rough and then bring in bomber deer on a bulk up thanks to that defense buff the goat survives acrobatics but instead of making use of its only turn it bulks up again so thanks for playing as La Primera sends in her own King Gambit I decide to let pitch prove who the true Supreme Overlord is or tickled by crit stoneage on the switch in then out speed for a low kick one shot avalog takes half damage from the same move but then our worst enemy body press comes out and drops King Gambit lock kicks finishes the iceberg with an ax kick followed by leech life tanking avalog's second body press between turns I decided to Lunge Volusia to lower its attack but it actually couldn't even survive one hit so now The champ is down to her Ace glamora The Rock poison type is fairly fast so imp goes down to sludge wave before getting the chance to attack as fast as it is nothing can outspeed Hades who Terror flower tricks for the one shot finally crowning us a champion ranked trainer no I don't want to be your best rival for Life what even is that didn't I just say no how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man alright whatever I'll battle you again later before that goes down we have some unfinished business at the Academy wow you were director clavel all along who knew guess I have to battle you anyway or when Guru goes down to a single cow toe cleave then Gyarados does no damage as Lucifer Kos it with a rock slide and a foul play Obama Snow gets acrobatics for a kill and then polti guys survives on one HP to Willow Wisp my bird despite the burn we still knocked the sentient teapot out and can drop a Mungus with two more of our flying type flurries skeleturge doesn't take much from rockslide then gets a plus one to its special attack from a torch song kill after a crunch from Cerberus we survived the fire type attack and then finished the Croc with some help from terasterization wow I actually feel for Arvin here Sada tells us to meet her in area zero but first her son wants to battle is greeting not heavy low kick does absolutely nothing he tank a few earthquakes and then Kato Cleaves finish the squirrel next Arvin shows off his Minecraft skills building a full Pokemon out of blocks gargantico survives iron head and then there it is again our arch nemesis body press Lucifer cleans up the rock type with drill run then obliterates sko villain and Toad screw with acrobatics a pair of rock slides dropped Cloister leaving Arvin with only my boss Tiff who recently recovered from incurable injuries I mean how did you expect that to go of course we just happen to know two people with the traits we need to go to area zero I'll be back in a bit alright best rival for life let's do this flower trick destroys lycanroc to start then I let Palma KO lockix with close combat and double shock with the loss of its electric typing Bombardier can wreak havoc with acrobatics Goodra also goes down to two of the same but it does hit a hard Ice Beam on our bird after one more barrage the Dunn sparse puts an end to Lucifer with Hyper drill pitch is able to finish the worst Evolution ever with low kick and bring earthworm into the red before going down to two you guessed it body presses from here it's just a night slash followed by a flower trick from Hades to finish off the worm and quakoval one area zero exploration member recruited let's find the second no not really if you pay attention it's kinda easy to figure out the penny is Cassiopeia there's really nothing that exciting about this battle aside from the music I will say that Penny's theme slaps after taking care of her team of Evolutions director clavel says the team star is free to continue to exist and asks them to help him teach Academy students you can serve a life sentence later Penny we have a regent to save speaking of nobody told me we were gonna need to fight AI SATA Lucifer starts strong with a four times effective acrobatics to take out Slither wing scream Tales play rough does big damage and thanks to its bulk we can't even two shot with acrobatics I decide to swap into King Gambit to eat the next one but then I get greedy with Swords Dance So two drain punches knock me out and gets the prehistoric Jigglypuff back to full health two more play roughs KO imp but at least she was able to launch for 60 and an attack drop her sacrifice allows meowskarata to come in and get a flower trick kill without having to take any damage floater means mystical fire does 75 to our starter but the sure critical hit move is strong enough to one shot Sandy shocks goes down to the same and then we hit brute Bonnet with a play rough before dying to two sucker punches since I saved Bombardier she's able to clean up a mungus's ancestor with acrobatics leaving the professor with only roaring Moon we're unfortunately outsped for a dragon claw kill and I'm not sure Cerberus has what it takes to finish things here just like Arvin I learned to never doubt our doggo if she takes less than half from declaw and a single outrage is all it takes to settle things with the security system I'm sure you all know that there's a scripted win in this legendary vs legendary battle and then the professor goes into the time machine shutting it down for good and with that we've successfully beaten Pokemon Scarlet with only new dark types this game didn't introduce a ton of new Pokemon I mean I didn't even have a full party for this run even so I'm excited to try types with even less team members and see if we can still pull off this challenge if you enjoyed this video be sure to smash that like button and subscribe so you don't miss out on the next one thanks so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: CGA
Views: 339,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cga pokemon, pokemon challenges, pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, pokemon scarlet and violet review, pokemon scarlet and violet gameplay, can i beat pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon scarlet and violet with only, scarlet and violet pokemon, pokemon scarlet and violet trailer, pokemon scarlet violet, pokemon scarlet and violet playthrough, pokemon scarlet and violet new pokemon, pokemon scarlet and violet shiny, pokemon challenges scarlet and violet
Id: o-tmqL4gamA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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