Pokémon RéBurst: The Manga You Never Read

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all the things I've covered in my videos about the Pokemon universe I really loved exploring the Pokemon manga there's some of the least known Pokemon media but often contains some of the most extreme most emotional and most bizarre information ever presented in the franchise but today we're gonna dig even deeper to a manga series I guarantee most of you have never read Pokemon reversed or is it ray burst I don't know that did the e accent thing again so it's probably ray burst but I'm just gonna stick with free burst because that's all I've ever heard it called the fifth generation of Pokemon brought a ton of change it had 156 Pokemon making it the largest new generation of all time it brought a darker more serious story that examined the ethics of Pokemon capture and it brought a brand new Pokemon manga advertises a new Pokemon series aimed toward an older audience published in the same magazine as Detective Conan and Inuyasha's there was a good amount of hype for this especially between my friends and I we were 20 and older at this point and while we still love the Pokemon franchise to its core a Pokemon product that was made for our demographic seemed like a refreshing idea then a couple of months later the manga came out I'm gonna give you guys a quick rundown on how most reacted to it alright we've got a lot of mouth protagonists trying to find his lost father like two pages in we've already got ourselves a missing father as a significant plot point take that Ash secret-agent girl seems interesting oh there's a pokeball oh no Pokemon yet just a dude carrying a mountain how is he doing that finally there's a Pokemon somebody saved the lowly pups high jump kick yes oh wait that was just the protagonists mega punch oh that was also just the protagonist it seems like there's a whole lot of battling here but not a whole lot of Pokemon alright how on earth is he gonna fight this man with a Buster Sword sized electric mace can't punch that it's time to bust out dance great weapon wait that's not a pokeball that's literally what she's saying in this bubble even the agent is wondering why we don't have Pokemon yet well I guess it's a stone that he can use to oh oh I've seen this twist before to the shock of everyone it turns out that reversed was a manga all about anthropomorphism I guess the Japanese term for this is gee Gingka you're humanization I don't know however you want to label this it's all about Pokemon plus person equals a fusion summon instead of traditional Pokemon based combat which apparently still exists in the reversed universe it's all about Pokemon human fusions through stones called burst hearts well this manga saw moderate success in Japan running for eight volumes and about 80 chapters English interest in the work seemed to disappear almost immediately we got so hyped on the idea of an adult Pokemon universe that when the final product was something drastically different fans abandoned it pretty quickly typically when there's a product that's only available in Japan there's somebody out there who will translate it into their language and while my stance on this is to typically support the original product whenever you can regardless I'm usually all for fan translations when the product never sees a release in your language see for example mother 3 Pokemon rebirth did not get an English release but it also never got a complete English translation even as much digging as I've done I could barely find unofficial English translations beyond the first 10 chapters around one-eighth of the full story I can't even find original Japanese scans of the full story and the original comics website doesn't even Lystra bursts page anymore I'll admit I'm not a fan of the Ginga thing but there's a huge subculture on the internet that's crazy for it where they're really just never enough dedicated fans to translate the rest of the story in what is likely the weeba sting I've ever done I decided to order the Japanese series on Amazon and with the help of a few Japanese friends get a summarized version the rest of the chapters long story short you guys aren't missing much it's not horrible it's just extremely generic Shonen manga with very little to stand out as special over the first few volumes we see the main protagonist crew assembled Ryuga whose main ability is being really enthusiastic and never giving up also passing out everytime he finishes a battle Naruto the secret agent who is literally useless she owns a manda buzz asks to use it once but is told no because it's too dangerous yappy the tiny comic relief character who despite looking like a pants age has no abilities he works maroudo as part-time cheerleader and part-time kidnapped fodder career ooh the androgynous bad boy who actually has a heart deep down Corolla the token mini male who eats a lot oh because she turns into a pig that's a good one rug the cat woman she is a cat that steals things like Catwoman and karuta aka Naruto yeah that's pretty much the whole team and I hate them I hate them all speaking of Naruto you'll notice a lot of similarities like the multistage tournament arc that plays just like the Chunin exam for the main enemy fraud who uses powers to give himself eternal youth mmm one of the big reasons people were interested in this series was the potential for a mature Pokemon story taking the core elements of Pokemon and shaping them in a way that shares more adult and more powerful tails instead we get fanservice lots and lots and lots of fanservice if you're a female character except for maybe like the 110 year old over here you're getting fanservice and yeah this does run the male direction too occasionally if that's your taste but there's a clear favoritism for fanservice marketed to straight male teenage boys it just comes across as cheap and pandering to me but that's just my opinion you know what could be a cool new mature thing for Pokemon though how about a deep emotional moment or unique character development and you know what we almost get there at one point during the main tournament arc we have kuru de fighting in hopes that the prize money can get a medicine for his sick village he's devastated at his defeat but with the help of Ryoga they're able to buy his medicine and bring it back to the village only there does he discover he was too late and his mother died while he was searching for a cure there's a touching moment where we examine his backstory about how he always felt he could never measure up to his strong father then and perhaps the most ridiculous thing to happen in the entire story he grows up overnight what do you even lift bro doctors hate him well I guess that is one way to make your character grow I guess the humans of all than this manga as well okay I know I'm nitpicking and as a whole Shonen manga is pretty much just the main hero kicking the crap out of bigger and better bad guys which overall this manga does do some of the battle designs are admittedly pretty cool and it is neat that they included the original Pokemon elemental differences such as dark burst characters being immune to psychic attacks I'd say the longest greatest weakness though is that it's set out to be a combination of Pokemon and Shonen manga but instead of this dream combination we get a watered-down version on both sides on the Pokemon end there's the obvious I just don't think many core fans were very big on the fusion aspect but there's also all these big questions that they could have explored in this manga we have traditional pokémon and birthstones all in the same universe are there any ethical issues here why our regular pokeball pokemon rarely used to help fight these evil burst users in the fifth generation ironically the setting for this manga the big question is whether or not human are abusing Pokemon as tools but in reversed they are literally just tools on the shown inside it's like we've mentioned it's just a little bland there's the one I want to rule the world main villain with a few token mini-bosses and it's all generic good versus evil if you like sense action then this does provided there's just so much shown in Monga out there that provides the same thing that I would read first instead unfortunately Pokemon reversed wasn't this incredible hidden gem that I thought it could potentially be but I do think I at least uncovered some of the reasons why you don't see a fan translation of it today at the very least hopefully you learned a fact about Pokemon that you never knew before which is the main reason I do these silly fact videos in the first place if Pokemon ever does decide to tackle an older audience again hopefully they'll evaluate some of the places reversed has struggled until then though thanks for watching today's Pokemon fact video if you want to see some other videos I've done that have tackled various other Pokemon manga you can check them out right here and if you want to be there right when new videos come out consider clicking the subscribe button to follow the channel I'll see you guys next time with more Nintendo content
Channel: TheJWittz
Views: 1,023,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JWittz, TheJWittz, Josh, Wittenkeller, Fact, of, The, Day, Pokemon, Pokémon, Banned, Censored, Hot, Top, 10, Anime, Manga, Red, Blue, Yellow, Wittz, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Doney, Kong, Card, Game, Deck, Review, Playthrough, Cheats, Nintendo, Lore, Pocket Monsters RéBURST, Film (Media Genre), Pokémon (TV Program), Video Game (Industry)
Id: BxLes0s2R-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2015
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