Pokémon Platinum Hardcore Nuzlocke - Grass Types Only! (No items, no overleveling)

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this video is sponsored by Squarespace the all-in-one platform to easily and efficiently build and manage your own website I've made over 100 videos since my last grass type hardcore Nuzlocke but now it's finally time to take on Pokemon Platinum with nothing but grass type Pokemon though grass types in Gen 4 are quite as useless as they were in gen 3 Sinnoh is not a particularly welcoming place for our leafy friends many dangers await us on our journey and making it through without being chopped up into itty bitty bits will require elaborate strategies ruling teamwork and sheer dumb luck because in a Nuzlocke if a Pokemon faints it's dead forever and since I can only catch grass type Pokemon there's just nine Encounters in the entire game the rest of the rules for this playthrough are shown here and in the description down below but let's not beat around the bush any longer the start to one of the hardest most stressful monotype nozzle locks of all time begins right now my first encounter is the Sinnoh grass type starter Turtwig not only a phenomenal Pokemon but also an absolute little bastard if I've ever seen one I named my new bastard bestie crab and so begins our life as two Bachelors on an adventure but our bro trip is short-lived because on Route 204 we can catch a Badoo named pampus who officially makes us a crowd it's okay crab we'll always have hunting clowns in jubalife city by the time we get to the first gym badge against Rorke Pampas has evolved into Roselia so she just sucks all three of his rock types dry with a mega drain a piece it's nice that this first gym is a gimme because it'll be a near constant uphill Grind from here on out Rourke seems stunned that he lost to a kid without any gym badges which is pretty rich given that he's literally the first gym leader but after I get over that needlessly rude comment I make my way to floroma town where I can start getting encounters from honey trees it takes a few tries but eventually I catch a Burmy who I named centipede centipede's not a grass type though in fact she's a bug type AKA grass types one true enemy well other than Birds fire and frostbite [Music] foreign ful level UPS centipede is able to evolve into a plant cloak wormadame easily the worst wormadame form but it's also the only one that's an eligible encounter so it is what it is and that's all the encounters we can get here so off we go time for a fight against the second gym leader gardenia she also fancies herself a garden Ally so it's time for some plant on plant violence fortunately centipedes a little bit of a cannibal and a hungry one at that with bug bites she Chows through her fellow grass types like she's auditioning for the role of the Winklevoss twins Roserade makes things a little harder by using stun Spore but since she only has poison sting for Meaningful damage and centipede is moderately bulky with a held orenberry we're able to take her and gardenia's chair amount without too much of a hassle that wins us an easy second gym badge watching gardenia's cherum getting eaten alive reminds me that I could have gotten a chirubi of my own from a Honey Tree already so I fixed that oversight immediately and welcome Bermuda onto the team hey what's with the little ball attached to chirubi's head like it's got a face so it's Gotta Be Alive right is this some sort of weird parasitic twin thing the ball seems to completely disappear when chirubi evolves so by evolving chirubi are we willingly killing the life of this sentient parasite is that not immoral or I mean then again what kind of life is it to be used as a nutrient Sac cognizant enough to know your suffering but not cognizant enough to do anything about it is evolution then actually the only merciful thing that one can do in this situation to finally provide a sweet release from a life filled with nothing but unimaginable pain and abject horror well whatever I've got other things to worry about for now like the fight against Commander Jupiter and the Eternal Galactic building she leads with a zoo bat and I lead with crab hoping that the Zubat will just use toxic activating our health Petra Berry unfortunately Zubat opts for a more aggressive strategy and hits my bulky tortoise with a super effective wing attack to make matters worse Zubat survives return with a single HP letting her nail crab with another wing attack before going down this means that crab is below half Health as gun tank comes in I'm scared the crab is dead to a potential critical hit so I switched to centipede taking out Pepe Le Pew is gonna be up to her things start out really well as contact misses a poison gas and centipede each skuntank Citrus Berry with a bug bite getting us back to almost full HP on the next turn skunk tank goes for a screech and centipede takes the opportunity to fire off a critical hit bug bite this is going great but with the defense drop from Screech I decide to switch out to Bermuda for his debut battle skuntank just uses smokescreen which means it was safe to stay in for at least one turn but there's no way to know that in the moment a switch back to centipede on a night slash means that we're now risking a critical hit on the following turn there's no crit though so we get off another bug bite bringing skunk tank into the red but now we gotta find a way to survive a hit and take out her last tick of HP I decide that my best bet is to bring in Pampas who can hopefully out speed and finish off skuntank on the following turn but she doesn't even get the chance as she tragically Falls to a critical hit night slash in hindsight I don't think Pampas would have even outsped skunk tank anyways but losing a Pokemon to a critical hit is always rough I bring in Bermuda to survive a night slash and finish up the battle but magical Leaf just straight up doesn't kill skun tank meaning that Bermuda follows pampus to his grave after after that I'm convinced that this is now a wipe but crab does end up Surviving a night slash which lets him finally kill skuntank with a return so the battles won but at what cost two promising young lives snuffed out before they were able to blossom into their full potential with so few Encounters in this run and the hardest challenges still ahead I decide that it's smart to just pull the plug on attempt one now fortunately it's not too much of an ordeal to get back to Jupiter which will hopefully go a little bit better this time around to skew the odds of my favor I get a few more levels on my Pokemon and I also decide to evolve Bermuda 2 AKA bertuda into cherim at level 25 with a bit more Firepower my garden Warriors should be better equipped for this fight crab 2 AKA crab tube okay that one doesn't really work but crab still leaves Zubat with a sliver so I switched to bertuta thinking that she'll take less damage from zubat's wing attack than from skuntang's night slash since bertude is now in as gun tank comes out we can tank a night slash which does exactly one more HP than zubat's wing attack and then set up a leech scene since centipede learns Protect by level up the leech seed lets her deal with scun tank far more easily so while centipede is chowing down on this heaping serving of skunk you should chew on this did you know that doesn't matter percent of viewers aren't subscribed to the channel it really does help me out a ton if you click that subscribe button plus if baby worm grows larger than Mommy worm then the ancient ritual will be complete with Jupiter defeated we're pretty close to the level cap now so I gotta do my best to avoid as many optional trainers as possible which I'm categorically terrible at but I am able to successfully make it to heart home City with everyone still under the level cap and by talking to BB I can get my fifth team member and Evie a quick trip back to the mossy Rock in the Eterna Forest evolves Kentucky Bluegrass into Leafeon I like that for a few Generations game freak kept putting Mossy rocks in every single new region but then in generation 8 they were just like it Leafeon evolves with a leaf stone now in hindsight that makes a lot of sense are bad Leafeon is my favorite Evolution so I'm glad to finally get the chance to use him in a Nuzlocke unfortunately his Generation 4 level up moveset leaves a lot to be desired get it leaves a lot to be desired Leafeon does have phenomenal attack but doesn't actually learn Leaf blade until level 70 freaking 1. who is that for Grovyle learns Leaf blade at level 29 so someone at game freak must just have a poster in their cubicle that says screw Leafeon on it I mean that's still better than the guy who has a similar poster for Vaporeon that guy is a freak nevertheless at least kbg has a phenomenal physical defense stat made even stronger by his relaxed nature some physical bulk is a welcome addition to this team though it won't actually be all that relevant for the fight against fantina like with most third gym leaders fantina can be a real tough nut to crack without the proper encounters for Miss magius in particular is the toughest nun for Lee duskel though she goes down to two bites from crab the first one causes a lucky Flinch so we don't even need to worry about being burned which is a great start Miss maggia skips the cue to come in next so I decide to stay in and hit a super effective bite it's not ideal to activate Miss magius's Citrus Berry here because that would have been a yummy snack for the always hungry centipede who will be our main answer into this Beast of a ghost type despite centipede having fairly respectable special defense complimented by her sassy nature Shadow Ball still hits pretty hard fortunately with some switches I can bring bertuda back in and risk her to a critical hit in order to set up a leech seed the gamble pays off letting centipede come back in and slowly take out Miss magias I do still have to risk her to a handful of critical hits which is never a good strategy you can only avoid critical hits for so long but at least for now the Miss magius is taken care of fantina's Haunter is physical and since Haunter has an atrocious attack stat Pampas can safely take her out with lead-seated Giga drains despite having truly abysmal physical defense that wins us a pretty scary third gym badge but fantina is not even the spookiest thing that heart home city has to offer that would be my rival Mower and his team that features two very problematic Pokemon the first is Staravia don't let his Belgian comic hairdo deceive you this thing is a huge issue with double team Endeavor quick attack and wing attack Staravia has the potential to devastate all five of my grass types if we can't take them out quickly thanks to his bulk kbg doesn't take too much damage from Wing attacks but after saravias intimidate it'd take way too long to take him out and we'd be running the risk of Staravia setting up with double team or creating with a few Wing attacks so I decide that my only real play is to lead with bertuda with a held Miracle seed which she was fortunately holding when we caught her bercuta can two-shot the frail bird with two not very effective magical Leafs and she's bulky enough to always survive one critical hit wing attack but Staravia actually ends up doing the best thing he possibly could and just goes for double team this means bertuda is at full HP as she fires off her second magical Leaf which never misses once again a great start mowers Monferno comes in second but is able to safely tank One Flame wheel and a 90 base power pedal dance will be enough to two-shot the frail chimp this is a little risky because pedal dance locks you in for two to three turns but mowers remaining two Pokemon aren't particularly threatening plus the alternative is to switch to kbg or crab and tank some flame Wheels which runs the risk of getting crit and or burned sober Tuda it is pedal dance does great damage into mower's fiery primape who then retaliates with a flame wheel [Music] and the crit leaves bertuda with just 11 HP but before I can even let out a sigh of relief the next turn begins as bertuta's trapped in with pedal dance and Monferno Snipes down my flower with a priority mock punch this is the first and last time I will ever use pedal dance in this Nuzlocke I am crushed bertuta was only on the team for a short time but she had so much potential it's a devastating loss though given the resources I had there's really not much I could have done to play around that critical hit it's a tough hand to be dealt but we've got to keep playing the game fighting the fight the only way to avenge bertuta's death is to take this run all the way to the hall of fame there will be no more deaths on my watch with crab closing out the battle against mower we can make our way to veilstone city which is great because the game Corner the department store and the surrounding routes all have really valuable TMS and items that will make my travels a bit easier especially when it's time to once again face off against mower it's just a shame that we couldn't get to all this stuff before losing bertuda but we gotta Focus up because it's time for my team's next challenge black belt Jeffrey Jeffrey is the real deal this guy only has one Pokemon but it's a Heracross that knows Ariel Ace encounter the combination of those two moves has the potential to kill every single one of my Pokemon with a bit of bad luck now as you can see here Jeffrey is a Turner which means that if I'm a bit lucky it's possible that I could completely avoid him on my way to mayleen I've also heard that you can do some speedrunner manipulation thing to guarantee that you avoid Turners but I don't know how to do that and learning new things is scary that's why I'm playing a 15 year old Pokemon game so instead of learning it's time to bring in some backup it's off to the great Marsh in Pastoria City where I can catch three more grass types first is a Tangela named Bluestem that's another physically Pokemon on the team and this one's sporting a banger pair of bright red boots second is a carnivine named Fescue which is definitely a grass type Pokemon that definitely learns many grass type moves among many other moves that are useful and good yes carnivine is truly a Pokemon worthy of its extreme Rarity the third and final new grass type is a Tropius who I named zebra and she's the reason why we made this entire Trek with solid Bull and her stab flying type moves zebra will be the perfect answer into Jeffrey's Heracross this plan is foolproof foreign [Music] I have done way too many of these nuzlocks for this to still happen to me I mean sure it sucks that while grinding up against wild Geodude I missed a 95 accurate Razor Leaf on the exact turn that Geodude decided that life is a legless rock monster was too much to handle but there's really no excuse for this it's me hi I'm the problem it's me and now zebra is dead the Silver Lining is that on the way to Pastoria City I found the TM for aerial Ace and discovered that I can teach it to kbg which will definitely one shot Jeffrey's hair across with no problem so it's Leafeon to the rescue or it would be if I wasn't the greatest ninja in Sinnoh I would say crisis averted but since zebra's guts are still splattered across all four walls of ruined Maniac cave that'd probably be in poor taste anyway since the level cap of 32 lets crab evolve into Torterra and learn earthquake we easily clear through mailings three fighting types netting us a quick 4th gym badge nothing like a quick and dirty earthquake sweep to get you in the mood for a sponsorship segue this video is sponsored by Squarespace Squarespace is an online platform that helps you build and manage your own website whether that's an online store for your business or a personal blog for your thoughts designing a website can be really difficult without the proper resources and support but with squarespace's all in one platform it's quick and painless to easily design professional and Polished websites for example with the help of their customizable templates I created poppyhg.com the one and only destination to find curated pictures of my Corgi puppy poppy look at her lying in that field of grass that's just like the Pokemon that we're using in this video see in the business they call that connecting the sponsorship to the content in the video to make it more relatable to the viewer I'm so good at this Squarespace also has a ton of other really useful features like analytic information about the traffic of your website the ability to add and play embedded videos directly on your website and and Squarespace member areas which can be used to connect with audiences and create exclusive members only content so if you're looking to start a website for your business or hobby then you should absolutely check out squarespace.com for a free trial and when you're ready to launch your website you can use my custom link to save 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain thanks so much to Squarespace for sponsoring this video now let's get back to the challenge before taking on crash or wake for badge number five there's another fight against mower though this one is much easier than the previous fight in heart home thanks to all the additional team members and items we've accrued since then Bluestem has evolved into tangrowth which is an unbelievably phenomenal Pokemon as long as you keep it away from special attacks he's able to easily deal with mower Staravia with a single super effective Shockwave and then kbg can now switch in on a flame wheel and kill Monferno with a super effective dig TMS really make the world go round but since they aren't reusable in generation 4 and most of of them can only be found once I'm gonna need to be really careful about managing my Pokemon's move sets for the rest of this playthrough once those moves are gone there's no getting them back Bluestem continues to show his prowess against crash awake in his water types the only one of his three Pokemon that's a potential issue is float Soul because he knows icefang so many Pokemon in this game no icefang it's pretty infuriating fortunately Bluestem is very bulky so even though float Soul does get a Flinch with his first ice thing we're able to win the matchup by staying healthy with mega drain and shell Bell recovery nah I'm just kidding I obviously get Frozen by a third icefang this really seems to be happening to me a lot recently it's um not fun I mean fortunately I can switch to kbg who's able to survive two ice fangs neither of which freezes crits or flinches small miracle so against impossible odds I've somehow managed to successfully beat the water type gym leader in my grass type monologue but I guess I'd rather get the bad luck out of the way here because if I get that type of RNG against any of the next seven or so boss battles I'm gonna be looking at a wipe the first of these boss battles is the first of three fights against the Team Galactic boss Cyrus who was concocted in a lab to have the most anti-grass type team imaginable at least for now none of his Pokemon are fully evolved by giving kbg a hell of Kelsey Berry he can use natural gift to One-Shot his Sneasel with a 70 base power quad effective fighting type move natural gift is going to be a recurring strategy from here on out go back comes in second so it's time to just use pure brute force with return two hits are enough to kill Golbat as a non-critical hit air cutter does just shy of 50 before taking the kill I decide to go for synthesis on the off chance that Golbat misses his 95 accurate move happens more than you think but instead he just immediately gets a critical hit so I guess it's time to kill the bat with turn leaving Cyrus with just his murkrow that knows drill Peck which is scary we're gonna need to risk two crits as blue Stout comes in fortunately neither of murkrow's drill Pack's crit letting blue stem nail murkrow with a hidden power which is electric type and has 64 base power thereby making it ever so slightly stronger than Shockwave I lucked out on Bluestem having a pretty useful hidden power type but unfortunately it doesn't make a difference here because murkrow survives with just a sliver so that means it's time to risk more crits this time with crab once again Oren Jesus grants me safe passage and crab is able to take out murkrow but that was just the first Cyrus fight before he even has fully evolved Pokemon I can't keep risking that many Critical Hits every battle my strategies need to get better or I will lose this run no one stays that lucky forever we've got a slew of other problematic boss fights before our next brush with Cyrus though the first is the cantalave city battle against mower his Pokemon are now fully evolved and he also took a page out of black belt Jeffrey's Playbook and picked up by Heracross but I've been dreading this fight for a long while now so I've had plenty of time to think it through against his leads to Raptor I use Bluestem who more or less shrugs off an area lace and then retaliates with a choice specs boost in Shockwave for the one shot that brings in mower's new Heracross so it's off to kbg on another aerial Ace but back at you buddy mine's a bit more effective than yours with Heracross down Infernape is third but thanks to a held expert belt a dig is just enough to get the one shot mowers rosarade and ice fangless float solar no problem so that's a perfectly executed dub over arguably the hardest rival fight in the game Byron believe it or not is not one of the seven scary boss fights that I mentioned his Steelix does know icefang and I do have to be a little careful to play around metal burst from bastiodon after he sets up with iron defense but it's ultimately a pretty easy fight and a nice respite from dealing with the non-stop barrage of super effective hits Team Galactic and their endless supply of gold bats are particularly draining but fortunately we're about to get a very useful encounter to deal with flying types before that though I do detour to iron Island and pick up a Shiny Stone which I use to finally evolve Pampas into Roserade he's been pretty dormant since the early game but with his Newfound power and speed he'll be back in the spotlight soon enough as we make our way to snow Point City my team welcomes the final Encounter of the run a Snover named Buffalo rather frustratingly he's got a minus speed nature and also a Speed IV of four so maxing out his speed EVs and making him into a moderately fast blizzard spammer is no longer the brilliant answer to flying types that I expected it to be a little less sass than a bit more timidness wouldn't kill you Buffalo but we'll have to work with what we've got against Candace things are looking a little Bleak thanks to his relaxed nature and a Speed IV of the 8 kbg isn't fast enough to outspeed Candace's Sneasel or Frost last which based on how the AI is coded should be the first two Pokemon to come out blizzard obviously does nasty damage to all of my Pokemon Knight named Buffalo and using him would set up hail and give Frost slash her precious snow cloak ability as well as perfectly accurate blizzards this Frost last is already an agent of RNG chaos with even a little bit of bad luck she'll sweep my entire team so I need a plan that's RNG proof which is much easier said than done but I think I have one figured out as Candice leads with her Sneasel I lead with crab it's a bit unconventional to lead a grass ground type into the ice type gym leader but crab needs to set up a Stealth Rock here and with a held yachi Berry to have the power of super effective ice type moves he's very safe to even a critical hit from sneasel's only ice type move ice Shard so next up is a switch to Bluestem who's so bulky that Sneasel would need to get multiple critical hits with ice Shard for this to be a problem Bluestem sets up a sunny day which activates his chlorophyllability thereby doubling his speed now this obviously does a matter for outspeeding Sneasel since ice Shard has priority but it does let Blue Stem fire off a one-turn solar beam which cleanly kills Sneasel on the following turn that brings in Frost lass who takes 25 from the Stealth Rock set up by crab immediately and guess what that does it puts the frosty lady right in the range to be taken out by a single solar beam 100 of the time that's Checkmate Candace because pilot swine goes down to a single Giga drain and even though her Obama Snow gets rid of the Sun and sets up hail blue stems still out speeds and gets a clean one shot with a 70 base power fire type natural gift off of a held Blackberry that is the seventh gym badge obtained it feels pretty great to crack that Candace fight but it's back to the drawing board as we get ready for the next two showdowns against Cyrus well actually the second Showdown is pretty simple he leads with his Sneasel which can be one shot by brick break from Buffalo Pro bat comes in second so I can switch to pampus who has a Koba Berry to ensure a moderately safe switch in though a critical hit poison Fang with hail chip looks like it would have cut things real close Cyrus's crowbat has a minus speed nature so with a couple of extra levels Pampas can out speed and one shot him with a choice specs weather ball that's now a 100 base power ice type move on account of Buffalo's snow warning abilities setting up permanent hail the Synergy between Pampas and buffalo here is actually really sick punch Crow also falls to a weatherball so that wins US round two against Cyrus but this cute little snow warning weatherball combo won't work against Cyrus's team in the Distortion world because he now leads with Houndoom has evolved his Sneasel into a weevile with x-scissor and also has a very scary Gyarados and I need to bring a bib arrow with surf in order to actually get through the Distortion world so I can't even use a full team of six Pokemon this is without a doubt one of the hardest fights I've ever come across in a Nuzlocke of a vanilla Pokemon game I spent hours trying to figure out how to win this fight without risking any crits or Burns or God forbid another freeze it's seemingly impossible with my team and their current stats but I do at least find a strat that should minimize the amount of bad RNG that I need to avoid the rest is up to our Lord and savior as Cyrus leads with Houndoom I lead with Buffalo his only job is to set up the hail for chip and weather balls later on kbg comes in next and here's where we need a little bit of luck an acaberry means that we'll survive a flamethrower but a crit or a burn would be an absolute disaster thankfully neither occurs and a dig is able to take out Houndoom on the following turn that brings in Crobat so it's off to pampus and time to dodge another crit nice the crit alone wouldn't have killed but hail chip would have done Us in and then we'd be totally screwed but with Pampas just below 50 here he's free to kill Crobat with a weatherball and since haunchgro comes in fourth he goes down to a weather ball as well but now it's weevile time AKA time to dodge one more crit Buffalo comes in on a nasty ice punch but since it doesn't crit we're in the clear we vile then goes for an X scissor which does crit but our Tanga Berry keeps Buffalo safe and lets him get a clean one shot with a brick break always play around the critical hit when you can gyarados's last so it's off to Bluestem he does know icefang so this technically still isn't over but I did make sure to give Bluestem a lumberry just in case of another Rogue freeze that doesn't happen though and neither does a Flinch or multiple crits so with a hidden power electric blue stem knocks out Gyarados and netsuts a strategic win against Cyrus what an absolute relief with the world saved I can now Focus my attention on the Pokemon League sure there's still a fight against volkner for the 8th gym badge but by setting up with Swords Dance and rock polish against his lead Jolteon grab can sweep through his entire team with earthquake a small break after Cyrus and before the Pokemon League is welcome because the Elite 4 is really scary Aaron and his bug types are great since bugs eat grass types Bertha and her ground types are actually fine though glycer of course has ice Fang because why wouldn't she then it's Flint with fire types yikes following that is Lucian and his psychic types which are just generally really really strong and when you cap it off with Cynthia who can hit grass types for super effective damage with 5 of her six Pokemon we've got a pretty tough end game to get through there is also a final mower fight but at this point I've got him pretty much figured out in fact by getting close to the level cap with pampus we can actually plow through mower's most problematic Pokemon with Choice back sludge bombs now I did kind of grossly underestimate how much damage Snorlax would do to Buffalo with body slam so I might have had to risk a critical hit here but once again I was shown Mercy never underestimate Snorlax though kids with that Here's the final Team all leveled up to level 59 to match the level of lucian's Gallade as you can see it's The Usual Suspects that we've been using since the beginning of the playthrough with one notable exception centipede is taking a seat on the bench and in her places Fescue the carnivine up until this point Fescue has been used as literally nothing else but an experienced sink she sits in the back of the party holding an XP share which lets the rest of the team get closer to the level cap for boss battles between Gym Leaders without fear of over leveling in a way I guess she's been invaluable but that's nothing compared to what we have in store for her soon one way or another the end of the challenge is near let's do this first up a Aeron if it wasn't for the level Advantage this battle would be extremely difficult even with the level Advantage though it took a while to crack this fight especially since his lady and mega threatens with super effective air slash and Bug buzz into most of my Pokemon fortunately with nearly Max Speed EVS Bluestem is able to outspeed our low-leveled enemy and kill him with a quad effect of ancient power this actually ends up giving Bluestem the 10 Omni boost but that ultimately doesn't really change anything even without the Omnibus we're free to take out the vespie Quan that comes in second and the caesor that comes in third would have still gone down to a Blackberry boosted natural gift fourth is Heracross so now we gotta switch out to KGB just like we planned with a Tanga Berry he's guaranteed to tank even a critical hit megahorn and then a single aerial Ace puts the last Heracross of the run in his grave that just leaves Aeron with his definitely bug type drapion I switched to crab who comes in on a cross poison I kinda wanted that to poison so that drapien follow-up Iceman can't freeze but since it doesn't we're at the whims of one last freeze Flinch Dodge as a yachty berry ensures we survive sorry drapion better luck next time an earthquake wins us to fight against the first member of the Elite Four Bertha's next and her only moderately problematic Pokemon is that glycer we mentioned since she has icefing and only takes neutral damage from grass type attacks but by setting up the sun with blue stem against Bertha's lead wizkash we can take out glycer with a miracle seed boosted one turn solar beam everyone else goes down in one shot as well which gets us a quick and easy Victory but next is flint and his fire types and this is either gonna be a Brisk stroll through the rain or a total disaster Pampas can set up rain dance against Flint's lead Houndoom which will turn weatherball into a 100 base power water move that's enough to sweep through his entire team and it'll also have the power of how Doom's flamethrower ensuring that Pampas survives the first turn however if the flamethrower crits or Burns or both we're in a lot of trouble even if the flamethrower isn't enough to kill pampus on its own it will do enough damage for Flareon to see either kill with a priority quick attack I could get around this by giving Pampas a citrus Berry or an aqua Berry but he needs to be holding a damp Rock to ensure that the rain stays up for long enough to kill all of Flint's Pokemon so all we can do is hope pimpus holds and so the battle is won every single fire type gets outsped and washed away leaving just one Elite Four member left Lucian which means it's time for a setup sweep he leads with Mr mime and I lead with crab Mr mime goes for light screen on turn one and I set up a rock polish with the speed Advantage I can now set up a Swords Dance but Mr mime responds with a reflect so now I'm gonna need to go for a second one as I do Mr mime switches to offense and Nails crab with a psychic it does massive damage thanks to a crit but what's worse is that it also gets the special defense drop so now even if crab goes for a synthesis here another critical hit will kill him from Full HP I have no choice but to just take out Mr mime with a crunch here for now things are fine because Espeon comes in second and just Falls to another crunch but then third is bronzong and here's where things get a little dicey thanks to the special defense drop a critical hit psychic from this range will just kill crab but I can't afford to use synthesis because bronzon could just use Calm Mind so all I can do is use Crunch and hope that another crit isn't coming my way thankfully Lucian opts for Calm Mind very greedy with that reflect wears off so a second crunch finishes off bronzong and then the physically frail Alakazam in Gallade both fall to a single crunch a piece winning us the battle against the final member of the Elite Four so now it's Cynthia time the Pokemon champion synonymous with fear and death She's Got a scary team but so do we and unlike her we're ready to do whatever it takes one last time for bercuta and I guess also for zebra let's do this Cynthia leads with her spirit tomb and I lead with Buffalo the wintry Sasquatch he's got just two jobs to set up hail and kick some spiritomb ass and he just set up hail blizzard does well over 50 percent as Spirit tumor retaliates with a silver wind I hold my breath to see if she gets the Omni boost but she doesn't so Buffalo seals her icy fate with one last blizzard but unfortunately Buffalo actually has a third job and that's to die Lucario comes in and I just can't risk him getting a crit as we switch to crab so with a military salute and a lone tear down my cheek I have Buffalo fire off a priority I Shard for some admittedly meaningless damage then an Aura Sphere brings down our sassy Giant just as planned crab comes in to replace Buffalo and Aura Sphere does a solid chunk of damage but then crab uses earthquake to take out Lucario in one Fell Swoop next up Togekiss and this is one scary plane-shaped bird thing the first thing we do is use protect for some hail chip and then it's time for another sack this time it's blue stem on The Chopping Block he comes in on an air slash and despite holding a Koba Berry takes a massive amount of damage from a non-critical hit air slash that is disgusting Bluestem does survive which lets us get a little bit more hail chip but like Buffalo before him E2 Falls that's two Titans down so that a third can Thrive it's the harsh reality of nuzlocks but they knew what they signed up for and pampus is about to do them proud with the hail set up by Buffalo in the safe switch granted by Bluestem he comes in and eviscerates toga kiss with an ice type weather ball even with the choice specs toga kiss is so bulky that we did need those few ticks of hail chip to ensure the KO Garchomp comes in next but we need no chip for this one a weather ball guarantees a clean kill regardless of the critical hit Cynthia's Rose rate is fifth but this cheap imitation is no match for Pampas who Nets his third kill of the match in as many turns and leaves Cynthia with one last Pokemon for mylotic but it's time for Pampas to bow out for this kill has been promised to another someone who's waited patiently in the shadows someone who has been pushed aside and mocked ridiculed deemed worthless and never given a chance to prove otherwise well Fescue it's now or never she comes in on a wasted mirror coat from Milotic fescue's been trained to take a hit and with a held yachi Berry she would have been able to survive two ice beams but now barring a crit or a freeze she should be safe to fire off a power whip here's your shot fescue and just like that Fescue takes out Cynthia's Milotic winning us not just the battle but the entire run it's been a while since a monotype Nuzlocke has forced me to think that hard about strategies for different battles and I really had a lot of fun doing it I see a lot of comments about how doing calcs and coming up with RNG proof strategies takes the fun out of nuzlocks and that's a perfectly fine opinion to have but I could not disagree with it more for me the fun of doing these types of nuzlocks is to solve puzzles to crack the code and find a way to beat a seemingly impossible battle with as close to a 100 success rate as possible I personally find that so much more rewarding than just hoping that you get lucky or brute forcing it with repeated attempts almost anything is possible if you get lucky and try enough times for me the real fun of these harder challenges is the planning and execution of my strategies and this challenge really scratched that edge but anyways as always thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed watching it'd be great if you could like the video and subscribe to the channel or don't I don't know but I do know that you should follow me on Twitter and twitch to keep up with streams of my future challenges you should also subscribe to my highlights channel to get highlights of the challenge I'm currently streaming before it's cut down to a video on the main Channel and you should consider subscribing to my patreon which is the best way to directly support the channel and comes with bonus content in early video access the links to everything are in the description below stay tuned for more Nuzlocke videos and until then remember to always always always play around the critical hit [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 526,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Nuzlocke, Hardcore Nuzlocke, Gaming, Pokemon Challenge, Challenge Run, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet, Generation IX
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 15sec (2295 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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