Pokémon White 2 Hardcore Nuzlocke - Grass Types Only! (No items, no overleveling)

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this video is sponsored by Squarespace more about them later every grass type Pokemon has but one dream in life a pilgrimage to the fabled white forest at the center of Unova we've all heard the stories of a mythical land described as an edenic Paradise free from the industrial Spoils of humankind a peaceful Utopia for all Pokemon to live as one surrounded by trees the size of giants as far as the eye can see but unless you're one of the lucky saplings born there the white forest is only accessible to those who have defeated the Pokemon League and the quest to becoming unovan Champions is brutally unkind to grass type Pokemon with deadly threats awaiting them at nearly every turn most who try to reach the white forest perish along the way but time and time again countless grass types risk it all for the chance at a life in the white forest this is the story of my attempt to help as many grass type Pokemon as possible make that Journey but because this is another block if a Pokemon faints in battle it's dead forever and since I'm only using grass type Pokemon there's just 11 Encounters in the entire game and I can assure you now that not all of them will make it to the end the rest of the rules for this playthrough are shown here and in the description down below but with that let's get started as our journey to the white forest begins my very first teammate is Joey the Snivy abandoned by his family at an early age Joey has walked through life alone he puts on a smug exterior to protect his sensitive heart that more than anything yearns for friends with whom to share the wonders of the natural world the univa region is brimming with natural beauty especially out here in aspersia city but it pales in comparison to what awaits Us in the white forest it's not long until two more bean sprouts join the party Rachel the sawaddle and Gunther the sun Kern despite Rachel's timid nature she becomes quick friends with Joey and Gunther as the three of them Bond over the stories they've heard about the white forest Gunther wants to be the first Sun Kern in history to make the pilgrimage his siblings have tried and failed and has the youngest of six this is his family's last chance at an unprecedented Legacy and hard work and determination make up for the genetic Bullet to the kneecap that is being born a sun Kern only time will tell whether Gunther can prove you useful but against the first gym leader Charon it's Rachel who demonstrates her value in a truly impressive show of dominance Sharon's normal types can be quite difficult to break through so early in the game but much to the silent fear of her grassy teammates Rachel knows bug bite one of the highest base power stab moves accessible prior to beating Charon she's able to adorably tear through Sharon's Patron in lilipup with just a few Chomps and thanks to some greedy workups Rachel doesn't take a single tick of damage as we win the first gym badge of the run as we head to verbag City our team has to prepare for their first major threat the second gym leader Roxy and her poison types with both her Pokemon taking resisted damage from our stab moves and threatening Us in return with super effective poison type attacks there is a chance that our dreams of reaching the white forest will be snuffed out right here and now I start by Leading with Gunther and his goal is a lofty one to set up a leech seat and connect with a 55 accurate grass whistle before getting killed by coughing the leech seat on Turn 1 connects and costs retaliates with an assurance instead of a super effective clear smog that would have done much more damage on the next turn Gunther goes for a grass whistle and misses so coughing fires back with a super effective unclear smog given that unclear smog only has 20 base power a 50 base power clear smog would have been pretty devastating especially because Gunther misses a second grass whistle and barely manages to live a critical hit Assurance that's not great buddy but you've got one more chance a third grass whistle comes out and puts coughing to sleep meaning that our legally blind corn kernel lives because now I switch to Joey who's evolved into servine as coughing remains asleep for a second turn and then it's time to start setting up with growth the scary thing here is that if coughing does hit us with a clear smog our stat boosts will be reset but given Roxy's refusal to go for it against Gunther I gambled just a little bit so that I can hopefully one shot Roxy's Whirlipede Joey successfully gets off three grow without getting hit by clear smog though coughing does manage to get more than her fair share of critical hits since she now just barely falls into the red from Leach seed damage Roxy heals with a super potion on the next turn meaning that it's safe to go for the last growth needed to ensure a one shot wait a minute was this Gunther's plan all along maybe the grass whistle misses were intentional to drain coughing of her HP with Elite seed so that we'd get a free turn to set up as Roxy heals what if none of this was accidental and we were watching the Domino's Cascade in a line revealing Gunther to be not a foolish little Sun Kern but a mastermind for after Joey successfully kills coughing with a single critical hit return Whirlipede comes out second and with another return we take the KO winning us the fight against the poison type gym leader on the very first attempt what a stellar performance from Gunther and Joey both and now that we've got two badges it's off to the bustling city of castelia with its massive skyscrapers trash line alleys and thousands of harried citizens with no respect for personal boundaries this city is everything wrong with humanity and the antithesis to the loving respect of nature that my grass types stand for but this was a necessary stop on our journey to the white forest and even in this gray Concrete Jungle life finds a way at the heart of castelia I meet Monica the patillo looking at where she comes from you can't help but feel sorry for her a single small tree in a tiny patch of grass surrounded by buildings on every side it's suffocating and no life for a patilill or any grass type for that matter Monica deserves to dance in the open air she deserves to feel the breeze in her petals as her feet Glide over the do-kissed grass and in the white forest free from this Metropolitan prison she was born in she'll be able to do just that as we Face Off against the third gym leader Berg Rachel has fully evolved in to leave Annie and after sitting out the fight against Roxy she's back for another easy sweep a super effective bug bite kills Berg swadlune two bug bites are enough to kill Dwebble who fails to out speed even after a rock polish and in the mirror match against Berg's only vanity we have the advantage since he's stuck using strugil pujo Rachel's hunger for Pokey flesh is insatiable and even though bug bite isn't quite enough for a one shot soon enough Rachel slays her doppelganger and Victory Is Ours the next stages of our journey are a whirlwind of exotic locations and hard-fought battles from the sun-stricken Sandy Desert Resort we recruit Chandler the miracus in the electrifying city of Nimbasa I get a sun stone which I use to evolve Monica into a powerful lilligant and after a detour to the Lost Lauren Forest where Marcella Pansage joins the team Monica quiver dances her way through Elisa's entire team of electric types our team grows larger and stronger as rust the deerling and Phoebe the Pharisee Squad up and Marcel manages to evolve into semisage the pistol sling in clay doesn't stand a chance against another Monica's sweep gym leaders are are dropping like flies and my ever-growing roster of leafy friends are getting closer and closer to reaching the white forest we meet Janice the fungus on Route 7 but she's off to the box as we head into the fight against Skyla for badge number six she's got flying types which tend to be pretty scary for most grass types to deal with but Ross ain't most grass types as a sawzbuck he's pretty strong and decently Speedy with his secondary normal typing and a held silk scarf return hits for massive loads of damage more than enough to one shot Skyla's lead swubat her swanna is second and doesn't quite fall to a one shot which means he has to take an air slash that comes one critical hit away from making Ross the very first death of the run a second return knocks out the duck and leaves Skyla with her Skarmory It's A Small Miracle that this Skarmory doesn't have a physical flying type move because if she did we'd be in a ton of trouble since we have no way to hit her for anything close to super effective damage even air cutter coming off of skarmery's Terrible Special Attack stat it's hard when it crits but fortunately Joey now a Serperior is comfortable to take at least two critical hits with leftover support letting him set up a leech seed and from there it's off to Phoebe the Pharisee this eccentric spiky Little Nugget will be a vital member of the team going forward through secondary steel typing completely checks all the poison types we'll be facing in the late game and drastically improves our matchups into every other type of Pokemon that the rest of our team struggles against save for fire types of course with an eviolite Phoebe is able to stall her way through Skarmory and net us a clean victory over Our Feathered flying foes hey that's some pretty awesome alliteration Flygon HG oh hi there Garchomp FJ thanks a lot but I can do even better oh yeah yeah have you heard of a Squarespace sponsorship really what that's how you're gonna segue into a sponsorship yeah what what's wrong with it I mean there's nothing really wrong with it I just feel like at this point we as an audience expect more from Squarespace as an online platform that helps you build and manage your own website whether that's an online store for your business or a personal blog for 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so much to Squarespace for sponsoring this video now let's get back to the challenge from here we're off to lentimas town as the end of our journey rapidly approaches the hardest challenges are yet to come but with Phoebe evolving into ferrothorne and our team recruiting its final two members in the form of Mike the bulky Tangela and Carol the hard-hitting Roselia there's nothing our tight-knit group of friends can't handle in Opelousas City the seventh gym leader Drayden awaits his gym trainers are notoriously tricky since they have axes and fractures that set up with Dragon Dance and bulky drudagons with remarkably good coverage without a way to take them out in one shot these battles can get pretty hairy especially against veteran Danae who engages in a rotation battle the alternative is a triple battle against veteran Ron so this is certainly the lesser of two evils but anyone who has watched my hardcore Nuzlocke of Blaze Black knows that rotation battles are a hell I would not wish on my worst enemy the AI randomly rotating their Pokemon can be the difference between life and death against Danae and ex-scissor from Rachel isn't enough to kill fracture so she gets to set up a Dragon Dance this means I gotta rotate in order to tank a potential Dragon claw but Danae first rotates to her Axiom who just ends up taunting febs and surviving an Ironhead in retaliation I stay in for another turn as axio goes for a baby dragon claw and then Falls to a second Iron Head drotagon rotates in so fearing a potential super effective Revenge I rotate to Joey who hits her with a weak return takes some chip from rough skin and then tanks a dragon claw so now we've got a classic rotation battle conundrum if I stay in with Joey fracture can come in and kill him with a dragon claw a crit from drudagon would also kill rotating to fiebs here means that I can easily survive a potential Dragon Claw from fracture or drudagon though it does risk her to the random Revenge from danae's red and blue Abomination it's pretty much a toss-up but I decide to go for the rotation to Phoebe and you will never guess what the AI decides to do foreign just like that we've lost not only our very first teammate but arguably our most important teammate without a bulky Steel type the rest of the game is going to be much harder and certainly more risky my team's hope of seeing the white forest very well might have died right alongside Phoebe it's always sad to bury a teammate and a friend but each and every one of them knew what they were risking we were fighting for something bigger and through the bonds that we've forged on our journey if even just one of us made it to the white forest well that'd be enough for the rest of us nothing in this life worth doing is without risk the best thing we can do is make sure Phoebe's death doesn't snowball into a full-blown wipe and that starts by evolving Mike into tangrowth a diet ferrothorne in a way Drayden just became a lot trickier without a Steel type so we're gonna need to be creative and just a tad lucky against his drudagon I lead with the new and improved mic he's able to use one of the most subsetting moves in the game tickle to progressively lower drudagon's attack and defense this completely neuters drayden's leads save for any Critical Hits so after four tickles it's off to Joey who immediately gets switched out by a limp dragon tail bringing in Marcel instead not exactly what I was planning but this is fine because he can just set up a lead seat instead with that we're good to bring in Monica who put strudagon to sleep with a sleep powder then finally it's off to Rachel who's now safe to set up a sword stance the timing worked out again such that lead sea damage causes Drayden to heal on our first sword stance since dredagon can wake up and go for a dragon tail it's a little risky to do this but I decide to go for a second Swords Dance boost which goes on punished as drayden's Dragon takes a full three turns of sleep and from there it's sweep City population Rachel xcissor kills drudagon Leaf blade kills flagon and a second X scissor kills Haxorus winning us the seventh gym badge but there's no time to celebrate because Team Plasma is here to send univine to a second Ice Age they pose a direct threat to the white forests and the rest of unova's natural beauty so they need to be stopped zinzelin and his ice types are theoretically scary for my grass types especially without Phoebe but his creagonals are so frail that Ross can one shot them both with return and his weeviles only ice type move is ice Shard so he's really not much of a threat at all before storming the plasma frygate we've gotta face off against the eighth gym leader the good news is that Marlin uses water types which are obviously very bad into my grass types the bad news is that his Jellicent is a dirty dirty cheater Monica is able to cleanly kill Kira Costa and Wailord with a single Giga drain a piece and with recovery she's at full HP as Jellison comes in but he's bulky enough to survive a giga drain in the yellow now despite the Citrus Berry recovery this really wouldn't be even remotely a problem if ominous win didn't give him an omni boost but with that plus one boost to all of his stats in including his special defense a second Giga drain is unlikely to kill him from this range and a second ominous wind will now kill with a crit so why have to switch to Ross as jealous and frustratingly just goes for recover with Ross's normal typing he's immune to ominous wind and also obviously resists called so even though a horn leech doesn't get the one shot a second one will unless Scott gets the burn I go for a second horn leech hoping that it will get the kill anyways but it's just shy of the KO cursed body activates disabling horn leech and jealous and goes for another recover so now I gotta switch to Joey as jealousyn gets all the way back to full HP with yet another recover I go for a leaf Blade with Joey which once again doesn't get the one shot thanks to the ominous wind Omni boost but at the very least jellison's second ominous win doesn't get another 10 boost so as long as Joey's Leaf blade doesn't get disabled by Kerr's body before Marlin is done healing with Hyper potions we win thankfully more Ireland's luck appears to have run out and Joey finally gets the KO on Mr Pringles winning us the eighth and final gym badge from here we need to face off against several dozen Team Plasma Grunts and mini bosses many of which are very deadly poison types on more than a few occasions there's not much I can do besides hope that my teammates don't find themselves on the receiving end of a nasty critical hit whenever possible I make sure to use the more Expendable members of the team but with a bit of luck we're able to make it to the fight against colerus without any more deaths chorus's steel types are a pretty frustrating threat since my Pokemon don't have an easy way to hit them for super effective damage save for one notable exception Marcel the simisage waterbed the Singapore has had his chance to be in the spotlight but now it's time for the reign of Marcel of course he will need a little bit of support to fully shine so against chorus's lead Magneton I lead with Janus by delaying her Evolution until Level 50 I was able to teach her Spore which she can use to put Magneton to sleep the idea here is to break Magneton sturdy with a giga drain then put him back to sleep to get a safe switch into Marcel without getting Paralyzed by Thunder Wave this would be super easy but some poorly timed full peras make things a little sweatier nevertheless Janus eventually hits a second Spore letting me switch to Marcel on the guaranteed first turn of sleep with sturdy broken dig gets a clean kill bringing in magnazone second so now it's back to Janus on a Thunder Wave and it's time to repeat the whole song and dance again unfortunately this time things don't go quite as well Janice gets fully paralyzed on turn one taking a chunk of damage from flash Cannon for nothing on the next turn she tanks another flash Cannon as Spore does manage to connect on magnezone's first turn of sleep my little fungus gets fully paralyzed again then Magnezone wakes up early hits Janice with a critical hit flash cannon that also drops her special defense and then she gets fully paralyzed again barring Janice just straight up dying here that went about as poorly as it possibly could have gone I switched to Joey who shrugs off a discharge that graciously doesn't paralyze this means that we can land Elite seed as magnazone wastes a turn going for Thunder Wave but now we gotta risk the crit by just hard switching to Marcel a massive beam of white light flies towards my sweet furry friend and I brace myself for what may be the second death of the Run but Marcel survives like the trooper he is this means that we can kill magnazone with another dig bringing in chorus's third problematic Steel type cling clang but we're ready for this son of a gun because with a held fighting gem Marcel fires off a nasty superpower that gets a clean one-hit knockout what a stud matang is fourth and with the attack and defense drops from superpower we gotta switch out to Mike but fortunately he's bulky enough to whittle away at matang with bulldoze while tanking relatively innocuous meteor matches a few turns later and matang goes down leaving chorus with his Fifth and final Pokemon bahim I switched to the always hungry Rachel as chorus gets greedy with a calm mind and then an ex desert gets another one hit knockout winning us one of the hardest battles of the rod but out of the frying pan and Into the Fire we go for next is the fight against the leader of Team Plasma gets this before taking him on though we have to face off against the mighty kirim white an ice dragon Type legendary with accent us to a 100 base power fire type move is more or less a grass type's worst possible nightmare we'd certainly be colossally doomed here if it weren't for one special green monkey Kyurem white may be scary but the bigger they are the harder they fall and with a single fighting gem boosted low kick Marcel cleanly kills getsis's monstrous freak of nature bow down to your Simeon Overlord getsis you sad sad cuck as impressive as that was Marcel's not a great option into getsis lead Kofa grigas so I switch in Joey on a toxic not exactly ideal but it's fine because Joey's main purpose is to set up a leech seed which he does without a problem on the following turn then it's off to Janice who lulls the undead corpse to sleep with a Spore that grants me a safe switch to Ross secretly my strongest and most reliable sweeper there's nothing he wouldn't do for his teammates and with a bit of luck we'll be able to set up the few workups needed to sweep through getsis's truly terrifying dying team a Petra Berry ensures that he's safe from getting hit by toxic even after Casa grigas wakes up by and large I've been getting really lucky with most of my opponents taking a full three turns of sleep with four workups under our metaphorical belt their combination of horn leech in return are more than enough to kill all six of gutsis Pokemon I really cannot stress how anti-grass this team is Seismitoad has sludge wave electros as flamethrower and acrobatics drapion has poison Fang and x-scissor Toxicroak has poison jab and hydreigon doesn't have a super effective move actually but still has a life orb and hits like a truck so good job Ross because that could have been so much worse speaking of there are a ton of trainers in Victory Road that are also very anti-grass type fortunately many of them are avoidable and the ones that aren't fail to pick up any last minute kills though it does require bringing Carol now a Roserade out of the box on several occasions she also joins the squad for the final fight against our rival Jerry as does gone through the sun Flora which is uh well it's not great for Gunther if you catch my drift despite only having four Pokemon this rival fight is one of the hardest fights in the game mainly because his bufalant has insane coverage in addition to a 120 base power Reckless boosted stab head charge a critical hit from this fat cow kills just about anything that doesn't resist it and since our Steel type is dead he's a huge problem as is his lead Unfezant which threatens with aerial Ace and potential Swagger Shenanigans my choice for elite is Mike the bulky tangrowth but frustratingly Unfezant starts with a Swagger which causes my glob of noodles to hit himself in confusion Unfezant then starts going for aerial Ace as Mike manages to immediately snap out of confusion and hit the chicken with an ancient power that actually gets an omni boost though It ultimately doesn't really make much of a difference because the unpleasant pheasant misses a second Swagger letting us take the kill with a second ancient power given that Unfezant had a scope lens and super luck the fact that we skated through that matchup as well as we did is a small miracle but now it's time to deal with the bufalant he's got Mega horns so I switch out to Janus who will at least take neutral damage though Jerry's livestock just ends up missing if you're finding all of this almost unbelievably lucky then don't worry because what goes around comes around and on the very next turn buffelon hits Janice with a critical hit head charge killing her all the way from Full HP the tiny Silver Lining here is that her effects bore activates putting bufalan to sleep so even in death Janice manages to make an impact still losing her so close to the end of the run is brutal but we have to carry on or else her death was for nothing I decide to bring out Carol to finish off Jerry's bushy bovine a giga drain does decent damage on his first turn of sleep this causes Jerry to heal with a Max potion as a second Giga drain does shockingly little damage definitely less than 50 percent which means that if Buffalo manages to wake up after just one turn of sleep Carol is gonna be in trouble but I really don't have any other choice so Giga drain comes out and bufalant wakes up getting his second kill of the match with another brutal head charge The Recoil takes him out so Marcel is able to come in and finish off the last of Jerry's 2 Pokemon with a seed bomb on Singapore and a flying gem boosted acrobatics on embor but the taste of Victory does nothing to mask the smell of blood on my hands two lives lost just steps away from the Pokemon League we've been through so much that at this point it feels cruel but even now mourning these two losses I'm worried that things will get darker still Champion Iris will be our hardest challenge yet and though I don't have the heart to tell my Pokemon I know that we cannot win that battle without some sacrifice but before that we need to face off against the elite four so here's the team I went with all leveled up to the final level cap of 58 no matter the outcome I know that these six will fight tooth and nail for one another they'll be there for each other just like they've been there before with the white forest just a few battles away it's time to Leaf it all out on the battlefield for Phoebe for Janus and for Carol let's do this as scary as the unovan Elite 4 can often be many of their lead Pokemon are pretty easy to set up on with the right team against Caitlyn and hermusharna Rachel is free to set up a few swords dances simply by holding a chesto berry to wake up from a potential yawn after that it's trivial to sweep through all of Caitlyn's psychic types with X scissor since we outspeed all of them on account of Rachel's timid nature that's an easy victory for the first member of the Elite Four next is Grimsley and though his lead lie apart isn't a free setup thanks to Aerial Ace Marcel is able to out speed and get an easy one shot with a superpower Scrappy comes in second so it's off to Mike who moderately tanks a poison jab filling in the role of Janus he tries to pushcrafty to sleep with a sleep powder but the first one misses fortunately leftovers ensures that he's safe to take another poison jab and try one more time that one connects which gives me a safe switch back to Marcel and now that the drops from superpower have been reset a flying gem boosted acrobatics gets a clean one shot Bisharp is third so a quad effective superpower takes her out in one shot as well that just leaves crocodile who comes in with an intimidate meaning that we gotta switch out to Monica she tanks a massive critical hit crunch that leaves her with a sliver but a sliver is all she needs to out speed and get the kill with a single Giga drain winning us the battle against Grimsley third is Marshall which means it's time for another setup sweep throws moveset though somewhat annoying consists of entirely low powered moves making it very easy for Monica to set up a few quiver dances the speed boosts are countered by a throw's bulldozes but after a few special attack boosts we're free to just kill throw with a giga drain mianshow is next but also falls to a single Giga drain as does Marshall's Ace conquelder sock is a bit annoying since he has the ability sturdy and therefore survives to retaliate with a brick break but my graceful dancer is bulky enough to never be in any danger there after a few turns of healing with full restores sock Falls and the third member of the Elite Four is defeated that means that last is Chantelle and setting up on her is both a necessary since her Chandelure is very scary and B a little bit harder to do since her lead kof Rodriguez has willow wisp so my plan is admittedly a little cheeky it starts by Leading with Joey to lower Kofa grigas's accuracy with flash this will make it very unlikely for her to connect with any of her moves much less a willow whisp after getting off four flashes an elite seed I switched to rocks then I start setting up with workout with the accuracy drops and a held raspberry to heal the one Willow whisk that Kofi grigas manages to connect with Ross is able to use workup five times without taking so much as a tick of damage with that a faint attack should be enough to one shot all of chantal's Pokemon most notably the Chandelure that comes out second however fan attack does proc chandelure's flame body burning Ross this guy is obsessed with getting burned by Ghost types the Burn's not an issue against Golurk though since a plus 5 super effective horn leech does more than enough to ensure the one shot even with the attack drop drift blim however is a bit of a problem or she would be if I didn't have the hindsight to also teach Ross Shadow Ball just in case since workup also increases Ross's special attack shadowball gets the kill winning us the battle and defeating the final member of the elite four but now it's time for the fight against Iris she's not only our final obstacle but also absolutely our hardest five of her six Pokemon have super effective moves into every single one of my Pokemon this could very well be a massacre but facing her is our only path forward one way or another this ends here Iris leads with her hydragon and I lead with Rachel she's just fast enough to out speed and get the one shot on the dark type dragon with a bug gem boosted x-scissor getting us the early 6'5 lead but drudagon comes out next which means that it's time for Rachel's journey to end I Look to her with tears in my eyes and she looks back with a somber but knowing glance in her red eyes I see that she always thought it would come to this I see that she accepts her fate and that she's happy to die so that her teammates can live but even so it doesn't lessen the pain of watching her fall to a flamethrower she's been with us since the beginning but now moments away from becoming champions of the Pokemon League she's gone the damage that Rachel was able to do into radagon is enough for Ross to come out and take the KO with a normal gem boosted return once again giving us the lead in the battle this brings in LA Pro third and now I need to tread very carefully because as soon as lapra goes down haxaris will come out next and with Dragon Dance and a focus sash she has the chance to sweep my entire team I need to make sure that the right Pokemon is out before Haxorus comes out my plan is for Ross to paralyze the lapra with a Thunder Wave and do a little bit of damage with horn leech before joining Rachel in the great beyond like I said there's nothing Ross wouldn't do for his teammates it's a sacrifice he's happy to make so that the rest of his team can reach the white forest because by paralyzing and damaging laproc Mike can come in out speed and get the kill with a single Giga drain so that he's ready to tickle Haxorus until a bulldoze is enough for a one shot all Ross needs to do is survive a single Ice Beam after hitting the pro with a Thunder Wave Ice Beam comes out [Music] and Ross survives but [Music] although Ross was never going to survive this battle that brutal freeze means that it's now very likely that his teammates won't either because without some damage on lapra Mike can't get the one shot and his pitiful special defense means that he won't survive a follow-up Ice Beam so as Ross Falls I have to change plans entirely avenging her brother is Monica but since Giga drain isn't enough for the one shot she too will need to survive an ice beam and if this one gets another freeze or a critical hit then it's all over as Monica braces for Lapras Ice Beam my heart beats so loud in my chest that I can barely hear myself think all I can do is beg Monica to hold on tight as her health bar takes closer and closer to zero I become more and more certain that this right here is the end of our journey but then the health bar stops Monica survives with 18 HP and manages to avoid the freeze this means that as Iris heals with a full store we can go for a quiver dance and with the Boost to our special attack a second Giga drain gets the clean KO putting Monica in a great position to face down against iris's Haxorus with the speed boost from quiver dance she'll be able to out speed Haxorus even after she sets up a dragon dance so as long as Giga drain is a two shot which it looks like it is we can take out Haxorus with one final Giga dream oh is this really where it ends did we really come this far to come up this short Maybe but then again maybe not I'm expecting Iris to heal which means that I can bring in Joey and hit Haxorus with a dragon tail it won't kill but it will switch Haxorus out and reset her boosts after that maybe we can figure out a way to take her out the next time she comes in it is a crap shoot but I don't even get the chance to try because instead of healing Iris just attacks with an x-scissor but shockingly Joey survives with 28 HP kills haxris with a dragon tail and gives us one last Fighting Chance Agron comes in fifth and I have to switch Joey out because he's the only one that can outspeed iris's final Pokemon archeops fortunately Mike is able to come in and take a double edge from here we start trading off attacks making sure to stay healthy with synthesis as needed a few turns later a critical hit bulldoze takes out Agron leaving Iris with just her archeops but this is not over we've got exactly one shot and it starts by letting Mike go down to an absolutely devastating acrobatics that's four teammates dead and just two Left Alive since Marcel doesn't outspeed archeops I've got to bring out Joey the scared lonely Snivy I met all the way back in aspersia City all Joey wanted was to have friends and through this journey for the first time in his life he did he had friends of all shapes and sizes they shared memories filled with happiness and laughter they bonded through shared hardships and challenges some of which proved to be simply insurmountable Joey loved them all and that love was worth the hurt that he had to endure every time he had to say goodbye but even now after all those losses he's not alone and In This Moment he has the chance to protect the friends that remain Joey is holding a grass Gem and thanks to haxorus's ex-scissor he's sitting comfortably in overgrow range which boosts his grass type attacks is that enough for a leaf blade to One-Shot archeops if it is we win and we become Champions if not we lose so with nothing short of the entire fate of the run at stake Joey musters up all his strength remembering each and every sacrifice made by those he lost he looks to Marcel cheering from the sidelines he feels the support of Gunther and Chandler from the box and with one last Battle Cry he fires off the strongest Leaf blade he possibly can [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 408,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Nuzlocke, Hardcore Nuzlocke, Gaming, Pokemon Challenge, Challenge Run, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet, Generation IX
Id: s7YwvU9zjdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 40sec (2140 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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