Pokémon Legends: Arceus is a TRIP (SUPERCUT)

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salty what is your political stance that's a really good question probably this I think this is a pretty good stance prepare for trouble make it double and and me meows I have to be careful here which of these two options do you guys think looks whiter I gotta say the blonde Avatar looks ugly does anybody else feel that way it looks uglier than all the other avatars and I can and I could say that because I'm blonde so I I'm allowed I'm allowed to say that all blondes are freaks I'm so hyped for this guys I've been waiting on this game ever since launch with baited breath it's giving me Zelda Vibes right now some some real Zelda vibes your boss baby Vibes like he's the boss baby and I'm like his friend oh so you're called Derek that name has quite the ring to it I imagine it must have some lovely meaning [Music] it means dumbass hey bud how are you [Music] I'm gonna throw you into a small but I Disappeared okay hold up stand still [ __ ] I jet no stop stand still don't be cheeky with me [ __ ] [ __ ] get in the ball one can't help but think there's a reason you appeared Here and Now God texted me he sent me his dick that object is an arc phone you say Ark is in like Arceus my God and you came from the sky I see nothing weird about that at all hello I am from the future your God has sent me pictures of his penis hey guys I know I'm new here and from the future but that thing above your volcano not looking too hot is that a volcano I don't know I'm from I'm from the future do you guys know what Tick Tock is tick tock Tick Tock we've no food for freeloaders survival out here is a daily battle you know no I'm talking about the app Tick Tock I I want to show you a tick tock check out my arc phone but we can't simply take on a stranger who wanders in Among Us Pokemon are terrifying creatures but also insanely marketable in fact there's many Plushies on sale right now at thepokemoncenter.com website I originally my plan was to pick Oshawott because I really like the way that it Waddles around when it walks however this rowlet was being extremely cheeky to me at the beginning of the game so a part of me is is more attached to rowlet hey bud what's the news Jimmy found out fell down the well you kidding me oh geography I want one of those kill it rowlet oh yeah wait you can run her he could walk around in battles now oh [ __ ] it's coming okay now I know I'm in the way but give photography everything he got gust oh I didn't even hit me I'm fine ah [ __ ] [ __ ] Togepi got hands now to the obsidian fields that dude just popped into existence I okay I I know I keep mentioning the poppin but it's pretty funny like it to me it doesn't really affect the game all that much but it is kind of funny when it happens I see it's not that bad he's not even attacking me hey oh get out of my legs that's uh that's a No-No Zone that is a No-No zone no we might have to get this one neutered even jumping around yeah definitely gotta get this one nude okay yeah yeah neuter neutering are we get a cool hat no hat I want the I want the cool hat I want do I not get a hat oh I guess I don't I don't get it I mean I'll probably get it eventually you get the Hat later you gotta earn it you gotta learn you gotta earn the default hat you may wear this as well [Music] all right hat hype look at that hat hat with absolutely no drip and pizzazz hat with Incredible drip and pizzazz commander of the Galaxy Expedition team are you gonna assault me you you look like the type to beat up a child now then let's see what you're made of face me in combat oh no we are fighting okay um Press Room chart I'm charging all right no he did beat up a child he yeah don't expect a warm welcome from everyone naturally some will be slow to trust an outsider who literally fell right out of the blue the superstitious Among Us yes so guys check it out okay look look you know how how bad Pokemon games are you know how bad Pokemon games are this is the first time that you could see a ceiling in a Pokemon game isn't that isn't that horrible game freak sucks guys check it out you you've never been able to see the ceiling in a Pokemon game before this this game that's how you know Pokemon sucks oh man it would be so it'd be so [ __ ] up if I played through the entire game but I just had a more a slightly brighter hat like the the red is just slightly brighter and I never mentioned it so when everybody would like join the stream later they'd be like wait a second is his hat a little bit brighter you're like no no it's not this is the hat that they gave me at the start of the game hey I just joined what's happening oh nothing I I was gonna change my clothes from the default outfit but then I decided uh that the default outfit's really really good like the the hat and the scarf and everything I I like it a lot you know oh sick okay so this is something I was actually really excited about so to fill out the Pokedex page fully for each Pokemon obviously like you can catch it right that's something that you could always do the Pokemon games but uh something cool about this they have a checklist for like different things uh that you can see it do or like little little missions and checklists I I thought this was really cool when I saw it um I've always wondered why the Pokedex never had something like this because you would think that it would be like oh you would want to study them so you want to see them do certain moves or like you know whatever I know shank's ears have odd markings on the insides but what are they oh geez there's something else about this game I don't know if people people might know this in chat people might not know this but uh it was revealed that Pokemon in this game have a variety of sizes so uh one of the first images I ever saw of it was a very big Wurmple I want a big wormple so bad I want to find like the biggest wormple that is my my main goal right now to eventually find a very large worm Bowl it's like half the player character's size AO salty nice hat thanks it's the default hat that came with the character in the game I was skeptical too but if Salty's having fun I'll bite yeah I'm having a good time so far I mean besides the tutorials which like you know you have to have for a game like this um did did some herbs just fall from the sky did anybody else just see that I'm gonna gonna hide behind the herbs look at the bezel off in the distance look at look at frame rate ah change name okay here we go I'm gonna name it after my rowlet from uh Pokemon Sun and Moon rally named after the most powerful anime character of all time uh yeah no I've I've considered it it's not something super like I'm super yo that Evie agile as hell I definitely want that one on my team it can walk up trees the Pokemon quirky at night but you blame them never got a bath I'd be upset too texture's mad glitching yeah no I noticed some of the floor textures are a little bit uh some of the floor textures do get a bit quirky at night yo dude I got so many Whirlpool take your pick you know I'm Gonna Give You Crump Crump is very important to me I'd like to name this wormple right away well you don't have to name him her name is Crump now I've been told a wormple will evolve into a Pokemon when it's beautifly so just give it a name with that in mind her name is Crump which of these names do you like best beautician beautified or boujerin where's where's the option to keep Crump while Crump we've had a wonderful time together wouldn't you agree remember all those good times [Music] oh was somebody asking about my hat yeah no this is the default one that comes with comes with the game [Music] if I'm being on sure how to order him how to guide him in battle [Music] it just sounded like it exhaled a nostalgic filter mom Junior's just having the time of his life and I'm like God I hate this guy uh look happy go to sleep hold up hold up hold up [Music] [Laughter] mom Junior mom Junior get down oh no no no no no no oh my gosh he's dead I'm so sad I'm so I'm so surprised whoa I can't believe it what but you know what he had a good life watch as I both love this game and complain about it at the same time the amazing twitch streamer both loving his experience and critiquing it at the same time okay pathing is a little bit is it just this little area what is going on oh my God this moves yeah wait is is am I getting faster am I speeding up whoa what is happening did I just did I accidentally discover a speedrunning strat what is this wait I can like can I shmoove up the wall into my character why am I so fast holy [ __ ] what did I do my junior it's all you I'm going to run a behind didn't grab its arms so I can't attack hit it with a confusion hit it with a confusion Mark Jr it's up to you yo cynical what up bro sorry I didn't pick you the owl tempted me where's Oshawott is Oshawott like running around oh there's Oshawott oh that sucks Oshawott is in like a tank and cynical just gets to chill over here what the hell is this what wait did I just hear her shiny did you guys hear that am I insane I'm gonna explore around the perimeter oh what what ready I just got here I knew I heard something nice okay please please hide the bushes nice oh salty gaming yeah I'm gonna put him in my party right now where's my boy there he is wow a shiny this is like the first time I've gotten a shiny before getting to the post game of something I think definitely like first shiny ever on stream mind plate oh oh I was gonna say what am I holding like whoa weirder gave me a really big Starburst thank you weirder okay here we go oh [ __ ] let's go rally [Music] okay I've weakened him a bunch oh my God Jesus man rowley's getting the short end of the stick tonight oh my God yo more soap thank you bye I love the way that that ran away oh hey you're Derek the boy who called clever aren't you that's that's me ma'am I'm Warden to the diamond Clan my special skill is giving haircuts real nice to meet you what an odd skill I mean like go off but like like you're like one of the leaders of an entire Clan and you can give haircuts must be really good haircuts uh is it just me or is there something up with the hat no dude this is the hat that I got the at the beginning of the game I don't know what you're talking about gotta say not a huge fan of the animation of this guy's apron just being two frames on back and forth so that person in the front gate they wanted a wormple and when I gave them a Whirlpool they have like a whirlpool [Music] have like a Whirlpool all the time now that hangs out with them I wonder if this Geodude is always gonna just hang around here and like work on the fields they said I could swap it out with a different Geodude so maybe I could like shiny Geodude yep oh it stays shiny too yeah cool okay Geodude you were made for this I will be back for you there's much I must do and I prefer not to be distracted any further okay she is an [ __ ] ah Derek how about you show me the strength that could quell even a frenzied Lord Volo where did you come from you can't just show up and be like hey you want you want a bell I hope that Volo goes insane that would be so hot chat you got weird vibes you got weird Vibes sometimes I okay and Gibble we're the infamous banded Trio The Misfortune sisters and your looks just ran out interesting coins parents definitely hated her oh no doubt No Doubt like charm and Plover are kind of cool but coin imagine being named coin well excuse me princess excuse me it's such a serious me princess all lives to toe uh I can't read this uh oh okay so it's all lives t-o-w -g-h oh all lives touch each each other oh I was misreading I was misreading that all lies touched other lives to create something oh and I'd oh let me read what it says oh okay you're just gonna read it okay why would you let why would you give me the option of trying to decipher that and then just read it anyway whatever all lives touch other lives to create something Anew and alive now show your medal to ursuluna but remember that ursuluna is a Pokemon very geared to the Pearl Clan I will not permit you to catch him oh so we're battling I I thought it was gonna be like yellow like cleaver oh I might get my Shipwrecked actually cheese okay go off I guess say your prayers Freddy Fazbear I'm about to send you back to the Fazbear's Pizza was that The Bite of 87 . play your celestica flute will for me won't you yeah sure here we go there's some good [ __ ] smoke oh wait I just noticed uh ursuluna's eyebrows are like they're like clouds in front of the Moon night hey let's check out the space-time Distortion this is my first one I'm hoping it'll be something good I will save oh [ __ ] tell me I can't access that I can't access that and that's great wow look at that cool space time Distortion that I can't access peace please please please yeah cheese in it what what what oh there we go okay I thought it disappeared like the moment that I showed up in it I thought it was like leaving oh it is Oregon okay I I need that I need that okay okay I need to catch this I just realized that none of my Pokemon are healed properly oh no I actually might run away [Music] whoa it just summoned like four other Pokemon oh am I gonna have to fight all four of them no no no no that's not what it was that's the only one at all okay I'm I'm being ganged up on okay um I don't want to kill the Porygon I could hit with a tackle [Music] okay okay okay perfect perfect please don't attack me Pokeball go you're on their Turf now yeah I know I'm I'm being beaten okay perfect got the Porygon hey what what are the level of the other Pokemon oh geez please okay okay run run just go to just go okay let's see if I can catch anything else items underground Porygon too already holy [ __ ] yes thank you keep going keep going keep going I'm assuming this is a Geodude oh salty forget the loot you're going to die no I'm going to live and get all of this awesome loot okay I can I can take on one my junior what are you doing up there you're too high up no it's gonna kill my rally and then I'm gonna black out and lose all my items run yeah yeah run [Music] nah I'm out of here all right that was so fun [Music] this is this is this is my super motivational speech no matter who you are no matter who you will be anyone can be Fozzy Bear ever let anyone stop you the row streaming this game I've been playing it off stream as well and I am loving it uh also I bought a tuxedo if you see that AO default hat check yo yeah check out my default attack guys I wonder if ursuluna uses his sense of smell to sus yeah okay so here's my current team got Monferno okay whoa whoa whoa whoa what is happening that's gun tank where'd you come from I mean yeah I killed your baby but that's not even that big of a deal get over it grow up Monferno rally uh Raichu raichu's dead I forgot to mention that he he died he got a very weird stomach disease and I didn't have any medicine so he's dead Scyther doofmeister and uh an actual mime oh got out there no get out of there get out of the ball okay okay there he is oh is that some like uh images oh hey look it's I think it's some legendaries so or that's Arceus right here uh reg this is definitely Reggie Genghis okay now where are we going [Music] so yeah exactly like I said really wish this game had a mini map that's like my my number one thing like please for the love of God if you have an exploration based game like this just give me a mini map on the main screen I don't want to have to keep cycling through to to the to these different screens there was a guy who saw my tweet where I was like Slip Sliding around and and glitching around I was laughing In that clip because you know it was funny I was having a fun time and there was a couple of comments that were like dude why are you laughing so much it's not even funny dude look why why are you acting like that are you like a child you need to get laid and I was like bro I like video games they are good I laugh they're fun for me I'm having a good time I know this is Twitter and we need to put on this Persona of like oh I'm an adult I don't have fun I just come in my wife you know speaking of people complaining about the game I saw somebody be like the noble fights are so stupid you could just do them without Pokemon when they they very much missed the point the whole point of it is that you can do it with or without Pokemon it gives a player like an actual choice and it's fun it's cool it's interesting it's a Pokemon game with action mechanics how is that not interesting I have quelled the Beast and it gave me soap is this a prequel game uh I mean timeline wise it takes place before Diamond and Pearl but it's kind of a sequel because your character is technically a time traveler because God was like yo bro I'm sending you back in time to the first Thanksgiving what I actually don't think this is in the same timeline as Diamond and Pearl I think not only were you sent back in time but you were also sent to an alternate reality because time and space dialogue and Palkia time and space I I think that that's like what they're trying to do in a way these aren't ancestors of characters they're like alternate universe counterparts of characters and it's putting you into this false sense of like oh yeah on the timeline this is before Diamond and Pearl no this is like an entirely new universe I think you might even change the entire course of history here in his sui stay in touch friend imagine that was a big twist moment and he's like here's my cell phone number and then like all the music just grows dim and quiet and he pulls out his Arc phone okay yeah let's evolve actually no rowlet is I don't I don't want to evolve him and for him to turn into like goth [Music] and this is to go even further Beyond ah yeah oh man the red leaves such a good touch this is such a good design I feel like Mr mimes are like not even Pokemon that's just a dude no I agree like look at this look at this this is just a guy this is just a person you cannot tell me that this is a Pokemon it's just a mime ah he's chilling he's chilling out what's Mr mime thinking about [Music] on to the matter at hand would you mind investigating the Mr mime that's taking up residence here in the village just having a wild Pokemon Among Us is look it's over there oh I hate this I hate this that is so creepy I really I hate that it's just standing there menacingly in an Alleyway it wouldn't run unless it had something to hide yeah we really gotta find out what it's up to is Mr mime hiding Game Theory what is you truly do love Pokemon don't you yeah I like them uh Pokemon I've done grave injury to many of my fellows in our galaxy team okay I guess I don't like Pokemon we did have a lord in the coastlands until a few years ago a tragedy took him from us oh that's sad tone wise this is so different from the other games they constantly talk about how like Pokemon can murder you they're like yeah Pokemon could kill you if you're not careful like they use the word kill and death and like in Maul my younger sister Wanda is in the security core you see and she went into the meyerlands too but she never made it back uh so could you find my sister Wanda too oh what you smell like what yeah I need to know what she smells like what she smell like Oh you mean like search fire scent no that's not what I mean at all just tell me what she smells like your sister's probably dead your sister's brother probably dead but oh [ __ ] oh she's probably dead what Hold Up Hold hey excuse me uh you're not allowed to double team me where did this Evie come from is this yours or is this just some random Eevee that showed up don't worry but Barrel I'll save you if you want my Barrel you're gonna have to go through me ah [ __ ] oh that's a cute expression like okay also I'm dripped out check me out check out this drip we're progressing the story today yes we are that's actually why I wanted to play this uh I've been playing the game and just grinding and doing missions uh this is my star rank currently I have three more stars until I get everything also my Pokemon are insanely over leveled now yeah sorry about that I've just been uh I've been enjoying playing this game it's it's it's quite addicting ha I'm a higher rank than you well I I'm only in the third area of the game you've only done two frenzy Pokemon too lemao yeah check out my level 70 Empoleon okay so funny thing about this when I was grinding in between streams I found out that you can like glitch past this like if you go in the normal way you're forced into a cutscene it takes a little bit of elbow grease there we go there we go and now we're in we're in before the game uh supposed to let us in here man this was supposed to probably be like a pretty tough battle special wild Pokemon or a level 50 and above in this area yeah I thought there's some pulley on at level 69. you can really cheese this game if you try hard enough into the ocean but he was terrified of the ocean after it swallowed up the former Lord his own father [Music] a rue Gras is there any way to change the picture here or is it always just stuck as like the default no that sucks why would you even have the picture there then I don't want to see my default face I have drip look at me yeah I'm ready I'm gonna do this Arcanine with just bombs damn that's sick the amount of invincibility frames that you get with this dodge is like insane look at that oh my God I can see why people are having trouble with this now why are you letting your little brother play jokes on you chat I don't have a little brother I ate him in the womb man it would have been really funny if game freak just took a Pokemon out of the games permanently like they just one day they were like cascoon that Pokemon never existed Dunsparce what are you talking about never existed who's done sparse listen we can all agree that JK Rowling is a bigot but and this is a very very very big butt she also came up with Dobby the elf so we need to give credit where credit is due if the if Earth didn't have Dobby I don't know what I'd do Dobby is definitely a scrumbly scrimbo you know what I mean guys a scrumbly scrimbo a blorpo a Dibble do if if Harry Potter got published in modern times people would be calling Dobby a scrunkly and posting Dobby fan cams yeah I definitely like your videos but you have the mannerisms of a lab chimp I think a lab chimp is putting it lightly for me your efforts uh are aided in not only the Galaxy team but the program is lamb is man why are so many people in this game like [ __ ] I I've noticed that like it's a trend like people just don't like me opposite of normal Pokemon games where everybody's like man you're so cool player character man I love your pants I love your Pokemon style meanwhile this is like you're ugly you're ugly as [ __ ] go kill yourself [ __ ] you throat goat salty you know I was going to respond to that but when I read throat goat it sounded like a Pokemon Misty Brock what Pokemon is that he opens up his Pokedex the throat though Pokemon oh that okay so I saw somebody in chat say that this is some of the worst visuals in the entire game I can kind of see what they're saying already look at the the Rogue pixels on the side of the character models I don't know if you guys can see that that well in the game capture but wow that is bad what oh my God this is like Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] did they do programming this what what how does this happen oh my God I'm trying not to joke on this game but they couldn't have moved that NPC just a little bit more to the right they're clipping into bronzor dude we just fought like a couple minutes ago the outcome is not gonna change I'm sorry oh man you have a Zubat in a scrupi now I'm so scared oh my God oh my God look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me laughs [ __ ] off it's so yellow that it just looks like a giant Yellow ball damn he hates me this dude hates me oh my God I can only do like three bombs oh my God oh my God Jesus Christ don't kill me don't kill me oh my God it's got whoa whoa go go go get up [Applause] no I lost my chance holy [ __ ] oh my God dude oh my God the heart I was so close [ __ ] me [ __ ] me in the ass Jesus I want to live in the Pokemon world that this is what it's really like kids you don't want this kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it oh my God Oh I thought I thought I died I I thought it killed me last second oh my God what is happening oh ever teleport this Whirlpool outside at once oh worm [Music] um did anybody else just see Abra like clip into place if you're just joining us I am starting my Among Us role play ASMR let me tell you something I think I know who the Imposter is yeah I think I do The Imposter is definitely blue I think that we should call an emergency meeting somebody's jerking off to this Louis Vuitton hat Louis Vuitton suit Louis Vuitton pants Louis Vuitton belt Louis Vuitton bow tie Louis Vuitton hair Louis Vuitton dick Louis Vuitton ears Louis Vuitton eyes Louis Vuitton eyebrows Louis Vuitton what's under the Hat you don't need to know [Music] oh by the way I got a shiny Wormhole I think I got this off stream I should clarify this so this is this is wormpleton say hi wimpleton uh he's level 94. he is literally my best friend before you ask I'm not evolving him yes Whirlpool to go poor buddy is he's not that strong he's level 94 and this is all the damage he can do oh and I fully stat trained him too He's Just Not That useful but I love him just the same that sucks oh here this is the last wisp nice all right now we can do the Spirit Room Quest or we can finish it I guess it likes rock ice steel steel ice rock ice Steel ice rock ice steel Rock steel ice did I just [ __ ] forget it God damn it I like I was just saying like oh this is so easy forgets the [ __ ] pattern immediately faulty in your opinion would you smash probopass no gonna take us on yeah I don't want to have to turn back around now get ready because here come rhyperior Meg mortar and electivire all through oh [ __ ] it's all at once oh I didn't prepare for this actually I thought I thought it would just be a normal battle what no way this is [ __ ] up what is this gang bang battle salty who is by far your least favorite Pokemon and why the clown fish with [ __ ] lips bruxish yes that's it bruxish uh I hate broxes show so much oh you know what speaking on this I've talked about this but I'm gonna say it again love this should have evolved into uh into alamamola look at their designs love disc Alla mamola they're both art fish I said this on Twitter once and people said you're crazy you're stupid meanwhile I have multiple sources that can back me up that that would have been a really good case literally I'm gonna look this up right now people are like that's so stupid they're obviously so different what the [ __ ] are you talking about they're both giant art fish lovedisk is officially the Rendezvous Pokemon a lot of his Pokedex entries you know evolve around like you know caring about people alamamola is classified as the caring Pokemon I hate when people say this Pokemon couldn't possibly be related to this Pokemon the types of love that they're based on are different they're both based on love [ __ ] look they're both pink Pokemon water Pokemon based on different kinds of caring and love they've looked like they're in the same Evolution line they do you will be like dirty dope what the [ __ ] are you looking with your eyes look at CDOT to Nuzleaf and now look back at love disc to alamamola you're telling me that Feebas could evolve into my low tick but love disk cannot evolve into Alma mola you are stupid if you think this you're dumb you're [ __ ] stupid if you don't think that loved this to alamamola makes sense [Music] so if I stick with you someday I might get to meet the almighty Sinnoh myself I'm Gonna Catch God I'm gonna enslave your God and you can't stop me I just hope that you know that adamant you're gone nothing to me if anything you should be worshiping me okay so now I can't even die from Fall damage check this out okay okay have you guys seen this this image of [ __ ] useless from girls they hardly talk I'm gonna put this on screen so disclaimer um it's censored but it's still gross yes laughs stupid dog you made my dick hard AF oh I love this image so much stupid dog the imposterous sauce I am make it the face cam oh wait hold up yeah face came wait hold up I have a better one it's so awkward looking I can't I'm really glad I spent time making that oh my God stupid dog I'm stroking my dick right now [ __ ] hard wait hold up I'm getting a call from my my good friend Gerber yeah you're on speaker now uh I haven't uh I haven't been on your stream at all today but uh what the [ __ ] is happening why do you have a life hugees reaction because he's stroking his dick right now people need to know you want to do this is my you already been once before I I don't need you to [ __ ] I don't need to [ __ ] parent me get the [ __ ] out of here bye yeah okay oh you want me to put something worse he's your Among Us twerking on each corner of the screen okay I could do that see like you can literally see the booty cheeks on this one I like how the twerking is actually going with the like beats per minute of the song look at that yeah this is my first stream after coming from the YouTube channel and it's certainly something well welcome welcome to you I'm really glad that you took the time to uh to come check out the Stream and I hope that you're having a fun time you know I hope that you're having the best time that you could ever have and I hope that these streams continue to be fun a fun wholesome experience for you to be honest Eustis was my first crush as a kid so this is really doing something for what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what what the [ __ ] is this Pokemon invisible what just what yeah Ross is definitely keeping its guard up I can't even see it I'm really glad that I'm capturing this glitch with the stuff that I have on screen oh no it's Darkrai man Darkrai crazy sneak behind it okay I'll try oh we did it we did it oh wow guys hold up don't attack me get my hands are greasy from the chicken [Music] God is massive oh no if you're on my hands to get rid of the grease I don't have the controller in my hands hold up hold up stop thumbs up thumbs up how the is it just not gonna stop wow this sucks there we go thank God I feel like voltor was a lot I think actually harder than this this is still hard but easier man what a happy ending it would be a shame if everything went wrong that's a guy not a guy I've word from the commander you're at a report to his office at once oh gulp I sure hope that Commander kamado isn't mad at me she looks sad yeah she looks at there they're all sad or or scared they could be scared can it really be true [Music] damn I did not do anything how could anyone do such a thing I guess we should have expected this stranger from the sky oh no everybody's not sad they're just scared of me damn this story got dark hello hello it's an Abra where did you teleport in from little fellow [Music] what little Timmy stuck in the well let him drown Good Tidings from the letter then yep it's a secret YouTube baby babies are really just like physical nfts if you really think about it they're ugly they serve no purpose pretty sure that they're contributing to uh to the downfall of society this is Mario pissing time to take a piss [Applause] oh hey God [Music] oh this is what all the dick pics do they open up they open up the cave because what what do like long long dicks do they go into just sopping wet caves people should actually cancel me you feel a mysterious presence who could it be could it be Jesus that's the noise that Jesus makes enhance what are those my hit boxes game freak I wanna love you but what the [ __ ] is this these are absolutely in my hitboxes oh my dear Derek like dear Supple Derek so he managed to not die just as I ordered well done yeah just because you ordered me to not die I didn't die and orders in order thanks dear thanks to you captain there you are Derek arena is already headed to Mount Coronet how are things looking here my eyebrows are missing it's like a whole explorable area or oh there's a mural right there oh who's this is this the potato Mochi guy why is he here oh please tell me I have to battle this guy please oh still alive and kicking sorry about having to shudder the Wallflower I'd much rather be up there now serving some freshly grilled potato Mochi while I'm handling that I suppose I'll handle you as well time we got rid of you once and for all oh my God whoa really yo this is gonna be the hypest fight in the entire game you've seen my smoke bombs before right well this is how you're meant to use them what yo no [ __ ] way holy [ __ ] I could swear I think I must have seen art of this guy before but I did not know that it was the potato Mochi guy I I was like oh is this must be like some post game guy no this is this is Benny this is what you were made for war Bulletin [Music] survived yes oh no no survive survives the ride yes here it comes Strong Style poison sting [Music] wow absolute champ or Appleton you did it oh we're bulletin we're bulletin no no we're putting speak to me wimpleton are you sis or J you bastard I will [ __ ] you up you brought the red chain yeah you know I got that thang on me Loki do you guys think that I could TR like fast travel back and level up warbleton to level 100 before doing the boss fight I'm gonna I'm gonna go back really quick I know you guys are gonna hate me for this I'm gonna grab her candies and level up werbleton to max level yes level 100 Wimbledon you're going first in my party come on out bud Wimbledon this is it we've been training our entire lives for this exactly you and me We're Gonna Save We're Gonna Save wherever we are sent out well it's his Suey right now but we're gonna save the world exactly me and you bud we're we're like we're like the Ultimate Team Mega Max exactly like deluxe I want you to look at the girl while I approach see she's jumping she's jumping she's so excited to see me Bella's Fellers if girl jump pixel by pixel that means she have crush on you remember if girl jump pixel by pixel she have Crush let's blow the roof off this joint dog oh that's just straight up Dialga all right let's catch it go werpleton retrospect not a super good match oh no oh no where was it is there no master ball in this game I'm just now thinking about this I don't think there is a master ball in this game it's pretty cool Pokemon game without a master ball maybe there's like a master ball equivalent but like it just would make no sense why master ball would be there wait it's happening again I can hear all my [ __ ] out no speaking to me in my mind [Applause] the fitnessgram paster test oh wait sorry let me read this fine fine I'll get ayoga Jesus hey Ranch lady uh the god of time I I think I dropped him off here do you have him I wish that she had a reaction she was just like oh my God you caught our literal God how did you do that but on your normal Red Hat please yeah you know let's let's change her clothes this final battle yes my default hat this better be an epic battle with all this build up it it better be oh is it morphing did the ball change oh it's the new form [Music] God that looks Goofy it's kind of cool actually in motion It's like got giant rock candies on his shoulders oh yo this is sick okay so this is not as much cake as I thought it would be ah oh my God oh my God oh my God please [Music] there we go oh my God that was sick here it comes I know it's coming here it comes finally no what what this is it that's the game but what hold up I I thought there was more that's the that's the the like the main game [Music] what a fake out I thought that there was gonna be more genuinely to the main game I just I felt like the rug was pulled out from under me like last second like I thought there was gonna be like one big final battle but no that's pretty nuts oh tell me I died okay volo's like man I wonder when he's gonna show up falls from the sky Oh my legs hi Volo or word in iskin it wasn't linear so I got pretty much every single Pokemon except for the two other starters and I think like a handful of legendaries oh baby okay can I can I just like use the sticky web yes I can oh I should have won I should have went for the back shot nice doesn't matter that was the easiest legendary catch man I forgot about the catch rate in this game oh my gosh here's the deal I want you to show me what's on your mind your heart your soul in short battle me oh okay I can do that but I I just want to let you know right off the bat I will I will harm you a lot this this is not going to be this is not going to be an easy fight for you I feel like it's cheap to use the god of time but at the same time I caught him he's my Pokemon look at his face look at his face you're really something and I'm a man of my word so here's that treasure Adam and Crystal oh wait can I make can I make oh when used on Dialga this large glowing gem Wells with power and allows the Pokemon to show oh yes yes stop talking to me I don't care yes now we look stupid hold on yes yes he's not even touching the ground I'm not even gonna fight you I'm not even gonna fight you yeah tries whoa I love Pokemon go go go [Music] this is not gonna go well I can already tell oh okay okay oh never mind Starburst if there's yet more you want to know kindly bring me wood three logs will what what you put us on a magical Fantastical quest to get several legendary plates and your second Quest is to bring three logs of wood you tell me I don't have three logs in my inventory I don't okay well guess we gotta go get wood guys guys check this out check this out go God of all time [Music] thanks God hey I just showed up to Salty like the game yo they gave me Poopy just give me poopy no actually this game is uh actually quite good nah this Quest definitely feels like insane padding why would you make a quest where I have to go get wood after I got legendary items I need you to go on a mystical journey to get the wondrous mysterious legendary place of Legend yeah and and then I need you to get wood very important do I search for uncensored Eustis no you don't you don't do that you don't need to your imagination really just fills it all in oh wood wood there are so much wood oh my God this game is awesome I've never felt a rush like that in any other video game [Music] this is the segment of the game that I've been waiting for everybody told me this segment of the game is great everybody in the chat like does he know does he know all right guys it's what you've all been waiting for oh gee I wonder what Volo is doing standing over there it was in an attempt to answer this question that I originally sought out kiratina and how to tear open that Rift in space and time what wait is he the reason I'm here is it volo's fault that I actually am here wow I actually didn't know that actually I I didn't realize okay man [ __ ] Volo 18 plates said to be the fragments of an all-encompassing deity you hold in your hands 17 of them so you must be wondering where's the last one why it's right here I'm sorry bro I'm sorry I know I'm supposed to be taking this seriously but dude looks like a clown Dude Looks Like a clown okay this is this is where it gets hype Pump Up the Music oh Arcanine okay here we go um that's not fair that's not fair at all actually but my Pokemon are like 20 levels above him and he's still whooping my ass what do you think of this what do you think of this huh [Music] all right yeah Victory cry oh perfect this is not gonna work out well for you bud nice oh oh okay who invited him oh I didn't get healed no what is why did the move Miss what what why can't I hit it wait wait how can I hit it there's only one Pokemon that can do it go werpleton go we're booked in white child hit him please oh no oh oh he's alive not for long but he's alive yes oh no we're voted oh my God run run run run no [Music] come on just pull it through pull it through this is insane please yes in the end I was alone but not you you will fight together with your Pokemon to seize whatever dreams you have get away from me ew ew ew he's coming close to me ew that's it you just came here you betrayed me you you caused me to come Bells will be ringing to to this to this world and then you're just gonna say okay you won I give up we can be friends now right my long tampon what's happening [ __ ] up Ocarina from Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time can't believe we're just letting him leave why are we just letting him go dude was like I'm going to destroy all of reality and then we just let him go have you heard there have been reports that a huge Shadow appeared in the Cobalt coastlands and then just vanished Without a Trace Derek my boy you must tell me did you fight the Devil with a worm [ __ ] you fought the Devil with a worm salty you're making me want to make a Legends Arceus OC do it do it now I'm waiting let your creativity flow and also make them pregnant hi this is awkward okay all right all right all right oh we're fighting we're fighting okay we're both in rematch time why is it spinning is this a mating ritual what is this what does it do it even when it's asked to warpbleton Whirlpool tonight I think he likes you they love each other they love each other so much [Music] I'll leave you two alone this is like that one meme of the hamster trying to eat a banana oh my God okay hold on got the hang of it what what what is happening what is happening what huh hello what I'm stuck in a cutscene I I got stuck in the cutscene for the [ __ ] side mission what I didn't mean to go here eh come on really we did it Wimbleton we did it salty if and when will you evolve wimpleton never never wimpleton is the coolest Warburton is my best friend she's my best friend break her heart I'll break your face [Music] this is the word that somebody just put into chat that is so Scrump bimlan playos because dude I would love for this word to become slang because I feel like everybody would say differently Leos up in here scrumps just out here Scrump in the classing [Laughter] he's losing it oh my God scrubbing the glass hey everybody Scrump sounds like a nickname that someone would give their grandpa scrum no stops that's so dumb hey Scrump how's it going oh hey there buddy you know me just scrumping around scrumping pimbly Equus no way I gotta I gotta see the word again I'm gonna say it wrong scrum scrumplies scrumping Bagley Scrump and blankets [Music] this gotta be the best word I've ever seen in my twitch chat ever Scrump quickly is that's gonna take me like an entire week to get down you know how much you know you know now you now I'm dead I'm I'm an idiot I kill me murder me and Amber is not particularly given to Ill Behavior but I imagine you'd like to document her for your Pokedex wouldn't you catcher then if you'd like she always flits about the crimson mirelands oh but she's right here I could just I could just get it all right just let her go okay Darkrai used to be like one of my favorite Pokemons as a kid did I just say Pokemons am I 80 scrum I'm 80. I'm 80 years old oh no no wait I heard it too I heard wait there it is sorry hold on catching is shiny okay got it okay back to legendary what what I I did it I oh wait there we go go yes we're putting he's drowning just keep chucking Ultra Balls until it works okay it worked I manaphy [Music] there we go all right got them all I know I know it's just a little creature blah blah blah you know hey hyper beams all right let's go fight Jesus is what we've all been waiting for okay exactly what I'm saying okay now are you ready to fight literal God he seems stoked about this okay I'm here you've been sending me dick pics this entire playthrough he's behind me isn't he whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my God I can't get up oh no he's he he's aggressive wait what where'd he go what is happening what is happening oh oh my God I'm getting it now getting it now oh he's doing the thing again okay Dodge throw Dodge bro Dodge throw Dodge bro what is he wait what is he doing what is he doing wait wait is he about to insta-kill me what what just happened what what huh you beat that our [ __ ] salty I did I beat him I got him that was a little bit anti-climactic at the end that's interesting there he is there's God just werpleton just casually talking with the gods of the universe so did you did you do you play checkers up there or yeah he's gonna battle me again look look at what he's wearing come on face me in battle uh no no it's nothing to say face me a battle nah all right [Music]
Channel: Saltydkdan
Views: 200,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, scarlet and violet, legends arceus, highlights, stream, funny moments
Id: fSPxZM1jTlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 30sec (4350 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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