Pokémon Infinite Fusion SHINY Fire Types Only!

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Pokemon infinite Fusion is an incredible fan game that lets you fuse any two Pokemon together some are awesome creepy and others are even hot you know what else is hot fire types so I'm gonna attempt to beat this game with only fire type Fusion but don't worry I confuse them with any Pokemon as long as I keep their fire typing but wait there's more I made every wild Pokemon Shiny including my starter Charmander I also made all the Pokemon random and use this fancy will to get a new Pokemon for each Town unfortunately I got Larvesta who doesn't evolve into level 59. I've used Charmander with pukumuku and battled my rival this fight was boring so I'll explain a few more rules I can only use custom Sprites I can't use any items during battle and I set a level cap for each gym leader first up we have Brock The Rock specialist we begin with a double battle and he send out his jeerus and kuron his quiron is four times resistant to fire type attacks so this took a huge rise this time is different I focused his giras and took it out with an ember while lowering quivron's attack with charm I spam smoke screen and then put him to sleep with yawn finally I finished him off with Ember and absorb it's time to spin again and this time I got Fletchling I immediately evolved it into Fletchinder and fusion with my Gyarados making Fletcher dose a fuse War vessel was swine up making this Abomination and finally I've used Charmeleon and Togepi making this A Derpy guy and then evolved him into the much prettier togameleon after making my way through Mount Moon I found Team Rocket trying to create a triple fusion luckily it failed after I kicked this nerd's butt after making it to Cerulean I spin again and this time I received Litwick I've used him with pukumuku and create puku Wick a few's charmeleon and Tyrogue in a Char Rogue and involve him in a charge hand finally a fuse typical and warvesta into tinta lesta and now it's time for our second Gym battle I send out tinta Vesta and fletchdose against her Neato turtle and rumofetched I used thrash to take out her remote fetched and the two take out her Nido turtle with an absorb and bite after making it to Vermilion City I spun the wheel and got Chimchar I fused him with swine up creating chimnub that just sounds sturdy I battle kumara on the SSN I'm able to take out his Jorge with a few comma punches and I easily knock out his smoothos with firefang unfortunately his biblup takes up my Char chain with a bubble beam and I send out Fletcher dose to use thrash to take care of his Bibble up and finally I used bite to take out his yaku a fuse Monferno and Hitmonchan into the very cool hitmon Ferno Charmeleon and Geodude into this funny looking Char dude and lit Wick into this adorable little guy finally a few of our Vesta and pukumuku into puku Vesta charging evolves into the Derpy looking trailer and snug look evolved in the grand Wick who all need to swap out soon a challenge for Tim is surge leading with trailer easily bulldozes through his umchu and then he sends out this gorgeous looking joltagus smash it takes out my trailer with a powerful double kick forcing me to send out Fletch note to exchange boys with joltegus sadly fletchner was taken out by joltagus's pin missile but thankfully Grand Lake takes out joltegus with Nightshade Serge sends out his Volta p who decides the pressure of life is too exhausting and takes matters into his own hands I know how you feel little buddy but luckily for me Grand Lake narrowly survives a suicide bombing after making it to Lavender Town and sell it on City I spin the wheel twice getting Torchic and Ponyta I evolve them both and then thused Rapidash with toga kiss creating the Majestic toga Dash I also fused Blaziken and Hitmonchan creating the perfect fighter Blaze Chan I also decided to update the rest of my team too fusing Talonflame and Umbreon into taurion Charizard and Beedrill into the mighty beezord and finally Infernape and Lil punny into unfur Nani pass with my new team I take on Team Rocket and encounter their boss who talks out Central to me from behind I don't fall for it though and we decide to battle I lead with Blasian who easily chaos his fartos he sends out toguchok who totally isn't a stand user valation is able to get a close combat in but Falls to tokicho's a vital throw I send out bizard and hit him with a poison jab and Giovanni switches out as toga choke for this horrifying monster the monster takes out my bezoid with a powerful Crunch and I send out talonreon and he takes some monstrous wake up slap but finally takes the Beast out with a critical hit Talon rayon finishes off his toga choke with a Brave Bird and the Battle Is Ours after beating Giovanni I decided to change my team around a few syn furnace with Cipher and then evolved in further into infers ore then I've used Charizard and porygonzi creating the incredible poorizard the spread is an absolute 10 out of 10. and now it's time to tick on Erica the grass type specialist man I almost feel bad for her I decided to lead with blaze Chan who easily took out her tonawafa with a fire punch her findium out speeds and takes out Blaze chain with an earthquake next I sit in porizard who's able to take out flenium with a single Heat Wave and does the same to Erica's wafuyan with the rainbow badge acquired I decided to head to fuchsia City where I get to spin for another new Pokemon and this time I got growlth my favorite Pokemon of all time I immediately evolve him into my actual favorite Pokemon Arcanine and then fuse him with Alakazam creating alanine I evolved whitwick and a Chandelure and to use it with three uniquis creating this awesome looking lava lamp next I fuse Charizard and Steelix into steelzord who is hands down the best Fusion I've seen so far after drooling over stilozord I've used Blaziken with Scizor creating blazor and Agron and Talonflame into Talon gron with my newly fused team I challenge Koga waiting with reuler who easily takes out his nidotech with a psychic and a Seahawk with a psychic and his hoot drill also with a psychic finally he sends out goalzone who gets taken out with a single psychic yeah that fight was way too easy after stealing Soul badge I made my way to Silph Co and got a Lapras after that Kumar decided to challenge me to a battle during a terrorist attack Iron Man what's battle I guess he leads with hitmon walk who almost takes out my alanine with his tantrum alanine takes it out with a psychic but Falls to coomer's Gyarados I send him Blazer who gets one shot by gyarados's ancient power I send out Town ground and beat his Gyarados with two iron heads but Kumar switches to impogon who takes out my Talon ground with a Whirlpool I send out ryuir who has a close battle but nearly takes out empagon with a psychic Gyarados takes him out with an ancient power I send out Don Dash who finishes him with an earthquake but Falls to bipolup's hydro pump I send out my last one stillazord who survives a hydro pump with one HP and takes out bibla with Flare Blitz he also takes out Kumar's final Pokemon with another flare Blitz I decided to team up with a Kumar and battle Giovanni together we take out his women's blim with psychic and stoneage his clefron takes out my alanine so I send in Dawn Dash with zero regard for Kumar I hit them all with a double earthquake taking out Giovanni's clefron and umbrogue Don Dash faints and we finish off his last Pokemon with a Stone Edge and double kick combo after beating Giovanni's butt this old dude gives us a totodile and a master ball realizing that I forgot the spin for Saffron City I spin the wheel again and I get Magby I quickly evolve him into mag mortar and fuse him with Metagross creating this awesome magros who looks like a freaking cuphead boss I've used Charizard and pincer into the grotesque pinazard so I actually made a mistake here and for some reason I spun the wheel again and got a Slugma anyways I evolved Slugma infused him with scissor creating magazor lastly I've used Rapidash and Umbreon creating the beautiful Amba Dash now it's time to challenge Sabrina I decided to lead with magros who ends up one-shotting her mind bat with a thunder punch magros takes a hit from her fear too and finishes it off with a Thunder Punch then she sends out fear to the second who avenges his father with a drill run pinazar tries his best but Sabrina heals her fear too and takes him out with a drill run as well I send out magsor and he finishes fear 2 off with a night slash ending his cruel Reign magsor eats his sin head butt from her hip toys and takes it out with an x-scissor and bullet punch combo when he Nest the marsh badge after making it to Cinnabar Island I spun the wheel again and got bold picks I evolved her infused her with tentacle and it's surprisingly really cool a fuse mag mortar and Blastoise into the Epic blast mortar Gyarados and Arcanine created giranine and Charizard and for alligator turned into alligator which looks stunning in its shiny form finally the level cap allows me to evolve Larvesta and I decided to fuse it with Lantern its shiny form makes it look scifully as heck and I love it finally Blaziken and Agron created this awesome dinosaur with confusion and now it's time to move on to the seventh gym leader Blaine I decided to lead with my tinted tails and set up toxic spikes Blaine's moleave takes up my tiptoes in the process I send out giranine and set up a rain dance and easily knock out his mole leaf with a boosted Aqua tail euronite is able to take out rapalax missed by liligen and talonape all with a single Aqua tail woodiness the volcano badge and proving that I'm the true fire type master I decided to count the seven islands as a whole as another Spin and this time I got houndor which is so awesome I instantly evolved him and fused him with Chandelure creating hands down the best Fusion I've seen up to this point shandoon looks like a freaking hellhound from a Mecca anime I've used Arcanine and Absol creating an abnine who was just awesome Charizard with uniquis creating this cool looking jelly Charizard for alligator and Infernape credit infernigator and finally I've used Dragonite and Talonflame creating this epic talonite after refusing my team I headed after Giovanni who managed to fuse the three legendary birds into the three-headed zap mokuno I sent out ryuizard and decided to Target the Articuno head first taking it out with a final flamethrower vryusard was also knocked out with an ancient power from the Zapdos head I sent out one ferligator and hit both heads with two serves taking up the mulcher's head and again the Zapdos head took out my inferelligator with another ancient power with only one hand left I sent out my AG Dash to finish off the Zapdos head with the final flare Woods after defeating his Ultimate Weapon Giovanni got sad and left I'm sure we'll never see him again I decided to use my master ball in the nearby Moltres I mean it is a fire type after all after heading to the last gym I decided to finally add typhoge into the team I fused him with Lapras creating this insane laplosion who has a volcano on his freaking back after adding more potion to our team I decided to battle the 8th gym leader oh it's Giovanni again I led with inferligator and after eating a discharge he used flare Blitz taking himself and mirror way out Giovanni sends out rat queen and I send out reviewers or he ends up using four four freaking floor Shores and then takes out ryuzar with an earth power I send out AG Dash taking out raccoon with a flare Blitz and then Giovanni sends out Rose fan who survives the flare Blitz and then takes out AG Dash with a magnitude I send out my awesome looking Shand Doom who takes out Rose fan with his flamethrower he sends out this hilarious looking stunwax who almost takes out my hellhound so I decided to switch into opposion lucky for me laplosion it's a critical Surf and stun LAX falls to his burn Giovanni sends out his final Pokemon an awesome looking amphi Queen the potion uses fire blast and hits another critical after that I'm able to finish off amphi Queen with one final fire blast after finally earning the Earth Badge Giovanni cries a little and I make my way to the Elite Four Kumar decides to battle me before we Face the Elite Four he starts the battle with his vocal orb and I throw out my Shand Doom a single flamethrower takes care of volkorb and Kumar sends out his blip blow up who still hasn't evolved for some reason Shane is able to burn and confuse bliblup before being knocked out I then send out reuseord and finish blip blop with a flamethrower Coomer sends out this ridiculous looking monkey Dino and ryozar takes care of the ugly guy with a psychic Kumar sends out in Pawn ape which looks freaking sick thankfully reyuzar takes it out with a few psychics barely hanging on with 6 hp reusar Falls to a thunderbol from coomer's blast too but talonai is able to take the little guy out with a Brave Bird and finally ends the battle with another Brave Bird on coomer's slavish after beating Kumar for the 100th time it's finally time to face the elite four but before that we need to figure out our final team I decided to keep Shand Doom because I can't see anything being cooler so first off we have the fire Steel type agnine who looks like a damn Transformer second up we fuse Typhlosion and Torterra into the stunning blue flame grass type third is our starter a fused Charizard and Golurk into this crazy looking gargoyle demon combo fourthly I decided to fuse reuniquis and Moltres creating the Majestic fire psychic ryutress and for our last member I decided to hunt down in Tay the volcano Pokemon now before you hate on me for using two legendaries just keep in mind the whole point of this video is to show off the cool fire type fusions after catching Entei I decided to fuse him with memo swine creating the fire and ice type Primal badass that goes by mamtai with my perfect fire type team assembled it's time to take on our final challenge first up we have Lorelei the ice type specialist she sends out the gorgeous Gala tales and proceeds to instantly heal stall me thank God truevision is finally able to crush her with an earthquake Lorelei then sacrifices this poor Taurus who is four times a week to fire the same thing happens to her mcgaris at least she's able to use Safeguard I guess she then sends off a super cool looking arteon who brushes off torflogen's flamethrower hits him with a freeze dry and finishes him off with a Hydra pump I send out my Shand Doom who thankfully out speeds and delivers the killing blow with a flamethrower where do I send out another mcgaris that falls to a single flamethrower don't worry it gets much harder from here next up we challenge Bruno the fighting type master I decided to lead with my psychic type ryotras but he counters with a dark side crookkin I decided to set up reflect for the rest of my team and Bruno's kruegerkin almost takes me out with an earthquake turns out crookin actually isn't dark type and I take it out with a single sidekick Bruno sends out an adorable chinape that sadly commits suicide to my root twist I decided to send out my gozard and Bruno sends out his guard a blade gozar takes it out with two intense earthquakes Bruno then sends out this awesome looking paragraph Who falls to the single flare Blitz he then sends out his final mon magron in the end though goizard is able to take him out with two earthquakes I swear it gets harder from here now it's time to face the ghost witch herself Agatha she leads with dustblim and I leave with ryutress Agatha uses a full restore after one flamethrower and then uses Baton Pass sending out her duster she heals again and then kills my Reuters with the hex I send an ag9 and he's play rough an Ironhead to take out duster Agatha sends out this insane looking Emma blade so decide to switch the mamtai I hit Emma Blade with a sacred flame and burn and finally finish it off with two earthquakes I guess that sends out emporicus who just looks so cool I love the underwater Vibes but I still have to take it out I confuse it and use sacred flame which leaves another burn Emporium knocks up my mam tie with a Drill Pack and Falls unconscious to its burn I send out gozard and Agatha sends out chantern which looks incredible I hit chantern with an earthquake but it one shot by gozard with a hydro pump I decided to send out agnai but it's outspent and gets one shot with hydro pump shantern also out speeds by Shannon doom and one shots again with hydro pump finally sent out to erosion and take out Shannon turn with a heavy wood Hammer Agatha sends out her final mon dustblim who immediately cracks under pressure and blows up I feel that man luckily torlosion survives and I move on to our final Elite Four member Lance the dragon type master who leads with the adorable Ray Airy I lead with my only ice type mamtai who shoots an ice beam and manages to freeze it man time's able to finish it off with another ice beam and Lance sends out wada Queen who is so cute unfortunately for what a queen Manta doesn't care how cute she is and hits her with an ice beam and freezes again Lance uses a full restore like a loser and switches out once he runs out of heals he then switches in the adorable looking Sala Shore who just eats an ice beam but man time hits salosharp with a sacred flame and burns him again mantime is a freaking Beast he finishes Salazar off with another sacred flame but within ladder Queen comes back out and is able to outspeed man time with a psychic I then send shandum in who gets crit but manages to finish off ladder Queen with flintther Lance sends out this incredible looking qzone who brushes off Shand Doom's flamethrower sham Doom burns kaizun with the will of wisp I send in ryutress who whittles down q-zone's HP with a few psychics and finally takes it out after tanking in Dragon pulse land sends out his final mod who is this cute little guy who goes by sweetini the little guy manages to take out her uterus with an outrage so I decided to send out agnine agnine hits Sweetin with a double edge and it hits itself in confusion AG 9 finishes off Lance's sweet team and with that we finally become the champion no one stands in our way oh God damn it Coomer became Champion five minutes before me again well it looks like we got to take this fall out again I decided to lead with my starter who's been with me this whole time Kumar actually leads with this incredible Typhlosion Rotom Fusion I try to use an earthquake but it avoided with levitate I hit it with a shadow qualt and flare Blitz but both do minimal damage Kumar then heals and I Whittle it down with a few flare Blitz but sadly our starter goes down to a rollout I send out my ag9 who barely survives a rollout luckily his role ocean Falls to a rock slide Kumar sends off his Starter by Leon which unfortunately still doesn't have a custom Sprite I9 hits Bailon with a thunderbolt but it knocks him out with a hydro pump I decided to send him to erlosion to avenge his Fallen brother with a mighty wood Hammer easily taking Bailon out with one hit Kumar sends out Jin toad who gets off a hex before tylojin smashes him with another wood Hammer next comes Kumar's poor well who finally stops storm Ocean's kill streak with a sap Cannon it's now time to set out Shand Doom who takes Kumar's Puri while out with two flamethrowers as she sends out his own Houndoom fusion and EST Doom takes out my Shand Doom with a crunch I decided to send in mamtai who doesn't disappoint Kao and S Doom with an earthquake Kumar then sends out ferricazam who actually eats an earthquake and takes out mamtai with an aqua tail with mamtai out I'm down to my last Pokemon I send in a ryutress and hope for the best Ferguson used thrash and ryutress uses psychic two exchange blows again but fair Kazam actually hurts itself in confusion winning us the battle after putting Coomer in his place his grandpa came and put him in his place we leave kumana go cry and well now I'm officially the champion thank you guys so much for watching if you want to see me attempt a Pokemon Nuzlocke with extra rules go ahead and click the link on screen [Music]
Channel: Knightly Knowledge
Views: 61,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nXSD90rarPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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