Moving Filming Locations - Richard Pryor - 1988

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today we're talking about another movie that in my opinion is a bit underrated and happens to be one of my favorite Richard prior movies and I'm talking about the 1988 comedy moving now this movie is supposed to take place in New Jersey and Boise Idaho but 99% of it is filmed right here in Los Angeles So today we're hunting down the filming locations for moving let's go see what we can find [Music] the movie begins with a paper boy riding his bike down the sidewalk of a quiet residential neighborhood he's actually riding down Blondie Street on the Warner Brothers Ranch in Burbank California as you can see the houses look a lot different than they did in the movie that's because this is footage that I took just about a week before everything on the ranch was demolished the paper boy then uses this driveway to come out into the street and deliver a newspaper to The Partridge Family House he then approaches what was known as the belir house and this was the home of Arlo peir his wife and their three kids now this is what the belir house looked like just days before it was demolished and this house probably had the biggest transformation from what you see in the movie the next stop on his out is the pear family's nextd door neighbor Frank who's played by none other than Randy Quaid and the house that he lived in was the be witched house this is the house from the TV show Bewitched now although they did a lot of stuff to make this house look junky for the movie like putting mismatched paint and overgrown weeds and hedges this can still be recognized as the Bewitched house and we'll talk more about Frank's house and the pear family home later in the video so Arlo's sound asleep and having a dream that he's used using martial arts skills to beat the heck out of his nextdoor neighbor Frank that is until he gets woken up by Frank mowing his lawn with his gigantic lawn mower Arlo then stands in his bedroom cursing at his next door neighbor through the window before eventually moving on with his day so we see Arlo pull into the parking garage of the building that he works at again not in New Jersey but right here in downtown Los Angeles and it was actually this building building right here on my left which appears to be a nonfunctioning building at the moment but the way that we know that it was this building is actually by the building across the street so when he pulls into the parking garage you can see the building across the street it says Pacific Grand Hotel and it has an address of 416 and you can see this building no longer is the Pacific Grand hotel but it does have the address of 416 you can see it right there on the front of the building on the glass and you can also match up the designs right above the storefront along with those fire escapes and you can also match up the designs on the building right next door so this right here would have been the driveway that he pulls the Saab into and then right in here is where he stops his car and gets out and hands the keys over to the parking attendant before heading into work when Arlo gets into the lobby of the building he works at he sees a woman waiting for the elevator that he's never seen before he welcomes her to the building and offers to help her with her stuff Arlo's surprised when he finds out that she's going to be working for the same company that he works for but he's even more surprised when she tries to open up his office that's because she's there to replace him Arlo gets so angry that he has one of his nose bleeds and after having a long argument with his boss he ends up giving him the wrong finger wrong finger I gave the man the wrong finger now the mall that they use in the movie is the Santa Anita mall in Arcadia California and we don't really see a lot of this mall it's really just used for a couple of quick scenes of Casey and her friend hanging out here however there is one quick establishing shot where we get a pretty good view of the inside of the mall and as you probably could have guessed it's changed a lot since the movie was [Music] made [Music] after a very long and unsuccessful job search Arlo finally gets a call for a job interview things go so well during the interview that they end up offering him the job the only problem is the job's in Boise Idaho once Arlo breaks the news to his family about the job being in Boise things don't go as well as he would have hoped but after a long talk between Arlo and his wife Monica they finally decide to move the family to Boise we see one of Arlo's Sons either Randy or Marshall at a school track meet and this is where we find out that the boys use being twins to their advantage that scene was filmed here at El Segundo High School home of the Eagles and of course it was filmed out on the field so let's go check it [Music] out [Music] and it was somewhere right here on the back side of the Grand St stand where the other brother is waiting to join the [Music] race [Music] so it's now time for the pear family to find a new home in Boise Idaho and after looking at a couple of different houses that just aren't right they finally find their dream home in Boise and it was this house right here behind me but it's not actually in Boise it's right here in Santa Clarita California and as Arlo and Monica are walking through the house with the current owners every time they comment about something that they really like about the house the current owners jokingly reply with we're taking it with us at least Arlo thinks it's a joke and it's time for the pear family yard sale here's Arlo and Monica in their driveway and behind him you can see The Partridge Family House as Arlo and his friend walk through the front yard you can see Arlo's front door behind him as you can see it changed a lot since the80s but you probably get the best shot of the entire house when Arlo's on the roof trying to take down their satellite dish and look at how realistic that sky looks now as you can see the house looked a lot different in the movie they actually added a second story to the house along with a dormer window above the garage just for the movie Arlo and Monica get a call from their family friends letting them know that their daughter Casey is trying to get married just so she doesn't have to leave New Jersey and she's trying to marry this guy what time is it Arlo's so angered by this that he tells Morris he'll be receiving bodily harm if he doesn't take his hands off of his daughter their family friends say that they have a spare room in their house and they'd be happy to let Casey stay there so she can finish High School Arlo and Monica agree and Casey is Happy Morris not so much well it's moving day and when the movers arrive we get another good shot of the neighborhood starting with the pear family house and The Partridge Family House and as the truck comes around the corner you can see Frank's house and an office building that looks a little bit out of place here's where the truck comes around the corner here's the pair household here's Frank's house and here's that office building and this is actually how I figured out where the movie was filmed as I was watching the movie I noticed that office building and quickly recognized it because it can be seen off of the 134 freeway and I've passed by it countless times once I identified the office building I knew that the movie was was either filmed at Warner Brothers Studios or the Warner Brothers Ranch so the movers that show up turn out to be the movers from hell that Arlo previously turned down for the job but they now work for the moving company that Arlo did hire so he's kind of stuck as the pair family leaves their neighborhood they all give their nextto neighbor Frank the wrong finger and Frank stands right here in his driveway pretending to shoot the pear family with his rake leaving New Jersey more like leaving Palace veres cuz that's where we are we're actually on Palace Verdes Drive about a block east of Rolling Hills Road and roughly right about where I'm standing is where that sign was that said you're now leaving New Jersey now just about everything here still matches up see that grass down there that goes into a triangle and it even still has the same rocks on it the placement of the Rocks is different but they appear to be the same rocks and then on one side of the street you have the walking path on the other side of the street you have the grassy Hill which is now overgrown with trees also on that same side of the street you have all of the utility poles and then finally you have the island going down the center of the street this is definitely without a doubt the same spot where the pear family is leaving New Jersey so shortly into their Journey Arlo's kids tell them that they're hungry and then they notice a restaurant on the other side of the street so Arlo cranks the wheel to the left and pulls into the parking lot of this building right here now in the movie it just says snack shop and souvenirs and Gifts it doesn't appear to have a name it's now a hotel and a steakhouse and a lot of stuff has changed on this building but a lot of stuff is still the same so you only see the building very briefly as he cuts across traffic but you can see the building right next door and you can also see this wall up here on the hill you can also see these twisty chimneys and basically this entire building which still looks the same it's just now painted a different color and has a bunch of these awnings right here on the front patio now what you see the most is this section of the building over here which at the time looked like a motel with some garages the garages have now been converted into more motel rooms but for the most part the outside of this building still looks the same so like I said it's no longer a snack shop it's now a fancy Steakhouse so the inside of this place doesn't look anything like it did in the movie while inside the snack shop Randy and Marshall find a magazine and on the cover of that magazine is the guy that Arlo hired to drive his Saab and it turns out he has multiple personalities so right now I'm driving South on crenchaw Boulevard coming away from Pacific Coast Highway headed towards Palace Verdes and right up here around the corner is where Brad is driving when he spots Arlo and his family in their station wagon it's coming up right about here notice that house on the hill this shed the break in the divider right here and then also this Hillside and then if you pause the movie in the right spot all of that stuff that I just mentioned matches up and then this is the view that you get When Brad takes off in the Saab and all of this is what you would have seen out Arlo's window while they're driving up the hill the pair family finally arrives in Boise Idaho and as far as I know this is the only shot that was actually taken in Boise this is on Capitol Boulevard and University Drive and a lot has changed here but if you look hard enough you can still find a lot of the same stuff that you see in the movie now when the PA family finally arrives to their new dreamhouse it turns out that the were're taking it with us joke actually wasn't a joke the people that they bought the house from actually took parts of the house with them once they get inside they find that they took the staircase they took parts of the kitchen cabinet they even took the the swimming pool but if we look on Google Earth you can see that that swimming pool is still in the backyard it has the exact same shape as the one that we see in the movie so I don't know if they actually dug the pool out for the movie or if maybe that's when they installed the pool but this is definitely the same pool that we see in the movie now just when Arlo thought that things couldn't get much worse he hears a loud noise and takes a peek out the window and finds out that his new neighbor is Frank's brother Cornell and he's got the same style lawnmower now as if that wasn't enough Brad finally shows up with Arlo's [Music] Saab so Arlo finally makes it to his new job in Boise but that's right you guessed it once again not in Boise here in downtown Los Angeles it was this building right here behind me the camera starts off pointing up at the top of the building and then pans down to where we see Arlo parking his Saab right in front of the front doors because there's always parking right in front of wherever you need to go at least that seems to always be the way in every movie and TV show that you watch so keeping with the theme of things going wrong as soon as Arlo sits down at his new desk he gets news cameras stuck in his face while reporters asking about a scandal at his company and he then finds out that his job is now obsolete I just droing my pencil so Arlo has a bit of a breakdown and heads to a local bar to have a few drinks in the movie It's The Wooden Leg but in real life it's the buccaneer and I was so happy when I got to the buccaneer and found that it looks almost exactly the same as it did in the movie all of the decor is the same all of the paintings notice that painting right behind him and then those ports on either side of the door there's that painting and there's those ports almost nothing has changed here so thank you to the buccaneer for keeping everything the same all of these years also a huge thank you to Deborah at the buccaneer for being so nice to me and letting me look around and take some video she had no idea that they filmed this movie here and she was excited to find out about it now when Arlo comes walking out of the bar to chase after the movers he's standing right here in front of the front door and you can see the wooden door with the number 70 on it and I believe this is the exact same door with the exact same number 70 you can also see that sign above the door and you can see these hinges which also appear to be the same ones you can also see just a little bit of this section of building next door and when he jumps in his car you can see the sign for the wooden leg and that threw me off for a while I was searching for a bar called the wooden leg leg but turns out it was fake and when Arlo's about to back out of the parking space you can see a lot more of the buildings next door to the bar and then as he's driving off down the street you get a view of the buildings across the street from the bar so as Arlo's chasing after the moving truck we see it make a right onto alonte Avenue from Los Tunis drive and when it does you get a good shot of this sign right here that says alonte Avenue a few moments later Arlo comes around on the corner and when he does you can see a building on the corner which is now this CVS Pharmacy so the chase continues down Al Monte Avenue but in the opposite direction that they were originally going we see them pass by this wash and behind them you can see one house which is still there but of course it's now blocked by this giant tree but if we come down the street just a little bit there's the house that you see in the movie so notice how they're in a residential area with lots of houses around around them and then they're all of a sudden in a completely different place that's because they're now in Canyon Country California driving down Sierra Highway and because of Arlo blocking the windshield of the truck the truck then veers to the left and crashes through the gates of this building now notice that that patch of concrete just to the left of the building is still the same and those mailboxes are also still there now in the movie this was Boise Cascade Building Materials in real life it's JB Wholesale Roofing and building supplies pretty similar but it was right here in this parking lot where Arlo finally defeats the [Music] movers [Music] [Applause] [Music] I can't believe I'm actually standing in the parking lot where Arlo uses his martial arts skills to beat all three movers awesome so Arlo returns home with their stuff and it seems like things are going to start turning around for AR and just when he's starting to feel really good about himself he realizes that there's one more thing that he's got to take care [Music] [Applause] [Music] of so the ending of the movie takes place right here behind me after Arlo comes home with their stuff and he's feeling really good about himself he goes next door to confront his new neighbor and they're standing right there in that driveway when Arlo pulls the spark plug wire off of his lawnmower and it was actually right here where Arlo And Cornell face off against each other looks a little different now because there's now trees in between the two houses but that's where it was and as Frank's brother is about to confront Arlo Arlo's dog comes to his rescue Arlo then goes walking up the hill in between the two houses and he stands right there at the top of the hill and he gives Cornell the wrong finger and that's the end of our movie the pair family lives happily ever after all right that's going to do it for this video as always thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: 80s Life
Views: 10,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Filming Locations, Then & Now, Richard Pryor, 1988, 80s movies, Moving, Comedy, VHS, 80s, 80slife, 80slife4ever
Id: 0T6yxoQ10MI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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