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[Music] hi guys that's not here and today I'm gonna show you how I managed to make over a hundred divines without even finishing the campaign on this character as you can see I cannot access Maps I didn't get to Maps yet I didn't kill kitava still I still have quests in Act 10 to do my character is level 64. I haven't finished the campaign and I already managed to make over a hundred divines from basically a full reset I removed everything from my stash tabs I liquidated everything I could deleted the rest I deleted a ton of stuff just to empty all of my stash tabs and you could say yeah I guess well but you have still the atlas but I didn't use my Atlas I didn't run a single map not a single map was run the only content I did was basically level through the campaign because this included also leveling level to the campaign did a very tiny bit of high waste and then basically spend the rest of the time in my Hideout making currency and I'm gonna show you exactly what I did step by step the whole process took me about four days and that includes of course the leveling starting everything up learning how to do these things learning all of the specific crafts and flips I could do and then of course liquidating everything and getting to that actual liquid over a hundred divines so that I can potentially buy a Headhunter or whatever I want so this is also using very very simple basic methods there's no complicated crafting you don't actually need the crafts unlocked on the bench you don't need any craft the one craft that could help you make a little bit extra currency with the methods I'm gonna be describing are gonna be like the flask crafts so if you have access to these flask crafts especially like the the regen or the reduced monocles that could help you make a little bit more currency you can like maximize the profits like min max it a little bit but it's also not even necessary you can totally do this with that so you can do this from fresh start and this all has been done over one month into the league and all of those like low budget flipping low budget crafting strategies are more powerful at the beginning of the league right now most people have stopped playing there's still a lot of people playing it's a very healthy economy compared to other leagues one month in that's why I decided to try it in this league because I decided to also myself practice and learn different ways of acquiring currency but it's still one month into the league and we managed to do this so I'm gonna take you step by step and I'm gonna explain some things about um pricing items and selling and flipping and all of that stuff that I learned that are I think pretty valuable lessons that can be applied to a lot of different things so to start with I picked a character the character would be Raider because I'm in my Hideout and I can move really quickly right I can I can go to a stash I can go to a crafting I can move to the Waypoint I can go to another person's Hideout maybe I need to go to their stash because I need to let it like look for their stash so they can pick up extra currency because they have more of the items that I want to buy and so on so Raider is naturally the best choice for a hideout hero character additionally in the beginning we're going to do a little bit of heist so again Raider perfect character for that toxic rain doesn't really need any gear so that's why I decided to go with I started leveling of course from scratch ssf without any leveling gear just as if it was my League start um eyes as I was leveling I was picking up uh random flasks and Unix and I was selling them for like one C each anytime someone wanted to buy one of these things for one C I would sell it to them and then I ended up with like 10 kales that I managed to use to equip my uh character with some basic gear right I bought like a queen of the forest I bought a Ascent from the flesh like basic Queen of the forest at this time of the league without any specific things is one chaos you can buy like the cheapest queen of the forest for one chaos so you can buy this for one or two chaos you can buy at least three-step assault for one chaos you can buy a reward for one chaos Ascent from the flesh for one chaos you can buy a plus two Essence and just slap it on a bow right so everything is super cheap just kept my resistances uh basically by the time I got to um the infinite highs or just heist in general because you don't really need to do infinite Heist because the only thing I did was basically like about 10 contracts something like that just to get a final couple of pieces on my character which I actually didn't end up needing uh because I like killed so few monsters I can type slash kills and as you can see this character killed 26 000 monsters which is basically just going through the campaign um so we made this character that can do Heist um and then I got about 20 kills to get started with so that was step number one level the character to level 64. the heist get like 20 caves then what I want to do from that is number one craft flasks uh I still have a bunch of flasks that haven't sold and flasks are very very simple to craft what you want to do is you want to get item level 84 flasks so I can I have prepared here a few um a few bookmarks and I recommend you get a better trading extension for Chrome which allows you to bookmark out of searches this is very very helpful because you can quickly come back to them and as you can see later You're Gonna Want to repeat certain methods a lot of a lot of the time so you can like quickly open that so I recommend getting a better trading extension I recommend getting awakened POV trade for a quick uh price checking and something like Poe lurker or some kind of a trade companion that allows you to trade a little bit quicker and more conveniently those things are a huge quality of life and they're gonna make you much faster so we can look at I think I have flask here where's it flasks so I have a bunch of flasks as you can see bookmarked and I have 85 item level 85 Plus quicksilvers or item level 84 anything else so you can go for example uh like a diamond flask 84 or whatever they are all uh just basic flasks you can buy them for one chaos and soon they're gonna like increase in price but in the beginning you don't need that many right you buy a few for one or two kales and then you buy alterations right as many alterations as you can afford alterations are very cheap they're like 11 alterations to one chaos and then you just Spam them and when you get some decent rolls like a T1 or T2 rolls or very good combo of rolls then you price check them if it costs more than the base you basically can sell it right so you can sell them at first for like nine chaos 14 chaos 19 chaos right so this is one thing about pricing um early on when you have very low amount of capital you have like let's say your 20 Gales and then you spend the 20 kills on all your resources right and so you have the flasks let's say you craft 10 flasks for that right these flasks need to be priced very aggressively so if you have a low starting Capital if you need to sell it very very quickly you need to price aggressively so let me look at example random flash okay so I have a flask here that has um 69 decreased effect we've got a increased effect and a reduced effect of curses T2 right this is not an amazing flask so I will look at this at first we can see 50 kills 50 kales 80 chaos I can click on trade to see more details and we can see if they are enchanted or not or how good are the rolls as you can see there is nothing Enchanted until we get to here to like 150 but this one has better roles so if I wanted to price it aggressively I would price it for 49 chaos right so I'll basically go change this to 49 chaos if I wanted to sell it as soon as possible and that way I can get my money back quicker and I don't need to actually kill monsters and run content I can continue crafting and moving on up and up in a different methods of acquiring currency so what I did is I priced these these flasks that I crafted for like 20ks pretty aggressively I went back to Heist I did maybe two contracts and like couple of flasks sold when the couple of flasks sold I already had like 40 chaos right I essentially doubled my money immediately and then I continued crafting flasks a little bit longer until I got to the second method so the second method that I looked at was divination card flipping there are tons of divination cards that you can find I will link this in the description I will not give you examples of everything right because I will not I will not like tell you every cell flip this flip that I will tell you how to find them and I will give you an example of one that I did that for example worked for me at some point right because at some points this is gonna work at some point it's not gonna work I'm gonna tell you how to find out what works and what doesn't so I look at the Divination cards and I looked okay what are items that are within my budget so you were looking for item like Taste of hate for example right or we're looking for some other things let's say you crafted the flasks let's say um you you flip let's say you have like 200 chaos budget okay what can you do for 200 chaos which divination card can you flip so what I would do at this point was look at cards that are a similar budget to what I have so I can basically like spend as much money as I have to get as big returns as I have So currently I think Matthew is playing uh voltastic uh Rift build and a voltastic rift has a card called Tranquility so as you can see the card called Tranquility it's one out of seven for voltastic Rift you can buy this for roughly 15 20 25 30 so early on you're gonna be able to buy some of these once you exhaust these cheap cards they're gonna be a little bit more expensive so again there's a limited amount of times you can do each of those things that's why you want to have multiple methods on rotation so let's say you manage to buy on average like seven cars average uh 20K would that be profitable right there will be 7 times 20 that will be 140 you spend 140 cards on this so how much is voltastic rift that that is uncorrupted the full text grip that is uncorrupted right now we got 200 chaos so if you collect the set you do seven trades of this you do seven trades you earn 60 chaos and that is minimum this is the important part that is the minimum that you're going to get because you can get better roles this is the thing that people don't understand about divination card flipping people look at a divination card and they're like okay for example there's a card for astromantis you look at the card for astromantis I looked at it for a certain point as tremendous itself was selling for 35 chaos the card itself was 10 chaos and and you need three cards and it's like okay I'm gonna assemble these three cards I'm gonna buy them all for 10 chaos it's gonna cost me 30. and then I can sell astromantis for 35. it doesn't seem that good right until you consider the fact that you can get good rolls when you get good rolls you can sell the some things for significantly more so this is the minimum you need to take the average of uh the the the sum of between the minimum rolls and maximum rolls right so let's say certain items have a very small range of roles and people care about these roles as a lot right that can be for example brass dome right if there was a divination card for a brass Dome you could uh you could open divination card for brass Dom if they are if they are priced about um so they get like minimal profit from mineral brass Dome it would be very profitable because every now and then you would hit the plus five Max res and you would get a bank right out of that so that's what you need to consider it's not just the minimum that you're getting you're also getting better roles and that can add to your profits and increase your margins so you're doing this like at minimum you're getting 60 chaos while you're doing this you're also crafting your flasks for the remainder of the currency so what I was doing is I had some chaos in here for ready for trades I had some alterations and some flasks that I was buying constantly basis from and then as I'm waiting for people I'm crafting these flasks right I'm messaging someone waiting for them to reply I craft a flask someone replies I go to their Hideout I wait for them to give me the item I craft the flask and as I'm doing this I'm maximizing the time efficient can see right because I'm not killing monsters in the meantime I'm not doing anything else so I'm maximizing the time efficiency by crafting in between trades and always having something that I can do right always looking for cars and things like that I also recommend using live searches for these things because people will look at these cards right people look at the Tranquility card for example right and they'll see okay 10 kills 15 okay I'm gonna sell for 15 right people will usually price it for like 15 for 14 maybe they'll price it for 20 right and this is still profitable for you so what you do is you go down to um buyout price you go let's say 19 let's say you want to get anything that is like below 20 right and then you go to activate live search and you just keep this and then you can and they can just go about your thing go do other things right like uh craft your flasks look for other flips read out about read about other cards see what else you can potentially get into right have a have a I have like a whole spreadsheet like full of like notes right full of notes where I'm writing uh costs and breakdowns and seeing if cards are profitable right the way you want to look at cards um is basically this you go to whatever is the complete item right so I'm gonna just keep using this Vortex secret item right so you go to this and you type okay that is 200 okay that is 200 C for the whole item then how many cards to assemble it seven cards okay so what is 200 divided by seven right so we've got um equals 200 divided by seven it's gonna be 28 okay so if this is 28 it's like break even point so each card is supposed to cost 28 kills now if you're buying every card for 20 chaos that means you are making eight chaos every single trade right if you acquire more currency you're going to be able to move up to divination cards where you're going to be making for example 25 chaos per trade and with 25 kills per trade you do 10 trades you gotta Divine you get 10 trades you got a Divine 10 trades you got a Divine and you can do a lot of these trades right so you can make a lot of device per hour if you get more than just one method if you just more than just one bow more than just one uh um flip from the Divination cards because at First You're Gonna post this for 199 kills just to sell it quickly and then someone else is gonna post it and someone else and the more items you flood the market with the harder it's gonna be for you to sell them at a higher price right and other people are going to start undercutting you then if you want to sell you gotta undercut them if you don't have enough currency right um so you're gonna be uh like saturating the market with items and then you're gonna have to move on to something else give this Market a break and then you can come back to it usually what I'll do is I'll have like eight to ten methods like on rotation so I'll have uh one of the voltastic rift one of the some other thing one of some other thing and I will just have them in my steps I had basically like uh I had some like I had items like in a row and as soon as something would disappear okay I make another one right oh this thing sold okay I make another one and I just okay everything is saturated I have all of all of my items that I'm flipping um ready for sale all right let's craft flasks right let's craft whatever I uh can craft with the remainder of the currency so once you do that are you gonna start increasing your currency exponentially you're gonna find the higher and higher flips whatever you can afford whatever is the higher flip from the Divination cards and and then you're gonna move on to another thing you're gonna want to add more and more things so the next thing I would add would be crafting of cluster Jewels so the cluster Jewel that I'll give you one example of that I had a lot of success with was a medium trap clusters so the way you discover this by the way right like how do I know that Medium trap clusters how would I possibly know right so you go to Poe ninja right you look at builds and then let's say click DPS highest DPS what's as high as DPS eye strap eye strap eye strap okay people are playing traps there are also other traps right people are playing traps in pretty much every ascendancy traps are very very popular this league so therefore I go and look at okay what these characters are using okay we can't craft anything for the gear because we're using all uniques but they're using Jewels right and the cluster Jewels are actually very very cheap and very very basic to use Gerardo tactics with surprise sabotage they use Arcane pyrotechnics with super surprise sabotage okay so we're looking for like gorilla surprise Arcane we're looking for these things and we're looking for four or five passives and whatever else we can roll on them so what you do is you look at the base uh you look at the cluster Jewels so you go medium cluster Jewel trap and mine diamond damage and you look at item level requirements so Arcane pyrotechnics 68 we got gorilla level one surprise level 50. okay so we want cluster Jewel to be at least level uh 68 and we have a lot of different things that we can hit right there's lots of different things you can see gorilla surprise is a pretty high weight on this right pretty easy to hit so for this specific cluster dual there isn't really a specific tag that you want to hit right because Arcane pyrotechnics which is the best combo with like gorilla or surprise um this is this doesn't have any specific tags so what you can do is simply grab 68 plus bases right so bases that are at least level 68 that are maximum five passes so you just so you just search here for maximum five passives trap and mine damage 68 not corrupted and then you just buy like five to ten of them right you buy them for like five scales each and after you get a bunch of those bases what you do is just all can scour them you can just continuously alkan scour and as you're doing other trades you can continuously alken scour alken scour alkan scour this is the cheapest method and these are like quick moving um Jewels like every time I would make like 10 of them I go to my other flips when I'm finished with the other flips the the cluster Jewels are sold and I just make more of them very very cheap to make they don't give you that much currency like but every single one it might cost you like it might cost you like 15 chaos to craft and you sell it for 60 chaos right so like four times your money basically they're very quick moving and of course as soon as I make this video and tell people that people are gonna craft it and they're gonna stop moving and the market is going to be saturated and it's no longer be gonna be profitable so you're gonna have to find a new thing but the way I crafted them I just got a bunch of alchemies and a bunch of Scholars and here is lesson number two about searching for resources when you're searching for resources you can compare and find different inefficiencies in the market so one of these can be for example the conversion rate of um chaos and Scholars and chaos to Chances so if I went to buy chaos to scours right and I'm looking for like a you know some minimum stock of a decent amount of at least a hundred or whatever you're gonna see that for one chaos I'm gonna buy like 1.7 scours something like that right for one chaos I'm gonna get like 1.7 scours but if you look at chance orbs right for one chaos I can buy 10 chances and 10 chance of is two and a half scours if you're getting two and a half instead of like one and a half so you're getting extra efficiency right out of your chaos you're getting a better deal for scours because you can convert um chances at the rate four to one scour at a vendor right so you just buy chances instead get the scours cheaper you get the alchemies and basically you just go crafting and you craft as you're flipping as you're waiting for the live searches right you can have the live search like let's say you have like two or three live searches for the Divination cards so that whenever someone tries to undercut the market you just snipe them and you get them cheaply and that way you get even higher margins on your flips you just assemble these divination cards while you're crafting flasks once you have like you know a few flasks of of each type then you craft the cluster Jewels once you have the full cluster Jewels yeah you probably have other things to flip and and you can lower devices if you need the currency quickly to reinvest and if you don't need the currency quickly you just keep the prices even with whatever else is posted of the same kind so that you can maximize your currency and that is the main thing that I was doing other than that I really did very few things I I managed to flip um 20 chaos into uh over a hundred divines in four days or less than four days because I also has to level the character and learn all of these methods and so on right and this is very very simple anybody can do this it doesn't require anything special it doesn't require any special skills basically if you just repeat what I said here you're gonna make currency as long as you look for your own in market inefficiencies right I'm gonna give you some extra rules as well that you can look out for basically the thing that you want to look out for is you want to look out for items that you assemble where the supply of the parts is higher than the supply of the result but the demand of the for the parts is lower than the demand for the result so I'll give you a good example of that okay this is something that a lot of people caught on to now and a lot of people are doing this now but this is something that even despite a lot of people doing that it can still be profitable but at different times right so you have to pay attention to the market and see what the prices are currently so Tower of ordeals Tower of ordeals um is the ultimatum fight the ultimatum fight is basically cons it's like a map but it is constructed out of four parts so as you can see it's 190 chaos right now right 190 200 it I've sold some even for a divine right so I've sold a bunch of them for a Divine and a bunch of them mostly for about 200 to 190 chaos something like that but let's say right now 190 chaos is what you can buy this for okay how do you make one um you make one uh with four parts so we have the Victorious fate which you can buy for five to ten chaos right so you're gonna buy it mostly for like eight kales so let's write this down okay we got uh eight chaos for one of the parts okay uh then we've got we go to uh the next is the ignominious fate okay this one five nine ten chaos okay so let's say you can buy this for 10 chaos as well we write this down we got 10 chaos and then we got the next part which is the will of chaos and that part is for like 15 20 chaos so let's write 20. this is this I'm writing basically from experience knowing like what price I could usually purchase them for in a large amount and then we've got the deadly end which is about 80 chaos right so this is something you can buy for about 80 kills so as you can see we got here 118 chaos right 118. this is how much you can assemble it for and 190 is how much you can sell it for right so you're making 70 Chaos on four trades right on four trades you're making seven decals they're making like what 17.5 caves per trade right they're making like 17.5 kills per trade every single time you do a trade you're making 17.5 chaos and it costs you almost no time it's a very very uh good example of the uh rule that I'm talking about these fragments nobody really needs that fragment right nobody nobody wakes up and says I need some deadly and ultimatum aspect no but people do wake up and say oh I want to run the tower overdeals I want to kill the ultimatum boss and I want to get lucky and get the hate Forge right um or I basically I just want to spam it until I get it and like deterministically actually Farm currency because actually profitable to run them so Tower of ordeals good Demand right what is the supply of tower overdeals there is no supply of tower over reels you cannot find it you cannot drop it right you can only make it so the only supplies people who are flipping it or people who are assembling it for themselves and then didn't end up running it that's the only Supply so since there is a lower Supply and higher demand that means this is a seller's market right so the sellers can largely dictate the price and the price is going to depend on how many people are selling it currently um then we look at the fragments right the fragments are uh basically um the fragments are basically uh buyer's market right because people wanna sell this because they find it right they kill the bosses and they find these fragments and what are they gonna do with them right they need all the other fragments and they don't want to go to the trade side and go and look for all the other fragments and assemble it they don't want to do that they just want to go like they're delving or they're killing at Siri or whatever else right so they just want to do that so there is a supply of these coming in constantly and there are not that many people buying them because there are more people running all of this content than the ultimatum aspect right it's like four different types of content that you have to run versus like one type of content which is the Tower of ordeal right this is a specific thing um so there's more Supply than demand in here that's why this is a buyer's market that's why some of these are very very cheap and it's easy to buy a lot of them so that's like a basic rule that you want to look for that you can abuse basically right and basically divination cards are a very very similar situation right everybody drops divination cards nobody wants the Divination cards people want that complete item that's what people want first of all right and then if they want to be smart about it and if they want to spend a little bit of time and make some currency whether they can just buy the Divination cards right and some items uh if you get enough Capital let's say you get like 20 divines you can start flipping some big items that are worth like 5 to 15 divines right if an item is worth like 15 divines and it has divination cards that you can purchase for 14 divines right then you're gonna make Divine every single time you sell that item and also you can get lucky with the rolls and make more so you can potentially make two or three divines on a single uh item cell that you acquired from trade that basically you got you got notified by and just people are killing themselves to give you their items very very cheaply and you're just taking their money um so that's basically it those are the methods that I used uh for uh spamming this currency and it worked very very well with such basic uh methods there are way better methods than this to be discovered and this is what I'm gonna learn now but when I first started making currency with this method in the beginning I decided okay I'm just gonna go for like a cool round number I'm just gonna get like enough to buy a Headhunter you know so like 100 divines and then I'm going to make a video about it sharing these very very basic methods and now next step for me is to learn more advanced methods and better methods of making currency but this completely works at the after the first day after like leveling and after I learned um which divination cards I want to flip which uh things I want to craft I had a couple of different methods I had like a few items that I was also crafting that are very very cheap that was just like buying a few resources and crafting them and then I was also uh flipping a couple of other divination cards where like got like some six link out of that and I could split the sixth link with the split Beast as well or even by just the cars because at some point the cars got the set of cards got cheaper than the split beast and there are so many different flips that you can do with the Divination cards but you just gotta go manually basically through this list look for an item that is about the budget of what you have in total right so let's say if there is um if there is a certain unique right and that unique uh costs a similar amount to the amount of money that you actually have uh then you can basically flip that right like if we if we imagine that for example Chevrons wrappings right if we imagine that you have three divines chevron's wrapping costs three divines the cards are probably gonna cost a little bit less than three divides that means you can flip it right and if you get good rolls you get more than three device maybe you get four maybe you get five divines right if you get like excellent rolls so I average of actually better than the minimum result that you can possibly get from flipping the cards just look for look through these cards see what you can find look through a Poe ninja see which items are popular and if you know that certain item that is very popular has a divination card for it you can do that right there are tons of different flips and strategies you can do but I just shared what I used and what personally worked for me and after the first initial stage where I leveled and learned I was actually making about five divines per hour so this is a and this is like pure five divines per hour it's not like oh I bought the maps I prepared the strategy I did the thing and I I acquired the character I built the character I got the sex dance I traded people for three hours for all the resources and then I run the maps for uh five hours and I count only those five hours no like actual five divines per hour like basically the amount of money I made divided by the amount of hour I spent playing the game right in total for for the entire day that way I was making five divines per hour which is about if you play 10 hours you can make uh 50 divines per day you can make this in two days right so it's very very solid and uh consistent method that you can use to scale your currency up without needing anything so I've been rambling uh on for a while a bit I'm gonna go learn some new methods of acquiring currency hopefully you learned something from this thank you so much for watching and see you next time
Channel: AsmodeusClips
Views: 139,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Path of Exile, PoE, poe build, path of exile build, poe beginners guide, path of exile beginners guide, path of exile 2, poe 2, path of exile currency, league starter, 3.20, currency, poe divines, poe currency, flipping, poe how to craft, poe how to flip, divination cards, poe divine orb, currency strategy, hideout hero, zero to hero, headhunter
Id: sLwty7jMWvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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