Podcast #48 - What We Hate About Our Dogs

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that guy's creepy the Dos Equis yeah why is it well cuz you walk into the room it's all darker then there's a silhouette of a man with his probably like lethal guitar then I mean yeah she was scared when they sent him to me says like oh [ __ ] am I supposed to do with this except get scared by it every time I walk into a room that's why I put him in the podcast room because I was like he can't stand in the house I think it's Julian remember one time that I pranked you with it yeah I do that was funny it was scary marble thinks it's a man he still does welcome guys to the Jenna and Julian podcast sorry we were just talking [ __ ] about our friend I'm standing right there I mean it's [ __ ] cool and funny it's a hysterical thing to have it is just are you dark there's events when you know if you want to have a party but your friends aren't available you can just leave it part of the dust like easement yeah so doesn't feel as normally where which is nice true it's nice um welcome to the Jenna Jillian hi guys oh my god that working guys um I wanted to talk about the fact that for the first time in my entire life although I know this has existed for a while we got our entire life our entire life we got groceries delivered to the house it was amazing today it happened - we decided to do it today and we got the groceries today I can't like I just can't even because I thought you know I've heard of some of the ones that exists but last time I checked none of them delivered in our area so we checked out Amazon fresh or whatever yeah and it was like oh you pay $300 for the year and I was like that's a [ __ ] commitment I don't know I don't know if I'm ready for all that Amazon yeah we shopped around though we looked at a bunch of the front one yeah today I was like no it's got to be possible to get some food today okay yeah I want it now I want my groceries now but I don't want to waste my [ __ ] day dilly-dallying around [ __ ] the grocery store until you pay a little bit extra how much like a delivery fee we paid like 10% of our groceries which is not much know if they're bringing it to your house there's checking out at the grocery aisle they're doing all the hard it's a good tip and her name is Nikki and she was lovely she was lovely we instacart instacart is what we used it was very good it is yet to give us any trouble we use it one time but yeah we'll probably do it again dude it was like life-changing I don't know why I've ever gone to the grocery store when that exists well I mean you pointed out that going to the grocery store just really sucks up your day it's like it's not a quick thing if you need to get food for the whole weekend oh yeah because you you sit around you you plan out your meals for the week and what you need to get and like then you go there you get all your groceries you pack them all up in your [ __ ] car you drive my home you unload them all in your house I mean it's not a short task for anyone unless you're going to the store every single day just getting a couple of things yeah which I feel like it's different on the east and west coast because when I lived on the East Coast most people do their shopping for the entire week or for two weeks so everybody has like big giant carts full of food whereas here you go to the grocery store the aisles aren't even really set up for you to have a lot of groceries they pull out that little thing for you to put a couple things on there like it's totally different and I feel like because on the East Coast you have winter and [ __ ] like that most people don't go to the store everyday whereas here there's tons of people that go to the store every day and all they have and their [ __ ] cart is like a loaf of bread and like some [ __ ] breathe has a kale yeah it's it's a little bit frustrating because more often than not when I go grocery shopping someone will make a comment like oh that's a lot of food and I feel like being like can you shut the [ __ ] up like I don't want to come to the store every day yeah also shut up period anyway like I hate everyone the groceries anyway comments on anything you have doing like oh why would you say anything about something I put my cart right why would you ask me how many bags I want if I'm buying bags you make that car bro if I have a cart full of groceries when I say yes to bags and they're like okay how many and I'm like you know what you're paid to eyeball this in two bags not me I'm not gonna make that decision there's too much stress just too much pressure I'm not sure it's in other steel California is the only California you you have to pay for either ten cents per bag or you can bring your green valuable bags which is a great thing in theory but then every time how many I want every time no as many as you need to get 10 cents I'm a big baller you can just go crazy on the bags yeah every time you check out every single time without fail they're like how many bags how many every time I get stressed I don't know let's say one and then I'll carry the rest of it with my hands right it's it's a little ridiculous or my favorite one is when you have like a bunch of [ __ ] and they're like how many bags you want and I'm like I don't know and they're like okay just one and I'm like woah how how would I need just one that yeah like look at what I bought there's a grocery cart items no the best also is when they start just putting things in your cart for you not in bags and they don't ask you like you'll put milk and juice and all this stuff in your cart and I'm like okay well I guess I'm just gonna have to carry that with my hands and bat my hands and now my hands it's it's a little inferior they need to like be a little more Oprah on the bags like you get it back and you get a bag you get five bags you get as many as your grocery cart needs but that's just one of the things that uh another thing is is when I'm looking for an item and they can't like that they're they don't know the answer like to we're on the right and they're just I can sorry well I leave and I'm like yeah one time we were looking for something one time we were looking for shallots and or like tahini like you wanted to make second hummus yeah and nobody has a clue what you're talking about like shallots they're kind of like an onion they like I don't know we don't know and then you search around the grocery store for hours and you find them that they prepackaged them in bags are you I'll cut up yeah like well you know it just isn't helpful it always is crazy to me that like I understand that it's gonna happen where a grocery store grocery store worker is gonna not know what you're talking about what always like kind of confuses me is when they're like they don't know what you're talking about and then they're just like or they lie to you yeah yeah yeah yeah I to you and they're like yeah it's over in Aisle 4 it's like the furthest out from them so they don't have to come no man there's nothing here yeah it's a little frustrating yeah but anyways I'm not sure I'm ever gonna go back to I'm sure we'll have to go to the store sometimes some point yeah I don't think that it can replace you actually grocery shopping every once in a while but it's really nice when there's things that you know you're gonna need and want to tell them do it because then you don't waste your [ __ ] day that's for you or at least a few hours yeah any time you can save time it's worth that [ __ ] we paid [ __ ] ten fifteen dollars for somebody to do it for us yeah which is really lovely yeah worth it more than worth it although we looked into some of these other ones there's one like farm house or farm store I can't member a lot of them just felt really ancient their apps sucked and well yeah those said but the other ones were too like specific like I forget which what it was called it was like farm whatever farm basket I don't [ __ ] know and you go on their website and it's just uh Kristen Bell's face and she's like oh that's my carrot that's how you know it's gonna be good right so all you can do really is like pick out these like farm baskets essentially and it would never be enough groceries for anyone it's like also what happens if you want like I don't know salsa or something that doesn't come in the basket no you gotta buy that I mean it's good in theory if you want one basket of food ya know it's more like it's more of like a novelty I think yeah like a licked away the pre meal like blue apron or they send you all the materials to make a meal for sure but that's not a [ __ ] I looked at it and I was like oh they have a good gluten-free thing that'd be a game to me it was it was a box of like celery tomatoes a dozen eggs and like this tiny little slice of like chicken and I'm like Julian would die if that was his groceries you would be ravenous within an hour yeah but I mean it's still really cool and I'm really excited that we did that me too that was really awesome and I feel ancient PewDiePie tweeted me that he's been doing it for a year I feel so left behind I know well it's something that's been happening for a while we just have never done it and now that we are it's like oh it's kind of like when post mates having like where the [ __ ] have we been well my dad and also my brother my brother lives in like Oregon and my dad lives in upstate New York and I know that my dad has been getting certain groceries deliver frozen for years like since we were kids he'll get like a [ __ ] half a cow and like [ __ ] like that you think Devon does that too yeah um my brother but there's plenty of people in the United States that get portions of their groceries delivered which I always thought was like kind of stupid and he's coming to ative Wow yeah I'm like well then why would I just go to the store yeah but it makes sense for a lot of people especially if the store is but yeah half an hour ya know for each situation it definitely is you know varies in terms of life what makes sense and what doesn't but I just feel [ __ ] stupid man I feel happy and I feel glad I didn't have to go into a grocery store that always end up getting frustrated with stuff there everything's frustrating yeah and then you always get and you're too hungry and too thirsty to be there anyways so then you get skipped too much stuff yeah - yeah if you go there when you're too hungry you get too much stuff you go there when you're full you're like I don't need anything yeah it's like okay well if you're online it's like I'll just have them deliver yeah it was pretty cool it's great um this is not a sponsored by the way so well not sponsored at all um we did want to talk about something that we really like never talked about we always we always are you're good moving on yeah we always move like discuss things that make us laugh and things that we love about our dogs but we don't really ever talk about things that we don't like that they do Julien hates certain things about the dog I think every human being on earth hate certain things that their animal does and we figured he just talked about the things that are large and we don't like kick it off just kick it off how about you can't take a single inch of a step anywhere without Kermit being under your heel it's all of you and it's too much she's very nervous it's too much he is absolutely high-strung to the point where he thinks if you are more than a foot away from him at any given time you mean not not anyone I'm Jenna so Lee um and I've known Jenna for over three years right yeah so you'd think he would have gotten accustomed to me which marble does like when Jen is not around you know model we're cool but Kermit like he thinks the world is going to collapse on his little Italian Greyhound body if he's not right next to her at all times and it's it's I get it like it's he depends on you and he's needy and that's but it's it's gotten to a point it is at it's been at a point when um well why'd you tell him we did this morning what Kermit did this yeah okay so Jenna doesn't wake up from there crying or barking or anything she's got 90 she's got an immune to it from years of being from years of them crying wolf yeah that's all they do though you know they don't ever cry anything but wolf they don't know what crying other than wolf is yeah I probably know what anyway so she doesn't wake up when they cry or bark I do but I was up anyway I was up like two hours something before Jenna this morning and I was downstairs doing stuff and the bedroom door upstairs was open so I could hear Kermit crying which if you can kind of imagine I'm in the office listening this stuff on my computer and I still hear is crying on top of Tomas Dezi leaning body and like this is like oh my god crying like he's trying to wake you up with a crime and I kee chose he chose crying as a method to wake you Julian after years of that wouldn't you become accustomed to talking yeah [ __ ] wish I could help well normally the thing is normally up I don't know what it is I always wake up when he cries but I was up and he starts crying and it's so loud that I can hear from downstairs somewhere you know what I'm not gonna deal with this I walk upstairs and I pick him up Kermit no more crying you can't cry mommy awake so I pick him up take him downstairs peach falls me because she's good about following me and going where I go and I bring him downstairs but I shut the bedroom door so he can't run back up there so we're hanging out downstairs we're walking in the kitchen I put him down like to go outside because peach is heading outside and he does this thing we puts on the brakes and he turns directions it goes the other way like boo boo and he like makes this noise like he's getting shot at how to police and he Sprint's upstairs like you saw that vlog of mine when he Sprint's up the stairs that's what he did he like superhuman speed because he's scared of me I don't know and so he sprints up the stairs he like basically like jumps and like tries to like shoulder charge the [ __ ] door open because he knows I'm like behind him and he's a fan of him the doors not out thing so I don't even go upstairs I just let him do his [ __ ] weird little garbage stick and he goes like clawing at the door you know and then he stops and then I'm like okay whatever he'll figure it out you know he'll deal with the situation as he needs to so I lay on the couch I'm hanging out with peach doing a couple things on my phone and 10-15 minutes passes and I'm like where's Kermit like he's not in the bedroom the door shut where did he go and I'm like Kermit and I look up on like the mezzanine like a little balcony in our living room thing and he just trots over and he just like looks at me he just like looks in a chart cuz he just like looks at me and he's like and like hermit did you just wait up there are you just waiting sorry I'm like rambling but um yeah he's incredibly nervous and it puts him and everyone involved in situations where it's like why are we why are we dealing with his high-strung nerves why can't we just like everything's gonna be [ __ ] okay everything is always know how we also always talk about the fact that Kermit doesn't really even like me he just needs me because hermit for those of you that have watched you know in my vlogs or videos where where I'm interacting with Kermit regularly since I got him since day one like he needs me to hold him and like feed him and pay attention to him but then he's a very rude dog like he will bite me when he's had it he's a rude dog we don't drive unless he walks all over me and I know it yeah which you know go ahead and let all of your bad dog pairs yeah we're gonna get all of it out in the comments go let them all out and you can ask me if I give a [ __ ] cuz I don't know he's my dog um but I do I like to baby him I choose the baby him and when we go out of the house Kermit is the most well behaved dog he listens to me he's the only dog that I can fully through and through trust that country Kermit will always listen to me and understand like what our life saying that life in commands when he needs to pay attention I've seen you in the flushing it was a wonderful dog when we're not in the house yeah when we're in the house he is the worst dog in the house he is [ __ ] just doesn't give a [ __ ] about you and what you want he only wants what Kermit wants he's a breath he's very rude yeah he's a brat and then on top of it he's very dramatic so it's like when he's not being like mean and bullying generally he's like he's stressing everyone out yeah by being so stressed out yeah for no reason but I mean the majority of the time he sort of just sits around and does Kermit things you're very relaxed you guys know what the majority of the time is because we've log it and we talk about all that you can't yeah you can't be like hey I'm gonna pick up Kermit now he will run away from you like it's so embarrassing when people come over and they see Kermit and I go and pick him up and he [ __ ] bolts away from me like he doesn't want to be touched yeah if I hold him he'll bite me he'll wait till I put him down like there's only so much like chastising I can do to Kermit because he'll stop after a little while but it will never stop him from wanting to do it like he just what he is a rude dog in the house yeah but then outside of the house he's wonderful and sweet and he chills like he's just a really good boy when we're not in his domain Jeremy hmm but I mean yeah he's he's a weird guy he's a very needy guy and he's a weird dog but he's he follows me everywhere everywhere everywhere you can't make a move without him trying to follow you I know like I'll go to the bathroom he comes with me in the bathroom every single time and Julian always makes fun of me for it but if I try and like pet him while we're in there he'll run away from me it's if he moves you but he doesn't want you follows me and he runs away from me but when I'm up late like editing videos you'll refuse to go to the bed with Julian refuse to go upstairs he needs to sit with me he needs to sit in my shirt yeah but like it I don't even think that he wants to be near me he just he needs to be comforted as very hissing guy I'll say something I don't like about peach I think that peach has destroyed more belongings than both of my dogs combined it over their entire lifetime you know yeah peaches are [ __ ] uh she I think she has more energy than both of them ever had she's very destructive with her energy though for a while she's starting to tone down now yeah for a while it was like anything she could physically carry with her mouth was wrecked right like things that you didn't think dogs could get ahold of she would wreck I think that the worst was every single time we left the house she still does it she would chew the couch pillow she's getting better though yes she is but I told you my trick of how I leave those like square brown pillows with the open so they can tear the stuffing out of them that was like my dog hack because karma used to do it like they can tear the stuffing out then when you get home you put it back in there it's like a never ending toy so it's a never ending toy if the phils there need to chew pillows but they don't destroy any of your new pillows well peach wasn't having any of that she did a little bit and then she moved on to the couch pillows and so they're the ones that like you sit with your back against they said they've been slowly getting less and less full of life yes oh god she really does like take a toll on him for that child um she's over a year old now though so hopefully she will stop chewing but she loves the work no I'm a gazelle was the worst that's the second worse underwear is the word she destroys my underwear which is really frustrating but because she for a while we were trying to figure out how she was getting my underwear and then Jenna caught her opening car door opening plummets from its commodity close position she was opening it I was like little T Julius I pulled stop leaving your clothes places I'm like Julian I'm telling you I'm not leaving them anywhere oh no ugh she's getting on I didn't believe you and then I saw like houdini'd my [ __ ] drawer open but now we got a dresser in your closet is that problem solved um no but the the other worst one was I had left a box of tampons like on the somewhere where she could jump and get it because that weak member we caught her doing that to my best in the front hall I had this furry vest and he's hung up hi and I was like there's fur on the ground where's this coming from she we caught her she was jumping leaving as high as you could daddy a little bit each time and peach can jump up into our arms it's like in our chest she has hops she was jumping up there and that's how she ate corn my llama from Australia yep I'll pack him in alpaca my stuff gel packet from Australia but um I had left a box of tampons somewhere where she could leap and get it thinking it's out of her reach and uh we go upstairs to the bedroom and there are like so many tampons in different states of like open and unopened and the the plastic applicators and just like tampons like fully ripped apart everywhere and it was the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen yeah like she really really really just she well she also is one of the like one of the things about her is that she cannot help herself know so she might use tampons by the way it's a new matter of intense um she knows a lot of time what she's doing is really really naughty like she's she knows she'll actively do something well I know for a fact she knows when I'm taking food after we've eaten or it's chewing a pillow or whatever it is she a hundred that knows it's bad but she can't resist like I feel like just now she although in peaches defense this has not happened you know this isn't me I was upstairs he's not let's try to turn on the lights and there's a puddle of pee at the end of the bed like she had just done it within 30 seconds of me turning my back she that's not normal but she I don't know she's very very [ __ ] at yeah and our dogs don't pee on our beds so don't [ __ ] I think that they just see everywhere rot animals but no um she like you know catch her chewing like a headset or some cords or some [ __ ] thing that she knows she or he taking food like I've vlogged heard multiple times taking food because I set up the camera because I know if the food's there and we are not she cannot resist like hermit will resist pee marble will resist because they know that is they know get it yeah um but PG can't and it's like no the funniest thing about peach and and knowing what she can and can't have is that when she has something she's playing with something that she can't have she'll bring it to you and play with it like the day she had my [ __ ] caterpillars and when they were still babies like I had them back ajar they were on top of the kitchen table she left up there got the caterpillars I was sitting outside on the lawn chair she came out and dropped them like on me while she was playing with them like peach those are my [ __ ] caterpillars are you kidding me but she'll that's what she does she'll try and come play with whatever she's not supposed to be playing with on top of you like food is the best though to like if you eat something and it's on the kitchen table or somewhere where she can get up to it she'll bring the bag like out to you like drop it on top of you like where's what is her thought process what thought process I think she's a she's a baby she's naughty she's naughty but she's gonna be good though eventually yes she has to turn good well she's the smartest out of your head and in terms of marbles nobody it's it's it happens a little bit at a time we'll get tomorrow's on one side yeah but like like for the first of it was the energy that started dying now well first it was the peeing she stopped being in the house you know that was the first thing that I needed to accomplish because you know for like the first couple months I develop this like fatherly instinct that if I felt any movement in the bed and pop out pick her up and take her outside she would pee on the bed while we were singing as a puppy does but it was first that then it was the energy and now it's starting to be the chewing thing she started slowly but surely she's getting a hold of like you really just can't [ __ ] chazer that's it I mean everything else is totally fine really good dog he's a good dog she's a very good I'm very lucky for more than one reason for forgetting peach you know she's beautiful and she's sweet she's got the greatest energy but she's also a very smart dog so she listens in the house unlike permit yeah and you know as she's getting better outside of the house - I've walked her and taking her places well I know well peach is the perfect mix of Carmen and marbles Kermit is you know will not listen to you ever in the house ever unless you say do you want a treat yeah you'll never come unless you're like we're going to bed and marbles will listen to elinoz marble will always listen to in the house marble is sweetheart in the house he will coddle you he will love you you leave the house that [ __ ] is a demon trap there's no controlling marvel outside permit is wonderful outside the house and peach is relatively good at each is good as bad both inside all right yes but marbles will not I can't get him to listen no he's very animalistic outside the house yes it's primal I hate when people are like you can train any dog to do anything I'm like you have not met marbles or others similarly fiery Chihuahua or small dogs he when he gets going outside the house he's literally like he has no family he doesn't know Jenna is yeah he doesn't know anything but whatever he's fixing it on like he's okay in dog parks but like if he sees another dog or something that he's having a hard time with um I've had to pick him up on his leash like swing him I wasn't his fault or father his mother calling calling Pauline pulling on him and he will not listen to you and there was a dog coming at him yeah that was someone else's fault who let their husky walk free oh that one [ __ ] [ __ ] man this is one of my pet peeves when it say it says like don't walk your dog off leash and people are just like oh sure whatever but then I'm okay with the people that have their dogs super well-trained where they don't their dog doesn't even look ok do you and you probably have some certification that says you're allowed to have your dog wherever you want these people have no regard and then your dogs are on leashes their dogs are not their dogs approach your dogs that's not OK no that's not okay at all they need to stay with their owners this dog came around a corner on a hike it was a husky no it wasn't it was like a Chow Chow it was something [ __ ] crazy it looked like a wolf she was [ __ ] public it actually looked like a wolf cuz we were well we were up in the mountain at we're up in the mountains and I was like ok we were about to hit this corner about like 25 yards away and I see this giant dog turn the corner I'm like wait hold on Jenna like what's what's going on what's his way she's like no it's fine I'm sure like whoever's walking it has control ok he's locked yes stop so really were daring at us yes but I you know shits gonna get real good well we keep walking and then the dog just approaches that so current and marbles or Kermit and Peach are like freaking out and retreating into the yeah Bush so I picked them up and marbles is like freaking out but also like freaking out attacked like scared fighting and pee Jenna because the doc kept walking towards Marvel's was right with the [ __ ] so Jenna picked the leash up and grabbed marbles and we were like the lady came over was like oh hey like cool dogs we're just like what the [ __ ] are you doing like got [ __ ] on all kinds of [ __ ] xanax and [ __ ] I like it first of all the dog walked around the corner did that stop and like you know you get that [ __ ] it's got seized like red think it sees blood and [ __ ] wants to get marbled so then he throws down its tracks and then all of a sudden does that like low crouched sort of like run walk towards Mario was aggressive stalking is aggressive so that's why Marvel's freaked the [ __ ] out but that woman saw nothing wrong with her dog being off leash where it's good she's a silly marked everywhere please have your dog on leash and also you know that place we relate to go hiking and we've seen on multiple occasions rattlesnakes all over the place and these people that are on their little stupid [ __ ] high horses oh he's a good dog it doesn't really matter it's not only for your safety other dogs safety your dog's safety like your dog could get killed by a [ __ ] snake because you're a piece of [ __ ] yeah you know what I mean look [ __ ] you oh and then they'll they're those people they're like yeah my dog totally ate someone else's dog but it was their dog's fault for being a small chihuahua like dude lady you can Julian slow blinking hard right now oh yeah my dog totally died he got bit by a rattlesnake but like he was a good dog oh well you were great dog owners because that's what happens to good dogs a good dog owners they die mmm well don't say that I mean tragedies [ __ ] happen no I'm just saying like that kind of thing like well it's a preventable thing do - I mean it's preventable when people just are being responsible dog owners but anyways we didn't mean to get into this rant yeah that is a ring you're more [ __ ] on our own dogs and avila stuff although and there there are several awfully off-leash dog places where we've gone with the dogs and like they're good in Big Bear during the day you can't do that need to say close because of coyotes and bears and [ __ ] although they're good outside they listen marvels not always to be trusted he's a shifty little [ __ ] he'll go wherever he wants iam because he's hiding in tall grass but we were in Runyon Canyon or whatever when my friends were in town remember and we were walking just Carmen marbles this was pre peach and Kermit really just wanted to walk like in other people's past this is so fun so he would walk like you know couple paces in front of us to whoever was in front of us and he would walk so close in between other people's legs that they would turn around because they could feel Kermit's like wet nose on their cat like he would just completely trace my I just want to cheese walk in there pal sofa he's so weird though it's so good yeah yeah he's such a weird dog I would say the only thing marbles really does is just his unnecessary aggression in the house in the bargain not barking but also unnecessary aggression in the house well towards people when they come in me in the morning when he forgets who you are tell them what he does in the morning in the morning I'll wake up I tend to wake up before Jenna whether it's five minutes or a couple hours anyway every time I wake up I see him like take position on top of her body like I'm going to attack it so he like suddenly sees me what sometimes he'll cuddle me in the morning be like hey good morning but other times I'll wake up go to bath and come back and he's he's posted up his butt - Jenna looking at me like that Jared don't like all right dude but no she ain't touch me and a Killa denied 'totally hams it up with me he long he wants nothing more than hanging out with me tonight so he's a he's a little confused but it's very cute and I would just say the the barking in that and then the morning-time aggression I could do without yeah I mean he likes to go outside and he likes to use his little voice yes and him and carmit our little brothers and they love to chase squirrels and barn barker rosea and they like you know if kids are riding by in the neighborhood they'll bark yeah but I honestly I will put up with all of that all the time because for some of it for me especially when I have them at different points in my life near alone you you're in a house alone like when you're not here like it's invaluable to me to have like other living beings that will always let you know at like the tiniest little noise that's something what the [ __ ] is happening no I mean it that means that I have to endure years of senseless barking yes but it can be a bit of the middle ground right because it's not like they're up at night barking whatever they like to bark outside and they bark and people are at the door or when things are happening whatever sometimes marbles has like a noisy day but like for the most part at night if you hear them bark like you need to [ __ ] and pay attention yep yep although they don't they um tres I'm trying to make words good words uh um the first few times that they felt an earthquake here they didn't even wake up they didn't feel it at all the time when we lived in the old place they won't even started barking they bartered earthquake for like 30 seconds but like but that was an intense we were I was like the episode yeah um but they don't really Park it like earthquakes I've noticed cuz we felt a few yeah they haven't seen come on I think it has to be kind of significant for them to really borrow it remember there's one like we're outside here you feel like one hard shake yeah I mean and they're all just like laying on the couch like they think that someone is just like bumped yeah yeah I think if that makes me nervous I'm like I don't know if I can trust your warning system guys we can they'll know the delivery guys here is when he [ __ ] parks his car oh yeah they're good they are good but what else don't you like about them anything I don't know I think we ranted on them enough honestly you Julian had just had it today with a hermit and peach peeing on the bed really who does that what are you an invisible Julian's also had it with me sometimes because I really I really do like to baby them well you I think some of your babying with Kermit at least and also Marcus but listen it's Kermit it amplifies the problem like he's very high-strung and scared and nervous and weird around me and anyone but Jenna and the way that sometimes you pick her and pick him her pick him up and like it's okay he's like okay well maybe if I do act freaked the [ __ ] out all the time I'll get detention and I'm like well maybe that does not I mean won't let me it they're not even 30 seconds after peach peed on the bed not a couple minutes cuz you had gone downstairs Kermit you had closed the patio door upstairs and blocked Kermit out why did he wander out there I thought he was in the bathroom with you Carly gets locked out of places a lot or locked into place oh my god he's the middle child - dude he's [ __ ] weird and he creeps and then he can't see him he's like a little stealth little [ __ ] anyways so you had left him out on the patio by accident and closed the door and I was in the bathroom like brushing my hair or whatever and I just hear like like he was very patient sometimes sometimes he freaks out one time he got locked in the garage and he was like scream crying in there and when he gets locked into your closet and just really just diarrhea everywhere he was so nervous but this time when he's on the patio he's very sweet and patient like he was just clung and then when I let him in he was okay just whatever yeah like sometimes he freaks out sometimes it doesn't he's not always know is I think for them honestly for the most part our dogs are great and they're not bad and they're good and they have good energies and they're manageable but sometimes they're not that at all you know what makes me upset about marbles sometimes like every time that he drinks he needs to throw a little bit of it up he can ever drink one over that choking well it's not throw up to your videos he was killed drink and even even if you like make him slow down you make them whatever was he needs to go and like just get alone and Iggy's forget how to breathe through their mouths sometimes I'll be like hmm just randomly nothing's wrong and just forgot that they can breathe through their nose yes and they also I know I feel and they also when we leave the house they try and make it so you can't leave my Kermit will grab my leg like he'll do the bling it's like wait I clinched on our lid man but yeah I'm glad that you got to get some of it off yeah thank you guys for letting us vent about our animals and some little bit about other people's animals but mostly ours [ __ ] that link if you guys have certain things that your dogs do let us know in the comments please cuz I love reading that kind of stuff yeah and also it makes you feel about you're weird and it also makes me feel like a better person for kind of hating the [ __ ] that peach does sometimes because I know other people feel the same way and and anyone that wants to leave a holier-than-thou comment about how to treat your dogs like dogs I mean you probably just write it you desire it and then mail it to yourself Oh Peter Peters hiring I think you wanna spend a day I feel like there's a middle ground between treating your dog the way that you're supposed to quote treat your dog and you know loving them like they're one of your family members also there's another thing called being really [ __ ] judgmental so maybe we do something different than other people would that doesn't mean you need to impart your judgment I know I love the people that are like oh my god you're [ __ ] carpets such a mess like it only takes five minutes to vacuum your carpet like yeah but it takes a lot more than five minutes to vacuum your entire [ __ ] house every day when you have a puppy that will chew anything also also if we want to keep our car the carpet on vacuums for a couple days will do that it'll be fine and we're gonna not give a [ __ ] with you but thank you guys so much for hanging out with us this week if you Mazal the end high-five cuz that was a lot of ranting yeah so this is a very odd cast we'll be back with another probably less ran to your podcast possibly with a guest possibly without again next time on the Jen and Jillian podcast make sure if you guys don't want to sit on YouTube and watch us we are on southbound on iTunes as well wait for free oh we love you guys give me some waffle fives and if dr. pepper oh you had chicken and waffles oh so good right any nice okay okay I love you guys I'll see you next week I thought
Channel: Jenna Julien
Views: 683,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trick people good looking boyfriend girlfriend, julien and jenna, julien solomita, jenna mourey, mourey, jenna, marbles, how to, trick people, good looking, the face, face, vlog, jenna and julien podcast, jennulien, jenna marbles podcast, jenna podcast, youtuber, tutorial, kermit the dog, kermit, dogs, dog owners, parent, italian greyhound, snoop dog
Id: Ybc0Ac-7m5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 58sec (2218 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2015
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