Pocket Hole Super Joint by OTB Thinker

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hi hey Russ here oh this boat going by and foghorn anyway welcome back to the shop I want to talk to you about a new joint it'd be kind of working on it's a pocket whole joint I'm determined to build my mitre station out of nothing but always be pretty much and everybody tells me oh it's not strong enough and this and that but also I'm taking it one step further everything's gonna be just anchored to the wall nothing's gonna touch the floor so everything the wall attachment is what's going to give that cabinet and hold it to the wall with OSB I know some of you think I'm a little bit off but actually I'm just out outside the box so in order for this to work properly I already use a technique that's called toe nailing pocket hole joints where if you've seen one of my earlier videos I put two on opposite sides offset and they go in and that gives me that angle which kind of like toe nailing so but when I put up a board and I tried to see how much weight I can put on it I just put one board vertically on it and I test it all up and down it really still wasn't quite strong enough it was pulling away from at the top so there got me to thinking then really that's where the joint needs to be strongest so I decided we can give ourselves a little bit of edge and I actually it didn't work I now was able to put and access a few hundred pounds on that and it held that board on there so what is that joint that's what the the pocket hole super joint is so basically let's talk about the pocket hole joinery in general real quick do a review so you can understand the important aspects of it why it works and why it doesn't and then you will understand why the super joint works so let's start with putting the screw in you got your standard height of pocket hole and that standard height is three-quarters of an inch away the shoulder is about 3/4 away from the contact surface that the word your joining to so the screw is right here and we have 3/4 of an inch for that screw to get support that is the most in the most fragile place on doing the pocket old joint is this area here if you tighten that down too much and it starts bulging you've actually over tighten that screw doesn't need that much toy just enough to pull this good and flat and it'll hold it there when you start over torquing it starts crushing the wood and then it's not as strong so never over tighten it on the super joint you really don't need any more screw tighten pressure than you do on one of these so always make sure you're not over tightening a pocket all matter what kind of joint you're doing um to make this point make this thing stronger on ak4 and ak5 it's pretty easy to do normally you take and whether it's in your pre sanding one or it's in your jig your k4 jig that goes on your bench top this thing can be adjusted up and down in there for it to do the angles of the pocket holes and that adjustment brings it further and further away and raises where the pocket hole is starting into the wood now I have found that I can adjust that height and it affects it in such a way that I actually get a stronger joint let me show you what I'm talking about so when this is set at 3/4 then the distance on that to the bottom is three-quarters of an inch from the shoulder so if I raise this up leave my collar at the same place where it would be for a 3/4 inch piece of plywood when I raise that up then when I screw it the flat of the hole inside where the shoulder the screw blends is still just barely below the tip of that hole it's right there so I raised that shoulder up here so there's this much more wood in between these two joints it went from 3/4 of an inch to an inch of in between here is an inch and 1/8 here it's at an inch and a quarter here is that the maximum increment of inch and a half that's a lot of wood in between there and if you do that that does two things first have to use a longer screw obviously does you have more space here but you also need to beware of where it comes out it will change the where it comes out of the wood here under 3/4 it comes out dead center on a piece of 3/4 inch plywood and the pocket hole joinery that's it normally people talk about including the manufacturer I always want that screw to come out in the set dead center why that is I don't know so the one they tell you to change the height of this you're supposed to change the height of your collar but leaving the conrod the same it's still gonna go and drill in to just below where that hole is each time so I'm actually increasing the amount of wood that I'm putting between the head of the screw and where it pulls it to the other piece that's where it pick up a little bit of strength on that screw believe it or not under scible difference so I went to a one in eighth inch distance here setting this to one and 1/8 had my collar set for the 3/4 like I always do and I drilled these and I made what I call the super joint because I raised it up around 3/8 of an inch or so I used a longer screw so instead of an inch and a quarter screw I would use a two inch screw or an inch and a half if I didn't want it to come through the other side and that gives me a little more thread that gives me about the same amount of threads as with a normal screwing but if you go all the way through then the tip of that isn't used in carrying the load on 3/4 of an inch so actually it's even stronger when it protrudes out the backside so if the screw goes all the way through it just makes it slightly stronger because the threads that it's using to hold that in the hole are deeper so also I do a three screw pocket hole I put this at the very top so if this was going against the wall and this was the top of my cabinet and it goes down three feet I would use this joint right here at the very top I'm about two inches down is wherever it started and I just set based on the spacing on here one on the two widest ones I drill those two and then I put the one on the other side lining it up halfway between the two and that gives you this effect they come out off-centered that doesn't mean anything that actually probably makes it stronger because the toenail angle is actually a little further apart now than it is if they were all like this I did this test using this technique not even closer to be able to carry 200 pounds I did it with these three on that piece of wood and it easily carried that 200 pounds without any problem so this is definitely much stronger and this is actually gonna make it much better if I use this on the top of every piece that I put vertical on that wall if I put this at the very top and then do regular pocket or joinery the rest of the way down to help hold it from twisting or anything this joint will help keep that from pulling away from the wall and make it much stronger so if you're doing cabinets and you're attaching it to something that's hanging keep in mind that there is a place to use this super joint we use it all the time no but just like knowing how to do a mortise and tenon or a miter joint by locking joint whatever a super pocket whole joint actually is a good thing to have in your arsenal Azura times when that joint will be much stronger than anything else especially if you're trying to attach to a vertical wall something to it this really works so give it a try tell me what you think oh by the way you know what that is huh anybody yeah yeah yeah you're right this is drawer slides this is actually 15 to 20 drawer slides yeah I got my marbles so we'll go over that in another time when I do a drawer and I'll show you how they work and well sure you have making them that way so cheap because that whole thing of marbles cost me I think 17 dollars and I'll be able to get at least 15 drawers maybe 20 drawers out of its that ain't too bad for doing that many sets of drawer slides so stick around we got lots more that we're gonna be doing anyway if you have any comments or thoughts about this super join let me know if you don't understand why would you ever need it okay I understand that but actually I find that on this wall this is gonna be very handy to be able to use and there's gonna be other places where that joint will work so just put it back in your arsenal of joinery and it just makes that joint gives you that edge when you need it if you liked this video you learned something here hit that like button most importantly please come back again cos I have nowhere near done especially if you want to learn about those marble drawers you definitely don't want to come back for that thanks we'll see you again soon
Channel: Russ Veinot
Views: 4,629
Rating: 4.9805827 out of 5
Keywords: woodshop, woodworking, otb thinker, pocket holes
Id: uqNgESNiyzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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