Modern Waterfall Table DIY For Beginners

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You forgot to joint the edges.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/WhiteOakMountain 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey everyone in today's video I'm gonna be showing you how I made this simple waterfall table enjoy the first thing that I had to do was get this slab set up in my router sled and work on getting it flat it had a little bit of cuff that needed to be removed first and I did this by making two passes removing an eighth of an inch with each pass I'm using a half inch top bearing flush trim bit because I mean really that's all that I have I could only remove a quarter of an inch with these strokes so this is actually pretty tease you can see here I missed a spot on the top and I did that potentially more on that later now I can work on the bottom side [Music] [Music] [Music] after I got the bottom flat I went ahead and sanded it off the camera now you can see that I'm taping off the cracks this is to ensure I have a solid seal so there's no pox Lily go I'm using total boat penetrating epoxy with black mica powder I'm pouring a relatively thin layer of epoxy first and letting it set up to create a dam so that when I fill in the rest of the voids later the hydraulic pressure of the new epoxy won't be enough to leak out from underneath the tape and now you can see the big spot in the middle that I missed with my router the reason for that is because it's a shallow depression in the wood and I decided to wait until after all the epoxy was poured before I made the final cleanup pass with the router [Music] the deck we're gonna move the slab over to my bench vise so that I can get it in a vertical position so that I can feel some more cracks on the library this slab gobbled up about five of these cups I really just couldn't [Music] [Music] with all the epoxy work out of the way it was time to just start cleaning it up [Music] here I'm just taking a very shallow pass maybe 1/32 of an inch I was going really slow trying to be careful not to get any kind of tear out or anything that will show up [Music] now I can use my circular saw and a straightedge just to trim those edges of nice and square [Music] with the bottom edge cut square I was able to use my tape measure and I marked up 18 inches from the bottom and didn't use the straight edge to draw a line connecting the two points then I drew a couple of vertical lines just to help me line it back up later then I was able to take my circular saw and set it to a 45 degree angle and using the straight edge make a cut all the way across this was the most nerve-wracking part and of course I forgot to hit record whenever I flipped it back around and made together cut using my biscuit joiner I made three cuts on both pieces referencing off the vertical lines I just need to ensure that they are aligned properly the biscuits will have enough base grain contact inside the joint to make it very strong whereas it would be pretty fragile without work and here I'm just using super glue masking tape to glue down the calls that I'll be using a clamp does miter joint together and in hindsight I should already nted the masking tape parallel with the grain it would have made it a lot stronger and had an easier time clamping it down putting masking tape on the inside of the joint ensures that there is minimal cleanup later [Music] you can see here how the 45-degree bevel on both of the calls directs the clamping force perpendicular with the miter joint getting nice and tight so [Music] with the hard part done now it's just endless sanding [Music] can't forget to put my name on it I'm applying a generous amount of teak oil and letting it soak in for about 10 to 15 minutes before wiping it off with a paper towel and then I'm applying three coats of shellac sanding with 220 grit in between coats and then on the last coat buffing it out with some steel wool now it could move on to the base I decided to make this out of inch and a half square tube with a quarter inch wall and here we're using my father-in-law's bandsaw I don't have any metalworking tools so he was happy to help me out we drilled three holes in the tube with just enough clearance to allow a wood screw to go all the way through and then we came back and countersunk them now which is welded all together this is probably the most tedious part of this whole project and you can see my father-in-law sitting there watching and after a couple of coats of primer and a couple of coats of paint this was ready to be installed when I set the piece down into place I used a tape measure to ensure that it was square with the opposite leg then while I'm looking crooked and then I use the screw to transfer the hole locations on to the slab with that leg installed it was time to flip it over and I was not anticipating how much heavier they've gotten more sanding more oil more shellac and guys if you enjoy the content make sure you hit subscribe and let me know what you think and don't forget to leave a like and share this video with your friends there's also a link to my Instagram down in the description below along with a link to my patreon page if you want to support what I do thanks for watching
Channel: TC Woodshop
Views: 29,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: waterfall table, live edge table, woodworking, walnut table, diy, diy table, woodshop, epoxy, resin, biscuit joiner, modern table
Id: VQu0Yp-f34A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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