PM7 Tries To Get A Shiny Pokemon World Record

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a few months back i participated in a shiny hunting competition and while my team didn't come in first i personally found five shiny pokemon in just an hour and that got me thinking how many shiny pokemon could i find in an hour in legends arceus if i dedicated an entire stream to it so i decided to try that out and see if i could set the world record and get more than five is the world record five is the world record six i'm not sure but here's my attempt to set the world record for most shinies found in an hour in london's arceus so i'm gonna click start i'm gonna run and the timer should pop up massive mass outbreak i chat if the audio if the video of any of this is not good we'll fix it in the next hour for now we just gotta go okay doesn't matter let's go i haven't shiny hunted in this game for a while but let me tell ya there's not many people that have gotten more shinies and i feel like i got a good route on most of these all right boom [Music] now the good thing about this is i'm so good at flying over pokemon and finding different colored ones that i'm gonna be able to say random nonsense the whole time oh no no no okay it's fine it's fine we're not gonna get into a cutscene that'd be a horrible start [Laughter] an outrageously bad start oh my god it's okay just uh a little bit of a goof is this one of those ones where i can scare the baby and then they run away fearful of me punting them into the stratosphere are they are you running i need you to run little guys there we go okay if we can get any of these guys to run like any of the the massive outbreaks to run away we have a pretty good shot to have a shoddy pop-up don't know how i feel about that if i if i die in the hour that's gonna be a really tough scene but my uh putting everything i'm doing on the line i'll give you all my shoddy luck oh i appreciate the heck out of that i probably need that i also don't love this area for massive mass outbreaks it can be kind of difficult to get to all of the areas but we just need one shiny to pop up right we can get a shiny every 10 minutes uh i would uh officially give myself the unofficial record and then claim it was the official record ah who's gonna fact check me huh the the shiny judges i'm the shiny judge i appoint myself naruto i appreciate the one wow naruto official crazy [Laughter] they are not going to be stoked when i hear i have no idea what goes on in that do not run at me scary sneezel ooh swinub one time i was flying and saw shiny starlight but i scared it away and your mom did the same oh man i'm sorry to hear it that is a bad break hey i appreciate the super chat hopefully you can reclaim that at some point i'm not saying uh you guys need to throw your shiny luck my way but i am saying it'd be pretty cool pretty cool all right hmm real quick though let me know what do you guys think the first shiny i'm going to find is do you got a feeling is there a shiny burning a hole in your pocket you're like you know what this is this is what i expect this is what i think is gonna happen you just got a feeling a sixth sense about it you know a shiny whisperer graveler geodude stop it no heavens no why would you say that why would you wish that upon me what have i done to you okay you know what it's fine i think there are a few i can get up here i may have to leave after this i feel like i've done enough looking around hmm we also got to get lucky with the massive mass outbreaks popping up that is gonna be a tough one um okay come on what you know what just let my stream start with a bang streamer luck right i mean chat just last night i had the greatest shiny luck i have ever had in the video you'll see the video at some point i still can't believe it happened legitimately the luckiest i've ever gotten that was pretty cool i feel like that should transfer i'm not saying i'm i'm selfish you know and i feel like i should be handed things on a silver platter but could i be handed things on a silver platter that'd be sick that'd be awesome uh i had seven with two double shinies ooh look at you go that's pretty sweet been sick late and when i saw you assuming brought a smile on my face keep doing what you do and making other people happy i appreciate you wild's nail power i appreciate the member i can multitask and we can get another massive mass outbreak but it's here i don't know wait does that i think that changes things because i left and came back right am i stupid i left and came back that's got to be new shinies yes yes indeed or am i a big dumb nincompoop nope no this is definitely different all right perfect no no this is definitely different perfect nope nope there we go i would love to see an alpha alpha gibble running around oh that'd be sweet shiny gibbel's actually really really good i mean you just can't evolve it it's the big thing the babies are back all right all right no you're not allowed to do that can't set me on you can't set me on fire all right this is a bust we got to get out of here are you kidding me i know that's that's a tough scene we got to get out of there we got to get out of there quick kidding me hi i feel like i want to get out of the uh yield winter by him what is up with her why did she keep wanting to rob me of all of my uh many jewels all right i don't like that at all what are those three sisters names i feel like they all have like really really goofy names i don't want to deal with them what's my favorite pokemon mammoth wine i feel like that doesn't come up much on my channel like i feel like i should probably talk about my favorite pokemon more in my content like i don't really have a good reason of why i don't honestly i don't know a lot of people don't know what my favorite pokemon are i feel like a lot of people that watch me don't know a lot about me just by by the simple fact of how quickly some of the the videos have gone boomeroosky on the old youtubes but hey that's why we're uh that's why we're streaming we're gonna have a good time we're gonna break records and everyone's gonna be stoked what's my favorite fire type a lot of people ask me these very specific questions i don't really i don't know um chad that's hmm i don't want a good omen do you guys have these things off the top of your head like if i just threw out favorite flying type people just have that ready to go yeah okay let's start it off with a bang favorite flying type vulpix easy wow i what you love to see all right let's get the let's go easy save the game should have saved it before oh i should absolutely have an easier way to change this i record pace record pace record pace let's go chat hey come on no no we leave chat this is my strat once we get one we leave the chances of finding another one in the same area in my eyes it's just not gonna be there we're out we're dipping let's go let's go all right a report that's fine you can look at my beautiful shiny professor you can look at the shiny all right let's go chat i'm not saying that i'm angry that we don't have a thousand likes but i'm disappointed chat if you are watching this stream and you haven't liked the stream the only thing that would make sense to me is if you don't have a youtube account if you have a youtube account what is the point of not liking it's like not subscribing i mean actually i feel like the stream people on the stream are subscribed the crazy thing viewers get really upset when youtubers like say all like all all the time hey like if you're not subscribed to the channel like you should most people that watch are not subscribed legitimately like 70 of the people that watch my videos are actually not subbed it's a very wild number if they subbed i'd have a million do you know how cool it would be to have a golden plaque it's it's golden chad it's golden you don't understand it's gold jet we're shiny hunting i i like shiny things come on i ask for so little and mostly just shiny objects and jewels like a sableye or like a crow i feel like crows go after uh shining objects right and they put them in their nests i don't know i don't think i know what crows do is that what point crow does i'm not entirely sure gonna be honest i have questions i i'll get my answers eventually i'll get them eventually i am i appreciate that is that a super sticker i need to learn a lot more youtube streaming things i appreciate it very much so regardless hi um i'm feeling pretty good about this i mean i'm saying the record my record is five i haven't seen any uh videos of any challengers saying they found more than five we can get six i'm absolutely claiming the title for myself okay i'm absolutely doing that now this is my favorite area to shiny hunt when i did my video of how many shinies can i catch with 100 pokeballs i created a route um in this area where i'd be able to fly and see the most pokemon every time so i feel confident that if there is a shiny here i'm going to be able to get it and get it decently quickly now am i just saying words and uh you know without any real merit maybe i'm gonna fly over the cliff and fall to my shiny doom and it's gonna be glorious oh god wait where is that how do i get down there what there has to be a shiny down there they're they're trying to keep me from my record are you kidding me uh you can't hold me back i know what's down there and what down there is mine oh wait no it's babies you punt them you see all right we do this you guys run right yeah i know electabuzz doesn't but the rest do i think chad i don't think they're running chad i think i made a mistake chat i think i'm a goofy guy all right chad i i talked uh i talked a lot of smack about how i'd i had the best route here i immediately didn't follow it i immediately did not follow the route i they're calling me stupid scoob they're making fun of me in the chat are you making a video um making a stream and we're making a stream together we're having fun i do think that's going to be a big thing with these streams though where like this will be uploaded on pm7 vods but i don't think i'm gonna be making a video out of it i'm just having some good old-fashioned uh stream fun you know less pressure yeah no pressure just shinies and vibes you know um let's see pokemon 7 pokemon 7 was my father you see i'm pm7 what is this what is this jargon pokemon seven i assume there's been a lot of people that are gonna ask about the uh the name change in these ah there's a lot of reasons for it i've debated back and forth whether or not i'm gonna make a video on it all that really matters is like you know what if you've been around the channel long enough you've known i you would know i've had significantly too many channel names and there was always letters or letters there's always numbers thrown into the mix and a lot of tomfoolery i said enough is enough well let's shorten this let's be respectful or respectable let's be respectful and respectable you know no more pokemon 7 my favorite uh pokemon of all time the next shiny i get will be my favorite because i'm gonna get us a little closer to that record damn it aight let's get out of here let's skedaddle we still got time we still got time you missed a shiny i didn't miss a shiny i've never missed a shiny uh you think i could miss a shiny please don't say it mr shinee hey thank you so much i have no idea how much or what sek is but uh i appreciate it so much man how am i doing love your videos i'm doing quite well whoa oh we're getting a shotty frog let's go big fan first live stream scene from you hope you uh you're loving your first home hey thank you so much for that i really could not be happier with my first home um i yeah nah it's pretty surreal i'm really happy really blessed i like i really could not be happier here and it's just nice to be settled in a place where i know i'm gonna be for a while i mean it's the come on it's the reason i'm able to stream again you know i'm able to get back into a more um like a groove i can more rely on i feel like i did not word correctly there but you know what that's fine it's my first stream back right i can phone the first stream back in a little bit right like i don't need to be on my a game i'll be on my b plus game and then next stream maybe i'll bring c minus but then the next stream we're on our a game and it's gonna be something special you know it's gonna be pretty amazing where is jack i don't know uh probably looking at pictures of gardevoir somewhere i don't know yelling at random children about uh bunnies i don't know you tell me where is that i don't know what he's doing you think i keep tabs on that crazy man i don't know what he's up to in a day he's all over the place are we sure he's even a real person that he might just be a figment of your imagination like do you have any proof that purple cliff actually exists i don't uh i can't tell you that man's real i i think uh i think he's a conspiracy and just his existence is a conspiracy i'm just saying i don't think any of you guys have proof he's real i don't think so what's the record five i'm saying the records five i we're definitely i mean we're in theory on pace for the record i'm trying to beat but boy has it not been it's not been the greatest start but it hasn't been the worst uh a lot of people see my shiny hunting videos and get really mad that i find more shinies than them i shiny hunting's really not difficult it's just about putting in a lot of time i don't think a lot of people are willing to put in the time for shiny hunting or to get like the the shiny charm which is completely fine and makes sense but if you just watch the stream of what i'm doing i'm just going map to map as quickly as i can flying over all the pokemon i i'm not even that lucky i'm not doing anything special i'm telling you if you're willing to waste enough of your time especially in this game it'll happen are you gonna get a good shiny i i can't promise that you might get an incredibly ugly shiny but hey you can find uh 10 geodudes like the rest of us wait where is the the outbreak oh oh stelix would be crazy um hey tyler i appreciate you becoming a member man thank you thank you oh i still have all the members say pokemon 8 and pokemon 9. i am so behind what am i doing you know what hey someone's gotta be uh a pokemon uh eight and nine now that i've moved away from seven everyone always asked what happened to pokemon one through six now you can ask what happened to pokemon seven as well right and now you guys gotta answer for that right hey if you're a pokemon eight in pokemon nine you gotta answer for the disappearance of the the other seven not my problem die that ain't me that ain't me y'all be cool uh y'all be cool not my problem [Laughter] i am not gonna answer uh the pokemon one through seven disappearance allegations heavens now that is uh that is your problem now good luck chat um all right that is what the kids would call fiddlesticks and i am as the kids would say worried where are the shinies what am i hunting for everything all of them all 78 shinies they're out there they're waiting i can see them i can smell them i think we go back here there's a shiny for us to find we've gotten really really lucky with the massive mass outbreaks which is worrying me that luck's not going to continue and right now i have not turned this good luck into many shinies uh i mean if we want to break records and go down in history we're gonna have to turn it up a notch oh wait it's in the cave the cave of mystery the cave of wonder let's see gave a mystery cave of wonder hmm [Music] i feel like these guys are really easy to catch let's just see if we do this quick right hey hey where where do you think you're going you are a question mark dammit i no are you kidding me oh my god all right you know what no no you're going to run away what i no one saw any of that it none of that happens none of that happens i wouldn't do that i wouldn't i wouldn't make a fool of myself i feel like if i don't go here i'm gonna regret it be like if i don't hop off this cliff oh it's not even off the cliff it's just oh it is off okay lick a tongue perfect um all right perfect go there nice nice nice hmm all right hi hey rome wasn't built in a day that's that's what old people say i don't really know what it means because no city was built in a day there i new york city wasn't built in a day yeah you know a lot of cities weren't built in the day right i couldn't think of any other cities i'm going to be honest chat roman new york that's all i had still what's the significance of rome why do we talk about it in a day huh why can't we say boston wasn't built in a month you know i throw random names in random amounts of time what's so special about rome huh my lego city was built in the day that's pretty impressive wait a minute you have a chat what was what is the lego city name i this is kind of important yeah rome wasn't built in a day but legalopolis was clearly built in a day it was built in eight hours even that's a good point yeah chat people ask me why i'm not responding to their messages and then i look at chat and i see people say sussy men7 and i just i again i'm not disappointed i just don't understand hey is that that's the kind of i need to read that really quick oh my god thank you so much i tuned in to show my appreciation of your content i saw you missed the alphabet bm7 more like stormtrooper seven you got me flying in circles and all flustered thank you so much for the incredibly generous super chat you guys do not need to be that generous in the slightest thank you so much man i truly appreciate it a person after my own heart with the name that i don't know how to say because there are so many letters in between my channel name used to be pokemon 7 but it was like p 0 uh k e m three and just chaos absolute disaster so you know what a channel name after my own heart thank you so much for the incredibly generous super chat like you guys really really do not need to be even a fraction of that generous thank you man i really really appreciate it thank you thank you is that going to bring the immediate shiny luck i mean it should i'm ready for it we wanted a little bit of a a drought even [Music] all right we're gonna have to go back pretty quickly 35 minutes one shiny it's a tough scene i was talking very confidently talking pretty darn confidently um um can you try a shiny chat as an added challenge chat chad's not my thing i'm not gonna go after shiny chat i do not care about chad a lot of people try to throw chad my way chat the reality is i don't care at all about beneary or cast form [Music] a lot of people are like how could he say that well chat none of you guys cared about those pokemon until the the brilliant creators behind them shiny shiny swide up there's no shiny heavens no i think you guys are lying shiny swine up chad i wasn't even in an area where swine-up spawns i don't know you guys are you're trying to trick me i see i do need to ask though chat if i'm like not even close on pace should i restart the hour and try again or do i just finish the hour out like you never know what's gonna happen finish the hour out we're not cowards around here we'll figure it out you guys oh god you guys are saying yes i feel like i asked two things restart restart okay people are saying restart all right if i don't find another shiny and uh the 34 minutes we'll restart we need to we need to have better pace than this hey it's mikey's favorite pokemon scorpio cool all right you know what i also yeah i gotta i gotta do some stretches i gotta i gotta get into the zone chat you know uh i we gotta call it we gotta call it oh you gotta call it uh they were seeing frogs they're not my friend we take we're taking a step back you know first run didn't work the way we wanted to uh but it's fine restart if you're willing to be called a coward litten tv i will not take that from you litten tv i don't even have much of a response to that come on oh there's not even a massive outbreak that's okay that's okay chat it's okay if you guys have any questions you want to throw my way now's the time because we're going to restart and we're going to get the record chat it's fine i wasn't on my a game my commentary what that wasn't that wasn't a uh plus pm7 commentary that might have been a c but we got the outbreaks we're ready to go all right what's my credit card info that's a good question well it's actually one two three four five six seven seven seven eight twenty six hundred use that uh as you will good luck hopefully you buy many i don't know buy these cool posters they're sweet that i don't think they sell anymore do a silly song and dance someone said these nuts guys this is chaos the chat wait come on come on chat need motivation to finish the commission maybe some motivation you know what hey motivation can be tough to come by sometimes you just have to you just have to get to a point where you just you go for it right motivation isn't always going to be there sometimes you just have to force yourself to get into doing something and once you're finally once you finally break through and force yourself then you can do it so i don't have any like special things or super motivating things like like people ask me like ah like should i become a youtuber should i stream this that and the other just do it just go and do the thing you know whether or not you're going to be able to figure it out and make it this that and the other you can figure that out later you got to start you know whatever it is you know you want to get better at something you got to go practice want to do some just go do it today i got super distracted had no motivation just had to push myself to do a thing yeah sometimes you just kind of do like just start the thing and then you know you can figure the rest out later but let me get going let me get going chat you know what the problem was i don't know if i had you guys on my side i don't know if you guys were believing in me i need if you haven't left a like you got to leave a like but i need everyone here just say shiny in the chat just spam shiny go crazy that's all i need i'm clicking the start button let's go guaranteed shiny we're going to the beach we're going to the beach guaranteed shiny first five minutes pm7 guarantee if i don't hit the guarantee now we're not even going to talk about what's going to happen then just because it's it's so guaranteed [Music] there's not a chance this uh goes astray all right geo dude that's fine everyone said i was gonna find a shiny jew dude joke's on you i've grown i've moved past that what was that noise all right get on my noble steed this is what i need we're gonna go up here ah there's a shiny above this glyph i'm telling you there's some big burly guys up here but no shiny hmm all right that's fine that's fine i still got time i said five minutes and i've never told a lie unless that was a lie who's to say hmm is there anything else up here there is then we got to make a business decision oh wait you can scare the chances you can scare the chances there we go we need more of these we need more outbreaks with pokemon we can scare come on come on i probably should have saved before i started doing this but it's fine i'm not a coward i'm just really scared that they may run away uh i could go down there all right yeah no i think we a little little dive into the ocean blue hmm all right shiny jingling you kidding me that's disgusting how could you say that why would you say that to me it's hateful shiny chingling you speak to your mother with that mouth i just i couldn't believe saying that ugh hey you all right come on come on i i found a shiny over here can't skip out on little chancey rock now damn it ah you can you absolutely can do i trust you no i don't trust you random person on the internet that i've never met i easy answer i don't trust you in the slightest i don't know who you are chad what a crazy question do i trust you heavens no the chat is a chaotic group saying things like shawnee chingling and sussy men seven no i don't trust you people asking for my credit card are you kidding me do i trust you chat come on do i trust you chad's trying to trick me into telling me there's a shiny when there isn't one do i trust you shiny hampter that's not even a word oh but i can punt these into the sun and once you punt one a shiny takes its place it's science isaac newton said it you punt a baby pokemon into the sun a shiny takes its spot sir isaac won the only sir isaac wouldn't lie to me he told me about gravity this one came true as well [Music] [Music] chat the uh the pmc you know it's fine the pm7 guarantee didn't work just wait till i hit you guys with the john guarantee it's a much different guarantee it's it's they're definitely not the same thing and i'm definitely not flailing for excuses oh god all right nope scare them scare the big egg people please run away egg people what are you doing you are pink oh no that's a big egg thing none of you guys are even eggy did someone just say egg disease nuts chat oh chad you know i there's a lot of good things my my pal purple cliff has done in this world there's a lot of them i think bringing these nuts jokes back is probably his greatest crime to me just to me and my sanity jack they're pretty good with them but what he's done is he spawned literally thousands of people who just say the words these nuts there's never a set up they never know what they're doing they just say the word these nuts and then they giggle sometimes they yell candace sometimes they yell pudding uh you know one even got me with imagine dragons at one point i thought it was a genuine question about my the music i liked the game's the game that clips out there somewhere but man i really thought that would die off it hasn't heavens no it'll never die no well they they will scream it from the rooftops and you know what more power to them i really think that no i hate it but i can't stop it all right chat the the guarantee is not going well but it's more babies maybe i just need to stick around and actually punt these guys i need to i need to stay true to my word i need them gone and i need them absolutely flying through space but another togetic i don't think those even go away i think they just chill and fire bolts of electricity at me that's not even a thing they do i don't know what they're firing at me but they're mean dammits all right chat it's okay i still got one chance before i have to address the fraudulent alley ow boy ah jeez ah scoob oh no it's okay it's okay chat you know what i didn't find a shiny because i didn't want one i didn't want it to be too easy what kind of world record run would this be if i found multiple shinies in the first 10 minutes no this is planned this is what i wanted i wanted drama i wanted a flare for the the dramatic yeah nope jingling right everyone's favorite but we're going here where it all began the first place yeah nope i threw the first 10 minutes because i'm built different i only need 50. other shiny hunters ah they need the whole 60. some need 70. the the lesser ones they need 90. i only need 50. and it starts in a little bit it starts in a little bit rip a pokemon card uh chad do you think i just have pokemon cards at the ready next to me to rip and also why would i do i don't think that would bring me shiny luck i don't i don't think pokemon they come out of hiding if i rip a card all right i'm doing this that like this is i'm just inviting an absurd amount of children to scream chad but you know what desperate times call for desperate measures sometimes you just need to get a shiny veneering a harness some purple cliff energy and it just works out i'd come on i need something to go my way come on isn't this thing supposed to kill legendaries uh it's kind of running away cowardly i'm just saying i'm just saying the albaneri lovers be cool i'm just saying um let's go over here you know what am i regretting my choice to get rid of the run where i'd already found a shiny perhaps should i have seen one run through so we had a bar to uh you know try to jump over possibly am i going to admit that i made a mistake i don't think so i don't think i'll do that you are the best you were the best you were the best you were the best i that's the kind of message i like to see chat feel free to throw out more of those huh just messages where you say i'm the best fine with it good messages those are the good ones hey you wanna keep compliments over me they say words are tough compliments are easy that's what i that's that's the actual thing i'm trying to say right hmm you're above average i will take it yeah the internet's mean man i'll take that hmm boy oh no um all right there we go all right chad i think we need some predictions again who's the first shiny i'm gonna find huh who's it gonna be i think we need someone to speak this into existence i don't know who here as the magic shiny touch but someone here does and someone's gonna throw it out there they're gonna be like ah pikachu i'm gonna go over here and it's gonna be a shiny pikachu it's gonna be crazy it's gonna be electric the crowd is going to go wild imagine madison square garden okay whoa save save john save save oh hi oh there it is i wait what if it's a female comb i don't think i have a shiny female combi you know how cool that would be oh my god wow there we go this is everything i've ever wanted is that a male shiny combi the rarest shiny ever yeah finally they're finally gonna let me back at thanksgiving dinner i've finally proven my worth all right on the board all right there we go chat there we go oh you were here you were here for the start of a dramatic comeback i told you i was sandbagging the first 14 minutes i was just waiting for things to get a little dicey people were doubting does he still have it in him is he a washed up shiny hunter no he just knows that in this cave magic awaits i i never mind let's go let's go all right wow nice on the corner of my eyes that i see a hello king with a yellow background a cartoon character with a hat on i think that's mikey how you doing buddy i barely saw that pass by the little chat on screen is good for me to see super chats and members so much else from uh right past it is very tough to see that's okay there we go back to the winter the iceland perfect all right patters is here what's going on mr pat it's you know what people heard the tales right i find a shiny people are showing up uh don't call this uh you know history just call this the greatest shiny hunting run of all time that's underground is this a waste of time or is this my greatest move yet a waste of time oh man i actually really want that shiny all right that's fine that's fine pop out over there can snag that let's go chad i just saw pm7 better then didn't see what else was at the end but it doesn't matter chat that's not the community that i uh i want if you guys want to say nice things about me i hey i am not going to stop you uh that is completely fine let's go let's go what i was gonna say is that you can say all the nice things you want about me because you know what hey i am pretty awesome aren't i oh i just failed a shiny i just failed a shiny [Laughter] wait just don't say negative things about other people as you compliment me just compliment me we're fine okay little worried that was scary that was going to be a clip that was going to be a clip of all clips if i was purple cliff or purple clips i would have thrown for content i would have absolutely failed that for the clip but i'm different i'm here for a world record i'm not here for a clip i'm here for glory eternal glory they're gonna put pokemon legends arceus shiny hunting world record in an hour on my tombstone people are gonna travel across the world to pay homage to me and my my great shiny hunting work just you wait chat you keep telling me to call people i'm in the middle of greatness you think i'm gonna stop this to call i i'm gonna stop this to call i love mikey to death the recent calls have been hey i know you replaced your carpet in your uh your house you wanna you wanna talk about carpets uh important phone calls absolutely and do i regret having them not at all is it good stream content no no we've been we've been having uh phone calls about the just being adults hanging curtain rods and getting carpet painting homes uh chat we're here for shinies we're not here for uh home renovation tips you are a good i am a good thank you um right um all right all right we have a a little bit of a cluster over here and this is where massive mass outbreaks are really coming clutch we're going to be able to go through so many pokemons so quickly if there's another shiny to be had it is going to be over here i am breaking my rule of when i find a shiny i usually like to uh go to a new area just because i the chances of finding two in the same area like statistically i don't think it really works of being less but my brain tells me there's just less of a chance but i was feeling a little lucky a little feisty all right ah if i'd gotten a shiny swine i'm in a shiny machop that had been crazy all right that's fine show my setup oh no no we will not be doing that my setup is an absolute disaster right now like it's it it's usable right now but it does not look great like i got a lot of work to do to make this actually like look nice and professional i mean the background looks nice and the office is nice it's just still a little bit of a mess all right let's go hello mr man i did i did indeed shiny vulpix actually might be a new shiny for me i was about to say like i don't know if i found any new shinies today i like to get new shinies for future thumbnails it's helpful right come on it's helpful when i nine tails that's a beautiful shiny man one of the best oh let's go you were the voice of our new pokemon generation uh sure yeah i mean i sure i don't know how i got thrust into that role but hey if you know if people want to look past me being an old and having done this for like 10 years sure i'm leading us young pokemon fans into the the greatness that will be gen 9 to be fair though i'm actually past me saying random words in a string of uh in a string that some would consider a sentence i could not be more hyped for gen 9 man like it's something i haven't spent like a lot of time thinking about but i this is the pokemon game i feel like people have asked for for ever a fully open world game i don't know i like i don't know man i obviously pokemon's been my favorite game since i was uh a kid but i just i don't think i've really i don't think i've ever loved pokemon more than i love it right now like it's been a really really incredible you know few years just incredible games back to back to back just having it on the switch has been really cool and i there was a period of time where i was a pokemon creator where i just for whatever reason the landscape of pokemon i hated it and the biggest reason was like the loudest voices were just so negative about pokemon and there's a lot of like constructive criticism and fair things but it wasn't it wasn't like ah there's a lot of constructive criticism it's like this is a lot of it's just a lot of negative people and miserable like things being thrown out there of like i don't think all these people even like pokemon anymore you know and it's just been nice of yeah there's still people throwing out constructive criticism and negativity about pokemon as there should be there shouldn't only be positivity there shouldn't only be negativity but i feel like there's a lot more like a more of an equal and fun balance between the two there's a lot more actual like nice conversations and excitement instead of just a lot of negativity i think the secret to that is a lot of the negativity was creators who liked or disliked the game based on what they perceived like how much content they perceived was in the game but we've also hit a point where there's a lot of creators making some pretty awesome videos on very old games it's not that pokemon is dead or the games are bad or there's no content it's that you're just not making the content people wanted to see since that changed people been a lot more positive about pokemon i don't know [Music] it's you know crazy how that changes it's also crazy how i just found a shiny crowbar would have been oh my god that would have been hype oh man that'd been insane hmm let's see let us see let us see do i want to keep going with there's only a few places like you know what there's a shiny in the grove there's a shiny in the grove it's gonna be fantastic you have the good shiny luck i do have the good shiny luck i honestly i've had some pretty crazy shiny luck recently i'm not gonna lie like i'm i'm getting out in front of it and just saying it as many times as i can because i still can't go over it i'm telling you a future video coming i mean i i've only recorded one gym of content so who knows when it's gonna be uploaded legitimately the craziest shiny luck i've ever had like i i still cannot believe what happened happened i i don't think i've ever been more shocked and thrown off by a shiny i just could not have been i could not have expected it less and i don't know if i used up my shoddy luck before the stream on accident or if it's going to continue but i don't catch me saying i am unlucky when it comes to shinies because i am absolutely lucky never been one of your live videos before well welcome uh i don't i mean i haven't streamed a lot since i moved from twitch to youtube but a big reason for that is i've just had so many things going on in my life like this the first half of this year has just been really insane for me and kind of difficult for me to make content the way i'd like to um but thankfully that's all slowed down and with the the purchase of my house like i'm back to normal like this should be the new normal you know like i'm planning uh a lot of solo videos i'm planning some videos with pals i'm gonna try to stream once a week try to get the streams uploaded on pm7 vods so the people that miss the stream are still able to see it the goal is to have more content than i've ever had before hey i appreciate it fatter's thing thank you for the congrats man it was you know it was uh i mean the market's been absurd so it was a stressful time to try to figure out a home but it worked out and i really could not be happier man it is it's it's yeah it's exactly what i wanted i mean everyone's different for me i don't know just just the person i am and how often i'm at home i just i really really really wanted the home and i got one that i just truly love i'm really happy even before i answered any house questions chad i've seen like a few random people continually asking what my address is i understand telling people not to do something is like telling them to keep doing it but just just listen to me for once like just don't do that it's just weird obviously i'm not gonna answer the question and people asking it's not gonna cause any harm but it's just like it's such a weird question like don't be a weirdo like i don't think people really think about it like this for a lot of you guys like this is your like my first impression of you and if you're the weirdo continually asking me what my address is i'm not going to like you my first impression of you is going to be bad and it's hard to get rid of a first impression especially in a chat of 2000 people so like if you care about what i think about you i don't just don't don't be a weirdo man it's like a pretty simple thing you know it's just such a simple thing like i'm very private about where i live you know some people are different like i don't even like saying the state i'm in i say like east coast everyone's different i mean again i understand the question is not like doing anything or revealing anything it's just a it's just something i'm going to ask you know you guys not to do and i'd appreciate it uh ten dollars i do want to respond to that because i appreciate the heck out of that home ownership is an amazing feeling it really is is that a shiny that's not a shiny i'm stupid um sorry about that small little break from the the fun tomfoolery to uh just focusing on the the nonsense all right but sometimes with streaming i that can that's actually easily the the worst thing about streaming it's very easy uh someone i like i like listening to like watching their content they've been saying a lot like eating the garbage and it's a really good it's a good way to describe like you know like getting tricked by some fake twitter account or just dealing with like the trolls like a stream or a chat you just it's so easy just to eat the garbage you know we we all fall for it we all do it that could be the tough part of streaming right you know there's just so much nonsense going on that you can focus on focus on the parts that you shouldn't and i'm going to try my best not to because i don't want to get a annoyed i want to stop the stream early but you know i don't know streaming is also a way to just let me say words endlessly and for no one to tell me to shut up it's a good time someone just asked me to tell you guys the first letter of my name chad i'm pretty open about my name my name is john don't ever i mean chat like if you well actually no what i was going to say is silly but like if i meet someone online i don't introduce myself as hey i'm pm7 like hey i'm john i don't know i never that was one of the reasons i wanted to move away from the pokemon 7 name i it's just i don't know i think pm7 fits the channel better and like i didn't i never really thought pokemon 7 fit me it just kind of like happens i everyone calls me john anyways i think pm7 fits everything i'm doing a little bit better oh no but i need a massive mass outbreak i chat i need some el bozo oh no chat we need to go we need to combat that energy oh no oh no chad i'm gonna need everyone to spam shiny luck i'm gonna need you guys to spam shiny luck in the chat it's guaranteed shiny we didn't find a shiny at the mountain we're going back we're finding the shiny okay that's how it goes thank you for the ten thank you for the seven i appreciate you guys don't have the time to read through those because we're getting shinies i'm putting the john guarantee on this one all right oh babies punt them punt punt there we go out of here out of here what why who do you even think you are blasting with the power of the moon wait what's happening what wait what's happening wait who taught them to do this chat was it you chat i thought you were on my side who told them to do that they did punt me he punted me in my face all right it's fine um beep baby did chose it chose violence i didn't like it at all all right um all right all right perfect did someone just call me jonald duck that's chaos chad you can't just be calling a grown man john duck uh i think that's a crime uh you can't just say that you can't just call me john old duck oh no oh no what's my family gonna think jono duck oh no they're going to say first you became a youtuber and we were fine with that but donald duck hmm you're not the person we thought you were and then they kicked me out into the rain chat you don't want that and oh man i still don't know which way to go for um to get to the stupid bird i always mess it up i don't know why what languages do you speak i'm a stupid american so i only speak uh english i almost said american just uh to really sound like a a dingus but then i was like do i really want to sound like a dingus no i don't want to sound like a dingus no i actually like i i mean well hey believe it or not it uh that's up to you guys you guys can think about big dumb dumb you guys can think i'm smart uh the game's the game uh you know it is what it is but uh in school the only way lane or the only language the only subject i ever even remotely struggled with was foreign language i don't really know why i don't know my my brain just i don't does not really work well with foreign language like everything else came like decently like you know naturally to me but foreign language i just had me in a box the craziest part is my last year taking a foreign language i took french i still don't know how it worked but i got an a in the class and i genuinely did not learn a single bit of french that year i like freshman year of high school i learned a decent amount of french still wasn't really great with it it's sophomore year i didn't learn a single thing man it was crazy i don't know i don't know how that worked that teacher was not doing a good job i got away with an a and i after that was like you know what yeah this is not for me man i i'm gonna go visit a foreign country they're gonna understand that i know nothing of their language they're probably not gonna be a fan of me but as long as they know more languages than i do which they usually do which is great my dumb american butt can skate on by and that's all that really matters cool background i appreciate it i appreciate it very much i'm really really happy about my background obviously it's a it's a lot more minimalist than what i had before but i thought i actually put a lot of thought into the background and put a lot of thought into the name change you know there was a a lot of um like pretty deep thought that went into you know everything like this last month you know getting the house and just getting ready to come back and uh you know the background was something where i just felt like before my background it was too busy right it was hard to really recognize and know like oh that's pm7s backgrounds it just felt like another pokemon background and i i wanted to change it up people really liked these posters whenever they saw them i think it's it's simple but you know i don't know i'm a big fan uh where are the little babies i just want to kick them nothing sinister i just want to kick you hmm come on come on come on don't kick the baby uh i mean that's like i mean normally i'd be with you but i i need a shiny bonsley hmm all right all right we're getting into we're getting into scary terry time we only got 23 minutes 23 though lebron james lebron james michael jordan pm7 [Laughter] what do they have in common everything winners champions world record holders 23 this is my michael jordan moment just wait just wait till i find my shiny thank you for the the ten dollar super chat sticker thing i still gotta learn a lot of these things i appreciate the heck out of it i'm having a hard time um reading everything from doing my best speak french germappel john bonjour baguette that's all i got i'm like mostly french i think like most like my mom's side if you i think it's like fully french and like french canadian and someone said on my dad's side if you go back far enough it's all french i don't know dad all i got is it oh my ancestors were french that's all you got donald no no chad we can't no now remember i compared myself to lebron to jordan to brady you can't call me john old oh no you can't just call me jonal duck oh no the first stream you watching yeah you loved it that's what i like to hear um all right all right donald macdonald oh no oh me oh my oh that'd be another cool shiny i don't think i have it either donald duck for the french president ah yeah no i don't wait no i don't want to be president i just want to find shinies and that's it that's all i want to do right now i just want to find shinies i don't want responsibilities don't want to have the weight of a nation on my back as people call me john duck uh no one's gonna trust a man called jonald you kidding me that's that's a horrible that's a horrible way to go no one would be stoked on me i need like someone to be stoked on me all right i will say uh actually let me go over this and i'll probably leave this area or maybe we'll go a little bit more if you guys follow me on instagram which if you don't follow me on social media follow me on twitter follow me on instagram what are you doing uh but if you follow me there you know there's like a a meme on there that's pretty like it's never going away it's gonna follow me until i die that i have fortnite shoes fortnite shoes you ask what does that mean well you know i i like shoes not a sneaker head just like buying a lot of shoes and jordan cool grace came out and i was like wow i like these i'm gonna buy a pair and i bought a pair and like a week later they were introduced into fortnite as an item you could buy you could get cool grays for your character and i just said like jokingly like oh no oh the kids are gonna point at me and tell me i have fortnite shoes when i wear them that never that never left that's exactly what happened all the kids pointed and laughed at me and told me i had fortnite shoes but the craziest thing is now when i wear like a shirt with the jordan logo if i do anything with anything jordan people say fortnite shirt i i i i'm getting to the point where i don't think i do do people not know what like the jordan brand is like i i'm so confused it went from like it started as a big joke to like i i actually just think people are like aha yes that logo it's the fortnite logo what like in my uh profile picture on twitter and instagram i took a picture wearing like uh yeah you know a sweatshirt without a what what do they call it i don't know a sweatshirt with the jordan logo and people like ah he's got the the fortnite sweatshirt it's like whoa what it's just a green jordan sweatshirt it's crazy i don't i don't know what i've accidentally caused but it's it's a tough scene it is a tough scene jonatello the fifth ninja turtle i i mean i'll you know what i'll take it if i gotta be jonatella or john duckman hey beggars can't be choosers and i i'm certainly not choosing right now i haven't haven't gotten the choose in a hot second someone just say la john james from fortnite oh no oh no donald the ugly duckling come on [Music] come on chat why are you gonna do me like that can't i just be donald the somewhat decent looking duck huh donald the duck with a few friends i don't have to be the ugly one if i'm gonna be jonald could i at least be like the the second ugliest duckling can i you know like i don't have to be the ugly duckling do i throw me a bone chat come on donald the quacksley i'll take it and what if quacksley turns out to be ugly huh don't know if i want to hitch my wagon to quacksley what if he's ugly oh no all right it's okay i'll find a shiny michael john will rule the world what do you mean michael john michael john is quite literally my father me and mikey are john michael my father is michael john see my grandfather was named john my dad is named michael and then i or yeah well my grandfather is john his middle name well it's not michael but his his here's john my dad is named michael and his middle name is john and then i am john my middle name is michael and there's too much pressure on me to keep that going donald the psyduck for king i don't know if i want to be king of the psyduck i feel like of all the crowns you could wear that's not the weightiest [Music] all right chat we've really fallen off a cliff with the shinies we had the back to back and i was feeling good hey no no you know what no we wasted the first 15 minutes for a little added excitement well i know what we also did we left the last 15 minutes to find four shinies i'm about to put on a shiny hunting clinic the likes you've never seen before people will sing songs about this day about this moment for decades for a millennia i've read centuries it's forever they will sing about this forever just you wait just you wait all right we're going over there oh is that in the the cave of doom that is in the cave of doom all right into the cave someone do command spawn shiny that would be pretty cool that would be pretty cool what's the world record it's certainly not two let me tell ya it's certainly not two it is certainly not true i tried getting good you know what maybe i have uh katie damn it you have a the moderator tool next to your name now have to see your hurtful messages now if you do want to have your messages be seen by me more often you can become a member you get a nice little green emo next your name you get the emotes and the beautiful thing is obviously becoming a member costs money there's never a need to throw money my way i'm doing quite fine off of everything i do with youtube but i was able to make a membership tier that is only one dollar a month so if you do i want to become a member right that one dollar tier that's what i'm always going to suggest youtube not stoked on me suggesting that they're like ah pm7 he's come over from twitch to stream on youtube nice and i'm like nice everyone i don't need money and if you give me money money one dollar please but you know what they'll live they will live honestly i just like all the emotes it's just a lot of fun to see the emotes and we're pretty far away from having the pm7 emotes actually like populate the chat very far away but maybe someday someday over a rainbow we'll have some fun emotes all over the place you found the pokemon ooh i appreciate all the members guys thank you thank you cassidy i appreciate you i appreciate you shiny i you know what it's fine i we're just going down to the buzzer a little buzzer beater members equal shinies hey i didn't say it but i believe it damn its where is this hair i appreciate you i appreciate you all right where where is it go go go go crazy nexus crazy nexus let's learn on my pal nexus i appreciate you very much hmm [Music] all right you know what fiddlesticks little fiddlefiddlesticks i don't know if this is going to move the needle in the slightest but i feel like the beauty of streaming on youtube is i can talk with you wonderful youtube viewers who i would assume if you're watching my stream then you probably enjoy watching my videos and i can actually throw this out there i don't know if you guys know this but like leaving a like on a video helps a lot leaving a comment helps a lot like when i'm at a stream and you know i'm streaming and i say hey you know i there's like 2 000 people here we don't have 2 000 likes come on what's up with that the likes go up like crazy but in the middle of a video i don't want to waste a precious time of you know trying to entertain to be like hey guys leave a like you know people can get annoyed by that but just letting you know like if you enjoy watching my stuff and you know you want to keep seeing my videos uh forever and ever the easiest thing you can do to support like forget throwing money my way there's never a need to do that leave a like leave a comment i'm pretty sure you can make it so likes are private like if you know if you're worried about people seeing the videos you like you know like for whatever reason like if that's the thing that's holding you back you can just you can make it private that playlist so that you know it's kind of whatever videos you like that's that's your business but it's just such a simple thing it takes so little time and the thing i i realize is like before i was a youtuber i had no idea that made a difference and i never left the light because i just didn't who cares like whatever like just not that big of a deal like why would i do that and i became a youtuber and i realized oh wow damn why does no one like why does no one comment like it helps so much what don't they understand my fiance was the same way you know before she met me she had like she never liked video she never really it's just not something you think about so i don't know just one of those things i'm telling you hey you really enjoy what i do you really enjoy it mikey does purple glyph any of your other creators you watch leave a like helps a lot more you know you enjoy the video you're literally just saying hey youtube i like this video more people should see it it's very good and then youtube's like we hear you loud and clear charizard fan 78 we appreciate you when we believe that you and your opinions and tastes are the best we will send this to people because this is probably great all right that being said now that i've gotten off my soapbox would have been cool to find a shiny because i just started uh preaching about hey you guys should like my videos more like a pompous donald damn it never go full donald [Music] now you know what chat we're not done streaming after this run it's only been an hour uh 30. just you wait just you wait chaos king i appreciate you just you wait the record it soon cometh we're gonna finish out this run because i want to have a finished run for us to try to beat in the future just you wait just you wait you should eventually get a po box i am considering getting a po box um i will see it's like it's a consideration definitely not a guarantee hi ricky i appreciate the heck out of that man i appreciate you so much never need to send a super chat with that much i really really appreciate it thank you for the 20. well i'm gonna keep on keeping on keep on doing this thing and hopefully hopefully me saying random words over and over again well we'll entertain someone to make their day a little better huh hopefully hopefully also new place new house internet's been perfect which is really exciting ooh okay um none of these places have a massive mass outbreak so now we can just try to get a massive mass outbreak for the next one is this just a practice run yeah yeah yeah that's what it is it's just the practice run sun soul i appreciate you thank you for coming to member thank you thank you thank you wait why am i even going over here i don't even i was just going over a random place head empty no thoughts just vibes [Music] yeah let me i want to get a massive mass outbreak i want to get a massive mass outbreak all right all right pokemon stop getting so mad at me i just want to go back i would just like to go back enjoy your videos keep it up hey congrats lina congrats so much on that oh that is such an incredible accomplishment congrats congrats to you i'm really happy to hear that hey hey chat i'm calling this one i'm calling this run our first run we got two shinies i'm calling it here going back here uh oh me my chair uh i have a thing on the floor so that my chair doesn't get like doesn't mess up the carpet but it it's like this plastic thing but it broke in the middle now my chair gets stuck it's a whole thing okay i i was just turning the air conditioning on okay uh i'm gonna get back into i'm gonna get back into the shenanigans before before i do i want to ask you guys something i've been working on in the in the background i'm still thinking about it but would you guys think about you know maybe with the name change moving towards my first real merch drop for this channel i did one or two smaller things in the past i had something really fall through with a merch company that that really held me in my my tracks so i haven't really been able to do much but i don't know how's that sounds how's that sound that's a lot okay chat hey chat i like to hear [Music] all right i see you guys i see you i appreciate it let me click the the start button oh crap nope stop i need to stop because i need to get this down to zero i don't want to lie to you guys all right i'll keep you guys updated i have a really fun idea for merch so let's start the actual record-breaking run let's run into the massive mass outbreak and let's get our shiny let's take these good vibes all the way to shiny town usa beep beep shiny town here i come that's what that's what people say beep beep shiny town usa oh could you imagine the first shiny i found was monferno that'd been crazy hi all righty i got this reasonable price please i so i guess the like the big thing with that is you don't always have a you don't always have like a huge say over that like i think shipping right now is really really crazy like i'm in i'm gonna be in discussions with a few like companies that will help me get my merch out and those companies kind of just have their standards so obviously i'm gonna look for the the right fit but sometimes there's just interest industry standards like when i used to to make merch on what was it like teespring i could make it a lot cheaper but i it was also much cheaper merch right it was like print on demand um so it it's stuff that like we'll have to see off the talk with companies find the right fit but i'm at a point where my biggest thing is i want to like work with a company that understands what i want to do and hopefully helps me make something cool but also like helps me make really high quality stuff because it's i don't know the way i look at merch is i want to hey katherine thank you very much for the member uh i want to come up with something that i think is cool and i would want to wear and i think it would be cool to see others wear uh and if i'm you know selling merch i know there's people that just want to support me to support me and i feel like i'm like i am telling people like hey this is a quality thing that you should get to support me and if that's the case i want to make sure i'm at least happy and proud with it um so that's kind of like my that's my biggest thought with all of it you know of like i just want to make sure i'm happy and proud of it i'd rather be there than you know like make sure that it's like it's print on demand and it's as cheap as it could be just because i you know you don't want something that's going to wash off in the wash a few times that's a good call and try to get in as many sizes as possible yeah i'll try to i i should talk to um the person that will be setting up with us soon about all these little things i haven't really been in like the merch like head game in a long time so i'll try to make sure i take all these things i'm seeing you guys throughout there and make sure i can make them a reality hmm jack or mikey chad you guys ask me this question a lot in like instagram stories and like whatever i like ask people for questions i i assume it's just some people don't like have like i don't know there's like some social awareness like missing like i don't i'm not gonna answer a question of like which one of my dear friends do i like more than the other like i'm having you know two of my best friends in the world over tomorrow and then someone asked me uh who do you like more um shaw or paul i'm not gonna like that's that's just a weird question i love them both dearly i'm excited to see them you know it's it's such a weird question like i i don't know i just there's just something about it like i uh it's just very weird you know i and everyone's different for me i take friendship pretty seriously like you know like i i really like my good friends mean a lot to me so i it's also just kind of a me thing that like that question bothers me a lot more but i just i don't know there's just something about it just feels so gross like which one do you like more they're just they're just both my good friends hi but i hate this channel oh no wendy wendy come on sweetie i i'm begging you i'm begging you chat uh if you and you don't enjoy what you're you're seeing here genuinely please like please go watch something else i say this very seriously this is free content man there are so many things on youtube do not waste your time watching something you don't enjoy man life's too short your time is valuable go watch something else what are you doing i ain't that special i'm just a goofy man saying goofy things playing pokemon i i come on don't worry don't waste your time and if you love it here's sick and if you don't i am telling you there are so many cooler things you could do [Laughter] so i always find that like a funny thing like hey you i don't like your channel it's like cool goodbye goodbye random person i will never meet goodbye i don't know man today it's the beauty of youtube all this content's free i'm telling you don't waste your time on things you don't enjoy life's too short does youtube do you check have chat commands like twitch i do have some commands the thing is like the reality of the situation of me and streaming is obviously i haven't streamed like a lot two major things happened one i tried leaving twitch and obviously i did leave twitch because i'm on youtube and that was just a difficult process so difficult to the fact that like i left and i'm still a partner there i it was just a very weird thing they just stopped responding to me too i don't really like i i don't know but that was like a multi-month thing that really stopped me from streaming and it was very weird and then by the time that all got like resolved and figured out by that time i was figuring out my move so it was another thing that like it just made it so you know streams were a little bit wonky i'm trying to get back into the swing of things now uh so i have a lot of things i still have to learn when it comes to youtube streaming and getting commands all set up properly and you know getting all my scenes ready to go and figuring all that out um it's a little it's a little all over the place right now but i'll figure it out eventually i'll figure it out eventually but you know what chat you know what i'm feeling like i haven't put my best shiny foot forward in this run huh i feel like i feel like i might need a reset i might need a little bit of a reset here you know i'm feeling a little distracted i'm feeling not all together and they say shoddy hunting is one of the toughest things you could do from the most mentally taxing you gotta be on your a-game what you're gonna shiny hunt and break world records bringing in a lesser performance what do i look like pokemon three that hack no i'm pm7 come on come on come on come on chat where are we going i'm letting you choose all right this is one this is two this is three spam the number you think i should go for one two three we start the timer we go and then we break a record how does that sound chat huh i'm seeing a lot of three i've seen a lot of one and three um see the two popping you know what three plus i've seen a lot of three i'm feeling three let me click start the world record run begins now the pm7 guarantee i'm getting a shiny in the icelands and then we're getting seven shinies seven shinies pm7 it's written in the stars no one can stop me it's destiny this is what i was born to do this is what i've worked towards all these 27 years just you wait just you wait ma just wait oh god am i a frog in disguise i can not and will not answer that question [Music] the high frog cancel has forbidden me speaking on such things i'm not subbed but i like your vids honestly that's a pretty common thing i'm just saying of all the people that watch my videos subbed i have had i'd have a golden plaque why don't i do with a golden plaque i'd be really happy and just hold the golden plaque and then like be like hey i got a golden plaque and a shiny pokemon that's what i do with a gold plaque that's what i do with a golden black let me get off this stupid bird let me get off this stupid bird let me save oh this is the run this is destiny ugh do i have advice about girls chat this is not the time to talk about girls this is the time to talk about shinies chad this is this is a shiny stream we're here to talk about shinies let's go [Laughter] oh man i you know what no we're following my advice we got a shiny zora we're outie we're outtie no we're outie no we're we're here to talk about chinese girls girls no being like very like serious about that hey what i mean i don't know if asking a streamer is the best place to get that advice but i'm definitely not the person to ask because like i'm engaged i've been with my fiance for almost 11 years i'm so far removed from the dating game man like i i i'm not your i'm not your person to ask man you want shiny advice boy buddy i got advice for you first off honestly my best advice for shiny hunting is shiny hunts in a gen 5 or below game one thing i notice is a lot of newer pokemon fans or just newer shiny hunters complain like crazy about shiny hunting but i i mean i've been making pokemon content since the gen 4 games back in gen 4 people complained then they they made the odds even better and people complained and then people added all these methods and people complained like the odds used to be 1 in 8 152 pokemon you'll find a shiny in legends arceus it is so easy to find shiny pokemon once you've shiny hunted with like 1 in 8 000 plus odds a game like this a game like this is nothing a game like this is nothing chat it's nothing to me hey cuz it's just way too easy it's way too easy oh chat come on i'm telling you i'm telling you i'm telling you that's two that's two this is the run chat okay you think you are a rattlesnake get out of here you know what you are oh little crab let's go chat hi do we double dip chat let me know chat you've only ever steered me wrong multiple times let me know do i double dip or do we dip do i double dip or do i dip what do i do do i leave or do we keep going oh people are saying too people are saying get the second oh they're saying get the second i'm feeling good we're feeling good chat this is it i'm feeling good all right my sister messaged me the chat hey i may love my family but you know might as well just say just ridiculously stupid things i love my family but i love chinese more oh god i can't even i can't even continue this really stupid character of over enthusiastic shiny hunter what'd my sister say uh she's talking about survivor oh that's fair i agree omar is incredible uh oh that would have been sick on a frog roosky all right all right let's see all right into the flowers we go oh baby let's go let's go chat let's go bill everett are you kidding me i you know what this was honestly more of a tongue-in-cheek stream world record i don't know what the record is we're about to set it we're about to set it oh my god who is this guy who is this guy wow wow who is this guy i don't know but i feel like i should subscribe and leave a like on his stream and then go watch the rest of his videos he seems so cool whoa all the kids are saying it ah john john john john john john john aye come on professor come on come on he's a maniac maniac oh [Music] but really our record before this like this stream was two we have three it's been eight minutes mikey is bald that's a good call yeah you've never seen him without that cap i can't believe that still is continued that's crazy um yes you have to stop it i don't know man i it's i think that just goes on forever dude i don't know man that's tough i oh you know what hey we don't need a massive mass outbreak we don't need it we don't need it we don't need it all right let's go now you know what maybe we just need a little change of pace fly over machoke change of pace why not why not us chat i like to say that around here why not us cause why not huh why can't we do something special why can't we be remembered for sitting in a stream and saying random things to an empty room and looking for different colored pokemon um all right machoke that's fine all right we're going back we got the massive mass that's all that matters all right all right i i i i we got three shinies i mean we just have to like we just have to be like regularly lucky at this point like just regularly like i don't even know if that's true we just need to get like a shiny every 10 minutes and we are beyond golden and honestly maybe i need to go to more outbreaks where i like um i don't know like just go through all the pokemon there i don't know let's figure it out a lot of people ask me for shout outs in these streams chat one i'm not gonna give random people i don't know shout outs but two like the big thing is you don't you don't wanna shout out from me if i don't know anything about you or your channel and i tell my you know subscribers to go over to your channel like you know they have no reason to even trust like oh wow i should go over there right like if i don't know anything about you like it's not really a good i'm not really sending you know the right audience off and if i send my audience over to you and you have content that they don't it's just not the stuff they care about now i'm just sending a lot of like viewers over to you that may end up like immediately leaving and disliking what you're doing so i you know i understand it it can feel like ah it makes sense like you know of course i want to shout out that'd be so much help like that'd be so helpful that's what i need that's what i need to get this all going i just need a shout out well hey that's not always how it works you know you don't want a lot of people sent over to you until you're ready and when you're ready for a lot of people to be sent over to you it's probably because you're doing something right and youtube's already sending those people over to you now i say all this that's not going to quell uh hundreds of people every day telling me to shout them out but it's pretty sound advice trust me was many times where i was like and all i need is i just need a shout out i look back that was not the best content i was not very proud of that you know well i mean i'm still happy i did it you know proud of who i was at the time but it just wasn't content where you know a shout out would have done much for me hunting uh baby pokemon into the sky that'll do something for me that will bring me the shiny that will get me one step closer to the world record someone just say does this man pay any attention to the chat i think that's what someone said chat here's the thing me reading chat no entertainment value it's not very fun right like if i'm responding to singular messages that one person responding to is stoked on me the a thousand like 500 lurkers are like dude get back to the like the main thing get back to the the fun get back to the shinies uh shiny man you told me you were shiny hunting why are you responding to a mr mud cat mr mudkip mr mudkip i hope you're on a fantastic day sorry to call you out [Laughter] but no one cares about what the random people in the chat say beyond the random person you know and that's the thing at the end of the day my goal is to entertain as many people as possible right like i'm telling you it's you know more people will be happy with me if i focus on entertaining the masses and if i care about the singular people then i'm not entertaining the masses you know i need to find shinee's people shinies [Music] don't chase the babies away it's a huge uh time waste that's a good call you might be right we have no no he's throwing he's throwing oh no oh no chad he's throwing he's throwing he's throwing he's throwing he's throwing he's throwing oh no he's throwing oh no she has two pokemon he's throwing he's throwing he's throwing wee whoo oh mrs puff wait you have a water move okay good all right mrs puff all right it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine hey we didn't miss it's fine all right go go go go go you throw your pokemon you throw it out right now charm i swear damn it charm i swear i swear don't don't don't you dare you're not fast you're not him gengar you're not him no no dark pulse there it is who do you think you are i am gengar i am all right it's fine we're moving we're moving forward all right no come on come on i don't need it keep your money i don't care oh man oh man chat said respond to chat i said no and i immediately get i get robbed score one for the chat you guys win gg you know what hey i get it score one chat um game's the game now now i got a response all right let's let's see mr mudkip get robbed out wow i'm just seeing this mudkip all over the place those mudkips on fire uh who else has wonderful words lamone says give luck i appreciate the luck never respond to chat you'll be fine hey i hope so i detect the presence of a shiny wait a minute no that was that was the message i needed that's what i was waiting for please get an order i'd hey if it's shiny all right i nope hey chad told me there's a shiny i trust chat chad's never lied to me they wouldn't they wouldn't do it chat one lie there's a 1850 people here who would never lie to me that would have been super upsetting if any of those were shiny because they would have run away and called me stupid they would have called me a what was the i don't remember whatever they called elf in the movie elf i can't think of it hmm i the nature's pantry more like nature's shiny i don't even know what that it's okay no there's a shiny over here and then we're leaving we're leaving grabbing a shiny then i'm gone oh damn it all right it's fine it's fine hey hey it's fine it's fine cotton mini muggins thank you uh he's so old though wait a minute no who said that who said that oh no oh no they're calling me old scoob oh no oh no oh man they said you're at the wrong side of 25 bucko yeah you're closer to 30 than you are 20. oh no oh they called me old oh chad he got me a box scoob you know what it's okay it's okay this old man still got a shiny uh the catch he's still got a shiny to catch ugh he's still got a shiny to catch all right i i appreciate the the member okay oh no chad don't know i don't worry i'm not actually upset about someone calling the old no no no it's all in good fun it is all in good fun chat no no no the the weird thing about being a content creator is like there's a lot of people that say a lot of things about me 99 of them maybe like 99.9 percent of them are positive the negative ones stand out and they stand out more than they should but it's good to you know to remind myself as much as i can like the majority of people are saying positive things honestly the only time it gets like very negative is i accidentally went viral on instagram that is the meanest people i've ever been instagram they were they were ruthless man they were tearing me lymph limb man oh man youtube comments no no no no they are mostly mostly kind and they really don't bother me you don't need to you don't need to fight battles for me chad i appreciate you guys you can just say your own positive things you don't need to be upset on my behalf don't you worry i'm a okay hmm youtube loves you john honestly i i die hey i'm proud of the the content i make man i like i'm very proud of what i do i think i do a pretty good job i man i youtube's got my videos trending way more than it feels like it like should even be possible i it's it's crazy i don't know man youtube not the people in the chat calling me me old and washed up uh they might be too stoked on the boy yeah boy they might be like wow this guy pretty good and i'm like i'm okay i'm decent i'm not washed up yet i haven't found a shiny in a bit so who knows i might be washed up p.u who is this guy you found a shiny pay you cringe oh no no random people on the internet are calling me they're calling me cringe oh no oh no dammit i thought i was going to find a shiny for some reason i was so convinced i was going to find one all right i i appreciate it thank for the the super chat you know what no i think we just need to scare these guys that's it that's all we're missing someone said doing this was a waste of time and they might be right damn it but i'm still gonna try okay i got beat up by the baby it wasn't worth it they were right um we're right all right let's get out of here let's get out of here let's get out of here all right all right chat all right chat all right chat this is what i'm gonna say huh if i can't find i said what the before this well when the stream started i said i wanted to get more than five shinies if i can't get at least six shinies by the end of this run i'll let you guys within reason i'll let the chat decide a tweet to tweet off my account now it's gotta be within reason i'm not gonna i'm not gonna let the the chat get me out of the paint here i'm not gonna let uh you hooligans get me out of here but you know what i'm feeling confident i feel like i need a little pep in my step i need three more shinies got 37 minutes i need a little little pep in my step i need to put the fear of a hive mind into me just get them i got this no made outfit i that that felt a little that was that was a little too specific what do you mean no what does that even mean no maid outfit what chad i chat what you guys are dreaming of seeing it's it's none of my business it's i don't know why that was top of mind no mate outfit uh chaotic thing to throw out there is that the standard when going for world records if you don't accomplish what do you mean that's a chaotic thing to say all out so no mate outfit they say all right come on come on i'm putting a lot of my eggs in this basket oh boy john come on come on disappear come on come on come on hey i appreciate it good luck jules i hope you have some better luck than i've had at least somewhat recently oh no oh no oh no i can't die that would be so bad that would be embarrassing hmm could you count a traded one oh heavens now no no no i need to find these all right perfect um all right all right come on i was on a tear what happens i've fallen back to earth when am i a mere mortal twitter message idea cynthia's mommy that that's i'm pretty sure jax literally tweeted that chat it's chat that's come on i mean i know you're not better than that but that's what you do just a recycled tweet that's what is that yes john you're immortal don't lie to me how could he say such a thing damn it shiny riolu would have been sick all right what's the worst shiny john honestly probably garchomp i can't believe what they did to my boy it's just such an upsettingly bad shiny man all right no unrespect i don't think i i hear what you're saying execution's a little off but i get it but i'm not i'm not as you would say unrespecting garchomp i respect garchomp too much to let it sit around with the worst shiny possible it just doesn't even change wild i appreciate the member man i let's go bow no we're going back to the mountaintops going back to the mountaintops what is the life of a youtuber uh working way too much because you turned your hobby into a job and the line is blurred between uh what is work and what is something you enjoy doing well i while i would never complain about having this job because one i worked like i actively ran towards it as fast as i could uh and i love doing it but it's it's definitely easy to work too much and i keep telling myself i'm gonna be better with that and for the most part i i'm getting better with it but it's sometimes a little easy to do a little too much all right any advice for creating a channel just create the channel just just make it if you want to do youtube if you want to stream you can't do youtube and you can't stream until you just you know until you go for it there's a lot of things to figure out there's a lot of things to learn if you really want to make it but the biggest thing you got to find out is if you even enjoy doing it and you can't figure out if you enjoy doing it until you just start doing it you know took me like what 11 well i mean it's been like 11 or 12 years to get to here but like it took nine full years to find the youtube success really you know it can take a long time it can take a it can be a grind but more than anything you gotta know that you enjoy doing it so just go for it any content advice everyone's you know good at different things right like something that i'm good at it could be something you're horrible at and something that i'm horrible at could be something you're good at gotta make the content that you want to make and you know fits who you are you know [Music] i've ever felt like i've hated pokemon no um yeah that's all i mean i'm honestly probably a pretty bad person like when it comes to like takes for pokemon because that's it's just it's always been my favorite game and the reason i became a pokemon youtuber is because it's my favorite game and i've never gotten burnt out on pokemon like it's you know it's i just i really love pokemon i just love most parts of pokemon so once i get tired of doing one thing i'm able to kind of move over to something else uh so yeah uh boy chat uh we are in a drought we are in a droughts chad i'm gonna be honest people keep asking what the right you know what i'm i'm just you know i yeah i'm gonna i'll say it i'm gonna say it i'm gonna say it and i'm gonna believe it because believing is half of it i was asked to be in a shiny hunting competition my team didn't win my teammate had an off day i found five shinies in an hour i thought we added in the bag i didn't win but damn it five shinies in an hour it felt like a world record to me and i'm here i didn't win the trophy for the competition but damn it will i be remembered for this historic run so we're going for at least six in an hour and then we will yell from the mountaintops that it's the world record is someone going to come out of the woodwork and say they found more possibly and if they provide evidence i will respect it i'm gonna get six and i'm gonna claim my rightful spot on the top of the mountain on the top of the mountain chat and only some cold hard evidence will make me change my way would i ever consider making another pixel month series i've planned for a very long time to make more pixelmon content in the summer uh i don't know when that's going to start or what video i will start with but it's something i've thought about doing more pixelmon content i think stantler does run away i want to see just a few of these run away come on come on come on why not why not us all right now now we leave now we leave 28 come on come on we got to do this we got to do this come on i got three in like what seven minutes this has been bad this has been bad i know i'm sorry um sorry chat i need to figure this out i need to do this just slap the shiny into me all right come on hopes for uh gen 9 uh no one needs to follow me with this but here's my philosophy with new pokemon games i don't get my hopes up something that i've seen people do shiny damn it something i've seen people do is they sit on twitter and they eat the trash what i mean by that is they let uh fake leakers and people trying to get attention and youtubers covering every fake leak which i nope like nothing against the youtubers hi you know it's fun it can be exciting to cover the fake leaks but people will eat all of that garbage of these fake things that are never going to happen and then they decide oh my god gen 9 this new game is going to have all of these new features that these leaks like shiny i'm the greatest i'm the greatest pokemon shiny owner of all time but they decide oh my god this game needs to have this thing that this random person like made up and said should happen because they knew pokemon fans would like it and then this fake thing that someone made up isn't in the game and then people are disappointed and they end up liking the game less than they normally would have because they read into all these fake things that never had a chance to be in the game and they got disappointed because they write about things that someone told them would be in the game but weren't in the game so i like to just go in like you know whatever they show me official sick but i try not to eat too much of the trash of like the the rumors and like the fake leaks and get my hopes up for too many things as it's really easy to be disappointed and it's a lot more fun to be pleasantly surprised that doesn't mean you know i i don't sometimes still walk into the games and get disappointed but like man it it sucks when you're like man i i read this they're gonna have x y and z it's gonna be sick and then it doesn't happen i don't know everyone's different though some people would rather like be on top of all the leaks and hear all these things but i don't know it could be tough ever thought about leaving youtube no um like to go to another platform no like quit youtube i mean in the past like you know my stuff wasn't really doing super well i've considered giving up uh but i'm happy i didn't because if i didn't uh oh good point make it four if i gave up i wouldn't have made it here you know took a long time to get here but i'm so happy i i stuck with it night chat all right chat you want a jodo remake but we've gotten a johto remake you want a second johto remake like let's go jodo so once if i read this i'll 100 get a shiny chicken is cool i'm holding you to that chicken in school just said guaranteed the shiny we don't get the shiny chickens or the least cool animal on the planet uh you know what he's really put this all chickens in the world are counting on this the guaranteed chicken shiny it wasn't a pokemon 7 guarantee it wasn't a pm7 guarantee certainly wasn't a john guarantee it was a chicken guarantee um i think we got to get out of here let's get out of here and find a new area all right hi old man come on all right let's see let's see let's see 23 minutes i need two more shinies come on come on we said it earlier it's michael jordan lebron pm7 three titans 23 minutes and this is my championship moment this is where i'll be remembered with the greats oh man no one will no one will forget where they were when pm7 found his fifth and six shiny in an hour just you wait just you wait night up here oh crap who's angry with me hmm go back up let's go go go honestly your content is so good no creighton's just the guy having fun playing pokemon i saw cringe and i was just so ready to read someone just call me cringe again i was like oh man they got me in a box scoob that's a pretty good description of what i'm doing just a guy really enjoying playing pokemon yeah i don't know man honestly the streams are gonna have this like exact vibe of like me just picking a stupid idea and then over enthusiastically going for it because i'm having far too much fun i think one of the like life's like greatest joys is like just picking something really silly and getting too invested into it it's a really fun thing like me uh my best friends and my fiance we have this nhl like franchise and like i don't know like a nhl video game none of us watch hockey none of us really care about hockey but we've just gotten so into this franchise we made drafting like fake players in the game and having a blast because we are so in on this made-up like fictional hockey team just like i am all in going for this made up world record in a category no one before me has ever really tried to do but damn it we're gonna do it and it's gonna be glorious and that's gonna be glorious all right let's do the thing you found a shiny probably because you subscribed to pm7 you subscribed to pm7 you find shiny so this is how it happens man i don't know what to tell you i do not know what to tell ya all right all right come on all right we need a little bit more luck i did stupidly promise we didn't get sick shinies i'd let the the chat tweet something i have no idea how that's going to be decided i think there's polls on youtube i don't know i'll just pick four ridiculous things that people throw out there and throw in a pole and we'll see what happens that's only if i don't find my shinies and dammit i'm finding my shinies what do i look like guy that's not gonna break records and make history nay i got this uh all right let's go go go go go go i'm intrigued on this youtube careers is odd career as before youtube your parents said you won't get a career sitting on your butt but youtubers literally do that that's a funny way to put it hey i mean you know what at the end of the day i love what i'm doing and i know a lot of people uh think it's a very easy thing and you're sitting around playing video games and to an extent hey that's fair right you know but the if you want an easy job very like i very genuine advice if you want to do something easy do not try to become a youtuber do not try to become a streamer there's a lot of reasons for it i'd say the two biggest ones is one if you become a youtuber or a streamer you're not like you don't have one job you got to learn like 20 different jobs there's like if you want to do it at a high level like it there's a lot of different things you got to learn about you know like making this office like it's a really minor thing and hey i probably did a bad job of it i had to do like some like really big research um into like professional lighting how to like fill lights and i need to get new like different lights to put back there to help separate me from the background a little bit more you know you got to learn how to make thumbnails and like you know really how to market videos market yourself you have to learn how to edit you know you got to come up with a really creative ideas you got to be able to learn how to i mean like being able to commentate in a video is pretty important how to put things together like how to research trends and just there's a lot of different things that come together but the scariest one is there's no job security if i if what i do gets old and boring if in a few years you guys are like this guy's still trying to to get the most shinies ever in an hour uh boring i'm going to someone else one who's out of a job this guy and that can be you know that can be really scary and a lot of really wonderful things with youtube there's a lot of cool things a lot of it hey there is you're getting to play video games and that is a big part of it but boy boy oh boy there's a lot of stress that you don't expect so hey i'm not saying i'm not a lucky guy or this isn't awesome to do but there are some people that are like man that looks easy i'm going to try it and then it did does not work out um but i think that is the big thing to say hi i'm never gonna say i'm not lucky or not blessed i couldn't be happier to do what i do but more i i see a lot of people really think you and i i mean my biggest thing is it's like i don't really care if people say my job's easy like i whatever like that's fine i get more worried when people think it's really easy and then they try and it doesn't work and it like really bums people out and like it really can discourage people or i mean youtube it can be tough because it's like you're putting yourself out there and it's it's tough to see people get really down on themselves of like man like why can't i do this and take it as like a negative slight towards themself um or like really really get down on themselves it's a very i don't know it's a very weird thing to put yourself on the internet especially if you think it's just going to work and it doesn't there's just more i don't want to see anyone go out there and really think hey this is going to work and beat themselves up too much because boy did it take me a long time to get here boy oh boy uh boy oh boy oh boy all of this talking really distracting from the fact that i am choking oh i am choking oh boy boy boy boy boy boy all right all right i need a massive mass outbreak pretty bad i need one pretty bad yes there we go all right back to the mountain the mountain has been really mean to me we have 15 minutes we need two shinies come on chat why not us why not us any advice for getting comfortable on camera repetition uh repetition just just making a lot of videos just streaming a lot took a really long time to get used to the sound of my own voice took a really long time to get comfortable on camera it repetition that's it there's really no substitute for just you know doing something a lot but you know what we've been talking about a lot of a lot of random things we gotta talk about shinee's chad i need that shiny luck i need you guys to throw that luck my way i don't know what that looks like i don't know you're just saying shiny maybe it's calling the shiny maybe it's becoming a member and spamming an emo for a little luck ah the ball's in your court chat whatever you think let's do the thing let's make it happen let's make it happen all right come on come on all right we got lucky in the first 10 minutes so we got to get lucky in the last 15. not ideal gotta go down not ideal all right come on we had such a crazy start damn all right gotta go over there oh god i i i come on well i think this is our third attempt in the mountain area and we haven't found a shiny any of the times i don't know what's going on i don't know who cursed me but i need this to end go go go go go go go go go go ponies no all right hmm but net cursed me is that even in this game no i know it cursed me it's these stupid bells it's the stupid bells all right but we're gonna change that we're gonna change that because they're gonna they're gonna disappear and they're gonna be shiny it's gonna be great come on come on what i hate most will bring me the shiny i need what i hate most come on no no okay ancient quarry then we gotta go you're kind of weird because my camera's glitching is i is my camera actually glitching i have no idea if that's the case that's tough oh there we go got to get these things out of there hey you got there and next branding should be p m j i i don't i you know i appreciate the the super chat a lot i don't know about the pmj nonsense now i being real like i i the goal is to stay at pm7 until the until the the the wheels fall off the you know the car i don't know i really hope there's no more rebrands ever in my future oh man man man oh man this is not looking good for your boy this is not looking good this is not looking good fourth time is the charm wanna know what they call insanity not getting sick shinies that's what it is i got this you know what let's do the thing come on come on come on die hmm how could you how could you bronze or who do you think you are shiny owl calling it wait are there even shiny owls in this i don't know there are owls in this uh rowlet wait he said shiny owl wait the magic man said owl owl owl owl owl owl owl owl where are you get back here get over here al you stupid owl be my friend someone oh you stupid owls it's fine that guy's my friend oh don't beat me up no i need someone to be my friend damn it oh okay all right it didn't work i was lied to i was lied to it was a mistake oh no it was a mistake oh geez i where am i going i'm freaking out i'm freaking out i'm losing my mojo jojo i'm losing my mojo jojo shiny hunter will hey shiny on her will wouldn't let me down he would not let me down all right eight minutes come on come on come on what do you what do you think i'm gonna i'm gonna choke and let everyone down never friendly reminder to give john money hey you know yeah you know the saying when mnjtv says give john money everyone gives jon chinese and then the shinies are carrying money and then the money is carrying candy and then i have shiny's candy and money i think this is a pretty good plan i think it's foolproof i think it's foolproof i think it's foolproof and i am a fool oh no i am a fool all right chad i did say if i didn't get my six shinies i would let you guys tweet something out now chat none of you guys are going to listen to me and that's fine chad if i do fail if i am a big dumb loser and i have to let the chat pick a tweet i'm i'm obviously not going to like there's not going to be a consensus i'm going to have to do my best to pick a tweet you got to trust me yeah you can't be a you can't be an angry anna and say hey they are no fair you didn't pick mine well you know not gonna pick a lot of people's because i only pick one uh oh me oh my oh me oh my come on oh um all right please no john you're hitting buttons you're hitting buttons all right punt the babies get back get back into my bag is gonna punt them i just gotta punt them punt do not run away run away be afraid be afraid i will kick you like a kickball get out of here oh no oh no i we gotta leave and we got one last place we gotta go oh no oh no get off the deer they're not scared of deer as much i don't even know if that's true it might be all right oh boy professor lavington you don't understand the situation if i can't do this people people will forget this day this was supposed to be the day that john bm7 became the greatest shiny hunter of all time and i soiled it i soiled it i done soiled it a big dumb stupid head you should use scatter bangs maybe i should that's probably it's probably a fair point why don't i use scatterbangs i think when i when i decided to try using them i was too poor to use them in mass could i have just started using them today probably would that have been smart probably did i do it no i didn't it's too late i need a miracle chat i need a miracle people said don't waste time running at the babies i don't think i got many options left they said get off the deer they're not scared of the deer they're scared of me let's go to my foot get over here get over here face me you cowards damn it no damn it you you stupid egg you stupid egg who do you even think you are ow you stupid egg oh no damn it's i got three minutes oh no oh no i let's fly over to lovington come on come on come on lady luck come on oh no i've soiled it no all right come on no that's only been laughing dude i don't have time for this all right let's go let's go let's go all right all right am i getting a random update about terraforming mars i don't even know what you're talking about random video game i hippo hippo that's fine three minutes crazier things have happened crazier things have happened it's not over until the bald mikey sings and i don't hear any singing and i don't hear any singing oh boy oh geez can you guys be my friends hi are you are you still oh they're scared wait they're not scared wait i oh they're not scared damn it it was i made a mistake that was an error in judgment it was really stupid i don't know why i did that it's fine i still don't have a shiny frog why not he's a choke artist he's a choke artist he found three shinies in five minutes and only found one more boo this man boo him boo him ugh disgusting not my streamer not my streamer oh okay chad i can take it you can rain your booze down upon me oh oh one minute 20 seconds i oh so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn't really matter oh chat it's not looking good for me scoob it's not looking good for me scoob uh [Music] four three two one i'm a dumb dumb i'm a big dumb loser ah jeez well let's uh let's go back to camp let's go back to camp sure get rid of the chinese put it back to zero i got one more run in me but we should we gotta we gotta figure something out chat we gotta figure out a tweet we got a figure outs a tweet all right chat let me let me save [Music] i was feeling confident i really thought i had it i had three shinies in five minutes i thought i can get six six is the number i was going for this whole time i could do that it'll be easy i couldn't i couldn't do it and i said if i didn't do it i'd have to tweets something that you guys choose so i'm gonna need you guys to throw out some tweets i'll pick four i'll throw in the poll whatever wins i will tweet and that will be that jingling and garchomp are the best shinies in the game garchomp shine is the best shiny it sounds like garchomp and okay you should tweet nicholas cage that's that's that is that's hell okay okay frogs are cringe i don't know about that casserole is better than mammal swine i don't know guys i don't i'm not the one that dislikes miltank i'm not going to let i'm not going to do that because chat it just you know it wouldn't be the same okay a lot of things about garchomp so we'll do something about garchomp something about hating frogs okay hmm okay let's see something about gar chops sorry something about frogs seen a lot of things about shingling they need one more okay a lot of tweets i need something there's a lot of random things donald duck thinks garchomp is the best shiny that that is unfortunately one of them that is hell jingling is the best pokemon ever frogs are cringe uh one more six chingling oh my god um we could do something about fortnight in the fortnight shoes we could do something like i'm quitting i i'm done playing pokemon fortnite channel tomorrow or something stupid like that that needs that one more okay i think i got my i got mine oh okay is this too much all right these i have to make these shorter than i'd i'd normally do them so these are shorter versions of what they will be because they only can be 35 characters here all right and then the final the short option is what was it oh yeah all right the poll is in the chat it had to be a shorter version of the tweet whatever will be picked we'll craft the right one don't you worry you can vote it's it's here it's on screen you guys can vote we will probably do one more run after this you guys vote and then we will decide i don't know how long polls last donald duck loves shiny garchomp i think the tweet would be like i jonald duck truly love shiny garchomp which would be hell all right well there's two clear ones we need we need a clear winner of those two of that and the fortnight tweet shouldn't have said anything about the donald duck thing i don't think i should have i don't think i should say anything about that i think i think mum's the word i could have just kept you we'll get 500 votes and we'll move on feeling i could have just ignored that one and not made that a thing i feel like i didn't feel like i accidentally i i feel like i might have done something there quitting pokemon for fortnite would have been a pretty simple tweet i don't think it would have raised any eyebrows that's 500 that's it i to the twitter machine what was the that was the tweet i think i i jonald duck thank garchomp is the best shiny pokemon is the best shiny pokemon i john duck i think garchomp is the best shiny pokemon you could have literally said anything after i jonald duck i would have hated everything about it duck thank garchomp is is actually the best shiny pokemon and if you disagree you have no taste right i didn't i was kind of hoping that you know the donald duck thing would be a one-time thing we'd move past it and then we'd be done with john duck that didn't happen because someone is a choke artist and couldn't find a shiny it's me i'm the choke artist all right there's the tweet uh i'll link the tweet in the chat yeah at least go follow me huh please go follow me hooligans happy now you've brought me down to this calling me uh jonald duck i donald duck think garchomp is actually the best shiny pokemon if you disagree you have no taste well now that i've been disgraced in the eyes of everyone what say you what say you guys round two what say you chat round two i stopped shiny hunting i choked and uh everyone left there's still 1200 of you strong chat do we do one more do we do one more round we're three hours in we could end and we could end happily do we do one more rounds let me know one more the run to end all runs all right all right there it is we save the game we start again i get the timer up i say hello to you we get ready start and we're off chat one last round one last chance for eternal glory people remember where they were when i pm7 found the most shiny pokemon anyone has ever found in an hour in pokemon legends arceus some people say it's incredibly specific and not a record anyone cares about and i say phooey this is the top of the mountain this is where every pokemon fan wants to be not everyone can be here not everyone as a chance for glory not everyone can do this you know some people have left they didn't believe they gave up on me that's okay because maybe i gave up on them maybe i gave up on trying to prove the doubters wrong we got this this is our moment we got this we got this night chat no more no more arrogant bets confident that i have no chance for failure i didn't even say if i got the sick shinies you guys should do anything i just made a bet with myself a fave i don't do this thing oh i'll just tweet something stupid no i thought it was i thought it was gonna be something stupid like oh i like fortnite i wanna know what i wouldn't have cared about i would like fortnite nope now jonald duck sticks uh i need to do that to myself i could have just failed and just been sad but i failed and i looked like a fool online and all i have left is one chance for dignity one chance for glory one chance to find six shinies all right we're going up here and if we don't get it we're leaving we're gonna go through these areas a lot faster this time i'm gonna go through these areas a lot faster didn't get it all the way back chad i'm just saying um i'm just saying this is it if you haven't left a like already if you haven't subscribed this is the time i need your luck i need your support and if you remember hey throw some emotes in there i know a good meme your channel maybe i deserved it maybe i deserved it i let the squad down i didn't find a shiny you know what have i become you know that was a a proud youtuber on the rise things were going well hey maybe i am the meme i i tried to i flew too close to the sun you know it happens to the best of us i flew too close to the sun look at me now you get this record i'll have to remember eating tacos well all you're doing is making me hungry so i don't know how i feel about that let's see join team sky hi team sky team sky disappointed me nah i'll never get past it i reacted i was a possible recruit i voiced my frustration my disillusionment with the team it's not gonna happen i'm sorry it's just never gonna happen chat there's a video i go over my thoughts i have some fair points what are you gonna do i five minutes in and i don't have three shinies what is this [Laughter] what is this this is not the pokemon oh no i'm not even pokemon anymore i'm falling apart i'm losing it chat oh no i'm losing it chat i am losing it i it's fine that's fine ah let's go let's go quit spiraling it's it's a good point you can't spiral you fly by you don't get a shiny you cry you keep on trucking let's go all right nothing oh no chad oh no this is not looking good this is not looking good all right all right [Music] we need a shiny every 10 minutes this is not going well all right massive okay here it is massive mass outbreak we have to get it here if we can't get it here we might just need to give up we might need to call it quits all right shiny alpha counted as two that's not how that works that'd be cool i'd be a fan unfortunately it's not how it works i know it does work finding two shinies on this run i can feel it i can feel it in my bones that would have been unbelievably unfortunate if they just teleported away chat do not tell me you're in school right now i hey man i i would love to entertain all you guys like i am very happy to to throw out some fun content i do not want to be the person who is distracting from school and making anyone do bad no no no school's important but you can always watch the vaude you can always watch me later and get your school stuff done my content will always be there when you're done new new new i do not want to be the person messing with your schooling all right uh okay i'm not saying i'm worried i'm just saying i'm nervous don't care then ask fair fair fair is fair and told me i i don't know what you want me to say to that got me in the box there they didn't ask they clearly do not care what is happening he's falling apart he's a shell of himself he is a shell of himself wow not my streamer they they say in unison not my streamer hmm i saw someone say shiny shanks too and then we flew right over them man oh jaden uh where's the shello sloco no no mr mudkip my pal not my streamer oh man oh boy all right it's not over yet i'm giving up too quickly chat i'm getting defeated i can't do that i'm in this for the long haul right shiny hunting doesn't just happen immediately it doesn't you really like doing that tone of voice of your voice don't don't you it's fun it's so much fun of course come on it's my streamer voice i'm getting into it i'm having fun would you just like me to instead speak in my regular monotone voice with no excitement or enthusiasm or passion i'm honestly i'm like going back into it immediately i can't help myself i can't okay i can't if i don't have this goofy tone what do i have shinies apparently not apparently not man zero shinies feels bad feels real bad feels real bad wow the whole point of this stream was to break a record and you know show that hey those five shinies i got in that tournament was not a fluke turns out that it might have been a fluke and my partner may have let me down from glory antler boy i'm speaking to you why why couldn't you have found a few more shinies man come on i believed in you i put on a record-setting performance you could only find one shiny one man and i thought he was my pal all right it's fine it's fine a shiny rodent would have been pretty sick let's see i think there's a outbreak over here there is not what what what what what what night do i have the shine charm yes i do okay you better get a shiny krogan corels i still haven't gotten a single shiny crow gunk man so if that's what we're waiting on i hey i agree i would like one i don't know if that's in the cards friends i don't know if that is in the cars my friends you better get four shiny gravelers oh man is that what we're at what's the record we've been saying the records five i'm trying to get six i was on super duper world record pace and then i choked i got three shinies in the first five minutes the best start you could ever ask for and i choked ugh okay you know what i'm just gonna i'm gonna fly along my own path i'm gonna go where my heart desires and that's gonna bring me the shiny i'm gonna follow my heart are we live of course we're live be more positive the positivity attracts shinies i you know what i like that i do have plenty of time you're not wrong all right we just need good vibes and positivity you're not wrong good vibes and positivity we're gonna get a shiny of course we're gonna get a shiny come on it's just a matter of time come on it's just a matter of time i just i got a good feeling we're going this way the vibes are they're leading me here but wait what is this someone said find a frog hey why not why not us right why not us i know there's some frogs up here hip hop hippity hop just don't hop on pop it's okay hey these things happen just gotta find a shiny just got to find a shiny hmm it's okay jingling you know great pokemon everyone loves it everyone loves it everyone loves it keep going all right that's fine that's true amber that's true i do we just change the goal post most shotties found in five minutes oh god all right we got 44 minutes and i got nothing chat this is this is tough this is tough but you know what it's not over yet it's not over yet all right chad i'm gonna be honest i'm losing a little of my mojo a little of my mojo jojo i'm fading fast i was on such a high with that last run and i've just fallen off a cliff i'm washed up i'm a shell of my old self i can't give up yet but i i don't know who it is when i look in the mirror ugh certainly not the shiny hunter i used to be all right hello you duck why did i put you on timeout i did not sounds like the automated bot put you on timeout for breaking a rule big guy whatever the bot told you not to do you probably shouldn't do i've been shiny hunting if you think i have the ability to police this chat you are crazy you are absolutely crazy i have no idea what's going on in the chat i got no idea it's chaos in the chat damn you hypotase all right hmm wait it says i was above one no it's the trees all right if i can't find a shiny here i'm gonna have to hang up my shiny hunting boots and i have to hang them up and try again another day when that will be i who's the side shot who really is the psy of course i found the pokemon reported of course i did i think those are in like a cave hmm okay am i wearing enough pants wow that is a throwback that is a throwback of a reference and just throw back for sure my words escaping me my thoughts they're fleeting my sadness no the first shiny frog wait wait wait a second i had given up i had given up chat i'm running in here he is hello my friend it happened finally yes we did it no one can stop me now chat no one can stop me now wait a minute i was ready to give up want to know what chat we're catching all the frogs damn it we're catching all the frogs we're getting two shiny frogs i feel it i feel it get back here i i i i will hit you he left hey he left it's fine i will get another frog this is my destiny this is my destiny this is my destiny it will happen fight right now all right no it's fine it's not my destiny it's fine that's fine it's not a problem we got one we got 40 minutes left why not us chat why not us tell me right now why not i don't think you got any got any reasons we got the frog we got it we got it come on a little a little two bag come on little twofer hmm right i see a duck but i feel a shiny where are you i know you're here i know you're hiding i know you're here come on there we go um all right a little bit longer than we go back all right go back time perfect we got 38 minutes we're not on pace but you know what you just had to find one just had to find one just had to find one go go go go go go go go go go go all right let's see how that embarrassing tweet is doing 20 plus notifications that is upsetting i outbreak chad i don't know why i have a feeling i don't know why but i got a good feel about this okay i got a good feeling where is it where's the bunny all right let's go i got the frog now i get the bunny that's how it works what's more valuable than shiny's friendship what happens when you blend friendship in chinese together you get world records and then what will i do with that world record die i don't know i was gonna say i was gonna say mean things i was gonna bully purple cliff that's not friendship john that's the opposite of what i said i was going to do no team friendship bunny get over here oh i'm i'm the me okay i'm the man i'm the best oh i'm awesome i am so good at things all right yep sniper oh okay i said that too quick that's fine that's fine you're going up a hill you're cheating that's fine where are they where are they where is she rachel come on no ah you stupid hill oh no he's lost it he's lost it all right that's fine that's fine either not shiny we go back we tried friendship is a myth i don't know who made that lie up but they they made it up all right it's fine jack doesn't like me write it in stone purple cliff hates pm7 he hates my guts he never wants to work with me again and he hates how i look he calls me ugly every morning he calls me up leaves me a voice mess and say hey stupid ugly man i i hate you very much and i hope you eat poop it's weird it's very specific i don't know why he says he says it every day i hate it hurts my feelings that's why i can't get the shiny yeah purple cliff he's a bully he is a bully he is a bully it's okay i've always wanted a shiny voltorb and i always wanted a shiny frog so we're about to get our shiny voltorp let's do it right let's get it let's get my shiny die he he went boom stop no stop it no no no no no no no no no no okay um [Music] i new plan new plan i didn't like that one that was bad that was a bad plan i we abort uh do we anyone does anyone have any better plans chad i am open i am open to new new plans all right yeah that's i didn't work okay i have to go to the professor dammit okay all right oh boy all right all right chad all right i'm a little worried i'm a little worried with how this is going i'm gonna be honest this is not the what i uh wanted to see but that's what we love to see this is exactly what we love to see all right okay where are we going where are we going i was checking my phone really quickly whatever it's fine we gotta lock in gotta lock in and get the shinies someone keeps in the chat has been spamming for like a half an hour the giraffe guarantees shiny luck did i just did i say i don't even know what i just said giraffe i don't know such a random animal to guarantee shiny luck but you know what i better find a shiny or i don't hear anything else about giraffes better not um bet they're not okay drifloon i think there's an outbreak like over here somewhere right okay then there's something over here it is not going my way that's fine okay we we we can still do this we got so lucky before why not now right all right boy what is over here oh oshawotts no they are very mean i'd love a shiny oshawa but they're very annoying to go after all right we're at 30 and we got one you know what maybe we're just gonna get the record for most shinies in a half an hour you know what chat that's what we're gonna do we're gonna get the most shinies in a half an hour that's the new record i'm just here to break a record man i don't care which one let's do it how many is that i have no idea we're just gonna we're gonna get four shinies and say that's the record okay chat we're shameless okay chat come on who's gonna know huh there we're just we're just gonna say i'm gonna get four and then we're gonna say it's the record so i'm pretty sure i just did you know it doesn't matter we're gonna do it we're gonna do it we're gonna do it we're gonna do it it's gonna be great it's gonna be incredible you silly squirrel you silly squirrel you silly squirrel all right um all right chat ah nothing nothing oh no oh no chat no is the only are you the only one thinking that i said the the wrong lines in the linkin park song no there's a 100 chance that's at the wrong lines i my brain is very bad at remembering song lyrics and i haven't heard that song in like a good five years i have no idea what the lyrics are i was dying i just went for it man chat i don't know if uh i don't know i might be defeated i might be cooked this might be this might be the end got a little bit left in me but i don't got a lot of faith i got one more trick up my sleeve and if it don't work chat i may be throwing in the towel okay snorlax should have a new type variant hey like uh a new form or like original form of snorlax would be pretty cool it would definitely be pretty cool bronzong why do you have to make sparkle noise why do you have to do that dive okay i got one more trick in my sleeve ugh all right no fine i'll i'll go this way yeah did i get cursed is it because i kept saying i was gonna punt the the baby pokemon they cursed me did i mess up i flow i flew too close to the sun i thought it was all fun and games saying i was gonna punt pokemon and they fought back oh they fought back ursuring uh come on you green gummy bear all right we got one last one last chance one last bit of hope chat [Music] okay let's see a chat let's see it come on i can do this i definitely believe in what i'm saying i definitely believe i don't uh oh no man you know what chat we may not have gotten a world record but we got a shiny frog what's worth more a world record or a shiny frog let's go look at it let's save and let's go look at it where are you pal where are you frog where are you shiny frog i need your friendship where is my shiny frog wait okay i i thought my boxes were full and i lost it forever that's not the case is it wait where the heck is it right where where'd it where where where is it where where is it shiny frog marco marco say polo back dammit oh no wait i need to search where is it where is it pro gunk where is it wait why can't i even find croak on here i'm freaking out i'm freaking out man there it is there it is the blue shiny sparkle to go with this beautiful beautiful shiny frog look at it in all of its glory not you damn it not you you at least we did something right
Channel: PM7 VODs
Views: 441,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemen7, pokemen7 plays, pokemen7 stream, pokemen7 plays stream, pokemon live stream, live stream, pokemon legends arceus, new pokemon game, pokemon legends: arceus, pokemon legends arceus pokemen7, pokemon legends arceus stream, pokemon legends arceus live stream, legends arceus, pokemon legends arceus live, pokemen7 live, shiny pokemon, legends arceus shiny, legends arceus shiny pokemon, shiny pokemon legends arceus, pm7 vods, pm7, pm7 stream, pokemon world record
Id: PxZ3DF40sks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 26sec (12206 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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