PM7 vs Hardest Noble Battle Legends Arceus

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shiny badou on the way and you know what the only way we can really take on the outbreak of badou is one thing and one thing only alton john it's time chat it's time i've been waiting for this for so long it's finally here oh the colors on this thing are amazing i do think i like deciduous regular design a little bit more but i i do want to see this guy in battle i do want to see him moving around because he is still really cool and i'm starting to really warm up to decidueye over here our friends and i am really interested to see exactly how this is gonna look overall triple arrows oh me oh my i'm absolutely down for triple arrows let's go beat something up with triple arrows shall we okay that that's pretty exciting let's get him out here do a thing do something do something he's not doing anything [Laughter] but the massive outbreak is right there okay chat i may be many things but right now i'm a man without a legit shiny yeah we have a ponyta nay nay that's a shiny pony but everyone gets one of these in this game i want to be more than the man with the shiny ponyta i want to be the man with the shiny flower but wait a second chat i also want to be the guy that kind of knows what he's doing let's look at badou is it at level 10 in the decks it's at level eight it's at research eight okay let's catch some let's get this the next research level chat let's get this to the next research level and we'll save okay everyone's telling me to save chat i can save i can do this i can do this i'll save i'll save but we just have to catch a few badoo first we have to get this to level 10 and then i'll save okay did that do that did it do it do it do it lovely okay that's we need to find more all right we nee wait where would more be there's one okay i how did i miss no no okay oh we should got it we hit him in the bottom okay we need a few more badoo we are badoo in the daytime i don't know turn autosave off that's a good call it's a good call um um um crap how do i even get to how do i get there how do i get there okay here okay um settings uh where's auto save auto save disabled cool and then then we also save right we're gonna we have to save here just just before we do the thing um i also need to do something okay perfect i did that thing i think everyone has stoked on me everyone is everyone's having a great time everyone's like okay we saved uh why are you hating on the decidueye form chat i have said nothing that was even negative about the new decidueye form the only thing i said is i really like the original form chat i don't know what it is but people they like people really use the word like hating on or the phrase hating on like real ridiculously saying i like one thing better than the other is not hating it's not even negative okay i think we charge into battle i think we charge into battle i don't know if we're gonna find more i don't know if we're gonna find more badoo there they are there they are chat all right let's save this is the first one of these i'm gonna do where i actually saved correctly and with that for narnia ah okay we got this we got this i don't don't do triple arrows it doesn't make any sense out of here all right one badoo down all right there's so many more badoos none of them are shiny though i don't know what that's about okay one by one we will find the shiny flower if it's the last thing i do okay just catch them i mean am i gonna be able to catch them easy i'll try you have to catch them you need to catch them it's faster okay i'll it's it's it's my first rodeo chat what do i look like an experienced rodeo clown no it's my first day on the job okay i'm trying my best okay okay that guy left but it's fine just okay yeah yeah yeah no we got this okay yeah there we go smack him the booty that's fine there we go i'm on top of the world chat was that it is it over but was that it wait so do i reset do i reset the game do we redo it either way for narnia one more time okay come on dun dun dun dun dun no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no come on throw faster do it better do it be better at the game john be better i'm i'm locking on and it's not working okay okay i'm locking on i'm locking on and it's not working i'm i gave up on locking on that was it let's we're going to go to the village we're going to see what the next journey we have to go on is because chat oh we've only we this part's only been going on for like 18 minutes right like nothing lost right we're still we're still we're keeping on keeping on don't you worry too much don't you worry let's uh oh no i want to buy some pokeballs do you have any pokeballs for me mushroom cake set i don't think i want a mushroom cake set mr man no that's not exactly what i was looking for i i think yeah figuring the outbreak out like looking that up after the stream will help but i'm also sure we could probably figure some things out like we can figure it out there's like at least a few adults here right i can find her yeah sure we'll figure it out eventually big guy you i would like more room in my bag we are running out of money very quickly because of these satchel spaces but i do think it's worth it because we're going to just keep finding more like new items and i think it's just worth next outbreak saved before entering the wild area that makes sense i think that's yeah that makes a lot of sense all right thank you very much for a brand new member i really appreciate you guys thank you thank you [Music] remember chat if you guys do want to become a member it's only one dollar there's never a need to become a member because you can always just leave a like on the stream leave a like on the vod subscribe to the channel and support it's free to subscribe and support what's going on but you want to go a step farther means the world and helps me keep on keeping on i didn't even know there was a downstairs i am a part of the survey corpse i do have that pokemon i think i think so yeah i do nice perfect this is why you just catch everything you see because you never know when it's gonna work out give me money give me money give me money give me money money that was not money money okay um yeah i think one more floor where are we going to the commander that gives us more stars we're going up to the oh we're going up to the top the cool guy the man i respect who wears his jacket the only way you should arms out of the sleeves i know what i'm doing mr kamado i know what uh what's up and what's down then frenzies are induced by strange lightning which likewise follows from the very same rift but you have no connections to lightning no i'm not i'm not using the skies the lightning pokemon to make them scary so that i can impress all of you guys i wouldn't do that i am above that man i'm above the influence of making pokemon scary and then beating them up i promise but i would like to know what my next mission is this is important door we can eat just more potato mochi i get it we are a potato moki family now this is the life eh apparently it is hmm i keep doing the same thing day after day is it really getting us anywhere i mean i feel like i'm making some progress new recipe scatter bang what scattered what is a scatter bang bang bang i don't understand well at least we have potato moki that's what really matters i've only got six shiny pokemon i have zero man i have zero come on ugh silly sam salmon i appreciate you becoming a member thank you very much man i would not have guessed that i absolutely would not have guessed that you were gonna join the hair cuttery but i do actually need a haircut do you have like anything that would work a little bit better because right now i still have the beginning haircut which is very lame if you if you are to work here in jupiter village you are family working cutting hair makes you family with everyone that's crazy prelude beach that's pretty exciting wait but no i need my hair cut no sir i already can't get haircuts in real life because of the pandemic man don't take me away from haircuts in the video game i'm trying to get away from real life i just want hair god damn it come on oh man okay we've heard that the isuia region is inhabited by many powerful and frightening pokemon we've also heard that galaxy team knows a great deal about pokemon and uses their mystery mysterious powers to help juve like village grow are these people coming to like join the village oh nice cool new friends new pals and then someone is gonna bring me on a boat yes nice you truly do love pokemon don't you dedicated my life to it it's like i'd say so oh i found i found the drifloon boy wait i've had the boy the drifloon wait no sir wait no no i found where the drifloon is learn how to read unknown yet i mean i i probably could i just feels like a it feels like a waste of time wait no but the drifloon no wait wait where'd he go wait oh no oh damn it oh no i had found him where'd he go oh crap it has to be at night well it's almost nighttime right where's the sun wait where is the sun set faster go go go go go go oh man oh has to be evening for the driftling boy to appear okay yeah yeah yeah what's this person doing over here oh this guy oh let's do the thing i can probably do this i'm pretty good at things right that's not famous last words oh wow okay you just huck these reckless abandon right i mean i oh i'm not doing well chat i'm not doing well oh oh you don't want to miss oh missing is bad ooh okay all right let's let's not miss jon don't miss jon stop missing you can also hit two at once or hit three at once okay uh we're gonna have to do this again because i'm figuring out strategies pretty quickly okay all right this is pretty easy oh crap john that was bad that was a bad throw come on come on but what all right i missed the big fat one that's fine oh so many more spawned over here oh my god there's a shiny one i want to hit the shiny shiny ones extra points i think yep there we go oh yeah we got 20 000 nice okay am i doing well i have no idea okay okay 25 000 that's pretty good sure oh i'll take five feather balls nice i'll take 15 great balls and a nugget too that's great let's go oh well i really need to figure out my satchel i kind of want to do that again but nah that's probably we we'll do it another time okay we need to make more room in the satchel i mean it's kind of frustrating because i keep buying more room and i feel like it's not really doing much but and we'll figure it out also what is up here hello what are you okay do you want a certain pokemon an elegant tail curls like a spring like a spoink or a glamio oh i haven't caught a glammy out yet that's probably what they mean but also we can grab some apricots how did you get the mass outbreak i don't know dumb luck cool i would like you to do more of those nice hello you what do you want me to do hey afraid of moose thank you so much for the 10 bucks man glad to see the transition to youtube going well much love i i really appreciate it man i hope all is well with you thank you thank you man what do you need me to do i absolutely have a pokemon that can use a water move this seems very easy i assume this just makes the fields bigger so we can get even more apricorns which is very very nice if you ask me nice perfect you should turn on autosave i turned it off for um the outbreak so i just have to remember to save more often now i'll just remember to save more uh what's going on over here candy oh oh that's kind of cool i don't need to do that but i do like that um all right do i need to do a quest for you oh we can actually just buy crafting materials from that actually makes life really easy how many do i have of these wait how many do i have do i only have 34 let's get like a cool hundred that seems pretty solid uh all right cool shiny talks croak hey congrats on that hey that's very very cool let me see i have a sneaking suspicion a sneaky suspicion nope never mind um is there just more on the board on the board crow gunk oh okay i'm here for that i do love crow gunk all right i do want to go to that new area hello hey yes sir yes sir yes sir [Music] the cobalt coastlands i'm all in we did have a lord in the coastlands until a few years ago a tragedy took him from us oh no that's so dark oh man man so that seems like a spooky spooky place okay so you need me to go deal with the spooky spooky lands i can deal with the spooky spooky lands i'm a pretty brave guy myself now don't ask me to go into like a haunted mansion or like any any like scary movie or any place that could frighten me but beyond that very brave and can stand up to the scare spooky things nice perfect all right well let's go get our hair cut and then go do that up up up give me a haircut i want a haircut hairstyle in blue okay come on let's see okay no that's not what we're looking for middle part oh god side part wait you added like two haircuts i mean that's like i guess that's what my hair would look like if it was you know this length and then not done up do we do we do this or do we just wait i i don't love how it is now but i don't i don't know this is what we're looking for you know what's the move i don't even know i don't know what the move is chat chad this is the one time you guys slow up and don't respond what is this what is this chat wait it's up to you i mean it is fair it is definitely up to me the braid honestly this is a fire look but it's not i think we just go with the braids i think we just we just make it happen there's no good other haircut we're just gonna go with the braids we're going a little crazy with it my will my hair ever do this heavens now am i going to deal with just a bieber cut to the side or something else ridiculous no thank you let's let's do the braids let's throw the pikachu on the head i think this is the move for now pink braids we could work up to that we'll see i i also i'm feeling maybe we change up the team just a wee bit i don't know if anyone's gonna get the boot but let's see we did get that evolution item for cleaver which is pretty sweet now i just need to see what could we take off the team actually what typing is cleaver oh cleaver's rock oh i think we get rid of graveler and we throw the the cleave man on there okay all right you're a little bit better throw you there uh would we change name what are we nicknaming clever i'll wait i need some nickname suggestions for cleavor mostly because the way i say clever is just sound it feels ridiculous clever feels very foolish very goofy i'm gonna be honest butcher hmm oh no wait a minute why am i saying buck sources have told pewd or told a bucks reporting thing that tom brady has not made up his mind regarding retirement has not informed the bucks either way it's very confusing it like he def he definitely retired huh sounds like he's what so he's probably still retiring but he hasn't officially retired that is so confusing all right i don't know what that means cutsie oh boy chopper green green hug slice mickey oh no cleavage oh my god um butch let's see death hmm will smit will smith shopkins um axel that's a decent one axel okay i feel an axle i i can i can get down with axel what did i just do okay let me get rid of this stupid thing so i don't mess this up now let's let's just i i can get down with axel okay uh so how do i how do i do the thing tomahawk reaper slim reaper that's it's a pretty good nickname see their evs i don't care at all about evs in the game without battling man like this game literally does not have battling in it i do not care at all caring about evs in the game like this only makes it less fun honestly i think we steal this nickname from durant and we just name it the slim reaper a fire nickname buyer nickname alert are you kidding me that is that is what i'm thinking right yeah no that's the nickname just an incredible nickname and then i i throw on this thingy and he evolves this is pretty sick i cannot believe we're able to do this so early into the game come on this is pretty cool right that's pretty cool i i need to send him out now are you kidding me come on where are you little guy oh he's so small why is he so small hey hey what's going on this thing is intimidating dude my god is that an intimidating pokemon the team is taking shape we got you we got the shiny that everyone can get we got a frog we got cleaver we got a pokemon i absolutely love that floatzel's fine we'll probably get rid of floatzel soon but pretty cool pretty cool if you ask me oh is someone gonna try to battle me don't no no no not the pip squeak oh don't don't do it don't do it oh cool i mean i literally just evolved a pokemon into cleaver man i literally just did that i don't care about your grit pebbles okay did someone just say eat whismur's what is wrong with you guys who hurt you what i don't understand let's just throw some of these things in here um i don't know what a lot of these things do but i think it's just worth throwing these in okay uh-huh okay that feels pretty good out break out break damn it no outbreak that's fine uh so yeah i guess we're over here let's go to the coastlands why not add sneasel absolutely not no i i think sneasel's evolution in this game is probably my least favorite of all of the new historian forms they literally just made sneasel like stretchy like they stretched sneezed a lot we vile so much better i don't know i just don't love the sneasel evolution why am i so shocked what's going on i don't understand wait you have a camera ah about fire spit islands okay oh yeah we're gonna actually be able to the swim now oh we're not able to swim yet the heck why are you not letting me swim i don't understand oh but you're gonna let me swim on the new barracuda pokemon right berascuda right [Music] oh that's a different song [Music] [Music] that was great can you help me can you help me swim i don't know how to swim i need a fish please give me a fish wait battle you oh i just wanted a fish oh it's basket legion oh basket legion that's kind of a fire name i actually like that better oh i should have done a strong attack i don't know what i was thinking i don't like that one bit okay oh that's gonna obliterate lux ray wait no luxury's still in it all right we just need a strong style take out the glacion not going to be able to take out the eevee but that is not that big of a deal cleaver can come in and clean that up oh it might be cleaver's time to shine finally okay please man come on slim reaper get out here i do you have any cool moves or i need to teach you some i definitely need to teach you some cool moves but it's animations are sick and chad i see every single one of you guys telling me i should add x y and z to the team chat i don't care about your favorite pokemon let's rip that band-aid off right now i understand that a thousand and five hundred people here all have different favorite pokemon and you all want me to use a different pokemon i simply don't care i'm gonna use the pokemon i like being as brutally honest as i can i i'm just gonna use the pokemon i like chat you know i'm sure there's someone here that wants me to use like a cricket top for some reason or like a burme i i'm just gonna use the pokemon i like and i hope you guys get the game and use the team you like you know because the beauty of pokemon like the true beauty of pokemon is we all like different parts of it but we can all come together in our love of pokemon even though we all have very different opinions on the pokemon and the games and this that and the other you know but i just need basket legion i want to swim with the fishies let me swim with the fishies lady fishy is she no no fishy well i do want slim reaper to to grow some levels oh and we actually need to catch this uh the cat for that person they said meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow actually speaking of yum yum yum let's go get some more poke balls because we can probably make some more um okay let's go and do that quick i can get growlithe here oh that's pretty cool i really really love arcanine's new form here okay we can get okay we can make 25 of these definitely should do that 64 of those 36 of that i think that's worth it and then i think we just get 64 of those now i feel pretty good about the pokeball situation uh let me see and chad i haven't said this in a bit hey but if you're enjoying this stream i've been live for four hours i'm gonna be streaming again tomorrow make sure to leave a like on the stream and subscribe to the channel so you don't miss future stuff butts [Music] nikki you can play the game or you can i just sit and talk i need to pee really quickly so i have asked my wonderful fiance to come in and say hello for a few minutes so i can pee without people leaving the stream in droves nikki when you have this many viewers whenever i leave to pee like 400 people leave it is terrifying and it hurts my feelings you and the puppy are gonna save me from sadness okay hey guys wow look how much shorter i am than john and the lighting does not help me i just i just downloaded this game i haven't started playing yet on my own switch but i'm very excited wait what's what's in the tree can i climb the tree flame i shake the tree okay hi everybody hi everybody that's saying hi is that cat sleeping hey i have no idea what i'm doing i hope everyone is okay with that throw a pokemon in the tree why would i throw my pokemon seems mean did someone say shiny to mess with me yeah someone said shiny to mess with me this is true because more people would be saying it if it was a real apparently i've been told that whenever i use the computer john's microphone like does not pick up my voice because i talk too quiet or something so [Music] i'm trying friends what is this hotpod hi seal hi hi oh it smiled at me oh this is so fun oh my gosh ginger ginger's excited too he's like i want spiel to smile at me go in the water i can swim i can't wait what happens can i drown oh i can drown oh no i can drown oh no gosh did you die i drowned what what are you doing someone told me to go in the water and i was like oh can i swim that was really dumb because in the game in other pokemon games you have to have a pokemon all right all right okay hit the road jack someone warned me apparently that was awful sorry everybody i appreciate you projecting your voice because you're quiet and the mic doesn't always pick it up but you're basically yelling in my ear and it's a very funny combination because i know why you're doing it because the mic doesn't always pick you up but it's just kind of funny look it's phil and he's rolling all right chat so did you bully did you bully her she came over and you guys immediately bullied her is that what happens honestly i respect it if we're gonna be honest but guys are chaos make a dad joke all right dude i don't know i got nothing man i i got nothing okay i don't have to tell you oh scorpio sleeping and i'm gonna punch him in the face then he's gonna die drapion i didn't say that trayveon you don't need to worry nice actually wait wait no no we gotta not go there no no no what saving's fine uh but cleaver probably has some new moves to teach right stealth rock yeah let's at least teach him stealth rock over double hit okay perfect have i caught any shinies yet i mean no i got the guaranteed shiny but i don't think anyone cares that i got the shiny everyone's guaranteed to get when you guys could lie to me and tell me that like the getting the guaranteed shiny is actually cool and like i'm like for some reason mine is better than everyone else's i'm fine with people lying to me that's not a problem okay we're making some progress on the pokedex of nothing else ah ya booty it's mine we're we're making some good work on these guys kobe nice yo i'm on top of my game right now what's over there starly i don't what do you mean starly is over here boo who is oh barmy boo boo um bye-bye okay what's over here starly i'll take these things the plump beans oh we are going the way we need to go that's pretty cool oh my chops yes okay i know i'm not going to have much chop on my team because we already have a fighting type pokemon but i do want to get machop to level 10 in the decks because machamp is my second favorite pokemon oh i already have them at research level 10. that's kind of crazy what do i research level zero how do i have you at research level oh because i have to go to the professor to guarantee the left oh god he's angry oh god ah what are these i kind of want these huh okay oh what's up here oh it's just one of these but these are still important poop l is here who the did someone just try to say purple cliff and they said poople please tell me i'm wrong and poople did not mean jack someone put p-u-p-e-l please tell me jack is not here because i don't want to believe that there is someone capable of misspelling purple cliffs so badly they put poople there's no way like there's no please chat tell me come on that or call him poople for the rest of his life at one of the two because i'm distraught either tell me that's not what happens or facetime me okay what how are you enjoying the game it's pretty good do you want to see my thumbnail i do i took your advice into uh oh [Music] okay um this is going to be a fun game that i play for a very long time jack i'm very much i'm not saying that i'm going to challenge you to some sort of competition live on stream sometime next week right yeah let's let's plan that and then pretend like we didn't plan it for some time next week no absolutely not okay so if i told them all they're not going to start spamming right now they wouldn't do that that'd be really weird right now right well they might just do that like randomly just because yeah yeah of course who do you think you are yeah i hit you in the face oh you know what slim reaper come on the jack lose what do you mean lose chat i'm just telling you right now purple cliff's thumbnail for today is it's a work of art let's let's not beat around the bush it is truly something special no no not you slim reaper okay we should be able to catch this pretty easily we should be able to catch this very easily oh god i um oh murkrow um let's do that also i haven't really used many uh flying balls let's try that what wait that thing just yeted itself oh that's how they work john you idiot oh and he broke out are you kidding me come on where are your manners who are you who are you i am oh crap level 33 oh no wait who let this game get difficult i don't like that obliterate him chomp all right [Music] all right chat i the the b spamming was fun let's calm down on the b spams me you shaking hand meme the meme the meme is over all right boom let's kill this thing okay let's see if i can actually catch one of these because i have not been doing the thing okay please okay hey we got the murkrow nice and everything leveled up that was kind of cool whoa why is he so angry i don't like that why do i keep saying that you know what i rather have a fiance and say things like angie than not have a fiancee so the game's the game right i'd rather pick things up from her than just not ever come on what is happening okay come on no i can i can get up there to get the wisp no come on come on oh boo i really do not like that part of the game where i don't know it climbing up the mountain is kind of wonky at points i don't know if anyone else has noticed that or has that complaint it might just be me but it seems real wonky at times okay so let's uh let's i want to report because i think what the machop becomes research level 10 or a few things do we're not like leaving or anything crazy okay we'll also get to the next level soon let's just heal up and we'll go okay um so let's figure out how i get there so how is it i get there oh no i feel like i'm missing something hmm i don't see any pokemon i need yet for the decks oh oh we go up here perfect okay we found it i found it have i missed any shinies no i still have not found a shiny yet i mean i feel like i've done a pretty good job like making progress and spending some time shiny hunting and i don't know i've had a good healthy mix but no luck yet uh how's day two going this game came out yesterday on my birthday i'll be having fun can't wait to buy it soon hey i hope you have an absolute blast when you play i hope you had a great birthday and i'm really enjoying the game man thank you very much the super chat i very much appreciate the very generous super chat thank you hmm pokemon too crazy a lot of paris in this game why is paris all over the place no one asked for so much paris let me tell ya you just wanted to be helpful well we hate you man we absolutely hate your guts hiko okay you need me to find a palm oh do i have to chase them down l me and my brother both found full odds l come on ha l man honestly hey fair game that was kind of funny ha l guys i didn't miss stantler i ran right past stantler purposefully now if you're saying you want me to go back to get the standard i get that but i didn't miss it i just ignored it i said ha l to standler all right we got three of those getting a shiny murkrow would be kind of cool no chat no guys i don't need you guys to ever give me any shinies no no no you got your shiny you keep that you enjoy it i'll i'll find my own shinies don't you worry no don't do it don't do it i have things to do stop it i have a family stop it no damn it no not you too i'm trying to make progress oh there's a big fat cat i don't want to deal with you i have not done a good job of throwing things at these is shiniest arabia good what did i just do guys no shiny is good it really just comes down to do you like it i feel like people get really confused with those questions like oh is this good i don't know do you like the shiny if you like the shiny heck yeah if you don't like the shiny i don't know kind of bad i guess oh damn it we're fighting two of these at once oh i do not love that all right the graveler is done at least hmm oh did i wait i did i block the poison no i did not oh that'd been kind of crazy if i did please take it out we're in the rain maybe it's boosted no ah stop poisoning me damn it i did nothing wrong oh damn i knew that i was gonna do a ton ugh okay well at least trickster will be able to take it out okay i really want to find a shiny before today's stream ends i mean the stream's not even close to being over i still have a decent amount of time but you know what no i'm gonna make regular progress in the game right we're gonna make progress and then we'll dedicate some serious time to shiny hunting by the end so let's make some progress okay i like growlithe so growlithe ladies good in my book growless very cool that is adorable who are you paulina of the pearl clan okay hello can i have one of your growlets please i heard how you aided cleaver and little again i kind of just threw things at their head if we're gonna be honest i kind of just threw some things directly at their dome you were to guess which of these growlithe would you say is the previous lord's child the big one are both of them i don't know this quiet skittish growth is the child of the previous lord oh i have no doubt this little one has the potential to be a fine lord but witnessing his father's demise has left deep scars in his heart oh i will protect him with my everything ah i will die for him okay so now that you know our situation might i ask your purpose to do anything to make him okay it does concern me he's everything i'll try to get to the island too huh yeah basket legion can you let me swim let me swim [Music] icekin a warden of the diamond clan he should be able to help you where is icekin yeah we'll figure that out but where's the iceman no you're fine just where is he that is crazy mr beast is trying to be willy wonka the chocolate factory that is an unreal wow okay well i was saying i wanted to do the story then i'd shiny hun and especially now that i've learned that we need to do anything to protect growlithe i'm all in no one can stop me i must protect my new best friend my baby boy oh no calculated calculated calculated calculated did you see that chat uh hey your favorite streamer could never unless your favorite streamer is me then like i mean pretty lucky [Laughter] pretty lucky oh god i run away from the scary octopus okay we just gotta get to the other side of the islands okay just keep on keeping on keep on keeping on keep on keeping on nope and past the spiels ooh i actually let's stop and catch some spiels i don't think i have them at uh 10 level 10 yet and they were really easy to capture and i love spiel the only resource level five yeah let's let's take a quick second just to catch a few spiels nice feel is pretty close in terms of baby growleth in terms of cuteness like spiel is adorable if you don't think so you're i mean i don't know you worry me no no no strong style this you have no apricots or apricorns it's pretty easy to get apricorns in this game you just gotta go bash a tree i guess i'm not getting a shout out i guess i'm leaving chad if you ever come into a stream like if you come to a stream or stream that has a thousand five hundred people and your basis of whether or not you're going to stay is if you get a shout out you have already made a horrible decision with your time i that like that's that's craziness if you come to the stream i appreciate the heck out of you guys but like you gotta understand i'm one guy i'm not gonna my stream is not going to be responding to every person and saying their name because the reality i mean something i used to say a lot more on twitch streams i'm really sad since i've moved over is guys my goal is to provide an entertaining stream at the end of the day the reason you guys are at my stream like the reason you guys have showed up to the streams is because i entertain you with streams or videos most of the people watching are lurking we have a thousand five hundred people watching i think maybe 150 of them have like actually talked in chat i'm mostly entertaining the silent majority there's also a lot of people watching the vod say how are you guys doing if you're watching the vlog leave a like you probably haven't i appreciate the heck out of you regardless but uh you know i'm not going to stop the stream and the progress and the fun just to focus on everyone asking me to say their name that's horrible content no one nobody is asking for that um so that's something worth throwing out there what katie do you say katie you do not need to throw super chats my way nicki is so not a dweeb she didn't even know the starters had the soon forms and was like i already know what they evolve into oh god [Laughter] oh nicki i should i should get her this game i think she'd enjoy it i don't know if she'd have time to play it um but i don't know we'll see ooh yeah oh titan of industry wait oh yeah chad did we do we come to the uh like the understanding that jack or purple cliff is no longer jack or purple cliff he's poople like p u p e l like that's his new name i don't know why someone spelled him as poople he's poople you joined you're very late hey there ain't late here i'm just glad to have you there ain't late and if you're worried you're late hey you talk look at the talk top of the chats damn it no who did that oh screw you i could have gotten a floatzel man whatever well actually i don't think i've beaten a floatzel in battle so let's let's at least battle him right we could at least beat him in battle oh yeah it's fed me boo all right let's at least get this thing in the decks i also chat a small little thing if you guys are not following me on twitter i exclamation point twitter exclamation point instagram i'm doing a lot more work when it comes to twitter and instagram i'm trying to throw some more content you guys this way so i give me a little bit of a follow huh you might like what you see you might not i don't know and you might just be disappointed you might be like wow oh wait no there's the a-palms they said wait do i have to beat them up i don't know do i beat them up do i catch them how does this work they said i was supposed to look for an a-palm so i think i just beat him up maybe come on did that help me with the quest i have no idea baby uh maybe i no yep there we go oh wait is this is this what i was supposed to do or not i have no idea uh-huh i do have four plates i'm pretty awesome i am an ancient hero i'm the man are you going to battle me again because i'd i'd like to i want basket legion i would like to swim wait oh okay you were just chilling here for some reason i know i want to swim can you help me swim please lord or lady i don't just someone i i need the fish give me the fish okay lord fish time i'm icekin of the diamondclon that's my fish song so you better help me out here i only got one of those songs in me i need basket legion's aid now and also now okay oh do i have to go and collect things so you need to catch this one pokemon that appears at night okay i can do that dusk oh dust clops is gonna be so annoying but i can catch a dust clops i guess i could do that okay deadwood hearts ooh that sounds pretty interesting i'm here for that can you heal my pokemon though could you at least heal my pokemon wait is there something else you want me to do okay oh so okay what there we go i was about to say man how did i miss that so bad perfect perfect hey we're making progress oh my pokemon are still fainted why did no one heal them okay so i need to go to a spooky place there's a spooky place over here i assume okay so this is spooky lands i am ignoring you you do not exist no wait crap no no go go go go go this is actually bad okay i think we made it past them thankfully wait so how do i get the spooky lands okay i see a drift blim that feels like spooky lands okay i i got up here that's an evil psyduck oh is it oh i see a like a is that a sunken ship over there that's kind of cool this feels like spooky lands um wait no uh potions yeah this actually seems important luxray is gonna be very helpful right now okay perfect so we have to get a dust clops is what i heard no stop that all right i'm hitting these i don't know if i've caught any yet though oh god okay we can figure this out i mean we can just beat up all these pokemon with lux ray thankfully but let's let's see how this goes can i get onto the boat maybe okay i am sick of you are you kidding me yeah i see you yeah yeah yeah you're a little dust glops or dust skull yeah yeah yeah okay maybe under the boat or something it's one of these hmm oh dust clubs there it is okay okay let's see if we can just just try to get this thing easily perfect all right that you do not need to sail it john i hit him in the booty beat don't ask me what i just said because i don't actually know what i just said there we go come on yes we did it oh perfect wow come on that'd be cool nice wow okay perfect all right well i can beat you in battle i mean this is working out pretty well ever since i needed to protect that adorable growlithe from anything bad in the world things have just worked out okay we obliterate that so let's go back because i need to get basket legion so i can protect growlithe from everything evil guy yeah yeah yeah gold duck yeah yeah yeah damn how'd he get me okay let's get past these guys oh who are you no i don't know i i'll sure i'll i'll find him at some point i guess it's not important there's a growleth to protect some people i'm telling you some people chat okay i'm back is this what you wanted i did it yeah i am kind of the man call me the coolest me i am some i call myself the cooliest a new report brady not retired yet this is chaos that is chaos all right right i guess i guess i've got to do my part yeah you got to do your part dude growlithe is everything we need to protect him with our lives and if i have to sacrifice you to protect growlithe i'll do it i don't even think twice do the thing spooky man come on could you get a grip man see now we did the thing ball of masculine food now can we do the thing big guy be nice to the mpc i will not i absolutely will not uh oh he's fine he's fine okay made it here with grace and speed and determination elena with the growly that's our best friend the baby yes do it do it do it with the flute dude this actually could be a pretty cool animation i'm pretty hyped to see it apparently i am beyond shocked can't even believe it [Music] he kind of looks ridiculous i love that they gave basculin an evolution and this is a very cool evolution for it he's very chonky though he's very chunky can i can i use this now oh back why are you bothering me oh i have to play bye flute now okay is that what's that do [Music] [Music] oh nice thank you pretty good all right i'm actually excited to see what pokemon we can get in the water i assume there's some pretty cool spawns out here i don't know like i i know all of the new pokemon they added to the game but there's something about just experiencing the game and seeing where all the pokemon are put in different spots it it's special it's very fun so let's let's uh let's get to swimming i hope no one's saying mean things behind your back you protect the adorable little growlithe you're you're incredible wow i really love that growling okay what oh come on not coin are you guys here to like try to steal the fish hand over the growlithe what no nope uh-uh we're not doing that we're not playing that game we are not playing no no i'll kill you dead no then you just eat them what oh wait he took the wrong one wait no no no no no no no false alarm i think they took the wrong braless i i think they took the big one i think they took chonky growlithe wait no chad i think it's fine i think they might have just taken the chalky one yep they took chanco that's fine the coast is clear we we still have the adorable baby you guys can leave that's fine i'm not worried about it okay well i mean like we could still save the chonky growleth but like i'm i'm here to protect the baby okay i mean it's like it's like not good like we're not happy about it no i will but like you gotta protect the adorable baby growleth okay i'll save the big one just you gotta protect the baby one okay yeah i i'll go protect i'll go get the big one just protect the baby one he is my everything he is all that matters to me in this world at this point only one of them is the heir to the throne the other one is just a common growleth chat we need priorities around here i'm not gonna ignore the big chunky one he's just not royalty it's not my fault he should have been born to more royal parents that's on him come on you're an heir to being a butt face yeah maybe i am that doesn't change anything about the growlithe though how do i catch things while i'm swimming i have no idea how to do this oh god i feel like i feel like this is oh boy chad am i am i bad [Music] what i don't understand i don't even kind of get this oh chat no no no no no chat [Music] chat chat chat me joking about i'm protecting the baby growleth not the other growlithe chat new stop saying racist i am going to assume you're jumping in at a weird time i'm going to assume that it's young people not understanding the importance or like not the importance but the the significance of that we are not going to equate racism one of what of the worst things out there to me saying i am protecting the baby growlithe thankfully they took that one not the old one i know i didn't do anything wrong but i need to stop the stop the partying to say guys no let no ism cha no ism let's let just noism not babiest or babyism let's let's let's the joke and the fun is dead it's we're moving past it because it's it got to a weird not a weird place a just a bad place where i don't think people using it made sense nope just like we're moving past the chat we're moving past it [Music] yes that's the right we we one thing we are absolutely not going to ever do in this chat is trivialize racism that's that's a great way to put it just i words i cannot believe i am saying in the middle of a pokemon stream but that's not an uh i will say not an option for what we're doing i like i am kind of like blown away and confused that i have to actually say that but we are yes we are not comparing some goofy thing in a game to trivializing racism in any way shape or form now i am we're gonna move past it unless anything else needs to be said because that is crazy an explanation of what's happening the explanation is not going to give enough context to explain like you're still going to be confused we're just moving on oh boy no chad it does not bother me i mean now don't worry about it bothering me the thing is like the reality of being a streamer especially like like i am a straight white guy who streams pokemon and has a really big audience like there's a lot of things in this world i i don't have to deal with i don't have to worry about um i'm not always going to know exactly what to say regarding a lot of these issues but i it at least in my mind i need to do my my best to not let any negative like talk towards any type of person happen here make sure this is an accepting chat make sure if something pops up that you know i need to address i address it and not run away from that so i i don't worry about like something like that bothering me um because hey i'm not always gonna know exactly what to say but i'm always going to make sure if i see something like that that i try to stop and say something because i do not want anyone to um i don't feel like they're not accepted here or i don't care about them or care about these issues i want to make sure that i i don't know do my best but also eat yeah it works wait you could actually just yeah into the water and it works oh that's awesome that's everything i was hoping for perfect okay and then you go oh you can go to these little islands and you can find like random alpha pokemon like a gastrodon oh that's so seamless oh that's pretty cool oh that is oh these are going to be annoying oh oh come on you're not even gonna give me that that was such a good throw okay oh that thing is really high leveled man okay well hopefully we can just obliterate it with a leaf blade because alton john means business that's what i like to see bug war i guess we don't have any spot if you jump into the ball it makes it makes you go in slow motion and it's easier wait no way there's no way that's sick whoa no way wait i missed no oh my god that is so cool that is so sick wow that's really cool yeah hey xp thank you very much for becoming a member that is so cool oh you slow motion and they just went underground oh man all right well [Music] what other pokemon can i find in the water this has been sick yeah the watermelon might be my favorite so far this is really really cool back to the world of butterflies i guess oh we do actually need to get off we need to grab more apricots or apricorns whatever the heck they're called and more of these okay what are we doing up here hopefully they're like feeding them treats and playing like patty cake that'd be cool oh we're about to find some cool fire pokemon all right that's actually pretty exciting i didn't think about that no oh come on remember all the good time we had magmar no don't do that no um wait when i jump with the d or is it also like slow motion when i throw a pokeball or how does that work because i have not tried that oh you just can't okay never mind no damn it john i goobed i beg goobed there's a lot of magmars okay yeah yeah yeah i'll beat you all up if i have to i'll do it i'm not afraid to do it i i'm glad i'm able to do that man i hope i don't distract from getting important things done but i do appreciate hearing that i'm glad i'm able to do that oh boy you don't always have to get so angry i like i'd like to catch one of you uh i don't i don't understand what's the beef and actually maybe i can just oco you with water pulse normally all right i can't easy we really got a sneak to try to get these guys if i can get like a oh great ball oh he turned his back come on yeah nice come on i deserve it thank you finally okay damn what he gets so angry so quickly come on oh boo hiss are you kidding me oh man all right side note chat i have no idea if anyone can answer me this this is definitely a youtube thing and it has to be because there's just more young people on youtube what what is up with the amount of clearly children that join streams and then immediately spam one letter and nothing else what am i missing like are they just so used to in like a bigger stream like their messages would be drowned out and you wouldn't see them like what like what might happen so often it's it's so confusing they think they're funny well like i guess i mean is the b button spam not the reason probably yeah yeah but i'm kind of in a spot where like i can't like i can't just sit here and say hey purple cliff fans who span b i don't want you if you're gonna come to my chat in spam e so i the man's got me in a box but boy is it annoying well on the other side of annoying let's beat up coin and get growlithe back wait a minute i should have had lux ray out first i do not need my fighty bird to deal with the angry ghost gow wow you tell him growlithe okay please let me switch over to lux ray come on come on oh nope no no she's gonna send out a gastrodon easy obama's no but i have fighting moves wait no no i get to use my move i haven't used it yet i'm actually pretty excited okay what's this movie even do triple arrows let's see the animation oh that's pretty sick okay and it lowers defensive stats oh that's nice we just need to not die alton come on buddy no oh we didn't know koh it but it okay with us i we still have trickster though okay okay do we have to battle multiple or did we just win was that easy it feels like i did the thing i only beat one pokemon that was very easy very very easy i don't think i understand you gotta put up more of a fight guys come on oh okay now we're on to toxic croak a real pokemon i see you a real pokemon hmm i think we just hope for a burn at this point i don't think it's even worth switching i think we just try to get a burn yeah and we got it nice oh strong style what are you going for mud bomb oof we're done okay that's fine oh but it could be harder to hit moves that's not ideal but a slim reaper is probably not the move well you do have aerial lace and aerialize doesn't miss so maybe it is time just cut him into with an axe feels like a pretty solid strategy aerial ace and i guess there's only one more sister so one more battle and then we get the to save our boy growleth wow what a blithering moon calf i am okay one more person oh you're gonna be the growl or the gengar person and we do still have lux ray i made sure to save it thankfully right oh right on never mind but we do have a float so still okay and we're starting with float soul perfect oh but she does have two pokemon but i think i should be able to oco with waterfalls so i don't need to go for like strong style and then be slow the next turn there's the gengar do we have crunch on this i don't think no it doesn't really matter because as long as we can bring in the luxury we're taking down the gengar easy peasy lemon squeezy wheezy we just need to bring in lux ray who has been an absolute monster for us okay come on there we go maybe at some point i try like a challenge run or like a nuzlocke or something the battling is really just so much simpler than the actual catching i think catching competitions and things around that are gonna be a lot more fun you guys are out of pokemon i've done the old winning thing yeah come on little growlithe beat them up beat them up no or evolve into an arcanine and just eat them come on [Music] no growlithe you can do it evolve the fall the fall of the volvo vault that'd be really cool actually if it did just evolve wow wait no is an arc and i just gonna jump out of the volcano that'd be pretty crazy yeah yeah why am i so invested in this oh my god that's sick wow yeah this game's awesome oh my god i love that ugh is true bravery laying out and crossing the sea but taking what i missed the words it's fine it was profound it was great oh whoa oh god wait is this a boss battle now oh no no my friend no oh no oh no my friend wait no i got this i can do this it always it needed to be me i needed to be the one to stop you no it's okay don't worry i got this well actually i mean is it really that bad if the arcanine eats the robbers that doesn't i mean okay well they're gone that's fine no i i can i can fix him i can fix him okay well what's the plan team what's the plan a dear little pokemon is my no it's my responsibility paulina that's my pal what must we do to quell his frenzy please tell us what we need i need to throw food at his noggin yeah we need to just throw food at him okay well yeah we need to make food and then i toss him at his head [Music] wow iskin you are an absolute stud stud o-rama even wait are we able to do the boss battle already oh let's go i'm ready let's do the thing can you heal me let me prepare a bit is my team healed or no oh my god my team is not healed well let me nah i'm i can do this i'm built different easy no i got this first try zero deaths let's do it i'm ready zero deaths i got this i got in the bag don't even worry don't even worry yeah this is my pal whoa his tail is huge oh my god he can walk on lava okay the last battles have not been too difficult but this one feels a little bit scarier okay okay you just have to have room to dip dodge oh god whoa oh that attack is that means business oh yo oh this is tough okay okay damn i thought i got out of the way that time oh what what is happening i don't understand at all do i have to hit those uh send a bat a pokemon okay i can do that go go go i just need one strong attack come on strong style this should do enough i think boom easy okay now i can just go i thought i i dodged oh crap i'm in a really bad spot i don't even know what i do right now damn this is a tough one i like i don't know the strategy because he jumps in the middle okay that's impossible to evade okay okay so he's import interesting okay and i okay i clicked the wrong arrow which is frustrating now we just go to the side okay oh can you not and you can't avoid that one i don't that's what i don't understand you just can't avoid that attack oh and you have to break these because it's an unavoidable attack so that is very important so we do that we get some damage on them okay i think i'm understanding this a little bit more okay now i just okay i didn't get hit this time when he went to the middle okay is he doing i should not have been in the middle i should not have been in the middle john you knew what he was doing okay holy crap what do i do about the middle it's on fire wait i don't understand i don't understand wait but i can't go through the middle i don't understand he set the middle on fire what am i supposed to do i don't get it what the hell what up [Music] i don't understand it hold to throw further now i'm gonna do this we're gonna figure this out we are gonna figure this out okay i haven't gotten hit yet okay okay i haven't gotten hit yet so i think i've i figured some of it out okay so now we can just no go go go go go wait what we didn't kill him i vote him every other time that happens there you go floatzel that was cool huh all right now i can kill him right yeah go i i got him at the halfway point already i've done better than i've ever done before okay yep i knew he was gonna jump in the middle which makes the whole thing on fire which is crazy okay i don't know what to do about that i had nowhere to dodge okay did i do it okay i did it that was annoying this one was very annoying but i i got it done and that's all that matters we saved our friend we saved him and i will name him gregory we saved gregory wow we just got a lot out of that we probably have an evolution for probably get rapidash at this point i guess we'll see either way we are moving in this game let's go arkanine you are my pal and i will love you forever ah the flame plate i didn't get to hold it like a bar of soap this time what's up with that gurm gurm aru hmm i'm assuming it's going to be gone yeah oh oh i love that this might be my favorite part of any story in any pokemon game which is not a really high bar to clear but i have genuinely loved this little storyline like genuinely loved it garu ugh this game is fun was i on the only one who felt like they heard the cry of the previous lord archanite earlier man this is cool uh i'll do my best yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'll do my best don't you worry the john guy i wasn't much use just watching the side was i no you were not not even a little bit what's wrong with you i heard you put crowley through the proper training when she snapped at me this four pokemon watched his father die she told me it is a warden's duty to force a child in such pain through training yeah you're the worst we all hate you oh man no you don't i took on a leadership of the clairol clan so young with no grand vision for what it should be still i tried to respect our old customs and sights even as some called me old-fashioned for it but watching you i finally see i know what i must do i want to protect this vast land of hissui okay what are you gonna do we can battle someday i guess it seems like super low priority like super low priority all right cool um let's uh check out our pokemon because i assume someone can evolve hopkins okay i was hoping for ponyta i don't actually know what it involves clearly but uh we can evolve the frog the hip hop hip the hippity hoppity froggity waggity come on pretty good pretty good the team's looking pretty cool right now i'm actually really happy with the team let me i am going to check to see if there's any moves my pokemon can learn that's why i get rid of the uh the the face cam just because it blocks this like one part up and there are some pretty good moves to learn venoshock over mud bomb perfect guy how about you big guy change moves swords dance stone axe oh that sounds sick uh probably ooh over silver wins swords dance is pretty cool yeah i don't know if i'm ever gonna need to set up but i'm here for it man do you have any moves change moves wild charge oh that's a cool one i don't know if i need it though float sole change moves aqua tail oh absolutely we can do that over water pulse okay trickster you probably don't have too much more fire blast oh i love that nice and we can probably do that over tackle okay then any moves for you i don't know if i want to teach it brave well i don't know this is a difficult one well i mean actually yeah because we do have roost so yeah why not let's just absolutely obliterate things okay uh let me let me check out the map let's actually do a little bit of uh exploring around here why not okay chad if you guys haven't been enjoying the stream hey make sure you do leave a like and subscribe i will be uploading all the vods on the pokemon 7 vods channel honestly this new game release is super exciting but it is a little overwhelming i feel like there's so much content to try to get done and so much pressure to figure out as quickly as i can i'm doing my best and i really hope you guys are enjoying it and just to be a little vulnerable honestly i've had a really hard time with these streams of i you know i don't always feel like i'm able to handle all of the pressure super well with it and you know chat's gotten on my nerves at times and i think i'm struggling with with some of it but i really appreciate you guys um so just thank you in general i like i really i've had a really wonderful time on the stream and i'm trying not to let my insecurities get the best of me i i really do appreciate it guys and i'm very excited for a lot more content coming your way from these games a lot more content and just in general to a lot more streams on this channel because at the end of the day hey this is still something very new to me streaming on my main channel you know like pokemon 7 plays hey cindy thank you so much for becoming a member pokemon 7 plays has somehow exploded into a channel with almost 350 000 subscribers and i think it's gonna take a little bit of time to kind of get used to what that really means that's just so many people you know just so so many people but we'll get there and i'll figure it out don't you worry kabloo i feel like there should be some more fire pokemon here i don't know i'm not really finding any i appreciate it cindy i appreciate you guys i the path behind you i think there's got to be something cool up here though there's got to be something like a wisp if nothing else no no no john okay okay okay i got this there's gotta be something worth my while up here right like this is the if you are no no come on dear come on come on no no no wait i'm still here oh no oh no oh oh that was horrible no one saw that it's fine oh what are these anything hmm okay so it's masculine yeah and then you jump and throw what the heck okay and then like down a bit there we go hmm jack is better than me at pokemon then why'd i beat him in the showdown tournament why'd i beat him in the tournament why'd i beat him in a 1v1 i don't i don't what are you trying to say oh yes oh i really want one of these come on damn it come on don't don't do this oh don't do the slow motion but you actually like what is the point of the slow motion if they move once you slow motion what chat i hate everything about trying to catch pokemon in the water if i find a shiny in the water i am losing it a hundred percent of the time oh my god like legitimately a hundred percent of the time okay i can i can catch this though i might want to use a quilt well i definitely want to use a quill fish on my team no i think i think this is what we're going to add to the team immediately i really really want to use a quill fish come on there we go oh nice okay can i beat these in one hit i don't know if it goes first oh i'm so screwed what was i thinking what the heck was i thinking uh don't even have a pokemon worth trying to beat here no i do not let's run away yeah okay okay let's uh run through all this wait huh where is the uh the place to go heal i mean i could just teleport but i want to see the sights i want to see what there is to see oh shallows hi what you are not supposed to be difficult to catch like at all what why these things keep freaking out you know what whatever we caught one of them right oh and then finneon fineon immediately gets angry if i know anything about finneon it's a very scary mean fish oh my god i'm so bad at catching these water pokemon oh my god oh wait what's this oh whoa that's cool is this is this important should i take a picture i don't all right whatever i'll keep on keeping on it's pretty cool what is that oh you okay i can do this just uh what what are we talking about thank you oh come on whatever i tried my best i tried my best damn it okay let's just let's run back and we'll we'll leave maybe a shiny will pop up oh what do you want from me what do you want from me old man [Music] okay sure what do you need why do not have him a choke if i can try and catch one okay uh ah there he is wait is it worth trying to get one of you know what screw it let's do this you know what old man i got you covered i got you covered old man uh yeah fire blast hmm that is gonna be difficult to catch because of recoil okay are you you are fainted that's not helpful i am a choke you're going to go for double edge aren't you i've been pretty crazy flamethrower what there's no way that thing just went for flame thrower that's crazy aight leaf blade okay perfect that's exactly what i wanted okay actually if i catch this do i really want to like get rid of it though like if i catch this thing don't i want to keep it i know catching an alpha pokemon supposed to be very difficult but like i don't know we're here right why not it's at like no hp it'd be kind of cool damn okay no it's gonna be dead no well i did my best i guess okay well let's just keep on keeping on i guess fair fair fare hmm all right you i i think i'm fine to do that we might actually get another star for this we got some good money which is always fun huh oh absolutely five stars perfect did you say splendiferous i think he just said splendiferous wait no did he heal my pokemon he needs to heal my pokemon please like he did not oh my team is healed oh perfect okay well let's go do the thing because we have another star to earn and probably they're going to tell us about the next mission so i would like you to give me another star captain five-star general five-star general boot wait does this mean i'm only halfway through the game i feel like i've played like way longer to be like way farther through that's kind of crazy wing balls okay sure makes sense i'm definitely going to play a decent amount off-screen chat like i'm not going to do anything within the story but i am definitely going to like get a bunch more resources ready to go and like fill out the pokedex a bit it does feel like i'm so worried i'm going to find my first shiny off stream and that would absolutely bum me out so hopefully we can end the stream with the shiny that would be really cool okay uh what's next [Music] hey it's my man i'm pretty good kamado i'm pretty good at my job what's next we're able to get rid of that rift it should clear any lingering doubts about your origins though how we might actually close the rift i haven't the slightest idea ah we'll get there do we get there big guy we'll get there when we get there back to the potato meal of course well i mean i can dodge some attacks and i would never lose to an arcanine in a battle once okay i have an idea of how i want to end the stream i think we're at a pretty good spot wait this guy huh wait interesting so i expected it all oh what's going on okay you must go to the cornet highlands to quell another frenzied noble electrode oh that's fun oh and we can actually get a voltorbs but wait don't let me forget i need to grab a quill fish i don't know how quillfish evolves though chad do you guys know how cool fish evolves in this game who is this dude scarecrow sketch [Laughter] what's going on here is my man scarecrow how exactly did you intend to discuss electrode without me it's mighty warden well now we just do it man we're not trying to humiliate you don't you sneer at me you are the least intimidating guy here what are we doing here come on the sneer is not for you kill me with kindness it is clear that the security corps need even further rounds of training for me later okay that mellie the security corps will sob themselves to sleep tonight thanks to you you have your order see it see to it that the electrode is quelled hey i got you big guy i absolutely gotcha okay okay we're off to the electrode oh would i have to battle someone ah man it's so weird that battling is my least favorite part of this game like i it's just so different than anything i've experienced in pokemon usually battling is like the peak like the high point in this game it's like oh i gotta battle you and your leafeon come on boo okay this should be pretty simple call mine leafeon that's not what i expect we're gonna take that thing out immediately a little bit of a brave bird obliterate the leafeon whoa oh wow i thought that was an easy kill okay quick attack that's not gonna do much as long as leafeon doesn't take me out though we're fine i did a little bit more than i wanted to see another what okay maybe no we don't even have quick for that but we could yeah agile style the roost and then we get to brave bird i don't really know how this works at all wait what no but i went quick oh man oh wait no it did work nice perfect i figured this out i know how to play pokemon i kind of know how to play pokemon at least i'll say oh it's gonna get two attacks off but it can't kill me and that's the important thing all right roost strong style heal up i'm not letting my starter lose to a freaking eevee i don't care it won't happen not on my watch they're gonna get two quick attacks off and we just beat it up with a fighting move okay come on easy there we go battle decided perfect yeah no more staring at me exactly thank you out of man thank you finally someone understands okay he's still staring at me come on i saw the sneer don't think i didn't see the sneer wait cylene oh ah calling me back into the office man there's too much dialogue in this game like you dialogue to dialogue to battle to more dialogue could we have like cut out just a little bit of this head to juve life village training grounds oh perfect okay so i'm absolutely not doing that right now that sounds not fun like no part of that sounds fun so what we're gonna do instead let's go grab the quill fish hello uh where is it right now over here and goldfish is dark water so we're actually probably gonna put him over hopkins for now does anyone know how quillfish evolves though like does anyone know how cool fish evolves in this game either way my plan is for the end of the stream a la last ditch shiny hunt adventure bar barrage 20 times in strong style okay interesting well let me see if it has that move if i can give it to it uh change moves okay i bar barrage right there um it's a pretty good move it's not better than poison jab but like whatever okay that feels pretty good all right we're gonna end we're gonna spend the end of the stream shiny hunting i would love to get a shiny before the stream ends so that is my goal i'm not gonna use a shiny hunting method we've tried that multiple times and we have failed mostly out of deep frustration wait no no no [Music] oh my god this game kills me sometimes just let me take a quick pause in the action dude just a quick pause yoho come on oh i'm actually so bummed about that oh let me take a quick pause do you know how many poke why do you not have any pokeballs no i want to just buy some pokeballs someone's got to sell me them right uh yeah it's yeah perfect that nice there we go okay let's let's go deal with this so we can actually finish this the way i'm hoping to finish it what annoying thing are you gonna have me do what's going on ingo sure how so he read one day oh wait he came from the gen five games yo wait what wait he came from the gen five games that's crazy okay that's actually kind of cool okay i do like that no he doesn't look like the subway boss battle in unova he is the subway boss battle from unova that's exactly who he is he's from black and white yeah he's from the 5th gen games gen 5 confirmed gen 5 confirmed [Music] okay so this is what my plan is chat we are going to run through here try to get a shiny spawn if nothing spawns we're going to come back and just run around for a bit and see if we can get lucky with a shiny we're gonna get a lot of things to spawn run back a lot of things to spawn run back we just need one shiny i haven't gotten any yet i feel like i could get a little bit luckier let's just see we need the shiny noise to pop up which i've not heard one time chad if you're gonna come into my chat and tell me that my friend is better than me because you like him more as a youtuber can you please spell his name right minor ask chad if you're going to hop in the stream and tell me that purple cliff is better than me can you spell his name right dude what are we doing chad like oh my god what are we doing okay wait wait shiny shiny yes yes yes okay yes i i said it i said it i said we were gonna get a shiny yes okay okay it is the one shiny i have said multiple times today that i don't want to find but it whatever man it doesn't matter let's just let's just get it let's just get the shiny come on please yes we got a shiny okay we we we got a shiny okay chat what if i said i was not satisfied with one shiny what if i say we're going for two what if i say double or nothing chat come on huh what are we thinking what are we thinking why not us let's go let's go come on come on i got a taste we got a geodude and that's it no we can get something cooler we can get something cooler come on chat this is it i've got a feeling come on we can go anywhere come on we can do this why not there's already been five hours what's another five well that's not we're not gonna do that that'd be crazy i want one cool shiny geodude i mean i'm not gonna put geodude on my team that's my only that's my only sadness with geodude but a shiny's a shiny and we're gonna get them all baby come on okay we just need that sparkle that's not what i like to see the pokemon 7 guarantee exactly ryan i appreciate you you get it you just absolutely get it okay okay hey we i don't think we have one of these yet why not actually i think we might i don't know and i can beat you up very easily water move obliterate this guy destroy em boom easy okay okay do we try to get the shiny frog chat do we try to get the shiny frog that's the question i think we do i think we do i think we do it you hey sure i only caught one pokemon it's a shiny damn it it's a shiny and you no it's special okay cool wait so what does it show that i got a shiny how does this work can i like go through and like see that i got the shiny how does that work oh hey misty thank you very much five dollars should i look for you accidentally murk my shiny frog no oh i would not make that mistake and i will not return to the village okay chat if you haven't left the like if you haven't subscribed now's the time we're we're gonna do something special here huh let's save let's do the thing you an outbreak no outbreak that's fine is this where we need to go i think it is okay we're going all in all right what we need to do is we're gonna see pokemon and then check our pokedex to see if we're if we have level uh 10 for them because that's gonna help level nine for roselia uh gastly's at level nine okay you're there okay okay we want to get level 10 on everything here so that when we're shiny hunting we're actually making sure we're not wasting time carnivane level five okay let's go beat up some carnivanes okay perfect i trust me this makes a lot of sense chat i paris i'm not dealing with you i am under no no way shape or form dealing with you cricket are you kidding me what are you doing here i'm not crooked none of you guys are that cool or exciting okay psyduck now we can do better carnivane all right we do need to use quill fish because we do want to evolve them and we can use the strong style with this so perfect we need to get 20 strong styles to evolve quillfish all right that's what we're looking for purple bricks is better i assume that was on purpose or maybe it's just another child that does not know how to spell purple cliff's name they're like autocorrects just got him in a box either way i i want to believe that was just a fun joke because that was that's something chad please promise me that you guys would never go to another person's chat and say pokemon 7 is better like even if that means that you guys don't like me as much as other people like other creators audiences like them i much prefer that please just never please never go to someone else's chat and say pokemon 7 better or anything like that i really please like a very small ask okay perfect what what i'm gonna beat you up with a quill fish okay a blue okay we're going to get tangled up to level 10 pretty quickly and we're getting tangled we're getting quillfish ready to evolve which i'm pretty excited about actually so let's just keep beating these guys up oh my god that's crazy darko's congrats on that congrats on that that's sick okay um i don't think we've done like anything for onyx or stunky and it immediately got angry with me i don't care okay to the frogs hippos i think we already have them where we need them to be okay no shiny frog that's fine no shiny frogs hmm all right where are the frogs come on i have faith come on there you go just running all around i did not like that okay oh i do not have a pedal might as well right why is that oh goobies oh wait wait wait we haven't caught gumi yet let's do that i didn't even know guy and gu guy me i didn't even know goomy was here nice perfect could you imagine we got a shiny goomy that'd be crazy perfect hmm yeah let's get gumi to level 10. i don't see a reason not to if we're gonna hunt in this area we want to get as many of these guys to level 10 better okay perfect all right uh obi kobe toby nice nice come on perfect i gumi is working better working out better than i thought it would it would not shock me if gumi was a difficult to catch pokemon but so far so good and goomby's adorable who's beating me up hey goby what the heck i thought we were pals come on all right we only got two more bob barb barrage is left okay we got one more and then we just we go back we heal and we reset evolve it to its final form because it was steel dragon oh yeah no i mean getting nagumi on the team is probably what we're about to go do because it just like why wouldn't i wait that's not shiny is it no it's not okay um and then we just go up here perfect oh we're being okay crap crap crap we gotta get out of here maybe find a shiny on her way that'd be kind of cool on the way shiny on the way shiny on the way and now we can go back up here okay thank you you get money pretty quickly in this game which is nice perfect let's return to the village now we reset the spawns we can go grab a goomy so we can put gumi on the squad i do think that's a good call i don't see a reason not to have gumi uh is that the message i want to hear all right perfect um okay who do i want to put gumi on the team over though that is a good question i think gumi is a pokemon we want to throw on here for sure ooh this one seems significantly better than the others like way better so we're going to put this one on who do we put it on maybe over floatzel probably over floatzel i mean not having a water type is gonna feel a little interesting but we do have water pulse on gumi so uh let's give it maybe some new moves if anything nope has the perfect moves hi what are we naming quill fish and what do we name in gumi throw out some nicknames throw out some nicknames and we'll name them jimmy for the quill spicy boy oh no goo god oh oh pinhead i'm all in on this just being pinhead i think i think that's fine hi spongebob reference is always gonna gonna work with someone my age doll in or gumi though i have not seen any good names for gumi yet igloo mrs puff oh i might have to go back and do mrs puff uh i mean well i will see gary tommy oh my god turbo's pretty decent turbo is the only acceptable nickname i've seen so far i'm gonna go with turbo see these nicknames is a lot less like it's lower stress than if they were like shiny so they were shiny i need to make sure they were you know the best nicknames possible but i'm feeling pretty good about that okay there's an outbreak okay chat we're going for it i'm not gonna do the method of resetting we're just gonna hey hey grip it and rip it we're going out there and if it works it works if it doesn't work it doesn't work all of the marbles come down to just this one having shinies no method no nothing if it works it works let's see come on why not i see all the frogs any of you could have been shiny okay into the water out of the water all right let's do this where are they there they are i see them all right let's do this dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun i'm not doing a great job chat i'm not doing a great job i'm doing a horrible job no okay i am choking okay any more spawn okay he's running away from me he does not like me he's called me ugly five times yes there we go still another one boom got him okay i mean i mean we're we're getting pet a little up to level 10 if nothing else um there's a few of them hiding you look amazing not ugly i don't know what made you want to say that thank you kind of for that compliment okay let's catch the gooms doom squad i see you goomy is that one of the pedals i'm going to beat you up with a quill fish and there's nothing you can do about it goomy i'm going to beat you up buddy get out of there one two three strikes and you're out old ball game okay the outbreak should be over unless this counts for the outbreak which is crazy if it does okay we've not had any luck with that method but i'm sure hey i'm sure after the stream i can figure it out okay oh i thought i had it i i got it that time that's for sure all right let's keep riding around you never know we might find something okay i see the purple thing we got that if nothing else what's my favorite pokemon ammo swine a shiny teddy ursa would be really cool another shiny geodude would break my heart shinyon was pretty beautiful okay okay this is how you spawn a lot of pokemon quickly chat i don't think i've caught a yanma yet i might as well try yeah i don't think i've done anything with the yanma yet how many wild chinese have i got and i just got my first wild shiny recently i have no other ones okay okay a little pedal could be pretty cool pedal is the one that evolves in the little again right i'm not crazy oh ghost thing nice i like i assume it'd be worth collecting all of these chat does one just ask me if i like ice cream have you met anyone that doesn't like ice cream and if so are they okay like do they need a hug like what do i need to like do something to make sure they're okay i'm very worried who who in your lives just who doesn't like ice cream at all there's so many different flavors it's like uh and even if you're like lactose intolerant there's like you know different types of ice cream that are made now for people with lactose intolerant like i mean and even if you are lactose intolerant that's not not liking ice cream that's just like i can't really eat ice cream okay i am ye in my way to find a shiny damn it we will find the shiny i don't care what it takes we will find it all right we came all the way back hi professor hey do the decks i caught some things i'm gonna find my shiny damn it let's do this okay cool return to the village i only got a little bit left guys we only have a little bit more left okay you all right there's not another outbreak that's fine we're just gonna go for it i have a feeling in my bones chat a feeling okay come on i see you yan mega or janma i should say that's fine i think the frogs can spawn over here we are at spawns of the frogs frog spawn wee woo shiny frog where are you you know what you can't stop me you can only slow me down why are there so many sparkles okay well you know what the sparkles are freaking me out so we're gonna get rid of the sparkles what what even is this to way too many sparkles way too many and there's another wisp over here it's fine we're exploring okay perfect we're making some progress now we run over here another wisp in sight and another shiny delight uh all right oh oh god ignore the sligoo all right this lego did not ignore me this lego very much saw me what am i doing okay it's fine into the water they can't do anything about me here haha i know there's probably better ways to shiny hun but now that they give you a sound when a shiny pops up i don't know it's pretty satisfying just to spawn and just go wee-hee i don't space my satchel well that's lame okay i know you know we can we can get back up here okay i kind of goofed up no god no ah chad i genuinely hate the the wordier climbing mechanics are really frustrating okay poison is also what like what is happening why does poison make it so you can't ride okay we gotta do this do that and then wait where was the wisp thing there it is oh cool okay in a meadow i don't even think i've been here before oh togepi i don't think i've caught that but that doesn't matter we can d we can deal with that another day okay we're almost back let's get some more spawns oh come on there we go okay can i go up here oh no oh no word here okay dude go go go go go go go come on come on buddy there we go we can do this yeah this is speed shiny hunting this is what we live for okay all right back to the camp back to the camp all right give me an outbreak let's end it on an outbreak i'm ready we're gonna end it on an outbreak we're gonna run over to the frog see if there's a shiny frog go back rinse repeat do i enjoy how much the open world is absolutely i'm running like a crazy man looking for shinies this is incredibly fun like this is just ridiculous hunting in gameplay shiny hunting is a genuinely boring thing to do and this game is making it very fun have i caught a shiny i've caught one shiny it is the shiny that i said multiple times in the stream i did not want i'm still very happy i got a shiny i am a little bummed out it was a geodude okay let's run over where the goomies are i'd love a shiny goomy because the goomies are here yes shiny goomy boomy goomy goomy gummy goomy goomy wait that wasn't a shiny noise now okay yeah we go back i want one more outbreak i want one more come on we can do this chat one more outbreak and we're good hmm what is the shiny noise in this game when a shiny pops up a uh like a noise actually like happens in the game so you know that there's a shiny and you don't miss it what is the noise i mean like i don't i i can't replicate it for you it would just be worth like looking up someone finding a shiny i think okay run through the frog swamps come on shiny frog where are you little guy okay then pop up i will not add the first shiny i got to the team i have no desire to have a shiny geodude on the team it's just not very cool okay hmm oh we could get a shiny tighter so that'd be cool okay let's go back one more time and see if there's an outbreak if not we may be calling it quits okay let's see come on oh one more ride chat one more ride for a shiny if you haven't left to like leave a like if you haven't subscribed subscribe i will be live again tomorrow but the final ride okay come on guys what's over here let's let's we haven't really gone over here let's see up there's some frogs here you never know ralts i haven't caught a waltz yet okay hmm all right flowers it's over here padou that's fine so many pokemon are spawning you never know right oh a lot of frogs a lot of frogs sound the frog alarm we whoop wee whoop okay there's so many frogs here oh my god it's a frog haven this is where i deserve to be this is where i need to be get back up there get back up there okay it's fine okay psyduck or golduck i should say not worried about you buddy you're not that guy goomy you could be that guy you could be okay teddy ursa come on okay wait shiny shiny wait wait wait where where where where wait no no so so [Music] foreign foreign uh come on come on man are you kidding me are you kidding me [Music] this thank you guys for watching the stream if you have not already left a like a like would mean a lot if you have not subscribed subscribe for future streams i will be live again tomorrow i will find another shiny if you if you want to see the vods uh pokemon 7 vods if you would like to see more clips exclamation point twitter exhibition point instagram it'd be the world you followed me there shiny geodude shiny graveler goodbye
Channel: PM7 VODs
Views: 163,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemen7, pokemen7 plays, pokemen7 stream, pokemen7 plays stream, pokemon live stream, live stream, pokemon legends arceus, new pokemon game, pokemon legends, pokemon legends: arceus, pokemon legends arceus pokemen7, pokemon legends arceus stream, pokemon legends arceus live stream, pokemon legends arceus day 1, pokemon arceus, legends arceus, arceus, pokemon legends arceus live, pokemen7 live, pokemon legends arceus boss battle, boss battle, noble arcanine, arcanine
Id: 8btINBiK3n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 37sec (10717 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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