Plum Perfect: Brew Wine Like a Pro!

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behind me over here this is a Victoria Plum it's your traditional type dark Plum that you might buy at the supermarket and it is super sweet really really tasty the problem is they're actually not perfect for making plum wine or Plum side or anything like that because they don't have enough tannins we have got some other plums that will definitely add the tannins because they have that bitterness on the skin still very sweet inside but the skin certainly has a lot of tannins these are phenomenal so tasty this is the other Plum Tree which is just Laden with Plums passes by are eating them all the time and that's perfectly fine because we just have so many if you look up above there are just tons and tons of plums on here we'll definitely have plenty to make a whole lot actually look at that that is incredible before we get started crushing up our plums I need to reiterate how important cleaning sanitizing and sterilizing is when you're doing any sort of home brewing whether that's making beer wine cider it doesn't matter this is hugely important as important as it is when you're making hot sauce and if you want to know how to make hot sauce I have plenty of videos on my channel go check them out and you can find out how to make some really spicy stuff the vwp it doesn't have to be vwp this is just what I use it's cheap and it's very effective this stuff when you finish using it you have to rinse off whatever you've cleaned because you do not want those going inside your Brew the second stuff that is Magic is star sand the eye make a spray that I use and that will just go on everything that I'm going to be using its prime ingredient is phosphoric acid phosphoric acid is the same stuff that's inside Coca-Cola and at the dilution rates that this needs to be diluted again this is very very concentrated this is perfectly safe not to rinse off so it's what's called a no rinse sanitizer foreign [Music] just crush them down into there a bit more time consuming but get the job done and you can of course if you have a juicer use that instead another way of doing this is with a food mill in fact this is probably the best way to do it if you're doing a small batch because these things are just so effective I love this thing I use it for my hot sauce making as well but if you get a good one like this and I'll link it down below it is just fantastic we have had a long day it is now quarter past five we've been picking plums most of the morning and most of the afternoon we've been processing these plums to make our lovely juice we have just over 15 liters one Camden tablet needs to be added to this juice put it on a spoon and then another spoon on top and give it a bit of a crush and it should do exactly that and we're going to put that straight in the reason for it is because you want to kill any of the wild yeasts that are in here because we're going to be adding a yeast to this tomorrow and that's going to make sure that it has a nice clean fermentation and it's going to also have a decent alcohol content [Music] we're going to need is [Music] now the yeast I'm using today is ec118 ec118 is a very well known yeast that is used for wines that you want to get a decent ABV above 10 12 percent the other yeast I would use is the one that I used in my past cider video which is super wine yeast I actually couldn't get hold of any for this video so I'm going to be using some of this instead the fact is you can use wild yeast that exists naturally on these things but it's a bit of a Gamble and you don't know exactly what you're going to get at the end yeast nutrients actually aren't that essential because there's there's a lot of nutrients available for the yeast anyway in these type of fermentations but I like to add a little bit of yeast nutrients it just helps that fermentation along the way when it comes to making the wine clearer you want something called peptolase now not only does this help with clearing the wine but also it helps with pulling more juice out of the plums something else that helps with Clarity is bentonite if you didn't want to use both then I would definitely go with the pectilates but I like to use bentonite as well something that I would also add is citric acid or here we have just plain old lemon juice the problem you have is that the majority of the acid inside a plum is malic acid which isn't ideal the more malic acid it has the more tart it's going to be at the end or you could even say maybe bitter or sour there are two last ingredients you're going to need the first one is sugar I need about 10 kilograms of it because I'm picking around 50 liters of this stuff and the last ingredient is water now you can use tap water if you can get bottled water quite cheaply then use that instead but if you are using tap water the majority of the time there's going to be chlorine in it so you need to off gas that chlorine just stick the water in a bucket for about half an hour and all that chlorine will come out of the water if your water happens to have chloramine in it then I'd recommend using a Camden tablet half a candle tablet like we used earlier in the video foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] to seven days you'll notice that fermentation is slowing down what you'll also notice is that this top layer which would have collected up quite a bit of particles like the fruit as well as a bit of foam and things like that would have dropped out and you'll see that this is starting to become clear now all that stuff has dropped out including all the dead yeast is sitting at the bottom you can see this nice layer at the bottom and this is what the pack to lays is helping with as well as the Bentonite the next step for us is to take this clearer liquid off of the top of this and move it up into another fermenting container foreign look through the barrel there you can see where the bottom layer is keep the bottom of the siphon just above the layer and you can just push it up against the bucket and you'll be able to see it so I'm just going to hold it right above there and we'll see how much we can get off of the good stuff you can also keep an eye on the top here or the pipes where there's liquid is siphoning through make sure that it's remaining clear so that the bottom of the siphon is not touching the rubbish at the bottom and this is looking pretty good obviously it's a little bit opaque but that's because of the juice we're using but there's no particles or anything running through that's actually looking really really good I've stopped siphoning and it might look like I'm wasting quite a lot there's probably about another two liters of good stuff over there the problem is it's getting to the point that the siphon is starting to pick up some of the stuff down the bottom as well as some of the stuff from the top over there you just get much better flavors if you can keep this stuff as clear as possible when you shift it over into the secondary fermentation so we've pretty much filled up another one of these so it's about 30 liters and we also filled up one of these which is exactly what I wanted to do because you'll be able to see things a little bit better inside this Demi John because it is glass so we need to close these up and let them carry on fermenting foreign it's finally time for us to taste our creation what a very strong Plum smell in my opinion that tastes incredible I'm not sure whether I want to actually make it fizzy hmm let me go and check with Mrs chili chump if she wants to give this a try she has tried this and she definitely approves so she likes a Pinot Grigio Blanc that sort of thing so that sort of dryness and she says that it's pretty much on par with that she can get a little hint of the plums same as I can but it's not overwhelming if you weren't told that this is made from plums you would assume it was made from grapes like a typical wine I'll link below where you can get this thing it's really handy really easy to use as well [Music] to get this to be sparkling all that we need to do is add a little bit more sugar this is going to reactivate some of the yeast that are in here and after about a week or so it's going to infuse it with some CO2 to use five grams of sugar just in the bottom of the beer bottle if you are going to be adding sugar like I've done to get this to be a little fizzy and you cap it off with a crown top like this or something else that can seal it make sure you give it a good shake before you put it away for the last part of this fermentation which is basically fermenting the little bit of sugar we've added to create the bubbles the CO2 I hope that you try this recipe and if you do let me know what you think of it down below in the comments until the next video thanks for watching and stay spicy [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ChilliChump
Views: 14,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fruit Wine, Wine, Wine Education, Wine Clarity, Practical Technology, Tasting Wine, How To Taste Wine, Spicy Recipes, Plum Fermentation, White Wine, Tannin Extraction Methods, Chillichump, Plum Wine Recipe, Tannins In Plum Wine, Wine Tasting, Dark Plum Wine, Tannin Tips, Red Wine, Traditional Plum Wine, Home Brewing, Taste Wine, Tasting Cheap Wine, Yeast For Plum Wine, Plum Wine, Chillichump Wine, Cheap Wine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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