Making Plum Wine: 1 Gallon

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hey got three pounds of plums just lying around let's make some plum wine hi i'm charles and welcome to diy fermentation your channel for doing fermentation on a shoestring budget of course as always if you like what you hear please click on the subscribe button and i will try and review these on a more regular basis okay to make this wine we need the following ingredients we need roughly three to five pounds of plums we need four cups of sugar wine yeast your choice tea bag for tanning lemon for acid blend i'm gonna be using a peptic enzyme because i'm dealing with fresh fruit that's gonna make things easier for clarification straining bags optional gallon water something to do primary fermentation in jar jug demijohn carboy take your pick to do secondary fermentation in air liquid stopper definitely will help with that and hydrometer to help us determine our alcohol levels the first thing we need to do is that we need to wash these plums they're not organic so you know what chemicals they use to get them to turn out so well but just to be on the safe side i'm gonna just give these a quick little quick little rinse [Music] [Music] as long as we're in the kitchen we may as well go ahead and start uh getting our water heated pour off a little bit for the tea to use as a tannin and the rest of it in every pot and we want to bring that up to a boil tea bag you might as well go ahead and just simmer that the same amount of time cover that up and wait for that to come to a boil now that our water has come to a nice good boil we can actually turn that off and our tea is looking good so we can go ahead and turn that off as well now would be a good time to go ahead and add our four cups of sugar now that's all well and dissolved we might as well just go ahead and put in our canon substitute we've got a quick stir we can go ahead and cover that up while it's still nice and warm because we need to go ahead and remove the pits and do a rough chop on our plums let's go ahead and get these plums prepared using a sharp knife careful not to kill yourself with it let's go ahead and see if we can remove the pit which of course is never easy we need the stems we don't need those that's a fair amount of work for a small little pit but got several more to do so let me get to it the last one and i quickly discovered that if you cut it in half and then just give it a twist you pretty much eliminate the problem of having to dig out that seed go ahead and chop these up in the quarters or however small you like them and again with that last piece to get rid of that seed again just go ahead and cut it in half and just pull out the seed go ahead and chop these up and let's get those into string bags or rather let's hope that we can get these in the stream bags pretty big chunks again if you don't have straining bags don't worry about it all right look some pretty good use two bags ready to tie that off all right that's one with our plums now cut up the next thing we want to do is go ahead and take that water we had on the stove and we want to just go ahead and pour those pour that in i mean yeah i could have just put the put the plums in the pot but i'm doing it this way only because i need this pot for something else later on and i need to wait for all of this to come down to room temperature in this thin aluminum pot or pan is going to cool down a lot quicker than just leaving it in the big pot plus i'm going to be using cannon tablets so we still got another day before we start fermentation now the lum juice has come down to a good slightly warm but still close enough to room temperature we're going to go ahead and put this into our fermenter if i can do this carefully somewhat carefully that's why i stopped doing this on the dino table and started doing this in the kitchen sink all right and of course we want our plums to go in there as well where they can do some good and pour in the rest of that plum goodness next thing we're going to do is go ahead and put in our lemon juice that we just squeezed earlier and the final thing we want to do is put in our pectin enzyme again if you don't have it don't worry about it but if you do follow the instructions on your packet and just go ahead and incorporate that and finally let's go ahead and give that a little bit of a swirl put our cap on loosely and we'll just put this on the counter and just let it set the next 12 hours give that peptic enzyme time to do its thing and then we'll pick it up from there now the picnic enzyme has done its work we can go ahead and pitch our yeast and if we can just go ahead and sprinkle that on there abouts i think this time i'm gonna give it a little swirl put my cap back on and for the next three to five days just come in give it another little swirl stir if you need to after about seven days we can go ahead and remove our plum out of the mixture discard those we can then wrap those into our cardboard demijohn jar jug whatever you've got and start the process of secondary fermentation every six weeks or so we'll go ahead and rack that into another another jar jug cardboard and repeat that process every six weeks or so until the plum wine has become clear at which point in time you can go ahead and bottle it and let it age for up to a year before you're ready to start drinking so until then enjoy [Music] you
Channel: DIY Fermentation
Views: 25,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wine, how to make plum wine, plum wine, homemade plum wine, plums, african-american, how to make wine, homemade wine, fermentation, diyfermentation, how to make 1 gallon of wine
Id: vEeTH1X5I8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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