Radical Prayer

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grab your Bibles let's get to the heart of the matter there is work to do on today I am running on fumes and faith thank you that was real smooth but the question was do now [Music] so I don't praise till my zipper came down [Music] now you're gonna tell me in front of everybody what I'm supposed to do now excuse me it is what it is just happy to see my wife [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] I was out of town last night I did a concert and I preached in st. Louis and so we literally got in got up at 3 o'clock to catch a 5:00 a.m. flight to be here on time so I could do 7:30 service so literally I'm running on fumes faith and prayers I need people that can get a prayer through they just talk to God because what God wants to do is amazing today what he wants to do is extraordinary is light changing his church changing it really will change the culture of our church and I pray that he would use me mightily in this place I don't take it for granted it's not luck chance no happenstance that God sent us today to do what he's assigned me to do it's a different kind of sermon it's not what I'm used to it's not what you're used to it makes me uncomfortable but I realized that that's when God grows you the best he has to allow you to be in some uncomfortable situations so that he can increase in favor you amen I said amen amen so if you don't mind being uncomfortable I don't either as long as the outcome is that God gets the glory that my life is better that growth happens and that I see increase in favor and that's what I'm confident is going to happen that he's going to use this time that we have with each other to increase and grow the value and the importance of our faith and the prayers that we extend towards God but I figure this out if you don't pray then I can't preach I do better when I got people that spray it so if you don't mind praying just shout hallelujah tell your neighbor we in good hands then we're in good hands turn with me to Luke the 18th chapter one verse first verse Luke 18 and one it's just one verse but this verse is so power packed it's so incredible so next level that I think it's going to change the dynamic of everything that we do we don't have pictures today I don't know if there we have pictures of over there in there in the announcements so I want make sure that we have some pictures for next week so we can show you some of the progress that's being made but those of you who have not seen all the debris the dust and all the stuff that's out in the parking lot it's because growth is happening they're building out our student ministry area right now I'm super excited about what they're doing and what God is doing in us this season and so I can't wait for our young people to enjoy and experience their own space their own facility that's uniquely designed and structured set up just for them Luke the 18th chapter the first verse when you sound it found it say Amen I'll read it to you allowed it says simply this and he spake a parable unto them to this end that men ought always to pray and not to faint and he spake a parable unto them to this end and men ought to always pray and not faint how often said one more time men ought to how long o ways pray and not faint not it's a preaching moment I can't do it without you I need your help I need you to preach through me I need your strength I need got your wisdom your acumen your capability and your competency so they're not gonna accomplish what you set up for me to accomplish I need you to get the glory out of this moment do something miraculous do something different just blow our minds and have your magnificent way in this place and do something God that will change everything in our lives we thank you that you're able and we thank you that you will in Jesus name that every expecting heart shout hallelujah and amen you may be seated in the presence of our phenomenal God those of you who are just joining us this month let me bring you very briefly bring you up to speed I've been dealing with the subject of radical radicals specifically radical faith and I was torn today because I had the option to preach one of two sermons since I wasn't able to preach on last week I really have last week's sermon in my pocket as well and so I was really torn when I got here this morning as to which direction to go and it was between radical praise and radical prayer well I kind of concluded based upon my talking to God and his direction is wisdom and even a comfort or peace that he placed in my heart I've kind of concluded that we really don't struggle as a church in the area of praise as a matter of fact we probably should hang a sign somewhere in the lobby that says caution we'll shout we have no problem being excitable and exuberant to express our love appreciation and affinity towards God it is it is no small feat that we are a worshipping and a praising church and so it was really no mystery to me as to how and/or why God would redirect me and steer me more towards teaching on prayer than they did on praise just to give you however the gist or the premise of the message that I would have preached if I taught on radical praise radical of course is outside of the norm it's extraordinary it's something that is not normally done or customary radical is pushing the limits radical is going beyond your comfort and actually allowing yourself to be discomforted in this for the sake of impacting or changing somebody's life or some circumstance so to be radical as a Christian to be radical as a believer is to step outside of your comfort zone and impact somebody's life affirmatively with the good news of Jesus Christ amen any radical Christians here today I just want to check and make sure any radical Christians on my global campus I am I'm excited about the move of God that he's already begun because I see that you have taken on this responsibility in a great way and you're encouraged to go out and to reach beyond yourself recognizing the value of your life is not in what you acquire but it's in what you give it's in your ability to offer them the greatest gift we have to give anybody which is Jesus Christ that makes us a radical church that makes us radical because we're going against everything that everybody else says everything that is our norm everything that could have been and we're doing what God has instructed to do even in the face of opposition or even in the face of contention or division and that makes us a radical group of people I just want to test this is a test just just a test all the radical Saints in heads let me just hear you make noise then I'm in the right Church y'all fooled me for a minute I was a little nervous is this my church but this is a church that's really on fire just to win souls for Jesus Christ to tell people that God is still good that he loves them in spite of this is a church that's more consumed with lives that are changed by the power of God then we are about doing church radical makes you a ministry and not a church and there is a difference there's a distinction that there are some people who will major in church but they never experienced ministry ministry means we go outside of ourselves and we reach for other people and pull them into the joy that's unspeakable and full of glory of God the peace that surpasses all understanding that's what it is to do ministry if I had to do it in the in a brief synopsis to be radical as appraiser is simple here's this is what I would have talked if I were teaching this today to be radical as appraiser assembly this praise is an expression of appreciation it is it is in adulation it is it is to literally give God the accolades that he deserves and it is to do it in an exuberant fashion or to do it in a fashion that is visible and known to praise God is an outward sign of an inward appreciation are you with me so to be a radical praise that we know praise we major in praise our church can praise God with the best of them but to be a radical prazer means that you stand at the tomb of a dead situation and before he ever even says move the stone before you see the resurrection occur before you see it brought back to life you're already celebrating the fact that God is working it out no I'm sorry has already worked it out you're just waiting on the manifestation of what God is about to do when my radical praises that can see it before you see it that can shout for it even before you have it that can praise God even though it's not yet done you already see the house you see the increase the favor you see the healing you see your children save you see your neighborhood reaching Greeks for the glory of God you see your community change you see it before you see it slap somebody until they can see no you didn't slap him I'm watching you you didn't slap if you scare you should have sent by somebody else you got to see it before you see it the Bible says we walk by and not by and not by sight we don't look at what it looks like we look at what God said and when you learn to see what God says you'll be able to see yourself in a better situation better circumstance better capacity than you see right now and the radical Prazeres are the people that don't have to have it in the bank but they're shouting about it in advance that haven't already completed the degree but they're praising God because they know it's on the way that hasn't yet seen the manifestation of it but they're thanking God because they know it's already done I got about 20 radical phrases in here I think God be the glory so radical is simply to reach beyond yourself radical praise is to praise God in advance of receiving the manifestation of what it is you're believing him for but this one is very important it's very powerful they're not really what I believe God lent me and directed me to instruct on this to teach on this today because this is the one that gets the least attention in our worship experience in our ministry life or in our church world and that's radical prayer it is quite unfortunate that we spend a lot of our time in praise and in worship but if you notice it's a very rare occasion when people are really focused and make prayer a priority and here's here's something that I want I want to offer this is a thesis of mine of my sermon right here that you can't have a powerful Christian life if you don't have a powerful prayer life it is just as much important to have a prayer life as it is to have a praise and worship life it is just as much important as to have a prayer life as it is for you to get here and to attend worship on a Sunday morning it is so important that God mentioned it throughout the course of of the text of the scripture that that he over and over again made sure that we knew that it was a priority to him as a matter of fact here's some numerical values 508 times you will read the scriptures and it says the word pray 128 times you can read the Word of God and you'll see the word prayer 65 times you'll read the scriptures and it was it will show you the value and the importance of the word prayed so 508 times it says pray 128 times it says prayer and 65 times it says prayed the only reason it appears so often in the scriptural text is because of the measure of value and importance that God has placed on the need for prayer and unfortunately many of us have gotten accustom to allowing prayer to be something small minut minuscule or something that's not really a value or merit it's not at the top of our list of priorities when we think about our Christian life or Christian lifestyle but and here's what I've also noted the busier we get the less we pray but the busier you get the more you need to pray you've heard this colloquialism new levels new levels new levels equate to new Devils so in other words let me give it to you a different way the higher you ascend the more he increases you the higher he elevates your life the more attacks you're going to be subject to so guess what the more prayer you need to have in your life there's several things about prayer that I want you to understand because again this is gonna be different but I'm excited about what God's gonna do but before I can do that I want to make sure that we completely or we have at least a general understanding it won't be an in-depth to training and teaching because I've taught on this several times before there are there are several things about prayer that I think people it escapes them and I hope that God drops them in my spirit so I can drop some of those nuggets into your life today but here's some foundational things about prayer first thing is that prayer has a purpose it is not for nothing prayer has a purpose and it is so it is so a priority in the mind of God that in Samuel he says I won't commit the sin of prayerlessness so not having a prayer life is actually sinning against God I want to let that sit in for a few minutes because a lot of times we feel like prayer again is something that's careless and can be thrown to the wind but if you don't have a prayer life as a believer you are literally walking outside of the will of God that's how serious God is that he would even give us a commandment men ought to oh how often he even says it in a different way pray without ceasing you've got to be mindful that it is a priority to God and anything that is a priority to the mind of God he gives us in the Word of God and anything as a priority to him should be a priority to us that's if we're going to live a true Christian lifestyle and here's is a thing I figured out there's a lot of people who want to claim Christianity as their own but they don't want to claim the Christ they want to say I'm a believer but I believe in God but they don't want to honor who God really is and you honor who God really is by doing what God has instructed you to do he says if you love me keep my Commandments and so when he commands us trucks us that we should pray it should be such a priority to us that our Christian walk is not complete until we learn how to have a prayer life are y'all with me and some of you that is that is that fatigue or is that conviction if you can't say Amen just say ouch prayer has a purpose first thing you need to understand about that purpose is that it's not man's idea it's God's idea man didn't invent this concept and come up with it and say you know it I need to just stop every now and then and have a conversation with God no God said talk to me you're talking to everybody else but talk to me you're having conversations about me but you're really not talking to me you know of me but I can't even get a relationship with you you want to know how to fall in love with somebody do it the same way fall in love with God do it the same way you fell in love with somebody else you remember you talked all the time I mean what you doing nothing and it's the same thing today I don't care you know you you know we used to have to week we're gonna talk to somebody we had to dial like this and then tell nosey sister so-and-so on the party line to hang up I really took something your way back right there that's my Arkansas roots coming out it's the same thing now you just you just you just text tweet snapchat whatever your thing is WI D some of the senior saying since what did he just curse no that's wth I'm just trying to school y'all I'm trying to help you out what you doing nothing what you got to do today nothing but you got all wait about 15 more minutes you're gonna get the same round the question what you're doing same thing I was doing ago nothing you didn't care you just want to hear each other breathe let's just go to sleep you FaceTime me i FaceTime let's just sleep right here all day every day you couldn't shake him you couldn't get rid of him and you didn't even care because you were so enthralled so infatuated so enamored with the individual well imagine imagine if you had the same passion for talking to God and know that he's a God that will send answers right back to you and you're not talking to somebody that can't do anything for you but you're talking to somebody who can do anything for you that's the person you need to be spending your time talking to and it's not an idea that man has created it is God's instruction to his people he says you you you claim me you talk about me you know of me but I don't ever talk to you so essentially I think you're pimping me for my juice can I hear from you every now and then God wants to hear from us imagine your children have gone off to school or they're going off in their own individual lies in their own direction and they never call you but when they call you the only time they call and he drops the mic and walks out the road is when they want something that's how we treat God he wants to hear from us he wants yeah I I say this jokingly but I'm gonna just tell you about it so that you understand the dynamic here but I say this all the time jokingly my staff will they be around me we'll all go out to eat or something and and they'll start praying or their pray over their food and before they can actually put their fork in their food I just put my hand over the plate I said lord I know you don't know that voice but bless this food anyway in Jesus name I feel like I need to put my hand over a whole lot of people's plate today I know you don't know that voice but luck bless them anyway God wants to hear from you tell tell tell your neighbor your daddy is looking for you call him do y'all remember prayer meeting see it used to be a real serious part of the Christian faith in the Christian lifestyle prayer was such a priority that they would even set aside a day of the week where they would have what they call cram meeting and I'm saying a very proper because I'm in the suburbs of Chicago but if I were down south in Arkansas they call it prayer meeting em eet ' in meetin and that's exactly what they would do and they would have prayer for an hour or so where they were literally petitioning God on behalf of one another and on behalf of themselves it was a priority of their lifestyle somewhere along the lines we've lost our way let me even take it a step further not only did they spend time in prayer but even their songs talked about prayer y'all remember this somebody pray for me hang me on them come on that's old-school say it if you know it pray for me oh I'm so glad they pray I'm so glad they pray I'm so glad then I had about 30 different verses the preacher pray that's enough that's enough that's enough that's enough [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] please don't forget to pray thank you Jesus that's enough that's too much just do not stop come on sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down [Applause] yeah snap somebody say that that's when we had prayer meeting so you can see the passion and you see the difference between the old church and the new church you sing a song like that about prayer somebody realized I need prayer I need my brother to pray for my sister I need you praying for my children I need you praying for my health my finances my marriage my money I need you praying for me and they realize I need you praying because the prayers of the righteous availeth much in other words prayer works we have to get back to the day where prayer is so important to us that we're so passionate about it we don't even have to sing a song about it you say let's pray come on what you ain't know yes we've got to pray yes we have to we have to yield ourselves to communicate with God because we need God to communicate with us you know with me prayer is a partnership with God to accomplish his plans on the earth prayer is a partnership so that his will in your life in your marriage and your family and your for his people in this world can be fulfilled prayer is the opportunity for us to first and foremost communicate with God to repent to God to request of the things that we need of God but more importantly so that we can even hear the answers from God prayer umbels us because let's be real it really doesn't even make sense to pray if we look in our practical understanding the Bible says that he knows what we ask before we ask it so in our logical understanding we can rationalize out what I'm gonna answer if you already know it's it's a practical step of humility that says God let me acknowledge you already know what I need but let me make sure you understand I know I can't get what I need if I don't have you working on my behalf are you with me it's also an act of obedience see God says the things that I instruct you to do may not make sense to you but that's why I told you that lean not to your own understanding know all your ways I just need you to acknowledge me and I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna say no don't step this way no no don't go over there no no that doors needs to be shut come around here nah I'll just be steel and stand there because I'm working some stuff out so that when you get there it's already in place sometimes he just needs to get your attention and obedience so that he can do what he needs to do for your life they can't get your attention cuz you won't talk to it he said I just need you to talk to me I know you're so busy you got time to do everything you made time for the grocery clerk you made time in the in the nail shop this week you made time to get your hair done you made time in the barber shop you made time for your friends and listen to all their problems you made time for the doctor for the doctor's visit this week you made time to sit down and deal with the bill collectors you made time to go deal with the job work eight hours you made time to get up and you made time to get off and go and go watch your favorite TV show ratchet TV you don't miss an episode period you made time for everything and he's saying but you don't make time which says that I'm not a priority that communicating with me and my instructions my my my commandment that I've given to you means nothing to you housewives mean more than I do my god merits of medicine means more than I do i'ma call your show in a few minutes I'm coming down tiptoeing down your row right now come on hit Nene talk to me here kandi I see y'all come on scandal y'all going to hell you're going straight to hell Jesus [Applause] here's the scandal the scandal is you call yourself a believer but you don't talk to God that's the scandal you want to know what as candidly as the scandal is you're so busy because you had to get up this morning and turn the Sun on scandal is that you're so busy because you had to you had to fashion a curtain of crimson on the Sun last night and tell the moon at it's time to shine the scandal is that you drew a line in the sand and you told the sea stay right here and don't go any further the scandal is you're so busy that you had to cause the birds to wake and sing this morning the scandal is that you gave breath to your own body scandal is that you clothed yourself in your right mind the scandal is that because of you you got food on your table the scandal is because of you you have a roof over your head that's the scandal it's scandalous because you didn't have anything to do with any of it it's the Lord's doing and it's marvelous in our eyes just whisper it this time cuz I don't want to tell her about his business just say your daddy's looking for you call them prayer has a purpose prayer also has principles there is a way to pray there's a way to pray they're their rules supreme and I don't have time to break all of them down I've taught on this before and if I need to I'll teach on it again but there are rules to prayer they're things that govern our whole concept of prayer and a lot of people don't pray here's why you don't pray you don't pray because you don't think you can you know what people people ask he's like but with somebody lead us in prayer everybody's look the other way I'll be right back because you don't feel like you can pray see I love I love that I've learned in this part of life that that really prayer is just the conversation if you if you start learning to see God as your daddy see Abba Father means daddy God if you start seeing him as your daddy you can talk to him like that when I go to my daddy when I was younger I would I would go and say daddy I don't have any money that I need help daddy this is this is too much for me I don't know how to do this daddy can you show me how to do this and here's why I figured it out some of us were tainted and we don't have the capacity to talk to him like he's our daddy because we had a bad relationship with our earthly daddy but understand that your earthly daddy falters and fails because he's frail and flesh but your heavenly father faileth not there is no shadow of turning within him he's the same yesterday today he's the most stable and consistent thing you will ever experience in your whole life he changes not and his Compassion's fail not and so you don't have to hold him accountable for what your earthly father failed to do and you can talk to him you can have a conversation with him as if you were having a conversation with a friend he calls you his and I know that our cultural context can I just talk about the black church experience for a few few minutes our cultural context has helped to perpetuate this dynamic because we grew up let's just think about it those of you who grew up in church we grew up where we felt like if you didn't pray a certain way you understand what I'm saying and here we are hit by out and body bent and we thank you Lord that last night I bet didn't become a cooling board when I was 28 years old before I figured out what a cooling board was where they praying up a storm moving the building and we can't wait to see the building that's not made by [Applause] and so it is that we feel we can't do all that we look at those I know I know I can't do all that I can't oh no please understand I'm not mocking the black church tradition because I experienced it I feel it I love it I appreciate it and I even do it so I'm not mocking the black church tradition at all but I want to make sure that you're clear if your style of prayer is different it's still good so never be intimidated and believe the hype of the enemy that you cannot pray see I have an ecumenical experience I've been all kind of churches all over the world and I love that my parents allowed me to experience everything Lutheran Pentecostal Church of God in Christ outpost italic Baptist missionary baptist you know as a difference I went I went to end up with the black churches I even with the Asian churches I went to white churches and so I noticed in the context of all of that that there were different ways and approaches that they had to praying in the talk in the gara you know I want my white brothers and sisters will be Lord we just love you so much and we so appreciate your presence today and for years I would think y'all don't know how to braid until I found this text Matthew the sixth chapter verses 7 and 8 says and when you pray do not keep babbling like pagans for they think they will be heard for their many words do not be like them for your father knows what you need before you ask him you can pray newsflash you can you have the gift you got the grace you have the anointing you have the access you have the capacity you have the potential you have free reign to talk to God as if he is your own personal father and then God says I'm gonna take it a step further because I want to give you an example a template a model a design so the disciple said listen Lord we need you to teach us how to pray he said all right I got you Matthew 6 9 through 13 he says pray like this our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine another part 9 is a kingdom the power the glory forever amen 28 31 seconds short sweet complete to the point he taught us he says here's an understand we pray this prayer out of ritual but not relationship we understand it because it has been routine because it has been trained rehearsed and talked but we really don't know what the value of it is or the parts or components even mean the first thing is that our Father Abba Father which is daddy God means that you got to have a personal relationship prayer is relational you're gonna pray you how to have a relationship with God otherwise if he has no relationship with you your prayers won't be answered I'm talking to my principles here prayer it goes on in prayers reverential hallow would be thy name holy is your name first of all thank you for letting me have a personal relationship but let me not get to beside myself and let me reverence you and say holy is your name I don't ever want to be too common that you think I've forgotten who you really are you know my parents it's akin to when when I was raised my parents they were friendly but they wasn't my friend we didn't become friends until I was grown and even now at 30 something don't know what y'all laughing for as a man thinketh in his heart [Laughter] don't hate but even now there's certain things you know we can have a ubi and then I'll say the wrong thing and something will change in the whole room to happen it fit the hair will come out their little boys step up I'm sorry I'm something I'm just playing dead I'm just playing dead I'm just playing at it dad I'm just playing because you can never be too common with your fathers and your mothers the Bible says honor thy mother and thy father that your days may be long in the land which Lord your God gives you so there are certain things that you know even now I have to honor him and respect him and you know every now and then you know I'll slip up and I'll start speaking in tongues in front of one of them y'all get it tomorrow and then look at me sideways and I say who say that a devil prayer is responsive it is a response to God's desire for his will to be done we say thy will be done but we don't really understand what you're saying let me give you an example let me make it real for you tonight you're saying god this is the best opportunity that I ever have been presented in my whole life nothing has been more incredible than the door that you just opened and and and this phenomenal opportunity that sat at my doorstep and God comes in and saying I didn't give you that so no and you say okay no problem that's not as easy as it sounds it takes another level of faith and it takes a dynamic relationship for you to trust God's no because it can look like the best possible opportunity in the world but God will say no and to say thy will be done says God whatever you say it's gotta be the best thing for me just think about it to put it in context of you talking to your children when you tell them no it's never an easy okay I understand no it's like see I almost can't see it cuz when I was growing up you didn't ask this question my kids get to ask questions that I didn't get to ask but why and you know in this day in this dispensation of time because of you know technology and all the other advancements I have to sit there and I explained to him well it's not a good idea because X Y Z and this is gonna happen and that's a possibility and I just don't want to I want to protect you from that but I answer I got was cuz I oh yeah then you got beat too [Laughter] prayers are time to make your request no give us this day our daily bread give me what I need prayers in the repentant time forgive us of our debts it's an opportunity to say Lord I'm sorry and here's what I need you to understand there's not a person alive that doesn't need repentance repentance is a holy act it is a commanded Act and you need to do it because you've sinned by thought word and deed the moment you thought that you did it are you with me so you have to make sure that you understand that when he gave a model he gave a template of design he gave more than just something that you just recite but he gave you an actual roadmap of the things that need to be included in your prayers another thing I want you to learn about prayer today is that prayer changes people God will use prayer to change people's hearts God will use prayer to change a whole nation Romans 10 and 1 brethren my heart's desire and prayer is that to God for Israel is that they might be saved you could literally put anybody's name in their brethren my my heart's desire and prayer to God is that so and so will be saved because God will hear your prayers and he will begin his work through the power of the Holy Spirit to change a person's heart there's some people that the only way you're gonna have a reach them is you're gonna have to learn how to pray for them you know when we will pray for people we put their names on the altar that's what these boxes are for so you could place their names on the altar because there's some things that we cannot deal with in the natural but it has to be wrestled entangled in the supernatural and we place their names on the altar and the evidence that it works is right here in Romans with Paul says listen I'm praying to God for Israel in other words it's not just an individual but God will use it to change a whole nation that's why I says if my people will call by my name turn from their wicked ways seek my face humble themselves and pray then we'll hear from heaven forgive our sins and he'll heal the land anyone's name could be called there and I love this in Romans 15 Paul says this in 1533 31 now I beseech you brethren for the Lord's Christ's sake and for the love of the spirit that you strive together with me in your prayers to God for me that I think this is he says pray for me but this is what I want you to pray for then I may be delivered and that my service I'm skipping over which I have for Jerusalem will be accepted so he's saying pray for me that God will deliver me a person's deliverance is linked to their prayer life pray for me that God will deliver me from the hand of the enemy deliver me from myself deliver me from from these habits deliver me from pray for me that he would deliver me your deliverance is linked to prayer are you with me and that he will receive that my service will be acceptable to him when you pray he's saying when you pray for me it affects what I am or what I'm in and what I do prayer changes people prayer can also help somebody see where they are and where they need to be you've been trying to talk to them you've been talking to you're blue in the face and you just can't reach oh stop talking to them so much and talk to God - now you with me as a matter of fact second King six and seventeen says this and Elisha prayed and said Lord please open his eyes that he can see and the Lord opened his eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire that was round about Elijah Elisha says please open his eyes you got to know that prayer changes people it will cause blinded eyes to beasts to be opened it will call on different ears to be unstopped it will call hardened hearts to be softened but it just takes it takes time for you to simply place them and make a petition before God on their behalf and let me help you understand Paul wasn't just saying pray for them but notice Paul was saying somebody please pray for me pray for what I'm in and what I'm supposed to be doing the other thing about prayer that I want you to know is that prayer addresses problems well on a friend we have in Jesus all our sins and griefs are bare and what a privilege to carry everything to God and prayer all at peace we often live in less pain we bear why oh because we do not carry how much everything to God in prayer we'll work problems out that you don't have the money to fix that you don't have the relationships to fix that you don't have the wisdom to know how to fix prayer we'll work some problems out that look impossible to fix prayer is the key it is the catalyst for restoring your peace for helping you locate your joy prayer is the means by which you articulate your concerns before God and then he supernaturally meets you at every turn in every point of your need to blow your mind exceeding abundantly above all you can ask or faint immeasurably Genesis the 20th chapter 17 verse o Abraham prayed unto God and God healed Abimelech and his wife and his men served made servants and they bear children he prayed God worked it out 1st Samuel the first chapter the tenth verse and she was in bitterness of soul Hannah prayed unto the Lord because she was barren he blessed her with a son named Samuel she pray God worked it out second Kings 10:20 and 2 he says then he turned his face to the wall and prayed unto the Lord saying Elisha said listen God remember all that I've done for you and extend the days of my life he said I'm gonna give you 15 more years he turned to the wall he prayed God worked it out Jonah was at the bottom of the ocean John a two and one and then he turned towards God at his lowest possible condition and moment he prayed God birthed it out Daniel prayed Moses pray Elijah prayed Joshua prayed Joshua was so he was such a prayer warrior that when he got into a battle he was about to run out of daylight which would have caused the people of God to lose the battle he turned towards God had a conversation with God and I can only imagine that because God answers our prayers and he communicates us in our prayer time that God says you already have what you need in your mouth the power of life and death is locked up in your tongue so turn to the Sun and tell it to hold up so you can finish the work that I sent you to do Joshua pray turn toward the Sun and said son stand still and the Sun did not move until the battle was fought I'm trying to help you understand that prayer will help you fix some problems when you're in trouble and in the middle of something prayer can work it out prayer will cause you to keep your perfect your perfect peace the other thing the last thing I need you to know about prayers that prayer releases power in Acts the fourth chapter the 31st verse and when they had prayed the place was shaken Paul and John had been arrested they were taken before the Sanhedrin Council and they were being chastised and ridiculed as a matter of fact they were being rebuked because they were casting out demons and teaching in the name of Jesus Christ they were healing people were getting healed from the manifestation of the words that were coming out of their mouths and how Jesus was implementing his grace upon their lives and they were they were they were threatened because it was messing with status quo I don't know how in the world we're gonna deal with this what are we gonna do so they told him stop teaching in Jesus name Paul says listen cuz he was filled with the Holy Spirit according to the text Paul says listen I can't stop doing that I can't stop telling what I saw I saw him do it I saw him make waves out of nowhere I saw him turn water into wine I saw him he'll spit in some mud and put it on somebody's eyes I saw him do this I saw him break a little piece of bread and feed 5,000 with the sardines and and a sack and a little boys lunchable I saw him do it I saw him tell the man take up your bed and walk I saw him do it with myself ain't no in the world you're gonna be able to shut me up cuz I haven't seen too much you don't let me see what he's capable of I saw nail prints at his hand I saw him when he walked out into I saw him when he came from the tomb and walked in and had dinner with us I saw him do it so how you gonna tell me not to say something about him if you saw what I saw as a matter of fact there was a man there who had just been healed and he says well just look at him this man is 40 plus years old you've seen him all his life and now all of a sudden he's healed in Jesus name and you have the audacity to tell me to be quiet please they said well the Bible the scripture says that they gave them further warning but I just believe in my heart of hearts because you know Paul wasn't part Paul wasn't always in the church Paul Paul used to be so so I can imagine that when Paul heard them and listened to what they said that Paul probably he probably picked up out of that yeah okay and I'm going to continue to talk about who Jesus he is but watch this when he got back to the house he started testifying this is what happened they arrested us and they brought us before the Sanhedrin count he start testifying but the next thing he did is he realized we're under attack they're coming against us because of the name of our Lord so we got some power we're gonna call in the power of the Holy Spirit well how you gonna do that Paul we're gonna pray the Bible says that they started praying in verse 31 and when they pray the place was shaken where they assembled together power of God came in so strong it shook the foundation of the place you've seen it before where prayer yielded power in acts 4 and 31 Paul and Silas were locked in in prison and at midnight the Bible says that they sang and they had prayer service under God and an earthquake hit the place and released every prisoner from their chains prayer produces power radical prayer is to believe that the scripture is true when it says whatsoever the u.s. when you pray believe that you shall believe that you have received already received it and you shall have what you say radical prayer is not confined to the quorum radical prayer will pray in the grocery store in the mall cab driver brought me home the other day I was out of town this week cab driver dropped me home and dropped me off because you know he came around the corner he says he says what do you do I said it's the Lord's doing it's just marvelous in my eyes and I just left it at that I got out of the car walk around getting ready to go through the garage he comes out of the car and said excuse me are you a pastor I said as a matter of fact I am would you pray for me he walks around the front of the car and listen it was such a powerful moment that was one of those moments I wish somebody had been there with the tape a video video camera because the lights were shining on us and you could only see the silhouette of us joining hands in my driveway and it was dark all around so you could see the faint lights of the neighborhood and the community that the pole light was on and and literally all you could see was the silhouette of this big guy and this little guy standing in the driveway joining hands I was the big guy forget it whenever y'all get done and I pray and I felt so phenomenal and let me tell you I was so honored that he saw the God in me number one but I was also so honored that he would think enough of me to ask me and let me tell you how he asked me he said will you bless me I said oh no I can't do that but I'm gonna I'm gonna pronounce God's blessing over your life that's gonna change everything and when I tell you I pray for that man like he was my own daddy I said then called out every demonic principality that ever attacked any part of his life I pleaded the blood of Jesus and he was just saying hey man this a man I said don't make me do it don't push me I'm too close to the edge don't push me we'll go in and drive away right here all the neighbors don't know I'm a prayer away in a few minutes cuz every time I say in Jilin he said Jesus don't do that when Barney bowed out and had been now coming for you I was gonna tune up out there in the driveway don't make me a kit so I prayed with him and I felt for number I came in and told my wife but I just I just prayed with the cab driver see radical prayer doesn't need to call them radical plan doesn't need to wait to the appointed time until the right time radical prac and be in the bathroom stall and work because you know you need to get something through and car loan God like you're lost you're my radical crack and be on aisle nine in Walmart and still give God glory radical prayer doesn't need formality it's radical its next level it's out of the ordinary its culture shifting its mind-blowing it's it's the Quorum busting and breaking limitations radical prayer says prayer is so powerful that I'm not going to allow anything to arrest my ability to call power in to change people's lives to have my life changed and order to cause a nation to be shifted I refuse to be I it when I know what I have locked up inside my capacity to communicate with my god you might be able to shut my mouth but you can't shut off my mind ain't got to move my lips watch me I just pray for half the section on this side and y'all don't even realize it why because I know what my God can do and I know the power up somebody over here I need I need a prayer request I need a prayer request come on yes sir come on come on quickly come on come on I told y'all was gonna be different today come on yes sir how can we pray [Applause] you don't come on father God in the name of Jesus I thank you for this brother for his man for the man of God and his commitment and his passion to do what you called him to do I thank you God that he is assigned to this house and he he thinks it so passionate then he comes to hear the word all the way from Wisconsin and I ask God that you would supernaturally meet him in every turn of his need God we know that you will make provision for the vision and you've already begun to increase and prosper him in ways that he has not yet realized but we thank you already that what we have asked you for is already received it has been done in heavenly places we're waiting on the earthly manifestation of it in Jesus name we praise you we thank you we honor you we love you and we bless you that not only is he going to have a vehicle but God increase him so that he can be a blessing in the life of somebody else we thank you for it in Jesus name we pray amen and it is so come on somebody else come on yes ma'am come on come on you can you can just yell it out I can hear you father God in the name of Jesus right now we come on behalf of this mother that her son would realize who he is and have a regular relationship with you so he would understand the value of having a greater relationship with his son we realize that you are the morrow father you're the complete example and we ask God that you would turn his heart towards you you said the heart of the king is in the hand of the master and you turn it whichever way you choose shift his heart back into alignment with his relationship with you that he might know you for himself and have a personal relationship that calls him to conviction and accountability thank you God for this praying mother that continues to put his name on the altar and we realize that these prayers are not unheard and they're not in vain thank you for what you're about to do in Jesus name Amen come on somebody else over here come on father God in the name of Jesus you are a miraculous healer there is nothing that you cannot do you are well able as a matter of fact through Christ Jesus you've already performed miracles you restored sight to the blind you made the lame to walk in the dumb to talk and we believe in the power of the Holy Spirit we believe in the power of the name of Jesus Christ and so as we lay hands on her god we decree and declare the name of jesus that site shall be restored that she will have increase in her mobility we thank you that God you are see your God that can work signs miracles and wonders and we know by faith that you're capable of doing it the doctors may not understand but let them bewildered even now as to how the glory of God is going to be manifested and revealed thank you Lord that the test of our testimony is going to continue to reign supreme and that you O God are going to continue to do mighty works in her life in Jesus magnificent name we thank you for what you're about to do and we say amen come on somebody over here come on come on come on yes ma'am you right here you're closest to the yes ma'am gaana I stand in agreement with this couple this married couple that you would bless their union and sanctified extraordinarily that you would raise them and increase them and elevate them and prosper them in everything that they do everything these hands touch let it be prosperous and as you blessed this man of God to be a covering extraordinaire continue to do a mighty and extraordinary work in his life say to the Lord rebuke you right now this man of God is going to lead his family in the glory of God and they're going to see favor fall in their household like never before this woman of God is going to continue to be the nurturer of the support and got all that you called her to be everything that has been locked up inside and dormant that she doesn't even know is there begin to manifest it so that your glory can be revealed in her life and let her life's purpose be increased in elevated so the world can benefit thank you for everything that is produced out of this union that it be sanctioned ordained and blessed in Jesus name we pray amen now here it is I just wanted to illustrate that for you here it is you have the same power that I have you've got the access to the same God same Authority you can do the same thing I can do a lot of times we put too much confidence in man I'm flesh I'm thrilled I'm one individual but you're an army of prayer warriors you're an army of people that can get a prayer through that's why he says if you get together you're gonna be dangerous to the devil one can change the thousand but if two of us get together we can chase ten thousand this is where the enemy messed up today some people did not make it in the room and I'm just gonna agree with you that on that are watching us on the Global Campus I'm gonna agree with you I'll personally agree with you but for the rest of you who in the room let me tell you where the devil messed up he lets you sit by somebody and where two or three are gathered in his name he says there shall I be in the midst of them so everybody's staying lay your hands on the shoulders other people that are on either side of you come on we about to pray for one another we're going we're gonna pray like it's our own family members we're gonna believe God for the supernatural and the extraordinary open your mouth and begin to pray right now come on if you know you've got power come on I'm praying with you at home right now I'm praying with you right now I'm agreeing that God is doing supernatural things in your life come on pray come on pray pray for the dreams that they have locked up in their hearts South Africa I'm praying for you that God would move mightily in your territory that your homeland your home space would be sanctioned ordained and blessed by God in the UK I'm believing God for the supernatural right now that healing would be manifested I feel it in the spirit thank you Lord God the headaches will be gone in the name of Jesus Christ in the Bahamas right now God we thank you that you're moving right now that you're giving restoration to all the damage and all the things that the enemy thought we're going to kill our faith thank you for the increase in the Netherlands right now in the name of Jesus do a mighty work come on come and pray for their dreams and their hopes pray for every sickness in every ailment that has attacked their father their bodies pray for fathers that they would assume their rightful place in the lives of their children come on pray for the women of God that God would use them mightily pray for the students that they would they would accomplish greater things and they never thought that they could accomplish pray for their minds that God would restore them to the place of identity that they know who they are in him believe God for them right now come on pray for sons and daughters for grandchildren for grandparents pray for them now in the name of Jesus pray for miracles to be manifested believe God for the extraordinary no way don't work don't don't relegate it to the normal he's a supernatural God there's nothing that he cannot do come on we're praying in this place come on we're praying until heaven gets the news we're pleading God for the power of God to move like never before in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name Jesus name in Jesus name in the name that demons tremble Jesus name in the name that can save he'll set free and delivered Jesus name in the name that cancer is healed diabetes is healed at the name of Jesus the power of the Holy Ghost fall in this place until homes can no longer remain the same Jesus name in Jesus name Jesus name pray for complete healing in our bodies the gun you would call every cell every tissue every organ every molecule of our body into alignment with your word which says you were wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace is upon you and by your stripes we speak healing in Jesus name in Jesus name financial situations will be turned around god we believe it you're able to do it you're able to provide you're able to do supernatural and extra 1 and everything's you're able to do with God in Jesus name Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name Jesus name let the redeemed of the Lord loose that shoulder and give God the kind of praise that you were confirmed and convinced that it's already done come on believe God for it it's already done no praising like it's already in the bank like the doctor's report is a good report praising like your dreams are being realized see yourself in it you got to see it before you see it bless His Holy Name glory glory hallelujah and it is so and it is so you should've got me before I got to church today and it is so if you were gonna wipe out my face you should've got me but mom was reminded of the power I have in my prayer and it is so this is a test just a test this is a test of the emergency praise system this has been the real thing the trumpet would have sounded the sky would have rolled back like a scroll he would have been descending from the clouds with us how this is a test of the emergency brain system I just want to know where my radical prayer warriors are that can praise God radically because you got radical faith if that's radical I don't know what normally is I said over it on the Coldplay [Applause] [Music] and it is so and it is so and it is so and it is so and it is something happy for you I'll see you in tomorrow you look better than you look right now your finances look better your relationships look better your health looks better I see it before you see anybody in this place have an old car that you need to get rid of okay you gonna see us down here after service with my brother we're gonna make sure that it is in good order [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh god oh god [Applause] [Music] be anxious for nothing in all things with prayer and supplication just make your requests known under God see that's what happens when we pray for each other sometimes I don't even know your need because you wear your facade so well but if you'll be humble enough to say I need your help I need you to pray for me this is what I need God to do sometimes a person you go to to pray for you you might have been said to them because they have the answer to your challenge I need you to say this to yourself same God see if I were young yeah you know I'm on this side of the microphone y'all out there but if I were you all that's out of the camera if I were you oh I would have seen that and all I said well in that case let me unroll this scroll God and read the list of things that I need you to do in my household in my marriage with my children in my finances and my body and my mind with my job with my peace oh my job pray without ceasing men ought to ought to how often always praying I'm gonna introduce this I've been holding on to this for a couple years now by two years this comes up this is that I'm about to unroll pray first it's about two years we got this right three years Wow and God says now is the time I've been sitting on this but I need this become the mantra of every person's life pray first sometimes you come to church and you don't get what you need is not because you're not it's not being given it's because you forgot to when you get up in the morning where you brush your teeth you need to now I don't even care about your morning breath before you accept a new position before you take a big step in your life you better before you say I do it before you say will you do you better you understand what I'm saying make that a regular mantra of your life pray first next time y'all come to me and say pastor I've been dealing with this I'm gonna say hold up did you pray first pray first pray first are you with me will you go to work pray first where you go to school pray God in the name of Jesus I thank you for what you've done in this place and for your word that has gone forth I thank you that you reminded us of the power of prayer and you actually you've made a radical shift in this church thank you God thank you that you allow us the privilege of coming to you over and over and over it over again and you never vote against us the mistakes in the failures of the faults of our yesterday's you simply said come to me bring it to me and I got you thank you for being the guy that we can talk to thank you for being a friend that sticks closer than I brother thank you for being the God that answers our prayers and meets our needs thank you for being the God who loves us enough to talk back to us and send direction we honor you today we love you today we praise you today and we bless your holy name thank you for the new territory the new doors new opportunity new favor that prayer is going to unlock thank you for unlocking our intercessor thank you for giving us the capacity to pray for one another and reminding us of the power of prayer in the name of Jesus we declare victory in all things and let every victorious person shout hallelujah and amen come on put your bless hands together and praise the name of God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now you see why I started to serve it in the way that I did I said it's gonna be different and I'm I'm on pins and needles it's new territory but I prayed this before I came and I said God do something new shake the foundation of our rituals and our traditions and calls us to get back to the essence of what's important to you and he did it so guess what your house your life your dreams is about to be better because the power of prayer is working for you glory to God [Applause]
Channel: OfficialSmokieNorful
Views: 133,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pastor smokie norful smokie norful artist, morning manna, new, music, album, hope, healing, empowerment, victory cathedral worship center, grammy award winner, singing, preaching, teaching, forever yours, itunes, amazon, google play, chicago, illinois, bolingbrook
Id: PIiA538dXmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 20sec (4520 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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