Please Don't Touch Anything REMAKE - Paint the Town Red

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are you kidding me okay found a hidden button another hidden button what did that do it did a thing right I think this is still yeah that's still activated but it got huh that's it what's up guys and welcome back to paint the town red noise you guys know I am a huge fan of crossovers and games but when somebody can take a game and rebuild it inside of another game it's always just strangely entertaining like it's amazing to see what people can do and we've seen a lot of that in paints Han red but we've played five nights at Freddy's we've played hello neighbor but none of them really hold a candle to one of my favorite recent games in please don't touch anything now how anybody could recreate this game using the paint the town red level editor which you haven't seen before is primitive to say the least I don't really know I don't know how functional this is gonna be I don't know if it's gonna be the same as the basic paint the town red that we played before I haven't played it all I saw it my thoughts I really need to check this out we definitely have the console right we have the machine were in the same room there are a whole lot of panels around me in here for probably 30 seconds and haven't seen or heard anything from Steve's arm okay well we have things to touch so let's touch anything that's it's the name of the game so it is a fully functional version of paint the town red right we have four colored buttons that's different though the color buttons used to be there so we're gonna need our clues out oh oh oh and we have crotch high spikes okay that wasn't a problem in the basic game human instructions grab your weapon give your buttons defeat boss and win light bulb and apparently we already have one of three strikes I don't know when that happened we also have some hash marks over here nothing is here by accident that's another thing I have no doubt that everything here serves a purpose so we need to take note of everything we have a five and a two seven whatever that could mean some of these are red as well do you see that oh oh when you look at them from a certain angle some of the letters are a red damn crotch high spikes will you stop well we can start things off with what we already know from experience right give your buttons gyb green yellow blue so we need to put in green yellow blue and then that should open up something for us okay so we have two buttons now and no loadout on the screen no indication as to what we're supposed to do with them when you see buttons you press buttons okay what's the worst that could happen you could be given five more buttons sure so now we have two buttons over there five buttons over here and again no real indication and another button over here you weren't there where are you what did you do like that's the thing when I do do something correctly I don't hear it so we need to be really attentive if something changes and I don't notice it then things are gonna get really difficult so we may have no idea what that button did but we do know that each of these panels are hiding something so I should probably take a look around the room to see what the default status of everything is so we have some kind of screen up there and five blank cubes we have one thing hidden here and another thing hidden here and then we also have the seven so remember seven maybe there's a hamster in here oh oh we have another button we have a hamster button we don't have a hamster button wheat we have a cyborg button I guess that's an ending oh I see now so that button is actually hidden and if we press this then we get access to the cyborg button which we're not gonna touch again you live and learn okay we have another panel here I think we have a panel in there so there might be something hidden in this shelving wait tell we have two more here maybe that's a light right it did turn on the lights when I hit that button do I need to beat those guys see if something else changes in here I don't know okay there's something in the drawers here two more panels another light arrow I don't know what's hidden up there I don't think I can really do anything I know okay we have the white boards and spilt beer but I didn't need that I'm not sure what that is couple of buttons hmm I guess we could go check on Steve nope nope we really can't go check on Steve more spikes whole lot of spikes okay then so I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do next do you have any clues this little doohickey doesn't do anything by the way just for anybody who's curious at home and I don't know why I automatically start with one of three strikes maybe that's one of three things that I need to accomplish that up there didn't change so maybe I should just press buttons right what's the worst that could happen that do something must've done something that did something and now I'm wondering if I actually needed that glass because I don't think I can reach this with my scrawny oh no I can't I can reach it okay good good really can I please stop releasing people to murder me no no I will not be done this will not be my men in black ending I got the cyborg ending I got the men in black ending something tells me I can't beat these guys I don't have a weapon and I can't kick them in the face enough and they one shot me okay so that's two endings I was already impressed with the fact that there are buttons that are functional and this looks like the game but the fact that they managed to program in multiple endings just blows my mind so those buttons are gonna lead to the FBI ending we don't want that and that button down there and this button over here which I'll push anyway lead to the cyborg ending so now if you oh oh oh okay nope nope nope that one's that's the Satan ending guy it's the Satan ending for short maybe these are supposed to represent the forwards and backwards in time endings right we hit that one it took us back to the hell and then this one will bring us will bring us more buttons okay so one is good one is bad and instead of a hamster we have Tac Toe we have any indication as to what we need for tic-tac-toe there's nothing on the ceilings is there anything here we have a five in a two still I could do something like two and five no we also have an X maybe it wants me to make an X I can turn you off good something like that that seemed good well that's a light bulb yeah okay and I got a new button which is we're not gonna release somebody behind me okay here we go great great cyborg and fire well we got a bass combo ending here don't we boys I really thought that I was on to something there felt like we were making good progress so we still have these three buttons and again no real idea what I'm supposed to do we have a number two there so let's hit the number two oh okay that's pretty good now I'm curious what the other buttons do though what about what about one in three one doesn't do anything LaBrie get me killed no we reveal with another button over here whoo okay so we have console buttons and we come in handy but what about this one do anything oh it did something want to do that again hey hey you right I need oh it's already pressed so that released whatever this is doesn't look like it's hiding anything though interesting so maybe that has something to do with these so we have a symbol I'm not really familiar with that symbol and then we have four buttons and any clues to go off of shall we trial and error it may be oh that did a thing 7:15 okay we can remember 7:15 that one nope nope nothing there okay you oh okay um I'm really how you shot guns guys I'm just gonna keep playing you know what I'm not all that interested so we hit another button and that button did nothing right we would have also summon them okay so bottom-left does that you didn't get them to kill themselves you guys kill each other oh oh oh root that really hurt no no kill each other come on come on I want to keep playing I get the feeling they're probably invincible okay fine take me oh boy now we're to the point where I need to remember everything that I've been doing so we have the colors we have both of these and then the middle one which does that and then you which gives us 7:15 which isn't all that useful yeah there isn't anything here so it didn't remove a panel to expose something it added a panel for whatever reason it was that one right no did that do nothing I'm confused I thought it was the two bottom ones that were safe that one's also safe okay well I'm gonna assume that though maybe I need to do them in an order me Oh nope nope that that wasn't an order I'm starting to think that it might be a little bit too complicated to program in order for the button so maybe we're onto something maybe I'm tired of getting beaten by the cops so I think we're just gonna leave that for now I completely forgot that it was actually this button the garbage button that was releasing this and by the looks of it it's a pedestal with a plate on top of it so it might be bringing something out of the wall and then I can remove what's in front of it not sure so we don't want to touch you maybe that has another ending in it but I think the X was it you really 7:15 oh I was going to say too 7:15 have anything interesting 7:15 has a hidden button of course there will be hidden buttons why wouldn't there be so now we have Jay s k/d and a little dude oh we have a little dude up here Jay s KD [Music] what well five and two would be e and B which doesn't help us at all and then seven one five would be GAE which again doesn't really help us and there wasn't anything else around that had changed as far as I could tell none of those letters appear on this destruction board I don't think JSK do ya s does K doesn't D does o so SMD J and K do not so what if we hit s o s to the thing do we want to just cut our luck no I think I want to keep going D D do you do a thing can I get D can you show me a D something tells me if I hit all this I'm gonna get murdered can I get a K make it okay anybody anybody good K usually hitting all the buttons and touching everything is what gets to kill him this how about a J he's coming out of there okay so as long as I hit everything I'm in the clear I don't really need to know what it all does so now we have this this is probably what seven one five is four I would imagine one two three four five six seven and one five are you not pleased with me oh we also have five and two so maybe it's instead I do no oh come on game work with me here it's weird button doesn't do anything I was gonna say what are you willing to bet that it's a pentagram but Oh doing something it's just struggling to do anything interesting so maybe we should just experiment with all these buttons and see if anything does oh oh that's a thing that that's the thing what are we doing here boys I don't know we're just hitting everything in the mall you know what we're just gonna light this up like a Christmas tree screw it some of these don't work some of them do I think I've angered it did I make it mad no its back its back we're good just needed a timeout maybe I don't know I don't have hints we have the Illuminati was that the Illuminati sighing I'm just oh hello bat don't mind if I do oh oh no no no guess who's ready the game you bet this time screw you demon Illuminati oh it even had spikes if I were to come up through my butt if I was over there that's good to know can I not win this getting the feeling can't win this get the feeling I can't win is it told me to grab my weapon and then give my buttons I'm after giving my buttons a good sir weapons not really working out for me though hope is the ending of this I have it now when you hit this one this one and this one they don't light up they just give you the Illuminati and then if I hit that I'm gonna die but I also managed to release the bat was that one of these one of these release the bat no so it did have something to do with what I did here I just kind of mashed on buttons I have a bat please what did I did some kind of like awesome cymbal hold on I've upset it again maybe oh okay I have bat good now what we still have something above the door as well maybe something sneaky going on out here can I you please just get it the other way anything oh there is an exit so there is victory you can get out of a out of here just not easily are you kidding me okay found a hidden button there another hidden button what did that do it did a thing right I think this is still yeah that's still activated but it got huh that's it that's the ending that's what we wanted right fight boss we've give door buttons we grabbed our weapon we wait boss oh please tell me I can beat you please tell me you could be beaten I'm just gonna have to give this my all I didn't see this bat break so it might be possible it might just be difficult and you know what I'm not going anywhere this is fun up there as well we have that button as well okay that's good that's my escape so if I can't pummel you to death then I will escape but right now I'll stick to it you know what I'll give you a good old college try we did it we beat everything I think right thieves erm erm okay you know what just somebody get the crown this is hands-down the best paint the town red level I have ever played you know what I think that's gonna be it for this episode of paint the town red guys and it's like I said I'm blown away like I've used the level editor to try to make thumbnails in the past and it is not easy the fact that somebody took this much time to recreate a relatively abstract game like please don't touch anything isn't by any means wildly popular but we've done such a good job making it in the workshop just I tip my hat to you whoever made this I'm sorry I don't remember your name but this was spectacular thank you so much but thanks for watching this video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 799,171
Rating: 4.9017544 out of 5
Keywords: paint the town red, please don't touch anything, paint the town red workshop, paint the town red workshop levels, paint the town red user made levels, paint the town red please don't touch anything, paint the town red funny, paint the town red funny moments, paint the town red puzzle, please don't touch anything remake, please don't touch anything fan game, please don't touch anything workshop, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: Ema1skxK87Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2018
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