PlayStation 4 Marathon : 47 Games (Hidden Gems, Shoot em ups & More!)

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metal Jesus here and I am back again with radical Reggie how's it going dude great and today we're going to do a PS4 hidden gems video so how are you feeling about this man do you think we could pull it off it's about time man I I play my PS4 all the time and I am always looking for games and this is going to be sweet dude they're pushing out so many games for the system man it's there's definitely going to be a bunch of hidden jems so let's take a look [Music] all right here we go start off with this game this war is mine the little ones now basically this is a survival game it's based off a war that happens and it it talks about it goes a story of civilian life you know civilians dealing with war like stuck in the middle of it so basically War Tanks buildings destroyed fires and stuff you're trying to survive find food and stuff like that so A group of survivors randomly you're in a like basically a building you have to find a way to survive keep your momentum going your morale you know going and all that stuff uh basically uh you need food you need someone who's you need you need beding you need like how to cook food and stuff like that so uh you have all that stuff and then another thing is you have to go out at night because you can't go out during the day during the war because you get potentially be killed so at night you go and hunt for food food but you have to be careful because you leave someone behind in your Camp you could be robbed and you know they don't have if you don't leave them with weapons and stuff I got robbed and they took you know food and everything they didn't take much but they got me though so I was like wow I didn't know that you had to like make sure they're protected and everything cuz you could be robbed or whatever could happen so and a lot of times sometimes the buildings aren't inhabitable you have to You'll eventually have to move out of them or whatever so you have to have tools to to kind of like survive and everything so it's a really cool game but what this one does actually is uh adds another scenario where you get to play as kids only kids during the war so the kids have to try to survive by themselves and you know they don't have as many skills as the adults and everything so it's like it's really it's a cool chapter to add to really to the gang yeah so wow that's cool all right well I like it well I think for me I'm going to go with caladrius blaze which is the game that you originally told me about yeah and you pronounced it probably correctly this is awesome so caladrius Blaze I beat today I played it for a while but today was the day I I sat down I'm like I'm beating this game oh my God I love this shooter there is so many great things about it uh for one um there's a bunch of different ways to do your attacks you can do the simple attack where just hold on X and it just fires you also have elemental attacks that recharge over time which is awesome then also you have you can hold L2 and then do an elemental attack and that's a powerful attack you also have a uh screen clearing bomb yes um and there's multiple characters so my favorite character to play in this is uh caladrius which is the the Phoenix and what I love about her is that she has the ability to to have homing missile so her main attack is a homing missile which means that you can play this game defensively you you don't have to necessarily try to aim I believe she has like a shield that you could like block all the bullets too so yeah yeah super handy but then again if you're looking for something more traditional there's a bunch of other characters as well boss battles are epic they're beautiful very cool and the music is outstanding too it's something you bump in your car you got a CD player yeah really impressed with this and I'm so glad that I got a physical version of it so you are you're absolutely right man this is awesome definitely a game a must have game yep cool all right is is it my turn yeah my turn again so all right Resident Evil umbrella corpse uh all right all right all right we'll move on we'll move on we'll move on to something else Deadlight now Deadlight came out originally on a 360 but it got got a physical release for PS4 and Xbox One now this game is pretty much a I would say it's a platformer but it's a modern platformer it's based in Seattle which I know it's so cool right uh yeah during the 80s and there's some kind of uh outbreak happens and uh yeah it's like zombie essentially more like a 28 Days Later zombie type of deal like zombies they beat you up or something I don't think they eat on you but anyways you're trying to survive and this game is outstanding uh the story mode is like uh pretty much told with like uh like graphic novel Stills and everything you will try to survive you're trying to find your family uh you'll do a lot of platforming uh going through sewers uh jumping across buildings just trying to get to a point where you want to meet your family cuz the main point of this game is you're trying to survive and you want to get to your family your family is somewhere you have to protect them so Deadlight I would say a must play awesome game I love it uh Happy the graphics on this I just think are fantastic like it has that that 3D backgrounds and but it also looks like limbo where it's it's it's dark another thing about the game is is like when you're climbing fences or running there your guy gets tired so if you're hanging on something too long you got to watch the stamina meter or you could fall off a building or or hanging or whatever and if you're attacking an enemy you you your attacks get weaker because you get tired which is another cool feature but anyway uh I suggest staying away from the enemies you know hop those roofs you know move along very cool okay uh let me see okay I'm going to go here uh Guana sisters Twisted dreams the director's cut so I have a question for you yeah okay do you know where the series originally started the Commodore Oh I thought I was going to trick you with that I seen the original one yeah so back in I think 1987 um when I had a comodore 64 the original Guana sisters was the Super Mario Brothers for that that platform cuz we didn't have a lot of really good right you know Nintendo like uh you know 2D Platformers and Along Comes the original and it and it was amazing like I loved it had great music it it it was really fast-paced uh sadly un Nintendo was not quite as enthusiastic about it and so they had to pull it from shelves and now it's super collectible like I'd love to get a physical version of the original yeah but anyways that's to say that this Series has been around for a while and so when I picked this up I was like really excited because this is a great game I love this game what I love about this is that you go back and forth between I guess the real world and a nightmare world like on the flight all the time yes and also collecting the uh the gems I'm obsess yeah that's all I love to do I try to get there's hundreds of them per level and also the it'll depend like you'll you'll have to be in one world and then you'll instantly flip over to the other one and you're you're constantly just going back and forth and the world looks and changes it changes like in one world a bridge will be closed but in another world it'll it'll you know open yeah and there may be something down there that you can need you know and so like I oh my God I go like if I when I beat the level and I'm like I'm missing 10 you go back I go back yeah I'm the same way I actually completed the DS version cuz they had one on DS and I did the same thing I was trying to get in all those Jewels awesome game this is cool too because it also comes with some bonus levels like it comes with a couple extra uh um Halloween and also Christmas levels too oh I didn't realize that yeah so there's an extra feature on here so there's a bunch and they're hard oh my God like and that's the thing this game is challenging like it it is it actually it guides you through it though I mean like it gets challenging in a later level so you don't have to worry about like a diff like a real hard spike in the beginning and you don't have to get all of the gems either that's just simply their yeah for the completionist but yeah really great game all right next game uh I'm going to go with uh Cola now colot is based off of an incident that happened it I think it was back in 1959 some researchers in Russia in Russia they went to the mountains uh and uh they didn't have the proper gear to deal with the you know the bitter cold and so what happened was we don't know exactly what happened what they found their bodies and some of they they noticed that they tore out of their tent running from something so they found two people like that ran from something and died some people were like in a tree or something like that it was just really awkward and weird so what this game does it it it it's Loosely based off the aftermath of what happened of people going up there to find out what happened and everything so you'll see it Through The Eyes of your character and what's cool about this game is it's voiced by the actor Shan vean okay know he kind of guides you through the game and talks and everything ring yeah it's really eerie and kind of unsettling cuz you go out there by self in those mountains I mean the guy has a prop your character has a proper gear but he's going to deal see what happened himself and it's really chilling because who the heck would do that I mean I would have a team of people with me ready to go or whatever I only do that in a video game yeah yeah exactly so a really cool game uh I don't it's not very long but it's very interesting very it's worth having in your collection uh I think it's a collectible gym you know a lot of people have called this like a walking Sim have you heard that term yeah you know one of my favorite things about first person games sometimes m is looking around and taking your time to to take in the environment like d sex is a great example I like that series because I do look in every little n cany so for me these type of games where they're walking simulators I don't mind because I like getting my head space there and pretending that this is really happening you can you imagine like playing this on VR probably no i' I'd poop myself so awesome gang uh check it out all right next up for me yes republi yes yes and I bought a copy yes so I originally played this on the the iPad I think that they did a Kickstarter and they were releasing episodes on the iPad and I bought a bunch of them really loved it on there and then you told me about the the physical version on the PS4 so the first thing that struck me one it's the entire game all on one disc which is super nice this is not really an expensive game um the other thing is too is that there is a bump up in the visual quality MH like I noticed immediately there's just better textures um well how did she feel about the uh the the what version did you play first the phone version or yeah I played the iPad to touch iPad and were you sold on that one or you kind of like you know so I was curious about that because this game is originally designed for touch right and you know and essentially what what you do is you you are a person who's behind controlling like cameras and stuff like that and then you're telling this girl how to get through the environment and the original gamees designed for touch like you would hold your finger on a camera to switch over to it and so what they do in this they basically just map out to different buttons depending on where you are I it it felt completely natural like I had no problem with that one thing you could tell about this game though is the the developers were fans of the old school Resident Evil games they love those games and they you could totally tell when you play this game I mean like the way the the camera angles are and it works really well too because you know the way the cameras are set up in the game is that you you as the person controls it you you like fly over to another camera and then you see it from another angle which is very much like Resident Evil and the camera and the cameras are instant moments so as soon as you lock in a camera the game pauses so you can switch to other camera in inst so you won't have to worry about like being fumbled into camera angles or the the other thing I like about this too is it feels like an adventure game because uh you you can go into this mode I forget what they call it where the little eye opens up and it sortly the game the game pauses for a second and then that's whenever you can read people's emails you can you can look at at things on the wall I game hints so certain people who backed it in the kickstarter you go find out like search guards and when you search their ID it show Kickstarter back which is pretty cool real people it's pretty awesome pretty awesome yeah a really well made game not many people know about it yeah sadly it's one of those games that's going to get lost in a shuffle so hopefully you guys will find you know pick this game up cuz it's it's $20 at the most right now so you know you can get it digitally as well too awesome wait oh my turn your turn all right let's see what I'm going to go for here uh ass salt suit lius lionness Li less I I don't know yeah so you know what I know by its original title that that is Target Earth on the Genesis which probably is not its original title cuz it's probably a Japanese you know they changed it it's from The Assault suit it's I think this is the original name for that one but anyway this is an action action arcade type like game you're in a Mech you're trying to protect your base from a Invaders and stuff like that basically from the story I remember reading about I hope I'm right is uh earthlings and colonized are kind of like went out in space to search for other places to live but when they come back to earth you know there's an attack happening so you're trying to protect your base everything like that uh the game has a a lot of levels are different you'll go from a level try trying to protect a base Next Level you're trying to protect a cargo get the cargo safely protect the cargo from invading armies and stuff like that and at one level you'll be trying to destroy a spaceship in in space is pretty awesome so it really changes up the action uh this game is out came out only for 20 bucks so it's definitely affordable it's got eight levels it's definitely one of those games if you want to just get play something real you know like a throwback I would say you know that's so cool though I mean I did not expect a game like this to come out in in you know now like it's such a throwback obviously it's so cool right yeah I I love it man it's a definitely a Hidden Gem cool all right well speaking of hidden gems for a long time this is not a Hidden Gem if you've been watching this channel but a lot of people still don't know about Shadow complex and this is the remaster version that came out on the PS4 now I was looking I was curious cuz I cuz I know about this game I love this game and so I was on the the PSN Network to see how many people had downloaded and rated it it wasn't very high yeah and so people still haven't played this game and I'm like work covering it yeah so so tell me so you had not played the original right no okay so what do you think of of this I thought it was outstanding man uh it really is like a one of those what you call Metroid Vania type I say Metroid Mania but for the fans of Metroid Mania but anyways it it really pulls you in uh it's an awesome game like a modern Metroid Mania type game I mean the story is compelling it starts off strong which keeps you interested you know the level design is really cool right uh one thing about me when I played the game because I noticed you could do like a close-up attacks like Close Quarters combat oh right that's I play the game silly which you'll probably see in the video like just walk up on enemies doing Drop Kick I do it all the time you do like I don't fun like it never gets old right yeah it doesn't man the drop kick is like my favorite move like you imagine somebody getting hit with a drop kick they're done dude so it's hilarious but awesome game uh definitely a Hidden Gem uh if you can't get a physical copy cuz it might be expensive Go download the game just play it you will love it yeah there's a lot to this game and one of the things I love about it is that cuz I just recently beat it again when I got this was uh it's all one map and uh there's tons of of collectibles in there there's even when you beat the game there's a reason to restart it because there's so much upgrading that you can do to your character that I immediately wanted to restart again cuz I was like okay like you know I'm not maxed out yet and that's a sign for me of a good game cuz I rarely do that but this is a fun one and it's not too long either like your first playr will be about five six hours you know eight you know something like that's pretty awesome yeah definitely cuz I don't want the game to be too long because you know you got to move on to the next game you know go sometimes cool all right Ana Gates of memories now this is a throwback to action action games pretty much it's like a 3D action game where uh this you play as the girl Al Ana make sure I said her name right and she has his book and everything you could do combos like the Devil May Cry and everything like that it's a really cool game it the the way the game looks it has a a really dark look to it but in a way artsy look it really looks the graphics look outstanding to it reminded me of Final Fantasy A little bit you know kind of the open area castles and stuff like that uh like it's it's it's a really good game uh one thing I wanted to say about it though is uh it actually comes with a manual and a soundtrack which is awesome you know that that's when when companies do stuff like that this is like published by this company called bad land games and they're in I guess they're based in the UK they're making they're bringing like Indie type games to uh physical release which is awesome but definitely one of those games it feels like it's I'll say I'll give an example it's like Devil May Cry but a little bit less not all crazy like combo like you're using spells and stuff like that and you can switch between characters while you're playing and everything which is awesome big boss battles big castles Discovery uh you really feel like you're in a fantasy world with this game definitely a hidden gym there Pro because they said it's a Hidden Gem too I had never heard of it until you showed it to me so that's that's a good sign okay I think the last one oh my God the last one I say The Best For Last my favorite for last at least Dex now Dex is oh okay if you guys have seen Blade Runner which I just seen it Rec about six months ago for the first time oh really yeah the people who made this game I think they're called dreadlocks they are definitely fans of a of a Blade Runner and cyber Punk cyber Punk games and that's what this game is pretty much what it is uh there's even a character in the game named Decker oh really yeah dead Ser his name is Decker it's awesome so basically uh the game starts off uh you're in a Blade Runner type world like like we were saying neon lights and all that good stuff you wake up uh some people are after you and there's a hacker talking to you hey you got to get out the building they after you and he shows you got to hack the the elevator door which the guards are already at so as soon as you do that you stop them you got to hop out of the building you're running across buildings trying to escape and you're trying to get to this place called fixers hope that's where you meet decorette but it's seen as an action RPG so huh level up and everything you could hide behind the like crates and stuff past enemies if you don't want to fight them she has like a lot of moves and everything which is really cool and she could fight man like she she almost could block any attack like it's weird like you push the I think it's the L2 button you you put your arms over and she can like block all these crazy attacks except bullets and stuff like that you got move out of the way and then critical attacks you got to try to avoid those too but has a great soundtrack uh lots of dialogue the dialogue is like a throwback of old games the way they present it on the screen like it's just it's a lot of it which is good yeah that's good I mean if there's a story to back that up I don't mind at all and also you could do like sneak attacks like you go up and behind someone is chok them out kind of middle gear style and anything like that so so I I have a question for you I I'm noticing a lot of these say Peggy on here as opposed to I know the the what's the the ESRB or whatever it is so so obviously a lot of these are coming from Europe there are these pal okay well a lot of these pal yeah because a lot of Indie Games I guess it's hard to put them on physical release Here cost too much money I don't know what they deal with in the US they probably don't want to go through that headache being that the PS4 is reason free you could just reach out and go and buy them from over there just have them sent to you and so where are you getting these from I I usually I get them off of um Amazon or Ebay it's really easy do do you switch over to like but whoever has a better deal Whoever has better shipping I mean some devel some people are there's a guy in New York that sells these games and you know you get them faster cuz he's a okay in USA but uh just different people I don't know exactly where you could buy him from like directly like where they and where are you hearing about the physical versions of these cuz a lot of these will come out digitally but then I mean how'd you know that Dex was a physical version I found out from my buddy online he he does a lot of uh uh like games that are getting physical indie games that getting physical releases and everything so he does a little Channel and everything where he brings it out Alex man thanks a lot for telling me about a lot of these games man this is for you I mean I wouldn't know a lot about a lot of these games that it hadn't been for him man I mean he's definitely he's like a fan of indie games and he knows aot a lot of these triple titles aren't really up to standard so so he's looking for more Indy games get physical you're getting complete games not worry about patches or something being added later to like a you know you know we what we're going through these days absolutely cuz yeah usually the digital version of something I don't consider I own it I don't include it in my collection I don't put it in my software that I use to track my games yeah you know it it feels like a rental because the hard drive could die maybe maybe they'll they'll take it off of you know the the license will expire and you can't download it's happened one game that happened with that I know is out run to I love that game After Burner like they're gone so I'm like okay yeah huh that's they choose but anyways guys Dex is my Dex and Republic are my favorite side of this definitely pick these up those up at least and I hope you pick all these up CU they're awesome games um like I said I I really picked a lot of these game we picked a lot of these games because we want people to reach out and not just depend on what's being only released in America you know PS4 being region free look out for stuff like that look for other stuff look for Indie Games getting physical release because one thing with with uh Indie Games is they're released digital you know they they could be they're easily forgotten is what I'm trying to say yeah that's that's a good point they come and go pretty quickly yeah so you know well that's cool well we love to know so this is our first PlayStation 4 hidden gyms video but we know there's a bunch more out there so we'd love to know what other hidden gyms you think we should get now let's let's not just keep it physical let's say whatever right yeah because I'd still like to check out a game on digital like if I got it cheap enough you know I mean if it's a good game it's a good game like you know we'll check it out maybe the maybe limited run games will pick it up as a physical yeah definitely awesome so that's what happened that's what happened with Shadow complex I had you know you was funny you were just telling me about that when we were doing a video and next thing you know got I know I was like shocked so you you never know if some company will pick it up so yeah let us know yeah and in the comments just let us know if there's more hidden gems you guys that think that we should like yeah maybe do in a future video you know if if we do one yeah unless it's like Resident Evil oh yeah Resident Evil maybe next video we can add that one all right man well hey thanks for coming on and doing this oh there we go all right guys thanks very much for watching my channel thanks for subscribing and take care hey guys middle Jesus here today I have eight more hidden gems for the PlayStation 4 now these are relatively unknown games but definitely worth playing let's take a look we're going to start with a game that has a bit of an odd title that is remothered tormented fathers where did you get this pig isn't she your daughter Celeste or has you called her Jennifer I asked you a question back of the picture says Jennifer there is no Jennifer thought I was stupid didn't you Mr Felton you play as Rosemary a character that looks an awful lot like Jodie Foster don't you think but she's investigating The Disappearance of a young girl now that leads you to a spooky house house where everything is not quite what it seems now I mentioned this game plays a lot like Clock Tower if you're not familiar with that series basically you don't have any guns or really deadly weapons to use instead in this game you just have single use items that you can use to distract your enemy in this game you need to be stealthy you have to listen for clues in the environment to know when to move and when to hide and sound really plays a big part of this game and it's the key to surviving this game is a little on the short side it lasts about 6 to 7 hours but I feel like it doesn't really overstate its welcome and it's part of a planned Trilogy of games and look at those Graphics this house is super creepy to explore this is a really fun survival horror game so definitely check it out reach my land for me and then a whole new world is calling us speaking of games with weird titles here is Rabbi riby rabby riby I hope I'm saying that right but basically it's a 2d platforming SL Metroid Vania Style game you play as Arena a rabbit that was turned into a human girl with bunny ears sure why not and along the way you meet a fairy who helps you as well I mentioned this game is very Super Metroid or Castlevania like and that's because you'll find areas that you can't access until you upgrade your weapons or your abilities I really like the boss battles in this because it feels unlike anything I played in a 2d platformer it switches almost to like a bullet hell shooter and that they have patterns that will fill the screen that you need to dodge but really this game is all about fun and it has just enough challenge to keep you going don't get me wrong this is a surprisingly deep and fun 2D platforming game game despite its silly [Music] premise next up is zigat this is a firsters dungeon crawling game although it's considered to be inspired by two classic firstperson Shooters like heretic and hexen back in the 9s those two games really stood apart from the rest of the firstperson shooters released because instead of primarily using guns you use magic to destroy your foes in zigurat the levels are procedurally generated meaning no two playthroughs are the same and the game is somewhat Rog likee in that you are meant to die a lot but even in death you make progress upgrading your characters unlocking new abilities and growing stronger with each playthrough this reminds me of another game I reviewed recently called Immortal redneck but honestly I like this one a bit more because of the focus on Magic now I want to mention that this trend towards randomly generated levels is fine but wouldn't it be great to get a proper single player campaign with designed levels I kind of missed that but this is a game that you can basically play Forever next up is Shu this is a 2d platformer in a gorgeous 3D World so I guess that technically is a 2.5d platformer sure and like in so many other platforming games you run and jump across the landscape but in this game you start off with the Glide ability for instance in the beginning you can glide across large gaps or you can even ride the wind and then very quickly you're able to use special abilities gained by Saving villagers who follow you an example early on is that you get a brute who can help you smash through things then you meet a villager who can get flowers to open and close their petals providing pads for you to land on and continue your journey later on you'll get an animal to ride as well as villagers that allow you to walk on water and much more there are a bunch of villagers to unlock and they all help you with Ever Changing levels and challenges to me this game feels like a mix of the Rayman games as well as owl boy it has a great art style and fantastic gameplay it should not be missed oh boy here we go so this game is called everything yeah everything and I got to be honest with you this is a really weird game but stick with me here because it turns out that everything is something very special all right so what exactly is this thing you're probably looking at this going what the heck is this well that's because this game is not really a game it's more of a simulation that attempts to do something that very few games do and that is explore everything in the universe and understand how all the pieces relate within it and I'll be honest with you in the beginning when you first fire this up it kind of feels like a tech demo and kind of looks like it but slowly the game reveals its purpose see you shift perspective from a very small animal like in this instance here a pig down to a single blade of grass or maybe you'll shift that perspective up to a frog or even a rock or you can even go subatomic but that's not it you can even shift your perspective to a tree even a land mass a planet or a whole star system but why would you do this well the goal of the game is to unlock and document all the things within the the galactic encyclopedia and then have conversations with them and understand their relationship between each other as if that wasn't enough then while you're playing the game also plays audio quotes from a philosopher named Alan Watts he wrote some of the most respected books on Buddhism and the Zen lifestyle if you think that you are only inside your skin you define yourself as one very complicated little curlycue way out on the edge of that explosion way out in space and way out in time and when then we cut ourselves off and don't feel that we're still the Big Bang listen this is all very heady stuff and certainly unlike anything I've ever played before you know at first this seems kind of dumb I mean it really does you're just kind of like what the heck is this game but after a couple minutes you get into discovering all that you can find both big and small throughout the Universe there's nothing quite like this game so if you're looking for something a little unique definitely check it [Music] out next up is red out some of you might have seen this on store shelves but I get the feeling it hasn't sold very well red out is a futuristic arcade racing game that is similar to Classics like FZ or perhaps Wipeout basically you are a pilot in the far future taking control of an anti-gravity ship that hauls some serious butt and yes this game is all about speed spe it's important to know that the console version is called the light speed Edition that's because it includes all three DLC packs from the PC release bringing the total number of tracks to 35 Plus you get 25 ships the game also supports six players online and split screen multiplayer and like I mentioned there is a great sense of speed here and the frame rate never really slowed down on my PlayStation 4 Pro I mean the graphics look pretty great and like so many of these games you level up your pilot as you race unlocking new weapons and enhancements to your ship there is a lot of content here for arcade racing fans like me so definitely check out red [Music] out I think I'm going to make it moving on we're going to take a look at the long dark this is a first-person Survival game that chooses to focus on realism as opposed to just horror you play as a pilot who crash lands in the Frozen Canadian forest with your ex-wife after a somewhat mysterious Global disaster now the developer actually advertises this game as the most realistic Survival game ever made and the way they do that is by having the player focus on things like body temperature how many calories you burn while doing a particular task your hunger your thirst your energy level the outside temperature the clothing you wear all of that now I'll be honest with you it's this attention to detail that makes every single decision you make that much more impactful to make sure that your character just lives one more day but how is the game well you learn to gather supplies heal wounds make fires sterilize water to make it drinkable cook food and much more and other games have done that before but not to this level of detail this really is unlike any other Survival game I've played it's it's realistic it's tense and it's immensely satisfying when you're smart enough to live just one more day whatever's in this case ASD was ready to die for it I hope she hasn't already died for it yay next up is Full Throttle remastered yes some of you are going to be a little bit surprised to see this on this list because well the original Full Throttle is considered a PC masterpiece back in the day but I wanted to remind people that this excellent remastered version of the classic PC game actually exists on consoles you play is Ben the gruff leader of a biker gang called the pole cats who gets wrapped up in a corporate conspiracy with corly motors see corly Motors is the world's last motorcycle manufacturer in this somewhat futuristic world and they're switching production from bikes to well okay I won't spoil it for you you know what might look better on your nose what the bar now don't mess around with me all right all right the original game was known for great graphics memorable characters and excellent voice acting plus a really fun plot and classic gameplay to match and I have to say this game is perfect on consoles because the interface by this time was refined to be more accessible to a wider audience I mean no longer did you have to click on verbs or sounds to perform actions like he did on the original Maniac mansion and this remastered version is basically the same game but with crisper HD graphics and cleaned up audio who are you Moren remember if that's too hard maybe you should just stick with Mo this an authorized Cy service center Full Throttle is one of my favorite adventure games of all time it's a classic for a reason and if you like adventure games or you just miss the old Lucas Arts days definely give this a try you will not regret it hey guys metal Jesus here and today I am back with another PlayStation 4 hidden gems video man it has been a while since I've done one of these specifically for the PlayStation 4 it's actually been since 2018 can you believe that man how time flies now I know the term hidden gems can be somewhat of a confusing term and the way I look at them is that I kind of look for games that are relatively unknown that are good that most people don't know about so that's kind of how I build this list up uh also not all of these games are going to be exclusive to the PlayStation 4 although some of them definitely are but some of these have come out also on PC or maybe the switch I'll put that on the little title card that comes up for each game so you'll know and the good news is most of these games maybe all of them will play on your PlayStation 5 which is cool so if you happen to have one of the newer consoles well you can go back and play some of these games often with maybe a higher frame rate or maybe a higher resolution so let's get started so the first game I want to talk about is called Alien Nation and this one happens to be a PlayStation 4 only game at least as of the making of this video now as you can see here this is an isometric twin stick shooter created by the awesome developer house Marquee and I wanted to include it in this video because I've used some of this gameplay footage in some of my other videos when I'm talking about twin stick shooters or arcade games that I like and inevitably people will always ask me what is that game uh it's one of those games that definitely you know stands out it looks gorgeous but also people who are into twin stick shooters or just action games they want to know what this is and and I'm just so happy to be able to talk about it now now what's cool about this game is that house Marquee has crammed a ton of stuff into this so it's not just a you know typical simple twin stick shooter although there's definitely elements of that but uh as you see here there are also a lot of RPG elements to this as well you have multiple character classes that you can choose to play as you have tons of weapon and armor upgrades and as you see by this footage here I'm current ly going at it alone in this game which is nice you can play it as a single player game and go through the entire campaign shooting a bunch of you know uh aliens and enemies and stuff like that or really this game I think is best if you can get three other you know friends to join you uh simply because there is just so much going on and honestly it can be overwhelming if you play this with just one person so it's nice to get three other people in there to you know to basically watch your back and originally the multiplayer was online only but they have released several updates and patches for this to add local co-op as well which is awesome if you have a friend over sitting on the couch this is definitely a really cool game as you can see here by this footage it looks and plays awesome it's a gorgeous game so if you haven't checked out alienation give it a shot next up is an arcade racing game I've been wanting to talk about for a while now that is on Rush and this is also available on on the Xbox one so basically what's going on in this game is that you have two teams pitted against each other each with six Racers on each side and what's cool about this game is that there is no Finish Line this isn't like a traditional racing game where you're trying to get to the Finish Line instead what you're doing is you are constantly battling each other for points uh just trying to outmaneuver and basically best the other team and there is always action in this game that's one of the things that really sets it apart that even whenever you crash and you are brought back in it's almost like you're just being you know added back into like a Call of Duty multiplayer match where you're just dropped right back into the middle of the action you are never racing alone in this game because like I said it's just a constant Circle going around trying to just basically get as many points as possible I was playing this game capturing the footage the other night and it really struck me that this is kind of like the ultimate version of burnouts road rage mode where you're just basically trying to take out as many of the opponents as possible and you're constantly boosting and it's just absolute Insanity 24/7 in this game it's out of control it's so much fun so if you like arcade racing games and you kind of miss this style of them where it's just over-the-top fun constant action man you have to pick up a copy of on Rush it's fantastic next up is a game I'm very excited to talk about in this video is called blood Roots so basically what's going on in this game is that you are this guy who is seeking revenge on the person that left you for dead actually you're you're seeking revenge on the guy and everyone associated with him and you just go on this murderous Rampage and when I say anything I mean it you can pick up splinters of wood that have fallen from a house you can pick up Wagon Wheels you can pick up cabbage or or carrots to throw at enemies but then you also have a bunch of the traditional weapons like swords and axes and things like that and each of them will have their own statistics and uses both in combat and also outside of combat so for instance here you see that I've picked up an ore from Robo and yeah you can spin around and whack dudes with it and take them out uh or you'll actually need to use that to kind of pull VT over these big gaps or to get to higher levels and basically continue on you know with your quest one of my favorite things is to just jump on a barrel and then mow over dudes so yeah it's endlessly creative with what you can do in this this game it's it's super fun to kind of just mess around with the world and see what works works and what doesn't sometimes you're surprised sometimes you just laugh out loud because it's completely silly now the game is difficult and you are meant to die but thankfully the reloads or restarts of the level are pretty much instantaneous which is very nice it's the kind of game where if you die it's because it's because of something that you did or didn't do it's never really cheap or frustrating in that regard so definitely check out blood Roots it's awesome next is well next Machina this came out on the PlayStation 4 and also on Steam and this is another game by house Marquee this is yet another attempt that they had at making a really awesome twin stick shooter uh just like the first game we talked about called alienation now the reason why I want to talk about this one cuz it seems a little bit maybe redundant here having two twin stick shooters by the same developer in the same video but this one's very different and sometimes it's kind of polarizing not everybody likes this game and what I find is that typically people go one way or the other they either like alienation but not this one or perhaps you're like me where actually I prefer next mchina a little bit over alienation and as you can see by this footage here it's a very different graphic style as well this game plays a little bit more like say Robotron in the arcades or maybe Smash TV uh just has a a little bit more of an arena Style vibe to it um and again I think that's one of the reasons why I like this game it's a little bit more pick up and play there's not quite as much going on you know as far as the RPG elements to it as M this game really doesn't have quite the RPG elements as Alien Nation uh plus as you can see by the footage here it's a showcase for really cool voxal technology the way that those pieces break apart in this this game it's just gorgeous to watch also this game has a dash feature that is key to staying alive in this game where you see me doing all the time here where basically you have this Dash that you it's it's a move that you can do so when it gets really overwhelming you dash out of the way and then you continue on just blowing everything up and then it basically slowly builds up it's only a couple seconds long so you can't do it all the time it's very strategic but you you're you're doing it every probably five or 10 seconds so that's kind of one of the things that really sets this game apart from some of the other twin stick shooters that you may have played so yeah if you like twin stick Shooters you got to check out next Machina and Now for Something Completely Different this is a game called late shift and as you can see by this gameplay footage here this is a fullon Interactive full motion video game so first of all I have to say like many of you I've grown sort of nostalgic for those FMV games from the '90s and early 2000s you know these were all the rage back in the day when CD ROMs and DVDs were just brand new in all of these different consoles and you know PC and you know some of them were better than others most of them were crap to be honest or painfully bad but you know every once in a while a game comes along that kind of resurrects that style and late [ __ ] does that and it does it really well now unlike other FMV games especially some of the classic ones the prompts that come up where you have to make a decision for the character and move the story forward in this game it doesn't pause it and it used to do that in a lot of games and so that's something actually I thought was pretty cool about this because you really have to stay on your toes you have to make those decisions quickly or the movie will just continue on without you and basically I'm not sure which decision it makes probably just the first one but it's cool because again it's always moving forward also it looks like a decent budget TV show and it has some really good acting and some interesting characters but I guess I should probably talk about what the the actual game is about so you play this parking lot attendant who is on The Late Shift hence the name of the game and then you are unwillingly involved in this high stakes Heist that involves some stolen goods a crime ring and also maybe you know depending on your decision a potential love interest ooh and this game gives you a decent amount of decisions to make it actually gives you a 180 things to choose from as you are playing the game so you can really guide your character and the story along so the way that that works out is is that you can beat this game in about an hour and a half which is the typical length of a Hollywood movie and then what happens is that there are seven different endings that you can play with so yes the game is fairly short at only an hour and a half long but you can keep replaying it uh you know making different choices that you might not typically make the first time through to see where that leads you it really reminds me almost of when I'm playing Mass Effect where you have the the choices to be nice or not so nice or maybe a jerk or maybe you know make a decision that is logical or sometimes illogical and just kind of see what happens so on my second playthrough that's exactly what I did I chose all of the options that you really shouldn't play you know or choose when somebody's pointing a gun at your face and it was really funny and very satisfying to see just where the story went when I just played it wrong it was awesome so yeah if you're like me and you've been missing these full motion video games definitely check out late shift next up is a game I've been playing a lot lately it's called moons of Madness so this is a firstperson survival horror game that has you playing as an astronaut that is stationed on Mars that uh may or may not be going slightly mad and so as you can see by this footage here you are going around this Martian space station here uh both inside of it and also out doing some light puzzle solving like you would in you know maybe like say Resident Evil game especially the newer ones uh but again it has that survival horror element to it and what I like about this game is that it starts off fairly kind of realistic you know obviously we're not on Mars yet and I don't really know what it's like to be an astronaut but it has a lot of the things you would do as an astronaut where you're kind of fixing equipment you are adjusting your air that you have your reserve air when you're out on the Martian landscape um and then it slowly kind of reveals itself it kind of slowly gets worse and worse to the point where it's a full-on survival horror game now one of the criticisms I have of this game and it's a slight one but I do want to mention it and that is the performance on the PlayStation 4 uh it's not great and actually I'm using it and capturing this footage on a PlayStation 4 Pro and every once in a while the frame rate does dip down I think it's probably because I'm loading something or there's a delay or something like that it's not that big of a deal I'm not super sensitive to that kind of stuff it doesn't really affect the game play but I just want to mention it cuz some people definitely don't like it when you know the frame rate dips and it does that occasionally when there's a lot of stuff going on but I definitely like how this game went from kind of just mundane to wow what the hell is going on and I really appreciated that it didn't waste a whole lot of your time and it got really interesting I don't want to spoil anything if you haven't played this game but if you like HP Lovecraft I think you're going to dig this next up is Kentucky Route Zero the TV Edition and this is a game that I kind of went back and forth as to whether I should include it in a hidden gems video because I do feel like that this game is somewhat known uh I had heard of it but I hadn't played it and when I did a bit more research I realized that yeah I know that it's it's kind of known but also I don't think a a lot of people had played it myself included until I made this video and once I did I was like yeah this is worthy of this video so what's going on with this really bizarre game well you are an antique delivery guy that's trying to get to a specific address via this fabled route zero in Kentucky so yes the the title of the game is very accurate although how you get there is really bizarre now I read that the creators of this game were very INSP ired by David Lynch uh I think they are probably inspired by say a fever dream that they maybe had maybe they were Delirious with the flu or something like that because uh you know for such a simple premise you do some just really odd things in this game you're you're cruising around and meeting these interesting cast of characters that may or may not want to help you with your goal um it just seems kind of random and again very David Lynch like where you're going who are these people and what are they doing all the time it's like I said it's really bizarre and you can really tell that by the footage here I mean it looks sort of like a traditional pointand click adventure game but you don't have the traditional puzzles that you would in those kind of games you know typically you're trying to find an object to unlock another one that progresses the story and that's not that's not necessarily the case in this game I mean essentially what you're doing is walking back and forth uh from character to character and then most of your your choices that you have come in the form of dialogue now what's Wild is that there's not necessarily a right or wrong dialogue Choice it's just that often whatever you choose will potentially change the story or maybe how a character interacts with you and so when I started playing this game I thought am I doing it wrong you know in these type of games I'm so used to trying to figure out okay what is the developer want me to do to progress the story but often in this game again there isn't a right or wrong answer and so you almost have to kind of lay back and just sort of let the dialogue happen let the characters talk it's a really beautiful bizarre sometimes kind of slow moving game and it's probably not for everybody but man is it memorable hey guys metal Jesus here and I am back back with another place PlayStation 4 hidden gems video I've already done three of these videos in the past covering a bunch of great PlayStation 4 games so if you don't see what you're looking for in this video well you might want to check out those I'll put a link down in the video description below but for this video I chose eight games that pretty much flew under the radar a little bit however here's the thing a few of these games did come out on other systems however the reason why I'm including them in this video is because well for the most part they got a physical release on the PlayStation 4 so if you're a physical game collector like me often the PlayStation 4 version is the one you want to seek out the other thing I want to mention is that all of these games play on the PlayStation 5 as a matter of fact all of the footage that you'll see in this video is me capturing that footage running these games on a PlayStation 5 so let's go ahead and check out the games the first game I want to mention is called Gravity Rush 2 this is a sequel to a game that originally came out on the PlayStation vaa handheld now that was a beloved game on that system with a really unique premise you play as a girl that can control gravity on this Grand Adventure in this fantasy world I guess I would describe this game as one part platforming an adventure game and then one part collectathon and then maybe one part superhero game but it's unlike any other superhero game that you've probably ever played the one thing going into this game is that you need to understand that the controls definitely take some getting used to you're not necessarily controlling where the character flies to instead you are controlling where she falls to again you're controlling her personal gravity it's a very subtle thing but one that can kind of take a bit of time to wrap your head around around thankfully the lock on system works pretty well it'll autot Target the nearest enemy or an object that you can interact with Still In the Heat of battle especially if there is a time limit it can be pretty frustrating trying to deal with the the the weird kind of controls and also the camera if you haven't played the original game you might be wondering why I'm recommending the second game in the series but really you don't have to have played the original to enjoy this one yes the original was remastered also for the PlayStation 4 but this game acts both as a sequel and a prequel in that it delves into the origin story of the character and so you're not really missing much it's also a long game at over 20 hours for the single player story and you can easily double that if you take on all the side missions and you try to find every collectible and I have to say going back to capture this footage jumping off a building and then taking control of the gravity never get gets old this is a really fun and unique game and yes a total PlayStation 4 Hidden [Music] Gem next up is a game called steel rats and this is an example of a game that also came out on the Xbox One the switch and the PC but it's on the PlayStation 4 where they released a physical version well at least outside of North America so you will need to get an import copy of this like you see here think of this as a post-apocalyptic motorcycle trials game but you've also got guns weapons and upgrades and this is quite an unusual game I mean it's not going to be for everybody but I love games that try to do something kind of different and this one is pretty fun and it's definitely different now as you can see here it's a mix of a driving game and also a 2d kind of platforming game and because of that the controls take a little bit of getting used to I mean it throws a lot of options at you fairly quickly almost I would say too quickly for some people for instance you have buttons that will do Boost you have buttons for a quick little turnaround you'll also have buttons for attack there's another button for a jump there's a surprising amount of stuff happening in this game and you'll notice that I like to mention how long it takes to beat a game because well I mean these days pretty much everybody is short on time to play games and often shorter games can actually be a little bit more appealing so this game here steel rats can be completed in about 5 or 6 hours but there's enough Collectibles and hidden things to find throughout the game that you can easily double that time considering that this game typically goes for about $10 or less if you get it digitally or maybe about $25 for the physical version that might be a good deal for you but really I wanted to mention this because not a lot of people know about this game and I actually kind of dig it especially again when you get the controls down it's really fun now is it a perfect game no it definitely feels like an indie game that could probably use a little bit more polish but it's way better than you might expect and again definitely a Hidden Gem next up is a game called Gundam Breaker 3 so this is a really cool Japanese Mech brawler with some great features so the premise of this game is that you are a real world kid living in Japan that joins a team of Gundam collectors who then battle it out in this virtual arena with these little plastic Mech toys and so at its heart this is a brawler SL beat them up but it's got a ton of RPG elements to it you can upgrade and configure your Mac pretty much any way you want to we're talking you can put a new head on there arms legs Shields weapons both melee and long range you can change the color the Skins the stances the actions that they do it's almost never ending and then what you do next is take these little plastic Mech toys into battle against your foes and try to kick their ass now I know what you're thinking watching this gameplay footage here is that it looks really chaotic and yeah it is but there's a lot going on here you have short and long range attacks you've got heavy and light attacks special attacks that have coold down timers plus you've got fellow computer teammate members that you can issue commands to and then you also have healing abilities and just a ton more now you can on the easiest difficulty setting kind of just Button Mash your way through these battles but you'd really be missing the point there is a lot of realtime strategy happening here and you need to be on your [Music] [Music] toes this was released around the time that the vaita version came out that's actually the version that I played first and this has a really cool feature here where you can do cross saves so you can upload your saves to the cloud and then download them and continue playing on your PlayStation VA now I just tested this again and it still works but I'm not entirely sure how long this is going to work cuz it's Sony and they could probably just you know abandon that feature at any moment but when it works it's pretty cool I'll admit I'm usually pretty skeptical of games that that are this chaotic but man I really grew to love this game now it's important to know there are two versions of this game on the PlayStation 4 there is the break Edition which includes all the DLC you might want to snag that one if you run into it also be aware that there is a sequel called new Gundam Breaker that fans do not like now I haven't played it myself but just be aware it's kind of confusing you kind of have to pay attention to the title here because you don't want to get that version you want to either get Gundam Breaker 3 or the break Edition next up is ksui Destiny I originally talked about this cave shoot them up back in a pickups video a while ago and in the comments I actually called it katsui death T because that's how it's spelled and I was corrected in the comments people are like no it's actually meant to be kind of a Japanese joke you're supposed to do it with a lisp and it's supposed to be very tongue and cheek so just be aware I guess it's called ketsui Destiny either way this is a banger of an arcade shoot them up now if you never played one of these cave shoot them UPS just know that there is a lot going on here way more than just trying to mow down as many enemies as you can first up this game has five stages as well as midlevel bosses and then a big boss at the end of each level plus you have two ships to choose from each with their own shot patterns and speed of movement then you can kind of tailor it to your specific play style but the reason why I want to talk about it in this video is because well this is a great release of the game because it includes several different modes to suit pretty much any experience and skill level with people who have played these for years or maybe are just new to these kind of bullet hell style Shooters super easy mode is great for beginners it'll slow down the action a bit and help you kind of learn the levels in the bosses arcade mode is for the normal experience where the difficulty is raised but still very fair then there's the katsui destiny arrange mode which introduces new scoring and also this little destroy bar at the bottom in this mode depending on how leveled up you are and how well you're doing in the game well things like your Shields and auto bombing will happen if if you're hit there's also a custom mode that allows you to tweak the game to exactly how you want to play it what's cool about these releases are the side panels that are giving you realtime information about the game that you're currently playing on the left is information about scoring that is happening real time so like what multipliers are being used maybe how close you are to the enemies dropping these multipliers damage effects and a ton more and then on the right you see a map of the entire level and where you're at during your play I Can See Gamers trying to maximize their scoring by maybe recording your gameplay and then you can go back and analyze and see exactly what you need to do to improve kind of Moment by moment also this makes it pretty interesting for someone who is watching you play like say sitting on the couch next to you or maybe on a live stream where they could kind of get more information about what's happening in this crazy shoot them up as you can tell this is an excellent release for the PlayStation 4 and the fact that we got it in physical well that's just one more reason why you might want to pick it up next up is an arcade racing game I'm very excited to talk about that is Hot Shot racing this comes to us from sumo digital they are an excellent developer who made all those really great modern outrun games you know like 2006 Coast to Coast all of those they're the same developer that made this you'll immediately notice that the graphic style here is very retro inspired it's got like a low polygon style to it I really dig it it's funny watching this because you know all it really needs is to have like the Tesla cyber truck as an unlockable that'd be pretty funny drifting for Boost is the name of the game here and it feels really good to drift in this game it feels almost a little bit more analog than say outrun and I mean that's a high praise cuz I think the outrun games do it extremely well but here it's a little even more controllable you feel it you just have a little bit more control over your drift in this game you can really finesse it and you see those four bars down in the right hand corner so that's how many times you can boost based on how much you drift so you want to build that up as much as possible use it at very strategic times to you know launch ahead of the other cars and again it all feels very good because that developer has so much experience making great arcade games now this game also came out on other systems including the PC Xbox and switch but again it's the PS4 physical version that I typically see all the time and it's not very expensive so I wanted to include it here I do see the physical switch version occasionally although not as often and not as cheap so if physical collecting is important to you and you love great arcade racing games you might want to snag the awesome PlayStation version now with all due respect could you not [Music] time the next game I want to talk about is a VR game but before you tune that out because maybe you don't own a VR headset just yet you might want to wait a second here and let me describe this really cool game to you this is a game called paper beast and basically this is kind of like an alien planet adventure and puzzle game and when I say that the game puts you on an Alien Planet I really mean it there is going to be very little here that you're going to initially be relating to it's really weird right off the bat the first thing you notice are these organic creatures that seem to be made entirely out of paper or ribbons yet they're alive they're thinking and they're trying to guide you somewhere and let me just tell you a flat 2D YouTube video does not do this game Justice this is an incredible game to just stand in the space and explore this world when I when I first got into this I just stood there and was just in awe now originally this game came out on the PlayStation 4 and was for the original VR headset and it plays great there but the good news is if you happen to have a PlayStation 5 and you happen to have the new PlayStation VR2 headset this game is enhanced for that as well so actually the footage here that you're seeing is the psvr2 you know footage but again just be aware that the game looks stunning on both the puzzles are very physics based often dealing with utilizing creatures to help you out maybe trying to divert liquid from one area to another or build up a platform so you can reach a new area or just trying to solve kind of obtuse bizarre puzzles to advance the story and that's the thing about this game is that it feels very alien it doesn't hold your hand it doesn't tell you what you need to do you're just meant to kind of explore poke around and try stuff and like many VR games this one doesn't overstay its welcome either you can beat this game in about 2 to 3 hours if you know what you're doing maybe a little bit longer if you're like me and you get stuck and you need to kind of experiment a little bit when people talk about how VR can give you an experience that you just can't get in a traditional 2D game this is what they're refer referring to this is such a strange beautiful even sometimes kind of emotional game and I highly recommend it next up is a 2019 remastered version of medieval now I know some of you are going wait this is a remake of a game that was released back on the PlayStation 1 and while I think that game found its audience I also think back on the PS1 it was a little bit of a hidden Jam at least all these years later not many people talk about it and so many of us were very surprised when Sony brought it back all these years later for the PlayStation 4 this is a very old school feeling game it's basically a hacken slash game with a lot of Adventure elements you play as a resurrected Warrior who died in battle a 100 years ago probably a little bit too soon but you're brought back to fight this evil wizard that's taking over the land there's a variety of weapons here both up close and personal as well as rang attack weapons that you can quickly switch between on the Fly you have a shield you'll need to use to block attacks but you also use that to solve some of the puzzles and here's the thing this is based on a PlayStation one game and so it does have a camera that feels kind of old school sometimes you can move it around freely but then other times you'll be locked into a certain direction or looking a certain way it can be kind of weird and frustrating to Modern Gamers so just be aware going into it that's what you're dealing with however I think the updated Graphics look pretty good I mean you see it running here it's it's a nice looking game and there's a fun sense of humor here too which I really appreciate I mean it's a game I think many of us were very happy to see that got its remade remastered look to it so it's not going to be for everybody but I do think it's a total hidden Jam especially on the PlayStation 4 [Music] next up is the order 1886 so this is a very early PlayStation 4 exclusive that you know at the time of release did have a lot of excitement around it especially around its amazing Graphics But ultimately it didn't sell very well and it's a real shame everyone one our Escape p is a halfway at the time this game was considered way too short for a full pric tripa release it's single player only and the story can be completed in about 6 to 7 hours and there's no real replayability and so I get it you know you pay full price for a game and it only lasts for you know six or 7 hours yeah you might be kind of disappointed however now that the game is older you can easily find this for like 5 or 10 bucks so that's the reason why I think now it's absolutely worth your time at that price as you can see by this footage this is a third person cover-based shooter that takes place in the year 1886 in London and you play an officer of kns of the round table and basically you're trying to control these Rebels that are taking over London and causing all sorts of problems but what's crazy about this game is that they're working with werewolves and vampires and you guys are looking at the footage here and as you can see it's a very cool looking steampunk Adventure game that has some truly excellent Graphics there's just so much detail around every corner here the downside with this game of course is that it's just short and very linear and unfortunately there are you know there's a lot of QuickTime events which was kind of common at the time however the story and the graphics and also the shooting mechanics I think more than make up for those complaints but like I said you know at about $10 for a complete copy today why not give this game a chance it's pretty cool so there you have it guys that is another PlayStation 4 hidden gems video now there were over 3,000 games released on the PlayStation 4 so we've only begun to scratch the surface here so I would love to know down the comments what G games you think are hidden gems on the PlayStation 4 and maybe I should cover them in a future video please let me know and as always guys I want to thank you for watching my channel thank you for subscribing and take care hey guys midle Jesus here now one of my favorite genres of video games is the arcade style of shoot them ups and we got a ton of them on the PlayStation 4 and even better than that a lot of these were released physically as you see my collection here and so in this video I want to share with you some of the highlights from my collection we're going to go very quickly here this is meant to just be an overview and we're going to start with a Korean bullet hell style shoot them up game called shiku Soul Eater now what's cool is that this got a very nice physical release it has a reversible cover it comes with a manual there is a sticker in here there's a soundtrack and this game just has a beautiful art style it definitely sets the the tone here when you fire up the game although I have to admit that it looks like the background appears to be kind of a lower resolution than the foreground so that's something where maybe it didn't get quite the upgrade that you were hoping for but man the game play is definitely solid here this is one of those Shooters where they have bullet grazing where you have to fly really close to enemy bullets to fill up this Soul gauge that allows you to basically unleash the Super Attack if you want to go for a really high score so it's got this risk versus reward thing going on here and you know when you take into account that sometimes the screen is just full of enemy bullets this is definitely a difficult shooter but the nice thing is that there are plenty of difficulty options so if you're not very good at these kind of games if you just kind of want to learn the levels you can dial it down a little bit and still have a ton of fun and by the way I should mention that a lot of these shoot them ups are not exclusive to the PlayStation 4 this is just the version that I happen to have physically uh but a lot of these also came out on the Xbox One the PC and also the switch and what's nice is that almost all of these are compatible with the PlayStation 5 actually a lot of the footage that you're watching in this video was was technically me playing it on a PlayStation 5 because it can play all these PlayStation 4 games which is really nice next up is a game I was really excited to get is Battle GGA this is the the revision 2016 version now this game was originally released in arcades back in 1996 and it was ported to the Sega Saturn about a couple years later and it is it is one of those notoriously difficult shoot them ups but what's great about this version is that they really bring a lot of options here again if you are new to the series and maybe not an expert in these type of games but you still want to have a lot of fun right off the bat I just love the music in this game it's one of those things where it just gets you seriously pumped up to play it I also like how the controls are always displayed to the left of the gam playay that's actually something you don't see in a lot of these type of games and I found it to be very useful where you always knew exactly what would do a bomb or you know what would be a a fast attack things like that so uh again very handy very very useful if you're just starting out with this game for the first time every time I go to an arcade I always gravitate towards the orig Ryden arcade machine I love that game pretty much every game in the series has been a lot of fun and you see Ryden five here I think for me what I like about this is obviously the gamep play is very solid but also the weapon powerups are just really fun each one of them each color that you collect is just a completely different way of playing this game for instance you see the kind of Bendy shooter one here that's not the technical term here but that's the one where it just kind of wraps around and hits all the enemies on the screen I think that's just such a cool weapon and one of them that I always go back to now one of the things that's kind of annoying about this game is that there's just constant voice chatter throughout it it goes on all the time and I don't even know why they added it I guess it's for a little bit of flavor maybe to kind of like draw you into the story but honestly I just completely tune it out but I do find it a little bit annoying continue on to the Northwest and head towards Michelle defense right you why short an emergency call from Michelle defense bace hugin next up is a game that I'm not entirely sure I like but I want to mention here because it is kind of unique in the genre that is called parar roomi now this at first glance may look like a typical shoot them up but it's it's different in several ways first first off its theme is kind of unusual and that it is I I guess they call it sort of like a retro futuristic sci-fi South American thing going on here I've never seen that before and you know it's pretty cool I like that it's somewhat different but its real standout feature is that it has three very unique weapon types mapped to three buttons on your controller that you can use at any time and they each do something a little bit different and you'll notice that there is a color associated with it so for instance red blue and green and also enemies are also of the same color and so the way that it works is depending on the color type of weapon that you're going to use against the color type of the enemy whether it either does more damage or it it sucks off a little bit of charge to it uh basically you're kind of going back and forth between making color combinations with enemies and sort of what they're susceptible to depends on how you play this game does that make sense and honestly it's a little hard to wrap your head around especially in the beginning of this it's not something that you're just going to jump into and just get right away but if you're looking for something that's a little bit different than the normal I definitely think you should probably check this one out here's another one I was very excited to pick up and it's something that I hadn't heard of before but it turns out to be a really awesome shoot them up called katsui deathtiny I think that's how you pronounce that so this is another shoot them up that has a lot going on here depending on kind of your skill level at playing these games which again I find really awesome so this has got like an arcade mode it's got like a super easy mode for people who are just trying to just jump in there it's got an arcade challenge uh it's got a bunch of other modes in here so there's a lot to like about this game I definitely think it's just one of those classic shoot them UPS it's got great graphics really solid gameplay uh it's one that I keep coming back to time and time again as a matter of fact on my secondary Channel I have a playthrough of this game um so I'll link to that up in the corner here's a game that I picked up fairly recently called R type Dimensions ex and what this is is basically a brand new kind of 3D HD remake of the first two R type games now the standout feature in this it's so cool is that you can swap between the original pixel graphics and the newer Graphics anytime just by clicking that triangle button on your controller and the art type games have always been fairly difficult for me I'm not sure exactly why I'm not the biggest fan of horizontal style shooter so maybe that's something that's just I don't know something I'm not very good at so I definitely appreciate that this version has an infinite mode uh if you just want to basically play it casually now it doesn't necessarily lower the difficulty but it does allow you infinite lives infinite ships so you can basically just power your way through it which I I appreciate but I definitely love the feature that allows you to just go back and forth between the new style graphics and the old ones I think that's really cool any game that has a remaster like this should give you that option next up is a game called cyar Delta so this was originally released in arcades back in 2000 and this also has that buzz or bullet graze mechanic that I was mentioning earlier and I kind of admit I like this gameplay play mechanic but it can be very stressful especially when a game like this is just throwing huge amounts of fast moving bullets at you and also a game like this feels like it's very much about memorization you know cuz again it's just you need to know sort of where you can camp out and and and survive all of these levels but you know that's very typical of shoot them UPS anyways but yeah it definitely makes this game very tough also I don't really think this game looks particularly good I mean it's got kind of low quality 3D Graphics which is expected for a game that was originally released back in 2000 but I just want to mention it because it definitely is just a little [Music] dated next up is a game that Reggie told me about and I'm really glad I was able to hunt down a physical copy of it that is ESP raid Sai so this was originally released in arcades by cave back in 1998 but this port here has been done by M2 which is a company that's been doing a lot of these modern ports to the switch and the PS4 and generally they do an extremely good job so in this game you have three characters to choose from in the beginning but there is an additional one that you can unlock and each one of them has a very different shot type and being that it's a cave shooter it just controls and feels really good I've mentioned in the past that cave makes some of my favorite shoot them ups there's just something about the way that they look and feel they just have that something that I really love in this genre and speaking of awesome cave Shooters here's another one I picked up fairly recently is Dan gun feveron this is such a cool shoot them up that's unlike kind of any others out there cave was really kind of messing around with different ideas here and basically the whole premise of this is that it's it's based on or inspired by funky disco music and that kind of Lifestyle which again is so unique for the genre and so there's definitely kind of a fun and light-hearted vibe to this game and I love how this box version of it this physical version that limited run really celebrates that as well um but you know it again it doesn't sacrifice anything in the gameplay as you see here it is still hard as hell this is a you know a very fast fun shooter but again something kind of unique and and unusual and speaking of Sho ups that are kind of unusual and definitely stand out here is sisters Royale now what's interesting about this game is that you play these different sisters there's there's a bunch of them I think there's like five or six that you can choose from and each one of them has their own attack style but what makes this game kind of unique is that you are running along the ground and because of that there are different environmental challenges that you need to navigate so for instance you'll run into things that will block your path and you'll have to go around or there will will be ice that you'll slide around and not have a lot of control over your sister or wind will blow you left and right things like that so it's it's stuff like that that makes this game kind of unique also a little bit annoying but again if you're looking for something new and different and fun yeah definitely check this [Music] out speaking of games that are doing something a little bit different and standout from the pack well you're going to see it here it's so obvious that is sin MOA ex and this is just a rarity here because as you see it is one of the most beautiful horizontal shoot them ups that I think have ever been created the amount of artistic graphical Fidelity here is something you just do not see in this genre very often and so what's cool is that it is a full 3D game but it retains that classic gameplay on a 2d plane there so you know it plays very similar to games like you know R type and things like that but then every once in a while the camera will just swoop out and you'll get this 360 Vista uh it'll it'll wrap around a boss and show you what you're going to be taking on but then it'll Zoom back in for the actual game play it's stunning and it plays with the idea of time so every time that you destroy an enemy you're earning a little bit of time and you don't want to run out before the end of the level so that's kind of what it it does it entices you to to keep you know just destroying enemies as quickly as you can but then what's cool is you can also temporarily slow down time if things get a little too hectic and it has a story with voice acting and characters that you can kind of get into but again honestly I I typically skip it I just want to get right to the meat of the game and start blowing some stuff up here's a game that I'm not entirely sure if I like it or not but I want to mention it here it is called Dimension Drive and as you see here it's got this very comic book sort of look to it it is a space vertical style shooter but its core mechanic here is that it focuses on teleportation so essentially what's going on here is that you can instantly go back and forth between the two battlefields on the left or the right and you do this all the time so you run into a situation where you need to shoot something that's on the left left but then you need to warp over to the right because maybe there's something in the way or basically to progress in the level you need to hop back and forth and I got to be honest it feels kind of like a gimmick and maybe unnecessarily complex it is I mean it's welld designed and I think that once you play it for a while you can kind of get into the groove it's an interesting idea and I definitely applaud people who try to bring something new to the genre but uh I don't know it's not one of my favorites next up is caladrius Blaze and this is a game that has had a couple different releases originally it was released in North America on the Xbox 360 but then it was also released on the PlayStation 3 in Japan now what's cool about this particular version here is that they've included on it all of the DLC so this is kind of like a best of version of it here and as you can see it's a really fun vertical style shooter Reggie and I played this several years ago and just had an absolute blast no pun intended playing this game uh highly recommended a lot of fun sadly not every great shoot them up got a physical release and the number one game I'd love to see get a physical release it's so good is Jamestown plus now if you haven't played this game it is so good and again I don't think it got a physical release anywhere for whatever reason and it's one of those games that I think that could eventually just disappear because it only was released digitally on consoles and that really sucks man it kind of bums me out and what's cool about this game is that it takes place in an alternate history kind of cyberpunk version of Mars so it's got a little bit of story there not enough to kind of annoy you but it's just enough to kind of to be interesting and unique and as you can see here it looks and plays so well it's one of these games where you know I wish somebody like limited run or play Asia or somebody like that would just license it and put out a physical version of it I guarantee you that shooter fans like me would snag it up in a second it's a classic so anyways guys that is some of the highlights of the shoot them ups that I have for my PS4 it's one of those things that makes the PS4 so amazing now I know that a lot of these came out on other systems but again being able to get these physical for the PS4 they play in HD they look beautiful oh man it's just one of my favorite things to collect for and you may have noticed that a lot of these I actually ordered from sites like play which makes me think that you know what there's got to be even more of these over in Japan I bet you if you were to take a trip to Japan right now and look at their PS4 shoot them up collection I bet you there is an insane amount of games that are probably sitting on those shelves just ready for the picking and like I mentioned almost all of these are also available on other systems especially the switch it seems like the switch also got a ton of these as well although not all of them were physical but a lot of them were but I would love to know down in the comments if you think there are other physical shoot them UPS I need to get in my collection please let me know down in the comments below and as always guys I want to thank you for watching my channel thank you for subscribing and take care hey guys midle Jesus here and today we're going to do a quick unboxing of two pretty rare and unusual PlayStation 4 controllers that were found in Ontario Canada by a viewer of the channel his name is Adam he found these and frankly was just trying to get more information about them he didn't know anything about them and was having a hard time finding information online and so he thought maybe we sent them to me and we did a video about them perhaps we could find out a little bit more so the story is that Adam responded to a local ad to buy one of those 20th anniversary PlayStation consoles that came out a couple years ago and when he showed up at the guy's house he's like hey I've got this box here of some extra PlayStation 4 controllers that I'll sell you as well if you're interested and I guess the story is that this guy had a a guy living at his house that owed him rent and in lie of paying rent one month he basically said hey I'll you know give you these controllers and so that's what Adam ended up buying and uh as you see here they are internal uh developer controllers given to employees you see them here so couple things that are are fairly unusual about these is that uh you'll notice that they have silk screening right here on the touchpad and uh we're going to dig into those a little bit here a little bit more I notice that this one says consumer services 2015 Team edition and then over here it's 2015 operations Team edition and if you flip it over they also have custom graphics and also text here specifically for you know in recognition of working at Sony and working on the PlayStation that's pretty cool and it makes sense because like I mentioned that these were picked up in Ontario and that just happens to also be where Sony's Canadian headquarters are located so the person who originally got these either worked at Sony on the uh the PlayStation launch and some some of the aspects of it or uh perhaps they knew somebody who did so you can see right here you know again it's it's it's got a big thank you right here to the um the customer services team which I've looked up and I guess they are in charge of dealing with uh consumers who maybe need a repair on a console and I guess these would be given out to their top performers so I don't think they necessarily went out to the entire team but um to some of the you know kind of like an award for being a really good employee um this one here operations is pretty interesting because uh I assume that it's more of the backend perhaps of maybe someone who is running the you know in the IT department or uh in the server department but uh you know again I don't know the internal workings of Sony so I can only guess you'll also notice on the bottom here it does say you know not for resale now I've seen some talk online of people who suspect that maybe that silk screen is not actually part of the controller itself but part of the packaging um these are sealed right here you'll see that they have actually like a retail seal right there uh but Adam did say that is it's okay if I open them up um just to verify and maybe see if there's anything else that's kind of unusual on the inside of them so I'm going to go ahead and do that and obviously be very careful about that [Music] yeah so as you can see here the silk screen is right on the [Music] touchpad and uh I love how that's kind of like a wire look almost like a uh like a VR or something like that that's pretty cool same thing with this one I like this one right here because as you can see it shows people and employees essentially propping or holding up the PlayStation logo which makes sense because this was for the consumer services Edition so these would be people who would you know be uh dealing with customers as well as um you know repairing consoles now over the years we have seen other PlayStation 4 developer controllers pop up uh specifically I've seen a God of War one show up um but these are kind of unusual because we don't really find them much online especially this one right here so I'm not 100% % sure exactly how rare these would be um if they were only given out to top employees and maybe only in Canada they could be extremely rare but it's really hard for me to tell you know based solely just on what I've what I've seen online I'm really hoping actually that people will you know potentially chime up and post down in the comments and especially if you've worked at Sony and you perhaps have one of these or something like that um by the way these are not mine I'm not keeping them uh I simply just asked you know if I could do a video on them because I thought they were kind of neat and kind of interesting uh something you don't see all the time so I will be sending these back to Adam uh again thank you Adam for sending me these um if you uh want to reach out to him as well you can either he's going to be checking the comments of this video uh but I'll also put a link to his website down in the video description um cuz yeah I don't know they're kind of cool it's interesting because collecting controllers has been a thing l lately and so these are probably some of the uh the more unusual ones which is always really fun and interesting to to discover so anyways guys I hope you enjoyed this video and uh thank you so much for watching
Channel: MetalJesusRocks
Views: 78,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal jesus rocks, metaljesusrocks, metal, jesus, console, system, review, gameplay, video, game, reviews, gaming, collection, collector, PS4 Hidden Gems, PlayStation 4 Hidden Gems, PS4 Shoot em ups, PlayStation 4 shoot em ups, playstation 4, ps4 games, ps4 shmups, hidden gems, video games, best ps4 games, best shmups, playstation 4 shmups, ps4 pro, top 10 ps4 shmups, best shmups on ps4, top 10 ps4 hidden gems, ps4 shooters
Id: qcMCbDIqdws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 7sec (5767 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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