PLAYOFFS!!! Cloud9 vs Vitality - Official Highlights - PGL CS2 MAJOR COPENHAGEN 2024

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you said he had to start strong and so let's see if he's got it in him the hit is coming his way zwu is on the Boost pitch a perfect position for the pointman of Vitality but smoked out locked out zwu's got a te up flashes it's Apex first point of contact they move in and Apex Falls immediately so now zwu's got to hold on but he's waiting for his team to join him he's waiting for reinforcements a disaster he wanted to be involved he wanted to have some say so and how this sight take goes down but instead it's Vitality a man down slow on the retake here past the coffins Cloud9 aren't giving them a thing Cloud9 aren't fighting no kills given over yet and there's Spinx on the board oh Spinx with another surely no more from Spinx there's so many more playes ready to helping Messi answers back and it's just Perfecto wow that was a clinical exe execute from Cloud9 but cowering in the back of the site Vitality a man down piece it together counterterrorist what a start from Spinx questions on whether these players can do it on the big stage questions for Flames but Spinx is undeniable yeah in the meantime Cloud9 are working their way out in the top middle here but they haven't ever given up on that ambition of the late banana control so even as they run into spin when you see him floating around over the This Cloud Knight PS yeah no choice but to go through here they've been counted by the util they won't get past Spinx in CT either Flames he's been a rock here in zwu's absence this guy stepped up Apex looking to deal the killing blow but he can just wait they got ping into the p and Perfecto no clutch today once again hitting that kind of 50c markers Cloud9 look to go back grab the Bomb Group up over here around side of B but this time they want to be ahead of the util they get that out of Apex and electronic tries to play his hand through it but Apex doesn't miss a beat and when you repel that first man in Vitality know they've just bought themselves an extra 15 20 seconds here with that smoke down yeah it's again looking predictable cuz Vitality have even read this they called The Bluff Spinx moving over not like you need him this onew setup at the back of the site is perfection the smoke Land on a moloto Cloud 9 can't make Vitality uncomfortable blinded the flashes will work for now and Spinx is over R they know about this double set up the back Apex is run down that's more like it bomb has been planted Cloud9 break through and triple defense out of Vitality over the Ws B still Spinx a little discombobulated pushing before his team are ready to fight hiding out in smokes and a fiery round for Cloud9 to start this series flames playing the close angle but right now the attention is on this zwu awp he plays it very mobile in this round that shot fired over at a and now he's a part and parcel of this the the double kill from the awp and so finally Vitality Throw Down The Gauntlet they stop this B play in it tracks but Cloud9 try to adjust try to get past Spinx down in the pit and axile will find him gives way to a 2v2 zwu in rotation bomb has Apex fast through up banana all the way into top mid zwu making noise over at long right now you just need one kill in the right direction from Apex that would be worth its way in Gold not looking no ideas I would have pulled the distraction off axile dead Apex leads the charge and so now it's boich ready for two players up through the short side boom Rising Above This smoke just side W left to be but shot oh no boom brings it home for Cloud n and electronic begs them to push in so how we post it but they don't know about electronic oh just got it but not found Flames at least comes up with a response hit now sees they block this smoke over at long the bomb is on the back of Perfecto waiting at Banana so the route through CT is the best bet in for Cloud9 aile the hurt on bomit caught in rotation that bomb is now coming back Hobbit transitions into having a cut down these players in rotation and hbit will do exactly that just Mesi left and that bomb could go anywhere that bomb is going B Mei gets dodged and axile don't want to be in the path of this guy right now he is a force of nature this Flames ahead of it yeah he's looking to activate it but Electronics is not today and Flash him through the smoke Flames just looking few kills to bring him back into the game electronic he spams he wins so he just keeps going back for it there's a time to call it off two low players for Cloud9 let your high Health players entry now and keep this round as clean as can be keep that boot to the neck Spinx can he save them yet again he's been the consistency he's been the guy for vitality to keep their dream of getting to this position alive in spite of zwu's absence and so Spinx trying to get us all believing one kill on the deagle already zwu offering up assistance with the flashbang but Spinx has got to go be chases the kills of banana but can't get away with it zwu smoked off now this one's coming out of the final few seconds spam on the smoke close bom plot denied zwo trying to steal the round away Z find it solo but Perfecto just Dodges capture and so it's another one of these clutches for Mesi another clutch that might just slip through the fingers of Vitality through the mes so far while currently aile half of his kills are on spe half of his kills are shot down through the smoke their sacrific to flames but that's going to trigger a bit of a response out of cloud n fast rotate away from B into who you ask into the woo this has got to be his moment this has got to be his time right place right time for it zwu finds one on the awp cloud N9 still look undeterred they want to follow through with this great off angle for Spinx W be clearing this first so coming to them Spinx is going to Crunch at the same time that smoke up does nothing to deny the inevitable Vitality 5v2 Slaughter Cloud9 axile can't save them here surely this one is too far gone counterterrorist win finally shutting axile down you can see he's feeling it man the snappy aim back to long but Cloud n trying to write their wrongs can Vitality build up of a single round in the M of nowhere Apex one for one there's still Flames to help and he has this time they've hit the golden window Spinx in with the backstab and right now no one's looking Spinx has got the round on AATA right here takes out that first man and then disappears a ghostly Apparition there's no time to chase this kill unless they want to save for the final round of the half but Cloud9 have almost unlimited money they need to go they need to commit into the sight into flames Flames still want to get past but Vitality have left him here all alone they were rotating over but something something called it off and so for now Flames is in this all alone playing it down to the wire Hobbit needs to chase this bomb PL he's not going for the F the round gets away from them the time gets away from them that is a wild way to have given up this round and then they do that and even Spinx moving in a risky reposition this is a maleable spot Cloud n about to come through just the flash s good position double up and that rotate in from zor that could have been the killing blow in this round but the shot just sails past electronic a cloud n is still very much in this one Z Mesi to get past but that smoke makes life a little more Awkward as he holds the close angle zwu watches on from afar on the awp but this has got to be some combat oring from zou Shots rally through the smoke but nothing connects yet right now now Cloud9 don't feel safe to plant that bomb and this is wasting precious time another Miss from that awp but third times the charm and Flames gets there in time Vitality andark on a streak Spinx is holding up his side of the bargain and he has been across that entire first half so now you want to get zyu switched on apex lurking over towards the top of banana youtil is dodged they managed to get away from it oh and hop it it's a due to Apex he's now knocked out of play that leaves Vitality with only ground to cover left at this a side of the map they've got to get past axile and electronic in a crossfire they deal with the first a tries to retrieve but can't now there's room for the bomb arriving clean tap and so past Apex falling early everyone else with Vitality answers the call similar start to that first half but income Vitality axile is about to have a lot of fights here and with the form he's been in that's scary bomit trying to draw a distraction aile de bomit is going to be more than just the distraction two kills from him in the sight but that shouldn't be enough to pull Cloud9 back into this retake that they're so far removed start running away slow to start strong to finish and finishing is all that matters and it was flames and Spinx who kept Vitality competitive throughout the elimination stage kept them from dodging death Hobbit these players over to WS a is boom Going to save them once again in doing so they've dodged the stack all do of electronic for boage still stand between them and getting that bomb down inside of a boage falling off into the pit electronic moving into help and he is in the sight now ready to go electronic with a burst boage finds another the pistols are pulling it back electronic w't go down without a fight and Perfecto moves in cloud nine couple of fames couple of pistols there's no motor smoke that's going to leave sight lines open for this Boom at awp they've seen the barrel they know he's there but that just draws the BR hairs away from the true F off this site it's axile and electronic in the crossfire and this Crossfire has been destroying Vitality they've not been able to deal with it run and can't either try to run for the hills aile chases him down and at the perfect time too because boit is just up and left so right now it's only axile to Bear down on top middle there's Spinx is De delivering boit is tged up narrowly gets away narly makes it back into the side but run down and zwu's now got his hands on that awp where did this come from this was a done deal dead in the water Vitality now in a perfect position to close the round can Hobbits lock rotation no Z hit his flick tuned into the zwu show just in time and Perfecto faced with the impossible damage is his duty nothing more just wants to stop the Z save and armorless they got to run it out they're coming his way they're playing right into his hands they get out with the kill Vitality that is a defining round in this game they had no reason to win that they have to find their success or else Spinx will never get a chance to play the round Hobbit dead traded after one it's Z with a reply damage done but zwu delivers in the smoke electronic is hidden electronic is trying to make the round winning play Oh So Little Time Left electronic this could be his moment but Apex went to stop to [Applause] it and so Vitality a must-win round on the back of fin oh that's a crucial second entry kill into the B bomtom site to break open the stack and even Electronics position shrouded in the smoke is not enough Cloud9 have three strong and Apex is already wounded his teammates have left him here but that swing is crazy gives over the first pick to boom's awp it's been this Crossfire between pit and sight that won Cloud9 so many rounds on their CT side and it might be in that position where it's got got to do it again cuz with Perfecto falling over at long a big Chasm a big hole has just opened up on this a bomb site electronic now got to have eyes in the back of his head as they make their way out around Long electronic is all that stands between vitality and this map win they move in with the bomb a 3v2 in the post plant one where Cloud9 their positions are being considered Spinx waiting in the apartments Hobbit timing is everything here as he swings this spin picks it up S wound and close and the stars are here for Vitality there is no doubt about it a commendable performance in the first map keeping up his elimination stage run but with the entirety of Vitality coming his way going have their work cut out for them electronic underhand that smoke in dropping it close and even goes on to open Cloud n they will lose the point man electronic is spammed out and vitality now moved back they're going to join up with apex apex has played Cloud n like a fiddle here the the rotate comes out and he finds the perfect Gap Apex threads the needle allowing that bomb plant to come in so now the retake of foot for Cloud9 a little ways out is axile so they've got to wait they've got to be patient wait till everyone is ready to strike Apex spotted s to take the next contact kills going going back and forth but Vitality will Edge it out and Flames is the man to step up and start this one strong that is every pistol round in this series going the way of Vitality won't meet Vitality there and even as he exits his path brought the danger grenades going through in that mid pop as well Flames finds electronic getting aggressive there's another one coming through and axile here for his head takes a second kill so much damage done down to these players outside a both Mesi and zwu are low Vitality you're going to look to punish thisi and bomit with the weight of the world on his shoulders is that too much to bear smoke blowing open bomit can't get back and so the captain's clash and Apex comes out smiling that was a huge opportunity for boom TR two players in this Crosshair the low player first even on that smoke break but perfect utility on the execute for Vitality they answer the call and keep theirs as well 3 off of this tside right now there's a P250 here as well that's hardly a winning recipe and vitality full on Slaughter util full Focus as they come through one out of boom on the USP but he's got to do more and he can't Mesi secures both the openers the vitality home free in this round bomb has a couple of rounds hit of clean executes for Vitality has set the precedent to start this map 40 Cloud9 need to come back ducks in a row and knocking down axile he's trapped out that Molly forces a fight he'll only take one does well to get out of it with a one for one there the util would have wrecked him so he had to take that swing towards middle over towards a hobbit is is the sole bite Defender Spinx has been waiting back at B long since the start of the round hit pushes into dark it's just the one for one as Z or fires off in reply some of the most phenomenal trading for Vitality in this map so far no kill goes unpunished no play comes out for free and now a free be bomb site it's in its entirety a smoke to stop effecto from getting involved that bomb doesn't have to cross Z can take this fight if he want but it would be risky oh he can War bang the's coming in denied by boage 10 seconds someone's got to save him Perfecto can filter through boich takes two and Cloud ner on the [Applause] board start pressuring they're going through that smoke axile is run down bomit again has got to deliver on this or and it just sails past Flames who seems determined who seems so active on this tside Flames CH top in the charts right now Flames is here to stay that much is apparent and he's the reason they got hit so clean as well that game over complexity was an absolute struggle for Vitality he had to drag them it was on this map he came through with a massive second pistol round with a 3K that propelled them into a comeback it put them 3-1 there is blocking util on this B bombsite but it has to H up quick has to come through as perfector drops his final Vitality emerge into the sight zyu can't find that entry kill Hobbit holds for one but again not enough feels like it won't be the last time we say that for Cloud9 they crumble a brittle B sight Electronics trying to make a move here trying to rejuvenate the squad as he plays through this smoke but tagged up on the push axile instead tries to take up the mantle of the man this back but set up from the flashbang Apex puts flames in a spot to succeed and he continues to exert that dominance over this tside Flames is absolutely on fire that position gained up on the lip so he can wait for the flash he was in no hurry he just wants to end this round and take everything away he saw the or he knows boom is here and they want that g this or is the only threatening thing coming out next round and it will get remve even if that orb starts firing on all cylinders even if somehow boage Rises to the occasion he's not the big issue in this one there's no Supporting Cast around him so sure they're putting a lot of money into keep bringing it out you got to have some faith in this move it's right now Flames full faith in this guy 12 and two top in the charts for vitality and carving a path to the semifinal it's all Flames oh he is not stopping right now absolutely brutal got to save this all in something but is it nothing for Cloud 9 and this has even been the story throughout the rest of the major so far for Vitality it's been spearheaded by Spinx and by flames and Flames is showing his best look yet here in the quarterfinals he has become what Cloud9 feared Flames is rocking their world setting fire to the rain that falls on cloud 's parade bomic is holding on tightly to this awp he's clutching his Mouse right now like never before hoping that he can do something he can deliver anything to Cloud9 but they don't make life easy for oras they don't make life easy for boich a fast reposition out of dark gets posted on Main Vitality are going to come walking into this awp Perfecto dead as he tries to make a play and now it is just bomit left in the clutch trying to get ahead of them he's trying to read one step further from Vitality but they don't fear they don't cower in front of the bomit or they're going back into the bomb site as boom goes around the world get attempted now not only are they get getting outperformed they're getting out cool they're getting out maneuvered they're getting out R Vitality coming through with their a game yeah I got to say you know even though Flames is is red hot right now he's 15 to2 he's looking indominable and you know when you're on a team with someone who would to rise as fast and as hard as zwu and everyone's talking about you that speaks volume zwu decides he wants to be bought into that conversation gets involved here and now speak at the devil and he shall appear it's zwu's double kill that tees up Vitality for double digits they're making it look look like Inferno one two kills you just win the round Cloud9 are trying to get aggressive to regain space but Vitality are still waiting on their default this will give them something this will give them more kills it's going to get worse before it gets better but Flames a Miss shot and electronic keeps Cloud9 in consideration awkward thing here this is actually one of the better spots you've been in to attempt to retake and even then speak Ro to life haven't even had to mention him throughout this game so far but he gets his and vitality looking to get theirs is now Cloud n two versus four and it might be another dismal save with each one of these they have to sit there let the round wash over them let the game wash over them they can't come to terms with their failures here but they have been let down in this the second map it felt wild the Anubis pick comes through that's Cloud I believing in their po believing in their game they've had good results on this one but Vitality have come through ready they have come through prepared yeah you always wonder if Cloud line got into the knowing that this map would be allowed as a third Shaw Mirage was never going to be comfortable for Vitality but Cloud9 make a case for the best wash over them let the game wash over them they can't come to terms with their failures here but they have been let down in this second map it felt wild the Anubis pick comes through that's Cloud9 believing in their pull believing in their game they've had good results on this one but Vitality have come through ready they have come through prepared yeah you always wonder if Cloud mine got into their ax on on electronic on a final stand and that's actually how much electronic is shaking right now look at him go up close towards main axile holds this tight line looking for anything but he's out of it check out just might bring them back in right when you thought it was over shooting for the stars at two on the half and what a time for him to have stepped up here this was about to be a wash no contest still very much could be but Cloud9 looking for anything clutching at straws clutching at electronic SAU forced out by the molotov into that awp and now it's just Spinx stone cold on the first half never had to do anything was never required left in a rough on4 an electronic rising in the occasion with four kills last of the half is put up by Cloud9 going to make moves in the mid round to complicate matters pushing out through b Main boich and Perfecto are here they spot that push at least electronic picks up a kill over in Middle starting to pick up form at the end of regulation Hobbit with that reply at least gets the trade onto flames a huge kill to find with the form that Flames is showing here so now spanx's left is the sole defender of this be site this is a nice move it's going to give Vitality a bit of info will let Mesi gamble but it's still up to Spinx silent in that first half alone at the back of the site the backstab a second too late Spinx is covered by smokes but he's got an open sight line here here who stopped that one Messi Taps that two spits his hit to help and it's domination from Vitality not just in this map not just in this series but in the pistols as well here they go a final ditch Harrah a force with no plant explosion into this site Mesi is caught with a molotov in hand he's got a Crossing help but it won't last long Cloud N9 break in then they break down Apex is here to Hound him and this might be as good as done axar a long way away Vitality are going for the throat they want this to be embarrassing they want this to be one-sided they want to go into that semifinals riding a high and they just might one round away from it it's going to free up rotation say know Cloud ner in the middle they're using util to block to buy time zyu has the bulk he sees them coming flam and zyu here to withstand this they will open up zyu getting involved and now it's just Flames toppled them run down Spinx on the rotate out through middle Vitality sit a man up in this retake they want this one over and done with here and now and one man stands between them and that semifinal today the is for victory and for vengeance
Channel: PGL Counter-Strike Highlights
Views: 67,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CS2 Highlights, Best CS2 Moments, Pro CS2 Plays, Twitch CS2 Highlights, s1mple, NiKo, device, FalleN, m0nesy, CS2 Clutches, CS2 Aces, Top CS2 Teams, CS2 Tournaments, PGL Major, CS2 Ace Compilation, Pro Gamers Highlights, CS2 Strategy, CS2 Best Plays, Team Liquid, Natus Vincere, Astralis, FURIA Esports, FaZe Clan, CS2 Major Highlights, Competitive CS2, CS2 Pro Highlights
Id: YMJ3Rek_IpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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