Playing Roblox on PS5 for the first time EVER...

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Roblox just got released on game consoles for the first time ever my goal is to see if I can get to play Roblox on Playstation but the problem is that I've never owned any gaming consoles yet alone a PlayStation 5 which cost a whooping $500 if you're caught up with my videos you know that I've spent thousands of dollars on Roo in the past 2 weeks so there's only one way to decide if I'll go in crippling depth today so here in my Discord server I'll have them decide so I'll make it if I get 100 reactions on this post I'll have to buy it I mean surely not that many people will react to it right and let's go ahead and ping everyone just for the heck of it my Discord server is pretty dead not going to lie so matter of fact let me be the first two reactions cuz I'm confident we won't hit the goal see we only got like two reactions so far there is absolutely no way we're going to hit 100 wait oh no things are heating up fast this wasn't supposed to happen well I think I'm screwed here I don't know math but I do know for a fact that 10 times how many other reactions it has is over 100 so I'm cooked damn bro what is this I swear this better not be what I signed up for cuz the quality looks like absolute trash like at this point if the quality actually looks like that I might as well just burn the money instead so I didn't record this part but pretend this is me driving to Best Buy to get the PlayStation and I don't even know how to drive so this clip is extremely inaccurate but who cares so see y'all there all right guys I'm here we parked miles away from any car cuz I don't want anyone scratching my Lamborghini this was honestly such a mistake cuz I haven't even crossed the road to the store and my fat ass is already tired but you can't blame me cuz Roblox players never touch ass so this is a rare sighting of one in public and speaking of being in public my anxiety is f to kick in cuz it's so awkward filming in public I feel like such a weirdo so first thing is to find the PlayStation cuz I've got no idea where it could be here okay never mind that was easy all I had to do is walk a few steps forward and am I tripping or are they sold out dang guys what in the world happened here there is absolutely nothing here if there was a looting they should have invited me too I just managed to get a hold of one but didn't record cuz it was an interaction with a worker here so that would have been been weird I'm honestly contemplating running out of here with it for free never mind I was forced to pay but now it's time to go home and set this thing up for Roblox okay guys I'm home now and look at this thing it looks amazing I'm honestly getting hyped to open it look at this it says PS5 so you know it's legit oh and by the way I ended up getting this capture card to hook it up with OBS recordings after this video I'll have absolutely no use for this PS5 anymore so if this video gets 50,000 likes I'll give it away to a random person who liked I've never had 50,000 likes before so I'm hoping we don't actually reach it cuz I'd have to pay shipping and not to mention I spent over $500 on it already anyways let's start opening it whoever wins it if we reach the light goal will have to deal with an opened up PS5 so hope you enjoy my fingerprints but here let's pull out the box thing and ah it's just a white box nothing special I guess the real thing will be under here not going to lie this packaging is low-key fancy it reminds me of an iPhone unboxing cuz for the price you pay for these things you should be getting every Penny's worth dude dude what the heck we have a box that's inside a box which was in the box and of course it's another box inside that box I'm starting to believe I got scammed cuz look at all these boxes with nothing in them dude tell me this doesn't look like a prank I'm like actually about to start crying never mind I'm just yapping cuz finally after all those boxes we are seeing something at least which is the manual thing that no one cares about and the controller over here which honestly looks so sick behind all that is this suspicious looking package that looks like some sort of illegal funny looking hold up thing let's take it out I'm assuming it's going to be the PS5 but if it's option one then hey I'm totally not complaining unfortunately it turned out to be a PS5 but look at this thing it's so beautiful I can use it as a mirror too comment if you want a face reveal but I highly doubt anyone cares though with all that being unboxed we officially have everything out now it's time for the fun part where I have to figure out how to get it to work with my monitors and PC to play roblocks on it oh and I almost forgot I have to plug this thing between my PC and PS5 in order to work and my mind you I've never used this thing before so hopefully I get everything right what's up with these things having boxes inside of boxes I only care for the product not the boxes anyways I'll see you in a bit when I have everything set up cuz this part is going to be boring okay guys it's been over an hour now my dumbass could not figure out how to get things started but I've managed to pull through this thing was the absolute worse I had to watch a YouTube tutorial to get it to work unfortunately I can't screen record the setup process because apparently I need to disable something from the place Play Station settings so let me just handle that real quick okay guys I'm officially done with setting everything up as you can see my OBS is able to record the monitor on the left which is none other than the PlayStation also shout out to my mom for bringing me Starbucks she a real one for real anyways let's dive into the PlayStation I think it's about time was that a good transition I thought I ate but I'll have to rewatch it when editing so I'm assuming Roblox is in the store right dang I need an account apparently so let's make a new one since I've never had one before I'll skip through the more personal stuff first though I'm in the username part now and let me tell you this keyboard is awful it takes forever to get a word out yet alone a whole sentence what so you're telling me my username is taken who the hell took it okay so apparently this one works so I guess I'll have to be playing as an impostor of myself and for privacy I'll choose this option which I think allows fans to add me oh my gosh finally that took forever I'll probably cut out boring parts or things that were too personal so Roblox has to be somewhere here if I just keep scrolling wait I'm stupid and blind here it is and I swear if I have to pay Xbox Live for downloads I'm returning this thing right back yes let's go so while this finishes downloading I'll go scratch my butt real quick but what you can do is subscribe with notifications on all right guys I'm back and it's downloaded so let's play I'm super excited cuz this is going to feel like a new experience kind of like if I was playing Roblox for the first time matter of fact let me start fresh from a new account too this is my username if y'all want to follow it ooh okay we're loading in the home screen definitely looks noticeably different from mobile and PC versions we'll check out games in a bit but first I have a few things to settle first thing is where the heck do I get to my avatar oh here it is but what in the world is that guys wait should I buy headless horsemen on this account or would it be a waste actually instead of buying it again for myself I'll get a for a subscriber so make sure to subscribe with post notifications on to win this but for now though I do need to get myself some drip cuz I look completely broke right now let me head over to the Roo store and get ourselves some Roo I would buy the cheapest option possible since that could cover for some drip but I do have in mind to give some away to fans so keep watching to find out how you can probably get roo too unfortunately this is the highest amount they have available so I guess it sucks that they don't have the 20,000 Robux option okay give me a sec I'll go steal my mom's credit card real quick oh okay it's processing please Roo please yes let's go we got Roo now we have 10,000 Roo so let's get some drip before going into a game actually I lied let me real quick follow my main account cuz I got to get my priorities straight oh and I figured out how to type faster on controller all you got to do is use the controller's touchpad and hover over any letter you want to use then just press X when you're on the letter you want to use I'm still a bit slow but definitely getting used to it okay here's my account and GH can I not follow it or what I'll just send a friend request for now since I think since PlayStation is lacking some features I can't follow accounts yet okay there we go I accepted if you want to be accepted too make sure to follow this Roblox account and I'll accept a few people okay enough yapping and let's get some drip finally cuz I'm Noob I think what I'll do is go for a bundle character and dress it sort of like my main Avatar should I go for the baddy Avatar and make myself a baddy you guys know what I'm talking about right that one character that's going viral on Tik Tok H is it this one oh my gat I Gat to come back to this one later but for now I think I'll go with the classic Steve from Minecraft so let's buy it I might actually use it actually guys I really like this one it gives like a cartoonish Vibe so I'll make this bundle the base of my avatar bruh does anyone know how to go to the customization page I'll cut some parts out but I've been struggling for the past 3 minutes this thing is either so broken or I'm a total idiot and why am I floating in midair that literally took forever dude that's embarrassing I look like a giant right now with this bundle so let's scale it down a bit and make it into a short King well I mean not like Kai cat type of short but like normal looking I guess is this looking good if not we can always come back to fix it to be honest now let's get some clothes I want to find a shirt similar to the one I have on in my main Avatar but noticeably different if you get what I mean oh why did the screen just tilt this isn't the Titanic or something anyways I think this one is similar to mine so I'll get it for the pants I'll just use black since it matches with my shirt anyway so it's a win-win I guess for the hair I usually wear this Long messy hair but for this Avatar I want to use something a little less hairy so I'll just choose this shorter hair finally all I need to do is fix my skin color to Green of course cuz I am green and no I am not a zombie a lot of people think that I just have green skin wait guys I just realized my face is exposed which in my main Avatar I have it covered with a scarf so let's see if we can get some good head oh dude look at this this can really passes headless head this is crazy this just goes to show how easy it is to get free head in today's day and age on Roblox wait what look is there another they're everywhere Now isn't it crazy this one too wow all you got to do is change the head's color to Black and you'll get free head instead of paying 400 for it I think I just found the best one which is this one and it's super cheap too costing only 25 so it's the one I'll be using instead of buying the headless horsemen dude what and I can't even save avatars yet on Playstation this is so whack they got to get on this for real let's finally play some games and of course we have to start with an absolute classic which is natural disasters if you've never played this game you either have no childhood or wasn't introduced to Roblox at the right time and that was dramatic cuz I've never played it during my childhood either but we can play it together here and remember this is my first game ever on Playstation not just Roblox but in general ever and and what am I doing to this poor stranger I'm all up in his business no way guys look I found I show speed can't believe I show meat is in my server that's crazy all right next game is loading up and the first map we're going to play is this school place and since it's my first ever time playing a Roblox game on PlayStation I'm must set a goal for myself which is to survive whatever disaster loads up and if I fail a random person who comments their Roblox username right this very second will win 1,000 Robux so it's probably best to go back inside and maybe even go to the highest level possible just to be extra careful and when is the disaster going to be revealed bro it's taking forever okay great just as I was saying that this shows up and it's an earthquake so it's telling us to exit buildings isn't that just great no I'm being sucked into them I got to make my big Escape before it's too late the door's right there yes we going to make it out yes yes let's go let's go what happened what what is this hello I literally made up this is complete horse poop no no no no no so if it wasn't obvious I lost shocking right I'm fed up with this game now so let's try something that isn't rigged instead let's try out my favorite gambling game maybe I can gamble away the anger that piece of trash game left in my soul after this I'll head over to please donate and throw some sort of gifting party for fans anyways let's pick the cat as my starter pet and its name is Lily apparently isn't this game so peaceful I'm sure no illegal or game TOS breaking rules are occurring in this game o totally didn't mean to open that okay anyways all that aside let me gamble away some Roo by buying these eggs and if I don't get anything good dude I swear I'm leaving this game like no joke let's open all three at once to get it over with imagine we straight up get a huge pet or maybe even a Titanic that would be absolutely crazy so you guys know what I just realized so there's this game called blade ball and it's super popular but I've never played it before what if I play it right now now it will probably be a fun little challenge since not only have I never played it but I'm also not used to the PlayStation controller so figuring out the game should be fun so this is how you play this thing all you got to do is bounce back the ball seems pretty simple enough right all right bro first match ever let's go please man don't fumble like the video right now for for good luck come on man I'm so ready as soon as they pass me the ball I'm eliminating someone wait what happened did I die already hello dude what the hell just happened I think I just randomly fell look there's the red ball I got to catch it now right oh wait never mind then that's the ball which just killed someone actually imagine being that loser that couldn't be me like the ball hasn't even came my way all around it's probably scared of me if we're being honest wait it's coming my way now block it block it yes I blocked it did I win I think I'm pretty good at this all right so before this next game starts I've been going through the store thing and I think after this next round I'll buy everything the shop has to offer maybe this is one of those pay to win games and since we got plent PL of Robux with us we could probably dominate if that's the case anyways let's get the dub this time I won't fumble since I'm getting the hang of it already shove the balls up on my face I don't even care anymore cuz I'll blow back each and every single one back damn I made that look easy I'm getting too confident now I truly feel Unstoppable also I don't even know what the abilities do oh here look is this how I'm supposed to be using them not going to lie that felt like an overreaction like an Overkill but without the kill if you know what I mean oh and the thing is yeah look it just regenerated I just realized the ability has a cool down which I guess it's for the best since people would be spamming it all the time and I wonder what other abilities are out there too besides mine which I forgot to use right now dang it oh this guy wants smoke come on pipsqueak bring it on you ain't no match to me no well guys for now I do want to get going with please donate to give away the rest of the Roo I have left but let me know if I should make a dedicated video on blade ball where I purchase all abilities with these coins I just bought okay here we go ladies and gentlemen probably the moment y'all been waiting for I mean like to be fair who doesn't like a bit of free roblo am I right dude I know y'all can't see my controller but I'm fighting with it for my dear life dude this camera has a will on its own look it's moving on its own and it's so annoying I promise I ain't tripping bro like look I ain't moving a muscle right now and you can slightly see the camera's moving it may not look like much but when I'm trying to run around the camera moves on its own and complete messes me up whatever man I'm just yapping but what I will do is let my Discord members join my new account for roblo so this bald guy here was the first to wave at me which I did add an additional message on my Discord saying that you must wave at me to know who is a fan since PlayStation doesn't have chat feature at the moment and there you go Mr Clean enjoy the robo now let's see who fa to wave at me next oh that kid's waving at me let's follow him to his stand come on dude let's go to your stand don't just stand there okay there we go he on the Move now or not I guess hello do you want roblo or not dude I swear this kid's dumb does he not want Robux or something okay there we go finally I did just roasted him a little so I'll buy his biggest Game Pass he has unless I'm too broke to get it of course and are y'all seeing this camera just moving on its own bro I swear it's so annoying and I'm not even moving it anyways this is the biggest pass this kid owns for some reason so I'll keep my word and buy it like I said I was hoping it was at least 1,000 but I guess I can give that to someone else all right this next person waved at me so I'm following him to his stand now and I feel so bad cuz lots of people are probably talking to me right now and they have no idea that I literally don't have access to chat since I'm playing on Playstation but dang this guy has a lot of passes I think I just found someone who I can finally give a big enough donation I definitely don't have enough for over 10,000 though but I do want to go over 1,000 for sure so maybe somewhere in the middle can work out fine right and there you go just like that three bands wish I could hear his reactions but at least he looks happy since he's jumping up and down oh and Big W on his stand too shout out to project Supreme he a goat anyways let's figure out who the next person to win Robux is cuz I still got a couple thousand more to give out oh that's right next person I see waving will be picked oh and it's this guy right here let's go to your stand man it's funny cuz this guy got one of those fake Domino's hoodies so don't want to roast him but maybe he needs the Roo so let's help him out by giving him at least something decent he's trying to get headless oh wait I'm dumb this is his stand imagine I would have donated to his Ops over there while his actual stand is over here that would have been my reason to just completely quit the game honestly but let's give him 1,000 Roo I hope that helps at least with something I mean he definitely can't afford a real Domino with it but maybe more fake ones now that I've donated a couple thousands to some fans I'm contemplating moving to another server or saving the remaining Robux for people watching this video actually dude you know what I got an idea I'll set up a stand and double donations I know it sounds like one of those scams the Bots be doing but I'll actually do it myself so let me real quickly claim a stand here and start the business if I need more roox I'll just buy more Dam that was rude did y'all see that that dude just straight up stole my stand that was low-key crazy what is blood thinking and what is this now hm wait what so uh I don't have game passes right so I won't be able to do the doubling donating method isn't that just great that's such a bummer wait guys hold up maybe I can create game passes on the spot here is it this one now that just kicked me out what the heck but wait hold up maybe I didn't hit apply cuz that over there looks like a Game Pass oh never mind then I won't even finish my sentence okay guys em a reward everyone who is still watching the video right now I'll be giving away about 10,000 worth of roblux from my main account to those who are still here all you got to do is comment your username but the catch is that you have to comment a reason you don't deserve Robux people in the comments who didn't watch until here will be so confused but don't worry I'll still give you Roo that will just be an excuse so I am able to know who made it towards the very end so for the final round I asked my Discord if I should switch servers so other people can get a chance too so that's what Emma do right now so let me just quickly get out this game I feel bad that I'll abandon some fans just like my dad abandoned me but if you ever want to join me in games just make sure to follow my main Roblox account okay here we go just one more lucky fan will win a few thousand before I call it a day unless y'all want to see more then just let me know in the comment section I'll just stand here until a person waves at me just like before that's pretty much our Morse code we got going on oh okay that was easy let's go ma'am I'll follow you to your stand subscribe with post notifications on cuz this person here could have been you
Channel: Rahlolz
Views: 2,124,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8kqaBnM1XjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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