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scared what what what do you think i am unspeakable you're correct ladies and gentlemen today we're playing a map called don't take damage in minecraft made by that's right in this map we only have half a heart we have three hearts right now so technically we're breaking the map and cheating but that's okay because on the tips and on the rules it says it's okay to cheat you know it's okay to cheat so we have three hearts so that's okay and oh gosh no seriously though guys we'll get down to half heart in a second but thank you so much for clicking on this video and before we get started be sure to leave a like on this video with the like button below you guys know the fancy like button if you don't know what a like button is uh just throw thousands of them on the screen and just just like them all all right so game start crouch when walking here i'll kind of explain how this works most of you guys probably already know how this works um but this is going to bring us down to half a heart and then it says make sure you only have half heart before entering levels note this is not a dropper so drop collected items in here so this is the first four levels and then we're gonna open up into another room and go into the other level so let's start with level one right here so cloud fall okay so we have half a heart and we cannot die because if we die we're dead you know that you know that's kind of how it works you know usually um but i need a way to oh i see a cobweb because i cannot i cannot take this fall anything over that's a that's probably a four yeah that's definitely a four block fall right there so i'm thinking you gotta like swoop in this cobweb just like that ho ho ho unspeakable is smart you can't test me i i know i know oh there's a button i got a button okay find the button on every level okay i found the button now what i do do i just die is that is that what is that what i was meant to do is that is that how it it says don't take damage but we we taking damage no matter what is that what we're supposed to oh there's a paper okay what is this level one pass so i guess we're supposed to put this in here drop collected items interesting okay well let's go on to level two this is very interesting the way this map works you know it's not like your average map where you just get teleported around this is like you got to do the dirty work for the levels okay so what do we have here what what is this what is this um i think i can just fall yeah i can just take that nah for some reason i didn't get down to half heart unfortunately the poison didn't get me all the way down but that's okay that is it's it's okay it's okay if we can get down and have a oh see we still haven't taken any damage if we take any damage then i'll do like slash kill or something but we haven't taken any damage yet and there's the button right there easy and then a quick dive in the lava whoop how i hit my face quick dive all right poison come on you got to get me down to half a heart and if you don't i'm going to go inside the poison again so uh you got to get me to half a heart buddy and almost there there you go that's half heart that's what i like to see okay so we got another piece of paper level two pass throw that in there now let's go to level three okay so level three this one is gonna be easy santa oh santa no santa santa santa santa santa oh i just took damage that that should have killed me i'm just gonna do slash kill i didn't have the half heart though cheats are enabled on this level i can't do slash kill well i guess it's my lucky day i'm surviving this one what how is that even well you see if i if i try to do slash kill it doesn't let me there's not really much i can do here i can try a fall again wow that didn't even kill me either that's just sad okay um are you trying to fall again there we go now let's do this level legit all right so the first one we have to grab that cobweb there we go okay so we're going to do this level legit because we didn't have half hard last time so gotta grab this cobweb and after that somehow you gotta grab the mine cart oh i didn't flip it's okay now we got an actual half a heart okay um then we gotta grab this oh no oh i promise i take back what i said this level is actually really hard i uh i don't mean any of uh any of the cruel things i said to this level like a lot harder than i thought it was but hey i hope you guys are having a fantastic day i know this is really random but i hope you guys are having a wonderful day i just don't know when to when to drop flip oh flip i still don't have half a heart you know you know the map creator no no offense to the map creator this is a great map but when he was making the thing that takes you to half a heart damage like the poison thing he didn't do very well because i'm still at like three i'm i'm regenerating too and the difficulty is on normal so you know minecraft i can try to switch oh wait i can't change difficulty because uh chiefs aren't able to level great all right what is this oh yes thank you very much and there's gonna be lava right here let me guess yep okay yep i'm just gonna go dive in that i'm gonna get my piece of paper it's gonna show me that i graduated minecraft there we go get all the poison please um now we are going on to level number four on level number four level number four miner's cave okay didn't we wait wait this isn't level four did we just do this wait that's level two i went to level two oh gosh i'm such a nub i'm sorry guys i'm sorry miners dream okay this is the right one well at least they both had to do with mining so i got something right there all right let's try to oh flip but it's okay because i didn't actually get half a heart so uh yeah everything everything's gonna be okay everything's uh everything's good oh oh am i gonna have to like transition to the next cobweb how i'm transitioning from cobwebs look at that look at that look at that i'm pretty sure if i drop from here i'll be fine i'm pretty sure i will be i enabled cheats on this level let's do difficulty hard just to make sure we never regenerate again okay i think that just may be the issue okay let's see if we can oh i thought i was gonna take damage there i swear i was okay we still got one heart everything's good everything is good and the unspeakable world yeah oh i thought it was gonna take a heart there oh no oh no where's the button where's the flipping button where is it it's gotta be somewhere in here i swear if it's back up there i am i'm gonna be mad okay i did take a little bit of damage there to be fair but to be extra what to be extra fair i think i was supposed to go down here anyways yeah i was definitely supposed to go down here where the flip am i go this thing never ends oh my gosh i keep thinking like oh it's gonna end it's gonna end but no it's still going it is still going over here okay uh oh there's the button okay so we got the button now it doesn't matter if we take no damage we just drop right into lava all right and that should give us paper number four throw it in there and we should unlock the door there we go okay so on to another four levels and then we should have two more left because there's a total of ten levels so this is interesting this is level five so we just drop in here uh we definitely don't have half a heart so thank you map for providing me with not half a heart i'm just gonna go ahead and just finish that one off just give me all the poison just all the just just all of it thank you thank you okay if i'm not at half a heart now i i don't know what to do if this thing regenerates i'm on difficulty hard i don't know what else to do okay so let's see we can run over here um probably run down here oh where could we drop after this ah problem is we can't get back up uh so we're kind of stuck here um and we're still regenerating this doesn't make sense what uh i'm dead yep yep that was a that was a yep all right so i think i definitely went the wrong way on that one but i think you can also make this level that oh yeah this level's basically a dropper that's what it is okay so press that i don't know what this slime block does uh i pressed the button though how do i how does one die in this world i don't i don't get it uh how does one die please help what about that what about that what about that what about that i press the button i press the button i win i just need to figure out how to get out of here this doesn't make no sense why is there just a random slime block i guess i was supposed to land on it maybe i i don't know um but even if i was landing on it it you know landing in the water landing on a slime block i still had to come down here and press the button so i just don't know how to get back up or i don't necessarily need to get back up i just need to um die so to speak so i'll just do slash kill oh of course it's backwards right i typed it backwards of course typically unspeakable all right see look i get the first poison then i walk through get the second poison and it will get me down to half heart but then for some reason i'll regenerate even though i'm on hard mode which doesn't make too much sense but hey i mean whatever floats about alright so we got level 5 complete now i guess we can just drop straight down level six i don't even i feel like i'm not even doing this right like i feel like i should be doing something else i don't know why like i feel like i shouldn't be dropping down on these oh i guess this could be part of it i do i'm supposed to have half a heart but hey hey in the minecraft edward over here that that doesn't happen hey that's okay that's okay all right we got the button it didn't give me anything like the um the other buttons didn't give me anything which was kind of weird like what am i supposed to get from these buttons and i'm stuck down here again i feel like i feel like i'm playing this map wrong maybe i'm just maybe maybe there's just i i don't i don't what am i doing maybe i'm just supposed to drown maybe that's how i'm maybe you know that's just how it's supposed to end right there you know that would that would be cool i guess i mean not really cool but it would work any day now see if i'd have heart i would die instantly but no i see look i'm not getting any pieces of paper so i don't know how i'm gonna open this next door like you know the other level dropped me pieces of paper but this one isn't did the other level have like droppers to drop that paper like how did it dispense the paper on the ground i don't know what is this map ladies and gentlemen bear with me in my weird minecraft maps i'm very sorry about all this and uh it's gonna be okay and uh yeah all right folks uh for some reason i i ran through the the thing and i still somehow have flipping like five hearts someone tell me how does that make any sense how to flip are you supposed to do that jump how is that even possible that's not possible that's not possible you gotta swim how the f flip is that how is that possible all right you know what you know what we'll come back to it we'll come back to it let's let's go to eight you know that's stressing me out flip we will come back we will come back to level seven ladies and gentlemen do not worry do not worry unspeakable's got your back we will come back uh not right now but later um yeah so anyways uh what the flip are we supposed to be doing now halo hello hello where i'm unspeakable teach me how and where to drop i definitely can't survive that but i got two hearts so uh yeah i'm just you know i'm just i'm just playing the map you know um okay um there's a cowboy about today how to flip how i see a button i press the button i don't think i'm supposed to see redstone pretty sure there's supposed to be stone there but uh and yeah now i'm stuck down here so we'll just do a fancy slash kill which i typed it in backwards again i don't even know how i managed to do that how does that even physically what what all right i got this i got this i got this level seven i got it in the bag in the back literally got it in the bag and not really not really i don't have a bag all right um but if i did have a bag it would be in the back flip how many bags does it take about to fit a bag over the back of the bags when you take a bag and shove it in a bag and okay i'm home no but seriously though like how do you actually complete this bottom part of the level like i don't think it's possible like there's no that how the flip do you make that jump you because you can't jump up there's there's no way you can jump up because there's a block right above my head so there's no way i'm jumping up you have to land right there but how do you make that's almost that's about a four block jump with a head jump that's not possible or maybe it is i i don't think it's possible that's not possible i can't even i can't even jump in general there's a there's a block on my head how does that you can't jump with a block on your head like the thing is is the block is not just on my head it goes past my head because if a block was just right above me you know i can kind of crouch to the side and jump out that's easy i can do that but the block is going forward too so like i can't there's no room to jump like it's physically impossible i feel like like i seriously feel like this is physically impossible because okay look so if there was just a block right here above me look the block is still above my head you know and me still jumping i would still hit it but i could make that but this block extends all the way out here which means there would need to be there would have to be another block right here in order for me to make that jump i would have to like levitate for a second and then jump or something like there's no way i can i i that's that i it's not possible oh look there there the the spencer is out of poison there's no more point i guess i'm not getting half a heart now boys oh no okay well you know it does say on the tips and rules it's okay to cheat so i'll keep that in mind you know you don't even have to like start over there like you don't even have to go through the cobweb you can just drop down right here like you don't even have to do any of that stuff like all right but look if you put a block here now it's still a head jump but this is like a head jump that's you know possible like if i was okay well i failed the first time i'll probably fail a lot but it is it is possible doing it this way the other way i don't i don't know how how the flip i think the map creator forgot to block see there we go just did it so that's not that's not too hard and then jeez they have so many head jumper ones on this one oh my glop all right uh open the door i completed all the levels um here well let's just um [Music] there we go yeah okay there we go yes yeah okay yes yep that's how that's how it's done boys that is how you become successful in minecraft all right put all the collectible items here well geez i wish i had some okay so we got igloo and we got c sure c or whatever um i didn't have half a heart anyways okay what are we supposed to do on this one this one's probably gonna go like 50 layers underground i feel it yep it's yep it's one of those underwater ones oh my favorite all right so we are looking for a button da hera we are looking for a butt and once we find this but there we go we won look at that easy easy and then i guess we're just supposed to fall off the map because that makes logical sense all right so and then look i got i got to the button and everything but it didn't give me the paper i don't understand where the paper is supposed to end up because i'm supposed to have the paper collectibles and then put them in there to open that door where does it drop the papers like maybe maybe i'm just losing my mind guys but i feel like i ain't losing my mind because if i was losing my mind you'd know it i'll flip how did i miss that uh all right this is level number 10 this is the final level final final final level okay i'm excited for this one uh what it is too quick wow both the dispensers are out of poison so on this map if you fail too much you don't get to play anymore that's kind of savage you know they should make it to where the dispensers refill the you know themselves that would that would be logical but it's okay now i can play this map with full health so you know i can be very successful in it and uh you know now it's not called don't take damage it's called take damage see i just i flipped the whole video just like that and you guys didn't even know i mean you guys did know but at the same time you didn't know you know what i mean does that make sense oh flip oh i supposed to press a button that's a tricky level i see what you did there because you're supposed to press the button before you fall through and hit the lava freaking tricky tricky i like it i like it okay what the fl how am i even supposed to make that that doesn't even make i'm pressing the button all right i press the button i press the button and watch that door ain't going to be open it's going to be closed it's going to be closed like my mouth you know what i got to do the doors don't open just eat them you know i did this i did this map legit with just a little bit of cheating maybe a lot of a lot of bit of cheating and uh i'm proud i'm proud to say that i beat this map and maybe this map might be called don't take damage maybe it's called take damage but hey i beat it fair and square with a little bit cheating but i decided on the rules so here we go let's see what we got here okay thank you a thank you gift okay this letter tells thank you and thank you very much all right thanks for playing take damage yeah remove that sign i'm super proud of you to reach to this point thanks for my friend who helped more friends who helped me so oh i'm proud of myself too for uh for playing this wonderful map and uh taking all the damage is it possible to jump oh excuse me excuse me breaking the map already unspeakable be breaking the map just like that but guys thank you all so much for watching i'm currently stuck in a cave and for this outro i need you guys to slap a like on this video i know it was random i know we may have cheated a lot or a little bit i know the map may be a little bit broken because it is an older minecraft map but hey that's okay because we still had fun and we still played minecraft so guys with that being said thank you all so much for watching be sure before you guys go to not just click the like button but click the subscribe button as well to be notified when i upload my new video tomorrow because you guys do not want to miss tomorrow's video it is crazy because thank you all so much for watching i'm slowly going to go drown and i'll catch you guys tomorrow in a brand new video so uh yeah let's roll that out [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 3,982,079
Rating: 4.901793 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakable, unspeakableplays, mini game, game, custom, crazy, challenge, modded, games, maps, secret, redstone, funny moments, mcpe, minecraft pe, pocket edition, unspeakablegaming, trolling, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, glitch, funny, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, how to, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakableplays minecraft
Id: yPoRpY06BBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2018
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