Playing MINECRAFT As DEADPOOL! (Superhero)

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okay we're playing minecraft as another superhero you know why it's because on the last superhero video you guys hit the like button 100,000 times thank you guys so much today we'll be playing s dick now you guys obviously know Deadpool he's got the crazy katana he's super strong and also kind of funny but as Josh is also with us today I think that's gone if this video reaches 100,000 likes as well we'll upload another superhero mod but make sure to let me know in the comments section what superhero you want to see next because otherwise I don't really know which one you want to see go to jealous or calm because I forgot to wear my jelly hoodie hahaha let's play this mod guys what's that that's a very suspicious-looking X I think oh really it's a big X I'm not very interested so maybe we should go do something else no I think we should go to the X jelly yeah you know what we should probably go to the X right yeah I mean thing we should go to because it's kind of inviting but also scary looking it is actually pretty scary maybe it's just a big wing its clickbait okay we changed their mind again crater we're not going home I asked you a trapdoor here in the Midway maybe this is our new home oh it's lava that looks great don't go in there you will die you be wound guys stop come on jelly oh my god Joe Josh Josh I'm in someone's cave okay your turn jelly oh my god are you guys guys look this is not so bad wait a minute oh this is a dead point are you kidding me I think it's in this room that you see all the suits in here crater this is yours disgusting suit guys and then you go credit there's like sweat oh Jenny was you're helpful now I have flaws all of a sudden there's a healing factor so we just feel even if we don't know am I where's the exit guys right by the exit sign I think thought that the exit would be at the exit sign is that guys guys wake up come down for a second I spotted something down here there's nothing on this there is a button oh I don't know oh god why Josh Mackenzie Josh Oh Kitana their swords too stuck in the what Oh give it back look at these guys okay you can have the damage Ghassan as there you go wait Creina yeah on your back now oh wait they are you have them to us okay I we need to test these now like literally a monitor yeah look at that guy's a whole of it okay oh I'm the greatest Deadpool alive alright some unsuspecting mobs to test these swords oh you wanna beat up a mop yeah we got I'm not involved okay telling me guys fooling me just joint between the trees jump is actually insane want to kill a chicken or something no not like what have you found a chicken I just really wanna kill it's something that's a little stronger at least you know oh gosh it's a biggie guys guys guys bacon I'm coming I'm coming all right and oh wow I did a double Chopin in guys this Bob bacon I'm sorry okay one down one hey ready yep oh yes the katana kills it instantly that means that will get a lot of bacon today boys sorry I think we should keep going Oh a creeper what we're okay over here no there's a perfect are you kidding me Oh your look hello creeper boy do one hit first someone okay me one hit one here knows one it didn't I won okay say it oh it's for a creep so that means if we do this guy's and it's in for the kill that's right we could just use the swords at the same time okay another one [Laughter] okay W kill him Trey away wait guys get it wrong it's kind of this try again I'll try that this one hang on oh they like stuck in there to lose Oh double chop this guy whatever top oh okay okay Kelly has two arrows in his forehead Oh almost k'tano they look like horns oh yeah that's kind of all right all right we've we know we're powerful I think the time that we test our skills I gotta shoot okay yeah Buster sound cool - what kind of boss is Josh well let's go defeat the wither first yeah all right what's gonna be nice out in the open okay what do you mean together you already do that one nobody finds mistakes mental don't know I barely own any help safe this thing's crazy yeah you got nothing good to Deadpool bro I mean my have just hit one of you bikes I'm sorry guys Craner yeah like this but Reyna you guys oh he's got mad he's gone mad alright guys come on I think it's time we fight the ended drag yeah we could do it come on let's do it summons another one then do it oh I need to go get the other ones I lost oh yeah that's cool ever alright pick somewhere around here right there right here no this and we need to be in the long grass not know this bit right here feels good to me okay you talk oh yeah I want a feeling a physic okay go and say the special word oh my goodness is right here I meant a yoga we already damaged one hit ice that was one hit oh yeah you go back to the NDP less than half help right now their pull is so strong is crazy okay he's okay he's almost it was a world Brady's that was a world record I'm dying kick it was chilly Thanks thanks watching Deadpool if you want to see another super mirror mod click right here hmm you can do it click a right by your please you're gonna do it it's a cool one
Channel: Jelly
Views: 6,466,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, Playing MINECRAFT As DEADPOOL, minecraft, superhero, deadpool, mod, funny, new, game, games, gaming, minecraft deadpool mod, playing as deadpool
Id: 5zY2uA5bkTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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