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[Music] wait I'll play you for them [Music] [Music] deal I think we broke it huh want to just split it sure Tri blocks are a delicious and playful snack perfect for any occasion try them for yourself by head to your local Walmart or head to thanks hello [Music] hello oh look a new student you look like a delicious human human you shouldn't be here actually I think I'm exactly where I should be what hang on that is absurd a silly little wolf girl thinking she is the Ultima and everyone knows the Ultima doesn't exist it's a fairy tale for babies hey what the that's not nice we guys I thought Mr noi was the alpha don't say his name too loud great and the principal Alpha hopes that you're making the new student feel welcome after all she is the Ultima wait what thank you her yeah right you guys should focus on what principal no is saying he's telling the truth why thank you Ultima now would you mind showing these boys some manners manners mhm like you know being good being [Music] nice really look at the teacher's pets you're a pet just sit down all right no I think the Ultima should earn respect rather than just being handed to her huh maybe you're right well Ultima I Can See You Got What It Takes keep these boys Aline that is a fat cat cat boys are you guys serious you're not going to get away from me oh my gosh seriously come here cat I do love the hunt there it is that's a chunky Kitty I think I see why they were chasing it this is kind of fun oh man the principal's going to be so mad at me if he finds out there's a cat running loose in here wait I thought you were the principal oh yeah I'm actually as a student principal I'm still in principal school just don't tell the boys that oo that makes sense I don't think it's going to come out at all yeah oh oh wait wait there it goes oh there it is go get it get it cat cat you are forbidden from school property he get back here cat you can't run forever hey hey new girl I think I saw it run this way come on it went this way yeah uh right in here oh um okay uh wait what's this oh you know it's detention we call it the dog pound the pound wait what the hey why would you do this to me I'm the Ultima this isn't right well you know we wouldn't have destroyed the school if it wasn't for your vibes H My Vibes excuse me my vibes are fine H whatever all right I've got to get away out of here let's see let me think these dumb wolf boys let's see I can show them what I can do let's see maybe if I can dig down dig down deep like literally there we go waa what is this a vent system H okay this might be of use to me actually let's see I go this way I can up here they didn't think I would find a way out they're super dumb now I need y all to be good and listen to the Ultima we asked her to transfer here because she'd be a great no I don't want to listen to her or you either oh guys he's mad she is going to be the future leader of the pack and you are going to obey her what a pack I don't need a pack well your parents or someone else thinks you do now if you I made a always found the cat right well about that is the cat still loose oh I better get out of here a in locker you fat monstrosity you boys go find the cat okay you can fit a squeeze in there all right Aaron where is it where's what did you get it you guys are still on about that you call yourselves wolves your noses are weak they're not weak you're just selfish you want that cat to yourself yeah have no idea where your fat cat is and I'm not doing your job for you now back off hey boys boys cat's under control now it's time to get to class okay okay now what wait where's H oh well you know I showed her the dog pound so we could you know uh save protecting her for later you idiot okay well you're going to let her out right now okay oh do we have to yes uhoh just listen to him you all right I think I have a bit more information to make my stay here a little bit more interesting let's come up here normally I would have obliged by this but I think I have a bit bit of plans to make things fun let's put this down here they won't notice thing hopefully this isn't PE that'd be gross there you are why is there a gate here all right boys work together to get your Ultima out of there aren't you the principal don't you have the keys uh yeah I got to go get ready for the first class for the day so uh good luck what oh come on please worthless Tanger let's see oh hey guys there's some buttons here I think I can probably use your help to get of here see those little pressure plates over there pressure plates n it's too much work I'm just going to chew my way through oh yeah appears you got this com pierce the B on the gate this is pure iron hey I just noticed there's some pressure plates over here we should try stepping on them was just talking about that Z I literally just said that no no I got to figure it out click the green button get through the paint guys I can't deal with any of you today see there we go wait no what say just help Pierce get off the gate all right the dog's on the wall try green h yellow blue green yellow blue there we goig sheep I pushed p on accident I'm sorry is there a sheep eat it you know what get rid of it what are you doing be don't look I guess sometimes you do need a snack in detention serious all right come on let's just try it again all right green yellow blue listen I know it's hard but I trust you can do it all right green yellow blue yellow wait dides that do anything why why isn't the gate moving I don't know a pierce passed out from the Sheep Pierce what oh I guess cuz I was attacking it Pierce get up the Sheep is gone there's nothing we can do about it now come on what so what sorry what's going on Circle of Life okay ccle life oh come on I hate that sound it's time for class you heard the bell all right we got to go all right class today we're going to be learning about being part of a pack now I have brought this video to show you what a good pack looks like fun and some coloring sheets you can color what you feel when you think of being in your pack sounds like fun huh really coloring yep you guys have fun I got something important to do oh my I'm literally going to die of Bor oh seriously he fell asleep like that since he fell asleep I say we sneak out what that's against the rules though that is yeah I I like coloring quit being such a goodie two shoes now come on God we're going to sneak out and let's just do it already if you're going to come you can get some bone chips bone chips bone chips okay I'm in I'm in I'm back in shut up and let's go thank you I guess you got to come on you idiot yeah okay all right thank you there plenty of this get that one oh it's really good but he kind of made a mess whatever at least we're not stuck in the class coloring for half an hour fre apparently we're supposed to protect you yeah and what I want to know is why um like a pack you know it's kind of how this works oh so you're goody two shoes princess huh no I'm being a leader okay do you even know how to lead a pack of wolves of course I do I mean I'm learning technically but oh huh skeleton what are they doing here guys we should fight him sit there you idiots let's take them down there's to many of them we stand our ground let's go ow there's a lot they're made of Bones and we like bones all right this should be easy wait what in the world oh that's big what is that what the heck is that how are we going to fight them I don't know like a Skeleton thing just help me take it out where did this come from wait I got this hold on you idiot let me eat something real quick and so many arrows come here bone right so a sword made out of bone fine come on there's more right here perfect away from me here use a sword come on oh sorry I just like cheing things and Che with a pattern ow what oh oh um cool well yeah I have a headache jeez you guys got a oh yeah it we should probably get back yeah oh the class wakes up let's go let's go let's go let's go now Pierce forget the movie but I love movie just shut up and get back in your seats come on sit okay kind of like the coloring the H it's pretty cool yeah I am not sleeping all right class so uh did y all learn about pack Behavior yeah guess we very good class I look forward to seeing your papers on it tomorrow so insightful papers wait wait wait what that means it's time for hunting class oh that sounds like fun time for the real fun to start come on guys wow this place is nice now since y'all like chasing cats so much I went to the local Village and found one for today's assignment that's a cat person not a cat I can hear you you know don't worry about her too much she's got some weapons so she can fight back while you're trying to hunt her that's going to be fun all right pull the going be nice to her though okay a cat I love spending my evening being hunted by hi mang wolves thanks mang she called us mang we'll give her a little head start so it's fair what we going I think that's in fair enough we are pretty fad all right Catgirl May the odds be ever in your favor we go we go we go yet really I'm going all right guys oh yeah there's a few surprises in there for you guys oh fire hydrant nothing here it's a dead end see the way hey oh ow tenis ball ow ow ow ow we should trying to get on top get out of the way jump a little bit more see get up here okay I'm missing it's even real the fire hydr she's heading off in the far far right I told you come on I see her over here this way yeah yeah gotcha hi wait no h now I got to get over there myself wait hang on wait maybe we shouldn't maybe we shouldn't hunt her down I stay away from me this not a crazy challenge wanted to defend yourself more um please don't eat me don't worry I'm not going to eat you huh that's going to be fair what you guys are wolves yeah but we don't eat like humans we eat like bones and chickens I mean I kind of feel bad for her but I also do need the good Grace no hey don't you think about it come on bad be nice but I still want to eat it but then I come on we don't want to eater yeah I I taste awful I I I really don't have nine lives I only have one I'm sorry look at her she's too cute I didn't want to seem weaken for anybody else cute cute o oh okay the embarrassing part's over how do we get her out I think he likes you wait I have an idea you might be able to get into my mouth what I don't trust you to do that well no way no I promise you I'm not going to eat you okay come on before the other wolves catch you you fine all right and got you oh my armor yeah I had to take it off because if the teacher sees me like this with you and you're trying to pretend to play dead then it's not going to work just do something right here this hedge is up against the outside wall so we should be able to dig her out of this spot are you sure yeah just give me a second I think I can make this work okay why don't want to Hur the Sheep oh you idiots we've been stuck here for 2 minutes because you're staring at a sheep that's not real h z I'm trying I'm going take the teacher but this is a better idea can I have a break oh nobody has to see her and then we can get away with it come on okay that is this it that that breaks into one of the walls here so she can get out of here there you go human go free go oh I'm so out of here she's safe well there she goes but someone thought she was cute huh did I say that I mean I don't remember saying that at all sure sure come on let's go back just take take the fast way but what if it is and I why it's looking at me so mad it's made out of cardboard guys did you let yourself get distracted by all the little obstacles no they didn't so which one do you got her um I think she got the best of us huh wait she was super hard to hunt down you know catlike reflexes and all extremely slippery that one well better luck next time now who's hungry it's time to eat tree Time come on glass tree time oh this is going to be fun not treat time yeah treat treat t r uh I know how it's spelled t r I forgot say treat time at least that was fun though right yeah wait wait wait cute girl come back wait what well you know you seem to like this stupid fat creature when you saw it so so I kind of kept it in here for you come get your fat butter out there cat and you kept it for me don't mention it and just remember to take it home after school right cuz they're going to eat this thing if they see it again hey we better find a safe place for him yeah just keep it safe all right I'm going to go get some treats all right well come on little guy let's go find a place for you to hide I'm so excited to eat all of these treats I wouldn't do that aaru Ian what why this is an exercise in protecting the Ultima because some of these have chocolate chocolate in them mhm it's your job to find the treats that are safe for the ultimate eat so I hope your taste buds and noses are up to Snuff you hear that Ian too bad your nose is busted okay so let's see this one let's see is um uhoh looks like that one's got chocolate in it okay all right which one of these um I guess you guys got to figure it out huh it's okay all right boys what you find this one oh come on no buo either yeah I found this one I think it's good okay uh I'm starting to look at this it doesn't look too safe why don't you try it for me a nonsense yeah I can try that here that's not a problem hey see this thing is perfectly fine oh oh no kind of what I [Laughter] thought hey cute girl over here huh this one no no no no no no not that one not this one uh wait a bit this one might well um actually that one was okay oh that's what I thought it's the only one that smelled different than the others really very good kind of like Pier you kept your ultimate safe kind really did actually yeah but it wasn't the same no wait wow what's the heck I think Tre gave me some ability that's pretty cool nice I should to eat it woo full of vigor nice job Aon yeah thanks I mean you ate I mean nice job me thank you I wanted that one I wanted to be the here we can run around the walls and things give me back don't you hit me we all wanted you back off Mr doy I'm I'm getting that wow they got in a fight where the nurse's office oh wa good the Nur here okay um uhoh I need to wait a minute have I seen you before nope you haven't seen her before she's totally not in this guy's trying to escape oh wait I'm fully healed that's her she's in the oh I mean I mean if it is it's not that interesting wait hang on is that is that a shot no way you're giving me a shot baby Ian doesn't want a shot in come on Ian be healthy to keep your for dance maybe my dance if you think she's cute why don't you talk to her maybe you should ask her out you know what don't be so pushy about it huh oh you almost forgot him H uh oh my bad oh uh uh no it's totally fine um Hey listen um since since you're here uh would you I mean would you help me to ask you out to go to the dance wait no that was not right I mean you are kind of cute I wouldn't mind okay uh great I'll I'll see you there let me out let me out let me out thank you so much okay all right time for the dance oh huh what the heck wow nobody came and dressed up what oh you're supposed to do that hey I know this is really awkward but um do you want to dance absolutely I'd love to all right well I don't know anything crazy but U here it goes I can follow I can keep up you know what this is actually fun I'm enjoying my time here at the school guys well you're not so bad yourself cutie something feels weird guys the Moon the red moon get out of here wa guys guys no you need to run we can't help ourselves under the blood not going anywhere Ultima it's time to crash this bigger summon the skeleton monster too yeah say hello to my new friend you're the one who call this why would you do this well because I don't want you here it's my school and this this guy's actually kind of annoying I so I'm trying to get rid of him too why can't be hitting me I thought we on the same side I need see if I can control [Applause] them huh there we go now the follow me oh my gosh what what's going on B wait wait I can move again hey you're back to normal what happened to the dance whoa where here we come on we have to take care of this thing come on okay all right boys let's take this thing down okay you can do it um wait nice we did it guys we did it um well did well well well Ian what did you do we did it together right Ian you almost hurt your Ultima detention detention no I don't want to go back to the dog pound no come here get your tail back here Mister oh boy so much for the dance well you know we could still dance if you wanted to looks like you got some particles there that want to dance right I can't control that come on all right come on let's go okay this how people dance Bobby shoulders yeah is that is that how everyone dances
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 4,761,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: ZIb1jRB-ZRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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