Playing Minecraft As A HELPFUL Cheeseburger Kitten!

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my friend made this restaurant only she finds these bullies destroying it that is until this cheeseburger kitten helps her out now her new pet is bitter protector and make her restaurant shine but I can't let her figure out that this kitten is secretly me uh what's going on hey come on we got we got to go go where whoa oh my God what do you mean one second oh she left the game surprise I can keep it oh wow wow all right let's let's go eat I'm like this is gonna be so good yeah what do you guys it's like a burglary oh boy's got everything um oh hey Casey thanks for not locking the doors sinking it's so much easier oh my goodness can you see are you okay they took everything all my supplies all my fries is there anything I can do maybe maybe help clean this place up oh I don't want help I want to do this myself oh okay call me if you need anything I guess I think he's gonna be stubborn and not ask for help at all I need something to help kids see and I have just the thing let's see I can be a donut cat french fry Kitty yummy butt oh look at this cheeseburger let's go oh look at me I'm so cute my little Ebony Eyes oh I can just eat myself up uh okay so first Casey all right let's go help all right Casey you ready to meet your new friends where oh [Music] what meow oh sorry Kitty I would give you something to eat but I don't have any food here okay see your McDonald's is terrible oh no yeah you know how does she expect to serve pain customers like me right uh us yeah whatever us so uh think you can whip up something for us to eat we're super hungry I said I'm not that hungry I ate a lot of burgers recently you know it's just shut up [Music] oh it's so cute cute can I eat it but we're super hungry and she just bit me so you know payback wow [Music] but watch out though we wouldn't want anything else to happen to your mcdoodles yeah let's get out of here Casey doesn't have anything to serve maybe I should try to help her out here let's see all right oh you should pack a punch I can do something amazing [Applause] [Music] there we go [Music] just cause you got new supplies doesn't mean your McDonald's will be any good yeah anyone can make them it goes with a burger cat yeah I'm sure even we could open a cool place that just gave me the greatest idea we'll open our place [Music] all this evilness is making me hungry again he's kind of funny are you okay [Music] thank you mommy I'm sure there's plenty of people people know oh this is so great yeah amazing in here wow Casey this came out great that's really cute too [Music] oh well you know what Kim it's on me today oh that's really nice day okay I'll order like 20 burgers [Music] I think I did three Diet Cokes nice work there thank you thank you just finished [Music] we figured Bob wait we don't know it was finishing his we'd inspect yours and man everything's not so good not showing up great guys yeah and boy is this place yeah jump in the bathroom terrible don't worry Casey I'm sure the bathrooms are Immaculate in fact Kim Let's Go check for ourselves wait wait because I can't check the ladies room ah fine but you're still playing yeah oh Pierce time to get to her of course gotta be better about these things they're just the worst oh good luck kitties yep the bathrooms were just what happened here poor construction is what oh my gosh they don't even have a Play Place good luck with your business now nerds Casey don't worry we'll get some cleaning supplies and we'll be right back okay come on seriously I just want some friends come on Kim oh no Casey I knew there was a um yeah come on [Music] these guys can help us out there we go a nice little play place in this area oh you know what and another thing we're gonna attack him and saying that your restaurant is getting shut down look how did you didn't you what I said wow this place is great let's grab them right back here yeah window again this window entrance is not wheel circuit no problem oh this is so fun okay everyone time to leave thanks for stopping by e all right time for bed yep let's go hmm do you know she can go back home I just have to sleep in the McDonald's right okay so she's committed she's not committing nice all right she's working with bite a short Kitty whoa what is this it's a super secret carried by everyone noodles not like little secret base down here what's going on whoa and cheeseburger it's the heart of every mcdoodles if somebody gets it the whole McDoodle shuts down forever wow which is why we need to protective from any hamburglars gotta make sure she can't hear me well she can only hear my meows but you know whatever it's fine all right kissy okay I just gotta keep guard I guess what oh no not them again all right no way I might not be freaking get her cheeseburger boys I don't want it yeah you better run okay gonna rest for a bit just just a little bit huh better not be those boys again don't they realize it's it's not a 24-hour McDonald's here can I make double with uh some fries I wonder if it's the boys and maybe some cookies yeah it's the boys [Music] we don't have a car guys but it's okay we can use it I also don't got any money hamburgers here that is serves them rights now I should probably get some rest [Music] are you in such a hurry for [Music] a good day [Music] huh I'm happy that you're happy Casey this is another McDonald's what the another one good morning customers yes what do you think of our new restaurant wow and what are you doing well obviously we're trying to run Casey out of bed we just want to make an honest living selling you good people our tasty Burgers till today there isn't enough Special Sauce in the world to save that thing I'm just gonna eat a Casey's but Casey's Burgers don't have uh the secret ingredient yeah yeah yeah [Applause] terrible place all right everyone welcome to McDonald's home of the McDonald's can I take your order please do I have to yes come on just ordered something you think you order final take a cheeseburger oh we don't have the cheese though um oh no um I'll help with that uh wait uh Pierce where's the fire extinguisher thank you for coming that's the last of them now we can go home yep oh but wait if I go home who's gonna protect the golden cheeseburger man owning a business is hard pork you see it's already worked so hard today she needs a break hmm maybe I can call the night shift [Music] um now I said meow Casey now there we go oh my God oh my God see wow did you do this yep he's gonna work the night shift oh thank you thank you oh wait that's the same thing though um she really likes cooking huh it's good for her um all right Kitty now time to work your magic make our restaurant awesome or whatever it is you do that and we'll get to the good let's see I don't think this is strong enough mob to help out here oh no it's this again isn't it one of those again okay all right you guys are gross [Music] [Music] I get fixed where'd it go [Music] yeah I'm good I mean now you there's only room on this server for one mcdoodles and it's gonna be us I was I was here around oh well This Means War yeah he's Burger War the most terrifying of all worse battle Yeah prepare for trouble get over here come on [Music] please especially aphmau now my work will be ruined don't worry this isn't the end no I have an idea [Music] are defenses yep [Music] chicken here chicken here oh what's this oh it might help you out these days yes where is Ian he must have gotten in somehow I don't know where he's at I saw a pierce annoying oh I have it get out of the way Kitty there you have it the Gray tea and my mcdoodles have taken your golden cheeseburger okay I have the Golden Burger what I need to figure out something else to do with it um something that could end this if I put it down they're just gonna get it again wait I gotta get the deer Golden Burger Buzz what's going on have the gas turned on us yeah okay let's see wait what's this huh if you want the cheeseburger of gold you must complete the challenges of old what really this is today whatever hey let's see um jump jump jump oh okay nice all right look in here um toy cars oh cool what do I gotta do with this and it's gonna take them all just in case um oh I gotta put them into happy meal boxes okay I could do this this is pretty easy I mean it doesn't help that there's an abyss below me but you know what I could just throw these in the boxes [Music] Oh I thought I had to get all of them but I guess not wow I hope it works hi we're gonna kick it a little get it open open open open open come on stupid thing open up what oh subtly there's a golden cheeseburger got it perfect huh what the uh oh gotta get a haircut it's okay guys yeah we still have the restaurant no [Music] [Laughter] [Music] why do you look like a burger and shake uh wait why do you look like fries oh I'm nuggies I'm okay with this why am I so salty KC is the McDonald's War over yet guys
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 9,084,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: fEm43g4cqQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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