CHASING NANCY INTO THE UPSIDE DOWN... | Dead by Daylight Stranger Things Gameplay (DBD)

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sup guys and welcome back to a brand new dead by daylight video in last video we played as Steve and actually my main character David King and we got hunted by the demagogue and obviously survived a few matches got destroyed in some other matches it was a ton of fun but at any video dropping back in we're actually been playing as a demagogue and hopping into the upside down and trying my best to get an entire team life right that's the plan for today's video I want to wipe an entire team which is obviously very hard but I think we'll be able to do it anyways you guys know what to do of course as you guys know I'm giving away five copies of dead by daylight and five copies of these strangers names DLC for dead by daylight and all you have to do to enter is simply leave a like on the video leave a comment down below saying DBD if you guys want a copy of dead by daylight or a copy a comment down below saying stranger if you guys want a copy of the stranger things DLC and of course hit that subscribe button and little bell icon and that is it you're in - it really is that simple and you do have a pretty high chance of winning because there is ten total copies being given out but anyways let's go ahead and get in today's video so like I said I'll be doing a demagogue or can play through and I've actually I haven't been on the PTB in quite a while I did that video yesterday and that took about five to six hours to actually get that game play and the rest of the time actually went back to the original version of the game some want to start stacking up on blood points for when the demagogue and axe gets fully released on the main games I've played blood points ready I can give them like max level and you know will be able to have a lot of fun with him but you guys have gotten me addicted to this game I have put in like you guys in the first video this gave you guys know I had like 19 hours on the game well since that video I now have like 35 to 40 hours on the game I have been playing a lot of it and been having a lot of fun and also I want to say welcome to all the new subscribers um I could bleed for at I mentioned this but we've gained I think five K subs today alone so welcome to all of you guys um you know although I guess the new Dead by daylight fans that are watching the channel now welcome and I hope you guys enjoy what you see but anyways let's go ahead and get into this alright so what I actually want to do is just show you guys I actually don't have any blood points currently because I guess I've been stacking him up on my main account um I did put these perks on which I saw a video I can't members and edits Monty he's like the guy that I mostly watch for dead by daylight him and newb three I think I prefer guys their names but those are the guys that I mostly watch for dead by daylight videos so yeah I watch them and these seem to be some of the perks that he uses some of them I don't actually have but I put most of the ones that I do have on and yeah it should be pretty interesting obviously customize we have nothing because I know there's a I think there's a costume coming for the full release but currently there's nothing and that's about it so let's go ahead and hop into a match though probably be like a 5 to 10 minute wait time so I'll go ahead and start it whenever we get into a match guys so we're in our first match here and it looks like we got to Nancy's a Steve and a David King so oh man I I've been like trying to do as much research on this game because you know whatever you guys show interest in a game I like to do a ton of research on it I like to figure out you know how to play the game the best I can I've been watching so many different videos so I'm assuming this David's probably had the same strategy that I do where he's just gonna be trying to unhook and save survivors Steve and Nancy I haven't done any research on them I've been I've been mostly looking up videos on I can't see the names but I've been watching videos on Meg I can't think of all their names right now but the survivor that's usually here here and then I think the other ones like here I don't know if you guys play it off the game I'm sure you guys could somehow big wrap you up talking about but the one that like when you land what do you jump off of like a high structure and you land you get like a boost I'm watching videos on her the one that is I know there's like one for Jen jockeying which that is actually character I want to learn like I want to figure that character out and actually play that one some I'm big into like finding all the Jen's repairing them and then going from there you know just being straight Jen jockey that's what I actually like doing I also like avoiding the killer like just straight distracting him only which is why I started playing that I just had her name um what is her name it's like May or Nia Nia Nia I think her name is Nia that is the one that I'm probably saying it wrong but anyways basically if it's that chick if that's her name then yeah that's the one that I've been doing a lot of research on because I do like avoiding killers and like you know trying to distract them while everyone does Jen's and stuff like that I think that's super fun so yeah I've been trying to figure everything out about this game so yeah excuse me if I'm still pretty new though I'm and also guys I want to know if you are new to the channel from you know the debye daily videos let me know by just dropping it coming down below saying I'm new alright cuz I just want to see how many of you guys are actually new to the channel from dead by daylight because it seems like we got a lot alright well we got our first match here which is this cornfield map and this should be interesting all right so I'm gonna go ahead and start putting down some portals here I'm gonna put one here I'm gonna try to use it utilizes portals a lot more least from watching Monte or I don't open aim is Monte or mondo I'm trying to remember but I'm sorry if he's somehow watching this I'm so sorry that I don't know your name officially yet what's up okay that's interesting Steve what was your plan there I don't even know Steve what why why would you do that okay okay so he told me you can actually bake people out too but I should have faked it out dang it I should have faked them out because you can get people like turn and do stuff if they think that you're gonna actually do that okay well nice one Nancy Knight you really got me there and it really got me there and also getting them to use pallets is very helpful already got Nancy on that hit stayed a little bit too close Nancy what do you think you're doing where is this your plan Nancy really let's see ah Nancy I get a speed boost the longer you wait okay what okay hello good pull you out of there why did she do that why why was that her plan alright well that's fun I guess he let me get a hit on him I don't know if that's first like to stack or what but it's good and put her on this hook so we know he's gonna be up there just waiting I'm gonna go ahead and put a portal right here I should probably actually put it at the top because yeah if I teleport to it I can just walk down towards them I don't like body camping though so I'm gonna get out of here I know he's near a pope I should probably kick this yeah let me go drink this all right there we go see I hear another one no that's just the one behind me let's go check this one though I know they're near yep oh they got that one dang it I mean I've already hit two three survivors so I'm pretty happy with my playing right now and I'm not doing the best obviously but it's been fun all right let's go and go this way and make sure I start hitting generators it's one of the biggest things I've been making sure to do now it's just any generator that they've been working on I gotta remember to hit it alright who's over here I'm sure this is the one that they're going to you know nobody let's put a portal right here and let's actually teleport I bet you they're gonna be here I bet you if they're not then I'm sorry I don't want to be a moke camper oh look at that see I did that without trying to be a hook camper okay guys just understand I just assumed like they were gonna be here let's be honest all right let's see what she does what's her plan I can leave him down by the way no okay I honestly don't know how I just hit that what the heck how did I hit that I don't know all right let's forget them let's put them on the hook so you've got everybody injured right now oh no the flashlights oh come on these guys are experienced dang it oh man I've had no experience with players that know how to use a flashlight or that actually like really know how to play this game so this is like oh this is gonna be interesting all right we got him down again come on what's going on oh he's trying to destroy my portal all right well they backed off what the heck how are you up there okay well I've never seen that before that's cool you just like what over that let's put it on this hook right here now go ahead and place another portal down right here to tell me if anyone's here come on there we go all right so can i teleport to any of these I could go to that one but I know they're in this area just a thing like I know they're around here so I don't want to leave it I'm gonna go and put another portal right here I stopped three more I could use so should be good I'm gonna put one right here there we go and then I'm actually gonna teleport to that one over here I don't think there's anyone here but just in case I do want to check it out there we go swing to the upside down and I'm back anyone in this area no they're not even working on this Jen alright well that's interesting they should be getting him off the hook any second now they've got to be on him all they all healed oh no do these guys know what they're doing I feel like I'm gonna put another portal here though so we've got two more yep they just got him off the hook I'm gonna head over there hopefully I selected the right portal yes I did they're gonna be long gone though by the time I get here oh no Steve you're still here that's interesting Steve what the heck he's gonna palette camp it yeah I've seen him do like a strategy where I'll hit it I killed do a hit before he turns the corner and he'll hit them before they drop the palette I don't know how to do that but I want to learn that for sure oh crap I lost him Oh Arius gonna go for the palette no okay he's gonna go for the palette yep and he's staying close to the corners yeah Steve knows what he's doing bro it's gonna try to go for the palette again yep yes oh my I didn't know who all was there dang it oh that messed me up I lost him yeah oh there is alright well good thing you decided to stay in the area for whatever reason come here Steve here we go alright so we got two how many if we knock down like four I think it's not bad these guys are probably gonna win if I had to take a guess I think they're probably a win but I don't mind because we're getting a lot of hits right now it's been a really fun match so far alright hang them up and let's go ahead and take our portal to there I'm assuming you know they're gonna be and he just saw me teleport so I'm assuming someone's gonna grab him off the hook most likely anyone here no one's even touch this one yet what the heck dude which ones are they working on they're all healed so they've got to be working on some kind of generator maybe they're avoiding the ones that my portals are at so they're probably that one then yeah look they haven't touched this one either super weird alright let's head to this one this has got to be where one of them is Oh somebody's working on it or was yeah somebody's working on this one but no one here now that he started one of my portals down there though all right let's go back here assuming they're gonna be on his body let's see I don't know if this is like fair to do this or not though cuz it ya see they're not here like if it ends up being like that then it's kind of just like cheap I don't know if I like doing that Oh apparently I'm seeing someone hold on there was somebody on this yeah there was somebody on this alright oh she's still here okay come on the see if I can get this oh the stupid corn I can't see oh dang it she went back here the corn made it completely blocked I should have went for that is there a pallet here now oh he didn't go for that no he did not mean to run into that I'm assuming all right let's go come on come on come on all of you this corn is gonna mess me up this core dude is it gonna jump let's see yep oh can you jump back over that yeah I can dang it oh this is so annoying oh okay here we go he's up there now what the heck dude how did that happen this guy is like obsessed of what wait what oh you must have like some kind of ability all right I'm gonna go ahead and let him do that oh the flashlight again oh I just hit in the dark that I hit someone I could have sworn I hit someone oh how did that Oh Mike what did I miss by like a centimeter I don't know I got him anyways oh man alright so they they still have only four gens these guys are have got to be doing something I don't know dude I'm gonna hit her try to avoid the light come on come on come on she's gonna try to flashlight me as she like do this let's do it alright where is she I thought that was her all right I'm gonna put a portal right here case I have to come back let's go over here to this one they should save him instantly here because he's already getting spidered so that guy's having to tap space right now he's not having a good time at all so they're probably gonna be on him super quick alright let's go this way they're probably gonna get him any second I'm gonna go to this one I have three more gens Oh somebody was working on this I think yeah somebody was working on this alright let's put another portal down and let's I don't want to teleport that one I'm gonna go to that one all the way over there I know the smarter decision obviously we need to go to the guy that's hooked but I don't feel that fair alright anyone here nope no one I'm gonna avoid the hook and go this way oh they just got him alright cool I'll take that as a sign that I can go this way come on let's see we're yet oh there you are hello how you doing today Oh God I didn't have the leap up fully so that sucks all the flashlights come on do the flashlights so annoying in this game oh hello I don't get it they use the flashlight but then they stay in the area that they just used it in so it's like I know where you are we're gonna stay in the area so why don't you run away alright well he's he went back on the hook I think he's gone because yeah there should be his final hook so sorry buddy but you're gonna have to get on the hook goodbye I'm gonna go ahead and I'm not even gonna bother putting a portal I'll put one here though somebody was just here to you let's put one right here I'm gonna go and go to this over here I know there's there was somebody in this area so I'm assuming they probably went right here let's see now they weren't working on it here do these guys are weird I don't know what they're doing cuz they they're not work he got Jen's okay there's oh that's right there there should have had all the Jen's done by now but for whatever reason they weren't working on them don't know why though okay let's see Nancy there you go do you set your flashlight now where you going wow this corn completely hides her oh this again this again because we haven't done this enough times yep there you go back up there there's a great distraction for them to do stuff though alright come on they're working on the Jen I think so this is bad I got to get her on this hook wait there we go right beside the hook - thank you my Chase is maxed out already so this is good alright come on put her up perfect let's go ahead and put this down that's her first hook so that's not good yeah it's not good at all somebody's gonna definitely save her Mons head over here Lee there's somebody here anyone nope all right let's head to I don't have one over here I gotta go ahead and put one down let's see oh floating flashlight that's good Oh somebody's here yep Steve my boy what are you doing huh out of here Steve huh you think you're doing it this this thing okay he's going this way I'm gonna try to oh my I always miss that dude Ozzy that's such a like it's such a skill required attack and it's just like if you can hit it it's really good but if you can't it's just like disastrous didn't we already do this palette yeah they keep going back to this Hut I don't know why okay so this is your plan okay and then you just give up it's just like ah I'm not gonna jump it again you know two three times was enough for me after the third time's a charm I'm done after that I'm just gonna walk away all right how many times have you been hooked okay so that's his second so that means he's gonna have to struggle right now let's head over to this one she's off the hook but literally not like the saying she's literally off the hook oh where did she go though oh I need to reset that Jen yeah that one right there all right I'm gonna put one oh he's already off all right I'm gonna put one here and then somebody just I think somebody's at that hold on tonight I can't teleport there we go go go go upside down upside down here we go I think there's somebody here they're gonna be gone though by the time I get here know what hissss worn it showed a heartbeat here alright well anyways we need to go here and reset this one all this isn't the one I thought it was it's that one over there and I don't have a thing on it oh no this is bad somebody behind me this is bad this is bad go go go go go please don't get it okay there's nobody on it I'm gonna go ahead and damage it okay I gotta make sure I don't forget to do that put another portal down we're gonna teleport let's go over here to this one I think I just saw a heartbeat here I need to pay more attention to those for sure all right let's see anybody here Oh thought I heard someone hmm yeah nobody's here all right let's hop back on here and go - I keep hearing somebody alright I'm gonna go to this one over here let's see somebody's got to be on one of these right well somebody was working on it yeah they're in the area all right I don't know where they went though oh hello Nancy how are you doing she just showed up out of nowhere Rory oh I heard her I lost her yeah I lost her hair Steve they always show up like whatever they think you leave they just like instantly come out so it's always good to like check behind you oh this is a big area for me to lose him in yeah oh there's Nancy again she's got a flashlight though so that's not good and she's got a pallet let's see there we go she's gonna slide back over it I'm gonna get the hit I'm gonna go and break this pallet not bother chasing her break it open here we go man this has been a really good match though I like these guys alright we got Steve down there like they're good but they're not like super good so it's like it's really fun match all right where could we put them on this hook over here Nancy's got her flashlights and we know she's probably gonna show up let's put her on come on there we go I think this is last one yep he's gone alright so now we got two Jenn's they could still win this cuz there's two of them one of them is injured though but still I'm gonna head over this one let's see somebody's got to be here it see they're at this one or the other one because somebody's definitely working on a Jen how long you have to wait before I can interest you all right I gotta wait a pretty long time I'm gonna just run to it this one's probably gonna get finished though before I get to them come on let's see anyone here nobody here it's still damaged - yeah it's still damaged alright Oh hatch alright I got to keep an eye on that I'm gonna make sure I close it - alright how much time do I have before I could tell apart can you do it now let's go let's go let's go let's go she's still in the area of that of this one I think I see yep she's still here no she's not okay what the heck is she I'm gonna check out this one no hasn't even been worked on let's go to this one I don't see why I'm saying like I don't get what they're doing right now they're not working on Jen's oh I think they know that I I'm like I'm putting a lot of pressure on them so they don't know which Jen actually go to you come on now I'm gonna go check this one all right let's go over here to this one I'm just gonna keep going back and forth basically and I can find them I think they're probably gonna be on this one now no no there we go we got somebody got somebody on this one oh no it's down oh this isn't good all right um I've got to run to it I think yeah there's there's two people on it yep they're working together we got to go we got to go we got to go here we go hey how's it going guys what's up you guys are fully healed too that's great this is gonna be hard I'm gonna go for this one we're gonna try to injure both of them there we go at the hit the other one ran I don't know where I'm gonna go for this one I got it wait nevermind she's gonna go for this Jen I think she's gonna go back to it now all right I'm gonna damage it even if they win at this point I've gotten so many hits on them and so many downs that I'm gonna get a ton of points sucks out around ppb though cuz uh should be a good amount of points to have in the actual game nobody here okay so I think I know their strat though I think they're gonna go back to that Jen because they've already been working on it I only hit it so it's like draining but I bet you they're gonna be on it again now there's no one here oh there she is there you go Oh Sheila's got a medkit - whoo that's bad luck you almost got it dude you almost had it alright where's a close-up oh great I've got no hooks near me okay this one's close she might get out though oh come on come on come on come on come on come on put her up put her foot up yeah we got it alright so I'm gonna put one here somebody just yep that's over here oh wait a second I can actually teleport to that she's getting impaled right now so this guy's not gonna be here for sure he's gonna be heading towards her if he's not then that'll be interesting what it's not even being worked on oh you know I think this guy's doing I think he's gonna wait for her to go down like be gone for good and then he's gonna take hatch I think oh great oh crap I didn't mean to be over here sorry if anyone's over there try to save ride it beat it I'm going back this way I want to play it fair no nobody here all right well I need to make sure that I'm gonna go ahead and teleport to this one I need to make sure that I have my teleport ability whenever this person okay they just got saved you got saved that's right here I need to make sure my teleport ability though in case I get one of them where'd he go they're long gone yeah there oh ok hello there you are there you are let's see she's healing there we go all right so this should be no this is yeah this is her so this is our final hook so uh this is interesting let's go ahead and put her up if I can get to one that's close there's none that are close okay gonna have to go this one again oh okay I'm gonna instantly go to this I think yeah that's her final hook let's see this person's injured oh this isn't where it is um I don't remember where it is I think it's over here right oh this isn't good they're gonna get hatch alright whatever you know what if they get hatch it's whatever we had a good game oh there's hatch no oh why I hit her too oh man yeah I knew that see I knew she was gonna do that she's just gonna let her teammate go alright how much points do we get out of that that was a really good game 29k points not bad and there were higher ranks than me - all right well I'm gonna say G G baby Meg I think that's the lady that I got or is that the one that took hatch oh yeah that's one who took hatch yeah you did your best Oh see I knew hatch was Harry T like if I just was like a second like earlier I would've got him alright well that was a really fun match let's go ahead and do one more alright why not let's go let's go for one more is gonna be a pretty long video I think you guys seem to like it guys you prefer the longer dead by daylight videos or the shorter ones like would you prefer to be like 25 minutes or 45 minutes cuz like when you have good games like that they tend to take quite a while so I don't know I don't let me know with a comment down below but oh we already got yeah we got 29k up out of that let's go ahead and upgrade some ability oh okay that was a quick game though that was the fastest game I've ever got all right perfect let's go and ready up and start upgrading like I said I always just do random ones but what I'm really looking forward like looking out for though is Morey I really want to get one of those if I can find it nope not on this one alright let's go and go this way and just start upgrading stuff while we already used all of our blood points I've cut 3k I'll buy that there we go so there goes all those blood points I just got a little 24 on here what the heck dude that's a higher rate than all my normal account I think I don't know I wish they carried over like my normal account over to this one because I have like 300 I had 350 K blood points on there and I used it on the girl that was playing as Nia and then I got another like hundred and fifty count top of that so but this carried over to this I'd have like 500k blood points to use on him and I could definitely probably get close I probably like level 35 right 30 something that'd be really good but all right guys I'm the one started that whatever happened to another match all right guys we're in another match unfortunately or not on Hawkins lab we're on Mount Ormond resort I've only played this map I think twice so this is gonna be hard I'm gonna go and put a portal here though right here in the front um let's see let's head it let's just head to each Jen and put one down oh there we got a Nancy hello I didn't get to see who I was playing against but probably on Nancy's and Steve's oh yeah oh they're working on it hello oh great this is gonna be a tough one to get yeah she's uh oh there we go we got one hit and she's got a tool box need to make sure I get her anyone with the toolbox gets downed all right where are you okay that's why it pays to know where the pallets are I don't know where pallets are so I just straight up like walked into that she's probably like wow this dude doesn't even care about the pallet hit okay what's going on oh no no no no there you go you didn't have that Kirk I'm assuming I know there's some kind of perk that like lets you do that faster but we got our first down already nice and they've got the toolbox so this is pretty good you'll make sure I hit that den Q there you go and we're gonna go and put a portal right here let's go and see if anyone's at our other one now no one's at it alright let's go get this gen down and make sure I hit it there we go I could put another portal here yeah put one here too oh they already got her off the hook I'll let them run away a little bit here let's see if they go too I'm gonna go to that one whatever let's just see if they're there let's see undetectable all right here we go assuming they've got to be in this area cuz they wouldn't have run towards me they probably went inside any one here put another portal here and then I'm gonna use my ability take a look oh oh we got one hello this life pays to use this character like it's it's a good character you're sure like it could be way better if I wasn't using it but still okay somebody was here I lost him oh there they are hello somebody new alright well let's see come on come on you got a little bit kit there huh they already got one Jen's this isn't good all the pallet oh my I thought this was the one that they already used so I just like I was expecting to bring the jump over and I was just gonna hit him but nope oh he's got that stupid ability where he can go over it quick alright he didn't use that pallet for whatever reason oh he's planning on going back to it well not gonna work today actually I kind of wish you would have used that so when they shaved him I'd have to worry about it but whatever um you go there you go alright let's see anybody oh okay now I thought somebody was there what the okay there was somebody there did they destroy the portal they probably did already got to Jen's hang in I should have put a portal there too let's see anybody in the area no there's long gone how much want to bet they went in this locker nope dang it it was a good it was a good idea alright guys already got hood yeah these guys are gonna destroy me I can already feel it alright um let's see okay wow they're already down to okay well these guys are gonna win I've only got like what three hits on them and they've already got like three Jen's so I think my problem was this game I didn't put enough portals around like last game I had complete control over the map but this time I only had Oh somebody here yep there you are hello I've got that med kit though so he healed same guys before that means his friend has got to be nearby - oh what game okay what is the server laggy cuz I just missed that and this guy just jumped straight into my arms I think he was expecting for me to go around I don't know okay well that's interesting then put this down somebody they've got somebody's straight working on all Jen's and they're probably on that one over there I'm probably off just running to it though it's so close do they see me coming out of this and hear me but they just run yep see they've got somebody just straight working on Jen's I got a den jockey and it's it's not good for me at all okay why did you render that what thought I thought she was down oh my god I thought she went down oh I just lost her cuz I thought she went down that's unfortunate okay there's no one even here dang it I thought she went down so I oh not a good look for me not a good look for me okay somebody's got him yeah this is not uh not making me look like a very good player that's for sure Oh what's going on here Nancy huh now let's go oh you were both feeling okay what's going on here where you going Nancy huh let's see if she does it oh no oh you can't hit over that that's stupid I thought for sure you could all right we got one of these Nancy's on our team here are against us so they're gonna get that final gen I mean they're gonna win this for sure at this point I'm just going for knockdowns and hits and stuff alright there we go it's only one hit on her though she went right okay I thought she would win left there and jumped but I guess not all right she's gonna go back yep she's doing one of these all this what what is this spot for the killer dude like what is this oh come on this is such like how are you supposed to get in there without her jumping away that's so broken all right well final Jenn's gonna get unlocked any second now I might as well just go for her is she gonna camp this now alright so she's basically I think she was the one that was getting all the Jen's I don't know okay there we go we got her see that's what I was learning from that video I watched go let's go ahead and pick her up come on let's go time to put you on the alright you got a good little escape there about to escape they they go there they go guys they're all gone all right they're gonna go for the save on her though at least one of them is they're gonna open the the door and then come back for her they're gonna go for the one that's further further away from me too I'm gonna put one out okay this guy's gonna go we got two of them going for her yeah I can see where this is going I can see where this is going she's gonna be the distraction while this one goes for her I think somebody's probably already on her with that other chick go she on her no she's not on ER all right well they got exit open well we had a good game I could just camper but I'm not going to there she goes where'd you go where'd you go where'd you go let's see I don't know where they are yeah they're gone do they dip so hard I don't know where that other exit is either cuz like I said I've only played this map two times but these guys got the best of me for sure these guys annihilated me which sometimes you just got to accept defeat that's like the only way that you get better at a game is just by you know playing it obviously and getting destroyed sometimes so yeah I think my main problem with that one which how much points we even get my main problem with that one yelling I 11 K that was an awful game all this guy was level ranked for what the heck how do I get I'm like 19 does it look like I can go against Frank fors but I think if I had to like you know go against myself and say what I did wrong I didn't put enough portals down for sure I think keep enough pressure on whoever was doing those Jen's and I definitely got distracted by the the survivors let that you know we're just meant to distract I guess let's go and use our blood points again let's see do that okay I guess I'm not getting that item or that way all right let's go this way that I'll just get this lit over here you know all right so I'll piss that ranked 23 dang we're a little 23 demagogue and that's not bad what else Oh Serge actually have this unlocked think I want to get that though again don't I have that yeah I have it right here Serge so wait if I get it guys if you guys can explain me why is it there if I already have it is that let me use it on other creatures cuz I know for certain character I think for all characters you can only use their perks on that character unless you buy it from the store but I don't know cuz this one oh I think I know what it is I think I bought this one from the market I think I don't know I have no idea all right well guys anyways I'm gonna go in this video here this was a super fun video I loved playing as the demagogue and it's so much fun I know for sure the fact when it gets fully released I'm gonna do more videos in this game because I know they're coming out with costumes on when it comes out I know Steve is gonna have some kind of like his costume from the show season 3 I remember what it's called but he's gonna have that costume and I think the demagoguing might have something but I don't know what like won't you do for him I really do hope they do something for him though because there we go to different wait let me go back if we go to the store real quick and you take a look at characters some of these guys have like super cool costumes like if we go to Ghost Face he's got this one just looks sick and like all these other really cool ones but then if you go to people like chainsaw the cannibal he's got none so I really hope he doesn't end up being like you know one of the characters gets no costumes but then again like I don't know what they would do for the demagogue and I think it would be awesome oh no you can't really do that to be like some of those little like pets that he has but now you can't really do that be I hope he doesn't end up like you know Freddy Krueger and stuff like that I hope he has like a wide variety of costumes it seems like everybody else really has a good selection of costumes except for oh except for like some mainstream characters have it actually no I think the only one is Ghostface because yeah everyone else has on the pig so like certain ones but like Freddy Krueger the cannibal from I can't say the name Texas Chainsaw you know what and the shape Michael Myers those three don't have them so I don't know I guess certain companies maybe just don't want him to release costumes or I know maybe I'm missing something but guys I'm gonna go into this video here if you guys are hyped for more dead by daylight videos you guys notes do hit that like button if you're new channel hit that subscribe button and lured by contest know you guys want to see more dead by daylight videos that's best way of seeing them and I'll see you all in the next one peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 999,656
Rating: 4.9324665 out of 5
Keywords: dead by daylight, dbd, survival horror, stranger things, stranger things dead by daylight, demogorgon, steve harrington, nancy wheeler, netflix, steve dead by daylight, nancy dead by daylight, demogor
Id: ePNesKXh-6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 14sec (2054 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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