What Stranger Things REALLY Looks Like Behind The Scenes..

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in those sets I feel like I'm there and I'm in that time you know you're just transported to that world watching stranger things is a thrilling yet bizarre experience with superpowers demagogue ins upside-down worlds but what do some of these iconic scenes and stranger things look like before the special CGI effects were added well in this video we're going to take a sneak peek behind the scenes of stranger things and take a look at some of their most well kept secrets make sure you stay to the end because you'll be shocked by what happens but first a simple reminder on how to enter our brand new giveaway we will be giving away either an iPhone xmax the new iPad Mini or a MacBook Pro it's all your choice so be sure to leave a like comment the keyword subscribe and turn on notifications to enter the giveaway it's really that simple first the props are actually old one of the things that make stranger things a really interesting show is the ability to conjure up nostalgia especially for 80s babies it's impressive how these scenes inside the grocery store actually features snacks candies and memorabilia that have long been gone from the market shelves a lot of people thought these props along with the old boom boxes and bikes were digitally retouched but that's actually not the case veteran prop master Linda rice has to scour eBay flea markets and prop rentals to get the most amazing vintage stuff for the show it cost production two hundred and twenty thousand dollars to get everything they need it stuff like Jonathan's Pentax SLR the Panasonic boom box in Wills room the Memorex cassette the yellow wall phone in chocolate pudding in cans are just some of the most interesting vintage props that we get to see the show next up is that the scenes with the demo dogs were actually done using jelly props remember the demo puppies that totally captured Dustin's trusting heart before they turned out to be demagogue in dogs well there's no way those were real right so does it mean the cast members simply stared into an empty space whenever they're looking at or talking or carrying the terrifyingly cute creature of course not they had to put placeholders at least so the actors would have their eyeline in the right direction apparently the show creators used two different sets of placeholder props for this the first set were jelly action figures which were basically models of the actual demo dogs we saw on screen only made of inedible jelly now when the demo puppies grew up to become sized dogs the small jelly toys proved to be too small to create a believable eye line so they had to create plastic heads to be stuck onto sticks that's right a staff member had to manually operate the plastic heads to keep the illusion next is the drip if you think there's no challenge in creating 11s recurring nosebleed then you are gravely mistaken it's not like you can store small vials of fake blood up Milly Bobbi Brown's nose even a small pack of plastic filled with the red liquid cannot fit up there not to mention it could be a health hazard for the young actress so most of the time the production staff had to drop a precise amount of fake blood up Millie's nose that she really had to keep her head tilted back until it was time for a nose bleed this is such a rigorous practice but it's actually hilarious to imagine Milly on the set with fake blood up her nose trying to dribble it so it wouldn't fall before they could shoot the scene the precision required for this entire process is just too much that when things are tight they actually have no choice but to do it all via CGI did you notice that some of those nose drips were actually computer-generated the main monster in season one is an actual guy remember the predatory demo Gargan in season one that creature was too horrible to be nothing but a figment of the imagination made true by some epic visual effects right well apparently the show creators wanted very little computer manipulation on the first season that they had an actual live person play the role before they embellished him with CGI so yes an actual person had to wear a demagogue in costume covered with bits of green cloth to make post-production editing easy if you want to give prompts to the person behind that awesome villain you can look up performer March stagger the guy who put on the creature suit waved his hands a lot and thanked him for giving us such a legendary pilot season next is the void is basically just a giant hockey rink three seasons in and we still don't know very much about the upside-down well at least we now know that most of it like the void is just a really big rink I mean who would have thought that it would actually be so complicated to mimic a vast expanse of nothingness with nothing but soul deep water in it if you've ever wondered if the cast really had to get wet for these scenes the answer is yes show creators built a mini hockey rink and filled it with just enough water to reflect in full whoever steps on it even the darkness is not CGI the entire hockey rink had to be surrounded by black theater drapes but of course they had to adjust the lighting in contrast in post-production so that the final result will not look like Millie's just standing in an empty theater stage the mind flayer which gave us nightmares for months was actually a very silly man the big bad wolf of stranger things season 2 made the demo Gorgon look like a joke well that might be an exaggeration but all I'm saying is that there's very few things in life scarier than a shadow monster that has psychic powers which can control not just people but other monsters do if you want to get over your fear of the mind flayer though i urge you to find footage of the original scene before the video effects were added in I swear you can just picture this scene in your head whenever terrifying thoughts of the mind flayers start to take over even the production staff cannot help but lose their marbles over this guy wearing a red suit and a metal helmet as a placeholder for the mind flayer it's pretty hard to hold on to the horrifying fantasy once you see this silly guy knocking over stuff and slithering on the floor just like the mind flayer next is that the vintage walkie-talkies actually worked sometimes it's actually not that hard to come by walkie-talkies that still work to this day however for this show they needed walkie-talkies from the 80s for at least some that look like ones used in the 80s as mentioned earlier the show's prop master was awesome enough to score walkie-talkies that were perfect for the show however the challenge was trying to get them to work most of the walkie talkie conversations in the show were made using sound effects and manipulation but here's a little trivia sometimes the walkie-talkies would actually work but of course they were too unpredictable to rely on for all the seats but it was cool to think that those vintage phones would sometimes spook the young members of the cast by emitting low monotone sounds and radio scratches Joe Curie was actually kicked out of the kids group chat here's a behind-the-scenes secret that's both fascinating and heartbreaking apparently all the kids and stranger things have a group chat where they update each other tell jokes and exchange juicy details about their personal lives apparently Joe Curie used to be a part of the cool kids group chat back when they were shooting season one but he was promptly kicked out of it once others found that he was way older than the rest of the kids too compared Joe is now 20 eight years old while Milly is just 16 sadly the older members of the cast don't have their own clique next is the fact that there's a guy whose job is to blow dandelion seeds all around the upside-down one thing that makes the upside down absolutely magical is the fact that there's always spores flying all around here's a little secret though these things are not added through CGI you see they had to create the perfect scenario where the seeds will be floating everywhere but also reacting appropriately to the movements of whoever is in the scene this is much more complicated to do this digitally so when you come and visit the set of strange things don't be surprised to see a man standing there blowing seeds the same way kids blow bubbles how funny is that did you know that Noah Snap is an expert at making faces in an interview Noah was asked to recall some of the hardest acting pieces he's had to do in stranger things in season two he had to go up against the mind flare all alone this meant a lot of working alone against green screens remember how he was strangled by the enemy monster at one point yeah Noah was just making faces the whole time pretty convincing right he had to do this all over again when he was possessed and every time will Byers had a seizure in the show and because of all these scenes Noah had become sort of a master of making faces next is that joke Yuri has a contractual obligation to keep his locks pristine here's another secret did you know that joke literally cannot mess with his hair when he signed a contract to do stranger things the show's producers found his hairdo perfect for the 80 Set show so they inserted a provision in his contract that he cannot in any way change up his hairstyle or he could risk losing the role or getting significant pay cuts if you think this is a bit too much then just try to imagine stranger things without Joe's shiny curly angelic mane it's impossible right next moment is that Elevens hair in flashback scenes were CGI some people think it's unfair that Joe Curie cannot style his own hair when they allowed Milly Bobby Brown to just CGI her way into bald flashbacks in season 2 so we all know the dramatic story of mbb having to get her head shaved for season one it was a big moment for the young actress who said she's gotten accustomed to hiding behind her full hair whenever she's feeling self-conscious still Milly said having a semi bald head did make her feel powerful however she begged and begged staff not to make her go through that ordeal again just for some flashback scenes in season two first they tried the good old bald wrap and short wig combo but milli short curly hair proved too difficult to keep under a bald cap so they had to go with CGI while saying they can't do the same for kiri lastly here's how that flippin van scene looked before they put in the CGI here's everything you need to know about this iconic scene every part of it was authentic except the part where the van flipped over a bunch of innocent awestruck kids so the production staff had to use actual explosives to make the huge van flip over in the air so when it was time to shoot the scene with the kids they simply had to imagine that a van was flipping right above them this takes tremendous talent and proves once again that the cast of stranger things are some of the best TV performers that we've ever seen so they're gonna have it some of the most top-secret and impressive behind-the-scenes moments of stranger things season 4 is hopefully coming out at the end of 2020 or start of 2021 and it's a show that has a lot of fans impatiently waiting what do you think about stranger things and will you be watching season 4 thanks for watching the video [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Showified
Views: 1,625,318
Rating: 4.9252729 out of 5
Keywords: stranger things, millie bobby brown, netflix, finn wolfhard, caleb mclaughlin, gaten matarazzo, noah schnapp, sadie sink, stranger things netflix, stranger things 3, duffer brothers, joe keery, stranger things 2019, netflix series, netflix original series, behind the scenes, maya hawke, stranger things cast, stranger things behind the scenes, bloopers, showified, What Stranger Things REALLY Looks Like Behind The Scenes.., stranger things season 4, millie bobby brown interview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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