Husband + Wife try RAFT for the first time! (pt.1 uncut)

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ahoy matey ahoy oh i'm so excited for a relaxing evening on this vast and beautiful ocean whatever could go wrong i have no are idea going to push the button ah look in the distance mr shark the shark is coming for us the sharks set the wrath it's a very intelligent shark and there's a planet's flame breath on us i don't know i haven't played this game hi everybody today we're going to be playing raft i think new game caitlyn and i have intentionally not looked up too much about this game all we know is that you kind of start in the middle of the ocean and there's a shark that's all we know prepare to possibly be infuriated by all the mistakes we'll need yes i i press the wrong buttons on my left yeah because i have the background i have overlays then i have video overlays there's so many buttons but yeah we might need to reorganize it so i guess this is what we aspire to to have one day happen guessing we're going to start on just like a piece of cardboard floating probably yeah okay so we're going to do a new world what what do you want to name it caitlin oh we already have kevin stodzka uh what water world this is this is pretty much like water world right have you seen that movie um no no i know of it it's it's i i have memories that was pretty good but it could be problematic by now who knows we could also yeah we have what should we name it man we already have a name right off the bat we're probably gonna have to name the shark too yeah well we'll name him when we meet him um um it could also be uh so this is the world uh ocean world jublandia jublandia the quattro world kakwada world [Laughter] that was from yes this is jarrett that's a quarter that's it all righty world and click on a join world oh yeah and then once i'm in you should be able to join and all i know is you just gotta like you just gotta like resource gather resource gather that's the name of the game well it is a survival resource gathering the game so this is like survival crafting on water cool we're going fish probably probably fish yeah but we'll have to cook them too and everything yeah yeah or just eat sushi that'd probably kill us gross okay kailyn eats sushi i i'm not you've liked a few i've liked a few oh okay i'm in i'm in oh okay let's get started fishing i do know one thing i do know those big oh oh those big barrels are good how do you know these things so you have watched some i've watched a few i've like tuned into a few people playing it i've watched zero oh my gosh caitlin the shark's already here what i'm not even loaded in [Music] how do you do you have to press and hold to like wind up and really like toss it well i tossed it okay oh and then right click is get it back come here you old jug no no that's cancel uh left click to reel it up and like throw it and then left click again to like pull it in and you you can throw it like in advance oh a barrel oh barrel i feel like i'm playing a card [Applause] what is okay this is hard the shark is circling us there's a barrel coming straight at us i see it i see it we can't lose it i'm just not good at aiming have you gotten anything oh it can't go that far right you can aim it slightly up to kind of like look how far the barrel is i've gotten literally nothing that's okay i could try to get a leaf so this is how your resource got it i got a leaf i got a leaf can you get multiple please oh you got multiple caitlyn look at that pro pro gamer move okay so i see at the bottom tab oh i froze oh no okay i see building hammer you need plank and rope come on scrap no plastic tools ooh wooden spear plank and rope all right rope yeah i got it i got a chunk i got a chunk of plastic you can make rope from leaves oh there's an upcoming barrel some of them are just too far save the environment simulator 5000 thousand remove trash from the ocean oh there's a barrel there's a barrel get the barrel yes no it's just like a little bit too far come on come on come on no i i i can't that's good oh that's okay it's okay let's see what else we we can make um there's a lot of trash in this ocean i need uh you need three ropes to make a a spear i don't know what because like we're using up you know our hooky thing yeah we're using up the health of it oh no as we go so if we don't [Applause] if we don't what if we don't like get enough oh my god oh i almost got it i know me too the barrels are just out of reach i feel like that's on purpose oh come on no oh there's this barrel oh this barrel is close yeah oh you got it okay our first barrel which are gonna press e to pick things up oh if they're close if they're close you can just pit press e oh we're floating towards an island caitlyn is that bad maybe the island's got stuff i don't know it sounds fun what if we like get stuck on it though i don't know is the shark it's just gonna like chill under there because if so he's cool all right he's probably gonna start attacking soon okay rope i don't know how do you just pick it up rope not close enough um okay i can build a hammer to expand your raft i can make a um plastic hook i'm probably going to craft one extra plastic hook i can build a hammer or a spear caitlyn what should i do um it's right here yes sorry um i can make it i can make a raft bigger with the wrapping burger could be cool yeah but then um the the um spear i can defend this if the uh if the boy attacks us i'll probably do a spear first just oh oh i'm doing it i'm gonna do it here oh i'm broke into the face i'm poking his face i'm poking his face i'm in the water i think i think crafting a spear was a good idea yeah but i wonder if he like oh barrel barrel nice you got it i wonder if he like oh okay [Applause] words are hard i i want to like make sure that if we we have enough stuff that we can get off of the island if we get stuck on it we're going straight towards it we need a paddle we need rope well we can there's stuff floating by the island okay sure we'll be fine i think getting stuck is inevitable right i don't know nice nice shot can you pass resources back and forth let's we're about to crash so we'll figure it out a second i like how it changed the environment like the sounds yeah environmental noises and we're going to crash well maybe it's good yeah we docked oh land shark can't get us but what if it eats our boat while we're no he has no reason to eat the boat whoa whoa boat oh no i'm in the water how dare you leave us okay okay do you want to stay on the side with the boat or no no no no let's walk around i'm sure a boat won't leave us oh we can gather stuff here you can pick up like flowers your inventory is almost full so be careful what you pick up toss stuff probably also i see him i see him he's patrolling also we don't know like what's good and what's not good you know maybe this red flower is great okay now now you're full i know i wonder if we could probably build a storage chest how about how about we formulate a plan formulate a plan right because i've been stressed out this whole time i have a plan okay number one we need to eat and drink that's our like some of our top priorities so let's look at what we have flour how do you look at what's available tab there's also tea i got some seeds yep add water to get a flower okay we probably need a planter or something first though there's also how come this is all that's showing in my inventory is it like oh this is my hot my hot bar and this is my additional inventory oh you can have more than just what's in the hot bar oh that's great yeah i mean oh that makes me feel that makes me feel so much better okay i also pressed t and it brought this up your raft is your home your hook is your friend if your raft breaks you patch it up if your hook is lost you make another if you find the big blue stretch out forever that means you aren't paying attention there is nothing you can't make if you have the right salvage follow any radio frequencies if it's still broadcasting it's above water okay others have come before you more will come after you be sure to mark the way the world is gone but it's stories remain gather as many as you can and for pete's sake watch out for sharks thanks for the warning i almost died already and then we have a picture of our family and sister and the sister says i'll see you someplace dry why'd they leave us why did we leave them yeah where's more pages okay but water water and food are probably the highest priority mm-hmm [Music] how do we get fresh water you can make an empty cup to scoop water probably and then you need to purify it with a simple purifier are you like looking at things yeah so press tab and then look at the first thing under food and water so i made a cup do you have enough to make an empty simple purifier you do i do could you make one for us okay it's it's in your hot bar under a slot too so let's go to the raft oh what we're moving okay uh yeah i can put it here yeah put it put it there and then i'll scoop it oh no okay it's here okay i'm gonna check it's coming oh no way no way oh i'm so mad at you shark oh my gosh okay i'm gonna so we can't put it on the edge because they'll literally just chomp it i uh i'm so upset i i have ah can i make another we're so thirsty no no i need more planks and leaves can you pass me stuff or can i pass you stuff i use up all my planks making the boat bigger can we um um paddle and i don't have enough for a paddle either oh oh we're just naturally getting pushed well caitlin caitlin join we're floating away i can't stop it i can't do anything oh no oh where are you okay i'm coming oh god i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna fish you can i fish you no i got it i got oh he bit me oh oh oh oh your health is down well yeah oh no now what now we just keep on fishing oh god it's nighttime nice relaxing chill game okay i see him i see him no i don't that's just my imagination getting the best of me okay he's right there yeah one is my my pokey two well i don't have a pokey so yeah i'll be pokey man oh no oh it's so dark okay we just have to like get more stuff [Applause] oh it's hard to see yeah it's much harder to see at night good thing we are a young youthful um person and um we don't need to sleep yeah do we need to sleep i don't know we'll find out i don't know hey we have a raid welcome welcome raiders hello we are a husband and wife team that make stuff on youtube and we love playing games and we are playing raft for the very first time i'm not gonna lie i'm a little stressed out by this but caitlin we just found a nice uh barrel yeah still stressed thank you thank you so much quack for the raid welcome raiders what were you guys doing were you guys playing a game that's what most people do longer on the island well some people don't we have like crafting streams yeah that's true that's very very true you know i see you i see you i'll poke you i know gosh that shark is so dang stressful i see him he's coming around pokey man the latest in the series of pokemon yeah oh man i i want to i want to get caught up on oh oh caitlin my hum i'm so thirsty i'm starting to like not be able to see oh no oh no can let's pull our resources let's make a little um symbol purifier do you have two palm leaves i have zero zero polymer actually let me see i have zero oh no oh no are we gonna like fudge our very first play through yeah are we gonna die i thought this was gonna be chill nope this is more stressful than the forest when we were getting attacked by i have it i have it i have it oh no okay e place plank place cup of water oh oh i'm cooking oh now what i'm dying do you have a cup i have a cup here can you make a cup too cup empty cup yeah okay and then do i can i place it also i don't want to like no i think there's only one yeah well you do it first you're more dead than me x to remove yeah can you cook it can you is it ready oh okay okay oh oh i removed the whole thing can you put it back oh no oh no okay okay place plank where i did that place cup of water when is it going to be done was yours not done i don't know oh i'm dying oh shoot oh no i'm just gonna keep on throwing and stuff while i die might as well go down in style [Applause] i don't like the coughing noises i know i mean either hello how will we know yeah how do you know it's ready it's not cooking anymore maybe it's ready try it did you say filled with fresh water oh gee okay oh what he's eating where are we behind you oh jeez i'm just i'm so thirsty sir sir okay how do we drink okay um left mouse button drink okay now what do i do okay we need to we need to do do another one yeah but how do i do it it just says remove place a cup of salt water it has to cook all the way you have to scoop oh yeah i had to scoop i just scooped more oh my gosh about to die i'm about to die no no you have a lot of health you have a lot of health it drains your health slowly [Applause] so i'm just gonna okay so i just wait here how did you know it was ready because the fire stopped the fire stopped yeah yeah okay so we gonna nice nice nice oh my hunger my hunger is getting me now okay um uh simple grill okay this is done wait wait so hot can you tell me how to do it again um just remove pick up your cup go to your cup yeah fill with fresh water and then left mouse button to drink it oh no at least there's that um i feel like i should get another um grill cook food but we don't have any food to cook all we have is stones can we catch fish oh oh we probably can there's a fishing rod what about a bird can you kill it i'm gonna try to get a bird i saw one fly by wait how do i how do i um get this water cooking um oh yeah we should probably always have water cooking i put i put some on there but i don't know how to like spark it i put a plank i did everything it said um get a cup of water i already did that i did that and i put it in and then i added the plank let me see um oh no you need a problem you need to fill it with water i did i filled it with salt water and then i put it in all right well it's going now okay maybe i did it in the wrong order yeah something like that oh no we're so hungry okay ah um uh i thought i saw fishing rod i need i need um can you give me um your all your planks and your um all of your uh uh how do i get these stuff i don't know um palms here i placed them okay cool yeah i picked up um planks there you go you got it okay i got it oh i got a blueprint what's that for receiver i feel like we need to figure out how to eat first okay we need um oh we're gonna die i need 12 more leaves okay there's one coming around coming up from under the boat i just saw it there we go i got one leaf we'll just keep an eye here's more leaves there's a lot of leaves a lot of leaves coming in right here okay yeah leaves our number one priority right now come on can you believe it [Applause] oh my gosh we're playing on normal difficulty are you serious yeah what even is hard i'm so stressed out how many do i have i have eight how many do you have five okay i'll give you mine okay here you go boop oh where is he at no he just went under okay okay um can i repair this um you need you need the hammer i don't have any tools i'll do it i just didn't want him to be able to get our cooker you know all right fishing rod uh okay okay okay okay all right i have a fishing rod i'm gonna start fishing you you keep on gathering yeah i'll just keep gathering everything i can i'll keep an eye on shark i don't know how to what should we what should we name him bruce my name is bruce how do i humans are food i will eat them i'm thirsty again wait oh we have some left mouse we have some water ready don't we no i don't know uh we do yeah oh left mouse i did it why isn't it working oh we do love we have water drink it okay i'll get a new cup going fill with fresh water drink okay i placed with salt water oh god bad bad bad sharky bad shark you bad shark get out of here bruce okay okay i gotta go am i doing in the wrong order are you placing the yeah you need to place the the one that needs to be cooked in the center i think you might be placing it on the outside oh oh i'm so gonna die i'm so gonna die kaitlyn from hunger oh no we're probably both gonna die oh if that makes you feel better here i'm going to drop you all my good stuff inventory oh no oh oh i had fish i can carry i had fish i'm so strong find a bed can you make a bed no put me down put me down i'm gonna try to surrender and respawn find a bed what if i make a bed what i lost all my inventory oh no that was a horrible decision can we pause and get a snack in real life yeah i'm dying now go ahead and drop all your stuff drop all your stuff okay to me okay uh this uh that a leaf a flower cup hook bags oh i did everything i could oh no i guess it's just enough what happened and respawn is that what you picked yeah or or we could try to like build a bed waiting for rescue i i can i can try to build your bed i didn't have the stuff for it um calendar simple bed you need a whole bunch of palm leaves some planks plastic and nails nails are you serious nails you need scrap oh no you're gonna have to just come back yeah i think i think that's like the the best way to do things for right now we're just too newb here we i think we need to pause real quick can we pause for real no you can't pause you can't pause i'll just keep on going while you will you chat with chat and catch up and everything okay you're dead you're not you're not like i'm not going to die more you're not going to die more okay because yeah i'm going to i feel like i need to like like check chat yeah yeah go for it go for it you can only rest when you're dead so one thing is um i see people are requesting to move the screen because it's covering um uh or move us and or the screen because it's covering stuff so people can see the hunger and then people can't see the um all right i'll do it for this one real quick sorry guys it's uh hard for us to see your chats when we literally can't pause okay and we're dying there you go oh there's there's there's chess going by though um you know the beginning is always chaotic but it gets easier i promise thank you oh you can hit escape and then it will pause nope oh yeah it's not paused maybe because we're in a multiplayer maybe yeah oh no what yeah so you love how it like blocks they can't see anything okay so that goes there the name goes here yeah we can do it on both sides the widgets yeah multiplayer can't pause so take your time and have fun i've been so stressed widgets where are the widgets okay um okay so do do do feeding time first 20 21. i've i've done all the moves for one screen i'm going to do all the moves for the other okay sorry guys working out the kinks oh sorry sorry we're both trying to control the screen at the same time and i'm dying just a little bit oh you could try to save and quit like in minecraft oh yeah if we need to like take breaks um [Music] and then the alert box okay i think here i'm gonna try playing a little bit um in this mode and let me know if there are any um more more changes that we might need to make and caitlin can monitor things while i uh try to uh survive yeah i feel like i need to say some thank yous too because i'm i'm so very behind oh bruce bruce phil this is reminding me of the early days of the forest for sure yeah it kind of has i have food oh i have food but it's in the inventory and i think it's dead yeah you know it'll wait i guess unless i will if i revive i'll lose it right slider thank you for joining the patreon family we appreciate it and thank you for the 200 bits also i'm gonna i'm gonna try to do thank yous for the things that we missed god dang bruce katelyn sounds tired of him already i am uh to kendra thank you for the sub jdb thank you for the five months uh mama show times thanks for the three month sub cat thank you for the two months plus me on thank you for dying nine months thank you we really appreciate it um nj aries thank you for the three months graphical squid thanks for the sub anime gardener thank you for the nine months um good luck at work white winter owl thank you for the five month sub uh six days lost thank you for the sub dynamite mustard thank you for the six months it's perfect now with the small screen and in the end there's just a lot of information so this is perfect yeah yeah we uh we didn't know where things were popped up and we were kind of panicking raw potato i'm gonna cook some potato baby yay potato sassy fries thank you for the seven month sub dark cloud thank you for the sub open lime time thanks for the sub and frenzy thank you for the four months taco cat emma thank you for the six month sub congrats on a million thank you so much thank you uh now i'm in wonderland thank you for the four months i've been wondering about this game nothing so you guys i'll see if it's worth it stressful so far people say it gets better though yeah brian bear thank you for the sub yolo sale 23 months thank you thank you feels like forever since i caught a stream maybe i need to go back to living in u.s time who needs sleep am i right i hope you're sleeping well yellow snail thank you for hanging out with us thank you for the 23 month sub is the word bird thank you for the seven months thanks for being here throughout this nightmare every year thank you is the word bird ninja turo thank you for the four months josh price thank you for the six months anja thanks for the sub josh coliby thank you for the eight months robojedi thank you for the 11 month sub and cherry extract thank you for the five months of thank you guys yeah this will probably be a less stressful game if we were one player honestly because then one person could like look at that's what you know people ask about like you know one player games and and all that sometimes we like it because it's a little bit less stressful well like what once i kind of like the question why doesn't caitlyn revive because i'm trying to catch up i'm trying to catch up with chad's my only chance take advantage of it while you're dead yeah exactly okay um also guys we um well we do appreciate the tips if we miss them because we're panicking please don't take offense to it um it's uh [Music] you know we might we might miss your tips and uh we appreciate no spoilers yeah but i feel like we're like i feel like i'm getting a handle on things yes you know and if we get stuck on something we'll we'll ask for sure what i've so got okay should i come back yeah yeah come on back okay oh take thank you for the gift it's up okay i'm all um okay surrender and respawn yeah okay okay let me make you a hook so you can uh start start gathering stuff here is your hook thank you special delivery oh oh hooky okay so now we can like we're like doing okay we start we're starting to have some things the main thing that we need again i'm not get i'm not getting anything are you able to get me with the hook yeah i feel like i'm passing by it oh no i got one i'm just bad i'm aiming it's just uh like getting the hang of it what happens if you do hook the shark will bruce come here oh no i feel like i feel like i'm glitching oh geez so there's an island yup oh no i'm i'm dying of of hunger again oh no doesn't that seem like we're getting it but it's not actually i don't know catching i've just been doing poorly okay i think i'm just bad at aiming six ropes oh no do you have any uh um planks i have two two okay there you go all right we need um three more planks and then i think that we might be able to survive i got one more i will prioritize planks uh-oh are you thirsty i'm i'm hungry oh and probably and thirsty so i'm gonna hear the cough okay come on planks all right there are some flanks okay i have two more planks oh perfect i think that might be all i need there you go okay come on i need two more ropes thank you edith island for the five gifted subs thank you thank you and thank you granny grunt for the five gifted subs we appreciate it you guys look at me i'm multitasking thank you whoa what happened what happened to the sounds did we just like oh rain it's raining and it just like that's weird i feel like i just hear like your stomach growling i feel like we have cotton balls in our ears i know okay so i caught a food oh you got a food can i not go into my inventory all right here oh here let's let's save world and let's exit caitlyn something is going on okay something is going on like i i'm my controls are messed up you do you want a snack yes i'm gonna go get some i'm gonna go get some cheetos it was weird i was i was trying to go in my inventory guys and i just wasn't able to go in my inventory i saw a fish i needed to eat and like oh my gosh okay gonna stretch a little bit gonna break caitlyn how should i prank her what are you doing i didn't have time to prank you how rude whoa well so how do you like it so far it's a little stressful yeah heart rate monitors i know i think part of it is i get stressed when like i know stuff is happening in the chat and we can't see it like i get stressed if we can't pause or like get to a point where we can just sit and chill for a second it's like uh so it's not just the game but it's also like knowing that chats are flying by and we can't read it and i saw like you know our mods having to to step in and and like try to manage things and i don't like that stress going on the mods and i don't like chat being stressed out because they're like no just do this thing and then it would be better for you so i think like that stresses me too so it's like multiple layers yeah the stream does need heart monitors oh jube is here jubi will you bless us will you bless the stream hi [Laughter] okay it's better than nothing i feel the blessing katelyn i feel the blessing don't go in yet i'm not ready i still want to like at least get caught up on thanksgiving i need more snacks i need i need more snacks no not yet she smells cheetos on my fingers hey is the stream over no no no we're just taking a little break because you can't pause and we needed a snack a lot of new people here kakoa to all new covens hello everybody is jube bruce no she's much kinder sorry we're trying to keep our mics away from our mouths alrighty uh heller brian thank you for the seven months hitler paulette thank you for eight months thank you guys be spear thank you for that hundred bits takandra thank you for their gifted sub snail snail line trails thank you for that two months now thanks for the three dicks hacks thanks for the prime uh contented contented winter thank you for the prime and firewood rob thank you for the four months [Music] nope wrong computer i feel like i'm starting to calm down so we're trying to keep our mouths away but i also want to talk bugtronic thank you for the four month sub time flies when you're with the awesome kevin's and ian k kakoa i like it i'm like i'm trying not to chew in the mouth meanwhile you're like loudly like getting cheeto dust off of every finger i apologize on behalf of my husband everyone treadmill gaming stream in the future probably not just because we have so much gear required in the treadmill desk doesn't have space for all the gear yeah asmr snack time yeah you know okay okay we'll keep it nearby for emergency snacks i think maybe maybe we'll eventually like get to the point where where we we have like a big my goal is just stressed out automated turrets and uh you know stuff like that yeah so is there like is the whole game just building your raft bigger and bigger i don't i don't know honestly is there like some story all right i'm gonna quickly go in yeah place place the mackerel in there okay i'm joining you okay there is a story okay cool because i was like if it's just stress all the time all right [Applause] plank okay planks i can get blanks yeah i got you blink baby how many i got four all right start playing placing uh maybe like one plank under the water under the water oh oh no bad bad bruce oh under the cooking water yeah cooking water yeah okay okay what else do we need i know right should i place another plank here in the water yeah how come it's not sitting on fire it's because there's no water yeah i just did it okay okay cool is the mackerel done if so you need to eat it get yourself something put another plank under it see if it goes back on fire yeah did it go back on fire okay so it wasn't fully cooked man there's rough seas out here it's a storm okay oh i'm about to die up up up up okay did i get it did i get it all right hurry i think you gave it i think you got it oh my gosh i'm so low on health i'm so low on health we need to make a chest this is so stressful i know i'll try to get more planks because i'm assuming that's what a chest will need [Music] can we just use a whole barrel okay baby we got storage yay put all of your storage in there before you die quick yeah yeah so if i die i can just like rapidly put everything in there yeah which is great fill with fresh water okay i'm kind of constantly be drinking and like i need a drink too more than you do oh yeah oh oopsie sorry you go for the next one okay let me place more planks there i have planks too all right and there's nothing else to cook right now right okay no nothing else oh i'll uh i'll get fishing for you sweet yeah cause i'm i'm gonna die next my health is good but food and water are low all right i'll get fishing okay okay well at least we have a plan now sort of you know like fish drink fish drink but like yeah it's like is it constantly going to always be a struggle no i mean i i imagine it can't be because then like no one would play this okay i pushed the fish that fish is yours baby okay thanks oh the thunder is when it gets messed up okay and is that water done yeah go for it you need to have your your oh i don't have a cup oh here i love it i might i might be able to make one okay yeah i can crack one all right okay fill eat fill it with fresh water and then drink okay and then i'll refill refill it yeah yeah there it is place a cup of salt water right there yeah there you go okay cool oh i got a potato too i just randomly found a potato oh that's great okay and then i can pick up the herring and the nice eat the herring what if it's a red herring kalin [Applause] can you trust it okay look at us living life living harry live laugh love live fish fish laugh love live laugh fish i want to eat bruce i don't know maybe we stab him enough yeah maybe he's pretty resilient oh i missed that okay is the storm over is it daytime hello hello [Applause] if we get to the island we might get some food all right if you can keep on up i'll keep on uh fishing can you can you uh do you have any plastic uh one if you can put it in the inventory oh in the inventory uh i think it went to you it just tossed i found it okay sorry nice nice no worries i'm gonna research i'm gonna like see what what i can do yeah hammer plastic stone axe don't need that yet shark bait keep the shark busy oh that's interesting no i don't think i want to do that though i want to stab him research table i'm going to eat you really research new items to craft we need that we need scrap and we need a whole bunch of plates scrap what um there's an item called scrap okay okay i'm getting planks i have 12 planks so okay if you can put them in the storage okay yeah it'd be great oh i need i need to cook something i need to cook something i'll cook my potato and there's uh water ready i'm a little bit lower on water than you so maybe you go for it yeah you go for it and then i'll refill okay okay oh baby hey we're at least expanding some you know what i mean a little bit yeah all right potatoes still cooking potatoes still potatoes i wonder if they would be easier or harder with even more people i don't know guess is but i feel like they probably scales up the difficulty you know i don't know i'm gonna go ahead and preemptively cook our next fish yeah catch our next fish yeah i think is that scrap no that's plastic oh yeah cause i'm i'm pretty hungry too oh okay oh yeah yeah tape all right eat potato all right fish is on the fire okay cool i'm gonna go ahead and preemptively catch come on barrel yeah barrel yeah i got um a bunch more i got 10 more planks too i'm going to put them in someone's storage thank you yes i also got a rock nice and a rope you rock you rock and roll all day long sweet food all right fill with fresh water drink okay cool and you'll refill it i'll place cup yep yeah always keep it storage maybe you lost maybe you need to make a new hook hook i need to get planks go for it okay i feel like a little bit less stressed yeah research table yes kalyn we are smart they're smart folks now we're going to do so much researching oh yeah oh i'm going to eat the fish place item in santa research oh thank god net canister net launcher place item and slot research oh we can't research anything because we don't have enough things oh oh that's annoying i preemptively did for the research table so we may be doing things in not the best order but you know that's okay that's what happens when you don't know what you're doing but that's that's how this game is meant to be played it's fine yeah they don't give you a tutorial i think they do just want you to like hop in yeah and we typically like going in without too much of an idea of things christie fried egg thank you for the seven month sub we appreciate it is my fish done yet oh hurry up quiche hurry up fish i do it for a dish [Applause] i want to catch one of those birds maybe once we get a bow oh a bow i don't know if we have a bow but come on vincent thank you for the three-month sub we appreciate it mustang thank you for the sub and fruity thank you for the four months so excited for you guys to play this i love raft it's been on our list for so long because it's it's biting us he's biting us bruce bruce bad bruce bad bruce i have two planks if that helps all right okay yeah we have a little fresh water if you need some water i'm gonna go ahead and do that i feel a little bit less stressed like slightly less urgent that's like we got some stuff going on you know what i mean we have some stuff going on like things are looking up slightly we have four barrels coming our way caitlyn four barrel so what do we do with the barrels we uh we we take the stuff from it oh there's stuff in the barrels yeah look at your inventory oh i got an onion beet oh yeah so so barrels are just like super like big cashes oh you know plus like they just have a whole bunch of good stuff in them yeah like raw potatoes gonna get that raw potato cooking yeah baby you know i'm gonna put potatoes in storage yeah i feel like potatoes would be really good in storage i got another barrel oh my god okay i'll put the beat in storage yeah oh i got some scrap nice and i got a bunch of fronds um we probably need more fish soon oh yeah i'll i'll get this on our fish i'll keep doing some stuff gathering indigo cyanatic thank you so much for the gifted sub yeah i'll just have like two fish like on the ready good to go you know what i mean hello i'm a potato hello potato oh yeah getting barrels popping barrels in the club you know and you have so many um leaves and stuff that's so great what is that structure over there look at that i don't know what it is i got a message in the bottle is it from our family why did they leave us all right oh it's a candle oh no even better oh no oh no what oh i fell in i was about to die all right i have um uh a fish cooking for you oh thank you so you're eating next okay i got a barrel it had a rock in it oh i see it pops up um what we have you guys might not be able to see it because our heads are in front of it but there's only only so many places something with our heads you know hi jube you know it's all because juby bless the stream do you see how much less stress we are now yeah we had a snack juby bless the stream and you bet you want your fishy whoops oh yeah if you press e then whatever you're holding you'll just throw bro yeah so like i you'll throw it out don't do it throw it away you'll just you'll toss it like you're giving it to someone oh that's like the drop in minecraft and everything yeah okay then your finish is ready oh thanks i get another fish hey dubai do you want a fish jubie got a little fishy toy for christmas from my parents it was cute she hugs it yeah she hugs it it's really cute okay you should probably post that i know whoa this does not fit here i got a fish so big it doesn't work do we need to upgrade our grill yeah well i guess we need a bigger grill um okay we'll all fish for smaller fish can we keep that the big boy in storage oh we got some burls oh nice how'd we get the little fake fish bait i guess we made that out of plastic or something two barrels all right fish is cooking uh i think you can go ahead and get that next fish okay we're at similar levels all right we also have a beet all right let me uh maybe we should save that for our emergencies leather graves you need leather and wool what are some things we can research cooking pot we need plank oh oh excuse me excuse me bruce stop it bruce make a spear for myself so that we can like double stab you know i'll make a spear um 10 health how do i um heal [Music] well i'll just build it bigger so that that 10 health one is is covered because i don't want him to eat that one because it's on top of our cooktop so i have a spear now that's great that's awesome so now i can also stab yeah so we can double stop together forever together now for tina thank you so much for the tier three four months sub thanks for being my comfort streamers during the great year thank you all right i went ahead and ate just because i i saw it yeah yeah opportunity not for tina oh thank you thank you thank you again carrie and i could thank you for the two months okay and do we have anything else cooking should i make a fishing pole i could make a fishing pole let's see tools fishing rod i need rope i have rope wait what do i need oh i need more rope okay is rope something you craft whoa foundation i love is rope something you can craft out of fronds or something foundation armor rope yeah so go go to the the screw one and go to rope i can do roofs i can do pillars walls fence stairs repair there it is baby i got a fishing rod stairs fences wall how do you know when a fish bait it'll tell you okay oh there's a cooked fish for you you can do that now eat that now yeah oh i caught a raw fish yep and there's a cooked one yeah and i caught one i didn't even realize you did eat it no cool um i'm gonna get the water because i'm thirstier oh it needs a plank never mind oh you just drank it i don't know i i think i had one left over from when i lasted it that's been sitting there just uncooked oopsie doing much better though i feel less yeah i wish i oh no i think i i think i have some ideas on how to work the uh research table if you can guard from bruce while i do the research table okay i will get my spear out advanced grill place item and slot to research looking for you bruce oh oh you placed an item in the in the oh chad was probably like so frustrated with with me because i didn't know these things you sacrifice a material to the research gods and it unlocks more and more things rug well we're like we're like the boat is like really rocky i know hello can i research night time can i research plastic yes oh oh yes a table things are moving really fast oh oh it's rocky oh yeah a lantern oh that would be great yeah medium crop plot a bucket useful for gathering milk what those barrels coming straight for us stone arrow a scrap hook i need a bolt i need a bolt i think i can't use my oh excuse me ah bad bad bad all right all right faster with both of us i think so i figured out how to heal things oh nice is it with the hammer yeah okay look at that okay okay okay all right all right stone arrow oh i'm moving slowly oh i'm hungry you're hungry yeah you're hungry harry okay that's good to eat yeah i'm gonna fish for another one oh man i'll fill up the water again yeah it's just uh you know ever going ongoing cycle to live okay well i don't know how to research that yet i'll figure that out later you know you got to do what you got to do [Music] ah okay i need the next drink if that's okay yeah i'm totally good on water i haven't not hydrating properly okay back bag thank you so much for the sub appreciate it hopefully eventually we'll get to a point where it's a little bit easier to like take breaks and say thank you and chats fishing rod i need one more plank can you uh give me one plank one second a barrel i think i think i can get one more plank pretty easy sorry yes you still need a plank i got it will you get out here craft another fishing rod yes oh you got it ah there's a hype train hype train thank you guys oh my gosh we might have to do like a save and quit to say thank you yeah i think i think that we will let's take a tiny break as soon as i catch this next fish let's do a little break for the hype train should i fish too all right i got no no here let's go ahead and pause wait let me get this barrel and then okay now we can pause okay save do i need to do the same thing i think you're good to go okay yeah a little little break for the hype train more cheetos that's what you got oh my god oh my gosh my heart i was already on edge because of bruce and dying [Laughter] guys look it it's contained it's a confetti cannon thing that you don't have to clean up afterwards at least we don't have to clean it up oh my gosh that was my heart that was good though i wanted to celebrate the hype train properly yeah so i had to get something to celebrate it with yeah yeah so this is cool so you just like push down right here and it's a spring-loaded streamer and you just fire that out and then there you go [Music] what do you think happened you know i have no idea wait we killed bruce and we didn't notice it wait we killed bruce we killed bruce we killed bruce i guess a new bruce came back you might be able to reuse it you i was able i i have been able to like recompress the spring and reset it but you need to rewind all the confetti maybe if you like clipped them and stuff them back in it probably it might work oh you can turn off waves thank you grandpa moss and everyone else who told who probably sent that our way thank you also [Laughter] from seven minutes ago thank you okay mom thank you for the three months thank you thank you to rhino factory for the sub julie i'm dying julie k help thank you for the four months princess romy thank you for the sub cool spaz thank you for the five months swan cat wombat thank you for the sub hey the thailand thank you for another five gifted subs we appreciate it and if you're new to the stream and you're gifted a sub we have a rule and that is to do a good deed what lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches a nervous wreck you saw it just watching thank you for the 100 bits oh some chill beats i don't want people to think it's the after stream it's not there's a hybrid okay let's do a hype train overlay pirate magna thank you for the five month sub crater thank you for the nine month sub and j man clayton thank you for the sub and don't get cheeto fingers on the new resin keys we have the keys as our like escape keys so and my cheeto fingers are these fingers which don't hit the escape key so we're all good i'll just get the rest of the keyboard cheetoey thank you guys for the level 2 hype chain um airs of cakes and kawaii cutie and open lime time thank you all for the hundred bits we appreciate it ndap thanks for the three month sub jade tiger thank you for the sub or is the cake thank you for the 200 bits sarah thank you for the four month sub love watching you guys truly bride my day every time you start streaming thank you thank you thank you crafty thank you for the 200 bits and let roses burn thank you for the five gifted subs thank you for certifying five kevins and causing five good deeds to happen we appreciate it eta on resin pc i mean we did build a resin computer yeah so uh done eta negative two months negative two months yeah did you bring enough cheetos for the whole class i'm sorry no we we actually might actually maybe we have more bags of these if we had bowls to hand them out in can we give them to 1400 people everyone could see two cheetos one one cheetos uh um i noticed that the mods dropped a little command for my wrist yeah it's just a straight say it again it's just rain um it hurts um it hurts when i use it i still can use it i just try to minimize how much i use it and i wear a brace to help me remember like don't bend your wrist too much don't pick up heavy things don't don't make it worse thank you for the one cheetos sir i'm saying a lot of people say that you can use the shark meat maybe next time if we yeah next time if we notice yeah yeah maybe we'll go if we notice it that caitlyn made this background oh yeah caitlyn made the high background with her with her two hands porcelain giant thank you for the 100 bits ja no who thank you for the 100 bits laura white house thank you for the three months loving this game you definitely need heart rate monitors okay everyone here's your cheeto num num here's your cheeto you ate their cheeto betrayed how rude what if they were like imagine doing that in real life here's your cheeto how dare you [Music] snow lou thank you so much for the 10 gifted subs thank you thank you and why should i tell you thank you for the five gifted subs thank you guys for the support thank you guys so much we really appreciate it thank you for serving me betrayed the cheetos are alive but but cheeto bard boy thank you for the tier 2 sub indigo zionic thank you for the 500 bits thank you mad ash thank you for the 200 bits no the cheetos were mailed out you didn't get yours we mailed everyone here a single team single cheeto we know where you all live yeah i'm sorry that it was lost in the mail probably you know evan i want another cheetah okay this one this one i won't eat here this one's just for you i'm going to set it up there [Music] that will forever be the chat cheeto again you're really i gave it to chat it is behind the camera and that is the portal to the viewers yeah fried squid got theirs i'm gonna take a picture so you guys can see the chat cheeto that's perfect and we'll put we'll tweet it out okay live tweet live tweet live treat level three complete level three complete for the cheeto wait spike islax wants a refund for the cheeto do you not like that cheeto it's really good perfectly sized okay cheeto for chat that one right there the close one yeah which is no context oh everyone who is here will understand the cheeto we sent it to you all we sent it to you over the internet to kendra and okay i try thank you both for the hundred bits ginger ale thank you for the 500 bits pressure switch thank you for the 10 month resa but we appreciate it uh southern charm gamer decaf flower open lime time squirrel friend shifty moon thank you all for the hundred bits we appreciate it you guys also level four we are in level four hype train thank you guys so much caitlyn just just because i was like feeling a little feisty i have more of these i know i follow one off do you want to save yours i'll give it to you i'll give it to you since you since i got you i have now put the power in your hand i might just set this aside where you can't really see it i have another one too by the way great i'm seeing comments on the cheeto so far no one is confused i don't think it's all the people who are here really cool people will get it the chatter cheetah we are blessed [Laughter] thank you sir i have another oh yeah this will make more sense why we have them why we have them in in in in ten days in ten days or so in the next video is it only ten days yeah oh i know that's why we gotta oh my gosh why thank you for the three months we appreciate it what's up for two years and bad boy thank you both for the 100 bits i got bits specifically for you guys i have a whole dollars worth of beds cover the cheeto and resin and keep your desk as a trophy whoa there is a house flipper workshop you can craft your own items oh the workshop that's the steam workshop where you have to import things and everything that's interesting though i wonder if you can add things from other people's workshops in to your um house flipper that's interesting that's interesting yeah it'd be cool if you could build your own house in phasmophobia and make it i just thought of it because it's the same a lot of the same house models and stuff and like furniture models yeah just have a room with like a whole bunch make a maze oh a maze and phasmaphobia that would be the worst best thing yeah and the ghost is at the center of the maze or wherever or wherever maybe be that'd be really cool and no worries everyone who's coming in this is just a hype train break a little break for my wrist and a little break for cheetos yeah we can't pause the game so we saved and quit and we'll hop back in after the hype change yeah we just want to be able to thank everybody plus we just like hanging out with you guys during during every now and then i think with raft especially these breaks are going to be good for us to take because like when we're in raft we are like it is like go time go time sir hashtag cheetos for chat cheeto break is necessary for all of us it's no longer 1 000 bits thank you that was perfectly lined up with the notification too thank you so much dust off the dust okay got more thank yous gd butler thank you for the sub hippopotamus thank you for the six months this has been a great one thank you bard boy and shifty moon thank you for the hundred bits laura whitehouse thank you for the 185 bits mitsuki thank you for the six month sub oh hey julie how's it going how's raft so far stressful very stressful it's it's stressful yet fun julie did you see the video that we released with with phasma phobia with you oh yeah did that just go live today it went live today i tweeted out a few little highlights from it it was so fun watching that again i want to play again oh i just saw it we did an okay prank it was fairly good we pranked you like decently i feel like we still haven't paid you back for the bear this is a down payment yeah sure is you thank you for the hundred bets i'm a french chef and i have to say your broccoli recipe is awesome oh thank you we love broccoli the salt at the beginning and the pan frying really like does things to the broccoli it converts it into much better taste i love a good prank war yes yes you just missed a very good one evan got me with like a party pop-up oh yeah julie these are so much fun i'm not i'm not gonna do it i need to don't do another one for the right moment i need to save it for the right one see if the gear is turning in your head i okay my heart can't take it i'm gonna need to like lay down drink some tea do some yoga or something after the stream what's even happening [Laughter] i'm stuck my ears [Laughter] so i'm going to be ordering more of these we did get like a 20 pack that's how we could get them in lily awesome thank you for the gifted stuff chaos evan has appeared yes yes he has oh yeah and the the tweet about the cheeto it was on our um evan caitlin game handle not the name yeah yeah okay should we go back into it yes thank you guys so much for the hype train we appreciate it okay we're gonna go back in to the game again before we do please no spoilers um if if we get you know really stuck on something we'll we'll ask you guys and um well uh we're okay with tips please don't spam them if we're not seeing it it's just because we can't look at chat and sending it more won't make us see it so um you know we'll look at chat when we get chances to take breaks all righty okay i'm loading in okay and you can join and we'll join soon just a little bit oh i'll put that i'll put the party poppers in um the description of the uh of the uh the uncut yes i thought i was underwater for a second yeah okay i'm joining too okay okay are you ready are you prepared i am prepared all right we need to fish right um i just i just put a fish on so that you you need to eat the next play but you go let's both go ahead and fish okay because i've only caught a fish accidentally once so far there's a barrel coming well oh sorry when you say that it sounds like you're gonna get it i'll get the next barrel you go ahead and fish there's a barrel right here i got it i got it nice i see it bruce okay i'm getting a snack oh i caught a potato oh it's probably in the barrel oh no i threw the fish here i'll drop the fish back for you once you're ready for it i'm ready okay i'll put it i i caught another fish i'm going to go ahead and place it on just to keep it going thank you and then uh you put my potato in storage yeah potatoes are great in storage okay it's a new day it's a new day i got this barrel nice oh i got another potato the red templates okay there's another like it looks like wreckage or something up there we haven't hit one of those yet eventually i guess we'll get a paddle and then we can kind of aim uh have i researched rope i have researched rope yeah we know how to make grip stone i have done that have i researched plastic i have what about scrap um i've researched scrap yeah let's see it'd be great to research nail or bolts those would be nice or a hinge we haven't gotten any of those is it researching glass giant clam cynthia b making thank you so much thank you so much for the 17 months did ketchup probably yeah i did oh and there's um one to eat you should eat you should eat oh i should eat i'm about to starve oh no yeah you hungry ooh that tilapia was good okay look there's a there's like i'm going to cut the fish oh there's an abandoned thing yes i was talking about well i'm going to see if i can paddle over there oh it's a wrap paddle i need plastic and rope do we have platinum plastic yeah oh there's some plastic in storage too and then um i need to make some plastic oh do you not need it i have 15. okay do you have actually well i think i might actually have everything but i need to do it fast so i'm just going to go into concentration mode yeah battle oh oh nice okay all right i'm gonna paddle us oh this is fun oh we are gonna raid get over here this probably isn't the most efficient way to do things but we're learning and that's okay we're making progress i understand how this works and that's important um is anything cooking yeah very cool the fish is cooking oh you need a place plate all right yeah you go and eat it then place the next one down nice oh there is no next one oh but i will get another water going and then i'll start fishing ooh there's a storage chest over there caleb learning with heaven and caitlyn yeah okay i'll fish hey emiliana thank you so much for the seven month sub seven months of chaos but mostly fun with yankee in the whole you we're getting so close we're getting so close yeah i cut i caught one nice all right getting them hopping over ready yeah i'm going away ah oh no what's up with that i'm trying to stab him why can't i stab you oh because my thing there you go touching it oh no we might need like an anchor or something oh no oh gosh oh no oh i'm just gonna swim i'm just gonna swim can i hook you oh this was a bad idea we should know i'm gonna try to hook you i can't oh did i i think i think that might have helped a little bit oh my gosh oh that wasn't worth it no that was not worth it dude that was not worth it okay let's never do that again what did you get i don't know just like normal boring stuff oh and then the the raft that i was on i mean i got like one thing dancing bear gaming thank you for the 10 gifted subs thank you thank you thank you oh here baby do you want to eat this uh eat this guy and then i'll get a new one going yeah thank you welcome oh man yeah not cool not cool man i know right well we tried well we tried you know you learn you live you learn you laugh you love you love you laughed you raft basically barrel vine vine god god of the vines the god of the vine it's a dead platform but i used to be great at vines okay so there's a lot to research but like nothing that like is it easily attainable right now and i don't think we need i i might as well learn all of these it takes up more more room in our inventory but that's fine okay i got another fishy cooking for you baby thank you for a barrel mitsuki thank you so much for the 500 bits i hope your day at work goes well thank you dumpster can you thank you for the three month sub uh oh you thirsty oh i think i drink salt water on the accident oh i should have some more water cooking yeah dancing bear gaming thank you so much for the thousand bits thank you thank you merry christmas happy new year hope to see more and more quality content in 2021 thank you so much i hope you have a great 2021. okay okay so fishing's not too bad wow ellie sketches thank you for the hundred bits see you streaming immediately put a foul smile on my face i hope your day gets better early sketches thanks for hanging out with us super duper thank you for the sub decoy loras thank you for the sub and dancing bear thank you for the two month sub and stinky thank you for the sub oh i lost a fish i was thanking people or did i get it i don't know want to make a catio for my cat toast because you can't go outside because you got an injury yeah you should definitely make a catio i think it's really great that's the favorite thing is literally probably in there right now she loves it [Applause] oh no no bruce no no bruce there's no oh my god oh bruce why would you do this to me why am i so tasty why am i so tasty here you should get the new water and get a new one going oh yeah um i got i got a fish going and i have like four fish in my inventory so we're good on fish for a bit all right and we have a ton of like beets and potatoes stored we might need more storage like should we start expanding the raft uh yeah get bigger what up get out of here let me eat you hey did we kill him no no i don't know how to know when we kill him but i'm i'm gonna eat you it's gonna be the ultimate revenge you're gonna be okay yeah i'll keep looking for things if you want to look at the recipes yeah i'm gonna throwable anchor oh that would have helped us maybe it can only be used once though well we can just like you know use it when needed and and once we're done with it make another one nudge i can do a sail oh i should do a bed oh we need nails dang it oh wow can we make nails from metal scrap i have scrap oh derpa temple yeah you can and then i'm going to research nails boom we'll find stuff we can make that opens up a lot of things trophy boards well a collection net automatically catches items that float into it a scarecrow to scare things away from our our our plots of uh um will that scare bruce or will it just scare birds and does that mean that birds are going to start attacking stuff like if we have a farm if we have a farm i bet i bet like you you can start farming and birds will whoa collection caitlin a collection that okay i'm i'm about to die oh i am so excited about this i'll get some fish on the uh i get a new fish you ate the fishy oh yeah i ate the fishy okay bruce don't you dare catch our collection nuts that's our collection is this the right way did you not refill the water uh i must not i'm sorry no worries ah it worked okay collection that works oh we're gonna do a lot of that yay there's an island should we paddle towards the island or is it not worth it i think that there's just just well i guess you can get dirt and you can get other things i might be able to make a sale should i do that if you want to i don't know if that would be better than the paddle collect look at this efficient oh i see oh i saw that one oh yes okay planks and ropes which means dang it i poured out the water oh no dang it oh well it's fine at least more water is free you know oh yes i like this collection net i wonder if i can get barrels too [Applause] it was kind of peaceful when things are chill i wonder if we did kill bruce because he hasn't been around dancing bear thank you so much for the 30 donation thank you so much hope you can use this you guys rock maybe in a month or two i'll send another care package the cheetos from today everyone the cheetos that led to the chat cheeto are from dancing bear gaming's gift package that they sent us so thank you everyone thank dancing beer gaming for the generous snacks thank you thank you so much for the donation we really appreciated dancing bear gaming also thank you majestic lady for the 10 month sub what a majestic lady thank you starfight for the six month sub much love to everyone these trying times i'm stuck in lockdown number two in ontario oh man yeah we were just talking to someone uh yeah yesterday morning who's in the uk and is in the the uk lockdown all right i'm gonna see if the collection that gets the whole thing eat this guy or i'll just eat it and i'll set a new one that works yeah i'm gonna start drinking too okay all right i'm gonna refill it because i'm a responsible adult this actually is kind of peaceful yeah it is going to chill now that we're not dying constantly and like if i if i do remind myself like i felt kind of similar about the forest in the beginning i was uh so stressed in the beginning because we were always running out of food and water and dying a decent amount and then it ended up being one of my favorite games oh no oh jeez did you fall in the water yeah bad boy got me you guys made me realize what i wanted in life i'm always watching you guys to learn i officially made it my work too so i can't thank you guys enough oh thank you dumpster kitty and congrats thank you i'm gonna cook some i'm gonna fish some too okay i'm gonna place a fish there's a fish oh this is this is actually a little bit relaxing yeah now it's kind of chill i understand why you need the shark to like you know add to that tension and everything well because games can be boring if there's not yeah yeah yeah so i get it okay in the uk and it's locked down three for us yeah [Applause] oh barrel i really like the auto collection nets it is really cool [Music] oh be careful bruce will chomp your nets oh no this why would he do that how rude bruce is just rude we need better weapons yeah can we use the scrap metal or like the screws to make a metal spear let me research okay i'll um catch things while you research research dry brick oh i can make a wet brick food water container oh i got a beet this beet is sick i'm actually gonna grow kale and i'm gonna put a i'm gonna put a planter for for plants i got a shoe maybe you could plant something in this so we can plant something in the shoe huh i'm gonna put the planter right here and then i'm gonna get white seeds and red seeds plant white ones here's a red one right i planted some things cool oh wow oh my gosh i just collected so much from the collection areas nice because like you know we were busy with other things and the collection areas we're just like working away doing their thing a scarecrow oh yeah now that we have that oh caught the barrel that's right i'll get this barrel yeah i feel like um i feel like birds i feel like those birds or something is that or maybe maybe we lure them in with the plants and then we stab them yeah and we stab come on yes [Applause] that would be very fun okay here you need to eat this guy oh boy thank you welcome dates up there all right i have two raw fish that i need to cook okay shoe potatoes oh we forgot to do the um the no no motion sickness mode ah get out of here bruce yeah do you want to turn on nobody i just did it and it's great oh it's so much better yeah i don't like the rocky rocky waters grandpa moss thank you for that tip oh that's so much better so much better now we can battle sharks in peace oh i should probably make a bed too just in case we need to regenerate oh yeah we have a little bit more space now can you drop all of your main building resources in the uh in the chest chest like wood um yeah wood wooden palms wood palms um all right there's just lots of random stuff in there i'll take out the shoe i'll put more wood i'll take out the potato i'll put more palms all right oh the palms could combine okay i'll put the potato back all right cool and i'll start collecting more of those things wood and palms look certain things are growing very excited and i have a shoe it says we can plant something in the shoe oh nice i have it in my inventory okay so i'm going to make a bed first yeah bed first uh-oh you're hung you're thirst at first oh yeah all right enough refilling repellent yeah okay i should eat that fish right there yeah i'll put one on oh it's already on it seems to cook oh okay yeah ready okay i'll keep getting fronds [Music] yeah franz is the next thing that we need yeah more than wood uh right now yes franz what happens if i lay down oh i don't like that can't fall asleep during daytime all players oh can we sleep through night oh i guess we probably could we need another bed i wonder if we put a sail could we like go through the water faster that might be good or bad yeah it would like collect from the front more yeah but then like with a harder time reeling things in you know what i mean okay as i collect more building materials i'm putting them in there all right cool grace [Music] i'm trying to keep the uh food and drink filled we're like an efficient little business oh you got to eat oh yes you know look at you our boat is so big oh i see you bruce don't you even i want i want like a wide boy that can just like scrape up all of this stuff oh like a really wide hook like a really wide like like ocean cleaner upper yeah you know and then we can we can focus on the sides and then we don't even need to focus on the front yeah you know what i mean that'd be cool [Applause] sales add steering too apparently um nice oh two two two uh floaty boys right in in front barrels barrels yeah i was like they're all floaty boys okay let me get back to drinking the barrels will get caught oh yeah i need to eat man these collection things are so i know i just want to do like a whole bunch of collection things and have like a really really wide wrap yeah really okay i wide to eat can i eat you sir [Applause] so can i eat you i cannot yet or my [Applause] i wonder if we can have cooked potatoes in the storage store i mean this guy's got to be done soon come on i'm just going to watch it watch it [Applause] i eat you my guess is that the main advantage because there has to be pluses and minuses and trade-offs and stuff my guess is the main disadvantage of having such a wide boat is this not maneuverable yeah but like but how much do what do we need to deal with when we need to deal with that you know if everything comes to us then we don't really need to maneuver yeah right right that's what i'm thinking oh great oh harvest i am madness thank you for the hundred bits haven't got a stream in a while how are you enjoying raft much better now the first few minutes 15 minutes i don't even know how long we're very stressful but this is more chill i feel like we're starting to get the hang of it a bit oh yeah i have a blueprint by the way it's in the um it's in the storage chest and maybe i'll research what we're supposed to do with that oh these are just like color dyes those are the seeds that we were growing uh maybe i can plant potatoes plant a potato baby we also oh yeah yeah we've planted i planted a potato okay i'm so glad we kept all those potatoes yeah can be cooked or planted for more beets perfect let's do it i'm getting some issues too okay okay i'm gonna start up i'm gonna ah barrel oh i almost messed up nice okay look at all this nice nice all right and any uh palm fronds that you have i'll put them in the things all right we're almost fully equipped equipped full width okay i added some more palm prawns nice hmm okay okay okay okay now what else can i research here i feel like there is other things that like yeah that we can build how do you know which way to go uh we're it's just going on its own we have no idea at all i think it just goes forever okay a wet block can we place on your raft to dry oh we need sand and clay for that calendar sign shelf cable needs fresh water we need a water we need to water the uh so that's why there's like a pour out water option of your fresh water oh dang it it's a drink salt water again oh no i'm gonna make another um uh i'm gonna make another fire yeah need more palm leaf always more palm leaf oh perfect thank you collections were they palm leaves they were lots of there's so much oh my gosh so much yeah there you go i was gonna do it right next to it here i just got some palm leaves all adam yeah there's like 10 in there uh you should eat and drink the next things you should go ahead and grab it and i'll place a fish all right nice thank you baby and you'll refill water yep cool oh there we go duel i like that when there's grouped items oh i see you bruce you come i knew it i knew it i knew it you blood in your eyes are you dead how do you know when he dies double barrel triple barrel quadruple five barrel oh oh my gosh so many barrels come into the collections oh wow [Applause] do i have enough to make one more collection for full width collector nope what do you need i need um more uh let me check to see what's in the uh oh yeah i might be able to actually yes there you go full width baby nice i like um keeping extra uh building stuff in the uh in the things things yeah i think that makes sense yeah barrel i know bell come back to me oh you got it nice [Applause] nice nice nice nice faith here thank you so much for the sub i appreciate it i do my thank yous when i'm fishing oh i broke my fishing pole i really like the collection things i know oh my dad's calling me hey dad i'm streaming everyone uncle rat says hi i'm not going to tell them that i know i know i know it's exciting okay uh there is a poll feature but we can't pause the game we're playing so we can't set it up oh okay okay yeah my dad wants to know if you guys think he's he's being cute or he's being a troll when he's in chat i think you're a troll where's the option for both you'd probably get auto modded if uh you weren't a vip he says no influencing i'm not allowed to influence you i love you too we'll do okay but troll both cute oh i'm i'm seeing like 50 50 a croll troll a thousand percent a hundred thousand percent a thousand percent loving who is your dad in chat his username is uncle rat he's not here right now who he but he just called both okay i'll share the verdict with him i got i caught a bunch of fish while i was chatting with her [Applause] this is like really stepping things up i wonder if i can make one more bed so then we can actually sleep through the night i like being uh i like the day more all right let's let's let's lay down go sleep okay let me just oh actually not yet it's not it's not technically nighttime yet yeah so cute i know it's getting cozy i know i really like this franz franz i'm actually i feel like i'm getting i'm almost like fully full of uh my things all right now let's sleep ready i wonder if it'll keep on clapping while we sleep a cute troll it's still nighttime oh it's morning [Music] oh i'm hungry though i woke up hungry so that might be i guess the downside yeah all right i picked up the cook one oh no actually no here let me drop the cooked one okay so i can eat it yeah oh ah bruce bruce bad bruce [Applause] bad bruce bad bruce yeah so it's probably better just to like oh yeah i turned one potato into two potato your potato my dish oh one potato two potato three potato four five potato five six there's a lot of potatoes oh if you hold shift you can run i should have should have known that i hear birds i accidentally ate a banana raw oh oh man did they eat our potatoes i was able to get them i was able to salvage it i knew that was gonna happen yeah we gotta we gotta guard them now yeah i really want to like eat a bird now all right [Music] we're looking really good on when it comes to uh water crops really good when it comes to what like wooden stuff the main thing that's interesting the main thing that we're missing are uh fronds um i got 15. i just put them in the thing oh thank you me your friends i mean what we're always going to need for the fire yeah oh i'm about to starve we might need a double fire at some point too yeah yeah let's get a double fire going just because i have i have like five fish okay yeah i'll get a double fire going oh grill ooh can we do multiple on one structure that'd be great oh and then we can do the big fish no no it's the same one oh all right i'll place the mackerel i got some more fronds oh my gosh the collections huh yeah i feel like we're like kind of living life now yeah we're not like living at the edge yeah of our death bed we actually have beds yeah we have real beds okay i added seven more fronds thank you gotcha bbe so we haven't we don't have too many uses for the plastics yet huh i've been using the plastics here and they're like you need plastics to make the planks for floating-ness and everything ah okay oh i'm about to starve oh no all right i'm gonna cook up the date water crops okay all crops are watered that's great are both of these you're filling both up again real quick uh yeah nice all right pretty soon i think that like pretty soon i'm gonna start like getting a sale and sailing this around because we no longer are like you know near dying all the time yeah yeah it's nice to not be near death oh there's a pole is caitlin's dad being a troll 85 percent yeah oh oh it's not okay that was the result let's see the verdict oh yeah yeah nine percent cute six percent troll eighty-five percent both i'm gonna i'll take a picture so i can report oh bruce bad bruce bad bruce bad bruce oh oh oh caitlin he's he's dead hold to pick up oh shoot oh my gosh i'm getting all the sushi get his mates oh yeah that ding ah the burger now he can swim around for a while i think that like my guess is it takes a while for like bruce to respawn oh nice the the i tried to get defend from the birds but i was doing the very important task of taking a picture it was a very important task yeah see now we can like jump in and like it's not worth it for some things but you know if you wanted to okay you should have a snack oh yeah oh my gosh the birds ate the potatoes i'm sorry all right well we'll get a scarecrow we'll get a scarecrow you should drink water also oh yeah you need have you have you eaten and drink drink today have i eaten my drink yet have you eaten your drink today okay hey lynn look at me whoa look at look at me yeah it's probably horrible you look cool though thank you oh yeah can we eat his head no you can't eat his head but i i did put some shark meat on the um on the barbie noice take that bruce my name is bruce sharks are food not friends sharks are food not friends all right where's that scarecrow scarecrow nice pixie pirate thank you for the sub tig thank you for the hundred bits is it fair to just say yes owen responds to my waver biscuit thank you for the gifted sub peace panda thank you for the six months i missed the beginning of the stream it was mostly panic it's probably better that you missed it it was stressful you can color planks and dies can be made with flowers oh that's cute my kill code thank you for the two months i am chocolate milk thank you for the six month sub and wolfie kayak thank you for the 13 months bruce is gonna get yeah yeah that's my fear at least i have time to like stop and read chat every now and then unlike the first 15 minutes of this stream this is way more realistic so much more chill to have some shark meat just for fun yeah oh wow what a feast i know it takes a long time to cook but my guess is it's going to really fill us up yeah i hope i don't waste it alrighty so let's uh look for a sale now i'm getting some fronds baby all right we need we need this straight up scrap which i forgot what that looks like i don't do you have scrap i have some but i think i've only gotten it from barrels i have 11. okay cool could you put it in there eleven's actually a ton of scraps sale there's a new bruce in town yeah i see him he's feisty [Music] okay let me see how i can see her okay oh r oh well now does that do anything what i'll do is like when we want to go in a direction i'll open the sail in that direction like so when we see the next island yeah so i feel like the next thing that we need is island stuff yeah there's no brews in town as long as he's not chomping yet ooh did you just make a scarecrow yeah i made a scarecrow too should we eat these big meats oh yeah that one needs to cook here you eat it you eat it oh cook oh yeah that's some tasty that's a tasty treat all right yours is ready oh that's a big meat look at this thing ah there's a bone in it yeah and i ate the bone it's good for your fibers no no no bruce is in here oh god it's rainy at least that doesn't put out our fire i don't think i don't think so okay i mean like by this point we can just survive on potates yeah and like the collectors are collecting a good amount so we just need to like find our next destination which is probably going to be land [Applause] yeah so there's wait for like an island or something to show up yeah and once we um once we find uh land i wonder so stone axe useful for chopping down trees and removing raft parts stone axe okay okay new tool neat interesting someone's gonna do more farm plots too also yeah might as well got another raw potato if we need more but we probably are good yeah i see you bruce looking feisty hello oh man we got a potato operation yeah basically a potato plant i meant like a production plant but it's also a potato plant and we don't need to um water the crops while it's raining it cool yeah so it's extra good yeah okay jack dawn thank you for the hundred bits late stream hugs from sweden thank you evelyn thank you for the four month sub bird cube thank you for the four month sub and kimmy design thing for the five months thank you really happy to see you guys start this i've been looking forward to it yes get here bruce stop it bruce i was trying to read shots how do you heal it the hammer the hammer yeah okay i might make a hammer yeah building hammer cool okay now go over to it let me show you how to like change modes so right click and hold r hold the right mouse button move down to repair to and release there and then you're in repair mode hold down again and go up to there and then select that one and you're in build mode okay so i'll probably keep it in repair mode mode by default yeah just just just to help with bruce yeah um still new islands hopefully we'll find one soon yeah hopefully you want a steak sure sounds great i wish we could like store water in big containers at one point yeah just like i know there's a bucket you can fill with milk can i can i have a water bucket no milk do we have like animals oh yeah we can probably catch like yeah we can probably catch like on land yeah they're goats hello where are the goats hello all right so lantern i was gonna try crafting a lantern and just see what it looks like oh yeah so much brighter and cheery great i love it i'm gonna have one lantern over here too super cheery oh it does great yeah now nighttime isn't nearly as scary is the shark named bruce again they're all bruce probably in every single streamer's game they're called bruce probably it's not the most original but but also it's kind of almost like you know fitting you know if other people name their shark bruce it's just because they're in the same world as and uh we're just all floating in this same big ocean and it's always the same um uh shark that gets uh respawned yep for everybody for our bodies how did i uh how did i get my stats showing oh and how do i remove them oh oh jack can't see them for the edit though it's kind of annoying oh do you want to try to remove them like we have a minute oh i just press oh oh oh i just pressed oh shark fin bar so we're really good on plastic we have some stone we've all got our bruises in the endless ocean of life oh the tates are ready to be harvested the dates are ready no not yet oh they need to be even bigger oh chat's out there already i got i got some that were ready a little bit ago i'm gonna poke bruce oh so now they uh they attack him first oh how dare you were they attacking our meat the other ones yeah oh so they'll attack the scarecrow first yeah so they'll still attack gotcha but we hear them and then we can like get them i really want an island to show up like have we just been missing them maybe we've just been looking down when really you have to look up to experience life bruce bruce i saw him oh bruce bad bruce okay yeah so i think with with what we have available to us now we can live indefinitely we have enough potatoes yeah so we don't need those we don't need to invest in our food anymore no it still does require relatively active time and there might be a better automated way or something like that dustin but yeah but i mean i have like i have a lot of potatoes we have a lot of potatoes yeah okay so i'm feeling pretty good about like a lot of things we have a ton of plastic we have a lot of scrap yeah so we're we're looking good we need an island next yeah i can do a chair and table but like that no that just seems like it'll take us annoying yeah unless that's like how you pause in the game like when you're in the chair nothing happens i'm just going to go ahead and make a throwable anchor just for like when we need it we'll probably need it you know what i mean yeah yeah you're not going to want to have to get it in the moment yeah come on island oh an island an island i see it oh i see it to the side oh there's two the one you're going towards is the bigger one oh bruce almost got me oh let me get on my stick is this how to do it chat yeah are we going that way it's hard to tell it's hard to tell maybe i'll make us you could also paddle paddle about this big probably not nick gamer ellie thank you for the sad 3.14 of sailors are pirates okay i think we are heading there though i think you're right yeah that's great ah she catchy i'm glad our streams help out thank you thank you thank you just blow into the sail excuse me oh i stabbed his butt i actually did get him yeah yeah actually stab i see you bruce don't you even think about it yeah that's a pretty big island it's a pretty big island might be some goats might be some goats i'm saying that with no knowledge of whether or not there's even goats in this game but that was in the paddle just to zoom yeah just to see what helps yeah i know it uses up the paddle power but like you know what you're gonna use it for i wonder if i can go like all the way this way oh can i like head this way oh no oh oh oh no well i mean i hear it yeah i'm gonna get ready with the anchor yeah we're corners a little hooked okay there you go there you go i don't like miss it though because the ocean's going a certain way i don't know how much we can fight against the current yeah can you make one of these paddles too i'll try you just keep paddling oh and bruce come on bruce nice i'm gonna make a paddle you make paddle oh no i'm low on planks and ropes paddle can you can you give me some thanks oh yeah i've seen two drinks i thought i could throw it here you go all right trying to paddle back to the other direction pedal towards it okay i haven't paddled yet so i'm assuming you just stand on the side come over here with me yeah so i want to get to the part where it's like low where we can hop on yeah oh yeah two people paddling we are moving now yeah baby we are moving all right this is gonna be great right here okay i'm gonna dock it in just a little bit this seems pretty good yeah you want to dock it yeah right all right r to rotate yay okay now before we leave let's um like gather food gather snacks you know it's not that big no but it's more sorry what i meant is like we don't want the birds to like eat our things you know oh so like pick up the cooked mackerel because you're lower on food like you actually do actually i actually do need to eat yeah um and i just want to make sure that nobody eats anything should we put the sail down oh yeah um oh there you go let me get both of the uh water's going water's going both of the cookers going all right all righty oh he's ready to harvest oh perfect so we don't need to worry about the seagulls that's great actually that's great um we should um if you can empty anything into your chest we should into the chest or like consolidate anything we should do that get my spear just in case yeah i have my spear too ready i can make another chest for us oh yeah do you want to do that just because like we're gonna be gathering resources i think another chest makes sense okay do you want to put some of your stuff in there i don't i filled some but i didn't fill all of it all right i filled it yay take the rest of the way all in time you're ready to go on the island i'm ready for the island okay i hope it's not just one big rock oh sugar cane bamboo what's this so there's flowers but flowers are only good for dying and stuff okay do we need an ax i have an axe i'm not seeing i'm not saying oh trees for trees oh oh oh oh oh that's home we'll use a mango oh mango mango i'm getting mangoes oh that's great nice we can plant some mangos ooh can i climb up this oh i climbed watermelon nice get it red flower okay so we quench the thirst and sue's hunger coconuts and mangoes do both i don't know watermelons do but i imagine something similar red flower no okay i think i've got all of them i'm king of the world i'm ruler of the world oh blue flowers we don't have blues yet do we need them um black flowers oh you can go emo yeah okay so islands are really great for um just the trees yeah it seems like plants trees and plants where's dirt though how do i get dirt my guess is that like you can get dirt from islands it seems logical hello how do i get dirt please maybe if i put some of these up and i go to like my just my hands is there a shovel i also wonder can we get coral no i'm getting out of here yeah can we build a shuffle right you think that you would be able to i don't think so because in the basic things there is a goth boat god boat all black there's a wet brick you need sand and clay sand and clay we might need like a shovel or a bucket or something or like because we're on we're standing on sand and most things that you can just pick up with your hands you can just pick up with your hands you know oh what's this oh are you breaking it with your clay i got a clay you broke it with your hook what oh ha ha okay okay i got a clay i think i got something did i get a clay you got a clay okay okay so it showed up the little hook icon oh what's this i got sand oh sweet wow there's a metal thing here too what's this wow scrap another red metal thing too oh you got a scrap oh okay okay oh here's more scrap all right so there's harvestable chunks in the water underwater areas oh yeah oh there's a lot down here there's a lot i'm getting a bunch okay now careful of oxygen yeah islands are where it's at oh there's some oh no oh no oh no bruce got me okay i'm going back to our ship for a little bit i'm going to eat heal yeah but we're going to be staying here for a while caitlyn yeah this is great because we don't need to build [Laughter] oh she saw like his mouth coming towards me i'm going back to the boat too yeah yeah this is great though this is great my heart we'll eat we'll drink we'll be merry [Music] i should have known i should have known cause it just happened to you oh my god well cook up some potatoes and some fresh water for you thank you oh man that was scary too scary too scary i want to make more containers i want to organize them eventually yeah like organic and non-organic maybe yeah yeah let's the far left one let's do food food okay let me take out everything else oh the shark head is clothing and the right can be like seeds and miscellaneous the center is like usable stuff oh the left one is food okay wait say it again so the right one are like flowers and like stuff like that non-common commonly used stuff middle is commonly used so like plastic wood fronds yeah and the left is um uh food speaking of which i'm thirsty yeah yeah yeah think this is really good yeah we have a system baby a system nice okay and you have two cooked potatoes whenever you're ready yes or no just one cooked potato i just picked one out i have watermelon seeds ooh watermelon seeds that's awesome i'll put that with the food yeah yeah and i have watermelon also nice oh we have so much food we can't fit at all oh i see you bruce are you coming over here i want to kill you once i kill you we'll be free to explore and live our life for a little bit this is great yeah it was great okay i refill everything gonna cook up some more potatoes for us it'd be cool if we could vertically stack storage like in minecraft i think you might be able to i think you can do multiple levels so maybe maybe we'll do multiple levels once we're out on c again yeah oh tara osborne thank you for the three month sub and prism prc thank you for the six months first year my catch this year hello everyone what is today one five it is five days into this year stating interesting facts i'm here all day not really we'll be here for like 30 more minutes yeah we'll probably go eat soon yeah i wish that oh potatoes done you have one potato i have another potato okay all right i'm gonna go rest in a room i'll uh hold down the the ship literally i make is a funny okay how do i prank her ah no time for pranks there's a shark attack thank you bruce messing up my plans i'm breaking her so good she's so hydrated okay so i heard you yelling at birds and bruce for messing up your pranks oh oh i killed a bird [Music] hey i have a shark on my head you are a shark lady do you notice that wasn't the only prank i pulled on your character um i did other hilarious pranks did you hydrate me yeah the bubble bridge you're hydrated and so so fulfilled [Laughter] thank you for the kind prank wait you stole my water in real life give me my water see i hydrated you in one sense i dehydrated you and your mother it made me thirsty and i immediately went for my hydration right how do i get the shark off my head get out of here get out of here get out of here get out of here you funny i i deserved a kind prank after the party poppers me and berman thank you for the two month sub and bustika thank you for the sub oh drumsticks yeah oh from the braid oh that's something oh my gosh also uh wanting to keep you hydrated that i'm about to die i'm i always just want to go fill these up hopefully oh you're hungry you're hungry hopefully my potato should be done soon oh yeah there it is i like that our pillows are just plastic bottles with towels over them oh that's our pillows oh no okay okay we're refreshed we're good yeah um do you wanna should we start uh um you do some maintenance cook some stuff up get some things ready i'm gonna go rest and then uh and then we head out and harvest some sand and stuff like that that sounds good i can chew all i want [Applause] okay out here bruce what should i do shark head he just shark headed me i wonder can you wear the boots let's see i have i put the boots up i put the boots in storage oh you can't wear the boots i had a cheeto on the camera another cheeto there's already cheetos replace something on his desk with the cheeto i don't want to get like yeah i'll turn i'll turn off his mouse i'll turn off both of his mice okay so both of his mice are done keyboard's unplugged oh we're gonna call for my health insurance hold on hello um i believe uh we've already gotten our call back um because we already spoke with you guys earlier today so we're good okay thank you bye-bye it was health insurance i was like oh is something going on a long time to call us back oh my god i know oh my gosh i was like yesterday there's a bird dance oh i heard it the health insurance pranked me oh okay mouse bubba frank both mouses i didn't have time for very creative ones like we got we got a call and my my keyboard nice that's it there was going to be more prank birds okay dang birds let's grab our snacks yup oh that one needs a plank will probably be really soon um you can go ahead and head on out i'll all watch uh oh nice these harvested in time okay cool yeah drumstick oh it's mostly just stuff in the water right mostly there's stuff in the oh water is coming you know the stuff in the water is the the very valuable stuff but um yeah you have to contend with bruce oh what's that scrap okay drumstick perfect okay okay um tasty drumstick oh man there's a lot of stuff but it's really deep look at that i guess it's just more like scrap metal and stuff this kitty bruce doesn't see me i wonder if we can like smell some even better stuff spicy bruce over here okay but who knows if there's two bruises that'd be that'd just be mean that would be mean the bruce is still over here by our boat okay i'm pretty deep all right i'm gonna head over there too okay hop in explore the uh explore the it might i wonder if it is better though if one of us is at the boat to keep bruce over there maybe oh what are these oh yeah see that those are some of the things metal ore that is what we need that is like the most valuable stuff probably okay look for those it was like on a rock wall oh yeah right here on the cliff wall oh yeah right there this is cool this is cool there's a cave brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush get all the water get out of the water what if we should we can make shark bait oh maybe this is the plural of bruce breese there's many briefs on this island crystal oh he's right there crystal chris chris clicks thank you for the sub i appreciate it and bruce i like cacti just kill him can we use your spears in the water you can oh yeah a cave right here what are these oh that i think that's the metaphor bruce i see bruce oh it's just scary knowing that he's in there okay i'm going back in can you get scuba gear in the game that would be cool oh yeah there he is he's swimming around copper oh oh he got you stab him can you stab him is he not right there he was but he like loops by and everything like that oh he doesn't just stay attacking you no no he he like doesn't have like one pass and then he like gets bored he gets a snack and then he comes back later this ooh giant clam ooh giant clam wow oh just e pick it up okay oh i gotta swim gotta swim gotta swim oh i'm dying is it because of bruce what was it because of my oxygen i don't know high oxygen yeah other new noise yeah whoa oh that was bruce okay maybe maybe we did but enough the same time i mean there's like still more to get yeah that makes us tough i say we get more stuff i mean like we're here i feel like there's like more things too you know yeah i'm gonna i'm yeah come come heal come heal oh at least it's like well you could have more storage over here oh excuse me your health is low oh yeah that would be bad i got all i got all cocky knowing that we could stab him yeah i shouldn't do that i just need to sit down and have some snacks can they get some dates cooking i wonder if you swim with his head on with the old bruce's head if it intimidates them probably i'm gonna go i'm gonna get more cookeries going caitlyn yeah you know what i'm gonna build a next layer no i should yes i should no i shouldn't i don't know what i'm doing i feel like that's a good on the sea thing to do yeah i feel like we should actually maybe it's you know i don't know everything's nice and stable maybe now is a good time raft his friend not food poop the gloops thank you for the hundred bits yeah we're gonna have to like come up with a more rigorous like system for like what goes where and stuff like that just because it's hard to like yeah there's no labeling there might be labeling well as far as right now goes there's no labeling yeah i'm doing like the far right like the rare stuff like sand clay um metals and stuff like that this one is open okay then there's the food one then there's the generic sea stuff and then there's the dyes wait food generic sea stuff okay so like useful tools yeah i have i have a clam do we eat the clam put the clam in the rare stuff for now yeah i think i saw a crafting thing i should research it oh yeah and then like flowers oh i'm thirsty no i'm hungry oh i'm both we can each have a snack oh yeah you have both the waters i'm actually good on water so i'll i'll fill up the new ones and i'll get more potatoes cooking okay yeah we can eat potatoes because like when we're on the water and we're like in production mode we can uh we can just crank those out dj swizzy thank you for the three month sub poop the gloops thank you for another 100 bits elizabeth thank you for the eight months thank you guys for making 20 20 a little less of a poop show thank you oh anita i was looking for more um i was looking for more palm prawns but we're out that's okay oh there's not any in that okay we'll have to go back out to sea yeah so that's why you can't just stay here forever hello thank you for the 300 bits kevin irl thank you for the gifted sub and thank you guys for the hype train thank you thank you well with the clam shell i'm able to make a bird's nest now a place for seagulls to rest be sure to keep your distances bird or easily scared that means you can probably get eggs or something from them that's cool it'd be great to get eggs thank you guys for the midstream hype train thank you guys evan looks so focused uh yeah sometimes evan gets his focus face on i do and it is very focused i want to do sand oh can't research that make sure to have a snack and get some new ones some new potatoes cooking dry brick i can finally make a brick what do we do with the brick um you you dry it and then you research it oh oh you big turd oh man you swim away real quick now hey i have a cooked potato i picked it up just like you get more going can i give it to you yeah go for it um if i push remove will that get rid of it i don't want to do that i'll just do this yeah we know that that works yeah okay you should probably drink right i'll refill there you go i'm all drinking refreshed yeah so it looks like once we get the uh once we dry that brick we'll be able to make a smelter oh you can smelt metal or sand and seaweed nice that means that there is seaweed hey i feel like we should be able to collect that right a moto meal i'mma thank you for the 200 bits well there's a hype training yeah no no no no not another popper that one's mine one is mine no more poppers no more popper for you fernanda nunes or nunez thank you for the 100 bits bard boy thank you for 100 bits dig thank you for the 500 bits what kind of ship is the most feared by pirates our ship the steady relationship penalty thank you for the hundred bits akaski thanks for the hundred bits be beast beard thank you for the hundred bits just rejoined the stream from dinner what's going on we're at an island and we're finding lots of new resources hello thank you for the 300 bits fernanda thank you for the 100 bits cherry extract thank you for the 200 bits and ronin thank you for the 100 bits danny thank you for the five gifted subs thank you we appreciate it thank you for certifying five kevins and to anyone who is new or wasn't here during earlier gifted sub sweeper rule and that is if you're gifted a sub you have to do a good deed to pay it forward all right can you get the next two potatoes oh i can't leave you thank you yeah you're right i can't go for that one and if you give that one one more potato you should be good yeah i'll put a new potato on here it's nice having the um bruce it's nice having the potate chest right next to the all yeah you get the next potato okay i'm gonna get some more waters going oh it's all cooking okay i know yeah i feel like you know if we leave before we've collected all of the metal and everything yeah but i think that we've gotten all the ore i didn't see any more ore down there did you no but that doesn't mean there's not yeah potato fault yeah dancing bear gaming thank you for the truth i popped in and he immediately went for me he like turned towards me with intent to eat all right you eat a potato i already eat a potato and then we leave okay sounds good are you good on water i'm good on water yeah okay we adventure i'm gonna make a new hook just in case mine um oh that's so smart because i need some planks all right oh we're out of planks oh i have i have some i'll put them in the center chest thank you okay cool i'll put him back okay wow stuff in the in the water glows at night oh i was about to say like oh should we be doing this in the night actually we should be doing this in the night mary elle mary elise thank you so much for the 10 gifted subs thank you thank you oh i'm kind of lost i fell into the water oh oh oh oh there okay okay okay oh thanks thank you so much for the 10 gift of subs marie we really appreciate it where's the area with the coral am i just missing it oh oh it's just because it's dark yeah because we'll probably need all of this for like the forge you know yeah i'll leave you so come back where are you over here go back to the island oh okay okay might be you so the coralie area is right if you dive down here okay and let's go down right there oh i see i see i've gotten a lot of the stuff around here though oh over here over here there's some more and there's some metal oh i see it glowing i'll get the the metal gotcha i'm glad that your health refills so you don't have to like refill health separately all right i think that this area is done i don't see any more glowy bits i do see bruce though we can really jump yeah we can oh thank you crystal chris clicks oh crystal that's much better thank you for the hundred bits uh gel hollis for the 300 bits diamond blade for the 12 month sub thank you and isolate music thank you for the sub i found a big stash katelyn thank you it's level three hype chain it's right out here i'm looking oh okay i see you out all the way okay and then down this back side over here cool copper and steel i'm glad that you don't have to like click anything to collect it it's like you destroy it and you just have it having uh thoughts about uh some nautica subnautica yeah sometimes i would like roll away yeah okay well i think that's it that might be it should we check the other side and the other side of the island yeah i could like check over here real quick but it seems like it's when it is placed yeah it seems like it's around coral and that would make sense yeah like they need to indicate it somehow yeah and i don't see any coral anywhere else yeah i think we did it wow love this might be a good time to wrap up i think so should we should we like set off sale or should we save that for next time okay that's great all right we have so much to do no bruce bruce we're trying to do an outro trying to do an outro bruce brad bruce bad bruce bad bruce anyways anyways we have a lot of exciting stuff to do i think that we are going to be able to make a forge do like get metal working all of that yeah that's going to be really exciting i am i'm really glad that we started playing rafts caitlyn what's your verdict so far much better now that it's not so strong all right guys thanks so much for joining us hope you're having a great day kakwa if it's your birthday happy birthday and i look forward to seeing you in the next thing bye bye and for anyone new here we say goodbye for the after stream but we're not leaving we're still hanging out because it's the after stream i mean we say goodbye for the edit i said after stream we say goodbye for the edit chef robert thank you for 25 gifted subs came in write it right in as we were doing the outro thank you chef robert we really appreciate it thank you thank you so much thank you thank you so many gifted subs you guys are really gonna kill us in the uh credits read okay evan's exiting us out of the game yeah i'm gonna save you turn on chill beats world saved there you go exit yeah woo thank you chef robert thank you again we really appreciate it there's a hard time gifted level four high training it's the same hype train as last time i think yeah yeah it's the same one as last time it's just continuing thank you thank you guys galaxy thank you for the sub can i borrow the house yeah minnie batman thank you for the gifted sub and tlc blondie our awesome mod thank you for the time gifted subs thank you thank you thank you oh can i get some rope what should i get for rope and wood boards boards i need to get lumber too bad we don't have a rope we can just pretend to hold things that way it's like from the game too like a frond and we should have bruce bruce yeah my name's bruce my name is bruce oh my god toby and thank you for the hundred bits thank you dancing bear gaming thank you for the 300 bits and fox and goose thank you for the hundred bets thank you guys what's your favorite colors do you have a favorite color i like i like pink and i like black blue purple galaxy yeah evan's favorite color is galaxy i thought it would be teal i like teal two blue purple or galaxy galaxy yeah all of those things just watch and thank you for the hundred bits thanks for bringing us the super fun game i'm just glad it got less stressful and we could actually chat with you guys i know it's kind of hectic in the beginning thank you to the mods because especially i know in the beginning i'm sure everyone was like shouting like move the move the secondary camera do this do that trying to like be helpful of course but it's a lot for the mods to manage so thank you mods thank you thank you do i need to put on um uh the the overlays but not the hype overlays the hype drain that was more after stream though it's more chill then i'm gonna do decaf flower thank you for the 200 bits and galaxy thank you for the 100 bits z woods thank you for the gifted sub do you guys think there's any among trees soon if um if there's any updates then we would love to play that one again i think that there's an update where you can get like a pet or something but i don't think it's like the next like story mode yeah yeah favorite color is glitter hannah thank you for the hundred bits and granny grant thank you for the hundred bets what's my favorite color everything's brown everything would brown um [Music] okay manly thank you for the 300 bets we appreciate it i like how the cheetos still on the camera that's probably going to be like our most popular gaming cheetos is love kua might be our our highest ever no but that was on um evan and katelyn maine oh yeah i think i think it is thank you it tasted great thank you i'm so full now thank you for the cheeto yum just what i needed the shadow the shadow my precious should we do um the thumbnail yeah okay now um for the thumbnail um i mean we could do rope in a piece of wood if we want to get like real rope and a piece of wood because i think you know like everyone if we have a thick rope do assets we can we can do like real things we have we have supplies i'm gonna see what we have okay cool yeah i know we have some pieces of wood but yeah rope will be the question if we don't have rope we'll make something work okay i know we have tiny rope is the episode over the game is over we're in the after stream right now which is where we just uh hang out a shark we'll probably photoshop a shark it might be one of those games where it's hard to like make the is different you know but i don't know a photoshop a shark head we might be able to do that depends on what assets we can find thumbnail special guest bruce breese oh i should do a break i should do a prank i could um play some different music that's always a fun one let's see [Music] waiting for our music to load see if it'll load fast enough come on music i'm trying to do a break we need a cheeto emote we probably should do a cheeto emo i wonder if cheetah will ever cheetos will respond to us that'd be cool okay i paused the chill beats i'm gonna put on um there's so much warmer in here yeah it is really toasty there you go oh thank you do you want rope or wood um rope all right i wonder what song you're playing because i saw you doing it i was actually playing two at the same time it fits it's islandy i kind of panicked okay that was it that's the whole song oh it's just it's repeating all right let me move this uh probably headphones off yeah and this rope smells so ropey [Music] all right i'm gonna get the camcorder recording i feel like bruce might be in the middle that's so good i'll put like the on it yeah that's good yeah [Music] you do back to back [Music] i think this is good this is gonna be good [Music] why does this rope smell so much like rope it's just a very strong scent i always just love the random collection of like tools and props that gather you hear this desk okay my first after stream welcome so we do the thumbnails welcome welcome pizza is welcome pizza's welcome hi i'm pete hi i'm pete hi i'm peter [Laughter] so um the credits was um the beauty of pirates judging and beauty contest the pirates judging a beady beauty contest our matey walk that plank mate all right ready sure it's gonna be fast all righty and around the credits oh oh no oh it's broken donor snow blue rhk and dancing bear gaming thank you so much for the donations today thank you to everyone who cheered um especially our top cheers uh rapunzel joer and dancing bear thank you so much and thank you so much pop bitters chef robert tigg and kate manley thank you for blessing the stream with so many gifted subs thank you thank you to our mods grandpa moss kira and earl's sister got game and tlc blondie thank you for hanging out with us today in this crazy stream welcome all the new followers welcome to kevin welcome to kevin we're not a cult just a happy family family doing good deeds on the internet together having a good wholesome time oh my gosh this is going to be the cri like okay yeah i'm like so we're the with the people like judging the beauty con pirates judging contest it's been so long our milky cupcake is making a cupcake for their talent and it tastes great tastes good snow lou does a pupperdio and is wearing um splinter cat oh and king and queen duo they're both together and uh in the competition and i love that swimsuit oh wait it's time for a break chef robert is bringing treats uh battle vampire came in and is starting to attack people so we're going to have to just kill them a goat deer does war they're they're dressed wrong so they must walk the plank all the way and swim with the fishies yes but waffle good made waffles for their talent and you know how i feel about waffles i big bam boy waffles iron tusk walks out with their iron tusks wow shiny uh be the best kevin you know kevin's really really coming in arm with the style and a cat comes onto the boardwalk and everyone goes wild ah yes i and um uh back bag as we're in a new fashion and it's just a bag on their back but i appreciate the the gumption when meaty business walks out just in the underwear and that's stinky that's very meaty a majestic lady comes out and how can you how can you compete with that so majestic and elizabeth the great comes out very great um a small penguin is in the competition wow so cute um but then mad slasher stabbed them oh my god wow it got violent r also the lucky rabbit thank you for choosing an amazing fan theme thank you wonderful wonderful wonderful we did our best that was five hours out of our what's the what a pirate's favorite letter i've told you this joke i say r and i said no it doesn't see no it'd be the c lava llama unicorn thank you for the nine month sub we appreciate it [Music] that was fun that was i i i like um people coming up with the credits things because like i wouldn't have come up with that and it was great it was also like on brand for the game odd bad for the game bonus points yeah well i'm honestly really excited about play raft again i think i am too i'm really excited now i went into it not kind of sure because it was a little a little much right at the beginning but you know we're starting to get like you know our our stuff figured out our rhythms we can explore now without constantly worrying about dying you can have a palm tree on your you can have a palm tree on your boat i see a plot of land it's on grass wow that's cool we need to figure that stuff out we will that's neat we will we will what a violent beauty pageant you know if pirates were judging it there's um there's bound to be some violence oh caleb there's a sign it says garden oh we can make signs we can make signs okay we should go back to big mode or it's going to be confusing that it's not after stream i'm just learning i'm just learning yes fernanda says lots of love to the mods you guys did great tonight the mods did do great thank you mods thank you thank you what streaming programming a lot we use obs to stream obs yeah midwestern pirates do we get a little midwestern america we're not from the midwest but i could see i could see the accents going that way for some reason thanks a lot for the mods in the chat you guys all right well we're going to end the recording here so we'll say bye to uncut bye everyone watching this on the unkai
Channel: Evan and Katelyn Gaming Uncut
Views: 214,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: evanandkatelyn, Evan and Katelyn, E&K, evan katelyn, husband and wife, husband and wife gamers, husband and wife games, Evan and Katelyn Gaming Uncut, Uncut, Uncut gameplay, Let’s Play, evanandkatelyn lets play, Evan and Katelyn Let’s Play, raft, husband wife raft, raft gameplay, raft multiplayer, raft episode 1, raft ep 1, raft playthrough, raft blind
Id: tpmxgR0Vov4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 48sec (11508 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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