Players Want Helldivers 2 On XBOX

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it is an army bred for a single purpose to destroy the world of men what's going on everybody I know it's been a while since you've seen my upper lip but anyway handsome cleanly shaven face aside I think it's a high time we talk about something that's really been bugging me over the past week so as you know I know and pretty much the whole world knows a game called hell divers 2 has come out within the last month it has completely taken the World by storm including myself uh part of the reason why I wasn't able to make a video as of right now was because I was spending time playing the game to get used to it to kind of formulate this video a little bit just so I wasn't talking about something that I knew absolutely nothing about so yeah hell divers 2 is pretty much the biggest game in the world right now I mean I haven't seen this type of interest in a game ever since you know po World which was a month ago so I guess this is February's version of Po world even though power world still has a very healthy player base but anyway hell divers 2 right now is peing on the steam charts at 440,000 concurrent players which is actually huge I mean I haven't seen numbers this big since power world's release I've already said that but one of the main reasons I'm making this video is because a lot of Xbox players are very upset that power world seems to not be coming to Xbox anytime soon which uh has made a few of them quite angry and what we're going to be doing in this video is we're going to be looking at some of the angriest Xbox stands that we can find and just kind of making fun of them because a lot of them are grown men and this type of you know console war Behavior should have stopped around age 14 you know it's it's pretty funny to watch so everyone knows that to get into the brain and kind of understand where a console Andy is coming from we have to think like them and I haven't really thought like a console Andy ever since I was about 14 years old so what we're going to do now is we're going to go back in time and we're going to try and remember how we were whenever we were [Music] 14 [Music] oh my God oh my God oh my God I got [ __ ] gah horn I got the Galah horn oh my God I got [ __ ] gah horn oh my God look at my heavy weapon now oh my God I got the [ __ ] now I really hope you enjoyed that little trip down memory lane but trust me here the purpose of showing you all of that wasn't to fill your hearts with Nostalgia it was to empty your brain because we're really going to try and put ourselves in the shoes of a console war enjoyer here so a lot of things that you'll see right now are some Xbox enjoyers are sitting on social media begging PlayStation to allow hell divers 2 to also be played on the Xbox and I'm going to show some clips I just want to preface this video by saying that I am in no way shape or form a console war Andy okay I don't have an Xbox I don't have a PlayStation I have a PC so don't be in the comments saying oh PlayStation Andy PlayStation and I know it doesn't even matter it doesn't even matter I've already gotten that before with my criticisms of Starfield so anyway here's some Xbox fans begging Sony to allow hell divers 2 to come to Xbox so let's get into it bro we need this we need the help of all those Halo veterans need to get in there we need to get in there and fight the good fight I want to do my part we need to do our part so all these videos that we're about to watch are from the current petition to get Sony to Port hell divers 2 over to Xbox and what we're looking at here is mostly people making light of the situation and kind of turning it into a bit of a meme which I can always appreciate but there are some that are just a little bit brain dead and it's uh it's easy to you know dive into them and kind of dissect it a little bit which I think is also pretty funny so that's what we're going to do this message is for those who can get us to Hell divers too my name kit in 4k I've been a veteran of reach I have fought Beaver Creek defended the planet at Zanzibar the Covenant attacks I am ready to fight with the hell divers I know that they need our help against the automatons I lose sleep every night wondering if they're going to lose Mula Creek I know that we can stop them let us join the fight so obviously these are pretty funny but come on like this guy's 40 and he has the time to like actually sign up for a petition and record a video and send it in You' think at this point you just buy a PlayStation 5 to be able to you know actually play hell divers 2o because if there's one thing Sony is actually really known for it's for holding on to their exclusives like crazy I mean you're not really going to use a petition to influence Sony's decision in any way imaginable realistically man we need this game this game is so good we need this game on this console it will be so worth it there's no reason to hide something this good we don't need no console Wars no more so they finally said something that I actually agree with uh console Wars are cringe and nobody over 16 truly cares about them or nobody over 16 truly should care about them but this is actually kind of funny to me because you know that these are the same people that were like hate mobbing on Twitter you know later last month whenever it leaked that some Xbox exclusives were going to be going over to PlayStation so I think it's kind of funny seeing that all of them here are now begging Sony to allow an exclusive to be ported over after that whole Fiasco last month so up next we're going to be talking about a controversy that happened because hell divers 2 didn't have too great of a launch their server capacity was nowhere near what it needed to be to allow you know all the influx of players to come in and actually enjoy the game and that's a huge criticism of the game right now and honestly it has been fixed so if you want to play hell divers 2 right now I believe the server capacity is now at like 800,000 which is more than enough to actually support all the players who want to jump in and on top of that I'm pretty sure last Epoch is going through the same thing right now you know small Indie Studios who really didn't expect as many players to be jumping into their game as actually were so this is something that's been common is to criticize these smaller companies for not having proper server capacity to which I say completely let them cook back off I mean if you need to wait a little bit to play the game then you can the CEO himself actually said don't buy the game right now until we fix the server issues which I think is really good for a gaming CEO to say so I really don't think it's that fair to construct a review around server issues online especially since this is such a small Studio I mean if it was a AAA or quadruple a studio then yeah that's totally fair they know what a viral game that has a ton of server capacity a ton of interested players actually looks like it seems like the hype for hell divers 2 kind of exploded out of nowhere because a lot of people started uploading their Clips to Tik Tok so that really you know drove up the viral the virality of this game and it made it very very popular almost overnight the devs were not prepared for this okay it's just flat out easy to understand easy to you know describe easy to communicate to you guys this the devs were not completely prepared for the overall success and virality of this game so I think it is a little fair to kind of back off and say all right well I shouldn't formulate my entire review around this simple fact because they are a smaller studio and they were not nearly expecting this high volume of traffic but it's kind of hard to say that because on the other hand I can totally understand some somebody paying $40 for a video game and then not being able to jump into you know a game quickly it's kind of a tough nut to crack here because I mean honestly I really do love the game and I think the game is awesome but I don't know what my reaction would have been if I would have gotten those server issues right off the rip like a lot of these people who were trying to join in off the bandwagon on the back end tried to do I mean I can totally understand why they would be upset but also I don't think that the studio in the game deserve to be review bomb for that reason but anyway you guys as always if you like the video please give it a like if you want to subscribe please do that I'd really appreciate it I'll catch all you guys in the next video later there's a lot here to be excited about I think this could be very positive for our society
Channel: General Rubicon
Views: 13,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldivers 2 Funny Clips, Helldivers 2 Controversy, Helldivers 2 Launch, Xbox, PS5, Playstation, Console Wars, Helldivers 2 Gameplay
Id: SItc-tZU4Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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