These should NOT be capable of Minecraft...

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Minecraft what is Minecraft ever since Microsoft really started microsofting modern Minecraft I've been yearning for a simpler time enter classic cube a re-implementation of classic Minecraft in Sea that compiles and runs on just about anything and today we're gonna try it out on a bunch of increasingly potato computers see how it runs and spin up a server so stay tuned [Music] and if you're in you're interested in trying out whatever server we finally get running make sure you subscribed to the channel because I'll share connection details in the community tab if it works before Minecraft was a world dominating Microsoft Powerhouse it was a very special innocent indie game Underdog I first encountered Minecraft back in 2013 the way most people did back then Word of Mouth my little brother had his second hand budget laptop and was building some kind of a weird blocky Castle in a game I'd never seen before with Graphics somehow both simplistically primitive yet alluring since then I've played a lot of Minecraft and I've enjoyed each new releases added features even as the minimum requirements slowly crept up well at least until like two weeks ago when Microsoft forced me to get a Microsoft account to keep playing but I've always pined for that simple innocent creative experience of a young Minecraft and we've scratched that itch by installing very old versions of real Minecraft on very old Macs just to see if it could run and frame rates be Damned but what if frame rates not be damned classic Cube it's written in C and it's clean room reverse engineered and it's extremely fast natively compiled for all sorts of weird old platforms we've got your Staples like Mac OS and Linux but Windows 95 and Iris on SGI machines Alex McKeever and z90 have compiled and Polished it specifically for G3 power PC Max and according to the Mac Rumors thread and the Macintosh Garden page which I'll link below we can expect a 20 to 30 frames per second on a 500 megahertz G3 iMac for comparison we've tried to run a very old but full version of Minecraft on a 550 megahertz G4 power book and we got one frame per second so I want to put this to the test and see just how well classic Cube runs on an assortment of very old potatoey Power PC Max and possibly even some Windows 95 machines and we'll see if we can recapture that 2010s Minecraft magic on 2000s and even older machines right after this word about today's sponsor PCB way not only does PCB way offer high quality PCB prototyping and production but they also offer on-site PCB assembly and they can even Source some of the components with their TurnKey service but I bet your project needs more than just pcbs well PCB way now offers a ton of additional Services high quality 3D printing injection molding CNC Machining they even offer sheet metal fabrication literally every part of your next project can be prototyped and built with PCB way so if you have any PCB or prototyping needs I hope we give a try okay so I think it would be fun to try out classic Cube first on a machine that we've seen run real Minecraft before and that's our souped up two gigahertz G4 Cube and we'll see how it runs compared to real Minecraft then we'll try it out on a couple of well much older and less powerful machines see how it runs on those and then try to get them all running together in a network game across the Internet by setting up a server and then hopefully that server works and I can open it up for all of you remember that time I ran a real Minecraft server from a power Mac G5 in my house that was fun and noisy and power hungry all right let me get these out of the way for now I'll set this up and we'll take a look at Classic Cube so as you can see this Cube has been lightly modified and if you're new to the channel this is at a heck of a lot of things done to it I mean obviously the set six of it are different with this aftermarket case but we've also increased the 450 megahertz processor to a 2 gigahertz G4 processor we have a hand built native IDE SSD running the whole show and uh we've got 1.5 gigs of ram in there and a hacked video card from a PC which is a flash to work for mac and slightly modified physically and altogether this machine has been extremely reliable and faithful I've taken it to several vcfs now where this has run Minecraft for three days straight with tons of people using it so this I think is a really good experiment to see how Minecraft compares to Classic Cube so we're gonna run Minecraft version 1.89 first which is actually a tweaked version that's available on the Macintosh garden with a lot of tweaks and plugins specific to power PC well it's actually specific to very low end machines and uh yeah this runs surprisingly well on this two gigahertz G4 Cube so if we pop into a creative world here this world is actually survival which takes a little bit more processor power because of all the enemy creatures roaming around found a pig and a cow but yeah look at this this runs I mean more than reasonably well we're getting 18 20 more than 20 frames per second at some points totally playable and way better than you would expect on a 20-something year old what was once a 450 megahertz G4 Cube so let's compare our roundabout 20 frames per second here to Classic Cube now classic cube is again a clean room re-implementation of the Minecraft engine and then uses Minecraft assets or Minecraft style assets but it almost perfectly replicates the original Minecraft so if we pop into a single player game here let's go full screen and look at this this is old school original Minecraft and if we look at our frames per second we're getting 127. oh my God okay so I've never run classic Cube on here that I remember yeah we are consistently well above 100 frames per second compared to 20. now this is of course just a creative game oh and I have to mention I'm using my hamster Mouse because we need a right and left Mouse button so that we can actually place blocks but this is amazing I mean it's not your oh crap it's not your most recent Minecraft but there's just something very special about this original aesthetic how bright this is how clean this is just uh it's a creative experience so I really we're dipping down to 80 frames per second with this lava nightmare I've created oh my God it's like taking over the whole world what have I done Okay so this is really exciting but this is not what I'm most excited about I'm most excited about getting this running on much much slower computers and then getting them all playing together on a server on the internet alright well let's cut the megahertz in half with this titanium PowerBook G4 running at one gigahertz with one gig of RAM this is probably my favorite Apple device ever released and actually I had one of these as a daily driver back in the early 2000s this computer of course being revolutionary when it came out in January 2001. let's get a baseline for how Minecraft 189 runs all right after about five minutes we are loaded into a brand new creative world and we're running at a nice uh four dropping to two frames per second oh wow look at that let's see our frames per second 55 frames per second that's incredible the lowest I've seen is 45. oh yeah uh run speed is set to very fast 10x okay so that is one gigahertz let's go even deeper and by deeper I mean slower this is a PowerBook G3 Pismo which came out in the beginning of the year 2000 it has one gigabyte of RAM and well we are cheating a little bit because it's been CPU swapped with a 550 megahertz G4 this machine we have run full Minecraft on in the past and we got one frame per second oh God here we are um the textures are something and we're showing two frames per second all right let's try classic Cube whoa 20 frames per second oh look at that that's totally playable all right let's push the fog out of here oh yeah look at that dip into 15 17 with the fog all the way out but this is totally playable this is like unbelievable how well classic Cube runs and when you factor in the fact that you can play this online and join servers I mean it's incredible okay so honestly this is what I'm most excited about the possibility of playing Minecraft on an iMac G3 this is a 600 megahertz iMac G3 with 512 Megs of RAM and it's actually slightly newer than the power book because although the iMac G3 line came out in the late 90s this machine came out in the summer of 2001. oh man look at this we are in Minecraft oh this is magical okay it's definitely slower than the G4 PowerBook 550. we're getting 15 14 frames per second this is amazingly playable honestly it's surreal playing Minecraft on this thing it doesn't feel like it should be possible but yet here we are and I can build a little Brick House in Minecraft on a power Mac G3 that's incredible [Music] all right there's no way this will work right this is a Toshiba libretto running Windows 98 this is only a Pentium 75 with 32 Megs of ram so if this even tries to launch I will be super impressed but I couldn't actually find the minimum requirements for classic Cube anywhere other than technically runs on Windows 95. nope remember when laptops used to look like this this is a 2006's finest HP Pavilion zv6000 with an AMD Athlon 64 with one core 512 Megs of memory the sticker is still on it and uh yeah big old chunky Boombox speakers in the front and honestly I'm pretty sure this is the kind of computer that I first saw Minecraft real Minecraft run on back in the day when my brother showed it to me look they were so proud of this widescreen that they wrote widescreen in big wide letters at the top of it that's hilarious all right let's try classic Cube oh yeah look at that solid 55 260 FPS on this beautiful wide screen okay so I know I said I was most excited about the iMac G3 but I say I'm most excited about most things I'm actually probably most excited about this iBook G3 which is a 466 megahertz G3 with 578 Megs of RAM and Minecraft running on this thing would be pretty darn incredible because there's not a whole lot of modern software that you can run on an iBook G3 AT 466 megahertz holy crap it works not only does it work but it works well I mean comparatively let's see our frames per second 16. oh my God look at it 15 16 frames per second which is totally playable oh my God this I'm sorry this is amazing this is the coolest thing I've ever seen we are playing Minecraft I mean classic Cube but still for all intents and purposes classic Minecraft on an iBook G3 okay let's uh push the fog out a little bit there we go fog as far as it can go and it's still not bad you lost maybe two frames per second let's see if we can get this thing networked okay so unlike last time where I naively ran a Minecraft server from a computer running inside of my house that was very noisy and hot and power hungry this time I made the sensible choice of a digital ocean droplet running Ubuntu and there is an MC Galaxy server written by the same person that wrote classic cube in fact both are available on his GitHub which should be linked down below and all I needed to do was install mono to run the exe so I'm gonna run the MC Galaxy CLI exe through mono which is going to start up a server that I should be able to connect to from any of these machines and to do so I have a little mini 5 Port switch here and let's try to connect the iBook first okay so the server is running I've configured it with basically no security so I'm not going to show the IP address of it in this video once I figure out how to configure it then I will release the IP address and connection details so I'm going to enter the IP address in here and then let's jump to this being hopefully connected yes it's connected we are in the server which doesn't have a world really generated it's a flat world uh but that's okay because this is for the purpose of experimentation so let's see if we can connect a second computer and see ourselves oh my god look they are connected I can see the other player and we're connected over the Internet connected to the digital ocean droplet oh this is the coolest thing I've ever seen I'm sorry I know I say that a lot but just look at this it's smooth totally playable I can't hit myself and that's crazy it's wild it's you know you don't expect to see Minecraft multiplayer running on a machine that looks like this oh my God it this is so freaking cool all right well we are really testing the weight limit of this Ikea desk here but just look at this we are online with these three machines and it's running great I mean look at it foreign we are connected to a digital ocean droplet playing multiplayer smooth is all crap Minecraft using classic Cube this classic Cube this is magic I mean just absolute magic haha take that clammy iMac G3 wins okay well as I'm hiding here behind all of these computers that should be way too old to play Minecraft and they're all playing Minecraft connected to the same server on a digital ocean droplet I am blown away classic cube is so cool and especially the people who put in the work to make classic Cube run well on very old Power PC Max thank you so much this is incredible this is so much fun and I'm really positive this is going to be the basis for my next VCF East exhibit really old Max playing together online in classic Cube anyway thank you so much for watching I hope you had as much fun as I did messing around with these hold Macs in Minecraft and again I'll release this in the community tab once I have some semblance of security set up and uh yeah make sure you're subscribed if you want to check this out for yourself using one of your old machines anyway thank you so much for watching and a special thanks to Alex Hoffman Andrew Nicholson Camilla noseda Chris allegreta Chris Biggs Chris Calderon Chris Nelson Control Alt Reese Daniel Hubbard Frodo Jedi Gaspar Heller Greg rutke Harris Brody Jason papaz Justin Hemmings Justin Reed Lyle Druid Michael mulhern Paul Spencer Ryan Scott cederbaum Scott Thompson Sue Tech Tom Woodfin Unknown Soldier 41 who are my highest tiered patrons and all of my patreon supporters for helping to make these Shenanigans possible
Channel: Action Retro
Views: 46,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retro, vintage computers, macintosh, apple, retrocomputing, retro computers
Id: awGVUxl0T0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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