Playing "Minecraft" on Windows 98!

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hello everybody and welcome back to another video now in today's episode we're going to be taking a look at Classic Cube this right here is something that I just discovered recently and I think it's really awesome it's one of those Minecraft clones of sorts kinda similar to cavex which we took a look at back a couple months ago where I installed it on the Nintendo Wii Classic Cube here is a re-implementation of Minecraft classic 0.30 that's from late 2009 that can run on older systems that normally would have trouble running regular Minecraft and the list of supported platforms is kinda nuts this thing can run on Windows 95 Windows 98 Mac OS 10.3 Panther some old versions of Android even Haiku which huh I should do a video on that sometime there's also plans to bring it to the GameCube and the Nintendo Wii so if that ever happens you bet I'm gonna be doing a video on that but for now I went ahead and fired up the good old Windows 98 PC to check this out now you can download classic YouTube from the website I'll have the link down below and they've also got the source code available on GitHub this is an open source project it's written in C and it says on the GitHub page that classic Cube has a goal of creating an experience identical to the original Minecraft classic by strictly following a clean room reverse engineering of the original clients and it actually adds some more features as well so I've got the windows version here and I'm actually going to go ahead and copy this exe out of here and paste it into another folder and I'll show you why I'm doing that once we launch the client here so when you run it for the first time it will first initialize the font cache and then it'll ask you to download some files for the game to actually function properly and it will create those files in the folder wherever the exe is now on Windows 98 and you know these older Windows versions when you click yes here it will download some of these files but it will eventually error out like this and this has to do with the client not being able to download these resources over https and I'm sure we all know that these older versions of Windows and the older web browsers that run on them do not play nicely with https when you try to go to a site using it it usually just errors out and just refuses to connect to it at all so that's what's going on here so you can still play the game you can just click cancel here but you won't have any audio at all no sound effects and no music so what I've done is a way to get around this is to just run this executable on a modern Windows system have it download everything and then copy all that stuff over to the Windows 98 computer or whatever machine that you're running it on and so now if I go into the audio folder you'll see that I've got all these files here whereas in this folder if I go into audio there's nothing at all so we're going to go ahead and run the executable from within this folder and you will get this same pop-up and if you say yes it will error out but you can just click OK and cancel and still get into the game now it will ask you to sign into your account and if you don't have an account you could click register down here to create one on the classic Cube website but you don't actually have to sign sign into an account to play single player or to directly connect via an IP address to your own server for example and we'll do this a bit later on in this video because I've got a bunch of computers set up running classic Cube that we can all get to join the same server so that'll be pretty cool there's also an options button down here where you can change the theme of the launcher you've got a classic look which looks the most authentic you have a Nordic look and you can also just customize all these values for each of these elements yourself however you want we're going to select the classic look here and you got some options down here if you want to have empty servers show up in the list if you want to close this after the game starts because it will remain open by default you can use display scaling you can also change the mode of the game so classic is going to be the most authentic experience Classic Plus hacks gives you the ability to enable no clip fly and speed and enhanced will give you more blocks and the ability to change environment settings like the color of the clouds the sky all sorts of stuff it's actually pretty cool we're going to select classic for now so without any further Ado we're going to click on single player here to have it generate a world for us and here we are in a freshly generated classic Cube World which I mean you can see what I'm talking about it looks identical to Minecraft classic and not only that look at how freaking smoothly it's running here we're getting consistently over 100 FPS 150 FPS uh getting up to 170 now I mean it's just crazy to see that on a Windows 98 error system now this computer for those who don't know does have half a gigabyte of memory which is like overkill for Windows 98 error system and it's got the Nvidia GeForce FX 5200 uh which has 128 megabytes of on-board video memory so you know it's able to run it pretty freaking well but every other system that I've thrown this at has been able to run it relatively fine and certainly better than than regular Minecraft I can tell you that but it's just really awesome to see this game running this smoothly here on uh a Windows 98 system so yeah and you can also I mean we got the the C418 music playing in the background those lovely tracked we've got those sound effects and yeah we can place blocks you can hit B to open up your block selector here oh this really takes me back I know I've mentioned this before in other videos but I used to play Minecraft I started playing it back in 2009 uh before there was even a downloadable client you would play it in your web browser and in fact you can play classic cube in your web browser as well you just need to have a browser that's capable of running the game which Internet Explorer 5 on Windows 98 is certainly not so you have to download the client itself but yeah I mean you got a bunch of blocks to choose from we can go into the options menu here or just the game menu you can see how close this looks to the regular Minecraft menu go to options maybe you want to turn off the music turn off the sound effects invert the mouse uh you see we're at far render Distance by the way uh you can change your FPS limits if you want to you know limit it to vsync or 30fps 60 120 144 or have no limit at all change your controls here I mean it's just it's really awesome and this is just the Classic really faithful to the original Minecraft classic mode if we go back in here and change this to Classic Plus hacks and start a world here it'll generate a new world for us you can save these worlds by the way I'll show you how to do that in a minute but now I can press um I believe it's Z here to turn on flying so you can see now I'm flying around I can hold I believe it is uh control you have to just zoom around turn on speed and I can yeah I can fly I can move up I can hold down e I can turn on no clip by I believe that is it's X yeah so there we go so I can just zoom through this world uh super fast you can see all the all the caves and stuff down here again this this really takes me back to the classic Minecraft days and yeah so we can go into options here I believe the options are okay well you can turn off hacks here if you want to just disable all of them but all these options are like the same although we do have hang on a second I ah yes you can change controls for the hacks that's right so you can modify all this stuff anyway let's go ahead and show you how to save the game so you click on Save level here type in a name we'll call this Pax hit save and now it saves it to Maps that's the file format it uses so if we go in here to Maps there it is and here is another world that I had generated when I was messing around with this off camera uh so yeah now if you want to load a level like I say I want to load this other one I can click that and here we are and if I want to go back into hacks I can do that and here we are so it's it's that simple now the really cool thing is if we go to options here and change the mode to enhanced and we start a single player world here and have it generate a new world for us you can change the texture pack uh so you've got this classic in here which just modifies all the textures now this is where you've got this new EnV settings where you can literally change the hex code for all sorts of stuff the clouds color sunlight color shadow you can change the weather you want it to be snowy why not if I can actually hit the the right thing there you can change the snow speed you want this to be super zoom in set this to a thousand or well I guess 100 what happens if you set the over 100 we'll just default to 100 uh it'll set back to one okay so we do a hundred hit okay and look at how freaking fast that's going change the water level let's change that to 2048 and hit okay oh look at that maybe change the cloud height to like one and now the clouds are going to be like much closer to us uh we can change let's see here the clouds color we want to make the clouds black set it to all zeros hit okay maybe the sky color let's just type in a random hex code here and see if that's actually uh oh yeah check that out so now we got black clouds and a teal looking Sky it's maybe change the cloud speed to a thousand so now those are going to be oh yeah check that and check this out take a look at the FPS counter we are getting consistently uh lower FPS than we were getting before which makes sense with all this craziness going on but we are still getting over 60 FPS consistently uh which is which is nice so yeah but that's some of the cool stuff you can do in the uh enhanced version of classic Cube now what we're gonna do is we're going to set up a server I've got three other computers over here behind the camera all running different operating systems and we're going to connect them and the 98 PC here to a server uh and just see how that works so let's check that out all right so from left to right we've got the HP laptop running Haiku future video on that coming soon we've got the Dell liner 2 d610 running Windows XP and we've got my mid 2009 MacBook Pro running Mac OS 10.6 snow leopard and we're gonna go ahead and connect all of them to the server and now I'm going to connect the 98 PC to the same server so we'll go ahead and do that now I am using the MC Galaxy server software if you go to the classic Cube website there are a couple of different pieces of server software that you can use but this is just one of them so I just downloaded it really simple to set up and uh I mean you can see that we're all here like all four of us and I can't control the other three laptops at the same time that I'm controlling this obviously so I just got them kind of set up there and they're just stationary and if you notice the Haiku system is definitely getting the worst FPS and I attribute that to me not having the proper graphics driver installed on it so we're getting like under 20 FPS consistently when moving around which kind of sucks but it's still you know playable somewhat but the XP system and the Snow Leopard system do just fine the XP system gets over 200 FPS consistently and the 98 system here you can see we're doing super well getting almost 300 FPS here of course there's not as much going on in this world as we had in that other world I was just in where we had the clouds and all that stuff moving super fast um but we're all here I mean we've got four play players in this one server so yeah you could easily set up your own server get a bunch of computers like all you know Network together all to join the server uh in fact maybe I don't know I'm kind of creating more work for myself here but maybe that would be something to do in like a Future video just get like every computer that I have that's capable of running this game network them all together and try to connect to the server software that I've got running and uh yeah that would be that would be quite the video so I guess let me know if you want to see that video but if you enjoyed this video be sure to give it a thumbs up get subscribed all that good stuff and if you really enjoyed this video and if you want to get early access to my future episodes I do have a patreon that you can check out down below but either way I want to thank you all so much for watching and as always I will see you in the next video [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Michael MJD
Views: 295,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, michaelmjd, mjd7999, game, review, overview, apple, microsoft, unboxing, tutorial, windows, how-to, mac, os, system, michael mjd
Id: vwuF9uQBWTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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