Minecraft's atmosphere is changing

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foreign update it seems like Mojang wants to add a new structure a little something new to spice up the Minecraft Skyline unfortunately every Edition has detracted further and further from the lonely feeling that the game once aced so well every structure has filled in the gaps between previous structures and the empty feeling that Minecraft was once known for has been all but lost the idea that Minecraft has become uploaded and over complicated game when compared to what it used to be is a common complaint but not many seem to mention the changes that Mojang have made to blow the actual game World itself finding a structure used to be magical seeing a desert well for the first time or discovering a Labyrinth of abandoned mine shafts would create wonder about the lore of this world Villages were rare and sought after and provided more questions than answers the player would spend most of their time in isolation from any sign of civilization instead creating one of their own as the reclusive Soul left behind in a raptured world most of these new structures apart from the trail runes are admittedly very fun they Harbor unique challenges for the player and in reward provide fun new items I just wanted to highlight that these new structures are coming with a cost that cost being a shift in Minecraft's atmosphere as of the 1.0 release the only structures populating the world were dungeons mine shafts Villages strongholds and other fortresses in the next few updates we see the addition of desert Wells desert temples jungle temples and witch Huts these editions all effectively add things for the player to discover on rare occasions without cluttering the experience also the jungle and desert temples both serve to teach the player very simple Redstone mechanics 1.8 brings the addition of the ocean Monument which is the first structure that I have a slight problem with it is simply too easy to find a monument due to how large and open Minecraft's oceans are in addition to the sheer size of the structure If instead there was a limit of one located in the center of each ocean I think it would significantly increase their mystique and make for interesting lore about the territorial nature of Guardians next we see the introduction of igloos and end cities iglues to a very good job of replicating what made the jungle and desert temple so great being a rare and biome-specific structure that teaches the player about an unintuitive Minecraft mechanic this time being villager curing entities are also a good addition but I feel as if the lack of anything else in the outer end Islands detracts from their Allure if the outer Islands were less samey and provided more for the player to do stumbling across a city while doing other things would be interesting in their current state the only reason anyone ever goes to the outer islands is to loot n cities so while finding them is exciting it isn't exactly surprising 1.10 brings tiger Villages further contributing to the trend of making structures less biome-specific structures were originally limited to one biome the exception being Villages which appeared in both planes bombs and deserts many modern structure editions have moved away from this idea allowing them to generate in a much wider range of biomes not too much later the Woodland Mansion is added which I see is the most effective structure in the game it is rare enough to be difficult to search for but cartographers can provide maps that make the journey easier the structure itself is interesting and fun to explore and the tone of undying is well worth the expedition 1.13 is the update that I believe made the most positive change to Minecraft's World Generation the changes made to the oceans were drastic but welcome and very necessary I do however have a problem with the generation of sunken ships and ocean ruins much like Ocean Monuments due to how large and open oceans are these underwater structures are incredibly easy to find and far far too abundant 1.14 and the overhaul made to Villages is where the problems that I have with Minecraft structures generally begin to mount like I mentioned before 1.10 brought tiger Villages and now 1.14 add snowy Tundra Villages these new Village types simply increase the density of villages in the world as they bring villages to more and more biomes this isn't the only issue I have with this update though the addition of Pillager outposts and the transition of illagers to pillagers irksme the original illagers in the Woodland Mansion fit into the isolationist policy of most Minecraft Mobs even villagers despite living in communities live secluded from any other kind of mob 1.14 changes this by making Pillager outposts and Pillager patrols spreading their influence further and further from the mansions in addition to attacking villages and raids this interaction with villagers feels odd to me despite Sami siege's existing for far longer perhaps it's that pillagers still feel like they should be attached to a certain structure so seeing them outside of this context feels odd the addition of bastions and ruined portals in 1.16 just adds salt to the wound Rune portals are just another non-biome specific structure populating the empty space between other structures it could be argued that Rune portals can be used to teach new players about Nether Portals but they fail on this front while it is possible there's generally not enough loot in the provided chest to finish and light the portal especially with the crying obsidian in the way now I know I've been hating on Minecraft for a couple too many run-on sentences but I actually believe that Mojang is starting to head in the right direction I want to see more structures like ancient cities these are difficult to find because they're underground and they even go on to continue the trend set by jungle and desert temples by including Redstone for the player to learn from foreign as a piece of media has been irreparably shifted due to the addition of all of these structures modern Minecraft drops a player in a world teeming with life and lore the sea is full of disintegrating ruins and sunken cities of pufferfish people the land that once felt uninhabited now facilitates a war between two factions of what seemed to be humans along with civilizations of piglens and shulkers in the Netherland end Minecraft now contains multiple societies that make the player feel much less alone inversions closer to the 1.0 release the player felt as if they were the sole inheritor of an empty world but as updates have added more and more structures to the game this feeling of isolation has been lost over the years Minecraft has transformed from a lonely world to a bustling one this change isn't inherently bad but it is significant in reality perhaps the flaws I see aren't products of a lack of Direction on Mojang's end but a loss of imagination on mine exploration in this game was so much more fun back when I didn't know every intricate detail after growing up with Minecraft all of my questions have been answered for years I'm no longer filled with wonder after discovering abandoned structures because I have nothing left to wonder thank you
Channel: Tek
Views: 676,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R9RXZSBdom8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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