I AM HOLE「Donut County 🕳」

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welcome everybody welcome if you're not watching this live you missed out on a lot of stupid memes but if you are not watching slap you may be wondering what's going on today [Music] County hold on sorry it's loud I'm fixing that now donut County rainy Adickes resolved and louder louder scheme is he was very loud oh my god okay making a hole in my ear okay so that's what donut county is donut county is you say cursor curse is like all I gots strictly yes cursor I love this mirrors house mirror Moshi cog a-all right oh the stand I see Ben Esposito presents good good dog I'll pop pop pop no yo you ever get yuria texted by a raccoon where's this it's an emoji that is just this is just me talking it's like me actually having conversations with my friends it is like a game quality of a good game clayey BK I'm dead who died what is this please have some respect hello why you dead I love this game this game is give us fantastic give his action is fantastic thanks with my friends I'm honking man woke me up the hockey man woke me up again at the honk of dawn honking unbelievable don't worry Lorenz you the careful dude this guy really honks yeah whatever come to the donut shop and stop feeding your dog bread he needs bread to live BK duck emoji he's a certified low I've never seen a game that that gets me on a texting level more more than this game okay I'm leaving in five minutes bye so when does like the donut show on oh I don't want to see the world that's okay what is this doughnut County Oh Oh welcome everybody so if you guys aren't aware of how this game works we are playing as a hole in the ground literally we are literally just playing as a hole in the ground I don't know who the protagonist is is really in this story but you know you can really say that the lore in this game goes pretty deep you like the whole anyway yeah it's pretty much just Katamari style just suck up random things and no I'm down to go go go go get him don't let him escape don't let him escape no let him go don't let him go okay look at the fence posts don't let him go Blenheim escapees back it up what what you over just sends so far down into descends so far anything rather you go into space don't let him go don't free him from this area yes we got him boys we got him ladies and gentlemen we got him the winch and donut shop all right also me do the honking stuff you actually do so oh I see interesting okay if you just do something to the hockey man yeah I don't worry about him I just livered him a doughnut okay lol well I guess it distracted him hey guess what a level nine now is this game gonna like take it I got like a dark turn is that the whole thing like Doki Doki keel you don't get it Mira I'm leveled at level 10 I earned my quadcopter oh right sick rats kinda buzz around like kings hey okay see you soon became six weeks later what hello it's like a dead body oh the quadcopter is dead how Wow how can you smash my quadcopter it's like you're stupid quadcopter how could you destroy the entire town wait so the whole only ground just sucked up everything I've never destroyed anything I'm trying oh my god what'd you use that stupid app to open up holes all over town and now we're all stuck underground everything looks fine to me except my quadcopter I'm the victim take me back up there go decay it's obvious that you did it I got swallowed by hole right after I order the donut from your shop what does that have to do with mirror smashing my quadcopter writing for this game it's actually genius all right Potter what happened to your son Oh pump my sweet puppet boy you must still be up there somewhere we have to swallow him don't we left-click to deploy hole where we drop in boys hey guys cute is it wrong for me to say that this game is actually incredibly wholesome like I wholly enjoy this game all week you're like jiggle it off one card you get off get off there yeah yes get out of there get out of there yes fold it up yes ah it's a puzzle game this is a puzzle game the likes of which I had never imagined [Music] that's so cool give me in there I guess I can't go in there until I expand a little bit more [Music] dude this is so good I'm so glad I get to play this game I did not think it was gonna come out of this suit I've been waiting on it for so long I'm also glad it controls what I like the mouse this is the best way to control this game [Music] there you go I'm bye-bye now drop hole oh my god it's all go would you do that that dog over there is just like watching in horror or maybe they're just bored and they're just watching for entertainment did he just bark at me just wait I'm coming for you I'm coming for you first the wooden planks then your life holy cow this game look don't bark at me more he support he's a porky boy whoa y'all catch that that y'all catch that chair flip I did dude what you can throw things whole I need to trickshot this wait so I think it's like if you open up a hole yeah you can trickshot I did you look like a water bottle flip with this guy cone Metta boys Fork they're trying to get safe they're trying to get the safety you fool there is no safety there is no safety what what oh we can actually launch him pulses did their head turn around like a 360 there whoa pups Odyssey we got an achievement called pups Odyssey would you shoot him down shoot him down get him out of the sky fleet shop the flu shot the donut you're helping the dog I did help him escape one get him out I can't move fast enough right now oh dude this is really like the L this is Katamari if I've ever done it this is Katamari if I've ever played it Luke oh my god great delivery he's a ranking up from level nine to global time for the quad copter the trash Oh pedia this game is exceptional have a garbage day 999 feet below doughnut County trash her PD just show the photo my face I just wanted to surprise pup with a donut now he's floating away oh no he's not you got swallowed first how do you know pup is into the balloon the story's full of holes actually the spies the game it's so perfect your brain is full of holes get a mirror again Amira and so is the entire town thanks to you just doing my job wait I mean not true I'm innocent wait pop is in Hana it's in a hot air balloon I saw a hot air balloon float by my ranger station you saw pup which way was he headed I don't know I got distracted I just had ordered a donut nice nice for a team about Donuts this is really well-rounded I got hungry when I'm anxious I feel that ain't just about what bleed over there not snakes and icing left click the deploy hole right up there let's go oh my god all their wrinkly boys boy gone now regular boy is gone now pull tight trickshot ass naked um no let's go hold on I bet to get some wholesome trick shots in here givers throw a snake using a hole in the ground yeah okay okay okay hold on I gotta get him okay we need we come over this way come over this way come here come here buddy come here buddy come here buddy mere buddy you can ask you straight up throw them this game is really good game is really good yeah I got um he didn't react of course but I got a baby I'll take those minor victories I'll take those minor victories there we go all through always frightened it always horrified if these snakes were projectiles there would be holy hand grains Chad stop stop right now make a full series of this I would totally make a series of this I have no idea what the length of this game is but it definitely looks pretty deep there we go power it up always scared oh he's horrified and for every reason wait a minute what is this snake danger am I now playing is a snake a chicken let's throw a chicken someone swing okay I can't tell if I'm supposed to be activating these or not he doesn't rotate him you'll unscrew it Oh God why does the snake change earthing activate the snakes something tells me that's going against its initial design yo let's go baby [Music] yes we're just gonna juggle snakes at him this game is a work of actual art now let's go I believe these puns are a whole lot of fun to listen to well goodbye goodbye I guess that's that great delivery y'all week we get we get that quadcopter baby we're leveling up [Music] I'm sorry I love how our raccoon boys BK's tagline was curly into a dumpster all right all right hello al sounds like you should be thanking me for solving your snake problem wait so what's you who open up the holes why I know you see whoever did it totally you know you all my solid it's probably really cool a nice guy anyway let's see puff with might old school oh you mean my dad all those cool I why I said my telescope where did you see him Oh me and pepper or refuting again so I move my trailer to the main river he took a liking to this bird yep a bird I made of bird meat for Lincoln I was Myra in this bird tell you saw yet I always hid wouldn't it hunger so I already told it by the way of this county country chart down donut county yeah then the whole came I see what dog we're doing oh there's a happy dog oh I don't want to do it to him don't make me have to do it to him please also why are these poor fish in the water like out out of the water here don't make me do it to all no I just want the fish goodbye goodbye dog I don't want to do it to him don't make me no goodbye you can drain the water ha of course you can oh now we've created an area for the fish now we can move the fish over for the bird this game [Music] this game [Music] drink thank you here's a cinderblock eat up I put a lot of salt on it one I'm so close keep drinking keep drinking but what is this one a tennis ball como jebaited there was actually no water actually two billion IQ she drink dude this guy's cowering this telescope boy is cowering on salt oh no again I think that guy's how far down does this bird pose go [Music] well goodbye salt wait it throw salt around wait get him out of here get him out here yeah whoo flip the one where he's like oh god was it I see it do guy on your water bottle flip with him whoa sounds like oh god why drain all the water a lot more water thirsty bird oh my god whoops there they go there they go great delivery this game is so good portal outhouse you tell a fish your secrets they won't remember anything tennis balls only grow in hard-to-reach places tell me how to get ate by a bird tell me what is that sentence [Music] I love this I love this game so much all right Wow so are you saying you're like in love with a bird yep sex is that legal you are a living raccoon and he is a coconut let the poke and I love what it wants all right it's not the bird it is about the bird control this dude oh hello help us you're all I did BK must be targeting folks who are down on their luck coyote the donut county donut chef aren't you yep somebody went out of business when the raccoon moved into town I sold the raccoons shop and moved in down to the desert oh sorry coyote can't be helped to Cody's life is like I said don't leave home ha was I I care what his life is like a sad country tune I made a modest letting some vegetables suppose it was a my way of giving back to folks oh that's so wholesome okay it's only joke I got in the books run around him for a second there this is a good way of doing a story though I like this a lot there we go check give me some more whole jokes help me out here all right well it's gonna swallow up here you I can swab all of you all the corn that comes involved with this the fire probably smoke them out Oh God what is this popcorn oh it's popcorn done jebaited made him look away made him look oh wait whoa swallow a baby you ever been eaten by the popcorn maker probably not you joke quality is falling fast oh yeah all right we are having a whole lot of fun I'll let those slip shots and goodbye what never mind oh no why I say goodbye I say hello whoa wait trickshot perfect shot baby MBA 2k that needs like a like one that was like soup noises on it it desperately needs why I was like NBA 2k baby like well this is where my life is now the absolute madman [Music] I just keeps on saying like the 999 feet below anyway that's my sad story say - coyote yeah vegetables sting buy more donuts big windows gangs up on him lol come I mean like an apology oh sorry you think vegetables taste good maybe they do stink I suppose my sweet tooth was feeling lonesome and that's why I ordered a donut from y'all see Mira well I should I apologize for delivering this pathetic vegetable eating coyote a donut you wrecked his business twice and stop saying you deliver Donuts what exactly do you think don't afar who's this exactly who can say Romo gets it what is it out without a hole Wow good question we should really stop the ponder this for as long as is it possible but like stop accusing me yeah is this like the sand storyline where we think he's a good guy and then at the end he's actually a bad guy but he's more of an antagonist than a hero and the hole is just a test for our main character sharp and oh go down without a hole is still don't ya like jelly doughnuts long johns fritters donut holes wait Doyle holes don't have holes they are the hole well it's pretty deep well yeah they actually went with me new game theory is BK sands exactly don't change the subject PJ I don't know what a long Johnny's ice correct and maybe I was like seen it but I just think in like I just never like match the name to the donut Nikki Romo you just moved to hopper Springs right yeah we just moved out for her retirement watch the bunnies bunnies at heart Nikki and I married 40 years do you order a donut - Romo got a new phone so we don't have to celebrate looking up what a Long John is hold on Long John Long John I misspelled the word John oh whoa those okay hold on a minute but I was whoa Long John doughnut Wow that was no you know what I probably should have expected that to be completely honest oh no no no see I was exceptionally loud yeah no no I know that is wrong Johnny Johnny yes Papa chat needs to stop right now guy yeah no I know those are I never had one what showed up first I google that in your own time I mean incognito but anyway come carrots cool alright vegetables and stuff I'll leave them up there completely unknowing of the disaster that's about to befall them there we go see this game is like one of those beautiful games of like oh hold we have a carrot oh of course they okay real talk this is clever man can we just talk about how clever this game is cuz this game it's a puzzle game but it's not like entirely a puzzle game I love this pulp airstrike air strike goodbye bunny goodbye bunny hit realized you late donut end the stream schemes music is also really good no I tried to flick them oh oh no oh no rabbit multiplying I'm not sure if I should keep throwing things down they're gonna get a little freaky uh okay okay some tells me this is about to demonetised haha look Vicky no one can see anything as far as I'm concerned no cords gonna go into the BRB screen for a little bit okay I'm sure this is gonna go over well when I drop these two in there all right not enough yet oh there we go what is happening we broke apart their house with the power of reproduction night this game is an experience man see this is not a game I give like like funny commentary to this is the game i just enjoy along with you guys i'm still tapping his leg god trash o pedia almost random vegetables what was this place is so big carrots an underground and trustworthy I'm trying to loving carrots so much you want to live inside one I understand cute will now be fooled there's no taste like fresh dirt dirt spoon okay this game is some good comedy I like it yeah put seeds aside of water it all day it's still boring a weird succulent clearly something designed by aliens someone else see it if you step one of these you if you hate dirt guide provides minimal cover old television early type of tablet from when it used to be a piece of furniture these descriptions are so good I need to read every one of these descriptions I know your name that people Oh Dona County it's really cute that you two are still in love night and day belong to love it's true does its family gross you're gross no I'm not gross you love trash you love trash - everyone here loves trash well it's what you all make so much so much of it has everyone's homes just trash to you yes about my trailer you don't mess with pepper yeah what happened to your trailer pepper well after me insult split I went to Joshua Tree Park for some peace of quiet I brought my laptop - to watch bird videos me IRL left looked at deploy whole 8:01 p.m. Joshua Tree pepper understood every time man this is like a new gameplay mechanic III just like I like it are you kicking what is this stop deploying random things hold on smoke him out of time let's go get off there get up there nothing understood all you could set fire to things hello it's charcoal they kicked charcoal let's go baby I got the achievement for pyro this game is so clever this game is so clever though only you can prevent forest fires only you can create a cosmic hole in the ground used to destroy pieces of loved ones crafts that they have developed throughout the years one absolute game I need another kick me another sometimes me this is extremely dangerous for the people involved but here we are all about to absorb all of it or something no well the car going down there we go just explosion happens a few seconds later there we go and are you still not available what is this grille that's okay as a cake increase in power guys I don't like this game and encourages greenhouse emissions okay Ellen there we go there we go a couple more for the road here hold on did I just make a good pun chat please just keep on playing I'm having fun just chilling what do you got old and ugly trees is usually a bobcat scowling on top of them poor glass of water this is scream it gets really hot to protect the to protect the food inside barbecue the opposite of a refrigerator true coal BBQ batteries desert bush rude style of dress jumbo rock we'd have a large and perfect shape those boulders are yeah man the power of polygons Round Rock it's like the aliens are mocking us folds up when you least expect it mass guitar the pieces best bros all wholesome peppers trailer dumpster you can attach to your car pepra struck dumpster you can drive beautiful son have a garbage day once again 999 feet below donut county seat cringe master okay question here you didn't save the joshua trees because you were too busy looking at bird videos well there are hundreds of years old sold you and your brother have issues dude admit it no I wasn't looking at bird stuff at that time okay are you doing pepper so what what what were you doing pepper pepper I was writing email to a bird no you trash never to my brother's soul excuse me let's Raney apology I shouldn't smash your lava lamp and I shouldn't have eat all the lava I was wrong with me cap it's all right dude blob is the best part wall stop so I'm reuniting feuding brothers solve a civil servant snake problems giving the children the gift of food the gift of flight I'm a hero hey you pear guy seems morsel excuse me he also has a broken leg trim with some respect what what do you do uh explosives oh god it's gonna be a good one I mean it sounds as a safety concerned citizens would probably wanting you for your fireworks stand blown up for safety oh no I run my business company uh aboveboard completely aboveboard I have the most permits in donut County playing with fireworks is safer than driving a color yeah I'm sure they I'll go over extremely well deploy whole photos taken set 10 seconds before disaster well let me just clean up all this all this random all this random litter you're leaving all over the world explosion oh it still fires them beautiful oh we actually have to wait till it's late Oh well just do this okay trying to toss it yeah toss it a little bit okay what I need to do is this I didn't shoot these guys off right yeah shoot them down what is this game man this game is so good so I see that game that's like that goose game where you're supposed to like be uh you guys see that in like the ninja showcase where you're supposed to be a UH like whole one second here I get I get I get it give it to him Oh a little bit more I see a little bit more I see yeah there we go yeah the game's called untitled gusta game by the way it looks exceptionally fun no I want to throw the card okay okay well goodbye Kobo cream up free him up I should wait a minute hold on whoa we can't throw them nope too small well this is gonna be everything here all the popcorn in the world just mantles and gone who is this that's a mortal mortal the we're getting closer to that rank 10 trash of pedia boys everyone is weak to fire that's our area type of trap creative like aliens yeah a lot of alien talk is that gonna be like the the after story here cornets way stuff ions spicy stuff really good you have to fight a seagull to get it the texture is really hovercard it highly regarded you can't make me read I'm not gonna do it 99% of seagulls are criminals huh is that like hat and time lore mixed in a little bit we are crows detectives and see y'all's as criminals I feel you make something happen there you can use fireworks fireworks to remove hair and remove lives but you know what to each their own a spicy candle story interesting pretty common type of treasure chest like that I like its alternative description stuff don't drink immediately wait until all the physics god fries holder see you all have french fries because it's the main crop of their homeland and more so as a nice car than I do who wrote this here we go cool done he have a garbage game should I finish the game today sure just finish it oh I was just cleaning up the neighborhood who else has a gripe with me I'll do the parolin now he's a straight-up owning up to it we do well like grep is actually with Mira oh now you're in for Mira okay well mirror those details I figured everyone should know here Oh God even the bird weirdos yes tell them I knew the raccoons we're making the holes I knew the whole time oh wait okay the hole oh here we go how many shakes with how many snakes would it take to defeat you big stinks venomous normal size but you got a fight in a tiny room okay hmm probably 1,000 snakes okay expect the shipment soon you haven't looked into the goods of the disappearances yet have you y'all she typed way too long for that no she typed way too long for that no we get it doc emoji Solothurn insert is floating days do you talk to possum he said he has info possum told me that the earth is hollow and flat at the same time somehow yeah you know ever since I was my Kuhns moved in books have been disappearing and you work at their donut shop mushrooms give me really well and BK is my friend IRA donut why see I want to see le T's I gotta go I'll talk to you soon Oh dog got his estate and out he goes well oh they're they're geckos goodbye gecko good good good good Beckett would echo there we go the earth the earth is a cube that's what I like to hear dude I got him I got him I got him he's a spinning boy you'll never escape alive come with me spinning boy always so close that's a gay you know what give him a couple more seconds to enjoy some life here before we come for him next it's time it's time buddy y'all messed up goodbye vanquished into the whole they descend never to see life again except they will because we've already established that that everyone lives through this sprinkler boys wait do it let me have it let me have a sprinkler boy no power me up with the abilities of a flamingo let's go blunt flamingos flipping come on come on come on I can't get him that's okay wait there's another one back here yeah oh I am so satisfied we're just throwing flamingos around this world game is a delightful presence I like it a lot whoop Kelly recline his chair this game is like a surprising amount of like control I got em in DejaVu how can the whole drift so fast yeah yeah yeah goodbye probably sleeping the entire way down not gonna lie well those people on the raking exercise all they want we'll never be able to lift the whole for the whole feeds on your existence in your assumption that you'll be fine the whole news everything the whole is whole well there goes that that actual can of a hat of a house nobody's alive Coco's living let's go pressure PD boys probably booking prove that aliens do all this this this game is setting up a subplot for aliens somebody's spoons how does he fit inside keeps your hands warm he has nine thousand nine hundred nine unread emails I do too actually push your clothes for heavy wet the only good bird is a fake bird so chair that wishes it was bed talk into this and it sounds like a nail again all right the human ear can hear over 100 songs understandable [Music] excuse me sorry about that put this in your house to keep things damp understandable probably not useful though new so instruction the gold standard imagine four feet were sticky all day if I had seen feet I walk on the ceiling and scream I'm going to get sticky feet I'm going to do it you can't stop me whoever is the writer for this team y'all programmers and artists beware they have there they have something against you guys COGO plays this everyday to make his neighbor's mad like I wish I could do for the programming team doesn't hurt too bad dude he's formulating weapons the writer for this game is going to like kill the programmers he's formulating weapons or she's formulating weapons excuse me this is property of donut candy send it back immediately well back it's supposed to be KB writing this I have figured but like the writers for this game man I don't know like keeping interested after reading this we're going in well it's have what we've done here I think that that green girl on the right potentially I'm so sorry Coco also just like this weird camera thing that keeps on freaking me out it was my fault yeah put in the hole I should never have taken the job with the raccoons I thought your friends dude I thought we were too well then you ruin my town with the whole I tried to help whatever you asked me to I bought the catapult upgrade for you even though it's a waste of points you told me was the catapult you could watch everyone back out of the hole yeah here we are in the hole chickens are not a waste of points please good jellybeans look at this guy oh he's I love this guy so much just all up his dude on the head you offended her dog back no kiss her back no it's the least you could do after stealing all of our eggs and steal the eggs they fell through the ground with the whole back just tell your story jellybeans times were tough at the farm I had to sell my price loser to make ends meet Dolf was very upset Tom's gonna tense buzz there's a very good time to get bit by the way kiss dollop oh hello BK well this isn't BK is it will be get freaking out a little bit though man goodbye I say goodbye hey do the whole you go buddy there is no escape there is just hope there we go oh I see [Music] what is this why'd you deliver your donut to Coco he ordered one what's the problem BK this is too much - too much it's actually even telling you that's funny mistakes L of us you have to buy the counter pull upgrade right now and fix things she gave it she gave him the weak-willed always giving but hey guys save us my quadcopter do it you promised fine I'll fix everything but you owe me by Oh what is this all right hmm you have 100 dollars after purchasing the energy drinks of course let's go gamer I got the achievement on steam called gamer okay done what is this catapult left-click the catapult what on earth what this game man this is a cool game we can just throw random things that we've collected already I'll do let's go okay dude actually at the top left you can see like what the next ammo is think something of that variety there we go what is it like whatever you like last absorbed huh figuring it out it's like an actual puzzle game hello wait a minute what if I did this yeah fire another one oh hey there we go well now we have an egg oh I see I'm shot kind of switch some kind of special what is this was a stop stop egg machine broke egg machine very broke well I guess this is how we live our lives now jeez okay understood I can probably absorb this can i fire it Oh God it turned red we're now in kill mode boom I love that small box that comes out hi boys and girls kill mode activated got him huh well GG ha I gotta get out though oh good my jelly no we closed that quad though it's all about getting the quads I grow up to a real important someday I won't bow to chicken ever should be given you can carry this and look Matt if you walk anywhere everyone always respects someone with a clipboard that's all I'm saying if it doesn't have a crate it's not a video game got them look this game is crates I get it good stuff man hey you saved my life true story expansive sand farm tubes no purpose don't late don't hay bale hay bale don't talk about yourself that unnecessary the older the good part of a donut yes a great ladder walking under a ladder isn't a bad luck it's embarrassing to the ladder you know what fair and out respect ladders when I wanted to be left alone I go to the mail and hold the clipboard orange scoop out the inside before you eat the ride that that's notthat's hurt me any truck can be carrying a pig without this one why not why can't it be carrying a pig game is still inclusive this thing that goes from zero to 60 in 60 seconds the only way of making holes I just agree about that silo if you can get into one of the easier rich strawberry if you get in one of these you're rich watermelon if you get into one of these you are you probably dead honestly all right there we go maybe the seeds you might turn into a watermelon some about that I think growing your stomach or something 999 feet below it when it's only like gonna jump once when we load this screen 997 feet below mix things up a little bit you weren't even trying to help PK I was tryin you it's hard to use the catapult I think the hole is old and really good for destroying things must be designed that way designed only me I didn't design it but you use it well what else could I use you could have used no real donuts donuts good well I know but her real doughnut have stayed or bearclaw from certain doom save me you ameliorated me we're getting hunted by bees I'm a hero you ordered a doughnut to the middle of the forest yep that I guess it's suspicious you'd offer you often to deliver doughnuts all the way out there in the middle forest hunted by bees look look look at the tough job sometimes you gotta get hunted by bees you got any doughnuts you know circle of life in a while all right am i all the way out here oh no there we go Honey Nut hugs you old man okay this is this frog is going off the frog alarm is going okay I can respond to this in kind doing annoying fail man Tweety don't call me a weenie Chet we've already established in some Paper Mario I'm not a week I went for the badge I do I did what I was required you can't just call someone with a wing a weenie without any any reason for it that's unlawful weenie practice there we go probably at this log drop oh that's right cute I can throw things I forgot about that element here we go oh I'll wait him down wait a minute bail what look at actual what it's like this like some sort of game yo let's go it was a frog log oh my god it was a frog like you're right the means just keep on coming oh come on buddy girls my speedrun of this game I need a speedrun in this game do you think anyone's actually run this game yet it sounds satisfying to me dude if this stream gets 1000 likes I will speed on this game no joke I'll do it pump meanwhile no where's my I gotcha I got you take this frog oh well I guess while that frog is doing some work I better do what's on the bees all right well let's see fire another frog well what do you see is a heavier frog now get inside the ammo yes I just I did just shoot him in the house hi-c I see so now we got a katamari the frog this frog is an absolute give me your crack jack here we go one more shot come on down to the hole come on down into the hole [Music] oh wait a minute okay I don't think I can get that yet hey just another shot oh there we go and down they go and down you go it's a delightful game in we're so close to that quadcopter oh I'm gonna skip the treasurer PT for now do it if Katamari ever comes to switch like hundred percent let's play maybe I have no idea plus we stopped to see how it breaks the quadcopter what about me nobody has to bail me piqué own you with the catapult - no you ruined my restaurant come on now don't be rude how can you guys be called salt and pepper not have an appreciation for soup calm down nerds that's a great screenshot for me to just post in staff primary every so often when people are yelling about something what a BK do to your restaurant slight bug problem I was exhausted running a bug so I ordered a donut I actually want to order a donut now this game this game man I swear left click to deploy hole let's go oh my I don't want to free it all I don't want to free it that thing can stay in here I will never complete this game that thing can just stay in there stop it nope I have no desire I have no desire I'm just guys you gonna step back and get some water I have no desire to ever see that thing fall in there I want to make a war for it though if he wants it if he wants to get free has to work for it well there it goes Oh God they've given up on life this is what happens when you don't stay hydrated gamers oh oh you can do it you can do it you're gonna ah I like the crawling noise guide okay throw them Oh got him freed them get them get them here boy here boy come here boy all the way over here boy come here here boy why what's wrong you're trying nope they're gone okay what we got what we got in here don't make me I don't want to create a bug problem for them what is this Oh wherever how on earth does this game work that we are just a hole that is literally operating a doughnut shop or some variety of it we're gonna make a doughnut what am I missing oh wait drink this I think they were about to die yep yep ah I apologize oh I see I see we need to make a very specific kind of doughnut we're ashes making a doughnut how's this working no not feeling it not feeling it hmm okay oh it sorry oh I see I see the order the order is different my mistake oh no I didn't want you to drink that yet stop oh it's like like reset it I see this guy needs to stop stop stop it you're not supposed to drink that you get in you're getting here and getting here he's in here again get in get in go ahead go on deal with you guys anymore but a strange game this is I this needs to be halted don't go to the right don't go to the right drink drink oh god okay suction all these get a bit of a bug problem you say huh a little bit of a bug problem the bugs are gonna be down there with them it's gonna be like this sudden twist we're gonna find like bugs next to like the shelves or something out whoop well and here we go here goes the Honda Accord here goes the Ford Toyota here goes the yellow cart and okay swallow all this stuff this game is it's that kind of re style over leaving I hope there's a like a free play mode in this game or something oh god oh god we're suctioning up the silos goodbye cat soup and a dumpster for good measure do you want more you want more okay well here we go come on come on come on buddy help me out here it's time to jump on their mind I was trying to be cute with it the hairy gal y'all just throw a building you know just order a doughnut and just have it all blow up in your face please please press e to flip come on buddy get in it's okay I no longer have the catapult option by the way guys softlock they just softlock it oh no I think I just threw it to an area it cannot be picked up that it's just the angle [Music] maybe stuck well run that back real fast okay okay yeah we already got this one we already got this one there we go run that one back real fast that is extremely annoying given how that was probably the last object to worry about for yourself that's okay we'll run it back this is extremely creepy like God man they really knew how to make some really disgusting bugs oh god it's gone what look why is it stopped moving it's like when you trap a spider under a cup and and you I'd go like lift up the cups like get rid of the spider and the spider is just not there nor in the cup is this like Oh God what if I I made a terrible mistake all right what do we need soup you will not get me I am well trained in salt based combat there we go you can get all those little guys they ever get see now this is fine now listen I'll do it actually worries me that they're wise like why they're going into this hole I'm getting one of those vibes that we're gonna have to fight a boss or something it's gonna be like a giant bug there we go we'll do it I'm already getting my speedrun of this game down I'm starting to get it you guys doubted me you guys didn't think I would actually do it I'm replaying these levels to lab it out come on there we go I gotta get down the most efficient fastest way of destroying everything in the lowest amount of time I would actually speedrun this game the game seems incredibly fun please please top 10 anime boss fights very oh my god great delivery oh quadcopter boys treasure pedia supers the health has many health business in the pot long enough use this to reach the food profile to put your butt on this like to put your body on it excuse me let's see somebody houses aren't made out of candy trim it less what can I say I ate it why is this in the trash at PD who cares this wooden platform God uses to wrap up your food when you're done that seemed extremely not healthy restaurant candle kills they get better the more you have at least a thousand is a good starting point cockroach not a big deal I got a hundred leaves at home see you know you can collect them on a condiment cart free food you don't have to buy anything measuring copper turns and turns food into math recipe book it it's bookmark secret soup recipe - shake - salt shakes three shakes pepper interesting I wonder if that if there's actually like some sort of Easter Egg you can do with that it's rude that I can't fit inside a restaurant tray so but food only garbage this is like this right here is literally me writing like video thumbnail or video descriptions like livestream descriptions look at my livestream descriptions goodnight nearly as clever but this is pretty much what I do I just really tailor like a random thing and then I just add like something's gonna like description title to it so that is the breakfast inside salt shaker used salt to make fruit of food taste like the ocean Wow pepper sugar use pepper of your food taste too good rockin soup was invented thanks man helping me out little by little chefs at chef users had to imagine what it's like to be non you chef bird eating easily you get a lot of burg cook don't let it feed me Oh [Music] Chef Scott Hong keep your if your goose in your past life I thought that was a hog but now I'm sorry that was my mistake city building some apartments don't allow pets but you can keep bats if you pretend to be upset about it I like this done have a garbage day all right finale boys potentially boss fight watch this game potentially it's gonna be like an Iliad it's gonna be like straight-up four games long it's gonna be like one of those like telltale chapter games like I'm gonna beat this in it's like chapter 1 of 5 completed more than once yeah I used to work there it's pretty gross what ow everything I do seems to have helped everyone you just got a point mail maybe became so bad war underground we all know cat soup was a whole even before I got hold let's get back to the real problem here yeah my 100% smash quadcopter why did you smash the mirror I didn't want to smash it I had to am i controlling the quadcopter this is different am I going to be absorbing the talent because now I have a gov you like tactical viewpoints does it suit are you controlling it okay you check this out BK squad wow I am this all do you could talk with a cool I guess yeah notice how the propeller spins really fast that's how it flies God knowledge was like 12 to me to get it Jesse sure oho be careful careful like this ye oh my god she actually just straight up you today okay cool what are you doing you're acting like a psycho how can you brag about this stupid toy when you got it by destroying our friends homes they ordered the donuts dude I give people what they want BK what's your password for this thing I think it's a 4-5-1 no I changed it to bonk are thanks by the way do you know what's the bottom of these holes yeah what are you doing teaching you a lesson oh ho ho you messed up your mess stop you're messed up son okay wait that for this thing Oh God Oh God BK Oh bunky Collier is that his full name baby the leader of the bunch you know him well he's finally back to bring you but to the bottom of a well goodbye me gay goodbye and now goodbye me don't know why I'm doing this to myself but here we go heat up we go let me not stop flog the game hold on now we go boys and girls 999 feet below donut County I had to do it dude there was no other way to get through to you you don't know what it's like to lose something you care about I mean yes I get what you mean you guys love your your trash houses I had took them away by doing my job look at Mira mirrors me right now that which I guess in this context it is an evil job and close enough will you help us get everyone out of here then how fine Donkey Kong knows what to do where we started lol is hoping need no oh it's hoping you know I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that I actually knows stuff but I know basically nothing okay we got to find pop oh that's right the hot air balloon uh if you guys to find clop you get back to the surface oh yeah pop BK can you look up up on your tablet doors Kevin please locate GPS data for hot air balloon containing up up I'm kick this thing does that always come in does I have a LexA hold on wait I gotta do it once I actually recently bought headphones that have built-in hold on let's play music no stop it took the music from you guys I turned it on it took the music I can just suction away the music from you guys hold on let me let me turn it off wait connect please please disable this too much work turning it off turning it off and it's stolen your music there we go we'll fix that later there we go you know who might be able to find pop awesome oh god whose possum possum is too weird he's weird but you have to mimic awesome was right it was possible this Hollow oh oh yo you're saying if you know where he lives I can get him yeah just deliver a donut the abandoned house of course Boston squats in the abandoned house I always thought it was haunted this is worse alright ok what's up possum keep out don't worry you're coming down with us deploy the whole whoa Luigi's Mansion be like do we need one d TT d TT did they do this is the fridge light Oh flashlight there we go always the schema is is this a horror game now am I about to get jumpscared by donut County at this point I have no idea please no please though please though there we go this hole is not working like Carlo oh my god it actually did you didn't get me it's like it loud enough to get me hold on okay waiting something for something's just like pure in like the front of my screen all the things moving over here I can't get it yet of course we have to suction things up till I can make a larger light there you go geez easy kid what is this okay Joe is Gabe here louder goodbye oh yeah lateness they have a holy sting operation playing on beat K and everyone well here goes the cat okay there goes possum olivoil and here goes the neighborhood [Music] sit on a couch out there whoa there goes the Luigi's Mansion port is gonna come raining down on us Occam's razor scanner scanner at least you probably has one but he has a raccoon Lagoon today he's at a raccoon Lagoon today it's a day off let's wreck it it's got great tunes and water balloons like runa lagoon is fun for the is home of the fun flume that's fun for raccoons the flume is doomed duck emoji fine but you have to but you have to answer to the police to be buddies down here I probably won't play for us it's what some loathing that like text like that text heavy game not really for me personally no alright alright alright deploy hold we can do cone meta we can actually do cone meta I'm beyond happy let's go alright it's there couple bits there cone meta boys no one shot no re set level it's cold meta or it's nothing it's code meta or it's nothing I literally just have to flip a cone it's been so long okay so don't absorb everything just enough yeah we did it first try baby we even managed to flip something first try baby don't even at me you jet you guys oh and even a be first try and boys and girls no death run no hit run what is this over launcher I see the launchers activated all right all right [Music] water what are you gonna be more whoa I am we're loading it with water balloons I see now this angle [Music] how's it supposed to work this is very loud sorry about that everybody whoa no I looked away all right let's do this let's do this I get it absorb the water cuz I not in the same cabin got it we need more power it brings you back to my my rollercoaster I wrote on recently fight Kohn Mehta thank you just when I thought I didn't have you anymore fire the fish yes I'll need a couple of these where we're going I missed that's alright we have the power that we need oh that's fun well and good bye got a photo hopefully we can see that later good flip good flip can't get that full angle on them yet they'll come into a better position come on buddy yeah we go now oh jeez Paul dude infinite water hello can't do that for anything I'm sure this is let me let me let me absorb it please game reminds me oddly of Kirby just sort of in that way of that you're a vacuum absorbing things endlessly but no more than the way that you sort of like take the powers of things kind of like that idea it's pretty cool whew wet Coons it's all gab these are all gab where does the weirdest absorbing raccoons liked the overcooked series you guys enjoyed the overcooked series by the way I know it's on my channels on a gas channel it's really good though wait a minute the logic is simple more speed more speed I wish I could have replayed that with that that have been good but I'll take this this game is so peaceful it was a remarkably nice OST by the way I think I really brought it out much but this game is pretty nice so chill go let's go it's gonna come crashing down on us every time here oh there you are alive grab me the possum scanner guys I can get in trouble for this trash King will take away my tablet if he finds out it's such a good technically like a lot about a PA texting of oh no oh no are you gonna get grounded - please drop you and all your friends into a weird cave awesome you got anything I'm scanner one sec got it alright the three of protesters we have custom t-shirts al-thani candy shop is missing investigate on their way I stopped for delivery record name BK turn it off there's gotta be some news about pump requesting backup on the 405 hot air balloon causing traffic jam alright he's on the 405 we got a hurry BJ the cops are after him got after me okay - I'll visit you in jail what I know I'm a really good friend let me go man but first you have delivery to make I was dispersor we've got to vacuum them all up because here we go baby deploy home what are you doing mr. Rhett there's no purpose of what you're trying to do here oh he's just trying to get away from the whole he knows what's happening yo you just drop that coffee real fast though a little bit more a little bit more buddy come on oh it's so close come on hide oh it wants to fall maybe it's got to be that it's got to be that there it is good good flip by the way good flip goodbye goodbye enter the hole all right cut they've all just got now he was watching TVs one collective TV I felt like the face like a developer or something all right I'll think that suitcase with me another addition to my collection well there goes the Koons goodbye Koons you all over hate just traffic so much that you know you create a game about destroying it with a whole these devs are crazy man I like it though I like me some crazy devs all right well goodbye you doughnuts one blue doughnut oh we powered up I see the Dona is our weaponry our friends our projectiles I know it's something to talk about when I was talking about war they moved to I knew uh my words in some way in that paper mario stream all do we're giving them doughnuts what is this what's aerial photography we're going out here all we're distracting the bots they have their quad copters at least stupid quad copters we're gonna take all of them I'm gonna absorb every single quad copter they have they're all ours bring them down boys bring them down boys was this advanced quadcopters yeah boss level wait a minute bring them down bring them down yeah I'll take that grappling hook if you don't mind Oh got some more spunk in you I see got some spunk in yep come on come on there we go I'll be taking this grappling hook if you don't mind what is this oh it's the final boss grab hold almost there we go bring them down bring them down oh here we go oh my god the devs are madmen that green card no I just kind of math I think green cars gonna be here oh I'm gonna give him some hope I'm gonna give him some hope I'm gonna give him some hope I'll let only one get away Battle Royale boys it's not a game unless it has some battle royale revenge on traffic boys goodbye hey he could have driven away if you wanted to I hope pump you're safe Rock okay pop get out we need this hot-air balloon oh I need a solder everyone I'm gonna have to save us jingle and you just run away I'm coming with you what is this game in we need to hack into the mainframe what is this yeah don't just stay here hey you guys leaving with no plan we're going to talk to the leader of the raccoons trash King we're gonna do a boss fight and kick his butt did you screw up the boss fight you got to follow my lead beside just try talking to him first no man it's a boss talking to will interact the fight thanks Coco whoa wow here II feel a different appear it's like we got replaced by raccoons Oh it's all a mastermind plan by the raccoons I already said I'm sorry it's all a mastermind plan I feel bad but I can't undo what I did BK feeling guilty I don't blame you for everything [Music] you still want to be friends I do but if you want to be friends with me they'll make your guilt my plar my problem oh yeah and wash my car let's get my daughter back deal oh that's friendship right there there it is raccoon HQ get that thing on the old observatory hill balancing a big garbage can I know cool right I guess I make sense trash king lives there let's go for it hi boys wow it smells awful you guys like reverting huge like reverse air fresheners alright lol okay you should call trash King now try to convince him to help us fix everything are you kidding I can't call him it'll be extremely awkward text him then fine hey y'all if you don't respond when i text you hey in three duck emojis I'm removing you from my friends list I'll break him I'll use my macro I'll use my left pic click macro and break him quack enthusiast I got a steam achievement called quack enthusiast I'm now we've minded I'm not we will this is actual joke easy birds he's got a break sometime best boss fight of my life fine DK like tapping my water DK hello stop sending me ducks who is this sorry new phone it's BK at work for you I was wondering like is it possible to undo some of the holes and give people the trash back no they didn't be dirty they can't do me dirty like that I never mind no problem I'm saying you were hauling there for like 20 minutes they did me dirty it didn't work I think he's mad at me uh you know it'll be fun opening Hollen breaking this place yep look at my look at my tooth look at my two children right here let's do it okay one old coming up let's do a baby let's break into this place this is what happens when you don't get back to my 371 dunk emojis this is the price you pay well we'd ride oh well nothing else we can do lol ooh ooh everyone is here possible he told you stay with everyone you did but I've read between the lines here we go boys everyone is here coming together how do we hack it just plug this is the security system sweet here's the catapult all right here goes then everyone is here look go baby power it up will Jack them with some US beats but conflicting music conflicting music when you're watching an animating the opening starts playing during a final boss scene let's go fire it back Adam for the file fire at the toilet paper Adam wait wait wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute all worn feed y'all were in vain let's go the main hall hacker voice I mean y'all this is a slap there we go there we go now what what I got ruin the shelf of course and all the batteries I'll take it all with me it's why I was gonna don't leave your call when you leave your car door unlocked all rights we need that blue thing right there can't get it now oh of course my bad my bad my bad my bad there we go this is so cool Oh click the deploy hold welcome to the biology lab new recruits donut County was I was home to many rude screaming beasts but nobody knows why animals were just outside it's our job to figure out the purpose of these new creatures watches our tap top raccoons extract the facts don't give it to me don't give me any of that you're coming with me buddy you're coming with me they show no signs of panic cuz they already know what's up free the Beast oh oh oh you know what's up you know what's wrong now I got a supply you got to free all the animals that I captured you're coming with me free um free em we'll do it first oh you're not gonna like this no one likes this'll be let's message me you're not gonna like this baby and the Frog everyone is here the Frog wait a minute all the mechanics that we've learned thus far coming together for the final bout fire yes yes we need more weight we need more strength get it all we're so close so close that's okay fire over here and here Oh King trash hope you're enjoying this site because this frog is coming for you and so are all the rabbits everything we've learned thus far coming together to free everyone don't panic it's just a rogue whole this is literally very normal I turn on the emergency lights because it's fun please finish filling out your waivers in the next five seconds here we go boys wrong side back here we go [Music] deploy whole let's go oh no way we're not about to do it to them are we we're about to do it to a load ammo load ammo get in here we go oh yeah W at the blue one we got the blue one never mind boy all right all right kids look away before raccoons the people have donut county produce a wide variety of trash we believed each piece of trash had special significance our scientists study the trash around the clock that way we can learn to create our own someday let's see what they're up to this I like this idea we're just trying to create the perfect trash this game n him it was pretty good game is pretty good alright yo we need this hat though come on we can get this at the air we go there we go oh you're done you're done your iPad is phased out of existence soon like you will be too we're coming for you baby learn to pay respects to the duck emoji we're all it's the fire comes for you oh yes your shirt sir get the wires like this all week short so get a couple other things too yeah this respecter y'all catch edges straps a disrespect er no I see where we're going I see what we're going the disrespect yes nobody panic everything is fine to whomever is driving this hole please go away oh you think I'm gonna go away you think I'm gonna go away just like that tryam baby how's this work drink this [Music] how let's do Oh fire I'm gonna need some water Electrify the thing what is my goal [Music] all wife leave that open whoops okay okay drink this let's clear up this area here you drop that fill me back up elect your cue oh this little mister this is a bob man it's about drink that go over here [Music] in here yeah puzzle boys uh well that concludes the tour headset Jade hole driver meet me in my office thank you that's right that's right let me show you a whole new world let's go Mimi nah fits no worries the doors been opened [Music] let's go baby let's click the deploy hole don't like this van okay they're collecting everything they're trying to create the perfect trash hoard all right you've trapped me you trap the hole [Music] the trash king BK please report to my office right now I am opening up direct access for you alone BK we have urgent business all right he seems like he stinks hey I definitely sings but I get handling I thought about what you said earlier this is my mess to clean up but it is it is what you always call me back up I appreciate it wish me luck you don't need it you're gonna kick butt that is is friendship right here thanks dude [Music] want a pickle no I'm here to get you to reverse the holes bring everyone back you know you're the highest ranked highest rated hole driver in donut county you're famous BK also thank you for the support benching yes I love that icon thank you very much also well like prom like this thank you cold a dragon for the support and and herb gamer for the sport saying ain't hail vine donut well really picture this dude full-time employee status company stock the company will take care of everything for you he'll even wipe your butt I hate wiping my butt if you join me you'll get to play with the real big-boy toys George I in Quad copter the King quadcopter it has a cement cannon for tough construction jobs it's the pickup truck of quad copters I have one more thing to show you follow me anyone know God whoa yeah a bazooka there's something they could blow up a bunch of quad copters yeah I can take the dark web when we get back here for fun hurry up BK doing the best we can man that's where the holes come from sick BK those nerds and the hot air balloon are holding you back you gotta learn to put yourself first you gotta reach in and take the pickle what my hand gets stuck like yours okay it's not stuck I could take it out whatever it's meant to inspire you sign this all right branch manager and I get health insurance of course and a brand new quadcopter all right hand me the pen top 10 anime portrayals whoa boy it's a king quadcopter we need to surrender Mont Mira that thing can easily pop our balloon if we blow it up first I told you to have a bazooka in trash King has my hacking device we're gonna use a whole wool trust me it's designed to destroy stuff yo what is this [Music] oh it's a cement of course it fires cement you can't eat it yet but what do you need the smaller ones that's right oh boy here we go bomb time boys wait for it wait for it wait for it [Music] wait for opportunity no one more hit baby give me all you got oh geez okay here we go whoop oh he's mad fire more bombs at me you actual fool throw right back at ya [Music] old multiple all right all right I'll take what I got and you better take it too King quadcopter down we destroyed it all without BJ's help I can't believe he abandoned us he sold us out I'm not surprised because he's a true capitalist I'm gonna kick his butt I'll fix his quadcopter and smash it again Oh what was that secret final boss its backing it has a bazooka affair you thought you could use my holes against me I am the trash King I rule I designed this app sorry to burst your bubble but your friend BK took the pickle later nerds have fun sorry I'm late I didn't take the pickle now now I waited a little bit for it now sorry wrong side effect once again he's got the hacky device we get a quadcopter and take it apart BK hold still I'm going to catapult you right into the quadcopter dodge the bazooka all right so let me get blown up lots of a critical what is this pull out man what if we take one of these little fiery yeah a couple parties should do it yeah [Music] No it's all apart baby Wallas boys now to do what we do best and absorb it all dan you know absorbing [Music] all of it God to strive ruined everything [Music] I guess raccoons [Music] that's right baby that's how we do it Jenny utterly and wholly defeated gotta boys y'all this music though more like you can't cut it do ya your company stinks you ruin the neighborhood it's not about the company think about all the truth is we're running out of trash first game to donate County because the trash was plentiful now keep more holes to get less and less trash I was looking for us dude no you weren't we're just looking out for yourself you didn't run out of trash you ran out of people to steal from what am I supposed to do I have nothing now bring everyone back yeah all our stuff - so much worked out I'd have to build a huge catapult if you do it will tell you how to get your hand out of the pickle jar really nope lol let's do it boys and girls [Music] okay everyone one at a time let's get moving thanks Mira DK hit terminal velocity in 2.5 seconds do you please not cattle these things back up here help see what we can do no see ya it's been wild y'all sorry again guys that's okay do you forgive your mirror yep not that you begin yeah yeah you stink yeah okay bye whatever hey kod I was thinking all right hmm we like a job over in our donut shop we're going clean I promise yeah let's suppose I'd like that but I get to be your boss okay we're by alright who can say if things will ever get back to normal yeah these probably won't feel normal for a while the batter sale right well sorry for the best okay thank you Mira Mira PK let's not blow it up that quadcopter Pat thanks you know I was thinking I sure hope you don't mention anything about anything to the cops about my explosive business they would probably be pretty shocked to hear who destroyed the 405 and all the other stuff you guys blew up you know just saying as a friend okay well thanks for finding us hahaha later boom I got a joke for you guys do you ever hear about the one about the raccoon kissing with chicken nope how does it go dude I'm not gonna kiss you dirty chicken well it's been real yeah real waste of time haha thanks for introducing me to this frog though it's a cool frog pretty cool I guess it all worked out okay do you launch me now yeah okay you guys stopped by cat super sometime well yeah sure are you gonna get rid of those bugs yeah no I feel like they're kind of a secret ingredient now oh okay then you should throw some apple cores and a fish bone in there make a garbage do whoa good idea you know you go away hey she pressed it I'm sorry I doubted you boss no sweat probably you shouldn't trust that yeah you shouldn't trust what anyone tells you especially BJ don't worry I'll never trust him again what cups are all of this I'm kidding see you can't dress anyways it's gonna take a long time for me to forgive you you messed up like every possible thing I'm sorry go go BK I'm sorry - Coco still want to go to the beach next weekend yeah let's do it all right hey Mira thanks for being so cool and for showing me how to be good and for your patience and ah that's enough I don't know maybe someday you'll make it up to me after you do my laundry for like a hundred years praise me how praise me now well okay after spending so much time with you I decided you think only 75% as much as the trash king I still need a bath though you've loved my stink I don't actually do not would you do me the honor of pressing the launch button gladly too slow yeah got him just lost her arm Real Talk redeemed voice hey hey and that right there that right there everybody that's the game [Music] yeah thank you all for watching dota Cathy what a wholesome ending beautiful created by Ben Esposito Ben espacio man you made a good game you made a good game music by Dan cost corner edition loser fight by Venice Macedo I'm sorry Dan Dan Costner that I played the Dragon Ball thing if you guys are actually watching this I apologize for playing the the Dragon Ball thing at the very end there I just thought it would be a fun B gag at the end of the day your music was very good I gave some good props to it hopefully because like I con designed by Lily Nishida AE very nice Lily what do we got going on down here she's trying so hard I like this credit screen by the way this is a very good credit screen that everyone yeah this is like an OST of something I would actually listen to I agree additional art by Heather pent this stuff Heather I'm not sure what's the additional art but you know what I liked it I do believe this is the end oh no story editor Geneva pop CV Hodgson early could be mistaken there I apologize small dev team I'm trying to find the other names that's where they're hidden I think this is it there's something in here oh there we go a couple more guys in here let's cruise I feel you all right everybody I think this is the end thank you all for watching this fun little game you guys look this game localisation assistant Chloe Lister thank you flowy hey guys like this one because this was like a pretty this is this is a pretty fast one we beat this in one stream tied the whole to seal the pole Oh yo you out Hari let's go man hey guys going salt pepper ah of course the other my control again so you're watching at all times well where am i oh these even a little house down there cut and of course where's our girl here looking up a donut cowsy and this will end the stream for today thank you all for watching bye full playthrough of Donna County in one swift stream ah there's a phone my man it was a fun one I was hyped to play this game for a long time I'm glad to finally been able to do it very far we can go oh my god is there like an alcohol and there like an actual thing up here hold on hold on is there there might not be who we are as a responder Claire hold on hold on is it the air balloon oh the boat what a perfect way to go off of this the escape set up for part two I'd be more than in for the second game here what a perfect way to end it out a giant floating boat Oh with that everybody now this is the game getting achievements even at them right at the very end oh it's a big raccoon a map under its feet yeah as I was thinking there might be some some build up for a sequel and now how far does this go now I'm curious [Music] okay guys guys how far up he goes this was fun this was fun congratulations you unlock new treasure PD items no thank you maybe I'll do that at another time but for right now I'm content and they're at the beach BK squad boys and girls BK squad well that's it for this game what a fun game what a fun game will tell you what to end off this wholesome game let's hit up a wholesome raid I've been streaming for a very long time Donkey Kong that's right baby bunky Kong alright live whoo we got we got playing splatoon too right now at 9:42 p.m. EST technically me says that uh we got a couple people on YouTube who's on twitch twitch does a lot of Late Late Late Nate streams well top it into a twitch stream who we got who we got um no way hey cool let's watch Cody play this game Kony is a is a YouTube or not YouTube uh he's also just finishing the game let's random right now twitch.tv slash Kony he does uh you know uh Smash Brothers commentary really cool guy right here thank you all for watching since I'm a bunch of hearts in chat see you around everybody have a good night
Channel: Failboat's Stream Storage
Views: 51,435
Rating: 4.91431 out of 5
Keywords: Donut County, Failboat, Duck emoji
Id: IAhN876k4NI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 54sec (8034 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2018
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