Plasticity Unleashed: 10 Game-Changing Tips

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in this video I'm going to give you 10 amazing tips that will change completely the way you're modeling plasticity and save you a ton of time let's go very quickly before we start if you're really serious about learning 3D and you want to learn it as quickly as possible then I highly recommend you join our Academy 2.0 program Academy 2.0 contains the whole curriculum of courses and assets and add-ons that will help you to get from the beginner stage to intermediate to advanc very quickly and efficiently we also offer a private community on Discord and weekly Q&A calls when you can ask us questions directly and get instant feedback this is a very effective and fast way of learning 3D so check it out the link is in the video description tip number one how to add Alpha stamps to your model just like decal in blender or Alpha stamps in zbrush so I prepared a a very simple bullion here you can see what we're going to do now is press three for faces select the face shift control and plus the nump to expand the selection and we're going to press alt D to the mold of this uh of this imprint okay and then of this Boolean we press GG and snap it in here now we're going to rotate it on x axis so rx- 90 right and we're going to scale this a little bit okay move it somewhere here right and then we want to sync it in so press g v to switch the Pivot Point select the pivot point in here press Z hold control and snop it to the surface select this one shift select this one and press Q now what you also can do press T to kind of keep this cutter right and you can repeat it in other place so grab that GG move it somewhere here scale this right move it here and repeat the process select this one shift select this one q and approve and this is a very quick way of detailing as additional tip what I can tell you is that what you can do is you can create multiple um elements like that you can actually move them off center to the right side here on the x- axis so they don't overlap with your model and save it as an empty plasticity file with all these inserts and then you can drag and drop it into your plasticity file when you're working on the model and simply drag and drop them onto your model very easily tip number two how to simplify your topology well sometimes when you're modeling right you're going to have these Rogue edges or Rogue faces on your mesh and they might actually interfere with fillets with creating more details with moving faces so what you can do to remove them is select the face and press X and it will actually dis olve this face and merge it into the existing phase if it's not possible it means that this Edge is required to carry the curvature of the topology and you need to look for a different solution tip number three how to remove bevels with one click sometimes when you're modeling and you have a lot of construction bevels which means the bevels that actually contribute to the shape and you want to move something you know you're going to have glitches and stuff like this happening right so what you want to do you want to remove the bevels before you do anything like this and if you wanted to remove it with manual you're going to have to know click the bevel press X click another bevel press X it's just a lot of work so you can do this basically on Mas click on a MH right and then go here and remove fillets from Shell click on that it's going to actually highlight all the fillets right click and you're good to go tip number four how to match face to another phas in plasticity now there's a really quick way of doing this so let me just add a cube here I'm going to drop a cube in here somewhere okay and let's say I wanted to match this face right to this curvature so let me move this one in here okay and all I need to do is press three for faces select the face start moving it in any direction and then click on the face I want to match to and boom you're done tip number five how to precisely draw with curve using snapping lines so let's say I wanted to create more details on this gun and I wanted to reuse some angles of existing edges in order to create Echo details so let's just press shift a for curve right and we're going to start somewhere here okay so I'm going to draw in here and then I want to go down but I want to go down on a specific angle that's the same as angle of this Edge all you need to do is hover over this Edge that you want to copy tap shift once and you're going to see these constructions lines right so use that and then let's say I wanted to go back here and create a point on the same height uh as this one no problem just tap this point then uh you you will see that all these lines going to cross click here and then click here and you're good to go and that's how you create very cohesive design language on your models tip number six how to overcome issues with zoom tool in plasticity now very often when you want to L something or patch something you're going to have fragmented edges on your mesh and if you're not going to select all of these patching or lofting will not work because plasticity cannot find all the edges needed for the operation to complete so let's say I wanted to zoom in on on this element here and you see that I'm zooming zooming zooming and eventually I'm going to not only slow down with the zooming tool it's just getting slower and slower but I'm going to also clip through the mesh so the way to fix that is simply switch to autographic view which will allow you to zoom in much closer and second tip is that you can hold control hold middle Mouse button and move your mouse up and down to zoom really quickly okay tip number seven and possibly the most powerful tip I'm going to give you today is bridging edges it will allow you to create tangent and continuity between different surfaces in 3D space and this is a bread and butter of surfacing in plasticity so let's say that I wanted to I wanted to create a continuity between this Edge and this Edge in space this would be very difficult to do manually uh especially when you want to create tangency and you need tangency for example for lofts to work okay it needs to be a mathematically a clean connection for the lofs to work sometimes lack of tangency going to break it so let's select this Edge and this Edge right and you want to you know kind of combine them uh together so what we're going to do is we're going to go here to bridge click here and click here and now you'll see this menu the first section on the top will tell you where to position the end point and start point so let's say I'm going to move this one to the beginning and you see at zero it actually snapped to the end of this Edge which means all both vers overlapping that's very important because occasionally again lofting and passing will fail when the vers are not matching okay not meeting in the same point the same here you can actually choose where you want it let's say you wanted to bring it to the end as well so we want to bridge these two points together then you can also change direction which will basically uh change direction of um of the connection so now let's talk about tangency you have g0 which basically is the shortest uh uh route between them then you got G1 which is tangency then you got G2 which is going to be even more smooth and G3 which is going to be super smooth so as long as you are G1 and above your tangent on both edges which means there's a continuity here in a curvature between these two edges and then you have tension so let's say you wanted to go with G1 but the tension is a little bit too much okay so you want to decrease it so you can still decrease the tension on this and make it a little bit more flat then lastly you got the trim option which is fantastic but I'm going to show it to you on a separate example so let's say that I wanted to create a line here uh in space let's just draw a line here and I'm going to move it okay on x-axis here and I want wanted to combine this one with this one so now let me show you how it works we're going to select this curve here right click here click here and now you can see that this Edge starts disappearing and it starts disappearing because we have Auto Trim turned on if I turn it off I'm going to have two edges if I turn it on I'm going to basically replace the guide edge with the new curve which is brilliant and of course you can use the same tools here to create tangency you know to select whatever G point you want and then you can also adjust the starting point right so let's say we want to go to the beginning and here we can also decide how far we want to actually slide you can see that how far you want to slide this Edge on this guide Edge right so what you want to at the beginning so let's say want to go to the beginning and we're going to trim this and there you go you got perfect tangency on this spot and he just transitions onto the x-axis so that's how you do it this is a very powerful tool for um creating surfacing in plasticity there of course many more of them but this is uh this is something that's going to get you out of a lot of problematic situations allow you to work faster and easier more intuitively tip number eight do not add micro fillets before you export your mesh to for example blender or other software because it's just going to cause you a lot of problems so let me explain you what are micro fillets so you can see on my mesh we have fillets like these which are slightly smaller or these which are lot quite large and we have also chamers here right but but you notice that this Cher for example doesn't have a fillet on it so this Edge right this Edge is not being filleted there's no micro fillet on it these tiny bevels that you add you know for example in blender with hard UPS or whatever don't do that because when you do that you're going to be um shooting yourself in the foot because if you want to come back to plasticity and fix something add some details you'll have to remove them and sometimes it's very difficult to do okay so honestly don't add microf fillet you can do it in blender for example if I BRD this to blender so let's bring this gun to blender I'll show you let's bring it to blender and we're going to use a bridge for plasticity which you can by the way get on GitHub it's free so we're going to connect it and I'm going to actually create a separate video for uh for plasticity Bridge so don't worry I'm going to explain you know all these functions how how to use it how to optimize it Etc but you see that here on this Edge we don't have any fillet really I have cavity but if I turn the cavity off you'll see that this Edge doesn't have any bevel so what I can do now go to you know rendered View and I can actually add M using for example material Works which is our addon the link is in the video description by the way and uh I can just add a mut here let's say just coed titanium and now if I wanted to let's add something different let's say a graphic steel going be better and if I wanted to add a fillet here I simply click on a bevel right and I'm done and all I need to do is change samples okay and maybe change the you know the fillet width right to something a bit uh less crazy Maybe be like 0 five there you go and you got this tiny bevel running and then you know if you copy that M to other elements you will have it all over the place and you don't have to really worry about it so don't do that don't add micro filets because again if you want to go to plasticity let's say and change something here uh you'll have to remove all of them and honestly sometimes it's a headache tip number nine how to scale a facee of a cut now I didn't think it was possible in plasticity on Square cards uh because on on circular cards it's quite easy but on Square you need to enable a kind of a hidden feature or hidden move in plasticity and I'll show you how to do it it was driving me crazy and finally cracked it with the guys uh from Academy so uh let me let me show you how it works um so if I want to scale this PH down pressing s will do basic all you can't do it so what you need to do is click on this face and go to this draft um face option click on this face and then you can hold shift and uh to slow it down and scale the one in the middle but if you want to do the same thing here you got a problem because you have four faces to deal with right so what you need to do is Select this face then go to draft then select one of the faces which basically will fill out you know all these options but then you click on one of these options to uncheck it hold shift to select all other faces right and then you can actually scale the one in the middle and tip number 10 reloading plasticity now sometimes when you working plasticity think is going to go you know slow and you're going to get some glitches you want to reload the interface it's very easy to do that without closing plasticity simply hold shift and control and press R and plus this is going to reload the scene and refresh it freestyling freestyling in plasticity is a tool that allows you to actually determine the movement of scaling rotating um extruding anything really on a specific Axis or a specific Direction so let's say that I have this face here I wanted to you know um let's just offset it with O and I wanted to extrude it but I want to don't want to extrude it on the normal like this right I want to extrude it actually horizontally here so the way you do this right you simply go to E for extrude okay and then you see that you have here a menu and you can uh see that there's a f for f sty so press f for FY and then simply click and drag it on the AIS or you know line that you want to draw it on and remember this tip I gave you previously on creating cohesive angles and watch this let's say that I wanted to draget on the same angle as this line so what I can do is create a line here top shift right create an angle here like this then I'm going to grab this face here right so again grab the face we're going to offset it we're going to select it okay then we're going to go to extrude okay going to press f for freestyle and we can actually draw it on this line so you can combine these tools together to create some really powerful workflows and that's it for this video guys thanks for watching like I said in the beginning if you're interested in learning 3D and you're serious about it take a look at our Academy 2.0 program the link is in the video description thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 9,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d modeling tutorial, advanced plasticity, hard surface, hard surface guide, hard surface modeling, hard surfacing, learn plasticity, mastering modeling, modeling mastery, plasticity, plasticity 3d, plasticity 3d modeling, plasticity guide, plasticity modeling tutorial, plasticity pro, surface design
Id: J_fvve6MIJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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