How To Model in Plasticity Step By Step

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hey guys today we're going to be doing something different we're going to be using plasticity to model this uh laser wrench finder that you see on the screen and I think you should work from references but in a different way you know gather many references and try to work off of design cues to create something original but if you're starting it might be a bit difficult also if you're working for clients or Studios you may be occasionally ask or you know all the time ask all the time to create something that's been made or done by someone else like you know you get a a concept art and you you you know you ask well listen model this right so then you need to go from references and you need to be very precise uh which again you know may teach you uh for example how to maintain proportions how to work from certain angles how to imagine in 3D space how this object looks so it's a good exercise and we may try this let me know if you like it in the comments and also the new thing is a webcom if you like it let me know if you don't let me know I don't mind either way it's fine it may be helping some people to you know stay connected so what we're going to do is we're going to be like I said using plasticity let me just reset this and if you new to plasticity and you don't have it you can just get a one month free trial it's really fantastic and if you're coming from blender the learning curve is extremely short I think it took me like two days to learn it initially so it's really quick and you know you can set it up to um blender preferences so you go here to preferences you go to navigation and just click on blender and it's going to set um most of the keystroke similar to blender so for example if you click on this Cube here and press GG you can move it in space you can press gz GX g y is the same thing R to rotate scale s to scale is literally the same right and when you for example want to move the canvas you know you just click middle Mouse button to rotate um you can just hold shift and move it and then if you want to move and change the angle from which you're viewing so let's say you want to look from the front from the top from the side whatever you hold alt right click middle Mouse button and uh and simply you know just gesture with your mouse left right up down right it's really easy you can also do it in here but it's annoying or use numot one 2 3 Etc uh but um honestly just hold out and this is so quick right it's fantastic so if you com in from blender again it's really easy and you should be able to fill at home in you know two seconds the UI is super simple you got the blender cor collections on the left so instead of on the right you have on the left um don't worry about this it's really not important all you need to wor about here just enable snapping so you can snap to objects to vers to edges Etc um these are construction planes don't worry about it these are basically uh your main tools and these tools here in the bottom will change depending on which tool you're using so if I go for example to face mode with three I'm going to have different tools here you see what I mean and um don't worry about that U these are basically some um operations like booleans you know um scaling Etc but we're going to be using shortcuts for this I never go to this menu okay what's important here is on the tops just like in blender one two three it's a vert uh Edge and face and then four you have four uh solids or you can press five to be able to select all of them at the same time so you select the solid first and then you select edges vers or whatever you hover over now I usually just select what I want to select so if if I want to for example delete that Cube I press four to select solids click here press X to delete it and I'm good to go now we're going to be using this reference as a guide as I said and we're going to be using curves to do it okay because we need to Loft it to create this nice curvature you know this nice curvy um surface here between these all right so what we're going to do is we're going to um navigate to front and you can see here on the top it says front so just use alt and Mouse um your mouse middle Mouse button to do that and we're going to create um curves now another thing is that I'm using radial menu and you can actually enable this uh yourself it's really easy uh it looks like this it's kind like a p menu and it comes um with plasticity in a way uh all you need to do is go to this website here just type radial menu plasticity and you're going to land on this link and these are instructions here how to add it to plasticity it's really simple all you need to do is create this Json file uh simply add the commands edit them and simply drag and drop it in here and you're going to be able to use this now I'm going to be telling you what kind of tools I'm using so you can also find them either here or you can use use the F command to find whatever you're looking for you can just search here like for example move and you're going to have different commands with shortcuts okay you can also add stuff to your favorit by simply right clicking and either adding shortcut key just like in blender or adding to faor the same thing all right so this should cover the basics of your why it's it's really piss easy guys so first of all what we need to do is we need to create this basic shell so we have um slightly bulging the shape isn't flat here on the sides it's slightly bulging outside so it cannot be just you know a simple curve it needs to be slightly curved here on the side as well and then you got this kind of a curve on the bottom going up and then down again and the top is straight right then you got this smooth connection here to this circular element on the front so it's very easy let's go to the front view with alt and um middle Mouse button till you see front and we're going to grab this uh tool here which is uh curved tool so click and hold just like in Photoshop and select this one okay so curved Point uh control Point curve or in my case I'm just going to go to shift q and select it here from the the menu because I use it all the time so I got on a you know on a hotkey and here click then click here then in order to um make sure that this point ends on the same plane as this point hover over here and tap shift okay it's going to create construction plane here on this side so you know click somewhere here and you're going to be good to go then alt X to mirror to the other side just like with hard UPS we need to bridge them in a way that uh we're going to have a tangency so it means that the the the curvature here is going to be smoothly transitioning around back to this curve so select both curves with two so press two select both curves right then press one for vs and drw from the left side to select both of them and now what you can do you can either use shortcut um shift B for bridging which is a little bit difficult to get to which is why I have it on my um my Ral my my High menu so shift q and just Bridge it now you have options here and these options are g0 G1 G2 and G3 okay so what does I mean g0 is going to be connection you can use tab to switch between them the shortest connection between two points G1 is going to be tangent connection which means we're going to be smoothly transitioning here but quite rapidly curving around G2 is going to be more smooth and G3 is going to be super smooth okay so you can choose now I'm going to go with G3 because you know why not um but yeah you can go with G1 if you're fine with that um but I can see that this is pretty curvy close to a circle so G3 will do for me same here select these two shift q and Bridge and G3 and you're done with right click so we got this basic curve now remember you have three Curves in here or four um we may you know want to connect them together so press J to connect them and you can see here on the left hand side you got curves if you join them together uh it's going to be one curve okay so now what we need to do is we need to um clone this or duplicate it along this you know this x- axis right or y- axis so now if you look at this shape we have this chamfer here which is slightly bigger on all sides so what we're going to do is grab this curve and Shifty and move it in here and we're going to press SS to scale it hold shift to um sort of you know slow down the scaling and scale it to maybe this proportion L this and then shift it one more time and move this curve here okay so we have um we have this kind of a height here locked because they at the same height and this one going to have to be rotated but we're going to have to rotate it based off of this point because if I rotate it like this it's going to let me show you it's going to move the top Point lower okay and they're not going to be at the same height anymore so what we need to do we need to move the Pivot Point from the middle to the top we need need to choose this top Point as a pivot point so RV you can see shortcuts here V to move the Pivot Point up here and then we need to move this z-axis so go to Right View and then press Z and then hold shift and you can rotate it on z-axis to maybe you know you can even hold control for snapping uh to this um maybe angle and then G and move it here so it's you know shorter here but larger here I think it's too big um a little bit too big so we could grab both of them okay both of these and SS and scale them just a bit together um so this chamfer here is not too aggressive okay here you can see that it's actually flat and then it starts going up which means uh what we need to do is shift the that summer here right and then SV pivot point and then y uh and scale it in or you could just uh press s um V and just s again to scale it on all axis right let's go to side view and maybe this is fine then shift d and we're going to go a bit deeper so SV and S again and a bit deeper and then we're going to grab this one and move it in here so shift d and move it in here to create this point and then we got another Cher going in so we can grab this one here and or in fact what we could do is grab this one and shift the and move it all the way here and actually make it a bit smaller you see that this transition is quite rapid uh move it maybe a little bit higher to make it more violent on this side and smoother on this side okay now this is a little bit too large all of it so we can grab that and press S1 try to scale it to create you know slightly narrower shape what we need to do now is we need to combine them but if we're going to Loft them um all together um at the same time it will not go very well and I'll show you why you're going to have this wobbliness all over the place and very smooth transitions everywhere that's not what we want what we want is we want this top here to remain flat so we need to Loft these elements first in the middle so l so select these Curves in succession then press L for lofting you can also use um this one here on the bottom to Loft same thing and if you forget command for lofting just go here F Type Loft and you're going to see the shortcut L okay now you can see that we have a sheet new um new element sheets are kind of like planes in blender okay so they not closed um um solids like solids with holes so non- manifold solids okay so if I press uh four to select this sheet GG and I can move it around you can see the the holes we're going to be closing them later on at the moment don't worry about it so now what we can do we can actually grab these curves we don't need them you can either delete them or you can um alt G sorry contrl G like in blender and you can group them here and um main shape curves okay and you're going to have a group and can press this I I icon here just like in blender to turn it off now what we need to do now is we need to Loft this one with this one in order to do that we need to get rid of all these edges because it's quite too many of them but it's not going to work you see if I'm going to try to X this it will not work you're going to still and the shift going to be divided reason being we simply need these um separate sections to um create this cature so what we might want to do instead here we might out J this okay um which will explode this curve into separate curves so we can go with Al J or press um in my case shift q and simply here um unjoin and then if you see that here the curve was unjoined and now we have separate curves again so now what we can do we can merge these together so shift select them both press L and what we want here is we want g0 not G1 so press tab to go to g0 and right click to confirm now we're going to press four select this one and this one with shift press J to join them so this is going to be one sheet so we can use this Edge to guide this um loft um in terms of curvature so press two select this curve and this Edge press L and then select this Edge as a guide and then press g0 right click to confirm press uh four select these two and join them and then we need the one on the bottom so select this one this one one L shift select this one press tab to g0 right click and um we're good to go so select these uh two press J then we can measure this so alt X click here and press G press Q to merge halves together so press q and then right click and you see that we have this shape and you can preview this if you want to press control e to remove all the edges and you can see the shading looks good you can click here on this um kind of a rendered shading and you can see with pachy everything is fine so go back and you can also right click and grab a m cup just like in blender it's the same okay looks really cool right click uh select this one we good to go contrl e to um toggle edges if you want to change the shortcut go here toggle edges uh you can see contr e for me so here with this this curve uh we can just join it and we can move it here to this group okay so we don't need it alt click select this one you can hold click patch which will patch this whole right click and you know you're good to go and now here we need to combine these two so let's go here to the back grab this circle here and snap snap the circle to the top of this curve here if your snapping doesn't work um turn this on um snap it draw a circle and click and then gz drop it down somewhere here and we need to move this circle away from the shape um something like this we can just move it even higher here allow that and we're going to have to first combine these two okay so two for edges alt click shift click and then L and now we want this connection between these two surfaces to be at least G1 I would attempt G2 but we can't so let's stick with G1 so we're going to have this natural transition here going into into this uh shape here and then uh we're going to have to combine this circle with this main shape it's going to be a bit more tricky uh so I'll show you how to do it let's move this curve up here so we have a clean scene and you can also save it what we need to do is we need to now split this um edge here all this um this um shape and the circle in order to Loft it uh together now there is another way of doing this but you would need to have experimental Alpha version from Studio license which is you know 400 bucks not everyone can afford it but if you can you definitely should get it because it's incredible I'm going to actually move this one a little bit lower so you can see that the the connection is going to be a bit smoother now what we want to do is we want to create a edge here it's going to be running across the mesh here so we can press crl R just like in blender and create a loop like that okay and also we can do the same thing here in the bottom um so another loop and we can Mir this later to the other side now with a circle what we want is we want to create um cuts here in the middle so we can grab this tool here which is split Edge hover over until it snaps and click and we're going to also click here and then select it and Alt J and now we have multiple curves so you can see the curve is split and then um what we want is we want one more in the bottom so go to the back view and we just have to kind of imagine how this cve would flow so we can split it somewhere here L this right and then Al J and we're going to be fine so now what we want to do is to want to um create edges on this um Circle so I'll click this press e to extrude it like that and we're going to have edges now what we can do we can just copy this to alt X mirror Q to merch elements together and right click and we will need one more probably somewhere here at least one more right I'm thinking like somewhere here maybe um and then Al x m to the other side and then we need the same lines on on this circle so um I'm guessing this could be a little bit too uh too close but maybe it's going to be fine I think it might be a bit too close let's just cut this like that press C click right click and press four click on this one and delete it so now we can just contrl R here U to more or less align that control R somewhere here I think maybe here a line here be better um a bit higher we can nuke this one with X and one more in the middle right so I mean middle um maybe uh maybe somewhere here and this one could be actually somewhere here so nuke this one right so we're going to connect these two and connect these two and then we need to Mir this to the other side okay so alt X Mir to the other side q and confirm cool so what we're going to do now is we're going to bridge these edges together so two and shift click and then go to bridge edge with f um and just type Bridge edge of shift b or in my case just this and you can choose the connection I mean G2 is fine in this case here uh again G2 is fish I suppose and this is going to be super crazy so let's see um bridge and he's going to be going inwards so I'm thinking maybe G1 maybe here G1 this be also fine let me see that G1 I don't know if this going to work very well for us let's see click these both and press L to LT and then you can select go lines so hold shift and select these two and let's go with G1 and see what happens you see like there's a little bit of uh craziness here but let's see combine these two and press J then select these two and press L and then Loft I mean select guidelines here and G uh G2 is fine I mean G1 is fine and I think it is fine so select them both and press J so we get you know this sheet sheet now we can change check the transitions here right click on this option here and select the zebra yeah this is pretty clean so we fine and then here on the top um nuke this one and we needed one more here on the middle so grab that select these two edges and simply shift q and Bridge it with G1 and then um select these two and you know shift B uh not shift B um press L and then hold shift click here click here G1 is fine and then select these sheets and join them and then the bottom don't worry about the bottom we're going to Simply mirror this now so press Q uh press four press alt X mirror q and combine them and now we're going to press two select this entire middle and Patch it here with G1 and this should work for us and this one you can also patch so um four select these two or in fact what you could do is uh Delete uh delete this one and then uh I'll select this one and Patch it and with G1 right and you're going to be fine so this is how we can um patch all this and let's see now with the map how we're looking yeah we're looking pretty good um this is fine it's going in wordss here a bit but that's cool I think it's similar here it's really flat um so let's just see this surface it's you know it's not too bad it's actually pretty decent um how it looks I think we're good to go so now this one is a little bit too um too long so we're going to do is shift a and we're going to cut this here GG to move it I'm going to cut it quite close so C click right click and just delete it and we're going to Simply uh close it so out click and patch and g0 and now we have a solid you see once we close the sheet we have a solid which is quite important so this is our basic shape yeah and we can just save it and now we can start creating the rest of it so press three and here and just all for offset offset it in just a little bit right click select this face and move it inwards not too much just a little bit and then press two and we're going to select this uh inner piece here and create a bevel you just uh to the left it's going to be bevel to the right is going to be chamfer or the other way around uh basically negative value is Cher positive value is a is a fillet uh you can select these uh two as well together with shift and ALT right and you can um Pavel these just a little bit now if you are not sure whether you're going to be keeping the shape I would not recommend uh beveling everything um but you can also remove bevels very easily so here in the front we need circles now if you don't want to have this seeth through because you can see we have x-ray on just press alt alt Z just like in blender uh right I'll just click here select a circle here and we're going to draw a circle in here um and then just let's drop it down gz make it smaller so SS make it smaller um I think this is going to be cool and we can move this one you know uh here to the front and then shift e and move it down or you could just Mir this across the um the x axis like this this will work as well but actually the bottom is shorter so mirroring will not work it's not symmetrical and then what we're going to do select them both with alt and shift and shift I and and to imprint it on this mesh now we don't want them to go through so you want to click this H closure all right and then we can nuke this uh two um two curves now we can select these two here with shift and just simply move them in a little bit and then press all offset like that um hold shift to you know to slow it down one more time okay so select these two and then shift d and then simply um offset them here and then we can create lenses you know that we can actually move them a little bit forward so plasticity will move bevels with your mesh which is fantastic these two we can just select them and you know um create some champers so press two select these two edges and create chfers and uh you know more or less we good to go and on this side we need to create um this viewfinder so three let's just press e for Extrusion and extrude it in here we can press B for separate mesh because when you're going to be texturing ler in blender you want multiple meshes so now here you can see that we got some tiny elements on that also this is a little bit larger so what we're going to do is we're going to um run the Cher here um and maybe a bevel here and we're going to also run a bevel here and then press three you know offset it all right and then move it in um make it soft here because it's you know you stick your in here uh plus three offset it and three shift d and then extrude it a bit press two and create a bevel right and we're good to go and then we need to create these tiny bits so this is very easy just grab a um Cube here go to the middle of the shape whichever it is should be snapping here interesting let me just run control R in here to create a um Edge in the middle which is here and then we can snap this to the middle of this Edge there we go it press C to draw from all sides and create something like this it's going to be a little bit crazy it's a bit like in u the Cutters in hard UPS just go mental and press B for separate body otherwise you're going to be bulling these okay and then we're going to scale that so SS to scale it to something really tiny lot that right and we're going to create bevels on this one like this okay and we're going to create bevels on this one all right we can actually start the bevel and copy the bevel size from here and what we're going to do now is we're going to move it here okay and we're going to grab this uh a rectangular array and simply click somewhere here and increase the number to like I don't know 14 or something I think this will do and then we're going to Simply move it in so G and X move it in that and then we're going to use a um radial array to rotate it around the middle of this and create I don't know 25 of them or something oh okay let's go with 80 and there you go and you got yourself a shape now what you don't want to do is you don't want to um Boolean this together because honestly it's going to be an nighta so what I would suggest doing is actually moving them to a separate collection okay and the way I did that is I simply uh pressed I press four I selected all the shapes control click this um um dial here you can select all of them and move them to a folder so contrl G right to create a folder title it and all of this going to be moved to a folder so um I'm going to actually move this one as well so I'm just going to move it in here and then what you can do you can um you can import this to blender live so you can create blender Bridge you simply go to um the GitHub um website and uh just type in in Google plasticity bridge for blender and download this ZIP and install it as an add-on for blender and when you open blender you're going to have to link your plasticity to um to your add-on okay you're going to have to um select a port which means you will need to go to preferences and um go to server and you see there's a port here and what you need to do is uh when you open blender once you install the add-on you simply connect it here to this port and you refresh it and when you do you will see your model here and if you click on live Link in addition to that you're going to be able to see live changes so if I for example move this entire thing to the front here right I'll be able to see this update taking place live in blender it takes seconds um so it's really um very convenient and you don't have to you know you don't have to export mesh anymore okay so what I want to do now is I want to separate um this piece the front piece from um from the from the shell okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to select these two press control shift and plus on the NAD to expand the selection actually these are separate pieces so let me just hide them for a second so press four select these two and hide them press three on these faces and shift Control Plus and N to expand selection there we go we're going to shift d that to duplicate it hide it and I'm going to do the same thing again but this time I'm going to shift xit to delete it and ALT H and all I need to do now is hide the curves so now I got two separate pieces and I'm going to patch this one so I'm going to select this one and can I patch it no all right so let's just uh go to local view with period and the non part and I cannot patch it because this one is protruding so what we're going to do is we're going to move it in okay like this right then alt click here and then patch it there we go and then grab this one here and simply patch it which was going to create a face here and it's going to change it into a solid and then we're going to press two and Sol like like this um edge here and bevel it a little bit so B and bevel it it's a bevel or a transfer it's a transfer I want a bevel there we go and then select this one and start beveling it and just click here to copy the size of it okay now I got two pieces now what we're going to do we're going to create this cut in the middle okay I'll tell you what we're going to do we're going to create a plane here move it to the front P patch it and I'm going to create a construction plane pressing space sorry and I'm going to actually nuke this curve and uh hide this plane with h hide this plane with h and uh now we're going to try to do this again so grab the curve and let's see now now it's working okay and let's just move it somewhere here and then C click and right click okay and then delete that now H we can delete this plane and we can also hide the curves again all right so now we can select this edge here and bevet right and then select this Edge and bevet and click here to get the same size of bevel and you're good to go there is I don't know if you can see that but there's kind of like a pattern on this uh model here and I'm going to show you how to do that um it's a little bit more advanced but uh it's really easy um so it's going to take a bit of time though so what we need to do is we need to create a curve first which uh you know Cuts this shape across like this right and then what we need to do is we need to grab this curve and AR R this on x- axis multiple times let's say 20 times okay more than 20 let's say 30 times let's say that this is actually is go is 35 okay all right and then what you need to do is you need to grab this curve here so this one right I mean this Edge shift d that and we're going to press off offset and we're going to offset this Edge press alt Z to see that and uh we can to offset it up here like that okay and bring it to the front okay and you can nuke this curve and what we're going to do now is we need to cut all these curves yeah all of them unfortunately you have to do with manually so by the way why are we missing one curve here hang on there we go select the curve you want to cut press contrl C and then select the cutter and right click and then you can delete this curve you don't need and you need to do this with all of these okay so let's just move these to the front so you can see them a little bit better right and unfortunately I don't think you can select all of them and cut them at once if I select two of them here and three and press contrl C and then select the cutter and cut it is going to cut only one and I can't really select multiple to cut which is unfortunate so I'm going to have to do this manually and uh I'll be back when I'm finished with all these okay so once we finish cutting them you should have something like this and of course we need to still cut them here in the front so you could run another cut in the front here like that straight up and then you're going to have to cut them from this side okay and once you're done just you know delete that and you don't need it so now you're going to have to select all of these um so select all the curves probably can select them from the bottom here like that all right and then we need to imprint them so you know shift IE right and imprint them on this body okay and right click and this should work across the entire shape all right now we don't really need these curves right so we can nuke them all just contrl G and move them to another group okay so let's say Cuts all right and I'm going to hide them you don't want to do this again do you know I mean so now we have all these lines here we're going to have to select them manually with shift and ALT okay so just select all these I'm actually got all of them and then you're going to press shift d to create curves right on top of this now with all these curves selected what we're going to do is we're going to press P for pipe now we need to CH choose the size of it it's going to be really small so here type something like 0.2 something like that tiny one right and all you need to do is just bullion this right so what you're going to do right is uh select this pipe here press Q then shift select all these pipes right and right click and they should cut create cuts on your MTH like that okay and then you can confirm now we don't need all these curves yeah so we can just delete them and you're going to left with this and if you want to you could run bevels on them but honestly we can do this with materials in blender okay and making buttons on the top is super easy all you do basically is create two cuts so just grab circles one here and one here and then you can um select them both and then you can patch them and press three for faces right and we're going to do something like this press B and then right click and then G Z drop them down we don't need these curves anymore right so now we can um bevel them L this right and then we can select um faces here with three press all to scale them to insert them I mean and then we can um shift d this a little bit higher like that and select these two faces and simply um extrude them so e to extrude them right right like that you can just grab bevel here like that and uh I mean a fill it and you could just scale this uh to something like this right and I think it's going to work and you're just going to drop it down all right here and simply scale it a little bit and we can just C it let's just nuke this one and nuke this one and I'm going to Simply move it so uh shift d so in order to move this right going to press gy move it in here and then V for this point again Y and hold control and snap it here to the middle okay like that okay and it's in the same height now so now you can just basically combine them so select both of them QQ there you go select this and this QQ and you got buttons right on top very easy okay and these are actually a little bit more recessed so we can just drop them down a bit um so G and drop them down somewhere here like that and you're good to go and that's about it and if you go to blender now you can see that you know everything in blender should be um should be loaded so let's refresh this and there we go and you have have your model so if you go to you know render view now you can very easily texture it so just plain I'm going to be using material Works to texture this because reasons so here let's go to material works and let's um let's go to Plastics and select maybe Matra plastic for the front and then we're going to change the scale because it's a little bit too large so let's just go to transform and you know just change the scale to some something like three or four there you go this one could be actually white could be interesting too yeah that is fine let's just increase the scale a bit and this one could be rubber so go here and uh go to Rubber and synthetic rubber I'm going to make it less dark so color and just you know not as black there you go right and this one could be um could also be rubber select all these let's go here let's press alt Z for for um X remote and just contrl J everything here so it's One MH okay and I think we're going to apply the same M here so you know let enjoy ourselves so just simply copy that it's going to be rubber you can make it a bit darker if you want to you could even separate this part here in plasticity or maybe we can try to do this in blender so let's grab a um you know box cutter and and I think it was on the edge or something it's okay let's grab that and press e to cut it and press X for slice you can grab this piece select um maybe this one and copy M you don't even have to you know oh this one is a bit too sh I think this one's going to be better you don't even have to you know add bevels because you can do it with material Works simply click on the bevel and it's going to add one um same here just add a bevel and it's going to add bevel to these and you can increase the you know the samples here and also here we could run a bevel on this just that you know with hard UPS let's just uh go to local view oh it's the open pH that's why so let's um um select this one and go to Edge mode and connect this with a face and then I'll text to the other side there we go and now we got a bevel so now it's fine and then let's go back and the same here you're probably going to need a face here so just go to Edge mode it's going to be easier to do it in uh in just apply the apply the bullion it's going to be easier to do it in um you know in plasticity because you're going to have some really terrible geometry here because that's what plus is going to give you press f and then alt X right and uh you should be good to go so you got this separation here and these two buttons could be rubber as well right and then here we can have glass on the front so go to Glass and glass and here too glass going to have to remove the alpha to lower value and just copy that the new material work supports um sgri so if I I don't have this new version loaded in but you can actually adjust H from the add right now so uh you can also have you have also a choice of six six files six Maps light maps from Alex Central so you can use them if you want to well that's it for this video guys uh you can see that it's you know really quickly and easily you can create some awesome models in plasticity bring them to blender you can use our addon to texture it in seconds and in an hour of time you can have a fantastic you know model for portfolio you can adjust it in blender you can slice it do whatever the hell you want and honestly if you don't care about the mesh it's a fantastic way of working um this could actually kill subd um other than retopologizing because you know if you want to retopologize this you can then you can use the high poly to bake it onto low poly and you're good to go this is already triangulated so if you bring it to M set it should work flawlessly uh so you know there you go and all you need is a low poly which like I said you can ret tool as in blender and you get yourself a game asset so easy peasy and easy right and if you want a more tws on plasticity let me know I don't mind creating more of them it's a lot of fun so let me know in comments thanks for watching I'll see you next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 12,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d modeling, advanced texturing, blender, blender 3D, blender bros, blender tutorial, hard surface, how to model in plasticity, learn blender, mesh editing, plasticity, plasticity 3d, plasticity course, plasticity modeling, plasticity modelling, plasticity techniques, ponte ryuurui
Id: VA94ceTgS4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 21sec (2721 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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