Checking out Blender Eevee Next - Tips for Realism

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[Music] EV next recently introduced in blender 4.2 has a lot of new features and improvements and I've been messing around with it for a few days and want to show you some of it and also give you some tips for better Eevee renders that will also work with the Legacy version of Eevee blender 4.2 isn't officially out yet but you can download its beta version in the official blender website by going to downloads then scroll down to go experimental and there's blender 4.2 [Music] I made this scene which is very similar to the scene I made in my previous video where I showed you how to use the radiance volume feature and now as you can see we are in in blender 4.2 with e next and there's still no light bouncy in there so all we got to do is go to the render settings and turn on Ray tracing now there's light bounce and it's real time too so you can move the light around and it will look great also on the outside here you can see the light bouncing off the ground onto the sides of the cube if I make this ground metallic and turn the roughness all the way down so it's a mirror we can check out the reflections and how they're looking like with raate tracing as you can see they're a little fuzzy so we can turn the resolution to one to one so it's more accurate but still fuzzy so we go down to the screen tracing and turn up the Precision now it's very nice and crisp under fast GI approximation we have the global illumination settings which control the bounce [Music] lighting this is what emissive materials used to look like but this is what they look like now with Ray tracing which is awesome the lights interact nicely with the environment and also with each other now I'm going to show you how to make a very simple procedural ground material in the Shader editor tab add a noise texture and plug its factor into the [Music] roughness now add a color ramp in between them and as you can see it's already doing [Music] something mess around with the scale and the detail and the roughness sliders on the noise texture to get more detail more defined puddles also crunch the color ramp values together and you get more defined shapes as well duplicate these two shaders so you get the exact same values and plug the color into the normal it's going to look like crap but don't worry just yet I also set the color to a dark gray so it looks like concrete now add a bump node in between the color ramp and the normal and plug the color into the height as you can see now it looks like a nice Rocky wet ground but I want mine to look a little more subtle so I'm going to set the distance to something real low now it looks like a nice wet asphalt or something and if you crunch or separate the values on the color amp set to the roughness you can change the shape and the wet or dryness of the gra and here's the node setup something that helps a lot with realism is emulating the look of an image that has actually passed through a camera so in the next section we're going to look into some depth of fi settings as well as a little compositing so select your camera and turn on depth the field and under it you can see there's not that much but we'll start here with the F stop which is the aperture the lower the number the bigger the aperture and also the shallower the depth of field gets which means a very tiny Slither of the image will be in focus at once everything else will be completely out of focus now onto some compositing on the compositing tab check use nodes and I'm going to add a lens Distortion node which is going to help the thing I mentioned earlier about emulating the look of an actual camera check fit and turn Distortion and dispersion just a little bit this effect is supposed to be subtle if we go back to the viewport here and still can't see the effects on this drop- down menu select camera so the compositing is visible through the camera view if I move this box closer to the camera you can see here that it's curved because it's emulating lens Distortion if I switch the compositor on and off here you can see the the difference it makes I'm going to lower the Distortion value a little bit because I'm using a 50 mm lens in this scene and this is a fairly zoomed in lens so there's not that much Distortion Distortion usually happens on wider lenses Bloom is no longer present in blender so if you want want it you're going to have to use this node setup which is a glare node you can set it to bloom or fog glow they have very similar effects and that's how you do it now it's no longer here on the render settings as you can see in my case I'm going to leave it to fog glow because I think it looks a little bit better and now we have this nice glow around the emission objects as well as on the floor here now I'm just moving things around to get a feel for it see how it looks like with r tracing and here's a little simple animation I made just to show a little bit of everything I made in this tutorial I also made [Music] this this is a scene from my short film which I'm making 100% in a and the trailer is out now on the channel go watch it if you haven't already it's really cool and please keep leaving comments I love reading them all your comments your suggestions thank you for the immense support you guys gave me on the last video I had no idea it would get that many views thanks for watching and know this guy he was right [Music] oh
Channel: Void Visuals
Views: 7,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i2PNdLhW5dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2024
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