Zbrush Too Hard? Try Plasticity!

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hello guys this video is for zebras users who are just starting to do some hard surf design in zbrush and while zbrush is a good program I think the plasticity can offer you some really good features with hard surface modeling as well I think in many aspects it's much easier to do hard surface design in plasticity than as a zbrush so I'm not here to insult zebra for anything but I just want to you know zebras takes a long time to get going because you'll do a lot of age polish there's always going to be issues of like uh rough surfaces and of course it's millions of polygons you can export that well plasticity things are very nice and clean here and they can very easily if there's a feature you don't like you can just hold down all to select this just delete that just like this just X to delete that so it's very flexible in that regard so although I do use zbrush for of course organic characters as well as um blocking out my designs I do prefer to go here into plasticity and just create massive amounts of detail very quickly easily and effortlessly and I think much easier and faster you could do in zbrush although zbrush is still a fantastic program so here is this Mech head designed by uh a fantastic artist named Chi Bang and I was just trying to do something similar here in plasticity I wasn't focusing too much on you know amazing design I was just focusing on trying to pump in as much detail as possible and just see how good I promise me this kind of design here or the types of details you can find here and I think I've gotten pretty close right here so let me give you a few ways you could do these type of designs right so I'm going to go ahead and press h just type of thing I'm going ahead and press h to hide that all right I'll go ahead and just start with a a sphere right here all right and so let me just actually move that lower just to make sure okay there we go it's it's low enough all right so if you want to get some sort of uh first of all I'll just press uh alt X and Y to to the snap I'll go into let's say the front viewport and I'll press shift a to create a line and let's say you want to go ahead and start splitting things up and you want to kind of you're gonna have to split up into two sections and you have this dark um border object as well this kind of object so I'll go ahead and hold down control and that will allow me to you can also hold down shift to snap it to 90 degrees all right I can hold down control and begin to move this out here right that gives me that I can unselect this press C and select that line all right so that gives me this I'm gonna go ahead and press M and give this a darker color just so we can differentiate all right so now I've got that all right so next I want to have a little darker area right here at the Connecting Point so in order to get that I can go ahead and select these edges for example and actually beforehand guys what I can do is I'm gonna press Ctrl Z what I could do is I could actually uh before cutting I could smooth this out so I'll select this and I'll go ahead and do a little bit of fill it right there all right once I gotta make this darker all right and then I can select this here and I can actually hold down all tests like this to Loop this and same right here all right now I can press p for the pipe tool and increase the section size for example to get that or after doing that I'll press shift Q to make it slice and I'll right click to confirm that I can now select this for example and delete that and as you can see I now have this detail running along here and give this a darker color so just by using things like the pipe tool and creative ways you can get that kind of detail happening right there all right next there's a little piece right here that we're going to insert so now I'm going to see how I can do that what I can do for example is to go here at an angle and create a line right here for example and then I can cut that away like so and delete that as you can see I now have a little place here to insert that and I can for example fill out that or champ for that so all right but I can go ahead and insert a cylinder or box in there and now I can kind of rotate it rotate that in there it's also worth noting that plasticity has a lot of the same hotkeys as blender so if you're used to work in a blender you will have no trouble fitting in here as well all right so I've kind of fit this cylinder in here and obviously when you do this for real you can spend more time fine tuning everything here I'm just giving you a very quick example and we can vary is just like the surface and just press D to make that smaller or larger alright so just like that we now have this object inside of here all right we can also do things like we would chamfer we can go ahead and press L to our limit point and then press L again and select for example right here all right now I can left click on these to invert them and so now we only have a chamfer happening right here for example and we can then select that chamfer effect and move it further we can then for example select this R for rotate V to set up a custom pivot select this Edge and then we can kind of rotate it around that Pivot Point like so and we can do the same for this right here r v select that Z and then kind of fine tune it here and there we go right and we can easily use the same surface that I got right here so when we press shift a to create live we can hold down shift you can train to like this face right here and so now it's on that face so as we create something here for example all right you can see it was perfectly along with that space right there because we have down shift so I think that's a really cool feature plasticity is just being able to do that all right so this could be some sort of a latch for example all right and then so to cut things we can't just like polygons we need to go ahead and for example press shift a and then uh cut right there now we will select this we'll press shift I and we'll select the surface we would just imprinted this on the surface which means now we can actually extrude that and have a little separation right there whereas normally it would just uh because it's one surface it would use a cure both of them my other cool feature of plasticity is that we can press alt X for mirror and select this face right here and get that effect happening right there but before I do that I'm going to go ahead and make it smaller here all right so you got this right here so just like that we get this latch happening on this object maybe give this a different color to differentiate it there we go so as you can see guys it's just very easy to create uh details on the surface but let's say we want this latch to fit in here better so I'll select this now press C and select this surface it's going to go ahead and cut all the way through using that plane I'll press C like that right there all right I'll also do the same for this object right here all right so let me just like that I'll go ahead and press C and now selecting the left to select that you can see what's happened now is that this whole section this whole chunk is has been cut out which means I can now delete this chunk and as you can see now I have a nice space for this latching whatever it is and I can press Q2 and bring them back together and that's I can create this real nice space it's going to be perfectly even because it's literally using the faces right here cut that infinitely so what follows up is just quickly using fillet to get nice details now I can go in here for example and fill out this and we're now getting that right there and we can just fill it all day it's a very powerful filler system here we can press uh we can quickly insert spheres boxes and cylinders to quickly create details here as well we're going to press shift Q for that if that gives if shift gives you problems what you can do is just press B to make it a new object and maybe you may need to manually move things out a little bit here all right so I'll select this and then these cylinders Q shift q and so I cannot delete these outer portions and so now we have this detail we also have this space for as well which means now we can easily select them and give them a different color and then we can select these edges and we can chamfer that for example all right so we can also easily you know insert boxes onto here and so we can then select the faces here and we can just press D to move to make it larger of course easy select this and delete it we can also rotate it to have it match something you can make it go deeper in here and we can once again select this RV and rotate this to get some more slick extrusions going on here and you can have fun filming in different orders to get different results once again quickly for example create a cylinder here and cut that away right there all right to have this stand out a little bit more you can select this and then get us a fillet or a chamfer and then this detail will be more noticeable there we go now it's going to catch more highlights all right so as you can see guys it's very fun and easy just to layer things on here now we can select all this and just the alt x y and we can uh we need together if we need to so just like that guys you can really get fast details Happening Here [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Arrimus 3D
Views: 18,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arrimus, 3d, blender, b3d, model, modeling, tutorial, beginner, pro, top, tip, how to, fast, easy, simple, learn, start, get started, design, detail, poly, polygon, topology, style, 3ds, max, video game, asset, addon, mesh, amazing, insane, best, plug, create, extrude, low poly, afraid, autodesk, high poly, crease, loop, edge, classic, triangle, quad, complex, surface, fix, noise, damage, destruction
Id: yCv9ADS9-sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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