Plasticity Beginner Tutorial | Sci Fi Design | New Amazing 3D Modeling Software

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hey guys I just wanted to start with the plasticity Series so plasticity you might hurt maybe of that new program it just launched it's it's a cad modeling program and yeah what can I say it's completely crazy absolutely amazing it's so fun to model with it uh yeah check out the website and here Nick Cannon on YouTube this is like the creator of the program and yeah he describes like the functionality gives it update and yeah here just wanted to show you like quick Meister Swagger check him out he does like tutorials like this car is completely modeled in plasticity and he has like a series like he doesn't talk and this is like very Advanced so yeah it's like if your beginner starts with something like what I show you today yeah like with that program it's super easy and super fun to create like all kinds of stuff like of course like on my channel I'm doing like mostly product rendering so I also will create products but like for design and concepting like this program like are using that already like for a few months sometimes here and there but now it's launched like the full program so it's amazing and here you can just download it test it for 30 or 30 days and then buy it like for just hundred dollars yeah so cats like we will just create like it's just an introduction and see like your feedback if you like it and just show like the absolute basic uh functionality so we will just create like here with this reference from Nika castillova um this prop here yeah so I plan to make like YouTube videos on that because that's just so much fun and I also plan like to create that kinds of designs like maybe some courses because yeah that takes like a lot of time and then render it like photorealistic and yeah so let me know what you think check uh Nick Kellen out check plasticity try it you can just download it and follow along check quickmeister Swagger he has like absolutely amazing tutorials about extremely Advanced most of them so let's just start and I will just show you like the absolute basic functionality so when you open it um yeah you have like this Cube you can just click on it and press X and yeah so like the interface is similar to blender so he's like very inspired from blender but cat modeling and what you know like from Cinema for these uh the video Max and blend blender like the modeling is completely different it's like cat modeling knobs modeling so yeah I don't want to get too much into it because I'm also not that expert like like in that kind of field but um yeah I just wanted to show you and it's a lot of fun so let's start and yeah I also don't want to tell you like everything about the UI you can check out some tutorials or just completely follow along what I will do I will explain you the shortcuts and we will just use as I said like the absolute basic functions because yeah this program is brutally powerful and it runs on the most powerful kernel like on this world um Power solid like Siemens and all that stuff using that so yeah anyway so let's check it out so first of all yeah let's create like the main shape so for that you see here on the right like different tools so for example like a line so it's like Photoshop you know and when you close it you have then here an area and yeah with this area you can just click on it and just extrude it and also you can activate with right click here like show edges and then you can just click on one Edge and just bomb fill it that way or that make a chamfer and yeah also again like create here like a fillet and yeah it's it's so much fun it's so fast it's like I don't model anymore at all like with polygon modeling because this is one million times more fun and fast so let's check that out so first of all let's create like the box shape so for that we go here like to rectangle and here you see like this Cube and we can click on the top face so bam our camera goes to the top you know like so we just click here on the top face and then we just click here it snaps to the middle and we can just create like um rectangle but to make the rectangle on all sides like we have to press tab so you see now it's going like that and we have like that line here so it's like perfectly a perfect rectangle so let's just create like something like that and confirm it with right click and we have like our first phase and now what I want to do okay like this is really different from polygon modeling but yeah once you practice that it's yeah it's it's it's it's fun so what I what I want to do now is go to this front view and I have selected so when you press one you can only select like the points so this point mode if you press two you can select only uh like the edges if you press three you can select only faces and if you press four you can select the whole object we don't have a object yet but otherwise you can just select it and to activate everything you just press tab again so I go to the front view and press 2 for Edge selection and I select that and with shift d i duplicate it and first of all I just want to bring like kind of one in the middle one will be the top face and one will be the bottom face so let me just show it to you so I duplicated it with shift d and then with the G you can yeah you have like this uh uh yeah I don't know like this pivot thing there I don't know and you can just bring it up a little bit right click confirm and now with s you can scale it and with double s so two times s you can yeah scale it like in all sides so I make this a little bit bigger and right click confirm it and again run view and maybe just a tiny bit smaller and the same with that I just bring it down here so again shift d and I just bring that down here right click confirm and you see we have then something like that and what we can do now we can connect those outer edges to create like a solid so what do I mean by that like we just select this edge here and we want it to connect um like create like this wall on the outside so like I select first this and then with shift click this one and then here you have like options what you can use and we will use like Loft so this like is the name for you can hear a loft or press just L and Bam you see we connect connect those edges so you see we are getting like this outer piece here so now I want to create like this lower piece so again I select this shift this and again L and now we have something like that right click confirm and now I don't need like those um areas that we like faces that we just created so I just select them with Edge mode with shift click select them all and just press X to delete them so we have something like that so now if we press Tab and we go here to the object mode you see we have like two separate parts and to join them so this is then one part we have to press J and now we have to close the holes and for that we just again select like before or like all those modes are selected we press on that object and then we have here patch holes along edges or create patch from curves so this just means it will patch or close the hole so we just click that and you see we have like our first solid and now I just want to scale it a little bit on the on the z-axis so I select that press s and we have again like this thing here and just I drag a little bit like those up here so like we get a little bit more of the proportions perfect so we have like our base form and now we want to add like this fillets here like on on those sides here fillets are small and on the bottom and top they are very big so what we can do is just like we will select with a shift click like all of those outer edges here and we have like this little gimbal here or What's this called and yeah on one side it's gem found other side is uh fill it and so I make just a little bit of a fillet and now we can just select one Edge because we have already like those different edges connected with the fillet we can just use like one Edge to fill it all of them so let's just select this one and this one and just yeah make a little bit of a bigger fillet and yeah so and again like I don't go exactly 100 the same proportions because it's just like an introduction video and it will already take like some time so we have something like that and that looks already pretty cool so now what we want to do like first of all you see like you have like an x-ray View and like to toggle the X review you can press alt Z so now you don't see like the other lines and with all Z again you can see it so this is very useful we will use that so now we want to create like this Gap here you see because we have like a top part and the bottom part so we can just cut it out kind of like with the Boolean but it works a little bit different and then we will create like those like holes here on all of the sides and then we go like to all the details so now let's just go to like this front view here and and cats like you can do like awesome things so for example we can just here again create like in rectangle and yeah just created something like that and now we can use that curve in that perspective to cut the whole body so let me show you like if we bring that and press G and like bring it here we can like select the Curve which we want to use for cut and just press C or yeah somewhere here it has to be and exactly like here cut solid like cut is solid this is a solid like object with the Curve so cut solid with curve or breast press C and now yeah you press C and now here it shows your select Target body so this is our body so we just click on it and you see like we can cut it so with right click it's confirmed so now we can just delete that curve here because we don't need it with X and now we have that body separated so we can press G and you see we have it separated and everything has a body so this is really cool so what we can do now is Select this middle part here just press X and we don't need it and now let's create like those holes here so again we just go like to front view and now we just can create um or just take a line so now we want to create like those holes on and for that we just go to the front view and go to the line mode and just create like the shape here so something like that and we can snap to the middle here right click and now we want to bring it on the other side and for that we have the mirror command so this button here or alt X and we can just use that point here so we mirror it on the side or just use x so we marry it on the x-axis right click to confirm and now we have like two separate lines but we want one line so I just select them both and press J to connect them and now B to fill it this because you see we have here like a little here you see it like a little fillet so we selected Press B yeah perfect something like that and now we also want it on the ground on the bottom so again alt X but this time you can press like this or just y so yeah we have something on the other side right click to confirm and I just want to make like this I am not sure or both just a little bit higher so I select both press s and just scale it like a little bit Yeah I will just make it a little bit like kind of higher right cool so now we have this in the middle but let's bring it here on the outside so with the G we bring it here on the outside and now we can just cut again with this curve our body but we want it also on the other sides so on the right so we don't have to create like that here exactly the same again what we can do we can select both of these curves and we have like here like in radial lace array so when we select it it asks us select select solids or Curves we have that and then select the center point and for that we just go here on the top and go here to the center and now you see it's like clones an array eight times but we wanted only four times right so we have exactly something like that right click to confirm so now all of our curves are selected and we can just press C and use our Target body so we get something like that that looks already cool but we just press right click and now we have like if we press alt Z we have like you see like that separated so let's select also like the bottom curves and again just press C and select the target body that we want to cut right click confirm and perfect so now we can just select with shift click and dragging our curves so yeah something like that and just X for delete and also we can then delete like our extra blocks here so I just select them again with shift click and yeah it's so much fun and again X and also that in the middle and you see we have something like that and that looks in my opinion really really good so now what we want to do is you see here like if we go here to that part it's very sharp but here again we have a fillet so let's press just two and we select all of those edges here so all of those and also on the top but only this one here like so on the like on the side below something like that perfect and now we can just again like use this uh thing here and just fill it a tiny bit perfect so that looks really really fine and now again you see like here along all of the edge like we have like the smooth fillet so we can just select one fillet on the top and uh this fillets we have to fill it as well and yeah just select one on the bottom and one on the top that we want to fill it and that will go along all of the edge because we fill it them already and they are smoothly connected so you see that looks like really good and yeah so that's cool so now let's continue yeah maybe with like the inner part so we need like a kind of a cube again inside of it and then we can just cut it and add like this little details and all that stuff so what I will do is yeah I will just go to the top view and again just create like a new curved a con like a rectangle here and go to the center and with tap I create like a new rectangle face so something like that and now because we see we have again like little fillets like this curve is selected I press B and just drag a little bit around so we get here like little fillets and now I can just press three so I can select this face here we just created and just drag it down so perfect we have something like that and I press tab to select them all and select that curve and X delete it and yeah maybe just bring that body with G just a little bit down here so it's not confusing perfect so we have something like that now what we can do here like very easy let's add those cuts here so again we just go like here to the front view and again create a new curve and just drag it along so you see we can just bring it out so you understand it better and with that curve with that line we can cut this body here so again we select the line C Target body right click we can delete this line and you see we cut this in two pieces and now also the same again front view again line and just here like make it like very straight and again just press C this time select only the top body right click delete this curve and we have something like that cool so let's create like this PC on the side we will fill it a little bit later so we go now because you see we don't have a cut here so let's just go here to that side and just press again like this face and yeah like don't do it exactly but very simple we can just um yeah rectangle here again go to the center and press Tab and yeah with control click it's not snapping so yeah we have something yeah yeah something like that is fine and let's just bring it out a little bit out of the body so we see it better so yeah something like that and what we can do now is we select the face and yeah like we will drag it out a little bit so we have like this Cube and now I go to again like this view here press on the face and now like I want to create like that shape and yeah like I think the very easy way is just if we take like the line tool and yeah it's always snapping exactly there where I want it so I can just yeah point it here then I want it I would control click I don't want to go like to the edge just somewhere here and just drag it out here so you see like now again we can use that curve to cut the body and then delete those outer pieces so just see select the body right click confirm automatically selected press X and yeah it's yeah it's just just fun and like this is like so basic what I'm telling you here you can do so crazy like really and yeah so let's bring it then back to our body and first of all let's create like kind of a hole in those two pieces here because yeah then it will just look a little bit better when we have like a little bit like of a distance between dead body and those bodies so for that I'm just selecting the curve press G and when you drag it and you want it exactly here on this body it's like on the coupon on the inside you can press Ctrl to you see like we can snap it to it where we want it we can snap it to this Edge we can snap it to that edge or we can just snap it here to the face it's you see it's exactly on the face it's so crazy I press all Z so you see it better right click confirm and yeah I just want to fill it a little bit again because you see we also have here a little bit of fill it so just press B and make a little fillet and also I want to fill it those two edges here also just a tiny bit because you see it's also filleted and then we can just again because we have like a line which goes around uh yeah oh let's do it also here so a little fill it so now we can just select one line here and one line here with shift click and again just fill it and we fill it everything at once so perfect so you see that body will also exactly fit into our rectangle here and now I press alt Z so we have x-ray and I just hide this body on the top so I select it and press h and you see like this solid here on the top like you have like this eye here so you can just hide it and then and unhide it so what I want to do is just create a select this face here of that area and just bring it in a little bit yeah just a little bit so it's going like inside so I accept it and I select that only the curve and x and delete it and now I want to Boolean like this piece here so it's hard to select so we have like right like this PCR extra and I want that as Boolean as and create a hole to that body so I select that whole body with shift click I try to select like this little piece and now if we press Q we have like a ton of commands for like Boolean but here we just use like if we press Q it will Union if we press W it will be the difference so like we selected the whole body then the other one so the other one will be like the subtraction so the difference so what we you but if we click right click now you see like our body is gone but we want also it's to do like on the bottom so I press Z and let's do it like that so again we select that whole body here on the top and like this little rectangular body and press q and now you see it's red so it will be subtracted but we want to keep the tools so both bodies so we just press t now we can right click and now we can select that body here and just bring it back and you see we have the hole but still the body so now we can do it the same with like this lower piece here so if I select just that right and again shift click and try to get like this piece here so both are selected press q but now we don't need it anymore so we can just accept that and cool so now we can take our body here and press G ends with um and just bring it here to the inside perfect so yeah now you see it's intersecting a little bit but yeah for that tutorial is fine because what we will do first of all we will bring like that body on the top here again back um now we can select that top body here and we can just select like one Edge and we can fill it you see so now we get like yeah like this kind of effect and the same right click the same for the lower body here we just with uh we select like this edge here and again we just give it chamfer and we have something like that so if we press alt Z you see it's like kind of sticking out so it's kind of makes sense so now what we can do is let's add like all of those fillets so I will just use that by the first and I we actually can delete this body because we can just yeah mirror that whole right side with that to the left so I will select that body press alt shift H so we solo it and I will just use select like all of those edges here and I will just give them a little a little fillet so when we press alt H again you will see we have a nice fillet so the same we give like here the bottom body so we just select one line and fill it you see and now like if we go here to that viewer and show edges so we toggle them off you see that looks exactly as we need so now we can select that body and press alt X and just mirror it over on the other side and also we yeah we have like that body here right but on the other side we don't have the hole but we can just mirror it over and it will directly mirror it's with the effects we have applied here so with the hole so I just select that body here alt X and just and just mirror so I will select that body here alt X and we want to bring that side to the other side so yeah we just yeah you see something like that right click right click here show edges again and I just want to bring that part also mirror it here so again alt X and bring it to the other side so perfect we have something like that and I think that looks really cool and I just want because you see we have like two separate bodies here and this is like one body so I just select those two and press Q and you see like Boolean again but one will be dissolved so you see here like Q so you just press again Q and then you see like both parts are blue if you right click confirm it bam you have one body cool so let's continue with this little yeah display here so we go to that view here on the front and now we can again just press all Z so we have like this x-ray we take like this rectangle and go like somewhere to the center and just press tab so we have again like so it goes like in all Direction the same so yeah something cool like that right click confirm G let's bring it up a little bit and I press one so I select only the points and I select those here on the top and they are going a little bit like more outside so I press s and just drag them here a little bit outside and I press B to give like a little fillet and I will also select those two points Press B and give it also like a little fillet and again just press alt Z so it's not distracting we use that curve to cut like this hole inside to that body so select the curve press C select the body right click we can delete this curve and you see we have it separately and now I just want to bring it a little bit more inside so I go to face mode or press three select this face and select this face and just drag it a little bit inside and it will also go here and now you see I want to give it like a little bit like of this chamfer this time so I just select press 2 for Edge mode select this piece here and this edge here you have to zoom in with shift Click Of course and let's give it like a little chamfer yeah so that looks cool and yeah obviously you can then just create like the material something like that but yeah like anyway so let's go like with this part very easy and so again we just go to the front view and now like this part here con consists of a rectangle and a circle so let's create it guys if you like it so far and you want to have more tutorials about plasticity and so we can create like some awesome designs and if you want like courses on that or something but I want to start with tutorials because I also want to practice please let me know in the feedback uh what you think about it and leave a like And subscribe so you don't miss it so let's continue we will first of all press alt Z so we have just a x-ray View and we will create like a rectangle and yeah let's do it here so you understand it better so again we just with tap we just create like a rectangle so something like that and now we want like here this perfect circle right so we can just create here like a circle but we have to like if we press it long and then we get like all these other options so we want like this one so two Point Circle because if you select that we can use that point and that point to create the circle so I use that point and just drag it down here right click confirm and you see it's perfectly what we need but we don't need like those edges here in the middle so for that we can trim it so for that just press T and select this and select that right click and we have like this shape here and what we will do now again to like this view here and we select both edges press J so they are joined and now with G we just bring them to the position so yeah somewhere um I guess maybe here right click confirm alt zero and let's bring that just like to the right place so we just can go yeah okay like somewhere here and we just go yeah maybe here perfect right click confirm and now we can press face so let's select the face and just drag it outwards a little bit so some something like that right click confirm we can delete our curve here and we just select like those two edges and we give them like a little fillet and we have like this body selected press alt shift d to copy and duplicate it and we just bring it then one here right click confirm and now we just want like to mirror it over so I select both with shift press alt X and just yeah press like that green thing here so it's on the other side and all four are selected perfect so we can bring it on the other side so alt X again and bring it here to the other side right click confirm perfect so that was easy and yeah what we can do is now like those handles here and then like the cylinder so again very simple we go again to the front view and we again create this time a normal Circle so Center Circle and we can snap it directly to the middle point of that half circle so it's so convenient I press alt Z so we can see it and I will just create it and just make it a little bit with Ctrl click just a little bit smaller because you see here we have like a little bit of a distance so perfect we have something like that and now we need like another Circle here and then just connect them so I have one shift d to duplicate it and we will just bring it on the outside so here and now we have to connect them right so now we need like this edge here so we just create like a new line and yeah we can snap it anywhere because if we snap it and bring it to this other Circle you see it snaps here where it's showing 10 10 so that means like it will be like a tangent here and the tangent here so if you don't know what the tangent is like the circle has like an angle and if the tangent is going like here it's like kind of where this angle from the circle the curve is ending like this um straight line is is starting yeah like if you're a mathematic I guess that description was uh very high quality but yeah anyway so 1010 is fine click it right click and the same with the other side so again line just click somewhere and again search for the 1010 right click and perfect you see so now we have like this face and again we can just press T to trim those edges we don't need and now right click and now again just select all of those edges and press J so they are joined and now we can first of all bring that edge here to the inside of that little piece here so if we press G and we take drag it and again Ctrl click we can here snap it to the face you see it's exactly on the face so we can create like exactly so that thing is in the middle nothing is intersecting and now we can just again take this face here and again bring it out and again right click and just here to the face so you see that looks absolutely fine and now we can delete this curve take this piece let's give it some fillet so we select those curves give it a little fillet and now we selected press alt X bring it to the other side both are selected alt X bring it to the other side perfect so something like that and now we have to create like this thing in the middle so we go here to the front view and again Circle and make it a little bit smaller and again we can just take that edge G and bring it here to the face select that face and let me go to the other side so I select the face so I have like this yellow thing and I will just bring it to the other face you see you can with control click just bring it there so perfect we have like the sandal bar I selected h x deleted I don't need it and this we can just again alt X press X it will bring it to the other side right click perfect so that looks already pretty cool so if we yeah show it like that you see like we have beautiful highlights because we have beautiful fillets and yeah so much fun so again right click here like that normal material and those edges and let's just create this thing here on the top so for that we go here on the top view and create a circle and with this circle we will just yeah like create the body and Boolean it out so let's create something like that right click now we have a face press alt Z so you can see them inside let's select this face here and just drag it down a little bit you see and we create like a body to the inside and now we can use like this white circle to create like an angle you see so um yeah let me show it to you if I bring it up so I select the face bring it down you see we create the body and then yeah we can yeah play a little bit that around so I select the curve deleted I select the body G and I bring it down so yeah something like that and now all Z and I select this whole body on the top shift click I select the new body and queue so we just delete it or Boolean it and we have like our other body here so intersecting so I just select this top Edge and that top Edge and just bring it a little bit down right because yeah like so it's like this middle uh cubes here cool so what we can do now is let's select so we have like this Edge now and we can just select that edge and press shift d so now we have like this whole curve and if we press o so now I want to create like this yellow thing we press o we can offset the curve a little bit so we can just bring it a little bit more inside and right click and now we have like kind of the one sides of the yellow thing and like the outside and yeah to create like that kind of shape which goes like a little bit in uh to the center I just yeah select both of those edges shift d so we duplicate them and I just bring them up so we can again lock them so that what we did in the beginning so we are somewhere here so now I just select that whole body on the top and press h so it's hidden and now I press yeah with two I select this inner curve and that inner curve and I connect them oh no first of all I have to make this top part here a little bit smaller because now it's like the same size so I select both and press SS and just drag it in a little bit Yeah so right click select it you see so it's a little bit smaller and now I can select this curve and this curve and press l so they are connected and then also this curve shift click and this curve and again l and now I want also to hide those bodies here okay it's like a little Bucky I don't know why so first of all I have to love that again right click and now I select that body and dead body and press h again so I just have better control yeah I don't know like I have this purple thing here I don't know why but now I want to use that curve and that curve and press l so this is connected and also on the top this and this so again press l so it's closed and now I select all of those curves and only the curves press X to delete them and now we have like four different parts so you see but we want one part so we just select all of them so with right click dragging to left then you select all of them and just press J so now you see it's one body so now we can press alt H to bring everything back okay it's not exactly what we wanted but that doesn't matter right now so now we have to create this sphere here so let's bring it here to the middle so we can create that but we have to press B as you see here new body so it's not like Boolean so we just create like a new sphere and selected sphere and just bring it down a little bit and with s maybe scale it a little bit so yeah maybe something like that maybe just a little bit bigger yeah so that's fine and now let's give all that here like some fillets and first of all also give like this cut in the middle so again we just go to that view here and create a new line so let me here with this line I will cut this top body here right click select the line deleted press alt Z so you'll just see it better and first of all let's give like here like this little fillet so we select that body and so that edge and give it a little fillet the same here we select that body and then that edge give it a little fillet and it's also on the other side perfect and then also do the same here so just select those edges here and fill it them and also select that edge and that edge and fill it them yeah so we are finished so yeah that took already like I don't know like 40 minutes for you or something so pretty much for that kind of basic because I explained like every little detail and now you might ask okay now how can I bring it into blender Cinema for the year because it's a cat you see you don't have polygons and yeah like check out Nick Cannon's video for that I will show you in a second but he has it's very good explained uh with that video here exporting measures check that out but yeah like very simple so you can just press alt so yeah to save it you have to go here and you can either save it as a plasticity file or export as a desktop and then just like tutorial prop and then select save as type here you can also save it as step file so you can open it in your CAD programs but we need wave front obj yes so save it and yeah now you have like a ton of options and you can use here triangles here with density you can decide like how dense you want to have the mesh and you can use n-gons like if you're just using it like for that kind of stuff and if you want to unwrap it and use it in Cinema 4D like n-gons is absolutely fine and then just play a little bit around with the density so we have like nice curvatures and we have nice details yeah you have like more control over those little Parts here but yeah it's it's very basic tutorial right now so what you can do then is just press OK and then you have like here your tutorial prop and that you can bring yeah did like a little test here into Cinema for the year and we can rotate it 90 degrees and you see NB bomb and now yeah you have like all of those parts separately so here you see you have everything separate so you can just assign a materials and you see it looks extremely clean so like Nick if if you are seeing that like really well done and yeah so let me know guys in the comments feedback if you like that what kinds of tutorials you want to have so see you in the next one
Channel: Nikita Kapustin
Views: 72,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plasticity, nick kallen, plasticity beginner tutorial, plasticity 3d modeling, 3d modeling beginner tutorial, cad program for artsist, 3d cad modeling, nikita, kapustin, 3d modeling in plasticity, sci fi pro 3d modeling, sci fi plasticity, plasticity tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 46sec (2686 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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