Plasticity Quick Start | How To Model A Simple Part In Plasticity

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in this video we're going to take 10 minutes to get acquainted and model something in plasticity so stay tuned hey everyone this is Matt with learn everything about design and in this video we are going to get acquainted with plasticity again now as of yesterday the fifth plasticity is now on sale it's available for public consumption so go to the description of this video make sure that you download a 30-day trial and play around with it and see if it's a program that works for you I had actually recorded a long video talking about the program doing a general UI overview sort of orienting people to the program but honestly it's so intuitive I don't think we even need that level of video so what I'm going to do is we're going to jump in we're going to go through the process and model something using some of the basic tools we're not focusing on surfacing or sheets in this video we're just going to cover basic solid modeling so to get started we're going to begin by deleting the cube and then we're going to be using some shortcut keys anytime I use a short cookie I will put it on the screen I'll try to also point out where they are in the UI so you can use them as well so the number seven is going to allow us to look down from the top you can also click the Z on The View cube in the upper right hand corner we're going to zoom out a little bit and we're going to create a center circle now if you want to do this with precise input you can start at the origin you can tab over to the dimension in the dialog and let's say enter a value of 2 meters hit enter twice and then we're going to accept that then G on the keyboard which is also the move command then we can move it a specified distance as well in this case let's say minus 4 meters enter twice to accept if you want to work a little bit quicker and you only care visually about how things are balanced and we can just sketch on the in this case the x-axis and get it approximately right right click and say okay you can always adjust these by grabbing on to that purple control point and moving it around making the size and scale of everything how you expect to see year for this example it's also important to know that when you're adding things like lines and you're using tangency after you add a tangent line it is not associated with tangency to these circles or Curves so keep that in mind that there is sort of an order of operations that you should follow so in this example what I want to note is as we move around there are a couple of snap points for example the intersection with this curve and the x-axis there is a middle point here and after we left click and begin dragging over it tries to snap in this case parallel to X we can also snap normal and we also have keys in the bottom right hand corner where it tells us if we want to do things like normal or tangent we can lock those in by hitting n or t on the keyboard what we want to do in this case however is drag over until we see tan tan next to the cursor and then we want to left click I'm going to right click and then I want to create another line which is shift and a if you want to use the hotkey but find where it says tan tan right click and now we've created this we're going to use trim which is also t on the keyboard to get rid of these inside curves right click to accept create Center circles right click to accept Center Circle right click to accept and now we've created essentially a closed profile for the link that we're going to be creating what we're going to do is begin pulling this up in 3D and as we do we're going to hit shift and T on the keyboard now shift and T is going to allow us to do is essentially create a thin wall object without having to go through the process of creating those curves so that's going to help us speed the modeling process along we'll right click to accept I no longer need the curves so I'm going to shift select them and delete them then I want to begin adding some fillets by selecting the body selecting all these vertical edges holding down shift and again if we pull One Direction we'll get a fillet the other direction we'll get a chamfer so I'm going to pull it in to get a fill it right click and accept the next thing that I want to do is I want to think about symmetry I'm going to use the number one on the keyboard you can also click on y now if I want to make cuts that are symmetric here I need to think about how I create those curves and what references I use because there aren't any Dimensions or sketches that we're doing we have to think about these things slightly different than we would in a CAD program so what I'm going to do is create a corner rectangle but I'm going to do this by pulling it down all the way through right click we're going to select it pull it all the way through use W for difference and we want to make sure that we select our Target body now if you happen to make a mistake like I did I hit the wrong shortcut key you're not out of luck because we can just simply select these objects using the Boolean Q the target body is going to be this body here we're going to use W difference and we're going to remove this one right click and say okay so even if you happen to make a mistake you can always use other tools such as the Boolean operator which is Q on the keyboard now what I want to do before I mirror this over is I want to add some additional details I'm going to rotate this around and I want to add a fillet down here and then these Corners I want to go ahead and add a chamfer here now keep in mind this would be insane to try to manufacture but that's not really what we're doing here it's not our concern then I want to add any additional details that I might want like a chamfer on the top I'm going to hold down control and add additional edges to add those chamfers right click to accept then we're going to use mirror now with Mir we need to select which direction we're going this is a little bit different than selecting a plane so as we're looking at it you can see that Z is blue and we want to go in the Z Direction while we're doing this also note that we can use Q on the keyboard to Union or merge them together right click and say okay now we've created that one solid body now once again we can do things like add fillets by dragging to or away in this case I'm going to add a chamfer and hold down control and I'll do the same thing on these inside edges because I don't really care if this thing can be manufactured or not we're going to right click say Okay number one on the keyboard or click Y and in this case what I'm going to do is I'm going to start by drawing a line from the origin and coming up over and down and then back then what I want to do is I want to mirror this so I'm going to be removing this from the object so what I want to do is I want to pull this out I'm going to do this in both directions we're going to say minus 3.2 and you need to add the minus there and then what we're going to be doing is we're not going to be removing or unioning or doing anything just yet we're going to right click now we want to mirror this object this is going to be about Z I'm not going to worry about actually combining those at all get rid of the curve then we're going to select this body Q for our Boolean we're going to be doing W for difference and the tool bodies are going to be both of these now notice that it's not like to me select both unless I hold down the shift key and then we can create this cutaway so once again the process is relatively quick and easy we can sketch using these construction planes we can also grab faces if we want to use this as a temporary construction plane so for example plane from this I can use a rectangle here right click rotate select the areas that I want in this case I want to sort of remove all of these and pull them down through if we need to add more to the selection we can always do that if it's not cutting all the way through make sure that you are using W for difference and select your target body you can preview it on the screen right click select your curve get rid of it so all that now we've got this temporary construction plane just hit X and it's gone last thing that I want to do before we wrap this up is I want to go ahead and add a couple chamfers here so I'm going to select these outside edges and then again we can pull one direction for fill it the other direction for chamfer right click turn off x-ray mode toggle on render mode right click change the appearance and now we've created something that is fairly unique only took us about seven or eight minutes and it has a lot of these hard features that would traditionally be a bit tricky for us to do in a polygonal program like blender not to say that it's impossible because I know comments will start flying I can do hard modeling and blender it's not a problem yes I understand that but these kinds of things are much quicker and easier to do with true traditional CAD tools now plasticity has given us these CAD tools without the need to go in and develop all the sketches the dimensions and the constraints to drive them so if you're looking to create unique objects that don't necessarily have to be Prismatic like this we can do some complex surface models as well then definitely check out plasticity go to the description of the video download your 30-day trial give it a shot ask any questions and if the content that I'm creating here doesn't fit with your model approach make sure that you do a search there are tons of different channels covering this with a lot more experience than I have in plasticity as well as in the visual effects industry so with that in mind if you have any questions please let me know as always thanks for watching and we'll see in the next one [Music]
Channel: Learn Everything About Design
Views: 65,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Plasticity, Beta, CAD, CAD for Artists, New, How To, Tutorial, Beginner, Getting started, Moi, Moi3d, shapr, Blender, Fusion, Fusion360, Design, Modeling, 3d modeling, new software
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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