Learn How To Plaster A Wall For Beginners (START TO FINISH)

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plastron is a massive trade and there's so many people that want to learn it for themselves to even improve that home or take you up as a new career so today I'm going to teach you how to plaster wall from stuff to finish design to complete beginners playing dry air from classroom beginners and today we're going to talk about different techniques when you're plastering it's get a nice smooth wall I'm going to talk about a few main things and basically if you're starting out or anyone who's trying to learn working on a small area to begin with this is a small wall and this is gonna be a little practice wall if you've got a house because anywhere you want to learn this is ideal because you wanna practice there's much technique so you can in a small space and the idea is going to talk about taking the plaster from the hog I'm going to talk about applying the plaster I'm going to talk about different ways to get it up okay so this is what I'm gonna be using for the plastic rim we've got one big mixing bucket keep this nice and clean this what they're doing mixing all that finished product with this this is British ships and multi finish and this is what we're going to be using for our plastering today you can also buy or finish which is also by British gypsum which is a finished plaster which is fine it's good to use I'm just going to be using this today so there are the options you've got I'll be using a hook or some people call it hand board on this which is a bucket trail this is what we use to scoop the plaster onto the heart got a trowel 14 inch and then we'll need to clean water buckets this is what we'll be carrying the water into and this one day buckets what we're cleaning our tools with cleaning equipment with so I'm also using this electric mixer I'm highly fire to get a mixer just because to hand mix any plastic end up clump it's hard to use and generally the best way to pass throughs with a smooth consistent mix you can buy these flat sheets be honest if we can get from 40 to 80 pound have a good look around or if worst comes worst can use it an old drill Weaver had on interchangeable head same SDS drill or you leave a higher one but generally try and use a decent mixer few mix is worth it so I always use clean water when you mix in the plaster I've got a bucket of clean water here and always make sure you book it's nice and clean give it a swirl around give it a little brush I've already done that and just make sure you clean him with clean clean mixing so clean conditions so you do so I've got a full bag of plaster for a full bag of plus they will need 12.5 liters of why roughly so you pour your water in first and then I also give the mixer a little cleans keep the Hat stops getting any bits into the mix get a little swell don't pull all the back in at once do it in sections helps keep it mips nice move and stops it doing too much on the drill make sure you've mixed it poorly you don't want any bits of the mix chuck it give it a little yeah just give me one long necks [Music] take mixer give it up now it just needs a clean Nestor you're cleaning a cleaning bucket that's it okay so a quick talk on the consistency obviously you don't want it too sloppy yet you don't want it too thick as you can see when you put in your trowel it's it's it doesn't fall off the edge you know it's not too thick where it's too hot spot in the wall yeah it's not too sloppy where it's streaming everywhere this is accurately one a bit like angel delight chocolate one look at that looks lovely I'm sorry you want the first thing I think you should really pick up on is taking the plaster from the Hulk so the idea is you pull it down you take it off that way so throw it back in smaller amount take your plaster throw it down clean your match with you pull it down like that you shake it up that way you've got nice controlled amount of plaster on your child can you see that the first thing you should always practice and I think now is one of the biggest things to learn when you're plastering is taking the plaster from your hook it's a massive thing and it catches everyone else it really does so that I saw the other thing and number two is to make sure you can position your plaster on different angles I've got three sides of the wall here I've got a left side the right side I've got the bottom match and basically depending on when starting from its pending where you wanna put a plaster this is gonna be the case all the way through plaster and this one fee should really learn from starting from the left side and one of the plaster on the left side of the trouble so shaking it from there put it on the Left going in child it out that's number one no position its responder the bottom again you want it the left side o'clock so you can come down and come up basically most of the time it will be from the left but if we started from the right side you want plus when your right side you travel so this time turn you child on its side do it the other way that way it can start here and then come in so I think the biggest thing to practice are not sound stupid is getting your travel prepared and getting a +2 from your hard answer the different positions of your travel because people fumble your spell the plaster your waste time this is a major major thing to learn because it is monumental it's people think is silly by getting up the wall it's not it's about saving time and make sure you've got the plaster where you want it and this is why are these putts walls are so perfect so let's try in a big emotion again when I'm stupid I've got the child in the left hand with the heart and then with the scooper I'm plowing it home nuts up it's now I'm going to start from the right right side now I'm going to start from the left see how much time that saving we're getting right left right left and we're going from the bottom and that is a big technique to learning plastering that is something you'll be doing all the time and that is something that will slow you down this is for beginners this is of people who already do plastering this is the thing to learn it's not about getting it on as fast you can about positioning the plaster where you want it so that's tip number one tip number two is getting used to the getting the plaster fly so coming in you want to play it if you want and then you've taken a regular line behind you and this is all to do with child positions so watch again again got the trowel left hand walk left pocket travel right hand scooping it up so what you do bring it in come up go as high as you can and now what you'll see there you see section which isn't as smooth come back with yourself Charlet line out this area now is smooth I've got a line here don't worry about that chart out come up come up come on come back Charlet line out this section is done now we've got you've got the right side of the wall left this is where we pass from dip floor say the plaster from the right side of the child coming to the edge practice troweling right to left that is a big thing to learn because what we're doing again we're positioning plaster in the right place start from the right side of the wall plus cream this is tips that you need to learn because this is what's gonna speed you up and this is what's gonna make you a good plastrro see that wall is smooth cuz I'm facing time I've got the lines here come back take them out this way when it comes to future stages we haven't got to worry about this because it's flat now I've got this missing left side of the trowel take my plaster you can build and as time goes on build up the amount of plaster you got in the hook at the beginning keep a small amount and as we go we're gonna make it bigger and we can just skip it on easy now we've practiced that you doing you always want to start from the top so if you're right-handed you start from the top left and if you're left-handed you start from the top right and work across as you can see we're always starting on the top I'm right-handed so I'm working top left working top all the way across to the wall go back to the bottom then work left to right that's how you do it and that's the motion you should be following if you plaster in later on down the line you can start making your own rules up but at the beginning it's great to follow a routine it's essential and you need to do it so as you can see taking the plaster from the top off from the trowel and then working down from the top making sure you want to squeeze as much plastering and it's up between your wall and your ceiling as you can you don't really want to be messing around with that you want to get it from the beginning is a knack to it but you will get it with time it's a national thing to watch and as you can see work all the way along the cross there but that's it now when you work in from the edges take your plaster and as you can see I'm digging it from the left side of the wall and pushing out this is what you should always do when you're working from the edge of the wall always take the plaster tiddle to the edge and then work outwards and then as you'll see in a bit that's when you start doing the upward motion when you're working for the majority of the world but when you're working edges I always take the plaster to the corner of the wall first it just makes it a lot easier and you won't get the upstroke you won't manage to fill it all if you don't do it this way as you can see you will see me do a different movement in a minute but just take your time make sure you fill in all the spots and then beware of your own plug sockets what I do is I knock them out at the end and I'll show you that at the end of this video but now just be aware of and don't try and fill them up you don't want to Messier electricians up there is scary man they'll come and chase you down well as you can see now we're coming away from the corner and now we take the plaster load up a hole a trowel and then literally take from the bottom long sweeps reaching up this is when you get your speed in this is when the wall starts getting filled in a lot faster big-big sweeps working from the bottom all the way up to that as far as you can reach for me Amalia midgets not very very high but but do your best and as you can see you curve it at the top and I just make sure that when you're doing your plaster it leaves and it's easier to blend into what you leave in from behind you I have the biggest tip you'll ever loan I always have a brew on the go okay sake brewery you hydrate it and now we're gonna start flooding in this world what you've got what someone said to me subscribe to set day always fought the wall was completely flat when you apply the plaster that's not the case you only get this wall flat with time so I'll to do with the process and how long you leave the plaster you only better get this flat as time goes on so don't get the plaster on thinking it's not perfectly flat now leave it five second coat and then you've gotta give it time and if you want to know the full process the plastering wait to the end this video and I'll give you an opportunity to learn the full process so let's get to this bit what you want to do start me on the top left you keep you travel close to the wall and flattening the flat step you wanna push a child into the plaster starting from the corner you've left all right and you're pushing in see now we're starting to really get rid of these ripples lines again you're not going to get it flat on this child leaver you've got another four trials ahead of you to go next edge wonder all the four process waits at the end of the video and I'll give you a chance to learn it but for now travel close to the wall and we're really pushing getting them ripples out with our trials and learn to work with the other side as well same principle travel close what you'll find is you're collect excess plaster we call this what you do have you got any holes any areas where you've got a bit of low plaster dig it in and then fill it well basically the main point here is to practice working left to right also work up and down but the main points are the biggest thing is timings it's only gonna get flat as time goes on with plastering don't get this song thinking it's not perfectly flat and every girl this happens as time goes this is when we get the world flat and flat as the + de cess so remember always keep your child close to the wall a lot of pressure because we're forcing the plaster into itself and then just practice getting that wall flat and again this is why I practice what always crucial because you learn to take these elements on board and try them in a small area rather than a huge area where it's very stressful it's best to work where you've got tight corners now we can practice working with two angles next to each other what you'll learn as you're doing this you've got really take your time go to the inner corner and then work from there if you rush it you'll stop the wall make lines your nightmare you really gotta take your time it's why these practice Ares is so crucial in making your plastering as best as you can do wrap them big walls they're easy we want to work angles wet angles and you want to practice your trial positions again use your fat fill in any holes then that's another tip and how to get better as a plasterer right see you in a minute for another tip we're gonna wake and then a flat and restless wall then we're gonna continue with the process and work on some more there is a big Shack tip look at the edges you see where the residue plaster has hit the dry plaster this is the first flattened this is me trowel in the wall at early stages and I say get these away as early as possible you don't want them to be anyway don't nibble to get in it into your plastics problem and hard plaster gets into your new plaster it creates issues creates drag marks and problems get rid of them early so now how do you trowel a very tip clean them up get rid of them all the way down I know if you can a like a whistle going down this is Coco Coco hello there she is if you add a little whistle and bell going down that was there so anyway back to the plastering this is what we're doing using a heavy trowel to cut away the excess plaster and like I said do you want to do this early don't want that get in any way from there once you've done it trowel right into the corner pull out using a tip your trowel pull down nice straight line pull out pull out big it wrap into the corner you want a nice clean crisp angle from the star you don't be messing around you want it now pull out Wow Wow stats for this keeping your angles tidy getting rid of excess plaster same on the beads scraping back see that how do you travel scraping the bead side side this all comes with practice of learning to control each owl but you need to learn this so that's the noble one let's crack on okay so we are one hour 46 minutes into plastering the plus this time to go hard as you can see we're getting it flat but what happens Furber you get down a plastering rube the bigger the risk as it hardens this is where you've got to start getting everything flat and obviously as it starts to set this is where things can go wrong so what I'm going to do is show you who your best friend is in blast ruin you've got one surly should always keep in your left hand at this stage always always always and I'm going to show you what so here's your best friend this is a wall brush if you've been plastering while you know if in about it what you do need to know is you need to keep this in your hand all the time at this stage plus is going hard we need to lubricate and we need suffered your live-in help so we can start getting it flat but more importantly getting the con is done as well your finger always keep your trowel clean it's got a lot of stains on at the moment he's give it a bit of a bath but always clean it up always keep it clean because when it comes to angles getting clean crisp angles you don't want any excess plaster on the IG trowel sticks into the wall creates drag marks and then istari troubles this is always in your lifetime what on the left side and we're always starting from the corner when you brush it especially you've got what under like this smash slowly going to the corner pull out slowly pull out okay now we're starting to create a nice angle on your wet handle we're not using well too early because what you do is you create a bit of a plaster buff you need to do it further down the line like I said it's about an hour and forty six in that's when you start wetting your corners that's you take your time go slowly into the edge solve it don't pull out if you're starting out though don't do what handles there's another tip if you're new to the game plus three focus on one wall at a time this is tricky if you've been plus from a while this is when you start to hit it that's when you start within the edges but if you are new to the game avoid that just do one mile at a time because you'll just guard yourself issues just that now all you expect to do is one wall that this similar use it as a practice wall and get good it next thing is knowing when to you just Lexy Charles that's your next part that comes into the next point which is tools like real don't forget you're broke now okay so one of the things you've seen me doing them doing a lot of traveling left to right what you want to learn for beginners and all clusters actually is to work against a traditional legs so I've been doing a lot left to right like this but what happens is the plasters only getting flattened one way what you now need to do is mix it up the fact is the case so now where you want to go if safe you up in making left to right you want to go up well if you've been trying a lot up down you want to work left to right basically you want to mix it up and this is gonna make your wall flutter because we're not only working one way if you're going up we're working it across as well overall you will have a flutter wall this is something you want to learn earlier and this is a tip that a lot of pushers do to make sure they've got ultra flat walls because you're not going the same motion all the time so that's what you want to do mix it up we've got to learn to wait when I'll show you the whole process splashed in which again you'll be able to get available at the end this video you've got to learn to sit down and leave you all alone if you keep playing with it you'll probably end up causing more troubles I've ran out my tea so I'm probably gonna make another one and yeah just tell the chill you've got to learn sit down and a lot of plaster do its thing that's what you one final tip is mix it up with the tools and knowing when to use it this is one thing all plaster should have included in beginners because these are unbelievable this is called a flexi trial this one's from UPS it's called the UPS ultra fat blacks and but it doesn't matter which one you get all flexi trouser is from Rufina Nayla it doesn't really matter in my eyes but these are game changes they take so much pressure off your joints and the finish I leave is unbelievable they are really good Charles and sort of final sections of plastering it leaves a superb finish but it does come with a drawback you don't want to be using these too early if you use an easily long lock down a line you're not going to get your walls flat because these bend they'll twist they'll move and basically make your plaster uneven so the fingers with these I'd only use these for the final two stages of plastering is for the final two trials and if you don't know the process yet I'm gonna go right back to that in a minute but these should only be used later on down the line and when you are using them always use a bit of water because it's not cool so pulling your angles and then when you are traveling at this stage plastering hump and trowel you see I've got nice old angle this way orbitary now is polishing the plaster open clean your trowel back open travel [Applause] and now what it does is it rather than flattening what we're doing now is polishing the plaster all up in travel as you're doing it what you'll find you'll get a nice smooth flat wall black said these are the final two stages of plastering this is when it comes to polishing up so flex Charles a Greg only using quality and don't use them early so that is my rules for anyone whose beginnings plaster anyone who's been classed for a while but if you want to learn the full process learn how to mix the plaster learn step by step what to do in terms of how to plaster wall learn how to plaster ceilings then welcome you can use our welcome colossal simply click the link below or there should be someone beyond and there from there it'll take you to a link where you can join our and subscribe to our mailing list where we'll send you videos daily and how to plaster ideal for beginners that's welcome courses or I don't he's been plasma a little while I haven't quite mastered it so that's up I hope you enjoyed this video again I hope you've learned a few tricks on how to plaster world and maybe getting the idea of Maya practice wall is so ideal when you're learning because it really gives you a chance to get to grips with the basic movements plastering once you master these you can master the trade thanks for watching I'll see you the next one you
Channel: Plastering For Beginners
Views: 297,547
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Keywords: beginners, finising, how to plaster, how to plaster a wall, how to plaster drywall, how to plaster drywall joints, how to plaster drywall seams, how to plaster drywall youtube, learn how to plaster, learn how to plaster a wall, learn how to plaster course, learn plastering, plaster a wall, plaster in one day, plastering, plastering for beginners, plastering tips, plastering walls, plastering walls fast, speedskim
Id: BK2TP1sm-vI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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