Learn How To Plaster A Wall (ROLLER METHOD REVEALED) | Plastering For Beginners

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today's video I'm going to show you how to do a plaster wall there's seven steps Plastering wall we're going to show you each step bit by bit but the biggest part of this video is we're going to show you two ways to apply plaster we're going to show you one more trial and heart but we're going to show you another controversial way where we use a plaster roller now this is totally new I've not seen many videos of this done before I'm going to give you the options on how to use two separate ways to apply plaster which in my opinion is the hardest Parts Plus in a while from there we'll show you how to get your walls dead flat and Polished with easy steps and quick fit guides for anyone who's new to Plastering let's plaster the wall first we've got to think of and first we're going to mention if you are right or handed you go left to right if you're left-handed you go right to left now you do opposite so everything I'm going to teach in this video is because I'm right handed so if you are left-handed do everything the opposite and right handed I'm going to start from the top left your left handed start from the top right and now always the second one of the plus grid is you always start at the top now we're going to start at the internal Corners you want the plaster on the left Society travel because I'm going to be starting from left side of the wall so I'll take the plaster stand it's not black and what we do is start from the left side of the wall again from the top now if you are coming to the very top edge of the world section along the top you want the plaster a small amount just on the edgy trowel we're going to bring it up to the top foreign that way I've got full control so again we're starting from the left on the left side of your travel when you're coming to the top of the wall you want it on the right side of your child that way we can scoop up from the top and drag it down you take it onto the right side again I'm going from the top and work across the wall this is probably the hardest thing to be a beginner of plastering is applying the plaster because you've got to learn to set it plaster from the hawk onto the travel again wait for the end of this video I'll go into that in detail now here's my big tip don't worry about a plaster being flat we are just getting on the wall and in the rest of this video I'm going to show you tactical ways to make sure you can get a plaster flatter faster for now just get it on don't worry too much about it okay so the top section of the wall is done now we're going back to the left again we start left to right but we also follow the same sequence we're almost with zed we'll come across on ourselves so now I've done a top section come back to the left start in the left corner put the trowel on with the plaster and it's time again we're putting a plaster on the left side of the travel coming deep into the corner and coming out never overload the hawk with plaster put a small amount on if you knew and actually in general don't overflow it's just going to make it harder to Center plaster from the hawk to take a little bit of time so the top and left side of the wall is on now we're going to come to the bottom this is one of the main ways to apply plaster take the plaster now this is going to probably be the longest stride and the longest way to apply a plastic so you take plaster bring it to the bottom come all the way up foreign come to the bottom come up then come back on yourself now I do is try and trial out these lines be left behind so come up come back on yourself now this is quite a complicated way of doing it but the easy way is take the plaster put it on the wall clean up the shower and then if you've got any lines left behind Trail it out after yourself it's probably the easier way of doing it one more time take a little bit and if you struggle to come all the way just come Midway Midway of the world you've got the lines fill it in and trial it out so you don't have to do the full length if you're struggling just do halfway to the top third I'm going to show you that movement face on you take your plaster bottom come down set your trowel off the wall and then travel out and you'll feel left behind again we're going to come to the bottom trail out anything left behind now I've got the first coat plaster in the world clean up your tools and then mix a new batch of plaster it's just going to give you the most of time to get working with it the last thing you want is for the plastic to go hard you run out of time and what you'll find is you'll start stressing if you're new you want to give yourself the maximum amount of time possible now I've roughly got about 25 minutes to apply the first coat of plaster that then gives your turns clean up clean your trowels and then get a new mix on then with your new mix you do the same again you apply the plaster but let me show you what you do in between you want to flatten the first coat now if you're new to Plastering I highly recommend you save some time with one of these this is just going to mean that you're going to get your plaster flatter pretty fast now you don't have to use one but it's just going to cut the learning curve in half like I said before don't worry about how you plaster locks at this stage don't worry if it's completely flat let me just show you how this works you bring this to the top left or horizontally first horizontally again now to make sure you get it really flat go vertically [Applause] now this has just got the world dead flat let me show you suddenly got a flat wall no lumps or bumps now by the way this is my garage this is my workspace don't worry about this wall you would usually have a wet clean edges to work too this is just used for representative purposes and a way to show you to plaster but that is the best way to get your floor wall flat with a speed skim there you've got a nice bucket of water and you want to be cleaning your tools this is a Plastering brush I'll leave this in the description below the video also but these are essential if you're learning plaster you want a big thick brush it's going to add lots of water and it's going to make it a lot easier to clean your towels and whatnot in between so good eye tool is a good clean now this is totally different probably never seen this before but I did a video a few months back where I tested if you can roll plaster until well it worked blew my mind it worked but I expanded it now this is what I'm going to show you today this is a roller specifically designed for Rolling plaster on it's thick can you see it's got bristles and it's a foamy material this is used and it's used this isn't the New Concept in Europe they don't hand apply the plaster they roll it up this is the other way you can apply plaster you can put your hard control down if you think this is just too much and you need a touch up in your house I do recommend you learn with a child and heart that's the only way to plaster in my opinion because this you'll struggle to get the thickness with beads and whatnot especially with just two coats but with plaster you always apply two coats of plaster you apply the first coat you flatten it and then you apply the second coat I'm going to show you how to do it this way so first off dunk this in the plaster give it a good roll taken a hell of a lot of plaster there the roller is piled and it's got a load on you literally just roll it on you can see the texture it's very coarse it's very harsh that's because it's got thick roller thick pile and it's Distributing the plaster in a thicker manner now this is going to do one of two things it's going to apply the plaster to the world about a child but it's also going to kind of flatten your first cup and it's going to give it a bit of a key which means overall again you don't have to be too particular about the first color you don't be too particular will hard control you just need to make sure it's on the wall now look foreign plaster we got some more and then continue the whole wall in the same fashion it's scary how fast you can apply the plaster this thing this roller is thick and if I had a pole attachment it feels clever enough it might be even be easier [Applause] now this leaves a heavy texture let's have a look as you can see it's heavy stipple marks what you can tell there's actually quite a lot of plastic has been applied from that roller it's fast but now you want to leave it for a minute let it take up don't flatten it straight away because you might take it all back off again so you want to leave it for a minute but you will need the speed skim if you are using this method so if you do plan just to have a trail and hawk skip this because the speed scheme is really the only way it's going to work let's jump onto the next bit now I'm going to clean the mix clean this all out we don't need this anymore it's just two coats of plaster clean the tools and get ready for the next stage we are both cars plaster on the wall that is it get rid of the other bucket get rid of your mixing bucket get rid of your mixer we are done two coats on the wall that is all you need now we are left with this texture I'm gonna go through the Trailway on how to flatten the wall in a minute but for now I'm just going to follow through the speed skin because I'm very good at getting plaster flat that's what they're designed for and you save a hell of a lot of works if you're a beginner invest in one so start to left you can come on up now you can see the texture starting to go foreign [Music] that way if you get any holes or any lumps you can flatten it back in with the speed skin we're just coming all the way through your left with a flat ish wall now it's half it done now we're going to come around and carry on inside [Music] [Music] there you go we've got a wall that's been flattened and half it was rolled on this I know seems like an easy and fast way of doing it but I do highly recommend you learn to use a trial and Hawk you'll never be able to roll plaster like a hard while you're never able to use an undercut plus you never be able to render which are going to go into the hard while in stage later on in this Plastering course but again this seems like a good trick for now but you can't beat your childhood in my opinion but again if you get shot of a rut then cool I'm going to show you how to hand flatten a wall now and everything onwards now is going to be using the travel this is too aggressive the uh speed skemasticity which is this one here is a bit too aggressive for the plaster onwards and it's a bit harsh now I'm going to be using the trowel to fill in any holes that are left behind any gaps or any smooth any holes that have been unfilled whilst it's been flattening so that's what we're doing now let's see what we've got considering the texture we had before look at it now it's actually very very flat but get a few of these Trails a few the ripples there focusing on that we've got a few holes sections like that the edges aren't very clean as you can see so let's go through the stages quickly applied first coat flatten the first coat applied to second coat and we've initially flattened the second cup so now what we're going to do is start filling them holes that we were talking about before this is a carbon steel travel don't be using any flexi trowels anything other than just your main base child at the moment and we'll go into tools separately in another video but for now take your travel we're going to work to the edges of the room and it's up and then we're gonna come into the very edge what you'll do is you'll start to flatten the plaster but you'll also find you're pulling stuff off that's fine at this stage we're going to be taking plaster off this is natural it's because the fast is still quite wet and it's still got a bit of reaction time in it so what's happening is you're just collecting the wet plaster from as you're flattening that's completely fine don't worry [Music] all right you want to do is just travel down and then you start slowly starting to flatten the wall starting from Top you bring it to the right side of Trail it's the top half of the Walk we're just traveling down now if you do get any excess plaster like this on your travel this section take your excess plaster put it in top fill it and then Trail it over Charlotte over what that means is that we have now filled well there was any holes before we filled it and now we can start flattening it so we're just coming off finding any sections that have got little holes and then we're working towards the corners for now don't worry about anything on this side but you want to take your travel to the corner of the wall pushing as tight as you can go right to the edge all right to the inner Edge and then we're trailing outwards right inside let me do that again right inside traveling outwards now you might see a little bit there there's a level hole flatten it out trailing outwards now I've done the edges now I want to do is do the big strides across so we're going to start from the bottom of the wall we're going to travel up and then this way we're going to get a bigger area covered which means you're going to get an overall flatter wall but you can see this that's been left behind you're always going to have a trial trial Mark Left Behind after yourself so you want to start in the middle of that trial Mark get your trowel in the center of where that is I'm going to Trail upwards now there is every time we're working across we're flattening that Ripple out with upon ourselves so coming in again halfway between the trial and the Ripple what happens is you just push that Ripple across but everything before it gets flatter and flatter I've just seen a section that needs to fill put my plaster in there do it again this is how your hand flatten a wall you just focus on Ripple you set your trowel in the center and then you work across there's a little section here that I've missed constantly reapplied a plaster to any holes or dips in the walls if you don't they'll dry and then you'll have little textures little potholes you need to make sure you fill in as you go so now between every flatten every trowel clean your trowels up get rid of the excess plaster don't let it dry in your trowel it's just going to make the lighter stages Messier and harder to contend with clean your trowel and with the water brushes clean water bucket just constantly keep your tools clean that is a good habit to get into now I just wanted to clarify one thing before we move on to again flattening the plaster you don't want to rush the process you've got a lot of plaster to dry and as the plaster dries that's when you start getting the wall flatter and flatter so there are still marks in the wall at this moment in time but that's okay you've got to give the plaster room to start to yield and start to get harder and that's when you can start taking the lines Out start forcing the plaster into itself if you're trial in a plaster when it's wet and what you'll find is you're just moving the ripples across so once we're at this stage give it a bit of time let the plaster cure and then we're going to talk about ways of sensing and finding out when you're ready to move on to the next stage but you've got roughly 20 minutes for each stage roughly give or take now for argument's sake I've been playing with the wall and trialing it in between now this is what you start to get especially if you've got areas with bonding you start to get these little bubbles you see them now these are a pain to remove once these bubbles form on the wall very hard to get rid of and that basically means you've got air that's trapped between the two layers of plaster that's because we haven't let the first coat dry appropriately and you've rushed it so that's what happens if you jump stages too fast and you start to get air pockets trapped between the two coats of plaster you're better off giving the plaster the first coat from 25 minutes at least leg start cleaning and then you can start getting the second coat on when the plaster is firmed up if you don't you will get these air pockets and they have a pain to remove these things here okay sweet touch plaster shouldn't be soaking you can leave a detail with your fingertips but it should be soaking if it's waking completely move with your hand give it a bit more time but what I'm going to do is start troweling the lines out that we're left with the initial flow we're starting to now we're going to start getting a while flatter and flat coming in the corners now at this point if the plaster is a bit dry and at the edges it feels like it's pulling perfect time to use your Plastering water brush strike at the edges and work outwards it's the edge of the wall and then come out and this just lubricates the plaster and allows it to move a bit Freer without pulling view it is drying up and you don't use water brush and it can drag you can leave drag marks in the plaster so at this stage you want to start using your water brush to start getting flatter and flatter you can still fill in any holes left behind but after this stage you're going to struggle because the plaster is going to get harder and harder and once it gets to the point where it's tough you won't be able to pull off any fat from your trowel so basically we're looking at now being the last chance to be able to fill in any holes Left Behind during the flattening process so use a water brush for a bit of lubrication and you can start troweling it flat again working the edges out when we are flattening you want to travel close you don't need wide open because what you're going to do is you're going to pull all the plaster off the wall the finally open like that I've just pulled all that plaster off you want a nice closed trowel and that means you're going to keep the plaster on the wall if you have an open charge you're going to drag it all off so I'm gonna have to correct that now there we go so you'd want the travel to be tucked in tucked into the wall and that way we're not going to pull any plaster off so nice closed travel and as you can see we're flattening and we're spreading rather than removing now as the process goes on we do open the travel but we'll talk about that in the later stages but for now travel close to the wall and we're traveling inwards one important we'll stay hydrated got a bit of time make a brew it's crucial okay so now the plaster starting to firm up when you touch it starting to feel a bit more solid it feels less wet you can still see your fingertips traced into the plaster but you can't move it anymore you can't manipulate it it's not as wavy it starts to take up now I'm coming to the later stages of plastering this is when you find and you'll be amazed really that it's when you can start to flatten the plaster and start to get ripples out and that's because the plaster is no longer viscous start to get a bit more solid because when you will need your water brush the edges is always a good starting point starting in left-sided child left side of the wall traveling outwards now as the plastic goes hard you need to put a lot more pressure into it you're fine you have to push the trowel into the wall and you're a lot stronger now you can feel it pulling again she's a lot more resistance before the plaster is quite it's a lot of ball play in it it's easier to move not as resistance it's biting you because the plaster is getting harder so let me come up okay and what you want is you want to come all the way up with the trowel all the way now at the beginning we are just trap pratts and using a trial at this stage you will collect a bit of fat by the way to rectifier fat is a bit of excess plaster you'll collect a little bit but nowhere near as much as before so if you do land many holes or anything you can still fill it in but ideally at this stage all the holes and any dips would have been filled so keeping your child clean try and remove the fat throw it away you don't want this to leave ripples in your work it's a crucial now to keep your child clean constantly coming up again put a lot more pressure into it so as you're traveling push the weight behind you you've got a really tense forearm and there's a bit of workout if you're new to it but what we want to do is do pushing the plaster into itself and removing them ripples take the edges back so with a head of your travel it's a very heavy travel scrape the excess and what you do is get your oil brush a lot of brush there brush it in get your trowel at the very edge very edge of the wall and trial it out what you're left with is a nice clean Edge get rid of the excess plaster you've trailed it so now we're going to the final stages Plastering all the hard work's been done really let's have a quick look as you can see it's flat got a uniform color and there's no lumps and bumps so this is important now all we're doing afterwards is just polishing the plaster now this is when you can move on to the flexi travel so when I have this is vanilla Black Edition super Flex this is the stage when you can start using your flexes the plaster is taken up and there's no chance that you're going to damage your plaster if you use a flexi trowel later on into the early on in the stages sorry and you've got a chance that you can ruin the plaster because this won't flatten it just travels over so this is the second last stage of plastering this is called the wet trowel now this is where the plaster is really taken up if you touch it it's pretty much completely solid and it's only just leaving if you put your fingertips in push tight it'll just leave a little detail but look on the hole it's all plaster moving now I'm just going to quickly polish the top so I've already done the tops before this now I'm going to show you the wet trowel so what you do is you start the edge you come across down to your branch and just trowel across again you get your water brush Charlie cross foreign [Applause] this is where you go the opposite direction what you've been Plastering with the whole time this means we're just going to get our world's flat room flatter and by gold trowel in two ways and by trailing against the way I've been Plastering beforehand this just means I'm going to get the wall flat and flatter so you take your water brush lots of water foreign foreign just polishing the wall and just getting it nicer and nicer now this stage you want a nice open travel that's because plaster's dried we're not going to be putting any plaster off of this trap point and if we've got an open Trail it just means going to polish to plaster further to a nicer finish now that's the second to last stage I'm going to finish it off show you the final trowel I do and show you exactly how to do it okay now this is a final part of plastering the easiest bit because all the work's been done but you don't need this as a beginner but I like to finish my wall with one of these this is a rafina plaziflex plastic trowel and the reason I like to use a plastic trowel is because it leaves a matte finish but you can use any trowel for the final polish it really doesn't matter as long as you travel is nicely sanded down you need to make sure before you start you sand your trowels down get them nice and smooth but the process is the exact same starting at the top left and we're cross trailing cross traveling it's looking a child into the edge of the wall and come in again the other thing about this child is extremely flexible which gives a nice Ease on your joints and it's very nice to use it's literally all well plastered let's have a look at the wall there it is nice flat wall even consistency same coloration nice and flat the edges tucked in tight as you can see side on got a nice flat finish so that's a full process on how to plaster a wall seven stages revealed and hopefully you've got a lot from this video and you can hopefully get the confidence so you can go out and start Plastering your own now we've done a full course on this this has been a five day course if you want to catch the other videos in this series where beforehand we've shown you how to prepare your walls for plastering how to prepare yourself Plastering then how to get a perfect mix for plastering click this playlist here it'll show everything you need and please hit the Subscribe button and like the video If you like this and hit the Bell button because we've got another video tomorrow and a Plastering course continue so thanks so much for watching I'll see you in the next one cheers
Channel: Plastering For Beginners
Views: 250,349
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Id: A0adhaxkpSg
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Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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