Interior plastering instructions, fix ceilings or walls, drywall joint compound's

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how do you guys Kirk and Jason here, with Kirk  Giordano plastering, today I'm going to show you   how we plaster the ceiling right here and for  all you guys in the UK and all over the place   I just got to this job dude pulled over and said  hey Kirk let me shake your hand man you showed me   how to make a living and I thought that's so cool  anyway I wouldn't got material yesterday my buddy   Tom beretta and Eric over there had had Westside  building materials they were talking about this   they say Kirk how do you do that and I said you  know what tomorrow I'm gonna explain that because   because I can so you young plasters all over the  world and we got 30 million views so I say all   over the world I'll show you how to do this guys  this is uh I don't care how good you are there's   a trick to this I'm gonna show you that trick so  when you're at work with all your journeyman's and   you're just an apprentice you could do this and  they'll be like dude how you doing that anyway   working here for my artist friend named Elena  here in Alameda we're gonna show you not only   how to do that trick but we're gonna explain how  to do this patch right here now this patch this   100 year old house that's had tractors underneath  it they had a lot of movement so you can get this   guys that's I'm looking at the rest of the CEO I  thought man that ceilings working a couple cracks   here and there but you got some cracks because of  vibrations guy anytime attractors under your house   or just the rain the rain lifts when the drier  conditions occur they settle and you get this   kind of stuff so it's not a big deal what we did  is I scored it okay the patch here what it looked   almost exactly like this when it fell so we take  a knife a razor knife and we score it what happens   if we don't score it well the whole ceiling  can come off because how this is adhered is   mushroom there goes through this wood laughs and  the plaster mushrooms behind it and that's what   it here's the plaster to this old wood laughs for  us what we did is after we scored it and contained   it that's huge guys you got to know how to contain  stuff otherwise you'll be doing twice the work we   contained it we put this pink stuff what is that  pink stuff that is a bonding agent as made by   Larson's and Larson has been selling the bonding  agent at all of the professional plastering yards   for 40 years so I trust their product you've got  a Home Depot and you can get quikrete and all the   rest of these bonding agent I just like Larson's  anyhow after we put a bonding agent on this it's   ready to go what other benefits does that bonding  agent have on taya and this is super important   guys for if you're painting no matter what you're  doing caulking kill the dust we vacuumed the crap   out of this ceiling I mean we vacuumed it well  and then what we did is we put the weld Crete   or the plaster weld on it I want to remove all of  the dusts so now that our plaster could hit this   wood and suck up otherwise I mean when they first  start that you wet it all and it sucks up plus   it goes and mushroom the wire isn't necessary no  but we did it anyway just to make this as sturdy   as possible I'm gonna put another piece of wire  right here when J goes mixed me some struck the   light when we get to that point I'll explain guys  what what we're doing and how to do it this can   take somebody like an hour to do it could take me  about a half hour to just spread it out they could   take the average person days and days if they're  not using the right material I'll explain the   right material and why to use it guys okay Jay's  gonna mix that stuff up and we'll get busy in a   second real quick the bonding agent well Crete by  Larson's that's not a home depot or lowes so I'm   just giving you a comparable when I say quick  read that's that all the big chain stores the   products were using right now struck the light and  some of the other products I go to the plastering   material yards for last 40 years that stuff  is for professionals so don't look for some of   these products I say at Home Depot so I've given  you the comparable anyway I'm looking at this   material here and I'm thinking oh that's going to  set in 10 minutes I don't know if I can do this in   10 minutes but I want to show you real quick guys  you put a line from this corner to this corner and   score it with a nail you put a line from here to  here score where the nails can you see that aside   from those pretty circles those pretty circles  are working because this is a brand-new hawk I   just picked it up from Westside and here's the key  here's the trick okay I took a nail and I I went   in this dead center now a trial can fit in there  and it'll hold itself because it's spinning it's   perfectly centered and spinning can I do it well  my buddy art from Westside he would say Kirk let   me see you spin that full of mud not this time  Eric anyway I'm looking at this material is it   going oh my god it's going can I put this up in  the amount of time that it is plaster or setting   doubtful but Oh Kirk give it a shot okay now this  stuff here it's uh it has sand in it now USG makes   struktur struck the light USG also makes the the  hot muds that we use office what's a hot mud and   this has 20 minutes against what guy it sets in  20 minutes if you have a dirty bucket the dirty   tools it sets in five but they also have 10 20  40 60 90 hour and a half months those are us   geez you got me oh I think it's fast pal anyway  I'm hustling so that's not really important right   now the name of that mud a lot of you guys  who watch our stuff you see me using it all   the time and the thing I like about this interior  or the structure life is it's like butter guys is   better than every material I could put I can put  interior plaster here I can put exterior plaster   here I can use almost every plaster known a  man but this stuff here it sets and it hangs   anybody doing ceiling said wow how does he do  that oh you make it look so easy well because   the material I've said this many times guys  material is 70% from a plaster the other 30% is actual skill so if you're a skilled plaster or  mechanic how they call us sometime a journeyman   you got it you'll have the skill to do it  but the material is where the time in comes   yeah I got a lot of time in I'm an expert at what  materials to use so this right here guys for what   I'm doing and notice I'm messing around and this  is getting really hard notice some of the cracks   over here now those crack repairs are done with  gypsum now those when you do a crack repair on   a ceiling that is Scott's and in it you gotta  know what material to use you can't you can't   blend the ceiling in with gypsum that as the  sand finish so that's why we're using struck   the light while I'm saying that - I gotta count  for somebody who's gonna go buy struck the light   from say one of the plaster in Matera yards and  try to do this and they're gonna call me and say   Kirk this stuff didn't set for like four hours  struck the light doesn't set for about four or   five hours so if you're gonna do something like  this and you go to plastic material your honor   say give me up give me some [ __ ] or accelerated  accelerator is what's in here Jaden mess around   he put a lot of accelerators because we want to  get it done and I like I like moving fast anyway   when I'm I'm doing this stuff so this got a lot  of accelerators and that's called get Co Jim Co   if you're at the plastic material yard as far as  getting this perfect guys the ceiling itself is   hand troweled so I can hand child this I can look  at it and I'm using like my 18 inch column I grab   my 20 in a minute just to make it true and level  oh let's see here let me get the last of this   buck it out because ya Mon it is getting stiff  kid old Kirk plaster with stiff mud absolutely   come on out of there all right I'm gonna finish  showing y'all I'll do this one patch right here   we're gonna need more mud anyway there's going  to do this one patch half of this and then I'll   show you I've dyed plaster the other half how to  match the finish all right guys we got some hot   mud in this 10-minute mud well I want to address  something okay here's a trowel I'm using there's   18 inch I'm gonna go back over that with the  20 inch okay that's kind of like what you would   call I know my friends in the UK they would say  Kirkwood run you out of the UK because you're not   using a straight edge a straight edge just means  you wet it first and then you pull it across and   it's true and level it's it's it's matches this  side to that side but I tell those guys well wood   if it's an old-world charm finish that's hand  applied and I put a flat perfectly flat finish   with say this or this Darby same thing you got a  wedding both before you use them it won't match   but that's just a little a rub for all the guys  who are gonna say Kirk in the UK we we'd get rid   of your ass for that crap you're not you're not  rotting anything guys we don't have to rod this   okay oh this mud I got 15 minutes 20 minutes okay  since I got 15 20 minutes now this Chow here I'm   going to switch to my big one there's a 20 inch  trout I don't advise any guys that try to get a   20 inch Chow because for most of you a square  one would be perfect these are swimming pool   trials all right now what I'm gonna do is finish  this out and when this child is so big I can put   it here and basically half on the on the ceiling  and the other half on the patch and get that true   and plumb okay with this with this gigantic cha  guys it's uh you can use it but if you guys are   just watching to say hey I've never done that I'm  gonna try it don't use a big cha there's a little   bitty guy easier to control now I'm gonna go ahead  and spread the rest of this out and for the sake   of turning that camera off before it overheats  and explode I'll come back when I'm doing the   texture work yeah and lastly uh yeah my brother  Lou he's working again with us guys a lot of you   guys say where's Lou you know he broke his foot  he's carrying a lot of weight on that foot so he's   back next week with us let me show you another  important aspect of matching the finish now that   stuff is easy if you got time and if you're  a good taping mud guy and work interiors this   will be easy for you it'll be easier than doing  tape and mud where you got to do five coats for   something like that there's a product we're using  guys I'm not pushing any products not like these   guys pay me anything but this is an easy product  out of the 50 or 15 that's 20 available all kinds   of plasters veneers exterior stuccos that's the  easiest guys to don't spin your wheels or doing   something else mm okay I already got this side  down this side because we're trying to get out   of here and get something to eat so it's real  important okay now let's see what's the mud look   like it's kind of soft but Oh Curt can handle it  he's the best is the greatest is the Muhammad Ali   of plastering all right guys I'll show you this  so you can get an idea of the consistency because   some people will wait and it'll lighten up and get  hard as a rock you can't bring the aggregate out   it was hard as a rock okay you see that's kind of  that's about ready you don't want it too hard cuz   you're not going to be able to get the texture  you can do this to guys you could skim it with   your child and cut some of the fat off I like to  leave a little fat to blend into this because this   is a sandy finish okay here's what you do this  is wet now it's clean - so if it's clean it's   not gonna drag this okay wallis wet I'm gonna  take it's like six inches back six inches back   and pull it into the existing because you don't  want to see a big crust of an outline here same   thing here guys I'm gonna pull it back from six  inches and what you can't see guys is you know   we take stuff for granted there's about 20 30  different things I take for granted right now   some of the things are I'm using a float flat a  whole float and I'm now using a toe of the heel   and making indentations like some using the  whole whole float kind of like snowboarding   another thing you're not gonna be able to see is  if I just go like this guys this a lot of people   do this okay now I brought the aggregate out of  this and it's showing aggregates fancy word for   saying so you see that now it's it's going one  way it looks like crap okay if I go this way it   looks like crap so here's a key guy circles and  put the whole float flap okay it's gonna want to   stick that's okay just right hand just make your  circles that way you bring in the aggregate out   and you're not leaving those flat lines because  of flat line look horrible plus they don't bring   enough aggregate out there's a fancy finish we did  about a month ago we did it and then we just put   circles and they were like well that's so cool but  okay getting off of that and back onto this finish   you go in different ways and what's all-important  guys is the amount of water on this if there's no   water I'm not gonna match this if there's too much  water it's just gonna drag and start to drip and   look goofy so it just takes practice guys like any  other thing in this world car salesman okay all to   practice anyway Oh a thank you for watching and as  usual Jay and I will see you guys on the next one   by the way folks my dad and I are now members  of Amazon affiliates so if you're looking to   buy any of the plastering or construction tools  you've seen in our videos and you want to support   us in the process you can check the links below  our video or you can go to our website and get   them there if you have any other questions that  for tools we don't have linked email us direct   and we'll respond to you then once again folks  we thank you for watching and I really joyeux   your comments if you guys like this video please  click the like button down below and also if you   enjoy what we do subscribe to our channel so we  can keep making these videos for you my name is   Kirk and J we thank you for watching and from the  entire Giordano family will see on the next one
Channel: Kirk Giordano plastering Inc.
Views: 64,504
Rating: 4.8986177 out of 5
Keywords: Secrete to the spinning Plaster hawk, Spinning Plaster hawk, hawk spinning' spinning a drywall hawk, spin a stucco hawk, plastering an interior ceiling, how tp laster a hole in my ceiling, how to sheetrock a hole in my ceiling, Interior ceiling plastering, interior hole plastering, plastering holes, Westpac Fast Set joint compound, USG's Easy Sand joint compounds, drywall/sheetrock joint compounds, drywall joint compounds, sheetrock joint compounds, Durabond joint compound
Id: BP0wd8wcpck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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