Ever tried SKIMMING DRYWALL with one of THESE?

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welcome back you guys want skim coating to be easier try skimming with these all right full disclaimer i got these for free from columbia because i'm a youtuber that's just the sort of thing that happens there is plenty of other brands that you could try and they're probably all gonna work really well uh read the comments so leave a comment to let me know what brands you like what are your experiences with them this is the only ones i've tried these things are great though so we're going to be skimming the walls i'll probably try this big one because when it works it's really nice and satisfying but what i have found with the big one is if the wall is a little bit inconsistent then it can be hard to smooth out some of the low spots we're going to be rolling the mud onto this wall with this roller but if there's any dips or dives in the wall what happens is it takes a lot of pressure to push on this blade even though they're pretty flexible so what happens is you get these low spots where you can still see the marks from the roller and instead of just telling you about that why don't we get started and give it a try but my guess is i'll probably start with this and i may end up finishing with this and we'll definitely be using this in the small spots anyways got to get the mud thin down i like it pretty thin for this so this is just all-purpose light it's my preferred mud to use for almost everything and it still has it's still the mud that has a tiny bit of soap in it although it's been thinned down by another half box of mud but yeah we're gonna thin it down just a little [Applause] there we thin enough yeah yeah that's about the same as i would do for applying a skim coat by hand you can see it's drooping a little bit running a little bit but not too much so i did make a video reviewing these but i definitely think that we could do a nice real-time video with this and you'll get a better idea how these work and why they might make your life easier and it'll take a little bit for the roller to get properly saturated so this is going over top of a hand applied coat of mud that i did a few days ago and sanded but when you're doing this you really want to get the mud on pretty thick i don't have much up in that top corner yet try not to hit the casing because we don't want to do that i just painted it for another video everything's a little disjointed when you're trying to make videos about stuff you don't always get to do it in the exact right order this actually works well rolling sideways usually i roll up and down but i'm trying not to stand in the way so you guys can actually see it and also i won't be able to get in that corner anyways one of the really nice things about rolling the mud on is it has this way of squishing the air out of the mud so if you've ever tried to do a skim coat and you found yourself coming up against horrific bubbles that are in the mud well this really helps eliminate them so even if you're not using those big fancy knives i should say the big fancy skimming blades even if you just do this and then use a 12 inch blade you can get really good results in fact just to demonstrate let's actually do this part with the 12-inch blade 12-inch knife in a pan or a hawk doesn't matter it's just to catch the mud so i'm getting as close to that as i can without making a big mess i can still smell the soap in this mud all right let's get the 12-inch knife first trowels will also work but i just find that a knife works nicely too it's a very user friendly tool compared to a trowel less learning curve okay so we're just gonna grab a little bit and collect it and go right into that corner there and you can go right to the bottom if you want so i'll often do this i just kind of smooth out the tricky spots first like around this outlet then it'd be easier if you took out the outlet inside joke for the real subs but now so i like to do this first before i actually wipe the whole thing out it just makes it a little smoother and nicer got this stuff on the wall right here from when i bumped it okay now here's where the magic starts to show it's just so smooth of course we got something in the mud always happens especially when you're filming a video so as i do each pass i'm putting the pressure on my first pass my pressure was this way second pass over here it's this way so that way we're leaving this line and we're not leaving big ugly lines in our finished work i'm getting a little bit of bubbles and porosity i could wipe a bit harder and that will get rid of most of them i'm going to just leave that tune it up with a six inch oh i mean it's good enough very gently lift a little bit there there we go all right that all looks good enough to leave now so you can see even if you're just going to go the cheapest possible method which is a roller and a 12-inch knife you will get great results so let's step it up a little and start getting into these beautiful skimming blades i'm going to do half the wall now the one downside to doing this method is it is messy and as you do more of it you will get a little bit less messy i find usually i mean i went from the bottom up but usually if i go top down you're kind of chasing this blob of mud that's what happens is you end up kind of chasing this blob of mud down the wall and once you get used to chasing it you stop making such a mess but that's the hard part at first is because as soon as you put pressure on this thing right there see that it's gonna drip right so i have to get at it right away all right let's do another one so you guys can really see it but that's looking pretty good and the more you roll it the more it works into any bubbles and porosity do you already have on the wall nice mess on the floor [Music] definitely a good idea if you're in a finished space to have really good floor protection when you're doing this method okay so right there can you see it at the bottom of the roller it wants to just drip now there's not as much but like if i went any slower i would have had a huge splot that's the technical term at the bottom of the wall so i could i mean i could probably do the whole wall if we wanted to be really ambitious but so yeah it's about speed right there if you really don't want to make big messes all the time it's especially fun overhead when you get a huge one just lands right on you that's the best there's definitely some technique to doing this it doesn't go on like paint that's the the hardest part at first is just getting used to the fact that it's so different than rolling paint it doesn't behave the same way i'll often like go over it again real quick just to make sure we're not leaving any dry edges anywhere you really want to try to get it as uniform as possible i think maybe before i think what we'll do is move the light so you guys can really see the lines and lift offs a lot of the time when i'm doing this you'll notice you can't get right into the corner without mucking up the other wall sometimes what i'll do is i won't even go into the corner i'll like stop right there just wipe out the wall and i'll come back when it's sort of half dry and i'll just coat the corners it works oh it's so satisfying just the texture i love it i think we should just leave it you get that sort of like 1950s uh basement look you know look at that look at that or maybe we could just like do a light knock down yeah haven't we seen that in somebody's basement [Laughter] let's do the job that you came here to watch oh you could skip the knock down and just come back and sand it when it's dry too make sure that it's not too crusty [Applause] it was lightly washed the last time not well washed yeah that's looking good okay so as soon as you do this i mean come on okay see there's some of what i was talking about and you can put a bit of that extra mud right there i'm a little rusty you guys i haven't done this for a bit and uh if you want you can then take that stuff and just kind of place it right there come back with the knife and tune that up but let's just really quickly one more pass oh hitchhiker where is it somewhere in there we have a little crusty that's always annoying so anticlimactic to having that nice perfect spread down the wall these things are so nice to use honestly so i must have gotten a pretty flat first coat on this wall because it's going on pretty nice i'm gonna just go with that that looks good there these blades have like the perfect amount of flex in them the perfect amount of flex in them that helps you feather and blend and all that nice stuff and if i did this more often i'm like i'm just a hand troll kind of guy i do that a lot but um if if i did this more often i could probably be doing it faster all right let's get into this corner real quick and don't fuss too much i can always touch that up in a bit will this fit nope so let's go down with this guy a couple more passes here i'm not quite happy with this here yet there we go that's good enough and here oh i love these things honestly that is so satisfying you guys can see that it is as flat and smooth as it looks we've got that critical lighting it would be showing anything if it was there now let's get the smaller one oh sounds like the siding guys are working on the outside hear the nail guns in the background okay now we can tune up this area here and you know you can just i could either wait for this to be dry enough which would be easier but i just want it done so i'm actually going to start from down here start from down here there we go that looks great through this corner i love these skimming blades i honestly should use them more often they would save my shoulder they just look really good like man that is nice okay i'm sold on these bigger ones it wasn't so hard this time i don't know what i was struggling with last time i think the walls on the last job that i used these on were so uneven that i just wasn't able to get a nice spread like that okay the filmer just brought up a good point he was asking if it had a handle so this thing this thing makes it so that you can use it on a ceiling so you can have somebody rolling out the ceiling ahead of you and then you come by works really good i personally like the smaller one on ceilings because what i found was that um especially on a really uneven ceiling having to push super hard with i think that's a 32 inch having to push really hard with that got super tiring and hard on me over a large ceiling and i wasn't over time able to do a good enough job like i started leaving a lot more of those hollow spots where you could see the rollers so i actually switched to the 18 on the ceiling i think a 24 would be ideal but in this kit the tomahawk kit that i got it didn't have a 24 so i have 18 and then to 32 which is a bit of a jump but beggars can't be choosers right i should have worked my way up and gone down because if i get a big drop it's going to drop down onto my nice finished surface but again that's one of those things that you don't think of when you're filming a youtube video and just go a little bit into your already finished work not a lot like i go a few inches into my finished work there's a big crusty that's going to cause me problems i really try and make sure that there's actually enough coverage in those corners especially because like you notice how i had to use the blade to grab a little extra to fill in where i couldn't actually get to so it's nice to even grab a little extra like i just did i'm also going to show you something else so if right here we can see it's very thin up top it's very thick so if you want to grab a little mud from up here what you do is you push down so are you focused in right up on the roller yeah so if i push hard i can drag the mud down see that oh but i got to go quick because otherwise it'll drip so now i'm able to even out that coat right i'm pushing and then i'm releasing pressure right down at the bottom so i've managed to take that extra mud and bring it down so that's one of the things that you can do to make sure you're getting that nice even spread of mud because that's what will make you have to do less passes so again we can see it's way thicker up top way thicker we've even got there so i'm going to push drag some down and then let go i love this i mean when you're doing just one little wall like this very enjoyable and satisfying when you're doing a whole house or apartment or it's a lot of work especially when it comes to the sanding i mean but let's be clear there's a lot less sanding like the amount of sanding you have to do to make this look good is much lighter work than if you were say applying a skim coat with a 12 inch trowel and i'm also able to leave a lot more material on the wall so that's another thing that a lot of people don't think about it's too thin right here [Music] what a lot of people don't think about is like do they think a skim coat needs to be like putting it on and scraping it off like your life depends on it but in drywall ideally you want to leave a bit of a coat on there you know like a mill or two mills of mud not like a 64th of mud the reason is when i come back to this and sand it if there was any holes imperfections voids to fill or maybe even any scratches after sanding if i actually left a coat and not a microscopic film on the wall an elbow shoulder destroyingly thin coat of mud then i had the opportunity to just sand that stuff out because i actually left some material on the wall so that's another thing that a lot of people don't consider and it took me a while to learn that the reason that a lot of people will leave such a tight skim coat is because it's easier it's more work it's harder to actually leave some material on because especially if you're applying it by hand what you have to do is you have to basically like skim coat it super tight and then coat it again to get rid of all the bubbles so that's one of the reasons that people skim it so tight because they don't know that in order to get rid of that you gotta do that second coat okay should i i mean i may as well i may as well just do that spot right there because it's almost silly not to it's an annoying little spot with the vault having to change directions i almost need to get up on a bench to be able to do this my buckets get so messy from this too like the lip of my buckets it drives me crazy i'm kind of a little bit ocd about trying to keep the buckets clean oh we got mud on the casing i almost should have just done this part above the window by hand but hey that's not what we're doing in this video yeah one of the main things just take your time getting that pretty even coat of mud you know go back to the bucket if you have to take it from the high spots and put it in the lows like do what you gotta do what you gotta do so the filmer just asked why i'm not going all the way to the ceiling and the reason is i've already painted the ceiling so i'm going to use my tool to take it right to the ceiling but not the roller because otherwise i'll just mash it so i'm trying to get as little mud on the ceiling as possible okay take a look at the floor here you can see what happens it's almost like we've textured the floor you can see by looking at me that i'm slowly texturing my arms and head and face too so it is messy it's faster it's easier and it's better quality how often do you get those things usually you have to sacrifice one of them this is one of those rare times oh you know what it isn't it's not as cheap so it costs a little more but it's faster easier better finished product so that's the trade-off is that it costs a tiny bit more to initially invest in these okay so like i said we are now going to take it right up to the ceiling as close as i can at least i mean honestly i could wait for it to dry and just skim that little bit in and make less of a mess if i didn't have a painted ceiling it wouldn't be a problem i'm sweating like crazy it's warm out today a little bit of drag where it joined up there but not a big deal [Music] i should have my bucket close to where i'm working silly of me this ceiling is not straight enough for me to get right up top there bucket one more pass right here okay ah one more here got some porosity right here hope that fills in on the next one okay we're leaving a line there and we're gonna leave the line there yeah i should definitely be using the small one now let's put a little extra material right there be hard to get up there so there we go all right back to this one okay got a little extra that i need to get into this corner that's close enough it looks good for my house okay finish passes it needs a little more work up here and we'll bring it right down to that casing all right good enough we'll tune that up with the six inch i love this these things are seriously when they work when it's working out it's so satisfying the only reasons it wouldn't be working is either again the walls are just not flat enough or you suck at it user error that's why let's be blunt i feel like i've been frosting a giant flat cake all right we're in six inch knife territory now okay quick little tune up right there right there and how about here this could use just a little bit a bit of porosity beautiful mud on the ceiling it's okay this needs a bit too nope not 100 flat up there all right right here this has been dying for a little extra work that's not nice just needs a bit of extra mud that's the nice thing about leaving such a nice skim coat oh i'm getting paint in there is like it gets dry enough pretty quick that you can like tune it up and work on stuff it's definitely not dry but it's better and we're about to be able to do one of those nothing to see here clips i love those the clip at the end of the video when i show a freshly skimmed wall and there's nothing to see all right that top is not flattening out how i want it to i'm just going to leave it sanding will take care of that a little bit of bubbles right here i should just fix that after but i think we got it a little bit of porosity right here i think if i start from right here i can kind of work my way into it better porosity right here moving start that can stand out that's what i'm talking about about leaving that little bit of fat on the wall so that you can like mess around with it if you have to there that is a hundred percent ready to be sanded and painted after it's dry so there you go oh oh no we missed the spot so close there now it is now it is all right you guys that was um that's the easy way to skim a wall with drywall mud let's be clear about that plaster guys are saying why don't you just plaster it we don't have plaster here not easy to get don't know how to use it that's why we do mud and sanding anyways guys yeah again that is the easy way to do a nice skim job thanks for watching i hope projects are going well but i hope you're doing even better until the next one you guys
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 372,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skimming blade, skim coat drywall, drywall repair, drywall repair patch, drywall repair large hole, drywall repair water damage, drywall repair hacks, drywall repair ceiling water damage, drywall repair outlet box, drywall repair electrical outlet, drywall repair after wallpaper removal, drywall repair hole, drywall repair around shower, drywall repair and, drywall repair and texture, drywall repair and installation, drywall repair in bathroom, drywall patch repair and paint
Id: wguE_a8hzRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 11 2022
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