planing wide boards perfectly with electric hand planer / amazing way of planing [woodworking]
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Channel: J-woodworking목공일기
Views: 1,136,407
Rating: 4.780911 out of 5
Keywords: 목공, diy, carpenter, furniture, menuiserie, charpentier, ein Holzschnitzer, der Tischler, die Möbel, carpintería, carpintera, mobiliario, Carpintaria, Carpinteiro, Móveis, 木工, trearbeid, träbearbetning, Houtbewerking, Træarbejde, puun työstö, النجارة, Lavorazione del legno, Ξυλουργική, Obróbka drewna, деревообрабатывающий, Meuble, Möbel, Muebles, møbler, inredning, Woninginrichting, Boligudstyr, kalusteet, المفروشات, arredamento, Έπιπλα, Meble, оборудование, Mebel, আসবাব, কাঠের, Kerja kayu, Perabot, work bench, tenon jig
Id: Mp2vSodcTOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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