[Woodworking]Making a planer knife polishing jig/ How to Sharpen Planer Knives with Sandpaper/
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Channel: 망치소리 Hammer sound
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Keywords: 자동대패, 수압대패, 기계대패, 대패날 연마, 테이블 쏘, 자석, 목공, 목수, 원목가구, 짜맞춤가구, 전통방식, 목공예, Ancient Technology, Cabinet, Woodworking, 木工, Woodworking channel, 목공 채널, 목공tv, 목공 기술, Woodworking Skills, Wood Joinery, 놀라운 목공 기술, Amazing woodworking skills, fine woodworking, how-to, how to, 목공 기계, Woodworking Machine, wood working jigs, plane, 대패, hand tools, 수공구, workshop, hand planes, 목공방, Making a woodworking jig, 목공 지그 만들기, Saw stop table saw, thickness planer, Router machine, Woodworking Jointer, woodworking tips
Id: RCD6Tff9tjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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