Plan With Me | October Bullet Journal Setup

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i'm still burned out hi everyone today i'm gonna be doing my october bullet journal set up for the month of october which i just said i'm good you guys i'm i'm real good like i said in previous videos august had me pretty burned out september has not let up life has just continued to be intense from all directions and i am quickly learning that i need to set better boundaries around my work life versus my home life you'll see more about this in my upcoming videos where i talk about my goals for a quarter four and october those videos are coming next week i believe and i'll have a lot more to say in those but in the meantime yeah i'm i'm a little bit struggling you guys i'm i'm limping my way through life right now and hopefully i will be able to start to get back on track we shall see in the meantime i did have a few things happen to me in september that are sort of not alleviating the burnout but maybe easing it just a skosh i got a peloton yes i am one of those people now and i am incorporating a new planning system for work to help with those aforementioned boundaries which i will have a video explaining all of that coming very soon so stay tuned and make sure you subscribe something else that's been happening in my bullet journal that has actually been helpful for me is using my monthly calendar as a tracker i talked about this a couple months ago that the monthly calendar was basically doing jack for me as well as all of my 21 and 2021 stuff was getting like kind of not tracked or cared about because i had no reason to like look at that i hate apparently having like spreads that are at the beginning of a bullet journal that i have to keep referencing that's just not my jam baby but i thought i would move all of that to the month and i've done it two months now and it's working really well that will definitely make a comeback this month i always spend a little bit of time rambling at the beginning and so let's let's walk away from that and walk towards the fun part which is the supplies i'm still using my scribbles that matter b5 100 gsm notebook i am so sad to hear that they are not bringing the 100 gsm back after that initial test run but they will have 120 gsm which is fine with me it's the 160 that i start to struggle with because the paper is goddamn cardstock however none of that really matters because when i'm done with this one it's likely going to be the passion notebook for my next one because i have it and i'd like to use it but the b5 size the big size i think is going to be my bullet journal home from now on it just i like having the room bigger is better baby so this month i continued using my zig pens i have a zig rider that i have been using but i actually only saved that for a few things this month because i've written on it so much with my heavy hand that i've kind of mushed it into a bigger tip and i wanted something a little finer so i actually took my black clean color dot marker and used the writing tip for that for a lot of it because that one is still fairly fine i just this is what happens you're heavy-handed you destroy your pens that's the way i live my life of course i've got a cutting tool and a map because what is a bullet journal set up without me risking bodily harm as for my color scheme this month my patrons picked marigold which is october's birth flower i'm gonna show you here how to doodle it in just a basic squiggly concentric circles way with a pen but what i wound up doing in my bullet journal was actually doing it with markers it's the same concept doing a bunch of concentric squiggles and creating like a round shape but what i did was i used a mid-tone and then i added some light and darker squiggles in it because marigolds tend to have each petal having an ombre rather than the whole flower ombre the color selection that i have is a very fall kind of marigold focus with some brown and orange and yellow and some greens they're tombow dual brush pens and pitt artist pens as usual i'll have them all linked down below so that you can see the color palette in case you want to recreate it and if you're interested in helping decide which colors and doodles i use in my bullet journal each month then check out my patreon because every month we have a poll where they get to vote on it i mean i pick the choices but the final decision is up to them and thus far they haven't done me dirty anyway now that i've talked about all of that let's jump right into the setup we're gonna start as usual with my quote page and to wrap up my first three months of this bullet journal i'm trying to use a movie quote for the beginning of each one my third tied for three top favorite movie is halloween so of course it's appropriate for october for this to be this month's uh quote and the quote i'm gonna use is a famous one lori says was that the boogeyman and dr loomis says as a matter of fact it was so i want to kind of go with like a typewritten style font for this and i'm just going to use the black i'm going to be very sparing with color this month i think like very sparing i have great colors i just don't want to go too ham with it so let's see here let's start free balling this because that's the way i live my life free handing these this style of lettering not my strongest suit and the g well that's a whole situation but that's okay i know what it says and if you don't well you heard me tell you what the quote was so you should have an idea that it says the boogeyman but interesting i just realized i spelled boogeyman wrong there's supposed to be an e right there i'm just going to go like this e boogie man it [Music] [Music] i do want to point out one little up here that i made that i can fix doing this now if you were filling these in solid of course you could fix the up by just coloring over it but i'm doing the scribbly and even that you can cover a up like that you can't cover a up of forgetting a letter like i did with boogeyman i knew that was looking wrong but you can kind of clean the letter up with the filling in i just want to point that out because i just it up a little bit and i wanted to clean it up especially since for this it was i really want to make it bigger [Music] [Music] now that i have like struggled my way through this what i want to do for the the center here is just to do october in big letters with like a like marigold and a couple small marigolds underneath it so i'm gonna draw the marigolds in first then i'll put the letters in i don't recommend this at home if you want to do something like this you can just do a pencil of the letters over the top and then trace over them but i like to free ball things so i'm just gonna do the flowers first i think what i'll do is do the flowers with marker and then do the letters under them in black i think is what i'm gonna do this will be probably the most color i do in one spot although i might change my mind on that [Music] flap [Music] uh [Music] all right so i decided to grab a tombow and do the the scribbling in just because i really uh did not want to kill my tendonitis filling in these big letters i'm gonna go back around with this because i feel like it's just the outline is getting lost in the scribbling end and then i also added a bit of a drop shadow because i realized i needed a little contrast i'm not sure if the drop shadow was a good idea or not and i feel like i'm probably totally destroying this but it's okay you know it we can't we can't have the shit's not going to be like phenomenal every single time i mean i'm lucky if it's phenomenal at all right all right so i do like the scribbled in marigold i'm going to cut around it and let's see if i slice my hand off [Music] i'm sure i'm holding this wrong oh my life i guess i'll go back in with scissors to clean that up i like how like i was trying to be all detailed and then the further around i got i was like it all right first of all where's my lid safety first second of all where's my scissors aesthetic second we're gonna round a couple corners a little roundy round round and round what goes around comes around and then i gotta fix this little boo-boo here boo-boo a co-worker who would say boo-boo whatever anything was mildly wrong oh i was cutting the post-it note too a little movie long little buddy and then i want to just clean this little section up here oops my hands are twitchy as today jeez all right so i'm going to put a little october calendar hyung and then we'll do a to-do list and then we can move on moving on well not yet but monday monday [Music] and then the one thing i'm going to highlight on the mini calendar just for the reminder of it is the days when my kids are going to be in california with their dad so this is the third this is the tenth i want to do it first because i found writing on top of the marker that it smears less when you're using these and the zig rider wait a minute monday one two three four five six seven and i overshot my wad and i was doing such a intense job trying to count is this marker gonna even go on top of this square it better come on pinard's pen be a buddy good enough i hope jesus you know i see why people do uh pencil first then you avoid like that but that would make things too easy all right so up here we're gonna put to do in that same kind of situation i actually have been using my to-do list this month which is good and i'm gonna use that same orangey color to put a line underneath it because that's what i want to do and then i'm just going to take the zig dot marker that i'm going to go with this month which i think i was going to do the oranges but i think with all of the black i kind of want to do the black or the gray i think i want to do the gray because black won't be that obvious when you look at it but gray will yeah that's the vibe i'm going for at least for here i don't know how much further and one thing i'm putting at the top of my list it's something that's going to show up on my power sheets it's going to show up in all the places is gallery wall because i want to get that done in october so i'm just going to keep reminding myself the rest of these two dudes will get filled in once the month of october gets here yeah that looks sexy though doesn't it i agree with myself all right it's time for the calendar so like i said the monthly calendar has been working really well for me in the bullet journal i want to do it again but this time i want to uh i want to um add a morning routine habit tracker and the reason i'm doing that is because i'm doing it on my weekly spreads and i really like it's these things are not like this is not the fanciest morning routine this is not some like tony robbins what this is is the stuff if i have like 15 quiet minutes to myself to get the house opened up feed the cats water my plants it helps center me because my life is really chaotic right now with kids with medical problems and my own medical problems and a bunch of work and a house that still needs a bunch of stuff done to it it's just a lot so i want to just move it to my monthly i've been using my monthly on the regular i check in with it every day or two to like fill it in so i want to just add the morning routine thing to it as well we'll see if that works i'm not however going to be tracking steps this month um what i discovered is that what i discovered is that my steps have been hovering in like the 6 to 8k range but i have been working a lot more on the peloton and so i'm going to focus on steps again this court this next quarter but it's not going to be this month so i'm not going to worry about it [Music] [Music] [Music] it's always satisfying when you number everything and you realize you got the right amount of numbers and so the one thing i'm changing about my morning routine is that getting ready is going to mean like putting on makeup like getting myself ready for that even it's just a little mascara i approach the day in a different kind of place when i have a little makeup on than when i don't and on really bad paint days and i don't put makeup on that's fine putting on makeup tends to put me in a better mood and so being able to kind of track that is a good idea [Music] [Music] [Music] my october kind of looks like a g but i'm okay with that i do want to add one more flower here though i think and then right here i'm just gonna put in i think it's four right creators adventures skills and creative dates i'm just gonna put two lines here i know what they mean even if they're not super obvious to write those in and then i'm going to take a quick highlight again over when the kids are going to be out of town now that we have the mostly full time i think it's important to denote that and this is my calendar i've got all the tracking i need i've got the dots for loki's meds loki's water calling my family making art and coffee date which are all aside from the loki stuff those three are off of my 21 and 20 21 these are for my monthly adventure finding a new creator teaching my kids an adulting skill and going on a creative date for myself just to make a note of when that happened and then um my monthly habit which we'll talk about more with my powersheets is going to be to use my standing desk i'll put a line through every single day that i use my standing desk as a standing desk i'm doing two kind of tracking charts here now that i've gotten sort of into using the calendar as a tracking chart i'm gonna see if using doing a couple more is going to work or if it's going to be a pile of hot garbo like it sometimes winds up being so i have two here this they're going to be both the same sort of grid style with 31 lines for 31 days the difference is this one is going to be one big block i saw with planning with kay i'll throw a picture up here she has a daily review where she has one line per day to kind of throw some information about that day i'm going to try that as like a one-line journaling on this side and on this side i'm going to have my peloton tracking so i'm going to have 31 days cycle on one side and anything else on the other and i'm gonna make sure to fill that in for each day that i do something if i can do at least a little bit of movement every single day since that is going to be one of my focuses for the next quarter which you'll see in an upcoming video lots of upcoming videos [Music] [Music] wait a minute this one's a day shorter 31. this is going to make writing hella awkward because i'm going to have to white out the out of this but oh well we'll split it between the two days okay damn it i was so excited [Music] [Music] you know i was going into this thinking i would be doing all these detailed drawings and instead i'm just like doing scribbly marigolds and i'm totally fine with that so let's do a quick flip through of everything we got here got my halloween quote with my cover page and my to-do list i've got my monthly calendar with all of my monthly tracking and then we have these new tracking pages for our daily tracking and we'll see if these get used this has been getting you so since i keep coming back to this hopefully i can come back to this we will see my tendonitis is really starting to act up so it's probably a good thing that we're reaching the end here i would love to hear from you in the comments below is there something you're tracking daily this next month even if it's something small i'd love to hear about it in the comments and if they're not tracking anything this month is there something you've tracked daily before let me know thank you so much for watching subscribe if you haven't already and until next time peace
Channel: Cindy Guentert-Baldo
Views: 6,848
Rating: 4.9452991 out of 5
Keywords: plan with me october, plan with me october 2020, plan with me, plan with me 2021, plan with me bullet journal, organize and plan with me, bullet journal with me, october, plan, 2020, bujo, bullet journal, bullet journal beginners, bullet journal flip through, bullet journal ideas, bullet journal setup, bullet journal spread ideas, flipthrough, inspiration, journal, journaling, organization, planner, planning, productivity, september bullet journal, bujo setup, october bullet journal setup
Id: aDnLwwCFGxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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