Kanban Board Setup | HB90 Planner

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you see this i gotta get this set up today hi everybody it is time for me to set up my new kanban board it has been a while since i have used it but if you saw a recent video of mine which i will leave linked up above i have decided to utilize the 90 planning method when it comes to my work life when it comes to setting goals and accomplishing them the powersheets which is my goal setting planner in general it's just really not doing what i need it to when it comes to setting like like really concrete financial goals numbers oriented goals it's a very like touchy feely planner and i need some like some some some less emotional more like rigid goals i'm a very touchy-feely person and so it's easy for me to procrastinate by avoiding the numbers goals that stress me out i incorporated it into my life right before we moved to denver from napa probably as a way to kind of cope with how stressed out i was which wasn't a really good idea so i think that i'm gonna i'm gonna do this as kind of like a test run but it's only gonna be through mid-august which is when i'm filming this to the end of september you're going to see this mid-september so if you want to see how it's been going check my instagram out at llama letters for some updates now some of you are probably like what the hell is a kanban board it's it's a visual tool for project management it helps you kind of limit how much you're doing at any given time while at the same time really being able to see where you are in the context of the larger project that you're working on one of the things i like about it is that it really helps me break projects down in a digestible way like it's not as overwhelming when you have the steps really laid out that way trello is probably the most well-known one for doing digital kanban boards but like i said a physical one is the business for me so i have my new board which is a big acrylic board from circle and square decor on etsy which i will link down below it wasn't cheap it was one of those splurges that when i knew this was the house we were moving into i decided to splurge on it for my office i'm just hoping it really works for me because otherwise i'm going to be glaring at it like i spent a lot of money on you and then i'm going to be using post-it notes like post-it notes and a what and a board to put them up on right now let's just get it set up and get going so what i decided to do was rather than go through the whole planning process in the hb 90 planner i had already done that and i had built it into content skill share like content teaching and the etsy shop as my three goals and i decided i'm not gonna do any skillshare classes until next year because i just i need to focus on what i'm doing now and i i'd rather do one or two things good then do a whole bunch of things crappy right i'm basically gonna take the things i wrote down in my september sheets because they really do apply for the content goal relaunch the podcast for the etsy goal finish the flowers and rather than a teaching goal i am going to finish the rebrand so that i can utilize that across my platform so that at the beginning of the year when i start another skillshare class i will have all of the things ready to go so those are the three gigantic kind of projects under the goals that i have broken up into a whole bunch of tasks in the hp 90 planner i just basically brain dumped everything possible and then every time i came up with an idea like something like youtube images for the rebrand right i broke it up into the into the images that need to get done that sort of thing i'm going to change my pen ink out because i want to use this pentel klenna for my um my post-its but i just scribbled something down and it is running out so i'm using a refill now anyway one of the things that i also want to make sure to do is i want to break things down into manageable pieces but not so tiny that it feels ridiculous so a tip i can give you is break your your down into what comes to your mind right so for me rebrand we'll use the youtube images and as an example i put youtube images patreon images skillshare images instagram images so on and so forth right that seems pretty gen pretty okay but then it's like okay youtube what falls under that and so what i did was i made a list of the youtube images now if i didn't want to overwhelm myself with post-it notes i might decide to put just youtube images and make my list somewhere else but what i actually want to do is just make individual post-it notes of youtube like the cover and the icon and the watermark and all that right so i'm going to do that it might seem a little excessive but i'm very absent-minded it's and scatterbrained it's very easy for me to lose track of small details like that so having them written down in an obvious place is going to be important but one of the things that sarah cannon does say is like you can break it down as much or as little as you want to super super granular like for my flowers i've got finish paintings i don't have like pick color palette and then do color pencil work and then do final touches or whatever i'm just like finish them because most of them are started the one that's barely started it does say paint layer and then finish but i'm not breaking it down into tiny steps i'm breaking it down into the steps that make the most sense for me anyway so for those three those three big projects i've got three and they're like massive projects right i've got three colors of post-its these are the world of color oh what's it called i think cape town collection got them off of amazon i wish i had cuter colors but this is what i'm gonna work with man so i'm gonna use the three colors the blue is gonna be for the podcast the green for the etsy shop and the pink for the rebrand so right now what i'm gonna do is use this clenna and the reason i'm using this instead of a fine liners i think this is the lowest chance of smearing i'm going to just get these all written out and then what we will do is move to the board and i will get it set up it doesn't have anything on it except for jesse writing the word situation so i'm gonna have to draw some lines in before i get everything on there this is an example of something that i am doing very granularly granularly granularly granularly for these new podcast episodes i'm going to be recording i plan i am actually breaking this down into six steps the outline recording transcribing because i would like to get a that's one thing i was pretty shameful about was not having a transcription of my episodes so i'm gonna work on transcribing all the episodes as i make them and then also probably hire somebody to do or hire one of my kids or somebody to run my previous episodes through a transcriber as well but outline record transcribe get the show notes done the artwork that's another thing i like to do a new art for every episode because i think that's cool and then schedule them right this does not involve like any kind of social media stuff or whatever to promote it it's just getting them ready to ready to rock but this isn't something granular that i am doing to keep track of them because i will be working in chunks i may move episodes around because of like if something happens that is more pressing to talk about then i might record a different episode and move the other ones around and i'm fine with that but i want to have a bit of a cushion in place so i don't have to do another hiatus quickly after coming back does that make sense i want to make sure that when i come back i'm pretty solid coming back so that i don't disappoint people i know a lot of you be like it's okay cindy we'll be fine we understand but like i don't like that i want to i like being consistent if you haven't noticed like even when i was moving i wanted to be consistent with videos coming out so it's just it's not because oh be consistent you can grow it's actually not about that it's because when i say i'm gonna show up i like to show up and when i have to reschedule like i had to reschedule a patreon thing recently because one of my kids really needed me i don't feel guilty about that but what i do want to make sure is that some i own flakiness that's making me have to reschedule that's that's the thing i want to avoid because trust me when i say it is entirely possible hence recording several things at once and then if i need to do something that's really of the moment then i'll then i'll do that but i will have i will have episodes in the can as i need them now where am i at though this now i'm confusing myself because i'm talking at the same time i also say that if you're going to a kanban board this is the most tedious part is getting it set up but i have noticed in the past when i've used this to get done that if you follow through with using it if it's actually helpful for you and it was the last time i released a set of flowers it was the kanban board that helped me get through so it's no wonder i'm coming back to this system as i am ready to try again so the point is is that this tediousness is worth it if you're gonna use it if you're not gonna use it then this might be a whole bunch of bullfuckery that that is unnecessary i'll add one more thing while i'm in the middle of of never-ending post-it notes my handwriting very very sloppy like sloppy i'm not even gonna lie the important thing here is that it's legible i need to know what i wrote that's all i need i just need to know what i wrote if you can't read what i wrote it doesn't really matter you want to be able to read it because you're nosy which there's no shame trust me i'm one of those people that as soon as the instagram allowed you the capability to zoom in on people's i was zooming all over people just because i want to see i want to see all the things so no shame in being nosy the point is you want to read these to be nosy i want to read these so i can get my work done i'm it's not nosy because it's it's my [Laughter] oh cindy too many posted notes and you haven't even finished your first category yet one thing you'll notice is i am kind of keeping them in little groups it'll just make it easier when it's time to put them up on the board for me to organize them at least that's what i am telling myself okay so this is all the podcast stuff half a half a stack of post-it notes in the bag okay so let's put these guys over here out of my way flowers so kind of a similar situation i have one two three four five i have five categories for 12 different paintings as well as one extra category for one of the paintings like i said one of them is much less farther along than the rest of them and i think i might for the sake of expediency i may uh abbreviate these paintings so while i was filling this out i decided that i was going to not do the uh post it's exactly the same as i thought i was going to unlike the podcasts what i realized was there are some tasks that i want to break into a per painting basis because of the time and the effort that they take and so there is a very good chance that those things won't get done on the same day right however there are other things that are quick to be done and can all probably get done in one session and so rather than rather than have a post-it for every single thing i can just do basic section now the reason i didn't do this for the podcasts is because the podcasts have so many moving parts that it's just going to be easier for me to keep track of it if i know where each episode is in production but with the with the paintings for example there's one painting that still needs to get finished being painted all of these finish are all colored pencil work and each one of them is probably i'm probably not going to do more than one of them a day at the most like it might be not and i'm not saying i'll finish each of them in a session but like these are it's a lot of like detail work so it's going to take time right so it's important to know which ones i've worked on and which ones i'm in the middle of which ones i'm not same with formatting them for for prints you know editing color correcting making sure that the background is taken care of getting them ready to test print that takes time and chances are i'll be doing it in chunks as i have time to so having each individual one have their own format post-it note is probably more helpful for me however the two that i was originally going to do or individual post-it notes for that i decided to just do two big post-it notes for are test prints and scanning because i'm not going to scan these until they're all done and then i can just do one scanning session plug the scanner and get them all scanned in so i don't have to tweak the settings over and over again it'll all just be good to go and then the test printing same deal right once they're all done being formatted i'll do a test print of each one at the same time and see how they look it's it's very like 99.9 unlikely that either of these would need to be done over the course of more than one day they'd both be done in just one each one of each one of these posts can be taken care of in one session probably not even a full day's worth of work like i'm i know it's not a full day's worth of work but the paintings and the formatting are both much bigger chunks of time and so in this particular case it just makes sense to break it up this way my goal is to finish the flowers i wrote down a bunch of tasks for the for the launching of them but i think that actually is going to be an october job because it occurred to me that this is a lot of work and i haven't even gotten to the finish in my website yet so i'm going to keep that i have them written down so i can use them for next quarters kanban board pretty sure this is plenty remember this is not for a full quarter this is for less than half a quarter and then finally the task the project that i have been working on allegedly since july and it's i've actually not been working on it as much as i'd hoped to but now that i've got this really broken down i think it'll be a lot a lot better for me and that's the rebrand which includes the new website and in that same vein i just did the same thing for my rebrand sort of remember how i was saying i was going to do separate um posters for each image it seemed like overkill going to the theory of like i know i could get this done and like i can get all the youtube things done in one sit down but i did want the list of them so i just put the list on the post-it we'll see how that goes all right i got all those done so all of the post-its are finished we've got the little piles now it's time to move to the board so first things first i had to erase the jesse wrote up there my first thought was that i was going to use a like whiteboard chalkboard marker to draw the lines in and with a ruler but it didn't take very long for me to realize that i really didn't like this both because it was a pain in my ass and because every time i touched it it smeared so i was like what should i do and then i remembered i own about a billion rolls of washi tape so i decided to get up and go find one that i liked and the one that i found was one that's actually pretty pretty pale but you can still see it like the shadow of it almost and i like how subtle it is the first step with your kanban board is to divide it into sections i'm dividing mine into three sections vertically and three sections horizontally the vertical sections represent the three different projects the horizontal sections represent the three stages any given task might be in so the top section for each project is all of the tasks that still need to be done the middle section is going to be all of the tasks that are currently being worked on this week and then the bottom section is for all of the tasks that have been completed that way you can see everything you have left to do everything you're in the middle of doing right now and then everything you've accomplished to help motivate you to get it done which i think actually for me seeing the post-its build up on the bottom is a big motivator now when i was putting the post-its up onto the board i arranged each project a little differently so the podcast i arranged first into all of like the general tasks that need to be done and then i gave sort of little clusters for each episode kind of like how i wrote them out and then separated them so when i glance at it i can see like each podcast episode's little group of tasks but i can still peel off them in the correct order so if i want to do all the recording at once i can peel all of those top ones off and then continue forward or if i want to work on one podcast from start to finish at a time i can also do that i can pretty much guarantee i'm not going to do it that way but it's nice to be able to if i did want to now when it comes to my flowers my paintings instead of organizing them in clusters like this i actually am going to have them organized in groups of stages and i want to be able to see them all so i can again see the progress on each painting so i will have all of the finished painting flowers spread out in one section that i can see and then the same thing for formatting and then i'll just stick the other post-it notes off to the side and then for the rebrand i want to just have them in categories based on kind of what section they are related to so like the social media stuff like images for social media versus a photo session versus doing stuff for the website those sorts of things that's kind of how i clustered them together for the final project now that it's set up it's ready for me to start my week and decide what i'm going to work on this week when it comes to these projects figure out what i have going on otherwise in my life and work for the week so that i'm prioritizing things correctly and not overloading myself but this way i can every sunday or whenever i sit down to plan figure that out move the post-it notes down and begin making progress i'd love to hear from you in the comments below if using a carbon board is something you've ever tried before if you have tell us all about it if you haven't let us know how you like to manage your projects for their work or otherwise thanks for watching subscribe if you haven't already and until next time friends peace out
Channel: Cindy Guentert-Baldo
Views: 7,775
Rating: 4.9791303 out of 5
Keywords: kanban board example, kanban board explained, kanban board heart breathings, kanban board tutorial, how to create a kanban board, what is a kanban board, kanban, kanban tutorial, introduction to kanban, hb90, hb90 method, hb90 method planner, hb90 plan with me, hb90 planner, hb90 planning method, productivity hacks, productivity tools, project management, project management for beginners, task management, time management tips, kanban board, kanban system, quarterly goals
Id: YKbGjXj2q8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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